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MUSIVLD mere Il son ene SIVLI SON BHD = Unt 1,Ground Flor, Bangunan Natasha Noralam SP 633, “AN Gasong KG Boel Gadong, 888 BE 116Brune! Darian Tol 673.2401166, Foe 6732034177 as mat :ngury@vicom URGENT Ref :SWVA-272-2018, Date: 31-8-2018 ARCHITECT 54 & ASSOCIATE P.0 Box 1976 Bandar Seri Begawan BS 8673, Brunei Darussalam Attention : Mr Yapp/Peter Dear Sir PROPOSED 1 BLOCK (30 UNITS) WALK-UP FLAT 4-STOREY & 12 BLOCKS (24 UNITS) 2- "STOREY SEMI DETACHED HOUSES ON LOT 58466, KAMPONG KIARONG, MUKIM GADONG, BRUNE! DARUSSALAM. APPLICATION FOR 6* EXTENSION OF TIME, We refer tothe 5M Extension Of Time whichis to expire on 30-9-2018, Please note that our account has shown an array of BS 1,577,682-46 as a July 2018 and the account has not been settled in full s agreed but shows a big outstanding amount as of today and is zoing to be accumulated. Unfortunately the developer has not honor in the payment ofthe account and also does not comply with other terms of agreement as per discussion on the 13-6-2017, Regrettably, please be Informed that the above project cannot be completed on the 30-9- 2018 due to the folowing reasons: (2) Long overdue account not being honored and paid as agreed on time which is Impossible for the project to be completed due to financial constraint to pay suppliers, sub-contractors and to further purchase of building materials (2) Appreval for the location and sizes of the electrical substation stil not yet belng approved from Department Of Electrical services. (3) Application for the Road Digging Permit in order to cohnect the sewer pipe to the esting JKR manhole stil not yet being approved by al relevant local Authorities concerned Page 10f2 M™SIVL[ moe eee SIVLI. SDN BHD = @ @ Unt Guns Fr Songinen Naha Nora. S065, an Gang 6 Bort ian Slang 83888 tairune Dasa = © ei \we ere therefore weting o apply fora further 3 months Extension Of Time from 1-10-2018 to 31-12-2018 which wil also base on the payments pattern from the Developer in order to complete the project as soon as possible. We are looking forward to receiving your consideration and approval to the above application so the project insurance can be extended on time. We also request the Developer to pay forthe Insurance premium due to the extension of time. ‘Thank you Yous fayffiy Mr Goo Han Leong Managing Director ei Developer/Owner Hops Sd Bh ‘ BAXED 31 AUG 2018 Page age 202

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