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Journal of the Neurological Sciences 179 (2000) 65–69 / locate / jns

Continuous pulse oximetry in acute hemiparetic stroke

a, a b b a
Geert Sulter *, Jan Willem Elting , Roy Stewart , Adri den Arend , Jacques De Keyser
Department of Neurology, Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen, Postbus 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands
Northern Centre for Healthcare Research, Rijks Universiteit Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

Received 8 March 2000; received in revised form 18 May 2000; accepted 10 July 2000


Background and purpose: Hypoxemia can adversely affect ischemic brain tissue in laboratory animals. The aim of this study was to
assess the value of early continuous monitoring with pulse oximetry in detecting arterial oxygen desaturations in patients with acute
hemiparetic stroke, and the effects of oxygen administration. Methods: Over a period of 6 months 49 consecutive patients with acute
hemiparetic stroke of #12 h duration were monitored for the first 48 h with pulse oximetry. Patients in whom arterial oxygen saturation
(SaO 2 ) fell beneath 96% for a period longer than 5 min were treated with oxygen administered via nasal prongs or oxygen mask. Results:
Thirty-one patients (63.3%) developed arterial oxygen desaturations. Of these patients 28 could effectively be treated with oxygen up to a
flow-rate of 5 l / min. Only 3 patients required higher oxygen concentrations from 6 to 10 l / min. No acute adverse effects of oxygen
treatment were observed. All patients with a history of cardiac and pulmonary disease developed drops in SaO 2 . The occurrence of arterial
oxygen desaturations was related to stroke severity (P50.024), the presence of dysphagia (P50.047), and older age (P50.037).
Conclusion: Patients with acute hemiparetic stroke frequently develop arterial oxygen desaturations. Continuous monitoring with pulse
oximetry in this group of patients is a simple and useful method to detect drops in SaO 2 and to titrate oxygen administration.  2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction formation and lipid peroxidation, and hence aggravate

brain damage [7]. Thus, in the acute phase of stroke,
Patients with acute hemiparetic stroke are prone to inadequate brain oxygenation may worsen ischemic brain
develop abnormal respiratory function and arterial hypox- damage and blind administration of oxygen could theoret-
emia. Causes of respiratory dysfunction that have been ically be harmful because it may induce free radical
identified are hypoventilation due to impairment of move- formation in the ischemic area, especially after reperfusion.
ments of the chest wall and diaphragm [1,2], atelectasis, In some centres, little attention is paid to the occurrence of
Cheyne-Stokes respiration, and aspiration pneumonia [3– hypoxemia in stroke patients, while in others oxygen is
5]. In laboratory animals, it has been shown that hypox- given without monitoring arterial oxygen saturation.
emia is poorly tolerated in areas of focal cerebral ischemia Arterial oxygen saturation (SaO 2 ) is relatively easy to
and aggravates brain damage [6]. On the other hand, in monitor by using pulse oximetry. It may serve as an
vitro studies suggest that reoxygenation with pure oxygen indicator for initiating, monitoring and adjusting oxygen
after cerebral hypoxia-ischemia may enhance free radical treatment [5]. Current pulse oximetry devices use two
wavelengths to measure the absorption of oxygenated and
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 1-31-50-3612-430; fax: 1-31-50-3611- desaturated haemoglobin. Problems with the accuracy of
707. the readings of a pulse oximeter may occur in jaundice or
E-mail address: (G. Sulter). in patients with poor peripheral circulation. In this study

0022-510X / 00 / $ – see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0022-510X( 00 )00378-6
66 G. Sulter et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 179 (2000) 65 – 69

we assessed the value of continuous monitoring with pulse SaO 2 was continuously monitored for at least 48 h after
oximetry in detecting and correcting SaO 2 desaturations in admission, using a pulse oximeter connected to a Marquet-
patients with acute hemiparetic stroke. te Eagle 4000 patient monitor. Respiratory rate and rectal
temperature were simultaneously monitored, but were not
recorded for this study.
2. Materials and methods In healthy elderly people arterial oxygen saturation is
higher than 95% [12]. Therefore, when SaO 2 dropped
We prospectively studied consecutive conscious patients below 96% for a period longer than 5 min, oxygen therapy
with acute hemiparetic stroke admitted to the stroke care was started following a predetermined protocol as shown
unit of the neurological department of the University in Table 1. In patients requiring .5 l / min of oxygen,
Hospital Groningen [8], over a period of 6 months from blood gasses were determined. After the 48 h monitoring
September 1997 to February 1998. This project was part of period patients requiring oxygen were classified into 3
a protocol routinely used in our Stroke Care Unit. A local different grades of oxygen desaturation severity on the
independent human subjects research committee authorized basis of the extent of oxygen therapy that was required
the study and decided that consent was not necessary. We (Table 1). The decision to continue oxygen therapy after
only included patients who were admitted within 12 h after the mandatory 48 h of monitoring was based on the
stroke onset, and in whom a CT of the brain was clinical judgement of the treating physician and was not
compatible with ischemic stroke or primary intracerebral part of the study.
hemorrhage. Sedative drugs were discontinued on admis- Commercial software (Microsoft Access and Excel,
sion. Stroke severity was measured using the National SPSS) was used for management of the data and statistical
Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). Severe stroke analysis. Comparisons between oxygen treated and non-
was defined as a score of .13 on the NIHSS [9]. All oxygen treated groups were made with the use of logistic
patients underwent a chest X-ray, 12-lead electrocar- regression in the case of continuous data or with the use of
diogram, routine blood analysis, and a swallowing test for Chi-square test in the case of categorical data. Correlation
detection of dysphagia [10,11]. The swallowing test con- between dysphagia and initial stroke severity was defined
sisted of the administration with a spoon of small aliquots using Pearson’s analyses. In order to determine indepen-
of cold water to the patient sitting in the upright position. dent risk factors for the occurrence of arterial oxygen
Suction equipment was available. The test was considered desaturations, logistic regression was performed on the
positive if the throat was not totally cleared from water, following variables: gender, age, dichotomised initial
which was recognised by coughing or ‘slurring’ of the stroke severity (NHISS# or .13), and ischemic stroke
voice when the patient was asked to speak after each versus primary intracerebral haemorrhage. We performed a
swallow. A positive test led to immediate precautions to second logistic regression with the same factors, except
prevent aspiration (nil per os and nasogastric tube feeding). that initial stroke severity was replaced with a positive
Patients developing desaturations and fever at the same dysphagia test as a variable to rule out the interference of a
time were examined routinely to diagnose pneumonia. strong relationship between dysphagia and initial stroke

Table 1
Treatment protocol and grading of severity of arterial oxygen desaturations
Event Action Grading of severity
SaO 2 96–100% No oxygen treatment No grading
SaO 2 ,96% – assessment that airways are free from Grade 1
obstructions and positioning of the patient in
the most comfortable way
– start oxygen treatment via nasal prong,
flow-rate 1–2 l / min
– chronic obstructive lung disease: start
ipratropium / salbutamol inhalation therapy
– heart failure: start appropriate treatment
– pneumonia or bronchitis: antibiotics
Oxygen treatment flow-rate Raise flow-rate up to 5 l / min, target SaO 2 Grade 2
1–2 l / min and SaO 2 ,96% 98–99%
Oxygen flow-rate 5 l / min – analysis of arterial blood gasses Grade 3
and SaO 2 ,96% – positioning of low flow oxygen mask,
flow-rate up to a maximum of 10 l / min
G. Sulter et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 179 (2000) 65 – 69 67

Table 3
Cause of arterial oxygen desaturations in function of grades of severity
Cause Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3
(n519) (n510) (n53)
Left ventricular failure 1 3 2
Pulmonary disease 3 4 1
Cheyne Stokes respiration 2 0 0
No apparent cause 13 3 0

sedative drugs, that may influence respiration. At time of

admission on the stroke care unit none of the patients had
already received oxygen therapy. None were found to be
icteric or anemic.
Fig. 1. Treatment of desaturation in an acute stroke patient with a history Logistic regression analyses showed that the risk of
of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. developing arterial oxygen desaturations in the acute phase
of stroke was strongly correlated to a positive dysphagia
test or initial stroke severity, and to a lesser degree to age.
In addition, all patients with a history of cardiac or
severity on the logistic regression model when both pulmonary disease developed desaturations (Table 2).
variables would be included. Only 5 (16%) patients had low admission SaO 2 levels;
in 26 (84%) oxygen desaturation occurred several hours
(from 1 up to 44 h) after admission in the stroke care unit.
3. Results Except for two patients with Cheyne Stokes respiration,
patients with oxygen desaturation severity grades 1 and 2
In total 49 patients (21 males and 28 females) with a showed no clinical signs of dyspnea before or during
mean (6S.D.; range) age of 70 (611; 45–89) years were treatment. Initially the 3 patients in the severity grade 3
included in this study. Thirty-one of the 49 patients group showed no clinical signs of dyspnea when the drop
(63.3%) developed a decline in SaO 2 below 96% during in SaO 2 was detected. During oxygen treatment all 3
the first 48 h after admission, and they were treated with developed signs of dyspnea. Patients with a clinical
oxygen following the protocol listed in Table 1. A diagnosis of pneumonia were treated with antibiotics. The
representative case of a patient developing arterial oxygen causes responsible for the decline in SaO 2 levels are
desaturation is shown in Fig. 1. Patients requiring oxygen summarised in Table 3.
were older and had a higher median score on the NIHSS. Twenty-eight of the 31 hypoxemic patients could be
Mean age in the group requiring oxygen was 73 years effectively treated by oxygen administered via a nasal
(S.D.610; range 45–89), in the group without desatura- prong up to a flow-rate of 5 l / min (severity grades 1 and
tions mean age was 65 (S.D.612; range 46–88). 2). In these patients, SaO 2 levels normalised within
None of the patients received medication, such as minutes after initiation of treatment. Three patients did not

Table 2
Multivariate risk factor analysis for arterial oxygen desaturations
Variable Patients requiring Patients with normal SaO 2 P value
oxygen levels
(n531) (n518)
NIHSS.13 a 13 1 0.024
Increasing age † N.A. N.A. 0.037
Positive dysphagia test a 13 1 0.047
Male sex 13 8 0.571
Ischemic stroke 27 14 0.637
(versus PICH ‡ )
Pulmonary disease 5 0 NA
Cardiac disease 4 0 NA
a † ‡
Analysis with either one of the two variables included in the logistic regression. Continuous data. Primary Intracerebral Hemorrhage. NA5not
68 G. Sulter et al. / Journal of the Neurological Sciences 179 (2000) 65 – 69

respond adequately to low flow oxygen treatment (severity remains unclear if sleep apnea is a risk factor for develop-
grade 3), and these were given oxygen up to 10 l / min via ing desaturations. Other factors associated with the de-
an oxygen mask. No acute adverse events attributable to velopment of arterial oxygen desaturations were old age
oxygen therapy occurred in the patients with severity and a history of cardiac or pulmonary disease.
grades 1 and 2, and no CO 2 retention was measured in the It was not the purpose of our study to demonstrate that
arterial blood gas analysis performed in the three patients arterial oxygen desaturations adversely affects clinical
with severity grade 3. No arterial blood gas analysis was outcome following acute stroke. To demonstrate such an
performed in severity grade 1 and 2 patients. effect would require a large trial to compare the outcome
of hypoxemic stroke patients randomly assigned to receive
oxygen or sham treatment. We feel that it would be
4. Discussion unethical to perform such a trial and to withhold the
administration of oxygen in hypoxemic patients with focal
There have been previous reports on the occurrence of brain ischemia. The additional oxygen may accelerate the
respiratory dysfunction in stroke patients [1,2,4,13,14]. re-establishment of normal oxidative metabolism and
Our study is the first that used continuous pulse oximetry prevent secondary brain damage On the other hand, the
during the acute phase, to detect arterial oxygen desatura- blind administration of oxygen could induce free radical
tions and to monitor the effects of oxygen therapy. More formation in the ischemic area [20]. Preliminary results of
than half of the patients with acute hemiparetic stroke a randomised trial, comparing blind administration of
developed a decline in SaO 2 , despite that in the majority supplemental oxygen versus no supplemental oxygen in
there were no clinical signs of dyspnea. Only 2 patients stroke patients suggested a worse outcome for those having
showed a Cheyne Stokes respiration, and 3 developed received oxygen [21]. Continuous monitoring with pulse
dyspnea. It is also important to mention that the decline in oximetry allows on-demand administration of oxygen and
SaO 2 often occurred several hours after admission, and selection of patients, who are really in need for oxygen
that this would have gone unnoticed without continuous therapy and prevents over-oxygenation.
monitoring. In the majority of the patients arterial oxygen saturation
Oropharyngeal dysphagia is common in patients with could effectively and quickly be restored with low flow
stroke. With old age swallowing problems are more likely, oxygen therapy (#5 l / min) with a nasal prong as route of
due to alterations in oral transit time, pharyngeal stage of administration. Nasal prongs prevent rebreathing and
swallowing and esophageal peristalsis. In addition, in therefore there is no danger of hypercapnia when low flow
stroke patients poor oral control, failure of laryngeal oxygen is administered. They are comfortable for long
adduction and delayed triggering of the swallow reflex periods, and allow oxygen to be continued during talking
causes a high risk of aspiration [15]. Although the bedside and eating. Only three patients required higher concen-
dysphagia test is not sensitive enough to detect all patients trations of oxygen administered through a facial mask, and
who will aspirate, it is a useful method to demonstrate the this intervention was also effective to regain normal
presence of a clinically significant swallowing problem. oxygen saturation. We did not observe acute side effects
We found that a positive dysphagia test on admission is a related to the oxygen therapy.
strong predictor for the development of arterial oxygen In conclusion, continuous monitoring with pulse oxi-
desaturations. A possible explanation for this observation metry in acute stroke patients is a simple and useful
is that patients with swallowing problems are at high risk method to detect unwanted drops in SaO 2 and it allows
for aspiration and pneumonia. However, only 3 of the 14 careful titration of oxygen administration.
patients with a positive dysphagia test actually developed a
clinically apparent pneumonia, suggesting that other fac-
tors may be involved. We also found a strong correlation
between a positive dysphagia test and stroke severity, and References
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