Form 2

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PRE-QUALIPCATION QUESTIONARE, » Financial Capability ‘PRE: QUALIFICATION QUESTIONAIRE Form 2 FINANCIAL CAPABILITY TTenderer’s must provide financial information to demonstrate that they are financially ‘capable to undertake the work. A copy ofthe audited financial statements forthe last three (3) years with explanatory notes and a SUPPORT LETTER from Tenderers bank must be attached banker Nome of Barer cer) | Lot 88, in ppomancha, Banda ‘AdsessofBankor: | Seri Begawan, Negara Brunei Banker Dardssalam | Facer (ery260687 | Eagan Tyee wrayaaszszi Relations Fax (ConisctFoston: liom | = ylai@ba com 5" | Soeacteman MV IMBDEA com bm revo re (oon 2008) sao) Btz7s5siT00 | BS 100%426800 ete we rrsazmooo | Be avaszaee0 | eR TeaTENISO ae remo | asm ION | ESET ican Be DasemaD | —BszaTaRTIMD | Bs aAaTARODD aaiaere Be iasaemsooo [es tasresaat | ese Sees as azepoiae | — ee azaszo00 | — et ser m0 Pakapoe ask | ‘BS 496,504.00 1BS 689,539.00 ‘BS 306,735.00 | eng nds Sn Bn PRE-QUALFICATIN QUESTIONARE > Letter of Support from Tenderer’s Bank

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