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EN BANC power of trying impeachments.

power of trying impeachments. And the judiciary in turn, with speak of its historical origin and development there, has been
[G.R. No. 45081. July 15, 1936.] the Supreme Court as the final arbiter, effectively checks the set at rest by popular acquiescence for a period of more than
other departments in the exercise of its power to determine the one and a half centuries. In our case, this moderating power is
law, and hence to declare executive and legislative acts void if granted, if not expressly, by clear implication from section 2 of
violative of the Constitution. article VIII of our Constitution.
ARBITER TO ALLOCATE CONSTITUTIONAL BOUNDARIES. — But SUPREMACY". — The Constitution is a definition of the powers
Godofredo Reyes for petitioner.
in the main, the Constitution has blocked out with deft strokes of government. Who is to determine the nature, scope and
Solicitor-General Hilado for respondent Electoral and in bold lines, allotment of power to the executive, the extent of such powers? The Constitution itself has provided for
Commission. legislative and the judicial departments of the government. The the instrumentality of the judiciary as the rational way. And
Pedro Ynsua in his own behalf. overlapping and interlacing of functions and duties between the when the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional
No appearance for other respondents. several departments, however, sometimes makes it hard to say boundaries, it does not assert any superiority over the other
SYLLABUS just where the one leaves off and the other begins. In times of departments; it does not in reality nullify or invalidate an act of
social disquietude or political excitement, the great landmarks the Legislature, but only asserts the solemn and sacred
of the Constitution are apt to be forgotten or marred, if not obligation assigned to it by the Constitution to determine
— The separation of powers is a fundamental principle in our
entirely obliterated. In cases of conflict, the judicial department conflicting claims of authority under the Constitution and to
system of government. It obtains not through express provision
is the only constitutional organ which can be called upon to establish for the parties in an actual controversy the rights
but by actual division in our Constitution. Each department of
determine the proper allocation of powers between the several which that instrument secures and guarantees to them. This is
the government has exclusive cognizance of matters within its
departments and among the integral or constituent units in truth all that is involved in what is termed "judicial
jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own sphere.
thereof. supremacy" which properly is the power of judicial review
2. ID.; ID.; SYSTEM OF CHECKS AND BALANCES. — But under the Constitution.
it does not follow from the fact that the three powers are to be
kept separate and distinct that the Constitutionintended them
IMPLICATION. — As any human production, our Constitution is LITIGATION; WISDOM, JUSTICE OR EXPEDIENCY OF
to be absolutely unrestrained and independent of each other.
of course lacking perfection and perfectibility, but as much as it LEGISLATION. — Even then, this power of judicial review is
The Constitution has provided for an elaborate system of
was within the power of our people, acting through their limited to actual cases and controversies to be exercised after
checks and balances to secure coordination in the workings of
delegates to so provide, that instrument which is the expression full opportunity of argument by the parties, and limited further
various departments of government. For example, the Chief
of their sovereignty however limited, has established a to the constitutional question raised or the verylis
Executive under our Constitution is 80 far made a check on the
republican government intended to operate and function as a mota presented. Any attempt at abstraction could only lead to
legislative power that his assent is required in the enactment of
harmonious whole, under a system of checks and balances, and dialectics and barren legal questions and to sterile conclusions
laws. This, however, is subject to the further check that a bill
subject to specific limitations and restrictions provided in the unrelated to actualities. Narrowed as its function is in this
may become a law notwithstanding the refusal of the President
said instrument. The Constitution sets forth in no uncertain manner, the judiciary does not pass upon questions of wisdom,
to approve it, by a vote of two-thirds or three-fourths, as the
language the restrictions and limitations upon governmental justice or expediency of legislation. More than that, courts
case may be, of the National Assembly. The President has also
powers and agencies. If these restrictions and limitations are accord the presumption of constitutionality to legislative
the right to convene the Assembly in special session whenever
transcended, it would be inconceivable if the Constitution had enactments not only because the Legislature is presumed to
he chooses. On the other hand, the National Assembly operates
not provided for a mechanism by which to direct the course of abide by the Constitution but also because the judiciary in the
as a check on the Executive in the sense that its consent
government along constitutional channels, for, then, the determination of actual cases and controversies must reflect
through its Commission on Appointments is necessary in the
distribution of powers would be mere verbiage, the bill of rights the wisdom and justice of the people as expressed through
appointment of certain officers; and the concurrence of a
mere expressions of sentiment, and the principles of good their representatives in the executive and legislative
majority of all its members is essential to the conclusion of
government mere political apothegms. Certainly, the limitations departments of the government.
treaties. Furthermore, in its power to determine what courts
and restrictions embodied in the Constitution are real as they 7. ID.; ID.; ID.; SYSTEM ITSELF NOT THE CHIEF
other than the Supreme Court shall be established, to define
should be in any living constitution. In the United States where PALLADIUM OF CONSTITUTIONAL LIBERTY; SUCCESS MUST BE
their jurisdiction and to appropriate funds for their support, the
no express constitutional grant is found in their constitution, TESTED IN THE CRUCIBLE OF FILIPINO MINDS AND HEARTS. —
National Assembly exercises to a certain extent control over the
the possession of this moderating power of the courts, not to But much as we might postulate on the internal checks of
judicial department. The Assembly also exercises the judicial
power provided in our Constitution, it ought not the less to be and authority, the Supreme Court has jurisdiction over the c. 125] as amended by Parliamentary Elections and Corrupt
remembered that, in the language of James Madison, the Electoral Commission and the subject matter of the present Practices Act, 1879 [42 & 43 Vict. c. 75], s. 2; Corrupt and Illegal
system itself is not "the chief palladium of constitutional liberty controversy for the purpose of determining the character, Practices Prevention Act 1883 [46 & 47 Vict. c. 51], s. 70;
. . . the people who are authors of this blessing must also be its scope and extent of the constitutional grant to the Electoral Expiring Laws Continuance Act, 1911 [1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 22]; Laws
guardians . . . their eyes must be ever ready to mark, their voice Commission as "the sole judge of all contests relating to the of England, vol. XII, p. 408, vol. XXI, p. 787). In the Dominion of
to pronounce . . . aggression on the authority of election, returns and qualifications of the members of the Canada, election contests which were originally heard by the
their constitution." In the last and ultimate analysis, then, must National Assembly." Committee of the House of Commons, are since 1922 tried in
the success of our government in the unfolding years to come 10. ID.; THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION; the courts. Likewise, in the Commonwealth of Australia,
be tested in the crucible of Filipino minds and hearts than in the CONSTITUTIONAL GRANT OF POWER TO THE ELECTORAL election contests which were originally determined by each
consultation rooms and court chambers. COMMISSION TO BE THE SOLE JUDGE OF ALL CONTESTS house, are since 1922 tried in the High Court. In Hungary, the
8. ID.; OUR CONSTITUTION HAS ADOPTED THE RELATING TO THE ELECTION, RETURNS AND QUALIFICATIONS organic law provides that all protests against the election of
AMERICAN TYPE OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT. — OF MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY. — The original members of the Upper House of Diet are to be resolved by the
Discarding the English type and other European types of provision regarding this subject in the Act of Congress of July 1, Supreme Administrative Court (Law 22 of 1916, chap. 2, art. 37,
constitutional government, the framers of 1902 (sec. 7, par. 5) laying down the rule that the assembly shall par. 6). The Constitution of Poland of March 17, 1921 (art. 19)
our Constitution adopted the American type where the be the judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications of its and the Constitution of the Free City of Danzig of May 13, 1922
written constitution is interpreted and given effect by the members", was taken from clause 1 of section 5, Article I of (art. 10) vest the authority to decide contested elections to the
judicial department. In some countries which have declined to the Constitution of the United States providing that "Each Diet or National Assembly in the Supreme Court. For the
follow the American example, provisions have been inserted in House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns, and purpose of deciding legislative contests, theConstitution of the
their constitutions prohibiting the courts from exercising the Qualifications of its own Members, . . . ." The Act of Congress of German Reich of July 1, 1919 (art. 31), the Constitution of the
power to interpret the fundamental law. This is taken as a August 29, 1916 (sec. 18, par. 1) modified this provision by the Czechoslovak Republic of February 29, 1920 (art. 19) and
recognition of what otherwise would be the rule that in the insertion of the word "sole" as follows: "That the Senate and the Constitution of the Grecian Republic of June 2, 1927 (art.
absence of direct prohibition courts are bound to assume what House of Representatives, respectively, shall be the sole judges 43) all provide for an Electoral Commission.
is logically their function. For instance, the Constitution of of the elections, returns, and qualifications of their elective 12. ID.; ELECTORAL COMMISSION IN THE UNITED
Poland of 1921, expressly provides that courts shall have no members, . . ." apparently in order to emphasize the exclusive STATES. — The creation of an Electoral Commission whose
power to examine the validity of statutes (article 81, chapter character of the jurisdiction conferred upon each House of the membership is recruited both from the legislature and the
IV). The former Austrian Constitution contained a similar Legislature over the particular cases therein specified. This judiciary is by no means unknown in the United States. In the
declaration. In countries whose constitutions are silent in this court has had occasion to characterize this grant of power to presidential elections of 1876 there was a dispute as to the
respect, courts have assumed this power. This is true in the Philippine Senate and House of Representatives, number of electoral votes received by each of the two opposing
Norway, Greece, Australia and South Africa. Whereas, in respectively, as "full, clear and complete". (Veloso vs. Boards of candidates. As the Constitution made no adequate provision for
Czechoslovakia (arts. 2 and 3, Preliminary Law to Constitutional Canvassers of Leyte and Samar [1919], 39 Phil., 886, 888.) such a contingency, Congress passed a law on January 29, 1877
Charter of the Czechoslovak Republic, February 29, 1920) and 11. ELECTORAL COMMISSION; HISTORICAL INSTANCES. (United States Statutes at Large, vol. 19, chap. 37, pp. 227-229),
Spain (arts 121-123, Title IX, Constitution of the Republic of — The transfer of the power of determining the election, creating a special Electoral Commission composed of five
1931) especial constitutional courts are established to pass returns and qualifications of the members of the Legislature members elected by the Senate, five members elected by the
upon the validity of ordinary laws. long lodged in the legislative body, to an independent, impartial House of Representatives, and five justices of the Supreme
9. ID.; JURISDICTION OVER THE ELECTORAL and non-partisan tribunal, is by no means a mere experiment in Court, the fifth justice to be selected by the four designated in
COMMISSION. — The nature of the present controversy shows the science of government. As early as 1868, the House of the Act. The decision of the commission was to be binding
the necessity of a final constitutional arbiter to determine the Commons in England solved the problem of insuring the non- unless rejected by the two houses voting separately. Although
conflict of authority between two agencies created by partisan settlement of the controverted elections of its there is not much moral lesson to be derived from the
the Constitution. If the conflict were left undecided and members by abdicating its prerogative to two judges of the experience of America in this regard, the experiment has at
undetermined, a void would be created in our constitutional King's Bench of the High Court of Justice selected from a rota in least abiding historical interest.
system which may in the long run prove destructive of the accordance with rules of court made for the purpose. Having 13. ID.; ID.; FAMILIARITY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE
entire framework. Natura vacuum abhorret, so must we avoid proved successful, the practice has become imbedded in English CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION WITH THE HISTORY AND
exhaustion in our constitutional system. Upon principle, reason jurisprudence (Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868 [31 & 32 Vict. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT OF OTHER COUNTRIES OF THE
WISDOM AND ULTIMATE JUSTICE OF THE PEOPLE. — The LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT THAN TO ANY OTHER. — The and wherever the National Assembly has chosen to act, a
members of the Constitutional Convention who framed our Electoral Commission is a constitutional creation, invested with situation worse than that intended to be remedied by the
fundamental law were in their majority men mature in years the necessary authority in the performance and execution of framers of our Constitution. The power to regulate on the part
and experience. To be sure, many of them were familiar with the limited and specific function assigned to it by of the National Assembly in procedural matters will inevitably
the history and political development of other countries of the the Constitution. Although it is not a power in our tripartite lead to the ultimate control by the Assembly of the entire
world. When, therefore, they deemed it wise to create an scheme of government, it is, to all intents and purposes, when proceedings of the Electoral Commission, and, by indirection, to
Electoral Commission as a constitutional organ and invested it acting within the limits of its authority, an independent organ. It the entire abrogation of the constitutional grant. It is obvious
with the exclusive function of passing upon and determining the is, to be sure, closer to the legislative department than to any that this result should not be permitted.
election, returns and qualifications of the members of the other. The location of the provision (sec. 4) creating the 17. ID.; ID.; ID; ID.; THE POWER TO PROMULGATE
National Assembly, they must have done so not only in the light Electoral Commission under Article VI entitled "Legislative INCIDENTAL RULES AND REGULATIONS LODGED ALSO IN THE
of their own experience but also having in view the experience Department" of our Constitution is very indicative. Its ELECTORAL COMMISSION BY NECESSARY IMPLICATION. — The
of other enlightened peoples of the world. The creation of the composition is also significant in that it is constituted by a creation of the Electoral Commission carried with it ex
Electoral Commission was designed to remedy certain evils of majority of members of the Legislature. But it is a body necesitate rei the power regulative in character to limit the time
which the framers of our Constitution were cognizant. separate from and independent of the Legislature. within which protests intrusted to its cognizance should be
Notwithstanding the vigorous opposition of some members of 16. ID.; ID; ID.; GRANT OF POWER TO THE ELECTORAL filed. It is a settled rule of construction that where a general
the Convention to its creation, the plan was approved by that COMMISSION INTENDED TO BE AS COMPLETE AND power is conferred or duty enjoined, every particular power
body by a vote of 98 against 58. All that can be said now is that, UNIMPAIRED AS IF IT HAD REMAINED ORIGINALLY IN THE necessary for the exercise of the one or the performance of the
upon the approval of the Constitution, the creation of the LEGISLATURE. — The grant of power to the Electoral other is also conferred (Cooley, Constitutional Limitations,
Electoral Commission is the expression of the wisdom and Commission to judge all contests relating to the election, eighth ed., vol. I, pp. 138, 139). In the absence of any further
"ultimate justice of the people". (Abraham Lincoln, First returns and qualifications of members of the National constitutional provision relating to the procedure to be
Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861.) Assembly, is intended to be as complete and unimpaired as if it followed in filing protests before the Electoral Commission,
14. ID.; ID.; ID.; PURPOSE WAS TO TRANSFER IN ITS had remained originally in the Legislature. The express lodging therefore, the incidental power to promulgate such rules
TOTALITY POWER EXERCISED PREVIOUSLY BY THE LEGISLATURE of that power in the Electoral Commission is an implied denial necessary for the proper exercise of its exclusive powers to
OVER THE CONTESTED ELECTIONS OF THE MEMBERS TO AN of the exercise of that power by the National Assembly. And judge all contests relating to the election, returns and
INDEPENDENT AND IMPARTIAL TRIBUNAL. — From the this is as effective a restriction upon the legislative power as an qualifications of members of the National Assembly, must be
deliberations of our Constitutional Convention it is evident that express prohibition in the constitution (Ex parte Lewis, 46 Tex. deemed by necessary implication to have been lodged also in
the purpose was to transfer in its totality all the powers Crim. Rep., 1; State vs. Whisman, 33 S. D., 260; L. R. A., 1917B, the Electoral Commission.
previously exercised by the Legislature in matters pertaining to 1). If the power claimed for the National Assembly to regulate 18. ID; ID.; ID.; POSSIBILITY OF ABUSE NO ARGUMENT
contested elections of its members, to an independent and the proceedings of the Electoral Commission and cut off the AGAINST GRANT OF POWER. — The possibility of abuse is not
impartial tribunal. It was not so much the knowledge and power of the Electoral Commission to lay down a period within an argument against the concession of the power as there is no
appreciation of contemporary constitutional precedents, which protest should be filed were conceded, the grant of power that is not susceptible of abuse. If any mistake has been
however, as the long-felt need of determining legislative power to the commission would be ineffective. The Electoral committed in the creation of an Electoral Commission and in
contests devoid of partisan considerations which prompted the Commission in such a case would be invested with the power to investing it with exclusive jurisdiction in all cases relating to the
people acting through their delegates to the Convention to determine contested cases involving the election, returns, and election, returns, and qualifications of members of the National
provide for this body known as the Electoral Commission. With qualifications of the members of the National Assembly but Assembly, the remedy is political, not judicial, and must be
this end in view, a composite body in which both the majority subject at all times to the regulative power of the National sought through the ordinary processes of democracy. All the
and minority parties are equally represented to off-set partisan Assembly. Not only would the purpose of the framers of possible abuses of the government are not intended to be
influence in its deliberations was created, and further endowed our Constitution of totally transferring this authority from the corrected by the judiciary. The people in creating the Electoral
with judicial temper by including in its membership three legislative body be frustrated, but a dual authority would be Commission reposed as much confidence in this body in the
justices of the Supreme Court. created with the resultant inevitable clash of powers from time exclusive determination of the specified cases assigned to it, as
15. ID.; ID.; ID.; THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION IS AN to time. A sad spectacle would then be presented of the it has given to the Supreme Court in the proper cases entrusted
INDEPENDENT CONSTITUTIONAL CREATION ALTHOUGH FOR Electoral Commission retaining the bare authority of taking to it for decision. All the agencies of the government were
cognizance of cases referred to, but in reality without the
designed by the Constitution to achieve specific purposes, and the mode and method to be followed in a matter entrusted to confirming or approving the returns of such members against
each constitutional organ working within its own particular its exclusive jurisdiction by the Constitution. This result was not whose election no protest had been filed within the prescribed
sphere of discretionary action must be deemed to be animated and could not have been contemplated, and should be avoided. time. This was interpreted as cutting off the filing of further
with same zeal and honesty in accomplishing the great ends for 20. ID.; ID.; ID.; CONFIRMATION BY THE NATIONAL protests against the election of those members not theretofore
which they were created by the sovereign will. That the ASSEMBLY CAN NOT DEPRIVE THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION OF contested (Amistad vs. Claravall [Isabela], Second Philippine
actuations of these constitutional agencies might leave much to ITS AUTHORITY TO FIX THE TIME WITHIN WHICH PROTESTS Legislature, Record — First Period, p. 89; Urgello vs. Rama
be desired in given instances, is inherent in the imperfections of AGAINST THE ELECTION, RETURNS AND QUALIFICATIONS OF [Third District, Cebu], Sixth Philippine Legislature; Fetalvero vs.
human institutions. From the fact that the Electoral Commission MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY SHOULD BE FILED. — Festin [Romblon], Sixth Philippine Legislature, Record — First
may not be interfered with in the exercise of its legitimate Resolution No. 8 of the National Assembly confirming the Period, pp. 637-640; Kintanar vs. Aldanese [Fourth District,
power, it does not follow that its acts, however illegal or election of members against whom no protests has been filed Cebu], Sixth Philippine Legislature, Record — First Period, pp.
unconstitutional, may not be challenged in appropriate cases at the time of its passage on December 3, 1936, can not be 1121, 1122; Aguilar vs. Corpus [Masbate], Eighth Philippine
over which the courts may exercise jurisdiction. construed as a limitation upon the time for the initiation of Legislature, Record — First Period, vol. III, No. 56, pp. 892, 893).
19. ID.; ID.; ID.; FACTS OF THE CASE; EQUITABLE election contests. While there might have been good reason for The Constitution has expressly repealed section 18 of the Jones
CONSIDERATIONS. — The Commonwealth Government was the legislative practice of confirmation of members of the Law. Act No. 3387, section 478, must be deemed to have been
inaugurated on November 15, 1935, on which date Legislature at the time the power to decide election contests impliedly abrogated also, for the reason that with the power to
theConstitution, except as to the provisions mentioned in was still lodged in the Legislature, confirmation alone by the determine all contests relating to the election, returns and
section 6 of Article XV thereof, went into effect. The new Legislature cannot be construed as depriving the Electoral qualifications of members of the National Assembly, is
National Assembly convened on November 25, of that year, and Commission of the authority incidental to its constitutional inseparably linked the authority to prescribe regulations for the
the resolution confirming the election of the petitioner was power to be "the sole judge of all contests relating to the exercise of that power. There was thus no law nor
approved by that body on December 3, 1935. The protest by election, returns, and qualifications of the members of the constitutional provision which authorized the National
the herein respondent against the election of the petitioner was National Assembly", to fix the time for the filing of said election Assembly to fix, as it is alleged to have fixed on December 3,
filed on December 9 of the same year. The pleadings do not protests. Confirmation by the National Assembly of the returns 1935, the time for the filing of contests against the election of
show when the Electoral Commission was formally organized of its members against whose election no protests have been its members. And what the National Assembly could not do
but it does appear that on December 9, 1935, the Electoral filed is, to all legal purposes, unnecessary. Confirmation of the directly, it could not do by indirection through the medium of
Commission met for the first time and approved a resolution election of any member is not required by confirmation.
fixing said date as the last day for the filing of election protests. the Constitution before he can discharge his duties as such DECISION
When, therefore, the National Assembly passed its resolution of member. As a matter of fact, certification by the proper LAUREL, J p:
December 3, 1935, confirming the election of the petitioner to provincial board of canvassers is sufficient to entitle a member- This is an original action instituted in this court by the
the National Assembly, the Electoral Commission had not yet elect to a seat in the National Assembly and to render him petitioner, Jose A. Angara, for the issuance of a writ of
met; neither does it appear that said body had actually been eligible to any office in said body (No. 1, par. 1, Rules of the prohibition to restrain and prohibit the Electoral Commission,
organized. As a matter of fact, according to certified copies of National Assembly, adopted December 6, 1935). one of the respondents, from taking further cognizance of the
official records on file in the archives division of the National 21. ID.; EFFECT OF CONFIRMATION UNDER THE JONES protest filed by Pedro Ynsua, another respondent, against the
Assembly attached to the record of this case upon the petition LAW. — Under the practice prevailing when the Jones Law was election of said petitioner as member of the National Assembly
of the petitioner, the three justices of the Supreme Court and still in force, each House of the Philippine Legislature fixed the for the first assembly district of the Province of Tayabas.
the six members of the National Assembly constituting the time when protests against the election of any of its members
Electoral Commission were respectively designated only on The facts of this case as they appear in the petition and
should be filed. This was expressly authorized by section 18 of as admitted by the respondents are as follows:
December 4 and 6, 1936. If Resolution No. 8 of the National the Jones Law making each House the sole judge of the
Assembly confirming non-protested elections of members of (1) That in the elections of September 17, 1935, the
election, returns and qualifications of its members, as well as by
the National Assembly had the effect of limiting or tolling the petitioner, Jose A. Angara, and the respondents, Pedro Ynsua,
a law (sec. 478, Act No. 3387) empowering each House
time for the presentation of protests, the result would be that respectively to prescribe by resolution the time and manner of Miguel Castillo and Dionisio Mayor, were candidates voted for
the National Assembly — on the hypothesis that it still retained the position of member of the National Assembly for the first
filing contest the election of members of said bodies. As a
the incidental power of regulation in such cases — had already district of the Province of Tayabas;
matter of formality, after the time fixed by its rules for the filing
barred the presentation of protests before the Electoral of protests had already expired, each House passed a resolution (2) That on October 7, 1935, the provincial board of
Commission had had time to organize itself and deliberate on canvassers, proclaimed the petitioner as member-elect of the
National Assembly for the said district, for having received the and (c) that the protest in question was filed out of the On February 25, 1936, the Solicitor-General appeared
most number of votes; prescribed period; and filed an answer in behalf of the respondent Electoral
(3) That on November 15, 1935, the petitioner took his (8) That on December 27, 1935, the herein respondent, Commission interposing the following special defenses:
oath of office; Pedro Ynsua, filed an "Answer to the Motion of Dismissal" (a) That the Electoral Commission has been created by
(4) That on December 3, 1935, the National Assembly alleging that there is no legal or constitutional provision barring the Constitution as an instrumentality of the Legislative
in session assembled, passed the following resolution: the presentation of a protest against the election of a member Department invested with the jurisdiction to decide "all
"[No. 8] of the National Assembly, after confirmation; contests relating to the election, returns, and qualifications of
(9) That on December 31, 1935, the herein petitioner, the members of the National Assembly"; that in adopting its
Jose A. Angara, filed a "Reply" to the aforesaid "Answer to the resolution of December 9, 1935, fixing this date as the last day
Motion of Dismissal"; for the presentation of protests against the election of any
CONTRAQUIENES NO SE HA PRESENTADO member of the National Assembly, it acted within its
PROTESTA. (10) That the case being submitted for decision, the
Electoral Commission promulgated a resolution on January 23, jurisdiction and in the legitimate exercise of the implied powers
1936, denying herein petitioner's "Motion to Dismiss the granted it by the Constitution to adopt the rules and regulations
"Se resuelve: Que las actas de eleccion Protest." essential to carry out the powers and functions conferred upon
de los Diputados contra quienes no se hubiere the same by the fundamental law; that in adopting its
presentado debidamente una protesta antes de The application of the petitioner sets forth the
resolution of January 23, 1936, overruling the motion of the
la adopcion de la presente resolucion sean, following grounds for the issuance of the writ prayed for:
petitioner to dismiss the election protest in question, and
como por la presente, son aprobadas y (a) That the Constitution confers exclusive jurisdiction declaring itself with jurisdiction to take cognizance of said
confirmadas. upon the Electoral Commission solely as regards the merits of protest, it acted in the legitimate exercise of its quasi-judicial
"Adoptada, 3 de diciembre, 1935." contested elections to the National Assembly; functions as an instrumentality of the Legislative Department of
(5) That on December 8, 1935, the herein respondent (b) That the Constitution excludes from said the Commonwealth Government, and hence said act is beyond
Pedro Ynsua, filed before the Electoral Commission a "Motion jurisdiction the power to regulate the proceedings of said the judicial cognizance or control of the Supreme Court;
of Protest" against the election of the herein petitioner, Jose A. election contests, which power has been reserved to the (b) That the resolution of the National Assembly of
Angara, being the only protest filed after the passage of Legislative Department of the Government or the National December 3, 1935, confirming the election of the members of
Resolution No. 8 aforequoted, and praying, among other-things, Assembly; the National Assembly against whom no protest had thus far
that said respondent be declared elected member of the (c) That like the Supreme Court and other courts been filed, could not and did not deprive the Electoral
National Assembly for the first district of Tayabas, or that the created in pursuance of the Constitution, whose exclusive Commission of its jurisdiction to take cognizance of election
election of said position be nullified; jurisdiction relates solely to deciding the merits of controversies protests filed within the time that might be set by its own rules;
(6) That on December 9, 1935, the Electoral submitted to hem for decision and to matters involving their (c) That the Electoral Commission is a body invested
Commission adopted a resolution, paragraph 6 of which internal organization, the Electoral Commission can regulate its with quasi- judicial functions, created by the Constitution as an
provides: proceedings only if the National Assembly has not availed of its instrumentality of the Legislative Department, and is not an
primary power to so regulate such proceedings; "inferior tribunal, or corporation, or board, or person" within
"6. La Comision no considerara ninguna
protesta que no se haya presentado en o antes (d) That Resolution No. 8 of the National Assembly is, the purview of sections 226 and 516 of the Code of Civil
de este dia." therefore, valid and should be respected and obeyed; Procedure, against which prohibition would lie.
(7) That on December 20, 1935, the herein petitioner, (e) That under paragraph 13 of section 1 of the The respondent Pedro Ynsua, in his turn, appeared and
Jose A. Angara, one of the respondents in the aforesaid protest, Ordinance appended to the Constitution and paragraph 6 of filed an answer in his own behalf on March 2, 1936, setting
filed before the Electoral Commission a "Motion to Dismiss the article 7 of the Tydings-McDuffie Law (No. 127 of the 73rd forth following as his special defense:
Protest", alleging (a) that Resolution No. 8 of the National Congress of the United States) as well as under sections 1 and 3 (a) That at the time of the approval of the rules of the
Assembly was adopted in the legitimate exercise of its (should be sections 1 and 2) of article VIII of the Constitution, Electoral Commission on December 9, 1935, there was no
constitutional prerogative to prescribe the period during which the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to pass upon the existing Law fixing the period within which protests against the
protests against the election of its members should be fundamental question herein raised because it involves an election of members of the National Assembly, the Electoral
presented; (b) that the aforesaid resolution has for its object, interpretation of the Constitution of the Philippines. Commission was exercising a power impliedly conferred upon it
and is the accepted formula for, the limitation of said period; by the Constitution, by reason of its quasi-judicial attributes;
(b) That said respondent presented his motion of 1. Has the Supreme Court jurisdiction over the appropriate funds for their support, the National Assembly
protest before the Electoral Commission on December 9, 1935, Electoral Commission and the subject matter of the controversy controls the judicial department to a certain extent. The
the last day fixed by paragraph 6 of the rules of the said upon the foregoing related facts, and in the affirmative, Assembly also exercises the judicial power of trying
Electoral Commission; 2. Has the said Electoral Commission acted without or impeachments. And the judiciary in turn, with the Supreme
(c) That therefore the Electoral Commission acquired in excess of its jurisdiction in assuming to take cognizance of the Court as the final arbiter, effectively checks the other
jurisdiction over the protest filed by said respondent and over protest filed against the election of the herein petitioner departments in the exercise of its power to determine the law,
the parties thereto, and the resolution of the Electoral notwithstanding the previous confirmation of such election by and hence to declare executive and legislative acts void if
Commission of January 23, 1936, denying petitioner's motion to resolution of the National Assembly? violative of the Constitution.
dismiss said protest was an act within the jurisdiction of the We could perhaps dispose of this case by passing But in the main, the Constitution has blocked out with
said commission, and is not reviewable by means of a writ of directly upon the merits of the controversy. However, the deft strokes and in bold lines, allotment of power to the
prohibition; question of jurisdiction having been presented, we do not feel executive, the legislative and the judicial departments of the
(d) That neither the law nor the Constitution requires justified in evading the issue. Being a case primæ impressionis, government. The overlapping and interlacing of functions and
confirmation by the National Assembly of the election of its it would hardly be consistent with our sense of duty to overlook duties between the several departments, however, sometimes
members, and that such confirmation does not operate to limit the broader aspect of the question and leave it undecided. makes it hard to say just where the one leaves off and the other
the period within which protests should be filed as to deprive Neither would we be doing justice to the industry and begins. In times of social disquietude or political excitement,
the Electoral Commission of jurisdiction over protests filed vehemence of counsel were we not to pass upon the question the great landmarks of the Constitution are apt to be forgotten
subsequent thereto; of jurisdiction squarely presented to our consideration. or marred, if not entirely obliterated. In cases of conflict, the
(e) That the Electoral Commission is an independent The separation of powers is a fundamental principle in judicial department is the only constitutional organ which can
entity created by the Constitution, endowed with quasi-judicial our system of government. It obtains not through express be called upon to determine the proper allocation of powers
functions, whose decisions are final and unappeallable; provision but by actual division in our Constitution. Each between the several departments and among the integral or
department of the government has exclusive cognizance of constituent units thereof.
(f) That the Electoral Commission, as a constitutional
creation, is not an inferior tribunal, corporation, board or matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own As any human production, our Constitution is of course
person, within the terms of sections 226 and 516 of the Code of sphere. But it does not follow from the fact that the three lacking perfection and perfectibility, but as much as it was
Civil Procedure; and that neither under the provisions of powers are to be kept separate and distinct that within the power of our people, acting through their delegates
sections 1 and 2 of Article II (should be article VIII) of the Constitution intended them to be absolutely unrestrained to so provide, that instrument which is the expression of their
the Constitution and paragraph 13 of section 1 of the Ordinance and independent of each other. The Constitution has provided sovereignty however limited, has established a republican
appended thereto could it be subject in the exercise of its quasi- for an elaborate system of checks and balances to secure government intended to operate and function as a harmonious
judicial functions to a writ of prohibition from the Supreme coordination in the workings of the various departments of the whole, under a system of checks and balances, and subject to
Court; government. For example, the Chief Executive under specific limitations and restrictions provided in the said
our Constitution is so far made a check on the legislative power instrument. The Constitutionsets forth in no uncertain language
(g) That paragraph 6 of article 7 of the Tydings-
that this assent is required in the enactment of laws. This, the restrictions and limitations upon governmental powers and
McDuffie Law (No. 127 of the 73rd Congress of the United agencies. If these restrictions and limitations are transcended it
States) has no application to the case at bar. however, is subject to the further check that a bill may become
a law notwithstanding the refusal of the President to approve it, would be inconceivable if the Constitution had not provided for
The case was argued before us on March 13, 1936. a mechanism by which to direct the course of government
by a vote of two-thirds or three-fourths, as the case may be, of
Before it was submitted for decision, the petitioner prayed for along constitutional channels, for then the distribution of
the National Assembly. The President has also the right to
the issuance of a preliminary writ of injunction against the convene the Assembly in special session whenever he chooses. powers would be mere verbiage, the bill of rights mere
respondent Electoral Commission which petition was denied expressions of sentiment, and the principles of good
On the other hand, the National Assembly operates as a check
"without passing upon the merits of the case" by resolution of government mere political apothegms. Certainly, the limitations
on the Executive in the sense that its consent through its
this court of March 21, 1936. and restrictions embodied in our Constitution are real as they
Commission on Appointments is necessary in the appointment
There was no appearance for the other respondents. of certain officers; and the concurrence of a majority of all its should be in any living constitution. In the United States where
The issues to be decided in the case at bar may be reduced to members is essential to the conclusion of treaties. Furthermore, no express constitutional grant is found in theirconstitution, the
the following two principal propositions: in its power to determine what courts other than the Supreme possession of this moderating power of the courts, not to speak
Court shall be established, to define their jurisdiction and to of its historical origin and development there, has been set at
rest by popular acquiescence for a period of more than one and In the case at bar, the National Assembly has by framers of our Constitution adopted the American type where
a half centuries. In our case, this moderating power is granted, resolution (No. 8) of December 3, 1935, confirmed the election the written constitution is interpreted and given effect by the
if not expressly, by clear implication from section 2 of article VIII of the herein petitioner to the said body. On the other hand, judicial department. In some countries which have declined to
of ourConstitution. the Electoral Commission has by resolution adopted on follow the American example, provisions have been inserted in
The Constitution is a definition of the powers of December 9, 1935, fixed said date as the last day for the filing their constitutions prohibiting the courts from exercising the
government. Who is to determine the nature, scope and extent of protests against the election, returns and qualifications of power to interpret the fundamental law. This is taken as a
of such powers? The Constitution itself has provided for the members of the National Assembly, notwithstanding the recognition of what otherwise would be the rule that in the
instrumentality of the judiciary as the rational way. And when previous confirmation made by the National Assembly as absence of direct prohibition courts are bound to assume what
the judiciary mediates to allocate constitutional boundaries, it aforesaid. If, as contended by the petitioner, the resolution of is logically their function. For instance, the Constitution of
does not assert any superiority over the other departments; it the National Assembly has the effect of cutting off the power of Poland of 1921, expressly provides that courts shall have no
does not in reality nullify or invalidate an act of the legislature, the Electoral Commission to entertain protests against the power to examine the validity of statutes (art. 81, chap. IV). The
but only asserts the solemn and sacred obligation assigned to it election, returns and qualifications of members of the National former Austrian Constitution contained a similar declaration. In
by the Constitution to determine conflicting claims of authority Assembly, submitted after December 3, 1935, then the countries whose constitutions are silent in this respect, courts
under the Constitution and to establish for the parties in an resolution of the Electoral Commission of December 9, 1935, is have assumed this power. This is true in Norway, Greece,
actual controversy the rights which that instrument secures and mere surplusage and had no effect. But, if as contended by the Australia and South Africa. Whereas, in Czechoslovakia (arts. 2
guarantees to them. This is in truth all that is involved in what is respondents, the Electoral Commission has the sole power of and 3, Preliminary Law to Constitutional Charter of the
termed "judicial supremacy" which properly is the power of regulating its proceedings to the exclusion of the National Czechoslovak Republic, February 29, 1920) and Spain (arts. 121-
judicial review under the Constitution. Even then, this power of Assembly, then the resolution of December 9, 1935, by which 123, Title IX, Constitution of the Republic of 1931) especial
judicial review is limited to actual cases and controversies to be the Electoral Commission fixed said date as the last day for filing constitutional courts are established to pass upon the validity of
exercised after full opportunity of argument by the parties, and protests against the election, returns and qualifications of ordinary laws. In our case, the nature of the present
limited further to the constitutional question raised or the members of the National Assembly, should be upheld. controversy shows the necessity of a final constitutional arbiter
very lis mota presented. Any attempt at abstraction could only Here is then presented an actual controversy involving to determine the conflict of authority between two agencies
lead to dialectics and barren legal questions and to sterile as it does a conflict of a grave constitutional nature between created by the Constitution. Were we to decline to take
conclusions of wisdom, justice or expediency of legislation. the National Assembly on the one hand, and the Electoral cognizance of the controversy, who will determine the conflict?
More than that, courts accord the presumption of Commission on the other. From the very nature of the And if the conflict were left undecided and undetermined,
constitutionality to legislative enactments, not only because the republican government established in our country in the light of would not a void be thus created in our constitutional system
legislature is presumed to abide by the Constitution but also American experience and of our own, upon the judicial which may in the long run prove destructive of the entire
because the judiciary in the determination of actual cases and department is thrown the solemn and inescapable obligation of framework? To ask these questions is to answer them.
controversies must reflect the wisdom and justice of the people interpreting the Constitution and defining constitutional Natura vacuum abhorret, so must we avoid exhaustion in our
as expressed through their representatives in the executive and boundaries. The Electoral Commission, as we shall have constitutional system. Upon principle, reason and authority, we
legislative departments of the government. occasion to refer hereafter, is a constitutional organ, created are clearly of the opinion that upon the admitted facts of the
But much as we might postulate on the internal checks for a specific purpose, namely to determine all contests relating present case, this court has jurisdiction over the Electoral
of power provided in our Constitution, it ought not the less to to the election, returns and qualifications of the members of Commission and the subject matter of the present controversy
be remembered that, in the language of James Madison, the the National Assembly. Although the Electoral Commission may for the purpose of determining the character, scope and extent
system itself is not "the chief palladium of constitutional liberty not be interfered with, when the while acting within the limits of the constitutional grant to the Electoral Commission as "the
. . . the people who are authors of this blessing must also be its of its authority, it does not follow that it is beyond the reach of sole judge of all contests relating to the election, returns and
guardians . . . their eyes must be ever ready to mark, their voice the constitutional mechanism adopted by the people and that it qualifications of the members of the National Assembly."
to pronounce . . . aggression on the authority of is not subject to constitutional restrictions. The Electoral Having disposed of the question of jurisdiction, we
their constitution." In the last and ultimate analysis, then, must Commission is not a separate department of the government, shall now proceed to pass upon the second proposition and
the success of our government in the unfolding years to come and even if it were, conflicting claims of authority under the determine whether the Electoral Commission has acted without
be tested in the crucible of Filipino minds and hearts than in fundamental law between departmental powers and agencies or in excess of its jurisdiction in adopting its resolution of
consultation rooms and court chambers. of the government are necessarily determined by the judiciary December 9, 1935, and in assuming to take cognizance of the
in justiciable and appropriate cases. Discarding the English type protest filed against the election of the herein petitioner
and other European types of constitutional government, the notwithstanding the previous confirmation thereof by the
National Assembly on December 3, 1935. As able counsel for Tribunal of Constitutional Security empowered to hear protests similar body with reduced powers and with specific and limited
the petitioner has pointed out, the issue hinges on the not only against the election of members of the legislature but jurisdiction, to be designated as an Electoral Commission. The
interpretation of section 4 of Article VI of also against the election of executive officers for whose election Sponsorship Committee modified the proposal of the
the Constitution which provides: the vote of the whole nation is required, as well as to initiate Committee on Legislative Power with respect to the
"SEC. 4. There shall be an Electoral Commission impeachment proceedings against specified executive and composition of the Electoral Commission and made further
composed of three Justices of the Supreme Court designated by judicial officers. For the purpose of hearing legislative protests, changes in phraseology to suit the project of adopting a
the Chief Justice, and of six Members chosen by the National the tribunal was to be composed of three justices designated by unicameral instead of a bicameral legislature. The draft as
Assembly, three of whom shall be nominated by the party the Supreme Court and six members of the house of the finally submitted to the Convention on October 26, 1934, reads
having the largest number of votes, and three by the party legislature to which the contest corresponds, three members to as follows:
having the second largest number of votes herein. The senior be designated by the majority party and three by the minority, "(6) The elections, returns and
Justice in the Commission shall be its Chairman. The Electoral to be presided over by the Senior Justice unless the Chief qualifications of the Members of the National
Commission shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to Justice is also a member in which case the latter shall preside. Assembly and all cases contesting the election
the election, returns and qualifications of the members of the The foregoing proposal was submitted by the Committee on of any of its Members shall be judged by an
National Assembly." It is imperative, therefore, that we delve Constitutional Guarantees to the Convention on September 15, Electoral Commission, composed of three
into the origin and history of this constitutional provision and 1934, with slight modifications consisting in the reduction of members elected by the party having the largest
inquire into the intention of its framers and the people who the legislative representation to four members, that is, two number of votes in the National Assembly, three
adopted it so that we may properly appreciate its full meaning, senators to be designated one each from the two major parties elected by the members of the party having the
import and significance. in the Senate and two representatives to be designated one second largest number of votes, and three
The original provision regarding this subject in the Act each from the two major parties in the House of justices of the Supreme Court designated by the
of Congress of July 1, 1902 (sec. 7, par. 5) laying down the rule Representatives, and in awarding representation to the Chief Justice, the Commission to be presided
that "the assembly shall be the judge of the elections, returns, executive department in the persons of two representatives to over by one of said justices."
and qualifications of its members", was taken from clause 1 of be designated by the President. During the discussion of the amendment introduced by
section 5, Article I of the Constitution of the United States Meanwhile, the Committee on Legislative Power was Delegates Labrador, Abordo, and others, proposing to strike out
providing that "Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, also preparing its report. As submitted to the Convention on the whole subsection of the foregoing draft and inserting in lieu
Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members, . . .." The Act of September 24, 1934, subsection 5, section 5, of the proposed thereof the following: "The National Assembly shall be the sole
Congress of August 29, 1916 (sec. 18, par. 1) modified this Article on the Legislative Department, reads as follows: and exclusive judge of the elections, returns, and qualifications
provision by the insertion of the word "sole" as follows: "That "The elections, returns and of the Members", the following illuminating remarks were
the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, shall be qualifications of the members of either House made on the floor of the Convention in its session of December
the sole judges of the elections, returns, and qualifications of and all cases contesting the election of any of 4, 1934, as to the scope of the said draft:
their elective members, . . ." apparently in order to emphasize their members shall be judged by an Electoral xxx xxx xxx
the exclusive character of the jurisdiction conferred upon each Commission, constituted, as to each House, by "Mr. VENTURA. Mr. President, we have a doubt
House of the Legislature over the particular cases therein three members elected by the members of the here as to the scope of the meaning of
specified. This court has had occasion to characterize this grant party having the largest number of votes the first four lines, paragraph 6, page
of power to the Philippine Senate and House of therein, three elected by the members of the 11 of the draft, reading: 'The elections,
Representatives, respectively, as "full, clear and complete" party having the second largest number of returns and qualifications of the
(Veloso vs. Boards of Canvassers of Leyte and Samar [1919], 39 votes, and as to its Chairman, one Justice of the Members of the National Assembly and
Phil., 886, 888.). Supreme Court designated by the Chief Justice." all cases contesting the election of any
The first step towards the creation of an independent The idea of creating a Tribunal of Constitutional of its Members shall be judged by an
tribunal for the purpose of deciding contested elections to the Security with comprehensive jurisdiction as proposed by the Electoral Commission, . . ..' I should like
legislature was taken by the sub-committee of five appointed Committee on Constitutional Guarantees which was probably to ask from the gentleman from Capiz
by the Committee on Constitutional Guarantees of the inspired by the Spanish plan (art. 121, Constitution of the whether the election and qualification
Constitutional Convention, which sub- committee submitted a Spanish Republic of 1931), was soon abandoned in favor of the of the member whose election is not
report on August 30, 1934, recommending the creation of a proposition of the Committee on Legislative Power to create a
contested shall also be judged by the contest. The first clause refers to the "Mr. ROXAS. I do not think so, unless there is a
Electoral Commission. case referred to by the gentleman from protest.
"Mr. ROXAS. If there is no question about the Cavite where one person tries to be "Mr. LABRADOR. Mr. President, will the
election of the members, there is elected in place of another who was gentleman yield? .
nothing to be judged; that is why the declared elected. For example, in a "THE PRESIDENT. The gentleman may yield, if he
word 'judge' is used to indicate a case when the residence of the man so desires.
controversy. If there is no question who has been elected is in question, or
about the election of a member, there in case the citizenship of the man who
has been elected is in question. "Mr. ROXAS. Willingly.
is nothing to be submitted to the
Electoral Commission and there is "However, if the assembly desires to "Mr. LABRADOR. Does not the gentleman from
nothing to be determined. annul the power of the commission, it may do Capiz believe that unless this power is
so by certain maneuvers upon its first meeting granted to the assembly, the assembly
"Mr. VENTURA. But does that carry the idea also
when the returns are submitted to the on its own motion does not have the
that the Electoral Commission shall
confirm also the election of those who assembly. The purpose is to give to the Electoral right to contest the election and
Commission all the powers exercised by the qualification of its members?
election is not contested?.
assembly referring to the elections, returns and "Mr. ROXAS. I have no doubt but that the
"Mr. ROXAS. There is no need of confirmation.
qualifications of the members. When there is no gentleman is right. If this draft is
As the gentleman knows, the action of
the House of Representatives contest, there is nothing to be judged. retained as it is, even if two-thirds of
"Mr. VENTURA. Then it should be eliminated. the assembly believe that a member
confirming the election of its members
has not the qualifications provided by
is just a matter of the rules of the "Mr. ROXAS. But that is a different matter, I
law, they cannot remove him for that
assembly. It is not constitutional. It is think Mr. Delegate.
not necessary. After a man files his reason.
"Mr. CINCO. Mr. President, I have a similar
credentials that be has been elected, Mr. LABRADOR. So that the right to remove shall
question as that propounded by the
that is sufficient, unless his election is only be retained by the Electoral
gentleman from Ilocos Norte when I
contested. arose a while ago. However I want to Commission.
"Mr. VENTURA. But I do not believe that that is ask more questions from the delegate "Mr. ROXAS. By the assembly for misconduct.
sufficient, as we have observed that for from Capiz. This paragraph 6 on page "Mr. LABRADOR. I mean with respect to the
purposes of the auditor, in the matter 11 of the draft cites cases contesting qualification of the members.
of election of a member to a legislative the election as separate from the first "Mr. ROXAS. Yes, by the Electoral Commission.
body, because he will not authorize his part of the section which refers to "Mr. LABRADOR. So that under this draft, no
pay. elections, returns and qualifications. member of the assembly has the right
"Mr. ROXAS. Well, what is the case with regards "Mr. ROXAS. That is merely for the sake of to question the eligibility of its
to the municipal president who is clarity. In fact the cases of contested members?.
elected? What happens with regards to elections are already included in the "Mr. ROXAS. Before a member can question the
the councilors of a municipality? Does phrase 'the elections, returns and eligibility, he must go to the Electoral
anybody confirm their election? The qualifications.' This phrase 'and Commission and make the question
municipal council does this: it makes a contested elections' was inserted before the Electoral Commission.
canvass and proclaims-in this case the merely for the sake of clarity.
"Mr. LABRADOR. So that the Electoral
municipal council proclaims who has "Mr. CINCO. Under this paragraph, may not the Commission shall decide whether the
been elected, and it ends there, unless Electoral Commission, at its own election is contested or not contested.
there is a contest. It is the same case; instance, refuse to confirm the election
there is no need on the part of the "Mr. ROXAS. Yes, sir: that is the purpose.
of the members?.
Electoral Commission unless there is a
"Mr. PELAYO. Mr. President, I would like to be "El Sr. ROXAS. Con mucho gusto. Electoral Commission, composed of three
informed if the Electoral Commission "El Sr. CONEJERO. Tal como esta el draft, dando members elected by the party having the largest
has power and authority to pass upon tres miembros a la mayoria, y otros tres number of votes in the National Assembly, three
the qualifications of the members of a la minoria y tres a la Corte Suprema, elected by the members of the party having the
the National Assembly even though ¿no cre Su Señoria que esto equivale second largest number of votes, and three
that question has not been raised. practicamente a dejar el asunto a los justices of the Supreme Court designated by the
"Mr. ROXAS. I have just said that they have no miembros del Tribunal Supremo?. Chief Justice, the Commission to be presided
power, because they can only judge." "El Sr. ROXAS. Si y no. Cremos que si el tribunal over by one of said justices."
In the same session, the first clause of the aforesaid o la Comision esta constituido en esa The Style Committee to which the draft was submitted
draft reading "The election, returns and qualifications of the forma, tanto los miembros de la revised it as follows:
members of the National Assembly and" was eliminated by the mayoria como los de la minoria asi "SEC. 4. There shall be an Electoral
Sponsorship Committee in response to an amendment como los miembros de la Corte Commission composed of three Justices of the
introduced by Delegates Francisco, Ventura, Vinzons, Rafols, Suprema consideraran la cuestion Supreme Court designated by the Chief Justice,
Lim, Mumar and others. In explaining the difference between sobre la base de sus méritos, sabiendo and of six Members chosen by the National
the original draft and the draft as amended, Delegate Roxas que el partidismo no es suficiente para Assembly, three of whom shall be nominated by
speaking for the Sponsorship Committee said: dar el triunfo. the party having the largest number of votes,
xxx xxx xxx "El Sr. CONEJERO. ¿Cree Su Señoria que en un and three by the party having the second largest
"Sr. ROXAS. La diferencia, señor Presidente, caso como ese, podriamos hacer que number of votes therein. The senior Justice in
consiste solamente en obviar la tanto los de la mayoria como los de la the Commission shall be its chairman. The
objecion apuntada por varios minoria prescindieran del partidismo?. Electoral Commission shall be the sole judge of
Delegados al efecto to que la primera "El Sr. ROXAS. Creo que si, porque el partidismo the election, returns, and qualifications of the
clausula del draft que dice: 'The no les daria el triunfo." Members of the National Assembly."
election, returns and qualifications of xxx xxx xxx When the foregoing draft was submitted for approval
the members of the National Assembly' on February 8, 1935, the Style Committee, through President
The amendment introduced by Delegates Labrador, Recto, to effectuate the original intention of the Convention,
parece que da a la Comision Electoral la Abordo and others seeking to restore the power to decide
facultad de determinar también la agreed to insert the phrase "All contests relating to" between
contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of
eleccion de los miembros que no han the phrase "judge of" and the words "the election", which was
members of the National Assembly to the National Assembly
sido protestados y para obviar esa accordingly accepted by the Convention.
itself, was defeated by a vote of ninety-eight (98) against fifty-
dificultad, creemos que la enmienda six (56). The transfer of the power of determining the election,
tiene razon en ese sentido, si returns and qualifications of the members of the legislature
In the same session of December 4, 1934, Delegate
enmendamos el draft, de tal modo que long lodged in the legislative body, to an independent, impartial
se lea como sigue: 'All cases contesting Cruz (C.) sought to amend the draft by reducing the and non-partisan tribunal, is by no means a mere experiment in
representation of the minority party and the Supreme Court in
the election', de modo que los jueces the science of government.
the Electoral Commission to two members each, so as to accord
de la Comision Electoral se limitaran Cushing, in his Law and Practice of Legislative
more representation to the majority party. The Convention
solamente a los casos en que haya Assemblies (ninth edition, chapter VI, pages 57, 58), gives a
habido protesta contra las actas." rejected this amendment by a vote of seventy-six (76) against
forty-six (46), thus maintaining the non-partisan character of vivid account of the "scandalously notorious" canvassing of
Before the amendment of Delegate votes by political parties in the disposition of contests by the
the commission.
Labrador was voted upon the following House of Commons in the following passages which are partly
interpellation also took place: As approved on January 31, 1935, the draft was made
quoted by the petitioner in his printed memorandum of March
"El Sr. CONEJERO. Antes de votarse la enmienda, to read as follows: 14, 1936:
quisiera pedir informacion del "(6) All cases contesting the elections,
"153. From the time when the
Subcomité de Siete. returns and qualifications of the Members of
commons established their right to be the
"El Sr. PRESIDENTE. ¿Qué dice el Comité?. the National Assembly shall be judged by an exclusive judges of the elections, returns, and
qualifications of their members, until the year notoriously and openly prostituted, from of the remedy, may have led many of the
1770, two modes of proceeding prevailed, in the whence the younger part of the house were contemporaries of the measure to the
determination of controverted elections, and insensibly, but too successfully, induced to information of a judgment, which was not
rights of membership. One of the standing adopt the same licentious conduct in more acquiesced in by some of the leading statesmen
committee appointed at the commencement of serious matters, and in questions of higher of the day, and has not been entirely confirmed
each session, was denominated the committee importance to the public welfare.' Mr. George by subsequent experience. The bill was objected
of privileges and elections, whose function was Grenville, a distinguished member of the house to by Lord North, Mr. De Grey, afterwards chief
to hear and investigate all questions of this of commons, undertook to propose a remedy justice of the common pleas, Mr. Ellis, Mr.
description which might be referred to them, for the evil, and, on the 7th of March 1770, Dyson, who had been clerk of the house, and
and to report their proceedings, with their obtained the unanimous leave of the house to Mr. Charles James Fox, chiefly on the ground,
opinion thereupon, to the house, from time to bring in a bill, 'to regulate the trial of that the introduction of the new system was an
time. When an election petition was referred to controverted elections, or returns of members essential alteration of the constitution of
this committee, they heard the parties and their to serve in parliament.' In his speech to explain parliament, and a total abrogation of one of the
witnesses and other evidence, and made a his plan, on the motion for leave, Mr. Grenville most important rights and jurisdictions of the
report of all the evidence, together with their alluded to the existing practice in the following house of commons."
opinion thereupon, in the form of resolutions, terms: 'Instead of trusting to the merits of their As early as 1868, the House of Commons in England
which were considered and agreed or disagreed respective causes, the principal dependence of solved the problem of insuring the non-partisan settlement of
to by the house. The other mode of proceeding both parties is their private interest among us; the controverted elections of its members by abdicating its
was by a hearing at the bar of the house itself. and it is scandalously notorious that we are an prerogative to two judges of the King's Bench of the High Court
When this court was adopted, the case was earnestly canvassed to attend in favor of the of Justice selected from a rota in accordance with rules of court
heard and decided by the house, in substantially opposite sides, as if we were wholly self- made for the purpose. Having proved successful, the practice
the same manner as by a committee. The elective, and not bound to act by the principles has become imbedded in English jurisprudence (Parliamentary
committee of privileges and elections although a of justice, but by the discretionary impulse of Elections Act, 1868 [31 & 32 Vict. c. 125] as amended by
select committee was usually what is called an our own inclinations; nay, it is well known, that Parliamentary Elections and Corrupt Practices Act, 1879 [42 &
open one; that is to say, in order to constitute in every contested election, many members of 43 Vict. c. 75], s. 2; Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act,
the committee, a quorum of the members this house, who are ultimately to judge in a kind 1883 [46 & 47 Vict. c. 51], s. 70; Expiring Laws Continuance Act,
named was required to be present, but all the of judicial capacity between the competitors, 1911 [1 & 2 Geo. 5, c. 22]; Laws of England, vol. XII, p. 408, vol.
members of the house were at liberty to attend enlist themselves as parties in the contention, XXI, p. 787). In the Dominion of Canada, election contests which
the committee and vote if they pleased. and take upon themselves the partial were originally heard by the Committee of the House of
"154. With the growth of political management of the very business, upon which Commons, are since 1922 tried in the courts. Likewise, in the
parties in parliament questions relating to the they should determine with the strictest Commonwealth of Australia, election contests which were
right of membership gradually assumed a impartiality.' originally determined by each house, are since 1922 tried in the
political character; so that for many years "155. It was to put an end to the High Court. In Hungary, the organic law provides that all
previous to the year 1770, controverted practices thus described, that Mr. Grenville protests against the election of members of the Upper House of
elections had been tried and determined by the brought in a bill which met with the approbation the Diet are to be resolved by the Supreme Administrative
house of commons, as mere party questions, of both houses, and received the royal assent on Court (Law 22 of 1916, chap. 2, art. 37, par. 6).
upon which the strength of contending factions the 12th of April, 1770. This was the celebrated The Constitution of Poland of March 17, 1921 (art. 19) and
might be tested. Thus, for example, in 1741, Sir law since known by the name of the Grenville the Constitution of the Free City of Danzig of May 13, 1922 (art.
Robert Walpole, after repeated attacks upon his Act; of which Mr. Hatsell declares, that it 'was 10) vest the authority to decide contested elections to the Diet
government, resigned his office in consequence one of the noblest works, for the honor of the or National Assembly in the Supreme Court. For the purpose of
of an adverse vote upon the Chippenham house of commons, and the security of deciding legislative contests, the Constitution of the German
election. Mr. Hatsell remarks, of the trial of the constitution, that was ever devised by any Reich of July 1, 1919 (art. 31), the Constitution of the
election, cases, as conducted under this system, minister or statesman.' It is probable, that the Czechoslovak Republic of February 29, 1920 (art. 19) and
that 'Every principle of decency and justice were magnitude of the evil, or the apparent success
the Constitution of the Grecian Republic of June 2, 1927 (art. expression of the wisdom and "ultimate justice of the people". within which protests should be filed, the grant of power to the
43), all provide for an Electoral Commission. (Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861.). commission would be ineffective. The Electoral Commission in
The creation of an Electoral Commission whose From the deliberations of our Constitutional such case would be invested with the power to determine
membership is recruited both from the legislature and the Convention it is evident that the purpose was to transfer in its contested cases involving the election, returns and
judiciary is by no means unknown in the United States. In the totality all the powers previously exercised by the legislature in qualifications of the members of the National Assembly but
presidential elections of 1876 there was a dispute as to the matters pertaining to contested elections of its members, to an subject at all times to the regulative power of the National
number of electoral votes received by each of the two opposing independent and impartial tribunal. It was not so much the Assembly. Not only would the purpose of the framers of
candidates. As the Constitution made no adequate provision for knowledge and appreciation of contemporary constitutional our Constitution of totally transferring this authority from the
such a contingency, Congress passed a law on January 29, 1877 precedents, however, as the long-felt need of determining legislative body be frustrated, but a dual authority would be
(United States Statutes at Large, vol. 19, chap. 37, pp. 227-229), legislative contests devoid of partisan considerations which created with the resultant inevitable clash of powers from time
creating a special Electoral Commission composed of five prompted the people, acting through their delegates to the to time. A sad spectacle would then be presented of the
members elected by the Senate, five members elected by the Convention, to provide for this body known as the Electoral Electoral Commission retaining the bare authority of taking
House of Representatives, and five justices of the Supreme Commission. With this end in view, a composite body in which cognizance of cases referred to, but in reality without the
Court, the fifth justice to be selected by the four designated in both the majority and minority parties are equally represented necessary means to render that authority effective whenever
the Act. The decision of the commission was to be binding to off-set partisan influence in its deliberations was created, and wherever the National Assembly has chosen to act, a
unless rejected by the two houses voting separately. Although and further endowed with judicial temper by including in its situation worse than that intended to be remedied by the
there is not much of a moral lesson to be derived from the membership three justices of the Supreme Court. framers of our Constitution. The power to regulate on the part
experience of America in this regard, judging from the The Electoral Commission is a constitutional creation, of the National Assembly in procedural matters will inevitably
observations of Justice Field, who was a member of that body invested with the necessary authority in the performance and lead to the ultimate control by the Assembly of the entire
on the part of the Supreme Court (Countryman, the Supreme execution of the limited and specific function assigned to it by proceedings of the Electoral Commission, and, by indirection, to
Court of the United States and its Appellate Power under the Constitution. Although it is not a power in our tripartite the entire abrogation of the constitutional grant. It is obvious
the Constitution [Albany, 1913]-Relentless Partisanship of scheme of government, it is, to all intents and purposes, when that this result should not be permitted.
Electoral Commission, p. 25 et seq.), the experiment has at least acting within the limits of its authority, an independent organ. It We are not insensible to the impassioned argument of
abiding historical interest. is, to be sure, closer to the legislative department than to any the learned counsel for the petitioner regarding the importance
The members of the Constitutional Convention who other. The location of the provision (section 4) creating the and necessity of respecting the dignity and independence of the
framed our fundamental law were in their majority men mature Electoral Commission under Article VI entitled "Legislative National Assembly as a coordinate department of the
in years and experience. To be sure, many of them were Department" of our Constitution is very indicative. Its government and of according validity to its acts, to avoid what
familiar with the history and political development of other composition is also significant in that it is constituted by a he characterized would be practically an unlimited power of the
countries of the world. When, therefore, they deemed it wise to majority of members of the legislature. But it is a body separate commission in the admission of protests against members of
create an Electoral Commission as a constitutional organ and from and independent of the legislature. the National Assembly. But as we have pointed out
invested it with the exclusive function of passing upon and The grant of power to the Electoral Commission to hereinabove, the creation of the Electoral Commission carried
determining the election, returns and qualifications of the judge all contests relating to the election, returns and with it ex necesitate rei the power regulative in character to
members of the National Assembly, they must have done so not qualifications of members of the National Assembly, is intended limit the time within which protests intrusted to its cognizance
only in the light of their own experience but also having in view to be as complete and unimpaired as if it had remained should be filed. It is a settled rule of construction that where a
the experience of other enlightened peoples of the world. The originally in the legislature. The express lodging of that power in general power is conferred or duty enjoined, every particular
creation of the Electoral Commission was designed to remedy the Electoral Commission is an implied denial of the exercise of power necessary for the exercise of the one or the performance
certain evils of which the framers of our Constitution were that power by the National Assembly. And this is as effective a of the other is also conferred (Cooley, Constitutional
cognizant. Notwithstanding the vigorous opposition of some restriction upon the legislative power as an express prohibition Limitations, eighth ed., vol. I, pp. 138, 139). In the absence of
members of the Convention to its creation, the plan, as in the Constitution (Ex parte Lewis, 45 Tex. Crim. Rep., 1; State any further constitutional provision relating to the procedure to
hereinabove stated, was approved by that body by a vote of 98 vs. Whisman, 36 S. D., 260; L. R. A., 1917B, 1). If we concede the be followed in filing protests before the Electoral Commission,
against 58. All that can be said now is that, upon the approval of power claimed in behalf of the National Assembly that said therefore, the incidental power to promulgate such rules
the Constitution, the creation of the Electoral Commission is the body may regulate the proceedings of the Electoral Commission necessary for the proper exercise of its exclusive power to judge
and cut off the power of the commission to lay down the period all contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of
members of the National Assembly, must be deemed by
necessary implication to have been lodged also in the Electoral the petitioner, Jose A. Angara, was approved by that body on whose election no protests have been filed is, to all legal
Commission. December 3, 11935. The protest by the herein respondent purposes, unnecessary. As contended by the Electoral
It is, indeed, possible that, as suggested by counsel for Pedro Ynsua against the election of the petitioner was filed on Commission in its resolution of January 23, 1936, overruling the
the petitioner, the Electoral Commission may abuse its December 9 of the same year. The pleadings do not show when motion of the herein petitioner to dismiss the protest filed by
regulative authority by admitting protests beyond any the Electoral Commission was formally organized but it does the respondent Pedro Ynsua, confirmation of the election of
reasonable time, to the disturbance of the tranquillity and appear that on December 9, 1935, the Electoral Commission any member is not required by the Constitution before he can
peace of mind of the members of the National Assembly. But met for the first time and approved a resolution fixing said date discharge his duties as such member. As a matter of fact,
the possibility of abuse is not an argument against the as the last day for the filing of election protests. When, certification by the proper provincial board of canvassers is
concession of the power as there is no power that is not therefore, the National Assembly passed its resolution of sufficient to entitle a member-elect to a seat in the National
susceptible of abuse. In the second place, if any mistake has December 3, 1935, confirming the election of the petitioner to Assembly and to render him eligible to any office in said body
been committed in the creation of an Electoral Commission and the National Assembly, the Electoral Commission had not yet (No. 1, par. 1, Rules of the National Assembly, adopted
in investing it with exclusive jurisdiction in all cases relating to met; neither does it appear that said body has actually been December 6, 1935).
the election, returns, and qualifications of members of the organized. As a matter of fact, according to certified copies of Under the practice prevailing both in the English House
National Assembly, the remedy is political, not judicial, and official records on file in the archives division of the National of Commons and in the Congress of the United States,
must be sought through the ordinary processes of democracy. Assembly attached to the record of this case upon the petition confirmation is neither necessary in order to entitle a member-
All the possible abuses of the government are not intended to of the petitioner, the three justices of the Supreme Court and elect to take his seat. The return of the proper election officers
be corrected by the judiciary. We believe, however, that the the six members of the National Assembly constituting the in sufficient, and the member-elect presenting such return
people in creating the Electoral Commission reposed as much Electoral Commission were respectively designated only on begins to enjoy the privileges of a member from the time that
confidence in this body in the exclusive determination of the December 4 and 6, 1935. If Resolution No. 8 of the National he takes his oath of office (Laws of England, vol. 12, pp. 331,
specified cases assigned to it, as they have given to the Assembly confirming non-protested elections of members of 332; vol. 21, pp. 694, 695; U. S. C. A., Title 2, secs. 21, 25, 26).
Supreme Court in the proper cases entrusted to it for decision. the National Assembly had the effect of limiting or tolling the Confirmation is in order only in cases of contested elections
All the agencies of the government were designed by time for the presentation of protests, the result would be that where the decision is adverse to the claims of the protestant. In
theConstitution to achieve specific purposes, and each the National Assembly — on the hypothesis that it still retained England, the judges' decision or report in controverted elections
constitutional organ working within its own particular sphere of the incidental power of regulation in such cases — had already is certified to the Speaker of the House of Commons, and the
discretionary action must be deemed to be animated with the barred the presentation of protests before the Electoral House, upon being informed of such certificate or report by the
same zealand honesty in accomplishing the great ends for Commission had had time to organize itself and deliberate on Speaker, is required to enter the same upon the Journals, and
which they were created by the sovereign will. That the the mode and method to be followed in a matter entrusted to is to give such directions for confirming or altering the return, or
actuations of these constitutional agencies might leave much to exclusive jurisdiction by theConstitution. This result was not and for the issue of a writ for a new election, or for carrying into
be desired in given instances, is inherent in the imperfections of could not have been contemplated,and should be avoided. execution the determination as circumstances may require (31
human institutions. In the third place, from the fact that the From another angle, Resolution No. 8 of the National & 32 Vict., c. 125, sec. 13). In the United States, it is believed,
Electoral Commission may not be interfered with in the exercise Assembly confirming the election of members against whom no the order or decision of the particular house itself is generally
of its legitimate power, it does not follow that its acts, however protests had been filed at the time of its passage on December regarded as sufficient, without any actual alteration or
illegal or unconstitutional, may not be challenged in appropriate 3, 1935, can not be construed as a limitation upon the time for amendment of the return (Cushing, Law and Practice of
cases over which the courts may exercise jurisdiction. the initiation of election contests. While there might have been Legislative Assemblies, 9th ed., sec. 166).
But independently of the legal and constitutional good reason for the legislative practice of confirmation of the Under the practice prevailing when the Jones Law was
aspects of the present case, there are considerations of election of members of the legislature at the time when the still force, each house of the Philippine Legislature fixed the
equitable character that should not be overlooked in the power to decide election contests was still lodged in the time when protests against the election of any of its members
appreciation of the intrinsic merits of the controversy. The legislature, confirmation alone by the legislature cannot be should be filed. This was expressly authorized by section 18 of
Commonwealth Government was inaugurated on November construed as depriving the Electoral Commission of the the Jones Law making each house the sole judge of the election,
15, 1935, on which date the Constitution, except as to the authority incidental to its constitutional power to be "the sole returns and qualifications of its members, as well as by a law
provisions mentioned in section 6 of Article XV thereof, went judge of all contests relating to the election, returns, and (sec. 478, Act No. 3387) empowering each house to respectively
into effect. The new National Assembly convened on November qualifications of the members of the National Assembly", to fix prescribe by resolution the time and manner of filing contest in
25th of that year, and the resolution confirming the election of the time for the filing of said election protests. Confirmation by the election of members of said bodies. As a matter of
the National Assembly of the returns of its members against
formality, after the time fixed by its rules for the filing of government transcends the Constitution, which is the source of (l) That confirmation by the National Assembly of the
protests had already expired, each house passed a resolution all authority. election of any member, irrespective of whether his election is
confirming or approving the returns of such members against (e) That the Electoral Commission is an independent contested or not, is not essential before such member-elect
whose election no protests had been filed within the prescribed constitutional creation with specific powers and functions to may discharge the duties and enjoy the privileges of a member
time. This was interpreted as cutting off the filing of further execute and perform, closer for purposes of classification to the of the National Assembly.
protests against the election of those members not theretofore legislative than to any of the other two departments of the (m) That confirmation by the National Assembly of the
contested (Amistad vs. Claravall [Isabela], Second Philippine government. election of any member against whom no protest had been
Legislature, Record-First Period, p. 89; Urgello vs. Rama [Third (f) That the Electoral Commission is the sole judge of filed prior to said confirmation, does not and cannot deprive
District, Cebu], Sixth Philippine Legislature; Fetalvero vs. Festin all contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of the Electoral Commission of its incidental power to prescribe
[Romblon], Sixth Philippine Legislature, Record — First Period, members of the National Assembly. the time within which protest against the election of any
pp. 637-640; Kintanar vs. Aldanese [Fourth District, Cebu], Sixth member of the National Assembly should be filed.
(g) That under the organic law prevailing before the
Philippine Legislature, Record-First Period, pp. 1121, 1122; We hold, therefore, that the Electoral Commission was
present Constitution went into effect, each house of the
Aguilar vs. Corpus [Masbate], Eighth Philippine Legislature, acting within the legitimate exercise of its constitutional
Record-First Period, vol. III, No. 56, pp. 892, 893). legislature was respectively the sole judge of the elections,
returns, and qualifications of their elective members. prerogative in assuming to take cognizance of the protest filed
The Constitution has repealed section 18 of the Jones Law. Act by the respondent Pedro Ynsua against the election of the
No. 3387, section 478, must be deemed to have been impliedly (h) That the present Constitution has transferred all
the powers previously exercised by the legislature with respect herein petitioner Jose A. Angara, and that the resolution of the
abrogated also, for the reason that with the power to National Assembly of December 3, 1935 can not in any manner
determine all contests relating to the election, returns and to contests relating to the election, returns and qualifications of
its members, to the Electoral Commission. toll the time for filing protests against the election, returns and
qualifications of members of the National Assembly, is qualifications of members of the National Assembly, nor
inseparably linked the authority to prescribe regulations for the (i) That such transfer of power from the legislature to
prevent the filing of a protest within such time as the rules of
exercise of that power. There was thus no law nor the Electoral Commission was full, clear and complete, and
the Electoral Commission might prescribe.
constitutional provision which authorized the National carried with it ex necesitate rei the implied power inter alia to
prescribe the rules and regulations as to the time and manner In view of the conclusion reached by us relative to the
Assembly to fix, as it is alleged to have fixed on December 3,
of filing protests. character of the Electoral Commission as a constitutional
1935, the time for the filing of contests against the election of
its members. And what the National Assembly could not do creation and as to the scope and extent of its authority under
(j) That the avowed purpose in creating the Electoral the facts of the present controversy, we deem it unnecessary to
directly, it could not do by indirection through the medium of Commission was to have an independent constitutional organ
determine whether the Electoral Commission is an inferior
confirmation. pass upon all contests relating to the election, returns and
tribunal, corporation, board or person within the purview of
Summarizing, we conclude: qualifications of members of the National Assembly, devoid of
sections 226 and 516 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(a) That the government established by partisan influence or consideration, which object would be
frustrated if the National Assembly were to retain the power to The petition for a writ of prohibition against the
the Constitution follows fundamentally the theory of separation Electoral Commission is hereby denied, with costs against the
of powers into the legislative, the executive and the judicial. prescribe rules and regulations regarding the manner of
conducting said contests. petitioner. So ordered.
(b) That the system of checks and balances and the Avanceña, C.J., Diaz, Concepcion and Horrilleno,
overlapping of functions and duties often makes difficult the (k) That section 4 of article VI of
the Constitution repealed not only section 18 of the Jones JJ., concur.
delimitation of the powers granted.
Law making each house of the Philippine Legislature Separate Opinions
(c) That in cases of conflict between the several
departments and among the agencies thereof, the judiciary, respectively the sole judge of the elections, returns and ABAD SANTOS, J., concurring:
qualifications of its elective members, but also section 478 I concur in the result and in most of the views so ably
with the Supreme Court as the final arbiter, is the only
of Act No. 3387 empowering each house to prescribe by expressed in the preceding opinion. I am, however, constrained
constitutional mechanism devised finally to resolve the conflict
resolution the time and manner of filing contests against the to withhold my assent to certain conclusions therein advanced.
and allocate constitutional boundaries.
election of its members, the time and manner of notifying the The power vested in the Electoral Commission by
(d) That judicial supremacy is but the power of judicial adverse party,and bond or bonds, to be required, if any, and to
review in actual and appropriate cases and controversies, and is the Constitution of judging of all contests relating to the
fix the costs and expenses of contest. election, returns, and qualifications of the members of the
the power and duty to see that no one branch or agency of the
National Assembly, is judicial in nature. (Thomas vs. Loney, 134
U.S., 372; 33 Law. ed., 949, 951.) On the other hand, the power "The Senate and the House of in so far as the power to judge election contests is concerned,
to regulate the time in which notice of a contested election may Representatives shall by resolution respectively corresponds to either the Senate or the House of
be given, is legislative in character. (M'Elmoyle vs. Cohen, 13 prescribe the time and manner of filing contest Representatives under the former regime. It is important to
Pet., 312; 10 Law. ed., 177; Missouri vs. Illinois, 200 U. S., 496; in the election of members of said bodies, the observe in this connection that said section 478 of the Election
50 Law. ed., 572.). time and manner of notifying the adverse party, Law vested the power to regulate the time and manner in
It has been correctly stated that the government and bond or bonds, to be required, if any, and which notice of a contested election may be given, not in the
established by the Constitution follows fundamentally the shall fix the costs and expenses of contest which Philippine Legislature but in the Senate and House of
theory of the separation of powers into legislative, executive, may be paid from their respective funds." Representatives singly. In other words, the authority to
and judicial. Legislative power is vested in the National The purpose sought to be attained by the creation of prescribe the time and manner of filing contests in the election
Assembly. (Article VI, sec. 1.) In the absence of any clear the Electoral Commission was not to erect a body that would be of members of the Philippine Legislature was by statute lodged
constitutional provision to the contrary, the power to regulate above the law, but to raise legislative election contests from the separately in the bodies clothed with power to decide such
the time in which notice of a contested election may be given, category of political to that of justiciable questions. The contests. Construing section 478 of the Election Law to refer to
must be deemed to be included in the grant of legislative power purpose was not to place the commission beyond the reach of the National Assembly, as required by Article XV, section 2, of
to the National Assembly. the law, but to insure the determination of such contests with the Constitution, it seems reasonable to conclude that the
The Constitution of the United States contains a due process of law. authority to prescribe the time and manner of filing contests in
provision similar to that found in Article VI, section 4, of Section 478 of the Election Law was in force at the the election of members of the National Assembly is vested in
the Constitution of the Philippines. Article I, section 5, of the time of the adoption of the Constitution, Article XV, section 2, the Electoral Commission, which is now the body clothed with
Constitution of the United States provides that each house of of which provides that — power to decide such contests.
the Congress shall be the judge of the elections, returns, and "All laws of the Philippine Islands shall In the light of what has been said, the resolution of the
qualifications of its own members. Notwithstanding this continue in force until the inauguration of the National Assembly of December 3, 1935, could not have the
provision, the Congress has assumed the power to regulate the Commonwealth of the Philippines; thereafter, effect of barring the right of the respondent Pedro Ynsua to
time in which notice of a contested election may be given. Thus such laws shall remain operative, unless contest the election of the petitioner. By the same token, the
section 201, Title 2, of the United States Code Annotated inconsistent with this Constitution, until Electoral Commission was authorized by law to adopt its
prescribes: amended, altered, modified, or repealed by the resolution of December 9, 1935, which fixed the time within
"Whenever any person intends to National Assembly, and all references in such which written written contests must be filed with the
contest an election of any Member of the House laws to the Government or officials of the commission.
of Representatives of the united States, he shall, Philippine Islands shall be construed, in so far as Having been filed within the time fixed by its
within thirty days after the result of such applicable, to refer to the Government and resolution, the Electoral Commission has jurisdiction to hear
election shall have been determined by the corresponding officials under this Constitution." and determine the contest filed by the respondent Pedro Ynsua
office or board of canvassers authorized by law The manifest purpose of this constitutional provision against the petitioner Jose A. Angara. Writ denied.
to determine the same, give notice, in writing, was to insure the orderly processes of government, and to ||| (Angara v. Electoral Commission, G.R. No. 45081, [July 15, 1936],
to the Member whose seat he designs to prevent any hiatus in its operation after the inauguration of the 63 PHIL 139-187)
contest, of his intention to contest the same, Commonwealth of the Philippines. It was thus provided that all
and, in such notice, shall specify particularly the laws of the Philippine Islands shall remain operative even after
grounds upon which he relies in the contest." the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Philippines,
(R.S., par. 105.) unless inconsistent with the Constitution, and that all
The Philippine Autonomy Act, otherwise known as references in such laws to the government or officials of the
the Jones Law, also contained a provision to the effect that the Philippine Islands shall be construed, in so far as applicable, to
Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, shall be the refer to the government and corresponding officials under
sole judges of the elections, returns, and qualifications of their the Constitution. It would seem to be consistent not only with
elective members. Notwithstanding this provision, the the spirit but with the letter of the Constitution to hold that
Philippine Legislature passed the Election Law, section 478 of section 478 of the Election Law remains operative and should
which reads as follows: now be construed to refer to the Electoral Commission, which,
EN BANC actions, determinations, and orders of executive officials as they contemplated by the Constitutional prohibition is designation, for
[A.M. No. 88-7-1861-RTC. October 5, 1988.] administer the laws and try to make government effective. There is example, to such quasi-judicial bodies as the SEC, or administrative
IN RE: DESIGNATION OF JUDGE RODOLFO an element of positive action, of supervision or control. agencies like the BIR. Those are full-time positions involving running
U. MANZANO AS MEMBER OF THE ILOCOS NORTE 2. ID.; ID.; ID.; PROVINCIAL/CITY COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE; DOES the affairs of government, which will interfere with the discharge of
ANY INDIVIDUAL. — Membership in the Provincial or City performance of his regular functions. The Committee on Justice
SYLLABUS cannot be likened to such an administrative agency of government.
Committee on Justice would not involve any regulation or control
1. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 856, AS It is a study group with recommendatory functions. In fact,
over the conduct and affairs of individuals. Neither will the
AMENDED; PROVINCIAL/CITY COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE; PERFORMS membership by members of the Bench in said committee is called
Committee on Justice promulgate rules and regulations nor exercise
ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS. — It is evident that such for by reason of the primary functions of their position.
any quasi-legislative functions. Its work is purely advisory. I do not
Provincial/City Committees on Justice perform administrative see anything wrong in a member of the judiciary joining any study RESOLUTION
functions. Administrative functions are those which involve the
group which concentrates on the administration of justice as long as PADILLA, J p:
regulation and control over the conduct and affairs of individuals for
the group merely deliberates on problems involving the speedy On 4 July 1988, Judge Rodolfo U. Manzano, Executive Judge, RTC,
their own welfare and the promulgation of rules and regulations to disposition of cases particularly those involving the poor and needy
better carry out the policy of the legislature or such as are devolved Bangui, Ilocos Norte, Branch 19, sent this Court a letter which reads:
litigants or detainees, pools the expertise and experiences of the
upon the administrative agency by the organic law of its existence. "Hon. Marcelo Fernan
members, and limits itself to recommendations which may be
adopted or rejected by those who have the power to legislate or
PROHIBITION TO MEMBERS OF THE JUDICIARY REGARDING THEIR administer the particular function involved in their implementation. of the Philippines
ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES. — Under the Constitution, the Thru channels: Hon. Leo Medialdea
members of the Supreme Court and other courts established by law Court Administrator
shall not be designated to any agency performing quasi-judicial or FUNCTIONS AS THEY DO TO THE PROVISIONS GOVERNING THE Supreme Court of the Philippines
administrative functions (Section 12, Art. VIII, Constitution). Sir:
OTHER DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. — It is well for this Court
Considering that membership of Judge Manzano in the Ilocos Norte
to be generally cautious, conservative or restrictive when it By Executive Order RF6-04 issued on June 21,
Provincial Committee on Justice, which discharges administrative interprets provisions of the Constitution or statutes vesting us with
functions, will be in violation of the Constitution, the Court is 1988 by the Honorable Provincial Governor of
powers or delimiting the exercise of our jurisdiction and functions. Ilocos Norte, Hon. Rodolfo C. Fariñas, I was
constrained to deny his request. This declaration does not mean
However, we should not overdo it. The basic principles of designated as a member of the Ilocos Norte
that RTC Judges should adopt an attitude of monastic insensibility or
constitutional interpretation apply as well to the provisions which Provincial Committee on Justice created
unbecoming indifference to Province/City Committee on Justice. As define or circumscribe our powers and functions as they do to the
incumbent RTC Judges, they form part of the structure of pursuant to Presidential Executive Order No.
provisions governing the other departments of government. The 856 of 12 December 1986, as amended by
government. Their integrity and performance in the adjudication of
Court should not adopt a strained construction which impairs its Executive Order No. 326 of June 1,
cases contribute to the solidity of such structure. As public officials, own efficiency to meet the responsibilities brought about by the
they are trustees of an orderly society. Even as non-members of 1988. Inconsonance with Executive Order RF6-
changing times and conditions of society. The familiar quotation is 04, the Honorable Provincial Governor of Ilocos
Provincial/City Committees on Justice, RTC judges should render
apt in this case — constitutional provisions are interpreted by the Norte issued my appointment as a member of
assistance to said Committees to help promote the laudable
spirit which vivifies and not by the letter which killeth. the Committee. For your ready reference, I am
purposes for which they exist, but only when such assistance may
be reasonably incidental to the fulfillment of their judicial duties. Melencio-Herrera, J., dissenting: enclosing herewith machine copies of Executive
CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; SEC. 12, ART. VIII, 1987 CONSTITUTION; Order RF6-04 and the appointment.
Gutierrez, Jr., J., dissenting:
1. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 856, AS enter in the discharge of the powers and duties
AMENDED; "ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS" HOW CONSTRUED. — PROHIBITION. — Justices Melencio-Herrera hesitates to give such a of the position as member of the Ilocos (Norte)
"Administrative functions" as used in Section 12 refers to the Provincial Committee on Justice, may I have the
restrictive and impractical interpretation to Section 12, Article VIII
executive machinery of government and the performance by that honor to request for the issuance by the
of the 1987 Constitution, and thus join the dissent of Justice
machinery of governmental acts. It refers to the management Gutierrez, Jr. What Justice Melencio-Herrera believes as
Honorable Supreme Court of a Resolution, as 3.5 Recommend revision of any law or Barredo, can pass on his actuation. He is not a
follows: regulation which is believed prejudicial to the subordinate of an executive or legislative
(1) Authorizing me to proper administration of criminal justice. official, however eminent. It is indispensable
accept the appointment and to It is evident that such Provincial/City Committees on Justice that there be no exception to the rigidity of such
assume and discharge the powers perform administrative functions. Administrative functions are a norm if he is, as expected, to be confined to
and duties attached to the said those which involve the regulation and control over the conduct the task of adjudication. Fidelity to his sworn
position; and affairs of individuals for their own welfare and the responsibility no leas than the maintenance of
(2) Considering my promulgation of rules and regulations to better carry out the respect for the judiciary can be satisfied with
membership in the Committee as policy of the legislature or such as are devolved upon the nothing less."
neither violative of the administrative agency by the organic law of its existence
Independence of the Judiciary nor (Nasipit Integrated Arrastre and Stevedoring Services Inc., vs. This declaration does not mean that RTC Judges should adopt an
a violation of Section 12, Article Tapucar, SP-07599-R, 29 September 1978, Black's Law attitude of monastic insensibility or unbecoming indifference to
VIII, or of the second paragraph of Dictionary). Province/City Committee on Justice. As incumbent RTC Judges, they
Section 7, Article IX (B), both of Furthermore, under Executive Order No. 326 amending Executive form part of the structure of government. Their integrity and
the Constitution, and will Order No. 856, it is provided that — performance in the adjudication of cases contribute to the solidity
not in any way amount to an "SECTION 6. Supervision. — The Provincial/City of such structure. As public officials, they are trustees of an orderly
abandonment of my present Committees on Justice shall be under the society. Even as non-members of Provincial/City Committees on
position as Executive Judge of supervision of the Secretary of Justice. Quarterly Justice, RTC judges should render assistance to said Committees to
Branch XIX, Regional Trial Court, accomplishment reports shall be submitted to help promote the laudable purposes for which they exist, but only
First Judicial Region, and as a the Office of the Secretary of Justice." when such assistance may be reasonably incidental to the
member of the Judiciary; and Under the Constitution, the members of the Supreme Court and fulfillment of their judicial duties. cdll
(3) Consider my other courts established by law shall not be designated to any ACCORDINGLY, the aforesaid request of Judge Rodolfo
membership in the said agency performing quasi-judicial or administrative functions U. Manzano is DENIED.
Committee as part of the primary (Section 12, Art. VIII, Constitution). SO ORDERED.
functions of an Executive Judge. Considering that membership of Judge Manzano in the Ilocos Norte Cruz, Paras, Feliciano, Gancayco, Bidin, Sarmiento, Cortes,
May I please be favored soon by your action on Provincial Committee on Justice, which discharges administrative Medialdea and Regalado, JJ., concur.
this request. functions, will be in violation of theConstitution, the Court is Separate Opinions
Very respectfully yours, constrained to deny his request. GUTIERREZ, JR., J., dissenting:
(Sgd) RODOLFO U. MANZANO Former Chief Justice Enrique M. Fernando in his concurring The Constitution prohibits the designation of members of the
Judge" opinion in the case of Garcia vs. Macaraig (39 SCRA 106) ably sets judiciary to any agency performing quasi-judicial or administrative
An examination of Executive Order No. 856, as amended, reveals forth: functions. (Section 12, Article VIII, Constitution.).
that Provincial/City Committees on Justice are created to insure the "2. While the doctrine of separation of powers is Insofar as the term "quasi-judicial" is concerned, it has a fairly clear
speedy disposition of cases of detainees, particularly those involving a relative theory not to be enforced with meaning and Judges can confidently refrain from participating in the
the poor and indigent ones, thus alleviating jail congestion and pedantic rigor, the practical demands of work of any administrative agency which adjudicates disputes and
improving local jail conditions. Among the functions of the government precluding its doctrinaire controversies involving the rights of parties within its jurisdiction.
Committee are — application, it cannot justify a member of the The issue involved in this case is where to draw the line insofar as
3.3 Receive complaints against any judiciary being required to assume a position or administrative functions are concerned.
apprehending officer, jail warden, fiscal or judge perform a duty non-judicial in character. That is
"Administrative functions" as used in Section 12 refers to the
who may be found to have committed implicit in the principle. Otherwise there is a
plain departure from its command. The essence executive machinery of government and the performance by that
abuses in the discharge of his duties and refer machinery of governmental acts. It refers to the management
the same to proper authority for appropriate of the trust reposed in him is to decide. Only a
actions, determinations, and orders of executive officials as they
action; higher court, as was emphasized by Justice
administer the laws and try to make government effective. There is Can Judges be designated as observers? Advisers? Consultants? Is it I hesitate to give such a restrictive and impractical interpretation to
an element of positive action, of supervision or control. the act of being "designated" which is proscribed by Section 12, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution, and thus join the
Applying the definition given in the opinion of the majority which the Constitution or is it participation in the prohibited functions? If dissent of Justice Gutierrez, Jr.
reads: Judges cannot become members, why should they be allowed or What I believe is contemplated by the Constitutional prohibition is
"Administrative functions are those which even encouraged to assist these Committees? The line drawn by the designation, for example, to such quasi-judicial bodies as the SEC, or
involve the regulation and control over the majority is vague and unrealistic. administrative agencies like the BIR. Those are full-time positions
conduct and affairs of individuals for their own The constitutional provision is intended to shield Judges from involving running the affairs of government, which will interfere
welfare and the promulgation of rules and participating in activities which may compromise their with the discharge of judicial functions or totally remove a
regulations to better carry out the policy of the independence or hamper their work. Studying problems involving Judge/Justice from the performance of his regular functions.
legislature or such as are devolved upon the the administration of justice and arriving at purely recommendatory The Committee on Justice cannot be likened to such an
administrative agency by the organic law of its solutions do not in any way involve the encroachment of the administrative agency of government. It is a study group with
existence (Nasipit Integrated Arrastre and judiciary into executive or legislative functions or into matters which recommendatory functions. In fact, membership by members of the
Stevedoring Services Inc. v. Tapucar, SP-07599- are none of its concerns. Much less is it an encroachment of the Bench in said committee is called for by reason of the primary
R, 29 September 1978, Black's Law Dictionary.)" other departments into judicial affairs. functions of their position.
we can readily see that membership in the Provincial or City As the visible representation of the law and of justice in his The matter of supervision by the Secretary of Justice provided for
Committee on Justice would not involve any regulation or community, the Judge should not shy away from public activities under EO No. 326 amending EO No. 856, need not be a cause for
control over the conduct and affairs of individuals. Neither will which do not interfere with the prompt and proper performance of concern. That supervision is confined to Committee work and will by
the Committee on Justice promulgate rules and regulations nor his office, but which, in fact, enhance his effectiveness as a Judge. no means extend to the performance of judicial functions per se.
exercise any quasi-legislative functions. Its work is purely He cannot stop mingling in civic intercourse or shut himself into ||| (In re: Manzano, A.M. No. 88-7-1861-RTC (Resolution), [October
advisory. I do not see anything wrong ina member of the solitary seclusion. The Committees on Justice will also be immensely
5, 1988], 248 PHIL 487-496)
judiciary joining any study group which concentrates on the benefited by the presence of Judges in the study groups. The work
administration of justice as long as the group merely deliberates of the Committees is quite important. Let it not be said that the
on problems involving the speedy disposition of cases Judges — the officials most concerned with justice — have hesitated
particularly those involving the poor and needy litigants or to join in such a worthy undertaking because of a strained
detainees, pools the expertise and experiences of the members, interpretation of their functions.
and limits itself to recommendations which may be adopted or It is well for this Court to be generally cautious, conservative or
rejected by those who have the power to legislate or administer restrictive when it interprets provisions of the Constitution or
the particular function involved in their implementation. statutes vesting us with powers or delimiting the exercise of our
We who are Judges cannot operate in a vacuum or in a tight little jurisdiction and functions. However, we should not overdo it. The
world of our own. The administration of justice cannot be basic principles of constitutional interpretation apply as well to the
pigeonholed into neat compartments with Judges, Fiscals, Police, provisions which define or circumscribe our powers and functions as
Wardens, and various other officials concerned erecting watertight they do to the provisions governing the other departments of
barriers against one another and limiting our interaction to timidly government. The Court should not adopt a strained construction
peeping over these unnecessary and impractical barriers into one which impairs its own efficiency to meet the responsibilities brought
another's work, all the while blaming the Constitution for such a about by the changing times and conditions of society. The familiar
quixotic and unreal interpretation. As intimated in the majority quotation is apt in this case — constitutional provisions are
opinion, we should not be monastically insensible or indifferent to interpreted by the spirit which vivifies and not by the letter which
projects or movements cogitating on possible solutions to our killeth. Cdpr
common problems of justice and afterwards forwarding their I, therefore, dissent from the majority opinion and vote to allow
findings to the people, public or private, where their findings would Judge Rodolfo U. Manzano to become a member of the Ilocos Norte
do the most good. Provincial Committee on Justice.
The majority opinion suggests the giving of assistance by Judges to Fernan (C.J.), Narvasa and Griño-Aquino, JJ., concur.
the work of the Committees on Justice. Assistance is a vague term. MELENCIO-HERRERA, J., dissenting:
FIRST DIVISION 3. ID.; ID.; OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT; DEFINED; CASE AT BAR. — delegated is the discretion to determine how the law may be
[G.R. No. 76633. October 18, 1988.] Under the 1985 Rules and Regulations on Overseas Employment, enforced, not what the law shall be. The ascertainment of the latter
EASTERN SHIPPING LINES, overseas employment is defined as "employment of a worker subject is a prerogative of the legislature. This prerogative cannot be
INC., petitioner, vs. PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS outside the Philippines, including employment on board vessels abdicated or surrendered by the legislature to the delegate.
EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION, (POEA), plying international waters, covered by a valid contract." A contract 6. ID.; ID.; TESTS TO DETERMINE A VALID DELEGATION THEREOF. —
MINISTER OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT, worker is described as "any person working or who has worked There are two accepted tests to determine whether or not there is a
HEARING OFFICER ABDUL KASAR and overseas under a valid employment contract and shall include valid delegation of legislative power,viz,, the completeness test and
KATHLEEN D. SACO, respondents. seamen" or "any person working overseas or who has been the sufficient standard test. Under the first test, the law must be
employed by another which may be a local employer, foreign complete in all its terms and conditions when it leaves the
Jimenea, Dala & Zaragoza Law Office for petitioner.
employer, principal or partner under a valid employment contract legislature such that when it reaches the delegate the only thing he
The Solicitor General for public respondent. and shall include seamen." These definitions clearly apply to will have to do is enforce it. Under the sufficient standard test, there
Dizon Law Office for respondent Kathleen D. Saco. Vitaliano Saco for it is not disputed that he died while under a must be adequate guidelines or limitations in the law to map out
SYLLABUS contract of employment with the petitioner and alongside the the boundaries of the delegate's authority and prevent the
1. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE petitioner's vessel, the M/V Eastern Polaris, while berthed in a delegation from running riot. Both tests are intended to prevent a
REMEDIES; RATIONALE; EXCEPTION; CASE AT BAR. — The petitioner foreign country. total transference of legislative authority to the delegate, who is not
immediately came to this Court, prompting the Solicitor General to 4. ID.; ID.; ID.; MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 2; ADOPTION OF A allowed to step into the shoes of the legislature and exercise a
move for dismissal on the ground of non-exhaustion of STANDARD CONTRACT FOR OVERSEAS EMPLOYMENT; PROVISIONS power essentially legislative.
should first be appealed to the National Labor Relations VIOLATION OF SAID CIRCULAR. — The award of P180,000.00 for POWERS. — The principle of non-delegation of powers is applicable
Commission, on the theory inter alia that the agency should be death benefits and P12,000.00 for burial expenses was made by the to all the three major powers of the Government but is especially
given an opportunity to correct the errors, if any, of its POEA pursuant to its Memorandum Circular No. 2, which became important in the case of the legislative power because of the many
subordinates. This case comes under one of the exceptions, effective on February 1, 1984. This circular prescribed a standard instances when its delegation is permitted. The occasions are rare
however, as the questions the petitioner is raising are essentially contract to be adopted by both foreign and domestic shipping when executive or judicial powers have to be delegated by the
questions of law. Moreover, the private respondent himself has not companies in the hiring of Filipino seamen for overseas authorities to which they legally pertain. In the case of the
objected to the petitioner's direct resort to this Court, observing employment. A similar contract had earlier been required by the legislative power, however, such occasions have become more and
that the usual procedure would delay the disposition of the case to National Seamen Board and had been sustained in a number of more frequent, if not necessary. This had led to the observation that
her prejudice. cases by this Court. The petitioner claims that it had never entered the delegation of legislative power has become the rule and its non-
2. LABOR AND SOCIAL LEGISLATION; PHILIPPINE OVERSEAS into such a contract with the deceased Saco, but that is hardly a delegation the exception.
EMPLOYMENT ADMINISTRATION; CREATION; JURISDICTION. — The serious argument. In the first place, it should have done so as 8. ID.; ID.; ID.; RATIONALE. — The reason is the increasing
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration was created required by the circular, which specifically declared that "all parties complexity of the task of government and the growing inability of
under Executive Order No. 797, promulgated on May 1, 1982, to to the employment of any Filipino seamen on board any ocean- the legislature to cope directly with the myriad problems
promote and monitor the overseas employment of Filipinos and to going vessel are advised to adopt and use this employment contract demanding its attention. The growth of society has ramified its
protect their rights. It replaced the National Seamen Board created effective 01 February 1984 and to desist from using any other activities and created peculiar and sophisticated problems that the
earlier under Article 20 of the Labor Code in 1974. Under Section 4 format of employment contract effective that date." In the second legislature cannot be expected reasonably to comprehend.
(a) of the said executive order, the POEA is vested with "original and place, even if it had not done so, the provisions of the said circular Specialization even in legislation has become necessary. To many of
exclusive jurisdiction over all cases, including money claims, are nevertheless deemed written into the contract with Saco as a the problems attendant upon present-day undertakings, the
involving employee-employer relations arising out of or by virtue of postulate of the police power of the State. legislature may not have the competence to provide the required
any law or contract involving Filipino contract workers, including 5. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; NON-DELEGATION OF LEGISLATIVE direct and efficacious, not to say, specific solutions. These solutions
seamen." These cases, according to the 1985 Rules and Regulations POWER; WHAT CANNOT BE DELEGATED; PRINCIPLE EXPLAINED. — may, however, be expected from its delegates, who are supposed to
on Overseas Employment issued by the POEA, include "claims for But the petitioner questions the validity of Memorandum Circular be experts in the particular fields assigned to them.
death, disability and other benefits" arising out of such No. 2 itself as violative of the principle of non-delegation of 9. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; POWER OF SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION;
employment. legislative power. It is true that legislative discretion as to the PARTICULAR APPLICABILITY TO ADMINISTRATIVE BODIES. — The
substantive contents of the law cannot be delegated. What can he reasons given above for the delegation of legislative powers in
general are particularly applicable to administrative bodies. With same POEA that issued Memorandum Circular No. 2 has also Circular No. 2 of the POEA. The petitioner, as owner of the vessel,
the proliferation of specialized activities and their attendant peculiar sustained and applied it is an uninformed criticism of administrative argued that the complaint was cognizable not by the POEA but by
problems, the national legislature has found it more and more law itself. Administrative agencies are vested with two basic powers, the Social Security System and should have been filed against the
necessary to entrust to administrative agencies the authority to the quasi-legislative and the quasi-judicial. The first enables them to State Insurance Fund. The POEA nevertheless assumed jurisdiction
issue rules to carry out the general provisions of the statute. This is promulgate implementing rules and regulations, and the second and after considering the position papers of the parties ruled in
called the "power of subordinate legislation." With this power, enables them to interpret and apply such regulations. Examples favor of the complainant. The award consisted of P180,000.00 as
administrative bodies may implement the broad policies laid down abound: the Bureau of Internal Revenue adjudicates on its own death benefits and P12,000.00 for burial expenses.
in a statute by "filling in" the details which the Congress may not revenue regulations, the Central Bank on its own circulars, the The petitioner immediately came to this Court, prompting the
have the opportunity or competence to provide. This is effected by Securities and Exchange Commission on its own rules, as so too do Solicitor General to move for dismissal on the ground of non-
their promulgation of what are known as supplementary the Philippine Patent Office and the Videogram Regulatory Board exhaustion of administrative remedies.
regulations, such as the implementing rules issued by the and the Civil Aeronautics Administration and the Department of Ordinarily, the decisions of the POEA should first be appealed to the
Department of Labor on the new Labor Code. These regulations Natural Resources and so an ad infinitum on their respective National Labor Relations Commission, on the theory inter alia that
have the force and effect of law. administrative regulations. Such an arrangement has been accepted the agency should be given an opportunity to correct the errors, if
10. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ACCEPTED SUFFICIENT STANDARDS as a fact of life of modern governments and cannot be considered any, of its subordinates. This case comes under one of the
ENUNCIATED IN PREVIOUS CASES CITED AT BAR. — Parenthetically, violative of due process as long as the cardinal rights laid down by exceptions, however, as the questions the petitioner is raising are
it is recalled that this Court has accepted as sufficient standards Justice Laurel in the landmark case of Ang Tibay v. Court of essentially questions of law. 1 Moreover, the private respondent
"public interest" in People v. Rosenthal, "justice and equity" Industrial Relations (69 Phil. 635) are observed. himself has not objected to the petitioner's direct resort to this
in Antamok Gold Fields v. CIR, "public convenience and welfare" Court, observing that the usual procedure would delay the
in Calalang v. Williams, and "simplicity, economy and efficiency" 14. LABOR AND SOCIAL LEGISLATION; LABOR CODE; disposition of the case to her prejudice.
in Cervantes v. Auditor General, to mention only a few cases. In the INTERPRETATION; CONSTRUED IN FAVOR OF LABOR. — Whatever The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration was created
United States, the "sense and experience of men" was accepted in doubts may still remain regarding the rights of the parties in this under Executive Order No. 797, promulgated on May 1, 1982, to
Mutual Film Corp. v. Industrial Commission, and "national security" case are resolved in favor of the private respondent, in line with the promote and monitor the overseas employment of Filipinos and to
in Hirabayashi v. United States. express mandate of the Labor Code and the principle that those protect their rights. It replaced the National Seamen Board created
12. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; CASE AT BAR. — It is not denied that with less in life should have more in law. When the conflicting earlier under Article 20 of the Labor Code in 1974. Under Section 4
the private respondent has been receiving a monthly death benefit interests of labor and capital are weighed on the scales of social (a) of the said executive order, the POEA is vested with "original and
pension of P514.42 since March 1985 and that she was also paid a justice, the heavier influence of the latter must be counterbalanced exclusive jurisdiction over all cases, including money claims,
P1,000.00 funeral benefit by the Social Security System. In addition, by the sympathy and compassion the law must accord the under involving employee-employer relations arising out of or by virtue of
as already observed, she also received a P5,000.00 burial gratuity privileged worker. This is only fair if he is to be given the opportunity any law or contract involving Filipino contract workers, including
from the Welfare Fund for Overseas Workers. These payments will — and the right — to assert and defend his cause not as a seamen." These cases, according to the 1985 Rules and Regulations
not preclude allowance of the private respondent's claim against the subordinate but as a peer of management, with which he can on Overseas Employment issued by the POEA, include "claims for
petitioner because it is specifically reserved in the standard contract negotiate on even plane. Labor is not a mere employee of capital death, disability and other benefits" arising out of such
of employment for Filipino seamen under Memorandum Circular but its active and equal partner. employment. 2
No. 2, Series of 1984. The underscored portion is merely a DECISION The petitioner does not contend that Saco was not its employee or
reiteration of Memorandum Circular No. 22, issued by the National CRUZ, J p: that the claim of his widow is not compensable. What it does urge is
Seamen Board on July 12, 1976. The above provisions are that he was not an overseas worker but a domestic employee and
manifestations of the concern of the State for the working class, The private respondent in this case was awarded the sum of
P192,000.00 by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration consequently his widow's claim should have been filed with the
consistently with the social justice policy and the specific provisions Social Security System, subject to appeal to the Employees
(POEA) for the death of her husband. The decision is challenged by
in the Constitution calling for the protection of the working class Compensation Commission.
the petitioner on the principal ground that the POEA had no
and the promotion of its interest.
jurisdiction over the case as the husband was not an overseas We see no reason to disturb the factual finding of the POEA that
13. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; ADMINISTRATIVE AGENCIES; POWERS; worker. cdll Vitaliano Saco was an overseas employee of the petitioner at the
VESTED WITH QUASI-LEGISLATIVE AND QUASI-JUDICIAL POWERS. — time he met with the fatal accident in Japan in 1985.
Vitaliano Saco was Chief Officer of the M/V Eastern Polaris when he
One last challenge of the petitioner must be dealt with to close this
case. Its argument that it has been denied due process because the was killed in an accident in Tokyo, Japan, March 15, 1985. His widow Under the 1985 Rules and Regulations on Overseas Employment,
sued for damages under Executive Order No. 797 and Memorandum overseas employment is defined as "employment of a worker
outside the Philippines, including employment on board vessels adopted by both foreign and domestic shipping companies in the confiscated property as prescribed in the
plying international waters, covered by a valid contract." 3 A hiring of Filipino seamen for overseas employment. A similar questioned executive order. It is there
contract worker is described as "any person working or who has contract had earlier been required by the National Seamen Board authorized that the seized property shall be
worked overseas under a valid employment contract and shall and had been sustained in a number of cases by this Court. 10 The distributed to charitable institutions and other
include seamen" 4 or "any person working overseas or who has petitioner claims that it had never entered into such a contract with similar institutions as the Chairman of the
been employed by another which may be a local employer, foreign the deceased Saco, but that is hardly a serious argument. In the first National Meat Inspection Commission may see
employer, principal or partner under a valid employment contract place, it should have done so as required by the circular, which fit, in the case of carabaos.' (Emphasis supplied.)
and shall include seamen." 5 These definitions clearly apply to specifically declared that "all parties to the employment of any The phrase 'may see fit' is an extremely
Vitaliano Saco for it is not disputed that he died while under a Filipino seamen on board any ocean-going vessel are advised to generous and dangerous condition, if condition
contract of employment with the petitioner and alongside the adopt and use this employment contract effective 01 February 1984 it is. It is laden with perilous opportunities for
petitioner's vessel, the M/V Eastern Polaris, while berthed in a and to desist from using any other format of employment contract partiality and abuse, and even corruption. One
foreign country. 6 effective that date." In the second place, even if it had not done so, searches in vain for the usual standard and the
It is worth observing that the petitioner performed at least two acts the provisions of the said circular are nevertheless deemed written reasonable guidelines, or better still, the
which constitute implied or tacit recognition of the nature of Saco's into the contract with Saco as a postulate of the police power of the limitations that the said officers must observe
employment at the time of his death in 1985. The first is its State. 11 when they make their distribution. There is
submission of its shipping articles to the POEA for processing, But the petitioner questions the validity of Memorandum Circular none. Their options are apparently boundless.
formalization and approval in the exercise of its regulatory power No. 2 itself as violative of the principle of non-delegation of Who shall be the fortunate beneficiaries of their
over overseas employment under Executive Order No. 797. 7 The legislative power. It contends that no authority had been given the generosity and by what criteria shall they be
second is its payment 8 of the contributions mandated by law and POEA to promulgate the said regulation; and even with such chosen? Only the officers named can supply the
regulations to the Welfare Fund for Overseas Workers, which was authorization, the regulation represents an exercise of legislative answer, they and they alone may choose the
created by P.D. No. 1694 "for the purpose of providing social and discretion which, under the principle, is not subject to delegation. grantee as they see fit, and in their own
welfare services to Filipino overseas workers." prcd The authority to issue the said regulation is clearly provided exclusive discretion. Definitely, there is here a
Significantly, the office administering this fund, in the receipt it in Section 4(a) of Executive Order No. 797, reading as follows: 'roving commission,' a wide and sweeping
prepared for the private respondent's signature, described the authority that is not 'canalized within banks that
". . . The governing Board of the Administration keep it from overflowing,' in short a clearly
subject of the burial benefits as "overseas contract worker Vitaliano (POEA), as hereunder provided, shall
Saco." 9 While this receipt is certainly not controlling, it does profligate and therefore invalid delegation of
promulgate the necessary rules and regulations
indicate, in the light of the petitioner's own previous acts, that the legislative powers."
to govern the exercise of the adjudicatory
petitioner and the Fund to which it had made contributions functions of the Administration (POEA)."
considered Saco to be an overseas employee. Similar authorization had been granted the National Seamen There are two accepted tests to determine whether or not there is a
The petitioner argues that the deceased employee should be Board, which, as earlier observed, had itself prescribed a valid delegation of legislative power, viz,, the completeness test and
likened to the employees of the Philippine Air Lines who, although standard shipping contract substantially the same as the format the sufficient standard test. Under the first test, the law must be
working abroad in its international flights, are not considered adopted by the POEA. complete in all its terms and conditions when it leaves the
overseas workers. If this be so, the petitioner should not have found legislature such that when it reaches the delegate the only thing he
The second challenge is more serious as it is true that legislative
it necessary to submit its shipping articles to the POEA for will have to do is enforce it. 13 Under the sufficient standard test,
discretion as to the substantive contents of the law cannot be
processing, formalization and approval or to contribute to the there must be adequate guidelines or limitations in the law to map
delegated. What can be delegated is the discretion to out the boundaries of the delegate's authority and prevent the
Welfare Fund which is available only to overseas workers. determine how the law may be enforced, not what the law shall be.
Moreover, the analogy is hardly appropriate as the employees of delegation from running riot. 14 Both tests are intended to prevent
The ascertainment of the latter subject is a prerogative of the
the PAL cannot under the definitions given be considered seamen a total transference of legislative authority to the delegate, who is
legislature. This prerogative cannot be abdicated or surrendered by
nor are their appointments coursed through the POEA. LLpr not allowed to step into the shoes of the legislature and exercise a
the legislature to the delegate. Thus, in Ynot v. Intermediate power essentially legislative.
The award of P180,000.00 for death benefits and P12,000.00 for Appellate Court, 12 which annulled Executive Order No. 626, this
burial expenses was made by the POEA pursuant to Court held: The principle of non-delegation of powers is applicable to all the
its Memorandum Circular No. 2, which became effective on three major powers of the Government but is especially important
"We also mark, on top of all this, the in the case of the legislative power because of the many instances
February 1, 1984. This circular prescribed a standard contract to be questionable manner of the disposition of the
when its delegation is permitted. The occasions are rare when Parenthetically, it is recalled that this Court has accepted as "Income Benefits under this Rule Shall be
executive or judicial powers have to be delegated by the authorities sufficient standards "public interest" in People v. Considered Additional Benefits. —
to which they legally pertain. In the case of the legislative power, Rosenthal, 15 "justice and equity" in Antamok Gold Fields v. "All compensation benefits under Title 11, Book
however, such occasions have become more and more frequent, if CIR, 16 "public convenience and welfare" in Calalang v. Four of the Labor Code of the
not necessary. This had led to the observation that the delegation of Williams, 17 and "simplicity, economy and efficiency" in Cervantes v. Philippines (Employees Compensation and State
legislative power has become the rule and its non-delegation the Auditor General, 18 to mention only a few cases. In the United Insurance Fund)) shall be granted, in addition to
exception. States, the "sense and experience of men" was accepted in Mutual whatever benefits, gratuities or allowances that
The reason is the increasing complexity of the task of government Film Corp. v. Industrial Commission, 19 and "national security" in the seaman or his beneficiaries may be entitled
and the growing inability of the legislature to cope directly with the Hirabayashi v. United States. 20 to under the employment contract approved by
myriad problems demanding its attention. The growth of society has It is not denied that the private respondent has been receiving a the NSB. If applicable, all benefits under the
ramified its activities and created peculiar and sophisticated monthly death benefit pension of P514.42 since March 1985 and Social Security Law and the Philippine Medicare
problems that the legislature cannot be expected reasonably to that she was also paid a P1,000.00 funeral benefit by the Social Law shall be enjoyed by the seaman or his
comprehend. Specialization even in legislation has become Security System. In addition, as already observed, she also received beneficiaries in accordance with such laws."
necessary. To many of the problems attendant upon present-day a P5,000.00 burial gratuity from the Welfare Fund for Overseas The above provisions are manifestations of the concern of the State
undertakings, the legislature may not have the competence to Workers. These payments will not preclude allowance of the private for the working class, consistently with the social justice policy and
provide the required direct and efficacious, not to say, specific respondent's claim against the petitioner because it is specifically the specific provisions in the Constitution calling for the protection
solutions. These solutions may, however, be expected from its reserved in the standard contract of employment for Filipino of the working class and the promotion of its interest.
delegates, who are supposed to be experts in the particular fields seamen under Memorandum Circular No. 2, Series of 1984, that — One last challenge of the petitioner must be dealt with to close this
assigned to them. prcd "Section C. Compensation and Benefits. — case. Its argument that it has been denied due process because the
The reasons given above for the delegation of legislative powers in "1. In case of death of the seamen during the same POEA that issued Memorandum Circular No. 2 has also
general are particularly applicable to administrative bodies. With term of his Contract, the employer shall pay his sustained and applied it is an uninformed criticism of administrative
the proliferation of specialized activities and their attendant peculiar beneficiaries the amount of: law itself. Administrative agencies are vested with two basic powers,
problems, the national legislature has found it more and more "a. P220,000.00 for the quasi-legislative and the quasi-judicial. The first enables them to
necessary to entrust to administrative agencies the authority to master and chief engineers promulgate implementing rules and regulations, and the second
issue rules to carry out the general provisions of the statute. This is enables them to interpret and apply such regulations. Examples
"b. P180,000.00 for other
called the "power of subordinate legislation." abound: the Bureau of Internal Revenue adjudicates on its own
officers, including radio operators
With this power, administrative bodies may implement the broad and master electricians revenue regulations, the Central Bank on its own circulars, the
policies laid down in a statute by "filling in" the details which the Securities and Exchange Commission on its own rules, as so too do
Congress may not have the opportunity or competence to provide. "c. P130,000.00 for the Philippine Patent Office and the Videogram Regulatory Board
This is effected by their promulgation of what are known as and the Civil Aeronautics Administration and the Department of
supplementary regulations, such as the implementing rules issued "2. It is understood and agreed that the benefits Natural Resources and so an ad infinitum on their respective
by the Department of Labor on the new Labor Code. These mentioned above shall be separate and distinct administrative regulations. Such an arrangement has been accepted
regulations have the force and effect of law. from, and will be in addition to whatever as a fact of life of modern governments and cannot be considered
benefits which the seaman is entitled to under violative of due process as long as the cardinal rights laid down by
Memorandum Circular No. 2 is one such administrative regulation.
Philippine laws. . . . Justice Laurel in the landmark case of Ang Tibay v. Court of
The model contract prescribed thereby has been applied in a
significant number of cases without challenge by the employer. The "3. . . . Industrial Relations 21 are observed. LLjur
power of the POEA (and before it the National Seamen Board) in "c. If the remains of the seaman is buried in the Whatever doubts may still remain regarding the rights of the parties
requiring the model contract is not unlimited as there is a sufficient Philippines, the owners shall pay the in this case are resolved in favor of the private respondent, in line
standard guiding the delegate in the exercise of the said authority. beneficiaries of the seaman an amount not with the express mandate of the Labor Code and the principle that
That standard is discoverable in the executive order itself which, in exceeding P18,000.00 for burial expenses." those with less in life should have more in law.
creating the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration, The underscored portion is merely a reiteration of Memorandum When the conflicting interests of labor and capital are weighed on
mandated it to protect the rights of overseas Filipino workers to Circular No. 22, issued by the National Seamen Board on July 12, the scales of social justice, the heavier influence of the latter must
"fair and equitable employment practices." 1976, providing as follows: be counterbalanced by the sympathy and compassion the law must
accord the under privileged worker. This is only fair if he is to be
given the opportunity — and the right — to assert and defend his
cause not as a subordinate but as a peer of management, with
which he can negotiate on even plane. Labor is not a mere
employee of capital but its active and equal partner.
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED, with costs against the
petitioner. The temporary restraining order dated December 10,
1986 is hereby LIFTED. It is so ordered.
||| (Eastern Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration, G.R. No. 76633, [October 18, 1988], 248 PHIL 762-
FIRST DIVISION Thereafter or on October 10, 1973, at which time petitioner had GOVERNMENT-PARLIAMENTARY IN FORM was
[G.R. No. L-38025. August 20, 1979.] already completed presenting his evidence and in fact had rested his enforced. We find this provision under Article XI
DANTE O. CASIBANG, petitioner, vs. HONORABLE case, respondent Yu moved to dismiss the election protest of of the New Constitution, which provides:
NARCISO A. AQUINO, Judge of the Court of First petitioner on the ground that the trial court had lost jurisdiction 'SEC. 2. The National Assembly
Instance of Pangasinan, Branch XIV, and REMEGIO P. over the same in view of the effectivity of the 1973 Constitution by shall enact a local government code
YU,respondents. reason of which — (principally) Section 9 of Article XVII [Transitory which may not thereafter be amended
Provisions] and Section 2 of Article XI — a political question has except by a majority vote of all its
Nicanor S. Bautista and Agaton D. Yaranon for
intervened in the case. Respondent Yu contended that ". . the members, defining a more responsive
provisions in the 1935 Constitution relative to all local governments and accountable local government
Bince, Sevilleja, Agsalud & Associates for respondents. have been superseded by the 1973 Constitution. Therefore, all local structure with an effective system of
DECISION government should adhere to our Parliamentary form of recall, allocating among the different
MAKASIAR, J p: government. This is clear in the New Constitution under its Article local government units their powers,
Respondent Remigio P. Yu was proclaimed on November 9, 1971 as XI." He further submitted that local elective officials (including responsibilities, and resources, and
the elected Mayor of Rosales, Pangasinan in the 1971 local mayors) have no more four-year term of office. They are only in providing for the qualifications,
elections, by a plurality of 501 votes over his only rival, herein office at the pleasure of the appointing power embodied in the New election and removal, term, salaries,
petitioner, who seasonably filed on November 24, 1971 a protest Constitution, and under Section 9 of Article XVII. prcd powers, functions, and duties of local
against the election of the former with the Court of First Instance of Petitioner vigorously opposed the motion to dismiss, and, relying officials, and all other matters relating
Pangasinan, on the grounds of (1) anomalies and irregularities in the mainly on Sections 7 and 8 of Article XVII (Transitory Provisions) of to the organization and operation of
appreciation, counting and consideration of votes in specified the New Constitution and G.O. No. 3, contended that the the local units. However, any change in
electoral precincts; (2) terrorism; (3) rampant vote buying; (4) open New Constitution did not divest the Court of First Instance of its the existing form of local government
voting or balloting; and (5) excessive campaign expenditures and jurisdiction to hear and decide election protests pending before shall not take effect until ratified by a
other violations of the 1971 Election Code. Cdpr them at the time of its ratification and effectivity; that the majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite
Respondent Yu filed on November 29, 1971 his answer and counter- ratification of the New Constitution and its effectivity did not called for the purpose.'
protest which petitioner answered on December 10, 1971. automatically abolish the office and position of municipal mayor nor It is respectfully submitted that the
However, respondent Yu withdrew his counter-protest after waiving has it automatically cut short the tenure of the office, so as to contention of the protestant to the effect
the opening and revision of the ballot boxes specified therein. render the issue as to who is the lawfully elected candidate to said that the New Constitution 'shows that
office or position moot and academic; that election protests involve the office of the Municipal Mayor has not
Proceedings therein continued with respect to the election protest
public interest such that the same must be heard until terminated been abolished . . .,' is not ACCURATE.
of petitioner before the Court of First Instance of Pangasinan,
and may not be dismissed on mere speculation that the office Otherwise, the provisions of Section 9 of
Branch XIV, presided by respondent Judge, who initially took
involved may have been abolished, modified or reorganized; and Article XVII, is meaningless.
cognizance of the same as it is unquestionably a justiciable
that the motion to dismiss was filed manifestly for delay. 'All officials and employees in
Respondent Yu replied pointing out, among others, that petitioner the existing Government of the
In the meantime or on September 21, 1972, the incumbent
failed to refute the issue of political question; and reiterated his Republic shall continue in office until
President of the Republic of the Philippines issued Proclamation No.
stand, expanding his arguments on the political question, thus: otherwise provided by law or decreed
1081, placing the entire country under Martial Law; and two months
thereafter, more or less, or specifically on November 29, 1972, the "It is an undeniable fact that this case has its by the incumbent President of the
1971 Constitutional Convention passed and approved a Constitution source from the 1971 elections for municipal Philippines, . . ..'
to supplant the1935 Constitution; and the same was thereafter mayoralty. Unsatisfied with the counting of In the above-quoted provision is the
overwhelmingly ratified by the sovereign people of the Republic of votes held by the Board of Canvassers, the protection of the officials and employees
the Philippines on January 17, 1973; and on March 31, 1973, this herein protestant filed this present case. And working in our government, otherwise,
Court declared that "there is no further judicial obstacle to the new before the termination of the same and pending by the force of the New Constitution they
Constitution being considered in force and effect" (Javellana vs. trial, the Filipino people in the exercise of their are all out of the government offices. In
Executive Secretary, 50 SCRA 30 [1973]). LLpr free will and sovereign capacity approved a fact, in the case abovecited (Javellana)
we are all performing our duties in necessity and expediency of which are outside functions under the new Charter. It
accordance with the New Constitution. the range of judicial review. With respect to the seeks to nullify a Constitution that is
"Therefore, election cases of the 1935 fate of incumbent officials and employees in the already effective. In other words,
Constitution being interwoven in the political existing Government of the Republic of the where a complete change in the
complexion of our new Constitution should be Philippines, as well as to the qualifications, fundamental law has been effected
dismissed because only those incumbent official election and removal, term of office, salaries, through political action, the Court
and employees existing in the new government and powers of all local officials under the whose existence is affected by such a
are protected by the transitorial provisions of parliamentary form of government — these change is, in the words of Mr. Meville
the New Fundamental Law of the Land. The have been entrusted or delegated by the Fuller Weston, 'precluded from passing
protestant, we respectfully submit, is not sovereign people or has reserved it to be settled upon the fact of change by a logical
covered by the provisions of Section 9 Article by the incumbent Chief Executive or by the difficulty which is not to be
XVII of the Constitution. And in case he will win National Assembly with full discretionary surmounted,' as the change relates to
in this present case he has no right to hold the authority therefor. As if to supplement these the existence of a prior point in the
position of mayor of the town of Rosales, delegated powers, the people have also decreed Court's 'chain of title' to its authority
Pangasinan, because he was not then an official in a referendum the suspension of all elections. and 'does not relate merely to a
of the government at the time the New Thus, in the United States, questions relating to question of the horizontal distribution
Constitution was approved by the Filipino what persons or organizations constitute the of powers.' It involves a matter which
People. His right if proclaimed a winner is lawful government of a state of the Union 'the sovereign has entrusted to the so-
derived from the 1935 Constitution which is (Luther vs. Borden, 7 How. 1, 12, L. Ed. 58), and called political departments or has
changed by the Filipino people." those relating to the political status of a state reserved to be settled by its own extra-
On December 18, 1973, the trial court, presided by respondent (Highland Farms Dairy vs. Agnew, 57 S. et. 549, governmental action.' The present
Judge, sustained the political question theory of respondent Yu and 300 U.S. 608, 81 L.ed. 835), have been held to Government functions under the
ordered the dismissal of the electoral protest. Thus: be political and not for the judiciary to new Constitution which has become
determine. effective through political action.
"There is no dispute that the Filipino people Judicial power presupposes an
have accepted and submitted to a new "To the mind of the Court, therefore, the
ratification and effectivity of the established government and an
Constitution to replace the 1935 Constitution,
new Constitution has tainted this case with a effective constitution. If it decides at all
and that we are now living under its aegis and
political complexion above and beyond the as a court, it necessarily affirms the
protection. . . . existence and authority of the
power of judicial review. As fittingly commented
xxx xxx xxx Government under which it is
by Mr. Justice Antonio in a separate opinion in
"Under Section 9, Article XVII, of the the Javellana, et al. cases, 69 O.G. No. 36, exercising judicial power.'
new Constitution, above-quoted, only those September 3, 1973, p. 8008: "The Court is not unaware of provisions of the
officials and employees of the existing new Constitution, particularly Sections 7 and 8,
'The essentially political nature
Government of the Republic of the Philippines Article XVII (Transitory Provisions) decreeing
of the question is at once manifest by
like the protestee herein, are given protection that all existing laws not inconsistent with the
understanding that in the final analysis,
and are authorized to continue in office at the what is assailed is not merely the new Constitution shall remain operative until
pleasure of the incumbent President of the amended, modified, or repealed by the National
validity ofProclamation No. 1102 of the
Philippines, while under Section 2 of Article XI of Assembly, and that all courts existing at the time
President, which is merely declaratory
the new Constitution, also above-quoted, the of the ratification of the said
of the fact of the approval or
intention to completely revamp the whole local ratification, but the legitimacy of the new Constitution shall continue and exercise
government structure, providing for different their jurisdiction until otherwise provided by law
government. It is addressed more to
qualifications, election and removal, term, in accordance with the new Constitution, and all
the frame-work and political character
salaries, powers, functions, and duties, is very of this government which now cases pending in said courts shall be heard, tried
clear. These present questions of policy, the and determined under the laws then in force.
Again, to the mind of the Court, these refer to under protest or contest" and that "subject to the constraints and responsibilities of the office. In other words, the 'term' refers to
matters raised in the enforcement of existing specifically mentioned in Section 9, Article XVII of the Transitory the period, duration of length of time during which the occupant of
laws or in the invocation of a court's jurisdiction Provisions, it neither was, nor could have been the intention of the an office is entitled to stay therein whether such period be definite
which have not been 'entrusted to the so-called framers of our new fundamental law to disregard and shunt aside or indefinite. Hence, although Section 9, Article XVII of the
political department or has reserved to be the statutory right of a candidate for elective position who, within New Constitution made the term of the petitioners indefinite, it did
settled by its own extra-governmental action."' the time-frame prescribed in the Election Code of 1971, commenced not foreclose any challenge by the herein petitioners, in an election
Hence, this petition. proceedings beamed mainly at the proper determination in a protest, of the 'right' of the private respondents to continue holding
WE reverse. judicial forum of a proclaimed candidate-elect's right to the their respective office. What has been directly affected by said
contested office."' (Santos vs. Castañeda, supra); and We constitutional provision is the 'term' to the office, although the
The thrust of the aforesaid political question theory of respondent
rationalized that "the Constitutional Convention could not have 'right' of the incumbent to an office which he is legally holding is co-
Yu is that the 1973 Constitution, through Section 9 of Article XVII intended, as in fact it did not intend, to shielf or protect those who extensive with the 'term' thereof," and that "it is erroneous to
thereof, protected only those incumbents, like him, at the time of its
had been unduly elected. To hold that the right of the herein private conclude that under Section 9, Article XVII of the New Constitution,
ratification and effectivity and are the only ones authorized to
respondents to the respective offices which they are now holding, the term of office of the private respondents expired, and that they
continue in office and their term of office as extended now depends may no longer be subject to question, would be tantamount to are now holding their respective offices under a new term. We are
on the pleasure of, as the same has been entrusted or committed
giving a stamp of approval to what could have been an election of the opinion that they hold their respective offices still under the
to, the incumbent President of the Philippines or the Legislative
victory characterized by fraud, threats, intimidation, vote buying, or term to which they have been elected, although the same is now
Department; and that Section 2 of Article XI thereof entrusted to
other forms of irregularities prohibited by the Election Code to indefinite" (Paredes, Sunga and Valley cases, supra).
the National Assembly the revamp of the entire local government preserve inviolate the sanctity of the ballot." (Paredes, Sunga and
structure by the enactment of a local government code, thus 6. That the New Constitution recognized the continuing jurisdiction
Valley cases, supra). of courts of first instance to hear, try and decide election protests:
presenting a question of policy, the necessity and expediency of
which are outside the range of judicial review. In short, for the 3. That "the right of the private respondents (protestees) to "Section 7 of Article XVII of the NewConstitution provides that 'all
respondent Judge to still continue assuming jurisdiction over the continue in office indefinitely arose not only by virtue of Section 9 of existing laws not inconsistent with this Constitution shall remain
pending election protest of petitioner is for him to take cognizance Article XVII of the New Constitution but principally from their having operative until amended, modified or repealed by the National
of a question or policy "in regard to which full discretionary been proclaimed elected to their respective positions as a result of Assembly.' And there has been no amendment, modification or
authority has been delegated to the Legislative or Executive branch the November 8, 1971 elections. Therefore, if in fact and in law, repeal of Section 220 of the Election Code of 1971 which gave the
of the government." LLpr they were not duly elected to their respective positions and herein petitioners the right to file an election contest against those
consequently, have no right to hold the same, perform their proclaimed elected," and "according to Section 8, Article XVII of the
functions, enjoy their privileges and emoluments, then certainly, New Constitution 'all courts existing at the time of the ratification of
There is an imperative need to re-state pronouncements of this they should not be allowed to enjoy the indefinite term of office this Constitution shall continue and exercise their jurisdiction until
Court on the new Constitution which are decisive in the resolution given to them by said constitutional provision" (Paredes, Sunga and otherwise provided by law in accordance with this Constitution, and
of the political question theory of respondent Yu. Valley cases, supra). all cases pending in said courts shall be heard, tried and determined
WE ruled: 4. That "until a subsequent law or presidential decree provides under the laws then in force.' Consequently, the Courts of First
1. That Section 9 of Article XVII of the 1973 Constitution did not otherwise, the right of respondent (protestee) to continue as mayor Instance presided over by the respondent-Judges should continue
render moot and academic pending election protest cases (Santos rests on the legality of his election which has been protested by and exercise their jurisdiction to hear, try and decide the election
vs. Castañeda, 65 SCRA 114 [1975];Equipilag vs. Araula, 60 SCRA 211 herein petitioner. Should the court decide adversely against him the protests filed by herein petitioners" (Santos, Equipilag, Nuñez,
[1974]; Nuñez vs. Averia, 57 SCRA 726 [1974]; Paredes vs. Abad, L- electoral protest, respondent (protestee) would cease to be mayor Paredes, Sunga and Valley cases, supra).
36927, Sunga vs. Mosqueda, L-37715, Valley vs. Caro, L-38331, 56 even before a law or presidential decree terminates his tenure of While under the New Constitution the Commission on Elections is
SCRA 522, [1974]). office pursuant to said Section 9 of Article XVII of the 1973 now the sole judge of all contests relating to the elections, returns,
2. That "the constitutional grant of privilege to continue in office, Constitution" (Equipilag, supra). and qualifications of members of the National Assembly as well as
made by the new Constitution for the benefit of persons who were 5. That "there is a difference between the 'term' of office and the elective provincial and city officials (par. 2 of Sec. 2, Article XII-C of
incumbent officials or employees of the Government when the 'right' to hold an office. A 'term' of office is the period during which the 1973 Constitution), such power does not extend to electoral
new Constitution took effect, cannot be fairly construed as an elected officer or appointee is entitled to hold office, perform its contests concerning municipal elective positions.
indiscriminately encompassing every person who at the time functions and enjoy its privileges and emoluments. A 'right' to hold a 7. That General Order No. 3, issued by the President of the
happened to be performing the duties of an elective office, albeit public office is the just and legal claim to hold and enjoy the powers Philippines merely reiterated his powers under Section 9 of Article
XVII of the New Constitution. The President did not intend thereby sovereign capacity; or in regard to which full discretionary authority otherwise, it is the protestant, herein petitioner. That is the only
to modify the aforesaid constitutional provision (Equipilag, supra). has been delegated to the legislative or executive branch of the consequence of a resolution of the issue therein involved — a purely
General Order No. 3, as amended by General Order No. 3-A, does government. It is concerned with issues dependent upon the justiciable question or controversy as it implies a given right, legally
not expressly include electoral contests of municipal elective wisdom, not legality, of a particular measure" (Tañada vs. Cuenco, L- demandable and enforceable, an act or omission violative of said
positions as among those removed from the jurisdiction of the 1052, Feb. 28, 1957). A broader definition was advanced by U.S. right, and a remedy, granted or sanctioned by law, for said breach of
courts; for said General Order, after affirming the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court Justice Brennan in Baker vs. Carr (369 U.S. 186 right (Tan vs. Republic, 107 Phil. 632-633 [1960]). Before and after
Judiciary to decide in accordance with the existing laws on criminal [1962): "Prominent on the surface of any case held to involve a the ratification and effectivity of the New Constitution, the nature of
and civil cases, simply removes from the jurisdiction of the Civil political question is found a textually demonstrable constitutional the aforesaid issue as well as the consequences of its resolution by
Court certain crimes specified therein as well as the validity, legality commitment of the issue to a coordinate political department; or a the Court, remains the same as above-stated.
or constitutionality of any decree, order or acts issued by the lack of judicially discoverable and manageable standards for 3. Any judgment to be made on that issue will not in any way collide
President or his duly designated representative or by public servants resolving it; or the impossibility of deciding without an initial policy or interfere with the mandate of Section 9 of Article XVII of the
pursuant to his decrees and orders issued under Proclamation No. determination of a kind clearly for non-judicial discretion; or the New Constitution, as it will merely resolve who as between
1081. impossibility of a court's undertaking independent resolution protestant and protestee is the duly elected mayor of Rosales,
8. That General Order No. 3 may not be invoked by the courts to without expressing lack of respect due coordinate branches of the Pangasinan; hence, entitled to enjoy the extended term as
avoid exercise of their jurisdiction because to do so "is nothing short government; or an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a mandated by said provision of the New Constitution. As construed
of unwarranted abdication of judicial authority, which no judge duly political decision already made; or the potentiality of by this Court, the elective officials referred to in Section 9 of Article
imbued with the implications of the paramount principle of embarrassment from multifarious pronouncements by various XVII are limited to those duly elected as the right to said extended
independence of the judiciary should ever think of doing. It is departments on one question" (p. 217). And Chief Justice Enrique term was not personal to whosoever was incumbent at the time of
unfortunate indeed that respondent Judge is apparently unaware M. Fernando, then an Associate Justice, of this Court fixed the limits the ratification and effectivity of the New Constitution. Nor would
that it is a matter of highly significant historical fact that this Court of the term, thus: "The term has been made applicable to such judgment preempt, collide or interfere with the power or
has always deemed General Order No. 3 including its amendment by controversies clearly non-judicial and therefore beyond its discretion entrusted by the New Constitution to the incumbent
General Order No. 3-A as practically inoperative even in the light jurisdiction or to an issue involved in a case appropriately subject to President or the Legislative Department, with respect to the
of Proclamation No. 1081 of September 21, 1972 and Proclamation its cognizance, as to which there has been a prior legislative or extended term of the duly elected incumbents; because whoever
No. 1104 of January 17, 1973, placing the whole Philippines executive determination to which deference must be paid (Cf. Vera between protestant and protestee is declared the duly elected
under martial law. While the members of the Court are not agreed vs. Avelino, 77 Phil. 192 [1946]; Lopez vs. Roxas, L-25716, July 28, mayor will be subject always to whatever action the President or the
on whether or not particular instances of attack against the validity 1966, 17 SCRA 756; Gonzales vs. Commission on Elections, L-28196, Legislative Department will take pursuant thereto. LLjur
of certain Presidential decrees raise political questions which the Nov. 9, 1967, 21 SCRA 774). It has likewise been employed loosely to 4. Neither does Section 2 of Article XI stigmatize the issue in that
Judiciary would not interfere with, there is unanimity among Us in characterize a suit where the party proceeded against is the electoral protest case with a political color. For simply, that section
the view that it is for the Court rather than the Executive to President or Congress, or any branch thereof (Cf.Planas vs. Gil, 67 allocated unto the National Assembly the power to enact a local
determine whether or not We may take cognizance of any given Phil. 62 [1937]; Vera vs. Avelino, 77 Phil. 192 [1946]). If to be government code "which may not thereafter be amended except by
case involving the validity of acts of the Executive Department delimited with accuracy; 'political questions should refer to such as a majority of all its Members, defining a more responsive and
purportedly under the authority of the martial lawproclamations" would under the Constitution be decided by the people in their accountable local government allocating among the different local
(Lina vs. Purisima, 3 PHILAJUR 605, 610-611, 82 SCRA 344 [1978]). sovereign capacity or in regard to which full discretionary authority government units their powers, responsibilities, and resources, and
is vested either in the President or Congress. It is thus beyond the providing for their qualifications, election and removal, term,
competence of the judiciary to pass upon. . . ." (Lansang vs. Garcia, salaries, powers, functions and duties of local officials, and all other
1. In the light of the foregoing pronouncements, We hold that the 42 SCRA 448, 504-505 [1971]).
electoral protest case herein involved has remained a justiciable matters relating to the organization and operation of the local units"
2. The only issue in the electoral protest case dismissed by but ". . . any change in the existing form of local government shall
controversy. No political question has ever been interwoven into
respondent Judge on the ground of political question is who not take effect until ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a
this case. Nor is there any act of the incumbent President or the
between protestant — herein petitioner — and protestee — herein plebiscite called for the purpose." It is apparent at once that such
Legislative Department to be indirectly reviewed or interfered with respondent Yu — was the duly elected mayor of Rosales,
if the respondent Judge decides the election protest. The term power committed by the New Constitution to the National Assembly
Pangasinan, and legally entitled to enjoy the rights, privileges and will not be usurped or preempted by whatever ruling or judgment
"political question" connotes what it means in ordinary parlance,
emoluments appurtenant thereto and to discharge the functions, the respondent Judge will render in the electoral protest case.
namely, a question of policy. It refers to those questions which duties and obligations of the position. If the protestee's election is
under theConstitution, are to be decided by the people in their Whoever will prevail in that contest will enjoy the indefinite term of
upheld by the respondent Judge, then he continues in office;
the disputed office of mayor of Rosales, Pangasinan in the existing
set-up of local government in this country; subject always to
whatever change or modification the National Assembly will
introduce when it will enact the local government code. LLpr
The construction made by respondent Judge of Sections 7 and 8 of
Article XVII of the New Constitution ". . . that these refer to matters
raised in the enforcement of existing laws or in the invocation of a
court's jurisdiction which have not been 'entrusted to the so-called
political department or reserved to be settled by its own extra-
governmental action,"' strained as it is, cannot be sustained in view
of the result herein reached on the issue of political question as well
as Our previous pronouncements as above restated on the same
Sections 7 and 8 of the New Constitution.
Teehankee (Chairman), Fernandez, Guerrero, De
Castro and Melencio-Herrera, JJ., concur.
||| (Casibang v. Aquino, G.R. No. L-38025, [August 20, 1979], 181
PHIL 181-195)
EN BANC province of the judicial department to pass upon the validity of 6. ID.; ID.; PRESENT SITUATION NOT FORESEEN BY
[G.R. No. L-10520. February 28, 1957.] the proceedings in connection therewith. Hence, this Court has, FRAMERS OF THE CONSTITUTION; SPIRIT OF THE LAW PREVAILS
LORENZO M. TAÑADA and DIOSDADO not only jurisdiction, but, also the duty, to consider and OVER ITS LETTER. — While it is true that the membership of the
MACAPAGAL, petitioners, vs. MARIANO JESUS determine the principal issue raised by the parties herein. Senate Electoral Tribunal, in the case at bar, would in effect be
CUENCO, FRANCISCO A. DELGADO, ALFREDO 3. ID.; ID.; MAIN OBJECTION IN PROVIDING THE limited to seven (7), instead of nine (9), members it must be
CRUZ, CATALINA CAYETANO, MANUEL ESTABLISHMENT OR ELECTORAL TRIBUNALS. — The main conceded that the present composition of the Senate, wherein
SERAPIO, PLACIDO REYES, and FERNANDO objective of the framers of the Constitution in providing for the twenty-three (23) of its members belong to one party and one
HIPOLITO, in his capacity as cashier and establishment, first, of an Electoral Commission, and then of (1) member belongs to another, was not foreseen by the
disbursing officer, respondents. one Electoral Tribunal for each House of Congress was to insure framers of the Constitution. Furthermore, the spirit of the law
the exercise of judicial impartiality in the disposition of election prevails over its letter, and the solution herein adopted
Tañada, Teehankee & Macapagal for petitioners. maintains the spirit of the Constitution, for partisan
contests affecting members of the lawmaking body. To achieve
Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla and Solicitor Troadio considerations cannot be decisive in a tribunal consisting of
this purpose, two devices were resorted to, namely: (a) the
T. Quiazon, Jr. for respondents. three (3) Justices of the Supreme Court, three (3) members
party having the largest number of votes, and the party having
SYLLABUS the second largest number of votes, in the National Assembly or nominated by the majority party and either one (1) or two (2)
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; SELECTION OF MEMBERS OF in each House of Congress, were given the same number of members nominated by the party having the second largest
THE SENATE ELECTORAL TRIBUNAL; NATURE OF TRIBUNAL. — representatives in the Electoral Commission or Tribunal so that number of votes in the House concerned.
Although the Constitution provides that the Senate shall choose they may realize that partisan considerations could not control 7. ID,; ID.; ID.; MODERATING ROLE OF JUSTICES OF THE
six (6) Senators to be members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, the adjudication of said cases, and thus be induced to act with SUPREME COURT. — If the Nacionalista Party would be allowed
the letter is part neither of Congress nor of the Senate. (Angara greater impartiality; and (b) the Supreme Court was given in to nominate five (5) members to the Senate Electoral Tribunal
vs. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil., 139; Suanes vs. Chief said body the same number of representatives as each one of instead of three (3), it would have the absolute majority, since
Accountant, 81 Phil., 818; 46 Off. Gaz., 462.) said political parties, so that the influence of the former may be there would be one (1) member of the Citizens Party and three
2. ID.; ID.; MEANING OF "POLITICAL QUESTION"; CASE decisive and endow said Commission or Tribunal with judicial (3) members of the Supreme Court, and hence, the philosophy
AT BAR. — The term "political question" connotes, in legal temper. underlying the Constitution would be entirely upset. The
parlance, what it means in ordinary parlance, namely, a 4. ID.; ID.; MOST VITAL FEATURE OF ELECTORAL equilibrium between the political parties therein would be
question of policy. It refers to those questions which, under the TRIBUNALS. — The most vital feature of the Electoral Tribunals destroyed, and, what is worse, the decisive moderating role of
Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their sovereign is the equal representation of the parties having the largest and the Justice of the Supreme Court would be wiped out, and, in
capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary authority has the second largest number of votes in each House therein, and lieu thereof, the door would be thrown wide open for the
been delegated to the Legislature or executive branch of the the resulting equilibrium to be maintained by the Justices of the predominance of political considerations in the determination
Government (16 C. J. S., 413). It is concerned with issues Supreme Court as members of said Tribunals. of election protests pending before said Tribunal, which is
dependent upon the wisdom, not legality, of a particular 5. ID.; ID.; PROCEDURE PRESCRIBED FOR SELECTION OF precisely what the fathers of our Constitution earnestly strove
measure. In the case at bar, the question for determination is MEMBERS; COMPLIANCE WITH PROCEDURE MANDATORY. — to forestall.
whether the election of two senators, by the Senate, as The framers of the Constitution intended to prevent the 8. ID.; ID.; RELIANCE BY THE CONSTITUTION UPON THE
members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, upon nomination by majority party from controlling the Electoral Tribunals, and the METHOD OF SELECTION ESTABLISHED THEREIN. — When the
another senator, who is a member and spokesman of the party structure thereof is founded upon the equilibrium between the election of members of Congress to the Electoral Tribunal is
having the largest number of votes in the Senate, on behalf of majority and the minority parties therein, with the Justice of the made dependent upon the nomination of the political parties
its Committee on Rules, contravenes the constitutional Supreme Court, who are members of said Tribunals, holding the referred to in the Constitution, the latter thereby indicates its
mandate that said members of the tribunal shall be chosen resulting balance of power. The procedure prescribed in section reliance upon the method of selection thus established,
"upon nomination *** of the party having the second largest 11 of Article VI of the Constitution for the selection of members regardless of the individual qualities of those chosen therefor.
number of votes" in the Senate, and hence, is null and void. This of the Electoral Tribunals is vital to the role they are called upon The delegates to the Convention did not ignore the fact that the
is not a political question. The Senate is not clothed with "full to play. It constitutes the essence of said Tribunals. Hence, Constitution must limit itself to giving general patterns or
discretionary authority" in the choice of members of the Senate compliance with said procedure is mandatory, and acts norms of action. In connection, particularly with the
Electoral Tribunal. The exercise of its power thereon is subject performed in violation thereof are null and void. composition of the Electorals, they believed that, even the most
to constitutional limitations. It is clearly within the legitimate well meaning individuals often find it difficult to shake of the
bias and prejudice created by political antagonisms and to resist application of the doctrine of contemporaneous construction is chosen by the Senate as member of said Tribunal. Then, upon
the demands of political exigencies, the pressure of which is more restricted as applied to the interpretation of nomination of Senator Primicias, on behalf of the Committee on
bound to increase in proportion to the degree of predominance constitutional provisions than when applied to statutory Rules of the Senate, and over the objections of Senators Tañada
of the party from which it comes. provisions, and that, except as to matters committed by the and Sumulong, the Senate choose respondents Senators
9. ID.; ID,; ID.; WAIVER OF CONSTITUTIONAL Constitution itself to the discretion of some other department, Mariano J. Cuenco and Francisco A. Delgado as members of the
PROVISIONS INTENDED FOR ONE'S BENEFIT — Although "an contemporary or practical construction is not necessarily same Electoral Tribunal. Subsequently, the Chairman of the
individual may waive constitutional provisions intended for his binding upon the courts even in a doubtful case. Hence if in the latter appointed: (1) Alfredo Cruz and Catalina Cayetano, as
benefit," particularly those meant for the protection of his judgment of the court, such construction is erroneous and its technical assistant and private secretary, respectively, to
property, and, sometimes, even those tending "to secure his further application is not made imperative by any paramount Senator Cuenco, as supposed member of the Senate Electoral
personal liberty" the power to waive does not exist when consideration of public policy, it may be rejected (16 C. J. S., 71- Tribunal, upon his recommendation of said respondents; and
"public policy or public morals" are involved. (11 Am. Jur. 765; I 72) (2) Manuel Serapio and Placido Reyes, as technical assistant and
Cooley's Constitutional Limitations, pp. 368-371) The procedure 12. ID.; CONFLICT BETWEEN SPIRIT AND LETTER OF A private secretary, respectively to Senator Delgado, as supposed
outlined in the Constitution for the organization of the Electoral STATUTE. — As a general rule of statutory construction, the member of said Electoral Tribunal, and upon his
Tribunals was adopted in response to the demands of the spirit or intention of a statute prevails over the letter thereof, recommendation.
commonweal, and it has been held that "where a statute is and whatever is within the spirit of a statute is within the Soon, thereafter, Senator Lorenzo M. Tañada and
founded on public policy, those to whom it applies should not statute although it is not within the letter thereof, while that Congressman Diosdado Macapagal instituted the case at bar
be permitted to waive its provisions" (82 C. J. S., 874). which is within the letter, but not within the spirit of a statute, against Senators Cuenco and Delgado, and said Alfredo Cruz,
10. ID.; ACTS OF CONGRESS; AUTHORITY OF COURTS is not within the statute, but, the letter of it is not to be Catalina Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and Placido Reyes, as well as
TO PASS UPON THE CONSTITUTIONALITY. — The provision disregarded on the pretext of pursuing its spirit. (82 C.J.S., 613). Fernando Hipolito, in his capacity as Cashier and Disbursing
in the Constitution vesting the legislative power in the Congress DECISION Officer of the Senate Electoral Tribunal. Petitioners allege that
of the Philippines does not detract from the power of the courts CONCEPCION, J p: on February 22, 1956, as well as at present, the Senate consists
to pass upon the constitutionality of act of Congress. Since of 23 Senators who belong to the Nacionalista Party, and one
Petitioner Lorenzo M. Tañada is a member of the
judicial power includes the authority to inquire into the legality (1) Senator — namely, petitioner, Lorenzo M. Tañada —
Senate of the Philippines, and President of the Citizens Party,
of statutes enacted by the two Houses of Congress, and belonging to the Citizens Party; that the Committee on Rules for
whereas petitioner Diosdado Macapagal, a member of the the Senate, in nominating Senators Cuenco and Delgado, and
approved by the Executive there can be no reason why the House of Representatives of the Philippines, was one of the
validity of an act of one of said Houses like that of any other the Senate, in choosing these respondents, as members of the
official candidates of the Liberal Party for the Senate, at the
branch of the Government, may not be determined in the Senate Electoral Tribunal, had "acted absolutely without power
general elections held in November, 1955, in which Pacita
proper actions. In fact, whenever the conducting claims of the or color of authority and in clear violation . . . of Article VI,
Madrigal Warns, Lorenzo Sumulong, Quintin Paredes, Francisco Section 11 of the Constitution"; that "in assuming membership
parties to a litigation cannot properly be settled without Rodrigo, Pedro Sabido, Claro M. Recto, Domocao Alonto and
inquiring into the validity of an act of Congress or of either in the Senate Electoral Tribunal, by taking the corresponding
Decoroso Rosales, were proclaimed elected. Subsequently, the
House thereof, the courts have, not only jurisdiction to pass oath of office therefor", said respondents had "acted absolutely
election of these Senators-elect — who eventually assumed without color of appointment or authority and are unlawfully,
upon said issue, but, also, the duty to do so, which cannot be their respective seats in the Senate — was contested by
evaded without violating the fundamental law and paving the and in violation of the Constitution, usurping, intruding into and
petitioner Macapagal, together with Camilo Osias, Geronima
way to its eventual destruction. exercising the powers of members of the Senate Electoral
Pecson, Macario Peralta, Enrique Magalona, Pio Pedrosa and
11. STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION; DOCTRINE OF Tribunal"; that, consequently, the appointments of
William Chiongbian — who had, also, run for the Senate, in said respondents, Cruz, Cayetano, Serapio and Reyes, as technical
CONTEMPORANEOUS OR PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTION; WHEN election — in Senate Electoral Case No. 4, now pending before
APPLICABLE. — As a general rule, it is only in cases of assistants and private secretaries to Senators Cuenco and
the Senate Electoral Tribunal.
substantial doubt and ambiguity that the doctrine of Delgado — who caused said appointments to be made — as
The Senate, in its session of February 22, 1956, upon members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, are unlawful and
contemporaneous or practical construction has any application. nomination of Senator Cipriano Primicias, on behalf of the
Where the meaning of a constitutional provision is clear, a void; and that Senators Cuenco and Delgado "are threatening
Nacionalista Party, chose Senators Jose P. Laurel, Fernando and are about to take cognizance of Electoral Case No. 4 of the
contemporaneous or practical executive interpretation thereof Lopez and Cipriano Primicias, as members of the Senate
is entitled to no weight and will not be allowed to distort or in Senate Electoral Tribunal, as alleged members thereof, in
Electoral Tribunal. Upon nomination of petitioner Senator nullification of the rights of petitioner Lorenzo M. Tañada, both
any way change its natural meaning. The reason is that the Tañada, on behalf of the Citizens Party, said petitioner was next as a Senator belonging to the Citizens Party and as
representative of the Citizens Party in the Senate Electoral and validity of the election of respondents Senators Cuenco and "The courts are called upon to say, on
Tribunal, and in deprivation of the constitutional rights of Delgado, as members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, and of the one hand, by whom certain powers shall be
petitioner Diosdado Macapagal and his co-protestants to have the appointment of respondent Alfredo Cruz, Catalina exercised, and on the other hand, to determine
their election protest tried and decided by an Electoral Tribunal Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and Placido Reyes as technical whether the powers thus possessed have
composed of not more than three (3) senators chosen by the assistants and private secretaries to said respondents Senators. been validly exercised. In performing the latter
Senate upon nomination of the party having the largest number Respondents, likewise, allege, by way of special and affirmative function, they do not encroach upon the powers
of votes in the Senate and not more than three (3) Senators defenses, that: (a) this Court is without power, authority of of a coordinate branch of the government, since
upon nomination of the party having the second largest number jurisdiction to direct or control the action of the Senate in the determination of thevalidity of an act is not
of votes therein, together with three (3) Justices of the choosing the members of the Electoral Tribunal; and (b) that the same thing as the performance of the act. In
Supreme Court to be designated by the Chief Justice, instead of the petition states no cause of action, because "petitioner the one case we are seeking to ascertain upon
by an Electoral Tribunal packed with five members belonging to Tañada has exhausted his right to nominate after he nominated whom devolves the duty of the particular
the Nacionalista Party, which is the rival party of the Liberal himself and refused to nominate two (2) more Senators", service. In the other case we are merely seeking
Party, to which the petitioner Diosdado Macapagal and his co- because said petitioner is in estoppel, and because the present to determine whether the Constitution has been
protestants in Electoral Case No. 4 belong, the said five (5) action is not the proper remedy. violated by anything done or attempted by
Nacionalista Senators having been nominated and chosen in the I. Respondents assail our jurisdiction to entertain the either an executive official or the legislative."
manner alleged . . . herein- above." petition, upon the ground that the power to choose six (6) (Judicial Self-Limitation by Finkelstein, pp. 221,
Petitioners pray that: Senators as members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal has been 224, 244, Harvard Law Review, Vol. 39;
"1. Upon petitioners' filing of a bond in expressly conferred by the Constitution upon the Senate, emphasis supplied.)
such amount as may be determined by this despite the fact that the draft submitted to the constitutional The case of Suanes vs. Chief Accountant (supra) cited
Honorable Court, a writ of preliminary convention gave to the respective political parties the right to by respondents refutes their own pretense. This Court exercised
injunction be immediately issued directed to elect their respective representatives in the Electoral its jurisdiction over said case and decided the same on the
respondents Mariano J. Cuenco, Francisco A. Commission provided for in the original Constitution of the merits thereof, despite the fact that it involved an inquiry into
Delgado, Alfredo Cruz, Catalina Cayetano, Philippines, and that the only remedy available to petitioners the powers of the Senate and its President over the Senate
Manuel Serapio and Placido Reyes, restraining herein "is not in the judicial forum", but "to bring the matter to Electoral Tribunal and the personnel thereof.
them from continuing to usurp, intrude into the bar of public opinion." Again, under the Constitution, "the legislative power"
and/or hold or exercise the said public offices We cannot agree with the conclusion drawn by is vested exclusively in the Congress of the Philippines. Yet, this
respectively being occupied by them in the respondents from the foregoing facts. To begin with, unlike the does not detract from the power of the courts to pass upon the
Senate Electoral Tribunal, and to respondent cases of Alejandrino vs. Quezon (46 Phil., 83) and Vera vs. constitutionality of acts of Congress 1 And, since judicial power
Fernando Hipolito restraining him from paying Avelino (77 Phil., 192) — relied upon by the respondents — this includes the authority to inquire into the legality of statutes
the salaries of respondents Alfredo Cruz, is not an action against the Senate, and it does not seek to enacted by the two Houses of Congress, and approved by the
Catalina Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and Placido compel the latter, either directly or indirectly, to allow the Executive, there can be no reason why the validity of an act
Reyes, pending this action. petitioners to perform their duties as members of said House. of one of said Houses, like that of any other branch of the
"2. After hearing, judgment be Although the Constitution provides that the Senate shall choose Government, may not be determined in the proper actions.
rendered ousting respondents Mariano J. six (6) Senators to be members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, Thus, in the exercise of the so- called "judicial supremacy", this
Cuenco, Francisco A. Delgado, Alfredo Cruz, the latter is part neither of Congress nor of the Senate. (Angara Court declared that a resolution of the defunct National
Catalina Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and Placido vs. Electoral Commission, 63 Phil., 139; Suanes vs. Chief Assembly could not bar the exercise of the powers of the
Reyes from the aforementioned public offices in Accountant, 81 Phil., 818; 46 Off. Gaz., 462.) former Electoral Commission under the
the Senate Electoral Tribunal and that they be Secondly, although the Senate has, under the original Constitution. 2 (Angara vs. Electoral
altogether excluded therefrom and making the Constitution, the exclusive power to choose the Senators who Commission, supra), and annulled certain acts of the
preliminary injunction permanent, with costs shall form part of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, the Executive 3 as incompatible with the fundamental law.
against the respondents." fundamental law has prescribed the manner in which the In fact, whenever the conflicting claims of the parties
Respondents have admitted the main allegations of authority shall be exercised. As the author of a very to a litigation cannot properly be settled without inquiring into
fact in the petition, except insofar as it questions the legality enlightening study on judicial self-limitation has aptly put it: the validity of an act of Congress or of either House thereof, the
courts have, not only jurisdiction to pass upon said issue, but, similar question, it being conceded, impliedly, but clearly, that notwithstanding, I may take the case to the
also, the duty to do so, which cannot be evaded without the Citizens Party is the party with the second largest number of Supreme Court if my right herein is not
violating the fundamental law and paving the way to its votes in the Senate. The issue, therefore, is whether a right respected. I may lose, Mr. President, but who
eventual destruction. 4 vested by the Constitution in the Citizens Party may validly be has not lost in the Supreme Court? I may lose
Neither are the cases of Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito (78 exercised, either by the Nacionalista Party, or by the Committee because of the theory of the separation of
Phil., 1) and Cabili vs. Francisco (88 Phil., 654), likewise, invoked on Rules for the Senate, over the objection of said Citizens powers, but that does not mean, Mr. President,
by respondents, in point. In the Mabanag case, it was held that Party. that what has been done here is pursuant to the
the courts could not review the finding of the Senate to the The only ground upon which respondents' objection to provision of the Constitution." (Congressional
effect that the members thereof who had been suspended by the jurisdiction of this Court and their theory to the effect that Record, Vol. III, p. 339; emphasis supplied.)
said House should not be considered in determining whether the proper remedy for petitioners herein is, not the present This statement did not refer to the nomination, by
the votes cast therein, in favor of a resolution proposing an action, but an appeal to public opinion, could possibly be Senator Primicias, and the election, by the Senate, of Senators
amendment to the Constitution, sufficed to satisfy the entertained is, therefore, whether the case at bar raises merely Cuenco and Delgado as members of said Tribunal. Indeed, said
requirements of the latter, such question being a political one. a political question, not one justiciable in nature. nomination and election took place the day after the
The weight of this decision, as a precedent, has been In this connection, respondents assert in their answer aforementioned statement of Senator Tañada was made. At
weakened, however, by our resolutions in Avelino vs. that "the remedy of petitioners is not in the judicial forum, but, any rate, the latter announced that he might "take the case to
Cuenco (83 Phil., 17), in which this Court proceeded to to use petitioner Tañada's own words, 'to bring the matter to the Supreme Court if my right here is not respected."
determine the number essential to constitute a quorum in the the bar of public opinion' (p. 81, Discussion on the Creation of As already adverted to, the objection to our
Senate. Besides, the case at bar does not hinge on the number the Senate Electoral Tribunal, February 21, 1956)." This jurisdiction hinges on the question whether the issue before us
of votes needed for a particular act of said body. The issue allegation may give the impression that said petitioner had is political or not. In this connection, Willoughby lucidly states:
before us is whether the Senate — after acknowledging that declared, on the floor of the Senate, that his only relief against "Elsewhere in this treatise the well-
the Citizens Party is the party having the second largest number the acts complained of in the petition is to take up the issue known and well-established principle is
of votes in the Senate, to which party the Constitution gives the before the people — which is not a fact. During the discussions considered that it is not within the province of
right to nominate three (3) Senators for the Senate Electoral in the Senate, in the course of the organization of the Senate the courts to pass judgment upon the policy of
Tribunal — could validly choose therefor two Electoral Tribunal, on February 21, 1956, Senator Tañada was legislative or executive action. Where,
(2) NacionalistaSenators, upon nomination by the floor leader asked what remedies he would suggest if he nominated two (2) therefore, discretionary powers are granted
of the Nacionalista Party in the Senate, Senator Primicias, Nacionalista Senators and the latter declined the nomination. by the Constitution or by statute, the manner in
claiming to act on behalf of the Committee on Rules for the Senator Tañada replied: which those powers are exercised is not subject
Senate. "There are two remedies that occur to to judicial review. The courts, therefore,
The issue in the Cabili case was whether we could my mind right now, Mr. Senator; one is the concern themselves only with the question as to
review a resolution of the Senate reorganizing its remedy open to all of us that if we feel the existence and extent of these discretionary
representation in the Commission on Appointments. This was aggrieved and there is no recourse in the court powers.
decided in the negative, upon the authority of Alejandrino vs. of justice, we can appeal to public opinion. "As distinguished from the judicial, the
Quezon (supra) and Vera vs. Avelino (supra), the main purpose Another remedy is an action in the Supreme legislative and executive departments are
of the petition being "to force upon the Senate the Court. Of course, as Senator Rodriguez, our spoken of as the political departments of
reinstatement of Senator Magalona in the Commission on President here, has said one day; 'If you take government because in very many cases their
Appointments," one-half (1/2) of the members of which is to be this matter to the Supreme Court, you will lose, action is necessarily dictated by considerations
elected by each House on the basis of proportional because until now the Supreme Court has of public or political policy. These considerations
representation of the political parties therein. Hence, the issue always ruled against any action that would of public or political policy of course will not
depended mainly on the determination of the political constitute interference in the business of permit the legislature to violate constitutional
alignment of the members of the Senate at the time of said anybody pertaining to the Senate. The theory of provisions, or the executive to exercise authority
reorganization and of the necessity or advisability of effecting separation of powers will be upheld by the not granted him by the Constitution or by
said reorganization, which is a political question. We are not Supreme Court.' But that learned opinion of statute, but, within these limits, they do permit
called upon, in the case at bar, to pass upon an identical or Senator Rodriguez, our President, the departments, separately or together,
to recognize that a certain set of facts exists or fundamental one; but it has been so often recognition of this principle, unknown except in
that a given status exists, and these decided contrary to the view contended for by Great Britain and America, is necessary, to 'the
determinations, together with the the Attorney General that it would seem to be end that the government may be one of laws
consequences that flow therefrom, may not be finally settled. and not men' — words which Webster said were
traversed in the courts." (Willoughby on the xxx xxx xxx the greatest contained in any written
Constitution of the United States, Vol. 3, p. ". . . What is generally meant, when it is constitutional document." (pp. 411, 417;
1326; emnphasis supplied.) said that a question is political, and not judicial, emphasis supplied.)
To the same effect is the language used in Corpus Juris is that it is a matter which is to be exercised by In short, the term "political question" connotes, in
Secundum, from which we quote: the people in their primary political capacity, or legal parlance, what it means in ordinary parlance, namely, a
"It is well-settled doctrine that political that it has been specifically delegated to some question of policy. In other words, in the language of Corpus
questions are not within the province of the other department or particular officer of the Juris Secundum (supra), it refers to "those questions which,
judiciary, except to the extent that power to government, with discretionary power to act. under the Constitution, are to be decided by the people in their
deal with such questions has been conferred See State vs. Cunningham, 81 Wis. 497, 51 L. R. sovereign capacity, or in regard to whichfull discretionary
upon the courts by express constitutional or A. 561; In Re Gunn, 50 Kan. 155; 32 Pac. 470, authority has been delegated to the Legislature or executive
statutory provisions. 948, 19 L. R. A. 519; Green vs. Mills, 69 Fed. 852, branch of the Government." It is concerned with issues
"It is not easy, however, to define the 16, C. C. A. 516, 30 L. R. A. 90; Fletcher vs. dependent upon the wisdom, not legality, of a particular
phrase 'political question', nor to determine Tuttle, 151 Ill. 41, 37 N. E. 683, 25 L. R. A. 143, measure.
what matters fall within its scope. It is 42 Am. St. Rep. 220. Thus the Legislature may in Such is not the nature of the question for
frequently used to designate all questions that its discretion determine whether it will pass a determination in the present case. Here, we are called upon to
lie outside the scope of the judicial questions, law or submit a proposed constitutional decide whether the election of Senators Cuenco and Delgado,
which under the constitution, are to be decided amendment to the people. The courts have no by the Senate, as members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal,
by the people in their sovereign capacity, or in judicial control over such matters, not merely upon nomination by Senator Primicias — a member and
regard to which full discretionary authority has because they involve political question, but spokesman of the party having the largest number of votes in
been delegated to the legislative or executive because they are matters which the people have the Senate — on behalf of its Committee on Rules, contravenes
branch of the government." (16 C.J.S., by the Constitution delegated to the Legislature. the constitutional mandate that said members of the Senate
413; see, also Geauga Lake Improvement Ass'n. The Governor may exercise the powers Electoral Tribunal shall be chosen "upon nomination . . . of the
vs. Lozier, 182 N. E. 491, 125 Ohio St. 565; delegated to him, free from judicial control, so party having the second largest number of votes" in the Senate,
Sevilla vs. Elizalde, 112 F. 2d 29, 72 App. D. C., long as he observes the laws and acts within the and hence, is null and void. This is not a political question. The
108; emphasis supplied.) limits of the power conferred. Senate is not clothed with "full discretionary authority" in the
Thus, it has been repeatedly held that the question His discretionary acts cannot be controllable, choice of members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal. The
whether certain amendments to the Constitution are invalid for not primarily because they are of a political exercise of its power thereon is subject to constitutional
non-compliance with the procedure therein prescribed, is not a nature, but because the Constitution and laws limitations which are claimed to be mandatory in nature. It is
political one and may be settled by the Courts. 5 have placed the particular matter under his clearly within the legitimate province of the judicial department
control. But every officer under a constitutional to pass upon the validity of the proceedings in connection
In the case of In re McConaughy (119 N.W. 408), the
government must act according to law and therewith.
nature of political question was considered carefully. The Court subject him to the restraining and controlling
said: ". . . whether an election of public
power of the people, acting through the courts, officers has been in accordance with law is for
"At the threshold of the case we are as well as through the executive or the the judiciary. Moreover, where the legislative
met with the assertion that the questions Legislature. One department is just as department has by statute prescribed election
involved are political, and not judicial. If this is representative as the other, and the judiciary is procedure in a given situation, the
correct, the court has no jurisdiction as the the department which is charged with the judiciary may determine whether a particular
certificate of the state canvassing board would special duty of determining the limitations which election has been in conformity with such
then be final, regardless of the actual vote upon the law places upon all official action. The statute, and, particularly, whether such statute
the amendment. The question thus raised is a
has been applied in a way to deny or transgress Citizens Party, as the one having the second largest number of Without any objection, this nomination was approved
on constitutional or statutory rights . . ." (16 C. J. votes in the Senate, so that, being devoid of authority to by the House. Then, Senator Primicias stood up and said:
S., 439; emphasis supplied.) nominate the aforementioned members of said Tribunal, the "Now, Mr. President, in order to
It is, therefore, our opinion that we have, not only Nacionalista Party cannot give it to the Citizens Party, which, comply with the provision in the Constitution,
jurisdiction, but, also, the duty, to consider and determine the already, has such authority, pursuant to the Constitution; and the Committee on Rules of the Senate — and I
principal issue raised by the parties herein. (b) that Senator Sabido's motion would compel Senator Tañada am now making this proposal not on behalf of
II. Is the election of Senators Cuenco and Delgado, by to nominate three (3) Senators to said Tribunal, although as the Nacionalista Party but on behalf of the
the Senate, as members of the Electoral Tribunal, valid and representative of the minority party in the Senate he has "the Committee on Rules of the Senate — I nominate
lawful? right to nominate one, two or three to the Electoral Tribunal," two other members to complete the
in his discretion. Senator Tañada further stated that he reserved membership of the Tribunal: Senators Delgado
Section 11 of Article VI of the Constitution, reads: the right to determine how many he would nominate, after and Cuenco."
"The Senate and the House of hearing the reasons of Senator Sabido in support of his motion.
Representatives shall each have an Electoral What took place thereafter appears in the following
After some discussion, in which Senators Primicias, Cea, Lim, quotations from the Congressional Record for the Senate.
Tribunal which shall be the sole judge of all Sumulong, Zulueta, and Rodrigo took part, the Senate
contests relating to the election, returns, and "SENATOR TAÑADA. Mr. President.
adjourned until the next morning, February 22, 1956 (Do., do.,
qualifications of their respective Members. Each pp. 329, 330, 332-333, 336, 338, 339, 343). "EL PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Caballero
Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of nine de Quezon.
Then, said issues were debated upon more extensively,
Members, three of whom shall be Justices of the with Senator Sumulong, not only seconding the opposition of SENATOR TAÑADA. I would like to
Supreme Court to be designated by the Chief record my opposition to the nominations of the
Senator Tañada, but, also, maintaining that "Senator Tañada
Justice, and the remaining six shall be Members last two named gentlemen, Senators Delgado
should nominate only one" member of the Senate, namely,
of the Senate or of the House of and Cuenco, not because I don't believe that
himself, he being the only Senator who belongs to the minority
Representatives, as the case may be, party in said House (Do., do., pp. 360-364, 369). Thus, a new they do not deserve to be appointed to the
who shall be chosen by each House, three upon tribunal but because of my sincere and firm
issue was raised — whether or not one who does not belong to
nomination of the party having the largest conviction that these additional nominations
said party may be nominated by its spokesman, Senator Tañada
number of votes and three of the party having — on which Senators Paredes, Pelaez, Rosales and Laurel, as are not sanctioned by the Constitution.The
the second largest number of votes therein. The Constitution only permits the Nacionalista Party
well as the other Senators already mentioned, expressed their
Senior Justice in each Electoral Tribunal shall be or the party having the largest number of votes
views (Do., do., pp. 345, 349, 350, 354, 358, 364, 375). Although
its Chairman." (Emphasis supplied.) to nominate three.
the deliberations of the Senate consumed the whole morning
It appears that on February 22, 1956, as well as at and afternoon of February 22, 1956, a satisfactory solution of "SENATOR SUMULONG. Mr. President.
present, the Senate of the Philippines consists of twenty-three the question before the Senate appeared to be remote. So, at "EL PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Caballero
(23) members of the Nacionalista Party and one (1) member of 7:40 p. m., the meeting was suspended, on motion of Senator de Rizal.
the Citizens Party, namely, Senator Tañada, who is, also, the Laurel, with a view to seeking a compromise formula (Do., do.,
president of said party. In the session of the Senate held on "SENATOR SUMULONG. For the
pp. 377). When session was resumed at 8:10 p. m., Senator reasons that I have stated a few moments ago
February 21, 1956, Senator Sabido moved that Senator Tañada, Sabido withdrew his motion above referred to. Thereupon, when I took the floor, I also wish to record my
"the President of the Citizens Party, be given the privilege to Senator Primicias, on behalf of the Nacionalista Party, objection to the last nominations, to the
nominate . . . three (3) members" of the Senate Electoral nominated, and the Senate elected, Senators Laurel, Lopez and
Tribunal (Congressional Record for the Senate, Vol. III, pp. 328- nomination of two additional NP's to the
Primicias, as members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal. Electoral Tribunal.
329), referring to those who, according to the provision above- Subsequently, Senator Tañada stated:
quoted, should be nominated by "the party having the second EL PRESIDENTE INTERINO. Esta
"On behalf of the Citizens Party, the dispuesto el Senado a votar? (Varios Senadores:
largest number of votes" in the Senate. Senator Tañada minority party in this Body, I nominate the only
objected formally to this motion upon the ground: (a) that the Si.) Los que esten conformes con la nominacion
Citizens Party member in this Body, and that is hecha por el Presidente del Comite de
right to nominate said members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal
Senator Lorenzo M. Tañada." Reglamentos a favor de los Senadores Delgado y
belongs, not to the Nacionalista Party — of which Senator
Sabido and the other Senators are members — but to the Cuenco para ser miembros del Tribunal
Electoral, digan, si. (Varios Senodores: Si.) Los which was not anticipated by the framers of our Constitution; The debate was closed by Senator Laurel, who
que no lo esten digan, no (Silencio.)Queda that although Senator Tañada formed part of the Nacionalista remarked, referring to Senator Tañada:
aprobada." (Congressional Record for the Party before the end of 1955, he subsequently "parted ways ". . . there is no doubt that he does not
Senate, Vol. III, p. 377; italics supplied.) with" said party; and that Senator Tañada "is the distinguished belong to the majority in the first place, and
Petitioners maintain that said nomination and election president of the Citizens Party," which "approximates the that, therefore, he belongs to the minority. And
of Senators Cuenco and Delgado — who belong to the situation desired by the framers of the Constitution" whether we like it or not, that, is the reality of
Nacionalista Party — as members of the Senate Electoral (Congressional Record for the Senate Vol. III, pp. 329-330). Then the actual situation — that he is not a
Tribunal, are null and void and have been made without power Senator Lim intervened, stating: Nacionalista now, that he is the head and the
or color of authority, for, after the nomination by said party, "At present Senator Tañada is representative of the Citizens Party. I think that
and the election by the Senate, of Senators Laurel, Lopez and considered as forming the only minority or the on equitable ground and from the point of view
Primicias, as members of said Tribunal, the other Senators, who one that has the second largest number of votes of public opinion, his situation . . . approximates
shall be members thereof, must necessarily be nominated by in the existing Senate, is not that right? And if or approaches what is within the spirit of
the party having the second largest number of votes in the this is so, he should be given this as a matter of that Constitution. . . . and from the point of view
Senate, and such party is, admittedly, the Citizens Party, to right, not as a matter of privilege. . . . I don't of the spirit of the Constitution it would be a
which Senator Tañada belongs and which he represents. believe that we should be allowed to grant this good thing if we grant the opportunity to
Respondents allege, however, that the constitutional authority to Senator Tañada only as a privilege Senator Tañada to help us in the organization of
mandate to the effect that "each Electoral Tribunal shall be but we must grant it as a matter of right." (Id., this Electoral Tribunal . . .." (Id., id., p. 376;
composed of nine (9) members," six (6) of whom "shall be id., p. 332; emphasis supplied.) emphasis supplied.)
members of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, as Similarly, Senator Sumulong maintained that "Senator The foregoing statements and the fact that, thereafter,
the case may be", is mandatory; that when — after the Tañada, as Citizens Party Senator, has the right and not a mere Senator Sabido withdrew his motion to grant Senator Tañada
nomination of three (3) Senators by the majority party, and privilege to nominate," adding that: the "privilege" to nominate, and said petitioner actually
their election by the Senate, as members of the Senate ". . . the question is whether we have a nominated himself "on behalf of the Citizens Party, the minority
Electoral Tribunal — Senator Tañada nominated himself only, party here having the second largest number of party in this Body" — not only without any
on behalf of the minority party, he thereby "waived his right to votes, and it is clear in my mind that there is objection whatsoever, but, also, with the approval of the
nominate two more Senators;" that, when Senator Primicias such a party, and that is the Citizens Party to Senate — leave no room for doubt that the Senate has
nominated Senators Cuenco and Delgado, and these which the gentleman from Quezon belongs. . . . regarded the Citizens Party, represented by Senator Tañada, as
respondents were chosen by the Senate, as members of the We have to bear in mind, . . . that when Senator the party having the second largest number of votes in said
Senate Electoral Tribunal, said Senator Primicias and the Senate Tañada was included in the Nacionalista Party House.
merely complied with the aforementioned provision of the ticket in 1953 it was by virtue of a coalition or an Referring, now, to the contention of respondents
fundamental law, relative to the number of members of the alliance between the Citizens Party and the herein, their main argument in support of the mandatory
Senate Electoral Tribunal; and, that, accordingly, Senators Nacionalista Party at that time, and I maintain character of the constitutional provision relative to the number
Cuenco and Delgado are de jure members of said body, and the that when Senator Tañada as head of the of members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal is that the word
appointment of their co-respondents, Alfredo Cruz, Catalina Citizens Party entered into a coalition with the "shall", therein used, is imperative in nature and that this is
Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and Placido Reyes, is valid and Nacionalista Party, he did not thereby become a borne out by an opinion of the Secretary of Justice dated
lawful. Nacionalista because that was a mere coalition, February 1, 1939, pertinent parts of which are quoted at the
At the outset, it will be recalled that the proceedings not a fusion. When the Citizens Party entered footnote. 6
for the organization of the Senate Electoral Tribunal began with into a mere coalition, that party did not lose its Regardless of the respect due its author, as a
a motion of Senator Sabido to the effect that "the distinguished personality as a party separate and distinct from distinguished citizen and public official, said opinion has little, if
gentleman from Quezon, the President of the Citizens Party, be the Nacionalista. Party. And we should also any, weight in the solution of the question before this Court, for
given the privilege to nominate the three Members" of said remember that the certificate of candidacy filed the "practical construction of a Constitution is of little, if any,
Tribunal. Senator Primicias inquired why the movant had used by Senator Tañada in the 1953 election was one unless it has been uniform . . .." 6a Again, "as a general rule, it is
the word "privilege". Senator Sabido explained that the present to the effect that he belonged to the Citizens only in cases of substantial doubt and ambiguity that the
composition of the Senate had created a condition or situation Party . . .." (Id., id., p. 360; emphasis supplied.) doctrine of contemporaneous or practical construction has any
application". As a consequence, "where the meaning of a election, returns and qualifications of members of the when you make each House the judge of every
constitutional provision is clear, a contemporaneous or practical Legislative Department, Dr. Jose M. Aruego, a member of said election protest involving any member of that
. . . executive interpretation thereof is entitled to no weight, and Convention, says: House, you place the majority in a position to
will not be allowed to distort or in any way change its natural "The experience of the Filipino people dominate and dictate the decision in the case
meaning." The reason is that "the application of the doctrine of under the provisions of the organic laws which and result was, there were so many abuses,
contemporaneous construction is more restricted as applied to left to the lawmaking body the determination of there were so many injustices committed by the
the interpretation of constitutional provisions than when the elections, returns, and qualifications of its majority at the expense and to the prejudice of
applied to statutory provisions", and that, "except as to matters members was not altogether satisfactory. There the minority protestants. Statements have been
committed by the Constitution itself to the discretion of some were many complaints against the lack of made here that justice was done even under the
other department, contemporary or practical construction political justice in this determination; for in a old system, like that case involving Senator
is not necessarily binding upon the courts, even in a doubtful great number of cases, party interests Mabanag, when he almost became a victim of
case." Hence, "if in the judgment of the court, such construction controlled and dictated the decisions. The undue the majority when he had an election case, and
is erroneous and its further application is not made imperative delay in the dispatch of election contests for it was only through the intervention of
by any paramount considerations of public policy, it may be legislative seats, the irregularities that President Quezon that he was saved from
rejected." (16 C. J. S., 71-72; italics supplied.) 6b characterized the proceedings in some of them, becoming the victim of majority injustices.
The aforementioned opinion of the Secretary of Justice and the very apparent injection of "It is true that justice
is not backed up by a "uniform" application of the view therein partisanship in the determination of a great had sometimes prevailed under the old
adopted, so essential to give thereto the weight accorded by number of the cases were decried by a great system, but the record will show that those
the rules on contemporaneous constructions. Moreover, said number of the people as well as by the organs of cases were few and they were the rare
opinion tends to change the natural meaning of section 11 of public opinion. exceptions. The overwhelming majority of
Article VI of the Constitution, which is clear. What is more, "The faith of the people in the election protests decided under the old system
there is not the slightest doubt in our mind that the purpose uprightness of the lawmaking body in the was that the majority being then in a position to
and spirit of said provisions do not warrant said change and performance of this function assigned to it in dictate the decision in the election protest, was
that the rejection of the latter is demanded by paramount the organic laws was by no means great. In tempted to commit as it did commit many
considerations of public policy. fact so blatant was the lack of political justice in abuses and injustices." (Congressional Record
The flaw in the position taken in said opinion and by the decisions that there was gradually built up a for the Senate, Vol. III, p. 361; emphasis
respondents herein is that, while, it relies upon the compulsory camp of thought in the Philippines inclined to supplied.)
nature of the word "shall", as regards the numberof members leave to the courts the determination of Senator Paredes, a veteran legislator and former
of the Electoral Tribunals, it ignores the fact that the same term election contests, following the practice in some Speaker of the House of Representatives, said:
is used with respect to the method prescribed for their election, countries, like England and Canada. ". . . what was intended in the creation
and that both form part of asingle sentence and must "Such were the conditions of things at of the electoral tribunal was to create a sort of
be considered, therefore, as integral portions of one and the the time of the meeting of the convention." (The collegiate court composed of nine members:
same thought. Indeed, respondents have not even tried to Framing of the Philippine Constitution by three of them belonging to the party having the
show — and we cannot conceive — why "shall" must be Aruego, Vol. I, pp. 257-258; emphasis supplied.) largest number of votes, and three from the
deemed mandatory insofar as the number of members of each This view is shared by distinguished members of the party having the second largest number of votes
Electoral Tribunal, and should be considered directory as Senate. Thus, in its session of February 22, 1956, Senator so that these members may represent the party,
regards theprocedure for their selection. More important still, Sumulong declared: and the members of said party who will sit
the history of section 11 of Article VI of the Constitution and the before the electoral tribunal as protestees.
". . . when you leave it to either House
records of the Convention, refute respondents' pretense, and For when it comes to a party, Mr. President,
back up the theory of petitioners herein. to decide election protests involving its own
members, that is virtually placing the majority there is ground to believe that decisions will be
Commenting on the frame of mind of the delegates to party in a position to dictate the decision in made along party lines." (Congressional Record
the Constitutional Convention, when they faced the task of those election cases, because each House will for the Senate, Vol. III, p. 351; emphasis
providing for the adjudication of contests relating to the be composed of a majority and a minority, and supplied.)
Senator Laurel, who played an important role in the the lawmaking body itself. Delegate Francisco 'I wish to call the attention of my
framing of our Constitution, expressed himself as follows: summarized the arguments for the creation of distinguished colleagues to the fact that in
"Now, with reference to the protests or the Electoral Commission in the following electoral protests it is impossible to set aside
contests relating to the election, the returns and words: party interests. Hence, the best guarantee, I
the qualifications of the members of the "I understand that from the time that repeat, for the administration of justice to the
legislative bodies, I heard it said here correctly this question is placed in the hands of members parties, for the fact that the laws will not be
that there was a time when that was given to not only of the majority party but also of the applied improperly or incorrectly as well as for
the corresponding chamber of the legislative minority party, there is already a condition, a the fact that the doctrines of the Supreme Court
department. So the election, returns and factor which would make protests decided in a will be applied rightfully, the best guarantee
qualifications of the members of the Congress non-partisan manner. We know from which we shall have, I repeat, is the intervention
or legislative body was entrusted to that body experience that many times in the many of the three justices. And with the formation of
itself as the exclusive body to determine the protests tried in the House or in the Senate, it the Electoral Commission, I say again, the
election, returns and qualifications of its was impossible to prevent the factor of party protestants as well as the protestees could
members. There was some doubt also expressed from getting in. From the moment that it is remain tranquil in the certainty that they will
as to whether that should continue or not, and required that not only the majority but also the receive the justice that they really deserve. If we
the greatest argument in favor of the retention minority should intervene in these questions, we eliminate from this precept the intervention of
of that provision was the fact that was, among have already enough guarantee that there the party of the minority and that of the three
other things, the system obtaining in the United would be no tyranny on the part of the majority. justices, then we shall be placing protests
States under the Federal Constitution of the 'But there is another more detail which exclusively in the hands of the party in power.
United States, and there was no reason why is the one which satisfies me most, and that is And I understand, gentlemen, that in practice
that power or that right vested in the legislative the intervention of three justices. So that with that has not given good results. Many have
body should not be retained. But it was thought this intervention of three justices if there would criticized, many have complained against, the
that would make the determination of this be any question as to the justice applied by the tyranny of the majority in electoral cases . . .. I
contest, of this election protest, purely majority or the minority, if there would be any repeat that the best guarantee lies in the fact
political as has been observed in the past." fundamental disagreement, or if there would be that these questions will be judged not only by
(Congressional Record for the Senate, Vol. III, p. nothing but questions purely of party in which three members of the majority but also by three
376; emphasis supplied.) the members of the majority as well as those of members of the minority, with the additional
It is interesting to note that not one of the members of the minority should wish to take lightly a protest guarantee of the impartial judgment of three
the Senate contested the accuracy of the views thus expressed. because the protestant belongs to one of said justices of the Supreme Court." (The Framing of
parties, we have in this case, as a check upon the Philippine Constitution by Aruego, Vol. I, pp.
Referring particularly to the philosophy underlying the
the two parties, the actuations of the three 261-263; emphasis supplied.)
constitutional provision quoted above, Dr. Aruego states:
justices. In the last analysis, what is really The foregoing was corroborated by Senator Laurel.
"The defense of the Electoral
applied in the determination of electoral cases Speaking for this Court, in Angara vs. Electoral Commission (63
Commission was based primarily upon the hope
brought before the tribunals of justice or before Phil., 139), he asserted:
and belief that the abolition of party lines
because of the equal representation in this body the House of Representatives or the Senate? "The members of the Constitutional
of the majority and the minority parties of the Well, it is nothing more than the law and the Convention who framed our fundamental law
National Assembly and the intervention of some doctrine of the Supreme Court. If that is the were in their majority men mature in years and
members of the Supreme Court who, under the case, there will be greater skill in the application experience. To be sure, many of them were
proposed constitutional provision, would also be of the laws and in the application of doctrines to familiar with the history and political
members of the same, would insure greater electoral matters having as we shall have three development of other countries of the world.
political justice in the determination of election justices who will act impartially in these When, therefore, they deemed it wise to create
contests for seats in the National Assembly than electoral questions. an Electoral Commission as a constitutional
there would be if the power had been lodged in organ and invested it with the exclusive function
of passing upon and determining the election, "El Sr. PRESIDENTE. Que dice el This is obvious from the very language of the
returns and qualifications of the members of the Comite? constitutional provision under consideration. In fact, Senator
National Assembly, they must have done so not "El Sr. ROXAS. Con mucho gusto. Sabido — who had moved to grant to Senator Tañada the
only in the light of their own experience but also "El Sr. CONEJERO. Tal como esta "privilege" to make the nominations on behalf of the party
having in view the experience of other el draft, dando tres miembros a la mayoria, y having the second largest number of votes in the Senate —
enlightened peoples of the world. The creation otros tres a la minoria y tres a la Corte agrees with it. As Senator Sumulong inquired:
of the Electoral Commission was designed to Suprema, no cree su Señoria que este equivale ". . . I suppose Your Honor will agree
remedy certain evils of which the framers of our practicamente a dejar el asunto a los miembros with me that the framers of the
Constitution were cognizant. Notwithstanding del Tribunal Supremo? Constitution precisely thought of creating this
the vigorous opposition of some members of Electoral Tribunal so as to prevent the majority
the Convention to its creation, the plan, as "El Sr. ROXAS. Si y no. Creemos que si el
tribunal a la Comision esta constituido en esa from ever having a preponderant majority in the
hereinabove stated, was approved by that body Tribunal." (Congressional Record for the Senate,
forma, tanto los miembros de la mayoria como
by a vote of 98 against 58. All that can be said Vol. III, p. 330; emphasis supplied.)
now is that, upon the approval of the los de la minoria asi como los miembros de la
Corte Suprema consideraran la cuestion sobre la Senator Sabido replied:
Constitution, the creation of the Electoral
base de sus meritos, sabiendo que el partidismo "That is so, . . .." (Id., p. 330.)
Commission is the expression of the wisdom
no es suficiente para dar el triunfo. Upon further interpelation, Senator Sabido said:
'ultimate justice of the people.' (Abraham
Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861.) "El Sr. CONEJERO. Cree Su Señoria que ". . . the purpose of the creation of the
en un caso como ese, podriamos hacer que Electoral Tribunal and of its composition is to
"From the deliberations of our
tanto los de la mayoria como los de la minoria maintain a balance between the two parties and
Constitutional Convention it is evident that the
prescindieran del partidismo? make the members of the Supreme Court the
purpose was to transfer in its totality all the
powers previously exercised by the legislature in "El Sr. ROXAS. Creo que si, porque el controlling power so to speak of the Electoral
matters pertaining to contested elections of its partidismo no les daria el triunfo." (Angara vs. Tribunal or hold the balance of power. That is
members, to an independent and impartial Electoral Commission, supra, pp. 168-169; the ideal situation." (Congressional Record for
tribunal. It was not so much the knowledge and emphasis supplied.) the Senate, Vol. III, p. 349; emphasis supplied.)
appreciation of contemporary constitutional It is clear from the foregoing that the main objective of Senator Sumulong opined along the same line. His
precedents, however, as the long-felt need the framers of our Constitution in providing for the words were:
of determining legislative contests devoid of establishment, first, of an Electoral Commission, 8 and then 9of ". . . The intention is that when the
partisan considerations which prompted the one Electoral Tribunal for each House of Congress, was to three from the majority and the three from the
people acting through their delegates to the insure the exercise of judicial impartiality in the disposition of minority become members of the Tribunal it is
Convention, to provide for this body known as election contests affecting members of the law making body. To hoped that they will become aware of their
the Electoral Commission. With this end in view, achieve this purpose, two devices were resorted to, namely: (a) judicial functions, not to protect the protestants
a composite body in which both the majority the party having the largest number of votes, and the party or the protestees. It is hoped that they will act
and minority parties are equally represented having the second largest number of votes, in the National as judges because to decide election cases is a
to off-set partisan influence in its deliberations Assembly or in each House of Congress, were given the same judicial function. But the framers of the
was created, and further endowed with judicial number of representatives in the Electoral Commission or Constitution besides being learned were men of
temper by including in its membership three Tribunal, so that they may realize that partisan considerations experience. They knew that even Senators like
justices of the Supreme Court. (Pp. 174-175.) 7 could not control the adjudication of said cases, and thus be us are not angels, that we are human beings,
As a matter of fact, during the deliberations of the induced to act with greater impartiality; and (b) the Supreme that if we should be chosen to go to the
convention, Delegates Conejero and Roxas said: Court was given in said body the same number of Electoral Tribunal no one can say that we will
representatives as each one of said political parties, so that the entirely be free from partisan influence to
"El Sr. CONEJERO. Antes de votarse la
influence of the former may be decisive and endow said favor our party, so that in case that hope that
enmienda, quisiera pedir informacion del
Subcomite de Siete. Commission or Tribunal with judicial temper. the three from the majority and the three from
the minority who will act as judges should result It is not necessary, for the purpose of this decision, to statute must be construed in connection with
in disappointment, in case they do not act as determine whether the parties having the largest, and the other related statutes. Words of permissive
judges but they go there and vote along party second largest, number of votes in each House may nominate, character may be given a mandatory
lines, still there is the guarantee that they will to the Electoral Tribunals, those members of Congress who do significance in order to effect the legislative
offset each other and the result will be that the not belong to the party nominating them. It is patent, however, intent, and, when the terms of a statute are
deciding vote will reside in the hands of the that the most vital feature of the Electoral Tribunals is the equal such that they cannot be made effective to the
three Justices who have no partisan motivesto representation of said parties therein, and the extent of giving each and all of them some
favor either the protestees or the protestants. In resulting equilibrium to be maintained by the Justices of the reasonable operation, without construing the
other words, the whole idea is to prevent the Supreme Court as members of said Tribunals. In the words of statute as mandatory, such construction should
majority from controlling and dictating the the members of the present Senate, said feature reflects the be given; . . . On the other hand, the language of
decisions of the Tribunal and to make sure "intent" "purpose", and "spirit of the Constitution", pursuant to a statute, however mandatory in form, may be
that the decisive vote will be wielded not by the which the Senate Electoral Tribunal should be organized deemed directory whenever legislative purpose
Congressmen or Senators who are members of (Congressional Record for the Senate, pp. 330, 337, 348-9, 350, can best be carried out by such construction,
the Tribunal but will be wielded by the Justices 351, 355, 358, 362-3, 364, 370, 376). and the legislative intent does not require a
who, by virtue of their judicial offices, will have Now then, it is well settled that "the purpose of all mandatory construction; but the construction of
no partisan motives to serve, either protestants rules or maxims as to the construction or interpretation of mandatory words as directory should not be
or protestees. That is my understanding of the statutes is to discover the true intention of the law" (82 C. J. S., lightly adopted and never where it would in fact
intention of the framers of the 526) and that make a new law instead of that passed by the
Constitution when they decided to create the "As a general rule of statutory legislature. . . . Whether a statute is mandatory
Electoral Tribunal. construction, the spirit or intention of a statute or directory depends on whether the thing
xxx xxx xxx prevails over the letter thereof , and whatever is directed to be done is of the essence of the thing
"My idea is that the intention of the within the spirit of a statute is within the statute required, or is a mere matter of form, and what
framers of the constitution in creating the although it is not within the letter thereof, while is a matter of essence can often be determined
Electoral Tribunal is to insure impartiality and that which is within the letter, but not within only by judicial construction. Accordingly, when
independence in its decision, and that is sought the spirit of a statute, is not within the statute; a particular provision of a statute relates to
to be done by never allowing the majority party but, where the law is free and clear from some immaterial matter, as to which
to control the Tribunal, and secondly by seeing ambiguity, the letter of it is not to be compliance with the statute is a matter of
to it that the decisive vote in the Tribunal will be disregarded on the pretext of pursuing its convenience rather than substance, or where
left in the hands of persons who have no spirit." (82 C. J. S, 613.) the directions of a statute are given merely with
partisan interest or motive to favor either a view to the proper, orderly, and prompt
"There is no universal rule or absolute
protestant or protestee." (Congressional Record conduct of business, it is generally regarded as
test by which directory provisions in a statute directory, unless followed by words of absolute
for the Senate, Vol. III, pp. 362-363, 365-366; may in all circumstances be distinguished from
emphasis supplied.) prohibition; and a statute is regarded as
those which are mandatory. However, in the
directory where no substantial rights depend on
So important in the "balance of powers" between the determination of this question, as of every other
it, no injury can result from ignoring it, and the
two political parties in the Electoral Tribunals, that several question of statutory construction, the prime purpose of the legislature can be
members of the Senate questioned the right of the party having object is to ascertain the legislative intent. The
accomplished in a manner other than that
the second largest number of votes in the Senate — and, hence, legislative intent must he obtained from all the
prescribed, with substantially the same result.
of Senator Tañada, as representative of the Citizens Party — to surrounding circumstances, and the
On the other hand, a provision relating to the
nominate for the Senate Electoral Tribunal any Senator not determination does not depend on the form of essence of the thing to be done, that is, to
belonging to said party. Senators Lim, Sabido, Cea and Paredes the statute. Consideration must be given to the
matters of substance, is mandatory, and when a
maintained that the spirit of the Constitution would be violated entire statute, its nature, its object, and the
fair interpretation of a statute, which directs
if the nominees to the Electoral Tribunals did not belong to the consequences which would result from acts or proceedings to be done in a certain way,
parties respectively making the nominations. 10 construing it one way or the other, and the
shows that the legislature intended a
compliance with such provision to be essential nominate other two Senators, because, otherwise, he would minority party represented in the Assembly, the necessity for
to the validity of the act or proceeding, or when worsen the already disadvantageous position, therein, of the such a check by the minority disappears", the following
same antecedent and prerequisite conditions Citizens Party. Indeed, by the aforementioned nomination and observations of the petitioners herein are worthy of notice:
must exist prior to the exercise of power, or election of Senators Cuenco and Delgado, if the same were "Under the interpretation espoused by
must be performed before certain other powers sanctioned, the Nacionalista Party would have five (5) members the respondents, the very frauds or terrorism
can be exercised, the statute must be regarded in the Senate Electoral Tribunal, as against one (1) member of committed by a party would establish the legal
as mandatory. (Id., pp. 869-874.) (See, also, the Citizens Party and three members of the Supreme Court. basis for the final destruction of minority parties
Words and Phrases, Vol. 26, pp. 463- 467; With the absolute majority thereby attained by the majority in the Congress at least. Let us suppose, for
emphasis supplied.) party in said Tribunal, the philosophy underlying the same example, that in the Senate, the 15 or 16
What has been said above, relative to the conditions would be entirely upset. The equilibrium between the political senators with unexpired terms belong to the
antecedent to, and concomitant with, the adoption of section parties therein would be destroyed. What is worst, the decisive party A. In the senatorial election to fill the
11 of Article VI of the Constitution, reveals clearly that its moderating role of the Justices of the Supreme Court would be remaining 8 seats, all the 8 candidates of party A
framers intended to prevent the majority party from controlling wiped out, and, in lieu thereof, the door would be thrown wide are proclaimed elected through alleged fraud
the Electoral Tribunals, and that the structure thereof is open for the predominance of political considerations in the and/or terrorism. (The ouster of not less than 3
founded upon the equilibrium between the majority and the determination of election protests pending before said senators-elect in the elections held since
minority parties therein, with the Justices of the Supreme Tribunal, which is precisely what the fathers of liberation attests to the reality of election frauds
Court, who are members of said Tribunals, holding the resulting our Constitution earnestly strove to forestall. 13 and terrorism in our country.) There being no
balance of power. The procedure prescribed in said provision This does not imply that the honesty, integrity or senator or only one senator belonging to the
for the selection of members of the Electoral Tribunals is vital to impartiality of Senators Cuenco and Delgado are being minority, who would sit in judgment on the
the role they are called upon to play. It constitutes the questioned. As a matter of fact, when Senator Tañada objected election candidates of the minority parties?
essence of said Tribunals. Hence, compliance with said to their nomination, he explicitly made of record that his According to the contention of the respondents,
procedure is mandatory, and acts performed in violation opposition was based, not upon their character, but upon the it would be a Senate Electoral Tribunal made up
thereof are null and void. 11 principle involved. When the election of members of Congress of three Supreme Court Justices and 5 or 6
It is true that the application of the foregoing criterion to the Electoral Tribunal is made dependent upon the members of the same party A accused of fraud
would limit the membership of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, in nomination of the political parties above referred to, the and terrorism. Most respectfully, we pray this
the case at bar, to seven (7), instead of nine (9), members; but, Constitution thereby indicates its reliance upon themethod of Honorable Court to reject an interpretation that
it is conceded that the present composition of the Senate was selection thus established, regardless of the individual qualities would make of a democratic constitution the
not foreseen by the framers of our Constitution (Congressional of those chosen therefor. Considering the wealth of experience very instrument by which a corrupt and ruthless
Record for the Senate, Vol. III, pp. 329, 342, 349, 354, 359, 375). of the delegates to the Convention, all lawyers of great note, as party could intrench itself in power in the
Furthermore, the spirit of the law prevails over its letter, and veteran politicians and as leaders in other fields of endeavor, legislature and thus destroy democracy in the
the solution herein adopted maintains the spirit of the they could not, and did not, ignore the fact that the Philippines.
Constitution, for partisan considerations can not be decisive in a Constitution must limit itself to giving general patterns or xxx xxx xxx
tribunal consisting of three (3) Justices of the Supreme Court, norms of action. In connection, particularly, with the ". . . When there are no electoral
three (3) members nominated by the majority party and either composition of the Electoral Tribunals, they believed that, even protests filed by the minority party, or when the
one (1) or two (2) members nominated by the party having the the most well meaning individuals often find it difficult to shake only electoral protests filed are by candidates of
second largest number of votes in the House concerned. off the bias and prejudice created by political antagonisms and the majority against members-elect of the same
Upon the other hand, what would be the result of to resist the demands of political exigencies, the pressure of majority party, there might be no objection to
respondents' contention if upheld? Owing to the fact that the which is bound to increase in proportion to the degree of the statement. But if electoral protests are filed
Citizens Party 12 has only one member in the Upper House, predominance of the party from which it comes. As above by candidate of the minority party, it is at this
Senator Tañada felt he should nominate, for the Senate stated, this was confirmed by distinguished members of the point that a need for a check on the majority
Electoral Tribunal, only said member of the Citizens Party. The present Senate. (See pp. 25-28, 33, 34, supra.) party is greatest, and contrary to the
same is, thus, numerically handicapped, vis-a-vis the majority In connection with the argument of the former observation made in the above-quoted opinion,
party, in said Tribunal. Obviously, Senator Tañada did not Secretary of Justice to the effect that when "there is no such a check is a function that cannot be
successfully exercised by the 3 Justices of the Moran's Comments on the Rules of Court, Vol. 3, pp. 490, 495). Wherefore, judgment is hereby rendered declaring
Supreme Court, for the obvious and simple Such is not the nature of the situation that confronted Senator that respondents Senators Mariano Jesus Cuenco and Francisco
reason that they could easily be outvoted by the Tañada and the other members of the Senate. Lastly, the case A. Delgado have not been duly elected as Members of the
6 members of the majority party in the Tribunal. of Zandueta vs. De la Costa (66 Phil., 615), cited by respondents, Senate Electoral Tribunal, that they are not entitled to act as
xxx xxx xxx is not in point. Judge Zandueta assumed office by virtue of an such and that they should be, as they are hereby, enjoined from
"In the case of the cited opinion of appointment, the legality of which he later on assailed. In the exercising the powers and duties of Members of said Electoral
Secretary Abad Santos rendered in 1939, it did case at bar, the nomination and election of Senator Tañada as Tribunal and from acting in such capacity in connection with
not appear that there were minority party member of the Senate Electoral Tribunal was separate, distinct Senate Electoral Case No. 4 thereof. With the qualification
candidates who were adversely affected by the and independent from the nomination and election of Senators stated above, the petition is dismissed, as regards respondents
ruling of the Secretary of Justice and who could Cuenco and Delgado. Alfredo Cruz, Catalina Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and Placido
have brought a test case to court." (Emphasis In view of the foregoing, we hold that the Senate may Reyes. Without special pronouncement as to costs. It is so
supplied.) not elect, as members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, those ordered.
The defenses of waiver and estoppel set up against Senators who have not been nominated by the political parties Bengzon, Padilla, Montemayor, Reyes, A., Bautista
petitioner Tañada are untenable. Although "an individual may specified in the Constitution; that the party having the largest Angelo, Reyes, J. B. L. and Felix, JJ., concur.
waive constitutional provisions intended for his benefit", number of votes in the Senate may nominate not more than Separate Opinions
particularly those meant for the protection of his property, and, three (3) members thereof to said Electoral Tribunal; that the PARAS, C.J., dissenting:
sometimes, even those tending "to secure his personal liberty", party having the second largest number of votes in the Senate
has the exclusive right to nominate the other three (3) Senators In 1939, Section (4) of Article VI of the Philippine
the power to waive does not exist when "public policy or public Constitution provided that "There shall be an Electoral
morals" are involved. (11 Am. Jur. 765; I Cooley's Constitutional who shall sit as members in the Electoral Tribunal; that neither
Commission composed of three Justices of the Supreme Court
Limitations, pp. 368-371). The procedure outlined in the these three (3) Senators, nor any of them, may be nominated
designated by the Chief Justice, and of six members chosen by
Constitution for the organization of the Electoral Tribunals was by a person or party other than the one having the second
largest number of votes in the Senate or its representative the National Assembly, three of whom shall be nominated by
adopted in response to the demands of the common weal, and the party having the largest number of votes, and three by the
it has been held that "where a statute is founded on public therein; that the Committee on Rules for the Senate has no
party having the second largest number of votes therein." As all
policy, those to whom it applies should not be permitted to standing to validly make such nomination and that the
nomination of Senators Cuenco and Delgado by Senator the members of the National Assembly then belonged to the
waive its provisions" (82 C. J. S., 874). Besides, there can be no Nacionalista Party and a belief arose that it was impossible to
waiver without an intent to such effect, which Senator Tañada Primicias, and the election of said respondents by the Senate,
comply with the constitutional requirement that three
did not have. Again, the alleged waiver or exhaustion of his as members of said Tribunal, are null and void ab initio.
members of the Electoral Commission should be nominated by
rights does not justify the exercise thereof by a person or party As regards respondents Alfredo Cruz, Catalina the party having the second largest number of votes, the
other than that to which it is vested exclusively by the Cayetano, Manuel Serapio and Placido Reyes, we are not opinion of the Secretary of Justice was sought on the proper
Constitution. prepared to hold, however, that their appointments were null interpretation of the constitutional provision involved.
The rule on estoppel is that "whenever a party has, by and void. Although recommended by Senators Cuenco and Secretary of Justice Jose A. Santos accordingly rendered the
his declaration, act or omissions, intentionally and deliberately Delgado, who are not lawful members of the Senate Electoral following opinion:
led another to believe a particular thing true, and to act upon Tribunal, they were appointed by its Chairman, presumably,
such belief, he cannot, in a litigation arising out of such with the consent of the majority of the de jure members of said
body 14 or, pursuant to the Rules thereof. At any rate, as held "I have the honor to acknowledge the
declaration, act or omission, be permitted to falsify it" (Rule 68, receipt of your letter of January 24, 1939, thru
sec. 68 [a], Rules of Court). In the case at bar, petitioner Senator in Suanes vs. Chief Accountant(supra), the selection of its
personnel is an internal matter falling within the jurisdiction the office of His Excellency, the President, in
Tañada did not lead the Senate to believe that Senator Primicias which you request my opinion as 'to the proper
could nominate Senators Cuenco and Delgado. On the contrary, and control of said body, and there is every reason to believe
that it will, hereafter, take appropriate measures, in relation to interpretation of the following provision of
said petitioner repeatedly asserted that his was the exclusive Section (4) of Article VI of the Philippine
right to make the nomination. He, likewise, specifically the four (4) respondents abovementioned, conformably with
the spirit of the Constitution and of the decision in the case at Constitution':
contested said nomination of Senators Cuenco and Delgado.
bar. 'There shall be an Electoral Commission
Again, the rule on estoppel applies to questions of fact, not of
law, about the truth of which the other party is ignorant (see composed of three Justices of the Supreme
Court designated by the Chief Justice, and of six "From the foregoing changes in the have so changed as to make a different
members chosen by the National Assembly, phraseology of the provision, it is evident that rule seem desirable (11 Am. Jur. 659).
three of whom shall be nominated by the party the intention of the framers of "It is undisputed of course that the
having the largest number of voter, and three by our Constitution was that there should primary purpose of the Convention in giving
the party having the second largest number of invariably be six members from the National representation to the minority party in the
votes therein.' Assembly. It was also intended to create a non- Electoral Commission was to safeguard the
"You state that 'as all the members of partisan body to decide any partisan contest rights of the minority party and to protect their
the present National Assembly belong to the that may be brought before the Commission. interests, especially when the election of any
Nacionalista Party, it is impossible to comply The primary object was to avoid decision based member of the minority party is protected. The
with the last part of the provision which chiefly if not exclusively on partisan basic philosophy behind the constitutional
requires that three members shall be nominated considerations. provision was to enable the minority party to
by the party having the second largest number "The procedure or manner of act as a check on the majority in the Electoral
of votes in the Assembly.' nomination cannot possibly affect the Commission, with the members of the Supreme
"The main features of the constitutional mandate that the Assembly is Court as the balancing factor. Inasmuch,
constitutional provision in question are: (1) that entitled to six members in the Electoral however, as there is no minority party
there shall be an Electoral Commission Commission. When for lack of a minority represented in the Assembly, the necessity for
composed of three Justices of the Supreme representation in the Assembly the power to such a check by the minority party disappears. It
Court designated by the Chief Justice, and of six nominate three minority members cannot be is a function that is expected to be exercised by
members chosen by the National Assembly; and exercised, it logically follows that the only party the three Justices of the Supreme Court.
that (2) of the six members to be chosen by the in the Assembly may nominate three others, "To summarize, considering the plain
National Assembly, three shall be nominated by otherwise the explicit mandate of the terms of the constitutional provision in
the party having the largest number of votes Constitution that there shall be six members question, the changes that it has undergone
and three by the party having the second largest from the National Assembly would be nullified. since it was first introduced until finally adopted
number of votes. "In other words, fluctuations in the by the convention, as well as the considerations
"Examining the history of the total membership of the Commission were not that must have inspired the Constitutional
constitutional provision, I find that in the first and could not have been intended. We cannot Convention in adopting it as it is, I have come to
two drafts it was provided that the Electoral say that the Commission should have nine the conclusion that the Electoral Commission
Commission shall be composed of 'three members during one legislative term and six should be composed of nine members, three
memberselected by the members of the party members during the next. Constitutional from the Supreme Court and six chosen by the
having the largest number of votes, provisions must always have a consistent National Assembly to be nominated by the party
three elected by the members of the party application. The membership of the Commission in power, there being no other party entitled to
having the second largest number of votes, and is intended to be fixed and not variable and is such nomination."
three justices of the Supreme Court . . . (Aruego, not dependent upon the existence or non- Pursuant to the foregoing opinion of February 1, 1939,
The Framing of the Phil. Const., pp. 260-261). existence of one or more parties in the the Electoral Commission was formally organized, with six
But as finally adopted by the Convention, the Assembly. members of the National Assembly all belonging to the same
Constitution explicitly states that there shall be "'A cardinal rule in dealing party and three Justices of the Supreme Court. Constitutional
'six members chosen by the National Assembly, with Constitutions is that they should amendments were introduced and duly adopted in 1940, and
three of whom shall be nominated by the party receive a consistent and uniform the Electoral Commission was replaced by an Electoral Tribunal
having the largest number of votes, and three interpretation, so they shell not be for each house of Congress. It is now provided that "Each
by the party having the second largest number taken to mean one thing at one time Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of nine Members, three of
of votes' (Aruego, The Framing of the Phil. and another thing at another time, whom shall be Justices of the Supreme Court to be designated
Const., pp. 271-272). even though the circumstances may by the Chief Justice, and the remaining six shall be Members of
the Senate or of the House of Representatives, as the case may
be, who shall be chosen by each House, three upon nomination each House who are to sit in the Electoral Tribunals and thereby "As a general proposition, there is
of the party having the largest number of votes and three of the expected them, as does everybody, to decide jointly with the greater likelihood that constitutional provisions
party having the second largest number of votes therein. The Justices of the Supreme Court election contests exclusively will be given mandatory effect than is true of
senior Justice in each Electoral Tribunal shall be its Chairman." upon their merits. any other class of organic law. Indeed, such a
(Article VI, Section 11, of the Constitution.) In view of the failure or unwillingness of Senator construction accords with the generally
If there was any doubt on the matter, the same was Lorenzo M. Tañada of the Citizens Party, the party having the acknowledged import of constitutional fiat; that
removed by the amendment of 1940 the framers of which may second largest number of votes in the Senate, to nominate two its character is such as to require absolute
be assumed to have been fully aware of the one-party other Members of the Electoral Tribunal, the Senate was compliance in all cases without exception. And
composition of the former National Assembly which gave rise to justified, in obedience to the constitutional mandate, to choose the very principles of our institutions, involving
the abovequoted opinion of the Secretary of Justice. When — as it did — said two Members. as they do concepts of constitutional
instead of wording the amendment in such a form as to nullify I vote to dismiss the petition. supremacy, are such as to form reasonable
said opinion, Section 11 of Article VI of the Constitution not only grounds for a presumption that the framers of
Endencia, J., concurs.
did not substantially depart from the original constitutional a constitution intended that just such efficacy be
provision but also positively and expressly ordains that "Each LABRADOR, J., dissenting: given to it . . .." (Sec. 5807, Sutherland Statutory
Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of nine Members," the I dissent and herewith proceed to explain my reasons Construction, Vol. 3, p. 84.)
intent has become clear and mandatory that at all times the therefor. The majority holds that as Senator Tañada, the only
Electoral Tribunal shall have nine Members regardless of The constitutional provision, in pursuance of which member of the Senate who does not belong to the Nacionalista
whether or not two parties make up each house of Congress. Senators Cuenco and Delgado were elected by the Senate Party, has refused to exercise the constitutional privilege
It is very significant that while the party having the members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal is as follows: afforded him to nominate the two other members, the Senate
second largest number of votes is allowed to nominate three "The Senate and the House of may not elect said two other members. And the reason given
Members of the Senate or of the House of Representatives, it is Representatives shall each have an Electoral for this ruling is the presumed intention of the constitutional
not required that the nominees should belong to the same Tribunal which shall be the sole judge of all provision to safeguard the interests of the minority. This
party. Considering further that the six Members are chosen by contests relating to the election, returns, and holding is subject to the following fundamental objections. In
each house, and not by the party or parties, the conclusion is qualifications of their respective Members. Each the first place, it renders nugatory the provision which fixes the
inescapable that party affiliation is neither controlling nor Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of nine membership of the Senate Electoral Tribunal at nine, a
necessary. Members, three of whom shall be Justices of the provision which is admittedly a mandatory provision. In the
Under the theory of the petitioners, even if there were Supreme Court to be designated by the Chief second place, it denies to the Senate the power that the
sufficient Members belonging to the party having the second Justice, and the remaining six shall be Members constitutional provision expressly grants it, i.e., that of electing
largest of votes, the latter may nominate less than three or of the Senate or of the House of the members of the Electoral Tribunal; so in effect this right or
none at all; and the Chief Justice may similarly designate less Representatives, as the case may be, who shall prerogative is lodged, as a consequence of the refusal of the
than three Justices. If not absurd, this would frustrate the be chosen by each House, three upon minority member to nominate, in the hands of said member of
purpose of having an ideal number in the composition of the nomination of the party having the largest the minority, contrary to the constitutional provision. In the
Electoral Tribunal and guarding against the possibility of number of votes and three of the party having third place, it would make the supposedly procedural provision,
deadlocks. It would not be accurate to argue that the Members the second largest number of votes therein. The the process of nomination lodged in the minority party in the
of the Electoral Tribunal other than the Justices of the Supreme Senior Justice in each Electoral Tribunal shall be Senate, superior to and paramount over the power of election,
Court would naturally vote along purely partisan lines, checked its Chairman." (Section II, Article VI of the which is lodged in the whole Senate itself. So by the ruling of
or fiscalized only by the votes of the Justices; otherwise Constitution.) the majority, a procedural provision overrides a substantive one
membership in the Tribunal may well be limited to the Justices I hold that the above provision, just as any other and renders nugatory the other more important mandatory
of the Supreme Court and six others who are not Members of constitutional provision, is mandatory in character and that this provision that the Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of nine
the Senate or of the House of Representatives. Upon the other character is true not only of the provision that nine members members. In the fourth place, the majority decision has by
hand, the framers of the Constitution — not insensitive to some shall compose the tribunal but also that which defines the interpretation inserted a provision in the Constitution which the
such argument — still had reposed their faith and confidence in manner in which the members shall be chosen. Such a holding Constitutional Convention alone had the power to introduce,
the independence, integrity and uprightness of the Members of is in accord with well-settled rules of statutory construction. namely, a proviso to the effect that if the minority fails or
refuses to exercise its privilege to nominate all the three
members, the membership of the Electoral Tribunal shall 56; Vargas vs. Rilloraza, 45 Off. Gaz., 3847;Endencia vs. disregard its commands. It is their duty in authorized
thereby be correspondingly reduced. This arrogation of power David, 49 Off. Gaz., 4822; Rutter vs. Esteban, 49 Off. proceedings to give effect to the
by us is not justified by any rule of law or reason. Gaz., 1807; Comm. Investment vs. Garcia, 49 Off. Gaz., existing Constitution and to obey all constitutional
I consider the opinion of the Senate that the refusal of 1801; Marbury vs. Madison, 1 Cranch 137; Ex Parte provisions irrespective of their opinion as to the
Senator Tañada to nominate the two other members must be Garland, 4 Wall. 333; Hepburn vs. Griswold, 8 Wall. wisdom of such provisions.
construed as a waiver of a mere privilege, more in consonance 603; Knox vs. Lee, 12 Wall. 457; Civil Rights Cases [U. S. "In accordance with principles which are basic, the rule is
not only with the constitutional provision as a whole, but with vs. M. Stanley; U. S. vs. M. Ryan, U. S. vs. S. Nichols; U. fixed that the duty in a proper case to declare a law
the dictates of reason. The above principle (of waiver) furnishes S. vs. Singleton; Robinson vs. Menphis and Charleston unconstitutional cannot be declined and must be
the remedy by which two parts of the constitutional provision, Railroad Co.], 109 U. S. 3 Pollock vs. Farmers' Loan and performed in accordance with the deliberate judgment
that which fixes membership at nine and that which outlines Trust Co. 157 U. S. 429, 158 U. S. 601; Fairbanks vs. U. of the tribunal before which the validity of the
the procedure in which said membership of nine may be S., 181 U. S. 286. enactment is directly drawn into question. When it is
elected, can be reconciled. Well known is the legal principle 2.Which, insofar as pertinent to the issues in the case at bar, is clear that a statute transgresses the authority vested in
that provisions which in their application may nullify each other substantially identical to each of the Electoral Tribunals the legislature by the Constitution, it is the duty of the
should be reconciled to make them both effective, if the under the Constitution as amended. courts to declare the act unconstitutional because they
reconciliation can be effected by the application of other legal 3.Araneta vs. Dinglasan, Barredo vs. Commission on Elections, cannot shrink from it without violating their oaths of
principles. The reconciliation is brought about in this case by and Rodriguez vs. Treasurer of the Philippines, 84 Phil., office. This duty of the courts to maintain the
the principle of waiver. 368, 45 Off. Gaz., 4411, 4457; Nacionalista Party vs. Constitution as the fundamental law of the state
While I agree with the majority that it is the duty of Bautista, 85 Phil., 101, 47 Off. Gaz., 2356; Lacson vs. is imperative and unceasing; and, as Chief Justice
this Court to step in, when a constitutional mandate is ignored, Romero, 84 Phil., 740, 47 Off. Gaz., 1778; De los Santos Marshal said, whenever a statute is in violation of the
to enforce said mandate even as against the other coordinate vs. Mallare, 87 Phil., 289, 48 Off. Gaz., 1787; Lacson vs. fundamental law, the courts must so adjudge and
departments, this is not the occasion for it to do so, for to say Roque, 92 Phil., 456, 49 Off. Gaz., 93; Jover Ledesma thereby give effect to the Constitution. Any other
the least it does not clearly appear that the form and manner in vs. Borra, 93 Phil., 506, 49 Off. Gaz., 2765; Ramos vs. course would lead to the destruction of the
which the Senate exercised its expressly recognized power to Avelino, 97 Phil., 844, 51 Off. Gaz., 5607. Constitution. Since the question as to the
elect its members to the Senate Electoral Tribunal has been 4."From the very nature of the American system of government constitutionality of a statute is a judicial matter, the
clearly violative of the constitutional mandate. with Constitutions prescribing the jurisdiction and courts will not decline the exercise of jurisdiction upon
Senators Cuenco and Delgado not having been duly powers of each of the three branches of government, it the suggestion that action might be taken by political
elected as members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, are not has devolved on the judiciary to determine whether the agencies in disregard of the judgment of the judicial
entitled to act as such. Petition dismissed as regards acts of the other two departments are in harmony with tribunals." (11 Am. Jur., pp. 712-713, 713- 715; italics
respondents Cruz, Cayetano, Serapio and Reyes. the fundamental law. All the departments of the supplied.).
Footnotes government are unquestionably entitled and compelled 5.Rich vs. Board of Canvassers, 59 N. W. 183; State vs. McBride,
to judge of the Constitution for themselves; but, in doing 29 Am. Dec. 636; Collier vs. Frierson, 24 Ala. 100; State
1.Casanovas vs. Hord, 8 Phil., 125; Omo vs. Insular Gov't., 11 vs. Swift, 69 Ind. 505; State vs. Timme, 11 N. W. 785;
Phil., 67; Weigall vs. Shuster, 11 Phil., 340; Barrameda so, they act under the obligations imposed in the
instrument, and in the order of time pointed out by it. Prohibition and Amendment Cases, 24 Kan. 700;
vs. Moir, 25 Phil., 44; Hamilton vs. McGirr, 30 Phil.,
When the judiciary has once spoken, if the acts of the Kadderly vs. Portland, 74 Pac. 710; Koehler vs. Hill, 14
563; Compañia Gral. de Tabacos vs. Board of Public
other two departments are held to be unauthorized or N. W. 738; State vs. Brockhart, 84 N. W. 1064;
Utility Commissioners, 34 Phil., 136; Central Capiz vs. University vs. McIver, 72 N. C. 76; Westinghausen vs.
Ramirez, 40 Phil., 883; Concepcion vs. Paredes, 42 despotic, in violation of the Constitution or the vested
rights of the citizen, they cease to be operative or People, 6 N. W. 641; State vs.Powell, 27 South, 927;
Phil., 599; McDaniel vs. Apacible, 42 Phil., 749;U. S. vs.
binding. Bott vs. Wurtz, 43 Atl. 744; Rice vs. Palmer, 96 S. W.
Ang Tang Ho, 43 Phil., 1; People vs. Pomar, 46 Phil.,
xxx xxx xxx 396; State vs. Tooker, 37 Pac. 840.
440; Agcaoili vs. Suguitan, 48 Phil., 676; Gov't. vs.
Springer, 50 Phil., 259; Gov't. vs. Agoncillo, 50 Phil., "Since the Constitution is intended for the observance of the 6."The procedure or manner of nomination cannot possibly
348; Gov't. vs. El Hogar Filipino, 50 Phil., 399; Manila judiciary as well as the other departments of affect the constitutional mandate that the Assembly is
Electric vs. Pasay Transp., 57 Phil., 600; Angara vs. government and the judges are sworn to support its entitled to six members in the Electoral Commission.
Electoral Commission, supra; People vs. Vera, 65 Phil., provisions, the courts are not at liberty to overlook or When for lack of a minority representation in the
Assembly the power to nominate three minority Constitutional Convention in adopting it as it is, I have other because three votes in favor or three votes
members cannot be exercised, it logically follows that come to the conclusion that the Electoral Commission against, depending on the party of the protestants or
the only party in the Assembly may nominate three should be composed of nine members, three from the the protestees, that the Supreme Court decide the
others, otherwise the explicit mandate of the Supreme Court and six chosen by the National case because then it would be a judicial decision in
Constitution that there shall be six members from the Assembly to be nominated by the party in power, reality. Another reason is founded on the theory that
National Assembly would be nullified. there being no other party entitled to such the Justices of the Supreme Court are supposed to be
"In other words, fluctuations in the total membership of the nomination." Annex A to the Answers pp. 2-3. beyond pressure, beyond influence, although that may
Commission were not and could have been intended. 6a.Since 1939, when said opinion was rendered, the question not be true. But having reached the highest judicial
We cannot say that the Commission should have nine therein raised has not been taken up or discussed, until position of the land, these persons would likely act
members during one legislative term and six members the events leading to the case at bar (in February 1956). impartially." (Congressional Record for the Senate, Vol.
during the next. Constitutional provisions must always 6b.Thus, in Suanes vs. Chief Accountant (supra) - in which the III, p. 376.)
have a consistent application. The membership of the respondents maintained that the Electoral Commission 8.When the legislative power was vested in a unicameral body,
Commission is intended to be fixed and not variable formed part of the National Assembly, citing in support known as the National Assembly.
and is not dependent upon the existence or non- thereof the principle of contemporaneous and 9.Upon the substitution of the National Assembly by a
existence of one or more parties in the Assembly. practical construction - this Court deemed it bicameral Congress, consisting of the Senate and the
'A cardinal rule in dealing with Constitutions is that unnecessary to refute the same in order to adopt the House of Representatives.
they should receive a consistent and uniform opposite view. 10.Senator Lim said:
interpretation, so they shall not be taken to 7.Senator Laurel reiterated this view on the floor of the Senate, "But in the spirit, Your Honor can see very well that those
mean one thing at one time and another thing on February 22, 1956, in the following language: three should belong to the party having the second
at another time, even though the "And hence this provision that we find in the Constitution, largest number of votes, precisely, as Your Honor said,
circumstances may have so changed as to three to represent, in the manner prescribed in the to maintain equilibrium because partisan
make a different rule seem desirable (11 Am. Constitution, the party that received the highest considerations naturally enter into the mind and heart
Jur. 659).' number of votes, meaning the majority party which is of a senator belonging to a particular party. Although
"It is undisputed of course that the primary purpose of the the Nacionalista Party now, and three to represent the grammatically, I agree with Your Honor, Your Honor
Convention in giving representation to the minority party receiving the next highest number of votes can see that the spirit of the provision of the
party in the Electoral Commission was to safeguard the therein, meaning the minority party, the party Constitution is clear that the three must come from
rights of the minority party and to protect their receiving the next highest number of votes. But there the party having the highest number of votes and the
interests, especially when the election of any member was a great deal of opinion that it would be better if other three nominated must belong to the party having
of the minority party is protected. The basic philosophy this political organization, so far as the legislative the second highest number of votes. Your Honor can
behind the constitutional provision was to enable the department is concerned, could be tempered by a sort see the point. If we allow Your Honor to back up your
minority party to act as a check on the majority of the of a judicial reflection which could be done by drafting argument that equilibrium should be maintained,
Electoral Commission, with the members of the three, as to each Electoral Tribunal, from the Supreme because partisan considerations enter when one is
Supreme Court as the balancing factor. Inasmuch, Court. And that, I think, was the reason because a with the majority party, and that no party should
however, as there is no minority party represented in great majority of the delegates to the constitutional prevail, Your Honor should also have to consider
the Assembly, the necessity for such a check by the convention accepted that principle. That is why we that the spirit of the Constitution is precisely to obviate
minority party disappears. It is a function that is have nine members in each electoral tribunal, in the that to the extent that only three can be nominated
expected to be exercised by the three Justices of the House and in the Senate. And one reason that I from the party having the largest number of votes and
Supreme Court. remember then and I am speaking from memory, Mr. three from the party having the second largest number
"To summarize, considering the plain terms of the President, was that it is likely that the three members of votes." (Congressional Record of the Senate, Vol. III,
constitutional provision in question, the changes that it representing a party would naturally favor the p. 337; emphasis supplied.).
has undergone since it was first introduced until finally protestants or protestees, and so on. So it would be The statement of Senator Sabido was:
adopted by the Convention, as well as the better that even on that hypothesis or on that ". . .the purpose of the creation of the Electoral Tribunal and
considerations that must have inspired the supposition it would be better, in case they annul each of its composition is to maintain a balance between the
two parties and make the members of the Supreme a constitutional provision is directory merely in view of 14.Namely, the other two (2) Justices of the Supreme Court and
Court the controlling power so to speak of the Electoral the tendency of the legislature to disregard provisions Senators Laurel, Lopez and Primicias, or a total of six
Tribunal or hold the balance of power. That is the ideal which are not said to be mandatory. Accordingly, it is (6) members of the Tribunal.
situation." the general rule to regard constitutional provisions as ||| (Tañada v. Cuenco, G.R. No. L-10520, [February 28, 1957])
xxx xxx xxx mandatory, and not to leave any discretion to the will
". . . I said that the ideal composition in the contemplation of of a legislature to obey or to disregard them. This
the framers of the Constitution is that those presumption as to mandatory quality is usually
participating in the electoral tribunal shall belong to followed unless it is unmistakably manifest that the
the members of the party who are before the electoral provisions are intended to be merely directory. The
tribunal either as protestants or protestees, in order to analogous rules distinguishing mandatory and
insure impartiality in the proceeding and justice in the directory statutes are oflittle value in this connection
decision that may be finally rendered." (Congressional and are rarely applied in passing upon the provisions of
Record for the Senate, Vol. III, pp. 349, 352; emphasis a Constitution.
supplied.) "So strong is the inclination in favor of giving obligatory
Senator Cea declared: force to the terms of the organic law that it has even
been said that neither by the courts nor by any other
". . . the original purpose of the Constitution is to nominate
department of the government may any provision
only members of the two major parties in the Senate in of the Constitution be regarded as merely
the Electoral Tribunal." (Congressional Record for the
directory, but that each and every one of its provisions
Senate, Vol. III, p. 350; emphasis supplied.)
should be treated as imperative and mandatory,
The words of Senator Paredes were: without reference to the rules and distinguishing
". . .what was intended in the creation of the electoral between the directory and the mandatory statutes." (II
tribunal was to create a sort of collegiate court Am. Jr. 686-687; emphasis supplied.)
composed of nine members three of them belonging to 12.Which admittedly, has the second largest number of votes in
the party having largest number of votes, and three the Senate.
from the party having the second largest number of
13.In Angara vs. Electoral Commission (supra, 169) Senator,
votes so that these members may represent the
then Justice, Laurel, speaking for this Court, recalled
party, and the members of said party who will sit
before the electoral tribunal as protestees. For when it
comes to a party, Mr. President, there is ground to "In the same session of December 4, 1934, Delegate Cruz
believe that decisions will be made along party lines." (C.) sought to amend the draft by reducing the
(Congressional Record for the Senate, Vol. III, p. 351; representation of the minority party and the Supreme
emphasis supplied.) Court in the Electoral Commission to two members
each, so as to accord more representation to the
11.The need of adopting this view is demanded, not only by the
majority party. The Convention rejected this
factors already adverted to, but, also, by the fact that
amendment by a vote of seventy-six (76) against forty-
constitutional provisions, unlike statutory enactments, six (46), thus maintaining the non-partisan character of
are presumed to be mandatory, "unless the contrary is
the commission." (Emphasis supplied.)
unmistakably manifest." The pertinent rule of statutory
construction is set forth in the American Jurisprudence Needless to say, what the Constitutional Convention thus
as follows: precluded from being done by direct action or grant of
authority in the Charter of our Republic should not
"In the interpretation of Constitutions, questions frequently
receive judicial sanction, when done by resolution of
arise as to whether particular sections are mandatory
one House of Congress, a mere creature of said
or directory. The courts usually hesitate to declare that charter.
EN BANC political realignment because the LDP is not a duly registered words, . . . it refers "to those questions which,
[G.R. No. 86344. December 21, 1989.] political party and has not yet attained political stability. under the Constitution, are to be decided by the
REP. RAUL A. DAZA, petitioner, vs. REP. LUIS C. For his part, the respondent argues that the question raised by the people in their sovereign capacity, or in regard
SINGSON and HON. RAOUL V. VICTORINO IN petitioner is political in nature and so beyond the jurisdiction of this to which full discretionary authority has been
THE LATTER'S CAPACITY AS SECRETARY OF THE Court. He also maintains that he has been improperly impleaded, delegated to the Legislature or executive branch
COMMISSION ON APPOINTMENTS, respondent. the real party respondent being the House of Representatives which of the Government." It is concerned with issues
changed its representation in the Commission on Appointments and dependent upon the wisdom, not legality, of a
removed the petitioner. Finally, he stresses that nowhere in particular measure.
CRUZ, J p:
the Constitution is it required that the political party be registered In the aforementioned case, the Court was asked by the petitioners
After the congressional elections of May 11, 1987, the House of to be entitled to proportional representation in the Commission on therein to annul the election of two members of the Senate
Representatives proportionally apportioned its twelve seats in the Appointments. cdll Electoral Tribunal of that chamber, on the ground that they had not
Commission on Appointments among the several political parties been validly nominated. The Senate then consisted of 23 members
In addition to the pleadings filed by the parties, a Comment was
represented in that chamber, including the Lakas ng Bansa, the PDP- from the Nacionalista Party and the petitioner as the lone member
submitted by the Solicitor General as amicus curiae in compliance
Laban, the NP-Unido, the Liberal Party, and the KBL, in accordance with an order from the Court. of the Citizens Party. Senator Lorenzo M. Tañada nominated only
with Article VI, Section 18, of the Constitution. Petitioner Raul A. himself as the minority representative in the Tribunal, whereupon
Daza was among those chosen and was listed as a representative of At the core of this controversy is Article VI, Section 18, of
the Constitution providing as follows: the majority elected Senators Mariano J. Cuenco and Francisco
the Liberal Party. 1 Delgado, from its own ranks, to complete the nine-man composition
On September 16, 1988, the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino was Sec. 18. There shall be a Commission on of the Tribunal as provided for in the 1935 Constitution. The
reorganized, resulting in a political realignment in the House of Appointments consisting of the President of the
petitioner came to this Court, contending that under Article VI,
Representatives. Twenty four members of the Liberal Party formally Senate, as ex officio Chairman, twelve Senators
Section 11, of that Charter, the six legislative members of the
resigned from that party and joined the LDP, thereby swelling its and twelve Members of the House of
Tribunal were to be chosen by the Senate, "three upon nomination
number to 159 and correspondingly reducing their former party to Representatives, elected by each House on the of the party having the largest number of votes and three of the
only 17 members. 2 basis of proportional representation from the
party having the second largest number of votes therein." As the
political parties and parties or organizations
On the basis of this development, the House of Representatives majority party in the Senate, the Nacionalista Party could nominate
registered under the party-list system only three members and could not also fill the other two seats
revised its representation in the Commission on Appointments by represented therein. The Chairman of the
withdrawing the seat occupied by the petitioner and giving this to pertaining to the minority. LibLex
Commission shall not vote, except in case of a
the newly-formed LDP. On December 5, 1988, the chamber elected By way of special and affirmative defenses, the respondents
tie. The Commission shall act on all
a new set of representatives consisting of the original members contended inter alia that the subject of the petition was an internal
appointments submitted to it within thirty
except the petitioner and including therein respondent Luis C. session days of the Congress from their matter that only the Senate could resolve. The Court rejected this
Singson as the additional member from the LDP. 3 argument, holding that what was involved was not the wisdom of
submission. The Commission shall rule by a
The petitioner came to this Court on January 13, 1989, to challenge majority vote of all the Members. the Senate in choosing the respondents but the legality of the
his removal from the Commission on Appointments and the choice in light of the requirement of the Constitution. The
Ruling first on the jurisdictional issue, we hold that, contrary to the
assumption of his seat by the respondent. Acting initially on his petitioners were questioning the manner of filling the Tribunal, not
respondent's assertion, the Court has the competence to act on the
petition for prohibition and injunction with preliminary injunction, the discretion of the Senate in doing so. The Court held that this was
matter at bar. Our finding is that what is before us is not a
we issued a temporary restraining order that same day to prevent a justiciable and not a political question, thus:
discretionary act of the House of Representatives that may not be
both the petitioner and the respondent from serving in the reviewed by us because it is political in nature. What is involved Such is not the nature of the question for
Commission on Appointments. 4 determination in the present case. Here, we are
here is the legality, not the wisdom, of the act of that chamber in
Briefly stated, the contention of the petitioner is that he cannot be removing the petitioner from the Commission on Appointments. called upon to decide whether the election of
removed from the Commission on Appointments because his That is not a political question because, as Chief Justice Concepcion Senators Cuenco and Delgado by the Senate, as
election thereto is permanent under the doctrine announced explained in Tañada v. Cuenco: 6 members of the Senate Electoral Tribunal, upon
in Cunanan v. Tan. 5 His claim is that the reorganization of the nomination by Senator Primicias — a member
. . . the term "political question" connotes, in
House representation in the said body is not based on a permanent and spokesman of the party having the largest
legal parlance, what it means in ordinary number of votes in the Senate — on behalf of its
parlance, namely, a question of policy. In other
Committee on Rules, contravenes the cases, even the political question. Article VII, Section 1, of The language of Justice Laurel fits the case: "All
constitutional mandate that said members of the Constitution clearly provides: await the decision of this Court on the
the Senate Electoral Tribunal shall be chosen Section 1. The judicial power shall be vested in constitutional question. Considering, therefore,
"upon nomination . . . of the party having the one Supreme Court and in such lower courts as the importance which the instant case has
second largest number of votes" in the Senate may be established by law. assumed and to prevent multiplicity of suits,
and hence, is null and void. The Senate is not Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of strong reasons of public policy demand that [its]
clothed with "full discretionary authority" in the justice to settle actual controversies involving constitutionality . . . be now resolved." It may
choice of members of the Senate Electoral rights which are legally demandable and likewise be added that the exceptional character
Tribunal. The exercise of its power thereon is enforceable, and to determine whether or not of the situation that confronts us, the
subject to constitutional limitations which are there has been a grave abuse of discretion paramount public interest, and the undeniable
claimed to be mandatory in nature. It is clearly amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on necessity for ruling, the national elections being
within the legitimate province of the judicial the part of any branch or instrumentality of the barely six months away, reinforce our stand.
department to pass upon the validity of the Government. It would appear undeniable, therefore, that
proceeding in connection therewith. before us is an appropriate invocation of our
The respondent's contention that he has been improperly
'. . . whether an election of public impleaded is even less persuasive. While he may be technically jurisdiction to prevent the enforcement of an
officers has been in accordance with correct in arguing that it is not he who caused the petitioner's alleged unconstitutional statute. We are left
law is for the judiciary. Moreover, removal, we feel that this objection is also not an insuperable with no choice then; we must act on the matter.
where the legislative department has obstacle to the resolution of this controversy. We may, for one Coming now to the more crucial question, the Court notes that both
by statute prescribed election thing, treat this proceeding as a petition for quo warranto as the the petitioner and the respondent are invoking the case of Cunanan
procedure in a given situation, the petitioner is actually questioning the respondent's right to sit as a v. Tan to support their respective positions. It is best, therefore, to
judiciary may determine whether a member of the Commission on Appointments. For another, we have make a quick review of that case for a proper disposition of this one.
particular election has been in held as early as in the Emergency Powers Cases 7 that where serious In the election for the House of Representatives held in 1961, 72
conformity with such statute, and constitutional questions are involved, "the transcendental seats were won by the Nacionalista Party, 29 by the Liberal Party
particularly, whether such statute has importance to the public of these cases demands that they be and 1 by an independent. Accordingly, the representation of the
been applied in a way to deny or settled promptly and definitely, brushing aside, if we must, chamber in the Commission on Appointments was apportioned to 8
transgress on constitutional or technicalities of procedure." The same policy has since then been members from the Nacionalista Party and 4 from the Liberal Party.
statutory rights . . . .' (16 C.J.S., 439; consistently followed by the Court, as in Gonzales v. Commission on Subsequently, 25 members of the Nacionalista Party, professing
emphasis supplied). Elections, 8 where we held through Chief Justice Fernando: LexLib discontent over the House leadership, made common cause with
It is, therefore, our opinion that we have, not the Liberal Party and formed what was called the Allied Majority to
only jurisdiction but also the duty, to consider install a new Speaker and reorganize the chamber. Included in this
In the course of the deliberations, a serious
and determine the principal issue raised by the reorganization was the House representation in the Commission on
parties herein." procedural objection was raised by five
members of the Court. It is their view that Appointments where three of the Nacionalista congressmen
Although not specifically discussed, the same disposition was made respondent Commission on Elections not being originally chosen were displaced by three of their party colleagues
in Cunanan v. Tan as it likewise involved the manner or legality of sought to be restrained from performing any who had joined the Allied Majority. prcd
the organization of the Commission on Appointments, not the specific act, this suit cannot be characterized as Petitioner Carlos Cunanan's ad interim appointment as Deputy
wisdom or discretion of the House in the choice of its other than a mere request for an advisory Administrator of the Reforestration Administration was rejected by
representatives. opinion. Such a view, from the remedial law the Commission on Appointments as thus reorganized and
In the case now before us, the jurisdictional objection becomes even standpoint, has much to recommend it. respondent Jorge Tan, Jr. was thereafter designated in his place.
less tenable and decisive. The reason is that, even if we were to Nonetheless, a majority would affirm the Cunanan then came to this Court, contending that the rejection of
assume that the issue presented before us was political in nature, original stand that under the circumstances, it his appointment was null and void because the Commission itself
we would still not be precluded from resolving it under the could still rightfully be treated as a petition for was invalidly constituted.
expanded jurisdiction conferred upon us that now covers, in proper prohibition. The Court agreed. It noted that the Allied Majority was a merely
temporary combination as the Nacionalista defectors had not
disaffiliated from their party and permanently joined the new REPRESENTATION OF THE POLITICAL PARTIES on Appointment only to political parties who are
political group. Officially, they were still members of the THEREIN," necessarily connotes the authority of duly registered with the Comelec. 10
Nacionalista Party. The reorganization of the Commission on each House of Congress to see to it that this On November 23, 1989, however, that argument boomeranged
Appointments was invalid because it was not based on the requirement is duly complied with. As a against the petitioner. On that date, the Commission on Elections in
proportional representation of the political parties in the House of consequence, it may take appropriate measures, an en banc resolution affirmed the resolution of its First Division
Representatives as required by the Constitution. The Court held: not only upon the initial organization of the dated August 28, 1989, granting the petition of the LDP for
. . . In other words, a shifting of votes at a given Commission, but also, subsequently thereto. If registration as a political party. 11 This has taken the wind out of the
time, even if due to arrangements of a more or by reason of successful election protests against sails of the petitioner, so to speak, and he must now limp to shore
less temporary nature, like the one that has led members of a House, or of their expulsion from as best he can. LLpr
to the formation of the so-called "Allied the political party to which they belonged The petitioner's contention that, even if registered, the party must
Majority," does not suffice to authorize are and/or of their affiliation with another political still pass the test of time to prove its permanence is not acceptable.
organization of the membership of the party, the ratio in the representation of the Under this theory, a registered party obtaining the majority of the
Commission for said House. Otherwise the political parties in the House is materially seats in the House of Representatives (or the Senate) would still not
Commission on Appointments may have to be changed, the House is clothed with authority to be entitled to representation in the Commission on Appointments
reorganized as often as votes shift from one side declare vacant the necessary number of seats in as long as it was organized only recently and has not yet "aged." The
to another in the House. The framers of the Commission on Appointments held by Liberal Party itself would fall in such a category. That party was
our Constitution could not have intended to members of said House belonging to the created in December 1945 by a faction of the Nacionalista Party that
thus place a constitutional organ, like the political party adversely affected by the change seceded therefrom to support Manuel A. Roxas's bid for the
Commission on Appointments, at the mercy of and then fill said vacancies in conformity with Presidency of the Philippines in the election held on April 23,
each House of Congress. the Constitution. 1946 12 The Liberal Party won. At that time it was only four months
The petitioner vigorously argues that the LDP is not the permanent In the course of the spirited debate on this matter between the old. Yet no question was raised as to its right to be represented in
political party contemplated in the Constitution because it has not petitioner and the respondent (who was supported by the Solicitor the Commission on Appointments and in the Electoral Tribunals by
been registered in accordance with Article IX-B, Section 2(5), in General) an important development has supervened to considerable virtue of its status as the majority party in both chambers of the
relation to the other provisions of the Constitution. He stresses that simplify the present controversy. Congress.
the so-called party has not yet achieved stability and suggests it The petitioner, to repeat, bases his argument heavily on the non- The LDP has been in existence for more than one year now. It now
might be no different from several other political groups that have registration of the LDP which, he claims has not provided the has 157 members in the House of Representatives and 6 members
died "a-bornin'," like the UNA, or have subsequently floundered, like permanent political realignment to justify the questioned in the Senate. Its titular head is no less than the President of the
the UNIDO. reorganization. As he insists: Philippines and its President is Senator Neptali A. Gonzales, who
The respondent also cites Cunanan but from a different viewpoint. (c) Assuming that the so-called new coalesced took over recently from Speaker Ramon V. Mitra. It is true that
According to him, that case expressly allows reorganization at any majority is actually the LDP itself, then the there have been, and there still are, some internal disagreements
time to reflect changes in the political alignments in Congress, proposed reorganization is likewise illegal and among its members, but these are to be expected in any political
provided only that such changes are permanent. The creation of the ineffectual, because the LDP, not being a duly organization, especially if it is democratic in structure. In fact, even
LDP constituting the bulk of the former PDP Laban and to which no registered political party, is not entitled to the the monolithic Communist Party in a number of socialist states has
less than 24 Liberal congressmen had transferred was a permanent "rights and privileges granted by law to political undergone similar dissension, and even upheavals. But it surely
change. That change fully justified his designation to the parties" (Sec. 160, BP No. 881), and cannot be considered still temporary because of such discord.
Commission on Appointments after the reduction of the LP therefore cannot legally claim the right to be If the petitioner's argument were to be pursued, the 157 members
representation therein. Thus, the Court held: considered in determining the required of the LDP in the House of Representatives would have to be denied
Upon the other hand, the constitutional proportional representation of political parties in representation in the Commission on Appointments and, for that
provision to the effect that "there shall be a the House of Representatives. 9 matter, also the Electoral Tribunal. By the same token, the KBL,
Commission on Appointments consisting of xxx xxx xxx which the petitioner says is now "history only," should also be
twelve (12) Senators and twelve (12) members . . . the clear constitutional intent behind Section written off. The independents also cannot be represented because
of the House of Representatives elected by each 18, Article VI, of the 1987 Constitution, is to give they belong to no political party. That would virtually leave the
House, respectively, on the basis of proportional the right of representation in the Commission Liberal Party only-with all of its seventeen members — to claim all
the twelve seats of the House of Representatives in the Commission constitutional stalemate had to be resolved, there was no
on Appointments and the six legislative seats in the House Electoral alternative for us except to act, and to act decisively. In doing so, of
Tribunal. course, we are not imposing our will upon the said agencies, or
substituting our discretion for theirs, but merely discharging our
It is noteworthy that when with 41 members the Liberal Party was sworn responsibility to interpret and apply the Constitution. That is
alloted two of the seats in the Commission on Appointments, it did a duty we do not evade, lest we ourselves betray our oath.
not express any objection. 13 Inconsistently, the petitioner is now WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED. The temporary restraining
opposed to the withdrawal from it of one seat although its original order dated January 13, 1989, is LIFTED. The Court holds that the
number has been cut by more than half. respondent has been validly elected as a member of the
As for the other condition suggested by the petitioner, to wit, that Commission on Appointments and is entitled to assume his seat in
the party must survive in a general congressional election, the LDP that body pursuant to Article VI, Section 18, of the Constitution. No
has doubtless also passed that test, if only vicariously. It may even pronouncement as to costs.
be said that as it now commands the biggest following in the House SO ORDERED.
of Representatives, the party has not only survived but in fact Fernan, C .J ., Narvasa, Melencio-Herrera, Gutierrez, Jr., Paras,
prevailed. At any rate, that test was never laid down in Feliciano, Gancayco, Padilla, Bidin, Cortés, Griño-Aquino,
Cunanan. Cdpr Medialdea and Regalado, JJ ., concur.
To summarize, then, we hold, in view of the foregoing Sarmiento, J ., took no part.
considerations, that the issue presented to us is justiciable rather
political, involving as it does the legality and not the wisdom of the ||| (Daza v. Singson, G.R. No. 86344, [December 21, 1989], 259 PHIL
act complained of, or the manner of filling the Commission on
Appointments as prescribed by the Constitution. Even if the
question were political in nature, it would still come within our
powers of review under the expanded jurisdiction conferred upon
us by Article VIII, Section 1, of the Constitution, which includes the
authority to determine whether grave abuse of discretion
amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction has been committed by
any branch or instrumentality of the government. As for the alleged
technical flaw in the designation of the party respondent, assuming
the existence of such a defect, the same may be brushed aside,
conformably to existing doctrine, so that the important
constitutional issue raised may be addressed. Lastly, we resolve that
issue in favor of the authority of the House of Representatives to
change its representation in the Commission on Appointments to
reflect at any time the changes that may transpire in the political
alignments of its membership. It is understood that such changes
must be permanent and do not include the temporary alliances or
factional divisions not involving severance of political loyalties or
formal disaffiliation and permanent shifts of allegiance from one
political party to another. llcd
The Court would have preferred not to intervene in this matter,
leaving it to be settled by the House of Representatives or the
Commission on Appointments as the bodies directly involved. But as
our jurisdiction has been invoked and, more importantly, because a
EN BANC industries actually exist and are producing comparable goods. commonly established and the corresponding customs duties levied
[G.R. No. 101273. July 3, 1992.] Simultaneously, however, the very same customs duties inevitably and collected upon articles and goods which are not found at all
CONGRESSMAN ENRIQUE T. GARCIA, (Second have the effect of producing governmental revenues. Customs and not produced in the Philippines. In such cases, customs duties
District of Bataan), petitioner, vs. THE duties like internal revenue taxes are rarely, if ever, designed to may be seen to be imposed either for revenue purposes purely or
EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, THE COMMISSIONER achieve one policy objective only. Most commonly, customs duties, perhaps, in certain cases, to discourage any importation of the items
OF CUSTOMS, THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND which constitute taxes in the sense of exactions the proceeds of involved. In either case, it is clear that customs duties are levied and
DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, THE TARIFF which become public funds — have either or both the generation of imposed entirely apart from whether or not there are any
COMMISSION, THE SECRETARY OF FINANCE, revenue and the regulation of economic or social activity as their competing local industries to protect.
and THE ENERGY REGULATORY moving purposes and frequently, it is very difficult to say which, in a 6. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; PRESIDENT; EXECUTIVE ORDERS NOS.
BOARD,respondents. particular instance, is the dominant or principal objective. In the 475 AND 478, CONSTITUTIONAL. — Executive Orders Nos.
instant case, since the Philippines in fact produces ten (10) to fifteen 475 and 478 which may be conceded to be substantially moved by
Abraham C. La Vina for petitioner.
percent (15%) of the crude oil consumed here, the imposition of the desire to generate additional public revenues, are not, for that
SYLLABUS increased tariff rates and a special duty on imported crude oil and reason alone, either constitutionally flawed, or legally infirm under
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; PRESIDENT; AUTHORIZED BY CONGRESS imported oil products may be seen to have some "protective" Section 401 of theTariff and Customs Code. Petitioner has not
TO FIX TARIFF RATES AND OTHER DUTIES OR IMPOSTS. — Under impact upon indigenous oil production. For the effective price of successfully overcome the presumptions of constitutionality and
Section 24, Article VI of the Constitution, the enactment of imported crude oil and oil products is increased. At the same time, it legality to which those Executive Orders are entitled.
appropriation, revenue and tariff bills, like all other bills is, of cannot be gainsaid that substantial revenues for the government are DECISION
course, within the province of the Legislative rather than the raised by the imposition of such increased tariff rates or special
Executive Department. It does not follow, however, that FELICIANO, J p:
therefore Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478, assuming they may be On 27 November 1990, the President issued Executive Order No.
characterized as revenue measures, are prohibited to the President, 438 which imposed, in addition to any other duties, taxes and
that they must be enacted instead by the Congress of the the Tariff and Customs Code establishes general standards with charges imposed by law on all articles imported into the Philippines,
Philippines. There is explicit constitutional permission (Section 28[2] an additional duty of five percent (5%) ad valorem. This additional
which the exercise of the authority delegated by that provision to
of Article VI of the Constitution) to Congress to authorize the duty was imposed across the board on all imported articles,
the President must be consistent: that authority must be exercised
President "subject to such limitations and restrictions as [Congress] in "the interest of national economy, general welfare and/or including crude oil and other oil products imported into the
may impose" to fix "within specific limits" "tariff rates . . . and other Philippines. This additional duty was subsequently increased from
national security." Petitioner, however, insists that the "protection
duties or imposts . . . ." The relevant congressional statute is five percent (5%) ad valorem to nine percent (9%) ad valorem by the
of local industries" is the only permissible objective that can be
the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, and Sections 104 promulgation of Executive Order No. 443, dated 3 January 1991.
secured by the exercise of that delegated authority, and that
and 401, the pertinent provisions thereof. These are the provisions therefore "protection of local industries" is the sum total or the On 24 July 1991, the Department of Finance requested the Tariff
which the President explicitly invoked in promulgating Executive alpha and omega of "the national economy, general welfare and/or Commission to initiate the process required by the Tariff and
Orders Nos. 475 and 478. national security." We find it extremely difficult to take seriously Customs Code for the imposition of a specific levy on crude oil and
2. TAXATION; TARIFF AND CUSTOMS CODE; CUSTOMS DUTIES; such a confined and closed view of the legislative standards and other petroleum products, covered by HS Heading Nos. 27.09, 27.10
NAME GIVEN TO TAXES ON THE IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION policies summed up in Section 401. We believe, for instance, that and 27.11 of Section 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code as
OF COMMODITIES. — Customs duties which are assessed at the the protection of consumers, who after all constitute the very great amended. Accordingly, the Tariff Commission, following the
prescribed tariff rates are very much like taxes which are frequently bulk of our population, is at the very least as important a dimension procedure set forth in Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code,
imposed for both revenue-raising and for regulatory purposes. Thus, of "the national economy, general welfare and national security" as scheduled a public hearing to give interested parties an opportunity
it has been held that "customs duties" is "the name given to taxes on the protection of local industries. And so customs duties may be to be heard and to present evidence in support of their respective
the importation and exportation of commodities, the tariff or tax reduced or even removed precisely for the purpose of protecting positions.
assessed upon merchandise imported from, or exported to, a consumers from the high prices and shoddy quality and inefficient Meantime, Executive Order No. 475 was issued by the President on
foreign country." service that tariff-protected and subsidized local manufacturers may 15 August 1991 reducing the rate of additional duty on all imported
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; PROTECTION AFFORDED TO LOCAL INDUSTRIES. — otherwise impose upon the community. articles from nine percent (9%) to five percent (5%) ad valorem,
The levying of customs duties on imported goods may have in some 5. ID.; ID.; TARIFF RATES AND CUSTOM DUTIES; LEVIED UPON except in the cases of crude oil and other oil products which
measure the effect of protecting local industries — where such local ARTICLES NOT PRODUCED IN THE PHILIPPINES. — Tariff rates are continued to be subject to the additional duty of nine percent
(9%) ad valorem. cdtai
Upon completion of the public hearings, the Tariff Commission prescribed by the provisions of Executive Order "Sec. 104. All tariff sections, chapters, headings
submitted to the President a "Report on Special Duty on Crude Oil No. 443, as amended, is hereby lifted; Provided, and subheadings and the rates of import duty
and Oil Products" dated 16 August 1991, for consideration and however, that the selected articles covered by under Section 104 of Presidential Decree No. 34
appropriate action. Seven (7) days later, the President HS Heading Nos. 27.09 and 27.10 of Section 104 and all subsequent amendments issued under
issued Executive Order No. 478, dated 23 August 1991, which levied of the Tariff and Customs Code, as amended, Executive Orders and Presidential Decrees are
(in addition to the aforementioned additional duty of nine percent subject of Annex `A' hereof, shall continue to be hereby adopted and form part of this Code.
(9%) ad valorem and all other existing ad valorem duties) a special subject to the additional duty of nine (9%) There shall be levied, collected, and paid upon
duty of P0.95 per liter or P151.05 per barrel of imported crude oil percent ad valorem." all imported articles the rates of duty indicated
and P1.00 per liter of imported oil products. prLL in the Section under this section except as
In the present Petition for Certiorari, Prohibition and Mandamus, Under the above quoted provision, crude oil and other oil otherwise specifically provided for in this
petitioner assails the validity of Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478. products continue to be subject to the additional duty of nine Code: Provided, that, the maximum rate shall
He argues that Executive Orders Nos. 475and 478 are violative percent (9%) ad valorem under Executive Order No. 475 and to not exceed one hundred per cent ad valorem.
of Section 24, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution which provides as the special duty of P0.95 per liter of imported crude oil and The rates of duty herein provided or
follows: P1.00 per liter of imported oil products under Executive Order subsequently fixed pursuant to Section Four
"Section 24. All appropriation, revenue or tariff No. 478. prcd Hundred One of this Code shall be subject to
bills, bills authorizing increase of the public Turning first to the question of constitutionality, under Section 24, periodic investigation by the Tariff Commission
debt, bills of local application, and private bills Article VI of the Constitution, the enactment of appropriation, and may be revised by the President upon
shall originate exclusively in the House of revenue and tariff bills, like all other bills is, of course, within the recommendation of the National Economic and
Representatives, but the Senate may propose or province of the Legislative rather than the Executive Department. It Development Authority.
concur with amendments." does not follow, however, that therefore Executive Orders Nos. xxx xxx xxx
He contends that since the Constitution vests the authority to 475 and 478, assuming they may be characterized as revenue (Emphasis supplied)
enact revenue bills in Congress, the President may not assume measures, are prohibited to the President, that they must be Section 401 of the same Code needs to be quoted in full:
such power of issuing Executive Orders Nos. 475and 478 which enacted instead by the Congress of the Philippines. Section 28(2) of
"Sec. 401. Flexible Clause. —
are in the nature of revenue-generating measures. Article VI of the Constitution provides as follows:
Petitioner further argues that Executive Orders Nos. "(2) The Congress may, by law, authorize the a. In the interest of national economy, general
welfare and/or national security, and subject to
475 and 478 contravene Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code, President to fix within specified limits, and
the limitations herein prescribed, the President,
which Section authorizes the President, according to petitioner, to subject to such limitations and restrictions as it
upon recommendation of the National
increase, reduce or remove tariff duties or to impose additional may impose, tariff rates, import and export
duties only when necessary to protect local industries or products quotas, tonage and wharfage dues, and other Economic and Development Authority
(hereinafter referred to as NEDA), is hereby
but not for the purpose of raising additional revenue for the duties or imposts within the framework of the
empowered: (1) to increase, reduce or
government. national development program of the
Government."(Emphasis supplied) remove existing protective rates of import
Thus, petitioner questions first the constitutionality and second the duty(including any necessary change in
legality of Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478, and asks us to There is thus explicit constitutional permission 1 to Congress to classification). The existing rates may be
restrain the implementation of those Executive Orders. We will authorize the President "subject to such limitations and increased or decreased but in no case shall the
examine these questions in that order. restrictions as [Congress] may impose" to fix "within specific reduced rate of import duty be lower than the
Before doing so, however, the Court notes that the recent limits" "tariff rates . . . and other duties or imposts . . . ." basic rate of ten (10) per cent ad valorem, nor
promulgation of Executive Order No. 517 did not render the instant The relevant congressional statute is the Tariff and Customs Code of shall the increased rate of import duty be higher
Petition moot and academic. Executive Order No. 517 which is dated the Philippines, and Sections 104 and 401, the pertinent provisions than a maximum of one hundred (100) per cent
30 April 1992 provides as follows: thereof. These are the provisions which the President explicitly ad valorem; (2) to establish import quota or to
"Section 1. Lifting of the Additional Duty. — The invoked in promulgating Executive Orders Nos. 475 and 478. Section ban imports of any commodity, as may be
additional duty in the nature of ad 104 of the Tariff and Customs Code provides in relevant part: necessary; and (3) to impose an additional duty
valoremimposed on all imported articles on all imports not exceeding ten (10) per cent ad
valorem whenever necessary; Provided, That e. The NEDA shall promulgate rules and Bureau of Customs which administers theTariff and Customs Code,
upon periodic investigations by the Tariff regulations necessary to carry out the provisions is one of the two (2) principal traditional generators or producers of
Commission and recommendation of the NEDA, of this section. governmental revenue, the other being the Bureau of Internal
the President may cause a gradual reduction of f. Any Order issued by the President pursuant to Revenue. (There is a third agency, non-traditional in character, that
protection levels granted in Section One the provisions of this section shall take effect generates lower but still comparable levels of revenue for the
hundred and four of this Code, including those thirty (30) days after promulgation, except in government — The Philippine Amusement and Games Corporation
subsequently granted pursuant to this the imposition of additional duty not exceeding [PAGCOR].)
section. LexLib ten (10) per cent ad valorem which shall take In the third place, customs duties which are assessed at the
b. Before any recommendation is submitted to effect at the discretion of the President." prescribed tariff rates are very much like taxes which are frequently
the President by the NEDA pursuant to the (Underscoring supplied) imposed for both revenue-raising and for regulatory purposes. 4
provisions of this section, except in the Petitioner, however, seeks to avoid the thrust of the delegated Thus, it has been held that "customs duties" is "the name given
imposition of an additional duty not exceeding authorizations found in Sections 104 and 401 of the Tariff and to taxes on the importation and exportation of commodities, the
ten (10) per cent ad valorem, the Commission Customs Code, by contending that the President is authorized to act tariff or tax assessed upon merchandise imported from, or exported
shall conduct an investigation in the course of under the Tariff and Customs Code only "to protect local industries to, a foreign country." 5 The levying of customs duties on imported
which they shall hold public hearings wherein and products for the sake of the national economy, general welfare goods may have in some measure the effect of protecting local
interested parties shall be afforded reasonable and/or national security." 2 He goes on to claim that: industries — where such local industries actually exist and are
opportunity to be present, produce evidence "E.O. Nos. 478 and 475 having nothing to do producing comparable goods. Simultaneously, however, the very
and to be heard. The Commission shall also hear whatsoever with the protection of local same customs duties inevitably have the effect of producing
the views and recommendations of any industries and products for the sake of national governmental revenues. Customs duties like internal revenue taxes
government office, agency or instrumentality economy, general welfare and/or national are rarely, if ever, designed to achieve one policy objective only.
concerned. The Commission shall submit their security. On the contrary, they work in reverse, Most commonly, customs duties, which constitute taxes in the
findings and recommendations to the NEDA especially as to crude oil, an essential product sense of exactions the proceeds of which become public funds 6 —
within thirty (30) days after the termination of which we do not have to protect, since we have either or both the generation of revenue and the regulation of
the public hearings. produce only minimal quantities and have to economic or social activity as their moving purposes and frequently,
c. The power of the President to increase or import the rest of what we need. it is very difficult to say which, in a particular instance, is the
decrease rates of import duty within the limits dominant or principal objective. In the instant case, since the
These Executive Orders are avowedly solely to
fixed in subsection `a' shall include the authority Philippines in fact produces ten (10) to fifteen percent (15%) of the
enable the government to raise government
to modify the form of duty. In modifying the crude oil consumed here, the imposition of increased tariff rates
finances, contrary to Sections 24 and 28 (2) of and a special duty on imported crude oil and imported oil products
form of duty, the corresponding ad valorem or Article VI of the Constitution, as well as to
specific equivalents of the duty with respect to may be seen to have some "protective" impact upon indigenous oil
Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs
imports from the principal competing foreign production. For the effective price of imported crude oil and oil
Code." 3 (Emphasis in the original) products is increased. At the same time, it cannot be gainsaid that
country for the most recent representative
The Court is not persuaded. In the first place, there is nothing in the substantial revenues for the government are raised by the
period shall be used as bases.
language of either Section 104 or of 401 of the Tariff and Customs imposition of such increased tariff rates or special duty.
d. The Commissioner of Customs shall regularly Code that suggest such a sharp and absolute limitation of authority.
furnish the Commission a copy of all customs In the fourth place, petitioner's concept which he urges us to build
The entire contention of petitioner is anchored on just two (2) into our constitutional and customs law, is a stiflingly narrow one.
import entries as filed in the Bureau of Customs. words, one found in Section 401 (a) (1): "existing protective rates of
The Commission or its duly authorized Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs Codeestablishes general
import duty," and the second in the proviso found at the end of
representatives shall have access to, and the standards with which the exercise of the authority delegated by that
Section 401 (a): " protection levels granted in Section 104 of this
right to copy all liquidated customs import provision to the President must be consistent: that authority must
Code . . . ." We believe that the words "protective" and "protection" be exercised in "the interest of national economy, general welfare
entries and other documents appended thereto are simply not enough to support the very broad and encompassing
as finally filed in the Commission on Audit. and/or national security." Petitioner, however, insists that the
limitation which petitioner seeks to rest on those two (2) words.
"protection of local industries" is the only permissible objective that
In the second place, petitioner's singular theory collides with a very can be secured by the exercise of that delegated authority, and that
practical fact of which this Court may take judicial notice — that the
therefore "protection of local industries" is the sum total or the equivalent to the "resulting excess money not be needed to
alpha and the omega of "the national economy, general welfare adequately maintain the Oil Price Stabilization Fund (OPSF)." 8
and/or national security." We find it extremely difficult to take WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition for Certiorari,
seriously such a confined and closed view of the legislative Prohibition and Mandamus is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.
standards and policies summed up in Section 401. We believe, for Costs against petitioner.
instance, that the protection of consumers, who after all constitute SO ORDERED.
the very great bulk of our population, is at the very least as
||| (Garcia v. Executive Secretary, G.R. No. 101273, [July 3, 1992],
important a dimension of "the national economy, general welfare
and national security" as the protection of local industries. And so 286 PHIL 322-334)
customs duties may be reduced or even removed precisely for the
purpose of protecting consumers from the high prices and shoddy
quality and inefficient service that tariff-protected and subsidized
local manufacturers may otherwise impose upon the community.

It seems also important to note that tariff rates are commonly

established and the corresponding customs duties levied and
collected upon articles and goods which are not found at all
and not produced in the Philippines. The Tariff and Customs Code is
replete with such articles and commodities: among the more
interesting examples are ivory(Chapter 5, 5.10); castoreum or musk
taken from the beaver (Chapter 5, 5.14); olives (Chapter 7,
Notes); truffles or European fungi growing under the soil on tree
roots (Chapter 7, Notes); dates (Chapter 8, 8.01); figs (Chapter 8,
8.03); caviar (Chapter 16, 16.01); aircraft (Chapter 88,
88.01); special diagnostic instruments and apparatus for human
medicine and surgery (Chapter 90, Notes); X-ray generators; X-ray
tubes; X-ray screens, etc (Chapter 90, 90.20); etc. In such cases,
customs duties may be seen to be imposed either for revenue
purposes purely or perhaps, in certain cases, to discourage any
importation of the items involved. In either case, it is clear that
customs duties are levied and imposed entirely apart from whether
or not there are any competing local industries to protect.
Accordingly, we believe and so hold that Executive Orders Nos.
475 and 478 which may be conceded to be substantially moved by
the desire to generate additional public revenues, are not, for that
reason alone, either constitutionally flawed, or legally infirm under
Section 401 of the Tariff and Customs Code. Petitioner has not
successfully overcome the presumptions of constitutionality and
legality to which those Executive Orders are entitled. 7
The conclusion we have reached above renders it unnecessary to
deal with petitioner's additional contention that, should Executive
Orders Nos. 475 and 478 be declared unconstitutional and illegal,
there should be a roll back of prices of petroleum products
[G.R. No. L-2044. August 26, 1949.] Claro M. Recto, Ramon Diokno, Jose O. Vera, Alejo OF DELEGATION OF. — Emergency, in order to justify the
J. ANTONIO ARANETA, petitioner, vs. Mabanag, Jose B. Laurel, Jr. and Antonio Barredo for petitioner. delegation of emergency powers, "must be temporary or it can
RAFAEL DINGLASAN, Judge of First Instance of Solicitor General Felix Bautista Angelo for respondent. not be said to be an emergency."
Manila, and JOSE P. BENGZON, Fiscal of City of Vicente de Vera, Chairman, Commission on Elections. 4. ID.; LEGISLATURE HAD RESTRICTED THE LIFE OF
Manila, respondents. EMERGENCY POWERS. — In the language of section 3 of Act No.
Alfonso Ponce Enrile, Alva J. Hill and Honorio Poblador, 671, The National Assembly restricted the life of the emergency
[G.R. No. L-2756. August 26, 1949.] Jr. and Emiliano R. Navarro as amici curiae.
powers of the President to the time the Legislature was
J. ANTONIO ARANETA and GREGORIO Jesus G. Barrera, Enrique M. Fernando, Ramon prevented from holding sessions due to enemy action or other
VILLAMOR, petitioners, vs. EUGENIO ANGELES, Sunico, and Francisco A. Rodrigo also as amici curiae. causes brought on by war.
Fiscal of City of Manila, respondent. L-3055 5. STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION; AUTOMATICAL
[G.R. No. L-3054. Agosto 26, 1949.] Claro M. Recto and Leon Ma. Guerrero for petitioner. EXTINCTION OF ACT NO. 671; CONTEMPORARY
EULOGIO RODRIGUEZ, Sr., por si y como Solicitor General Felix Bautista Angelo for respondents. CONSTRUCTION. — Commonwealth Act No. 671 was only "for a
Presidente del Partido certain period" and "would become invalid unless reenacted."
Nacionalista, recurrente, contra EL TESORERO V. G. Bunuan, Administrator, Sugar Quota Office.
These phrases connote automatic extinction of the law upon
DE FILIPINAS, recurrido. Jesus G. Barrera, Felixberto M. Serrano, Enrique
the conclusion of a certain period. Together they denote that a
Fernando, Ramon Sunico and Francisco A. Rodrigo; Honorio
[G.R. No. L-3055. Agosto 26, 1949.] new legislation was necessary to keep alive (not to repeal) the
Poblador, Jr. and Emiliano R. Navarro as amici curiae.
LEON MA. GUERRERO, petitioner, vs. THE law after the expiration of that period. They signify that the
COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS and THE L-3056 same law, not a different one, had to be repassed if the grant
ADMINISTRATOR, SUGAR QUOTA OFFICE, Claro M. Recto and Antonio Barredo for petitioner. should be prolonged.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND Solicitor General Felix Bautista Angelo for respondents. 6. ID.; CONTEMPLATED PERIOD FOR ACT NO. 671;
INDUSTRY, respondents. Vicente de Vera, Chairman, Commission on Elections. CONTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION. — When it became evident
[G.R. No. L-3056. Agosto 26, 1949.] Alfonso Ponce Enrile, Alva J. Hill, Jesus G. Barrera, that we were completely helpless against air attack, and that it
ANTONIO BARREDO, in his own behalf and on Enrique M. Fernando, Ramon Sunico and Francisco A. Rodrigo; was most unlikely the Philippine Legislature would hold its next
behalf of all taxpayers similarly Honorio Poblador, Jr. and Emiliano R. Navarro as amici curiae. regular session which was to open on January 1, 1942." It can
situated, petitioner, vs. THE COMMISSION ON easily be discerned in this statement that the conferring of
ELECTIONS, THE AUDITOR GENERAL and THE enormous powers upon the President was decided upon with
1. STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION; INTENTION OF THE specific view to the inability of the National Assembly to meet.
INSULAR TREASURER OF THE LAW, HOW ASCERTAINED. — The intention of an act is to be
PHILIPPINES, respondents. Indeed no other factor than this inability could have motivated
sought for in its nature, the object to be accomplished, the the delegation of powers so vast as to amount to an abdication
L-2044 purpose to be subserved, and its relation to the Constitution. by the National Assembly of its authority. The enactment and
Paredes, Diaz & Poblador, Jesus G. Barrera, Vicente The consequences of the various constructions offered will also continuation of a law so destructive of the foundations of
Hilado, and Araneta & Araneta for petitioner. be resorted to as additional aid to interpretation. We test a rule democratic institutions could not have been conceived under
Solicitor General Felix Bautista Angelo, Assistant by its results. any circumstance short of a complete disruption and dislocation
Solicitor General Ruperto Kapunan, Jr., Solicitor Martiniano P. 2. ID.; ARTICLE VI OF THE CONSTITUTION of the normal processes of government.
Vivo and Assistant City Fiscal Julio Villamor for respondents. INTERPRETED. — Article VI of the Constitution provides that any 7. ID.; ID.; ID. — The period that best comports with
Claro M. Recto and Padilla, Carlos & Fernando as amici law passed by virtue thereof should be "for a limited period." the constitutional requirements and limitations, with the
curiae. "Limited" has been defined to mean restricted; bounded; general context of the law and with what we believe to be the
prescribed; confined within positive bounds; restrictive in main if not the sole raison d'etre for its enactment, was a period
duration, extent or scope. The words "limited period" as used in coextensive with the inability of Congress to function, a period
Araneta & Araneta and Jesus G. Barrera for petitioners. the Constitution are beyond question intended to mean ending with the convening of that body.
Assistant City Fiscal Luis B. Reyes for respondent. restrictive in duration.
Claro M. Recto as amicus curiae.
EXECUTIVE ORDERS THEREAFTER ISSUED, VALIDITY OF. — 58, SECTION 1, INTERPRETED. — One who is not a member of Three of these cases were consolidated for argument
Commonwealth Act No. 671 became inoperative when the court at the time an adjudication is made cannot take part and the other two were argued separately on other dates.
Congress met in regular session on May 25, 1946, and that in that adjudication. The word "adjudication" means decision. A Inasmuch as all of them present the same fundamental
Executive Orders Nos. 62, 192, 225 and 226 were issued case can be adjudicated only by means of a decision. And a question which, in our view, is decisive, they will be disposed of
without authority of law. decision of this Court, to be of value and binding force, must be jointly. For the same reason we will pass up the objection to the
9. ID.; SYSTEM OF SEPARATION OF POWERS; in writing duly signed and promulgated (Article VIII, sections 11 personality or sufficiency of interest of the petitioners in case
LEGISLATION IS PRESERVED FOR CONGRESS ALL THE TIME. — and 12, of the Constitution; Republic Act No. 296, section 21; G.R. No. L-3054 and case G.R. No. L-3056 and the question
The Filipino people by adopting parliamentary government Rule 53, section 7, of the Rules of Court). Promulgation means whether prohibition lies in cases Nos. L-2044 and L-2756. No
have given notice that they share the faith of other democracy- the delivery of the decision to the Clerk of Court for filing and practical benefit can be gained from a discussion of these
loving peoples in this system, with all its faults, as the ideal. The publication. procedural matters, since the decision in the cases wherein the
point is, under this framework of government, legislation is 13. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. — One who is no longer a member petitioners' cause of action or the propriety of the procedure
preserved for Congress all the time, not excepting periods of of this Court at the time a decision is signed and promulgated, followed is not in dispute, will be controlling authority on the
crisis no matter how serious. Never in the history of the United cannot validly take part in that decision. others. Above all, the transcendental importance to the public
States, the basic features of whose Constitution have been 14. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; EACH OF THE GREAT of these cases demands that they be settled promptly and
copied in ours, have the specific functions of the legislative BRANCHES OF THE GOVERNMENT TO COMPLY WITH ITS OWN definitely, brushing aside, if we must, technicalities of
branch of enacting laws been surrendered to another DUTY. — Democracy is on trial in the Philippines, and surely it procedure. (Avelino vs. Cuenco, G.R. No. L-2821.)
department — unless we regard as legislating the carrying out will emerge victorious as a permanent way of life in this The petitions challenge the validity of executive orders
of a legislative policy according to prescribed standards; no, not country, if each of the great branches of the Government, of the President avowedly issued in virtue of Commonwealth
even when that Republic was fighting a total war, or when it within its own allocated sphere, complies with its own Act No. 671. Involved in cases Nos. L-2044 and L-2756 is
was engaged in a life-and-death struggle to preserve the Union. constitutional duty, uncompromisingly and regardless of Executive Order No. 62, which regulates rentals for houses and
The truth is that under our concept of constitutional difficulties. lots for residential buildings. The petitioner, J. Antonio Araneta,
government, in times of extreme perils more than in normal 15. EXECUTIVE ORDERS ARE NOT LAWS. — Executive is under prosecution in the Court of First Instance of Manila for
circumstances "the various branches, executive, legislative, and Orders, even if issued within the powers validly vested in the violation of the provisions of this Executive Order, and prays for
judicial," given the ability to act, are called upon "to perform Chief Executive, are not laws, although they may have the force the issuance of the writ of prohibition to the judge and the city
the duties and discharge the responsibilities committed to them of law, in exactly the same manner as the judgments of the fiscal. Involved in case L-3055 is Executive Order No. 192, which
respectively." Supreme Court, municipal ordinances and ordinary executive aims to control exports from the Philippines. In this case, Leon
10. JUDGES; DISQUALIFICATION; MEMBERS OF orders cannot be considered as laws, even if they have the Ma. Guerrero seeks a writ of mandamus to compel the
SUPREME COURT; OBJECTION SHOULD BE MADE ON TIME. — A force of law. Administrator of the Sugar Quota Office and the Commissioner
motion to disqualify a member of the Supreme Court filed after of Customs to permit the exportation of shoes by the
16. ID. — Executive orders issued by the President in
the said member had given his opinion on the merits of the case petitioner. Both officials refuse to issue the required export
pursuance of the power delegated to him under section 26,
cannot be considered because a litigant cannot be permitted to license on the ground that the exportation of shoes from the
Article VI of the Constitution, may be considered only as rules Philippines is forbidden by this Executive Order. Case No. L-
speculate upon the action of the court and raise an objection of and regulations.
this sort after decision has been rendered. 3054 relates to Executive Order No. 225, which appropriates
17. JUDGES; REQUIRED NUMBER OF VOTES TO ANNUL funds for the operation of the Government of the Republic of
11. ID.; ID.; MEMBER OF SUPREME COURT FORMERLY EXECUTIVE ORDERS. — There is nothing either in the
AS SECRETARY OF JUSTICE. — The fact that a member of the the Philippines during the period from July 1, 1949 to June 30,
Constitution or in the Judiciary Act requiring the votes of eight 1950, and for other purposes. The petitioner, Eulogio
Supreme Court while Secretary of Justice had advised the Chief justices to nullify a rule or regulation or an executive order
Executive on the question involved in a certain case, does not Rodriguez, Sr., as a tax-payer, an elector, and president of the
issued by the President. Hence, a mere majority of six members Nacionalista Party, applies for a writ of prohibition to restrain
disqualify him to act when it is brought before the court, for he of the Supreme Court is enough to nullify them.
cannot be considered as having acted previously in said case as the Treasurer of the Philippines from disbursing money under
counsel of any of the parties when the Chief Executive is not a this Executive Order. Affected in case No. L-3056 is Executive
party thereto. DECISION Order No. 226, which appropriates P6,000,000 to defray the
TUASON, J p: expenses in connection with, and incidental to, the holding of
12. ID.; STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION; WHO MAY TAKE the national elections to be held in November, 1949. The
petitioner, Antonio Barredo, as a citizen, tax-payer and voter,
asks this Court to prevent "the respondents from disbursing, create new subdivisions, branches, be resorted to as additional aid to interpretation. We test a rule
spending or otherwise disposing of that amount or any part of departments, offices, agencies or by its results.
it." instrumentalities of government and to abolish Article VI of the Constitution provides that any law
Notwithstanding allegations in the petitions assailing any of those already existing; (d) to continue in passed by virtue thereof should be "for a limited period."
the constitutionality of Act No. 671, the petitioners do not press force laws and appropriations which would "Limited" has been defined to mean "restricted; bounded;
the point in their oral argument and memorandum. They rest lapse or otherwise become inoperative, and to prescribed; confined within positive bounds; restrictive in
their case chiefly on the proposition that the Emergency Powers modify or suspend the operation or application duration, extent or scope." (Encyclopedia Law Dictionary, 3rd
Act (Commonwealth Act No. 671) has ceased to have any force of those of an administrative character; (e) to ed., 669; Black's Law Dictionary, 3rd ed., 1120.) The words
and effect. This is the basic question we have referred to, and it impose new taxes or to increase, reduce, "limited period" as used in the Constitution are beyond
is to this question that we will presently address ourselves and suspend or abolish those in existence; (f) to question intended to mean restrictive in duration. Emergency,
devote greater attention. For the purpose of this decision, only, raise funds through the issuance of bonds or in order to justify the delegation of emergency powers, "must
the constitutionality of Act No. 671 will be taken for granted, otherwise, and to authorize the expenditure of be temporary or it can not be said to be an emergency." (First
and any dictum or statement herein which may appear contrary the proceeds thereof; (g) to authorize the Trust Joint Stock Land Bank of Chicago vs. Adolph P. Arp, et al.,
to that hypothesis should be understood as having been made national, provincial, city or municipal 120 A. L. R., 937, 938.)
merely in furtherance of the main thesis. governments to incur in overdrafts for purposes It is to be presumed that Commonwealth Act No. 671
Act No. 671 in full is as follows: that he may approve; (h) to declare the was approved with this limitation in view. The opposite theory
suspension of the collection of credits or the would make the law repugnant to the Constitution, and is
AN ACT DECLARING A STATE OF TOTAL payment of debts; and (i) to exercise such other
EMERGENCY AS A RESULT OF WAR INVOLVING contrary to the principle that the legislature is deemed to have
powers as he may deem necessary to enable the full knowledge of the constitutional scope of its powers. The
Government to fulfill its responsibilities and to assertion that new legislation is needed to repeal the act would
maintain and enforce the authority. not be in harmony with the Constitution either. If a new and
"SEC. 3.The President of the Philippines different law were necessary to terminate the delegation, the
Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the
shall as soon as practicable upon the convening period for the delegation, it has been correctly pointed out,
of the Congress of the Philippines report thereto would be unlimited, indefinite, negative and uncertain; "that
SECTION 1.The existence of war all the rules and regulations promulgated by him which was intended to meet a temporary emergency may
between the United States and other countries under the powers herein granted. become permanent law," (Peck vs. Fink, 2 Fed. [2d], 912); for
of Europe and Asia, which involves the
"SEC. 4.This Act shall take effect upon Congress might not enact the repeal, and even if it would, the
Philippines, makes it necessary to invest the
its approval and the rules and regulations repeal might not meet with the approval of the President, and
President with extraordinary powers in order to promulgated hereunder shall be in force and the Congress might not be able to override the veto.
meet the resulting emergency.
effect until the Congress of the Philippines shall Furthermore, this would create the anomaly that, while
"SEC. 2.Pursuant to the provisions of otherwise provide." Congress might delegate its powers by simple majority, it might
Article VI, section 26, of the Constitution, the Section 26 of Article VI of the Constitution provides: not be able to recall them except by a two-third vote. In other
President is hereby authorized, during the words, it would be easier for Congress to delegate its powers
existence of the emergency, to promulgate such "In time of war or other national
emergency, the Congress may by law authorize than to take them back. This is not right and is not, and ought
rules and regulations as he may deem necessary not to be, the law. Corwin, President: Office and Powers, 1948
to carry out the national policy declared in the President, for a limited period and subject to
such restrictions as it may prescribe, to ed., p. 160, says:
section 1 hereof. Accordingly, he is, among
promulgate rules and regulations to carry out a "It is generally agreed that the maxim
other things, empowered (a) to transfer the seat
declared national policy." that the legislature may not delegate its powers
of the Government or any of its subdivisions,
Commonwealth Act No. 671 does not in term fix the signifies at the very least that the legislature
branches, departments, offices, agencies or may not abdicate its powers. Yet how, in view of
instrumentalities; (b) to reorganize the duration of its effectiveness. The intention of the Act has to be
sought for in its nature, the object to be accomplished, the the scope that legislative delegations take
Government of the Commonwealth including
purpose to be subserved, and its relation to the Constitution. nowadays, is the line between delegation and
the determination of the order of precedence of abdication to be maintained? Only, I urge, by
the heads of the Executive Department; (c) to The consequences of the various constructions offered will also
rendering the delegated powers recoverable of the President to the time the Legislature was prevented from regular session which was to open on January 1, 1942." (Italics
without the consent of the delegate; . . ." holding sessions due to enemy action or other causes brought ours.) It can easily be discerned in this statement that the
Section 4 goes far to settle the legislative intention of on by the war. Section 3 provides: conferring of enormous powers upon the President was
this phase of Act No. 671. Section 4 stipulates that "the rules "The President of the Philippines shall decided upon with specific view to the inability of the National
and regulations promulgated thereunder shall be in full force as soon as practicable upon the convening of Assembly to meet. Indeed no other factor than this inability
and effect until the Congress of the Philippines shall otherwise the Congress of the Philippines report thereto could have motivated the delegation of powers so vast as to
provide." The silence of the law regarding the repeal of the all the rules and regulations promulgated by him amount to an abdication by the National Assembly of its
authority itself, in the face of the express provision for the under the powers herein granted." authority. The enactment and continuation of a law so
repeal of the rules and regulations issued in pursuance of it, a The clear tenor of this provision is that there was to be only one destructive of the foundations of democratic institutions could
clear manifestation of the belief held by the National Assembly meeting of Congress at which the President was to give an not have been conceived under any circumstance short of a
that there was no necessity to provide for the former. It would account of his trusteeship. The section did not say each complete disruption and dislocation of the normal processes of
be strange if having no idea about the time the Emergency meeting, which it could very well have said if that had been the government. Anyway, if we are to uphold the constitutionality
Powers Act was to be effective the National Assembly failed to intention. If the National Assembly did not think that the report of the act on the basis of its duration, we must start with the
make a provision for its termination in the same way that it did mentioned in section 3 was to be the first and last and did not premise that it fixed a definite, limited period. As we have
for the termination of the effects and incidents of the think that upon the convening of the first Congress Act No. 671 indicated, the period that best comports with the constitutional
delegation. There would be no point in repealing or annulling would lapse, what reason could there be for its failure to requirements and limitations, with the general context of the
the rules and regulations promulgated under a law if the law provide in appropriate and clear terms for the filing of law and with what we believe to be the main if not the
itself was to remain in force, since, in that case, the President subsequent reports? Such reports, if the President was sole raison d'etre for its enactment, was a period coextensive
could not only make new rules and regulations but he could expected to continue making laws in the form of rules, with the inability of Congress to function, a period ending with
restore the ones already annulled by the legislature. regulations and executive orders, were as important, or as the convening of that body.
More anomalous than the exercise of legislative unimportant, as the initial one. It is our considered opinion, and we so hold, that
functions by the Executive when Congress is in the As a contemporary construction, President Quezon's Commonwealth Act No. 671 became inoperative when
unobstructed exercise of its authority is the fact that there statement regarding the duration of Act No. 671 is enlightening Congress met in regular session on May 25, 1946, and that
would be two legislative bodies operating over the same field, and should carry much weight, considering his part in the Executive Orders Nos. 62, 192, 225 and 226 were issued
legislating concurrently and simultaneously, mutually nullifying passage and in the carrying out of the law. Mr. Quezon, who without authority of law. In setting the first regular session of
each other's actions. Even if the emergency powers of the called the National Assembly to a special session, who Congress instead of the first special session which preceded it
President, as suggested, be suspended while Congress was in recommended the enactment of the Emergency Powers Act, if as the point of expiration of the Act, we think we are giving
session and be revived after each adjournment, the anomaly indeed he was not its author, and who was the very President effect to the purpose and intention of the National Assembly. In
would not be eliminated. Congress by a two-third vote could to be entrusted with its execution, stated in his autobiography, a special session, the Congress may "consider general legislation
repeal executive orders promulgated by the President during "The Good Fight," that Act No. 671 was only "for a certain or only such subjects as he (President) may designate." (Section
congressional recess, and the President in turn could treat in period" and "would become invalid unless reenacted." These 9, Article VI of the Constitution.) In a regular session, the power
the same manner, between sessions of Congress, laws enacted phrases connote automatical extinction of the law upon the of Congress to legislate is not circumscribed except by the
by the latter. This is not a fantastic apprehension; in two conclusion of a certain period. Together they denote that a new limitations imposed by the organic law.
instances it materialized. In entire good faith, and inspired only legislation was necessary to keep alive (not to repeal) the law Having arrived at this conclusion, we are relieved of
by the best interests of the country as they saw them, a former after the expiration of that period. They signify that the same the necessity of deciding the question as to which department
President promulgated an executive order regulating house law, not a different one, had to be repassed if the grant should of government is authorized to inquire whether the
rentals after he had vetoed a bill on the subject enacted by be prolonged. contingency on which the law is predicated still exists. The right
Congress, and the present Chief Executive issued an executive What then was the contemplated period? President of one or another department to declare the emergency
order on export control after Congress had refused to approve Quezon in the same paragraph of his autobiography furnished terminated is not in issue. As a matter of fact, we have
the measure. part of the answer. He said he issued the call for a special endeavored to find the will of the National Assembly — call that
Quite apart from these anomalies, there is good basis session of the National Assembly "when it became evident that will, an exercise of the police power or the war power — and,
in the language of Act No. 671 for the inference that the we were completely helpless against air attack, and that it once ascertained, to apply it. Of course, the function of
National Assembly restricted the life of the emergency powers was most unlikely the Philippine Legislature would hold its next interpreting statutes in proper cases, as in this, will not be
denied the courts as their constitutional prerogative and duty. powers, or some of them, was desired. In the light of the Upon the foregoing considerations, the petitions will
In so far as it is insinuated that the Chief Executive has the conditions surrounding the approval of the Emergency Powers be granted. In order to avoid any possible disruption and
exclusive authority to say that war has not ended, and may act Act, we are of the opinion that the "state of total emergency as interruption in the normal operation of the Government, we
on the strength of his opinion and findings in contravention of a result of war" envisaged in the preamble referred to the have deemed it best to depart in these cases from the ordinary
the law as the courts have construed it, no legal principle can be impending invasion and occupation of the Philippines by the rule relative to the period for the effectivity of decisions, and to
found to support the proposition. There is no pretense that the enemy and the consequent total disorganization of the decree, as it is hereby decreed, that this decision take effect
President has independent or inherent power to issue such Government, principally the impossibility for the National fifteen days from the date of the entry of final judgment
executive orders as those under review. We take it that the Assembly to act. The state of affairs was one which called for provided in section 8 of Rule 53 of the Rules of Court in relation
respondents, in sustaining the validity of these executive orders immediate action and with which the National Assembly would to section 2 of Rule 35. No costs will be charged.
rely on Act No. 600, Act No. 620, or Act No. 671 of the former not be able to cope. The war itself and its attendant chaos and Moran, C.J., concurs in part.
Commonwealth and on no other source. To put it differently, calamities could not have necessitated the delegation had the Ozaeta, J., concurs.
the President's authority in this connection is purely statutory, National Assembly been in a position to operate.
Paras, J., concurs and also in separate opinion.
in no sense political or directly derived from the Constitution. After all the criticisms that have been made against the
Act No. 671, as we have stressed, ended ex proprio efficiency of the system of the separation of powers, the fact Feria, J., concurs in so far as the decision is not in
conflict with his separate opinion.
vigore with the opening of the regular session of Congress on remains that the Constitution has set up this form of
May 25, 1946. Acts Nos. 600 and 620 contain stronger if not government, with all its defects and shortcomings, in Separate Opinions
conclusive indication that they were self-liquidating. By express preference to the commingling of powers in one man or group MORAN, C.J., concurring in part:
provision the rules and regulations to be eventually made in of men. The Filipino people by adopting parliamentary I agree with the opinion prepared by Mr. Justice
pursuance of Acts Nos. 600 and 620, respectively approved on government have given notice that they share the faith of other Tuason, except on the points hereunder discussed.
August 19, 1940 and June 6, 1941, were to be good only up to democracy-loving peoples in this system, with all its faults, as I believe, on the one hand, that the emergency powers
the corresponding dates of adjournment of the following the ideal. The point is, under this framework of government, of the President had ceased not in May 1946, when Congress
sessions of the Legislature, "unless sooner amended or legislation is preserved for Congress all the time, not excepting held its regular sessions, as Mr. Justice Tuason and Mr. Justice
repealed by the National Assembly." The logical deduction to be periods of crisis no matter how serious. Never in the history of Feria maintain, but on June 9, 1945, when Congress convened
drawn from this provision is that in the minds of the lawmakers the United States, the basic features of whose Constitution in a special session to consider general legislation. The
the idea was fixed that the Acts themselves would lapse not have been copied in ours, have the specific functions of the emergency contemplated in Commonwealth Act No. 671, is
later than the rules and regulations. The design to provide for legislative branch of enacting laws been surrendered to another "total emergency" which means the state of actual war
the automatic repeal of those rules and regulations necessarily department — unless we regard as legislating the carrying out involving the Philippines, with the impending invasion and
was predicated on the consciousness of a prior or at best of a legislative policy according to prescribed standards; no, not occupation of our country by the enemy and the consequent
simultaneous repeal of their source. Were not this the case, even when that Republic was fighting a total war, or when it total disorganization and paralyzation of the Government,
there would arise the curious spectacle, already painted, and was engaged in a life-and-death struggle to preserve the Union. principally, the impossibility for the National Assembly to act.
easily foreseen, of the Legislature amending or repealing rules The truth is that under our concept of constitutional This was the only reason and justification for the total
and regulations of the President while the latter was government, in times of extreme perils more than in normal relinquishment of legislative power by Congress in favor of the
empowered to keep or return them into force and to issue new circumstances "the various branches, executive, legislative, and Chief Executive under Commonwealth Act No. 671. Such
ones independently of the National Assembly. For the rest, the judicial," given the ability to act, are called upon "to perform relinquishment was total because the emergency was also total.
reasoning heretofore adduced against the asserted indefinite the duties and discharge the responsibilities committed to them Clearly, therefore, the inability of Congress to act was the soul
continuance of the operation of Act No. 671 equally applies to respectively." of the law, and the moment such inability ceased, the total
Acts Nos. 600 and 620. These observations, though beyond the issue as emergency also ceased and the law likewise ceased to validly
The other corollary of the opinion we have reached is formulated in this decision, may, we trust, also serve to answer exist. On June 9, 1945, the Congress of the Philippines
that the question whether war, in law or in fact, continues, is the vehement plea that for the good of the Nation, the convened in a special session "to adopt such measures as may
irrelevant. If we were to assume that actual hostilities between President should retain his extraordinary powers as long as be necessary to meet the existing emergency" and "for the
the original belligerents are still raging, the conclusion would turmoil and other ills directly or indirectly traceable to the late purpose of considering general legislation." I hold that from
not be altered. After the convening of Congress new legislation war harass the Philippines. that date, June 9, 1945, Congress was able and ready to act on
had to be approved if the continuation of the emergency all matters, and the emergency powers delegated to the
President in Commonwealth Act No. 671, naturally ceased to the formation of another emergency which would be inevitable With regard to the executive order appropriating funds
exist. if, by reason of lack of appropriation, government shall cease to for the conduct of the coming elections, I uphold the same view
Upon the other hand, while I believe that the function. In such cases, when apparently the provisions of our as in the foregoing, namely, not in abdicating the power of this
emergency powers had ceased in June 1945, I am not prepared laws and Constitution seem inadequate, the courts must go court to pass upon the validity of an executive order, but to
to hold that all executive orders issued thereafter under deeper even than the very Magna Carta itself and find solution defer judgment upon such an order until the legislature may
Commonwealth Act No. 671, are per se null and void. It must be in the basic principles of preservation of government and of provide a substitute measure. The reason for this is, likewise,
borne in mind that these executive orders had been issued in national survival, which in the last analysis, are the very reasons absolute necessity. Without such Executive Order we may not
good faith and with the best of intentions by three successive for the existence of a Constitution. In such extreme cases, as have elections in November. Elections are the very essence of
Presidents, and some of them may have already produced can come from the present situation, it would be the height of popular government for the establishment and preservation of
extensive effects in the life of the nation. We have, for instance, judicial imprevision to preserve the form of the constitution, which, our Constitution has been consecrated. To permit the
Executive Order No. 73, issued on November 12, 1945, and at the same time permit the disruption and cessation of the unwarranted abolition or even suspension of elections, will
appropriating the sum of P6,750,000 for public works; Executive government which that same constitution so intricately surely result either in the denial of popular representation or in
Order No. 86, issued on January 7, 1946, amending a previous designed and firmly established. Thus, in the remedy of an evil, the perpetuation in power of those already in office. Either
order regarding the organization of the Supreme Court; we shall cause a far greater one. result is revolting to our system of government. Briefly stated, I
Executive Order No. 89, issued on January 1, 1946, reorganizing It may be argued that the course of action I am taking hold that this court should neither ratify nor nullify this
the Courts of First Instance; Executive Order No. 184, issued on is founded upon fear, fear that Congress will again fail to act on executive order, but should defer judgment in the same manner
November 19, 1948, controlling rice and palay to combat the matter of appropriations, and it may be asserted that the and for the same reasons stated above in connection with the
hunger; and other executive orders appropriating funds for members of Congress are presumed to be as patriotic as the executive order on appropriations. The Court, in these cases, is
other purposes. The consequences of a blanket nullification of members of this Court, if not more, and that, therefore, we may confronted not only with bare issues of law, but with actual
all these executive orders will be unquestionably serious and rest assured that they will not fail to fulfill their duty. I admit anomalous situations pregnant with possible dangers to the
harmful. And I hold that before nullifying them, other important this to be true, and accordingly, I ask what is then the hurry and nation, and it is the duty of the Court, as a dispenser of justice,
circumstances should be inquired into, as for instance, whether necessity for nullifying the executive order on appropriations to find a solution that is both legal and realistic.
or not they have been ratified by Congress expressly or which we are sure will soon be substituted by a valid With reference to Executive Order No. 62, which
impliedly, whether their purposes have already been appropriations act? Why not defer judgment and wait until the regulates rentals for houses, and Executive Order No. 192,
accomplished entirely or partially, and in the last instance, to special session of Congress so that it may fulfill its duty as it which aims to control exports from the Philippines, I agree that
what extent; acquiescence of litigants; de facto officers; acts clearly sees it? I can find no reason against this suggestion they must be held null and void upon the reasons stated by Mr.
and contracts of parties acting in good faith; etc. It is my except, perhaps, a desire to assert judicial supremacy in a case Justice Tuason and Mr. Justice Feria and also upon those stated
opinion that each executive order must be viewed in the light of where judicial statemanship is more necessary. by Mr. Justice Montemayor and Mr. Justice Alex Reyes.
its peculiar circumstances, and, if necessary and possible, It is also true that the possibility that Congress will My vote, therefore, is that the petitions must be
before nullifying it, precautionary measures should be taken to again fail to provide funds for the operation of the government granted in Araneta vs. Dinglasan, G. R. No. L-2044; Araneta vs.
avoid harm to public interest and innocent parties. is a remote possibility. But there is no harm in providing for all Angeles, G.R. No. L-2756 and Guerrero vs. Commissioner of
To illustrate the foregoing proposition of individual possibilities, both near and remote. If that remote possibility Customs, G.R. No. L-3055, and that judgment must be deferred
consideration of specific cases, I shall go into a brief discussion never comes, well and good, nothing is lost and the situation is in Rodriguez vs. El Tesorero de Filipinas, G.R. No. L-3054 and
of the executive orders involved in the cases now before this saved. However, if the remote possibility does come, and it is Barredo vs. The Commission on Elections, G.R. No. L-3056.
Court. With regard to the Executive Order No. 225 on general not impossible, and we had already nullified the executive order PARAS, J., concurring:
appropriation, I hold that the court should not declare it null on appropriations, how will the government function and I concur in the opinion of Mr. Justice Tuason. I wish to
and void till Congress may have an opportunity to provide a survive? On the other hand, if we defer judgment upon the add, however, the following observations: Even assuming, for
substitute measure for the sustenance of government. This nullity of such executive order, and that remote possibility does the sake of argument, that the legislative intent is to make
view is predicated upon the principle of absolute necessity. Till come, we still have the saving lifeline of that executive order Commonwealth Act No. 671 effective during the existence of
Congress may pass a valid appropriation act our government which may, perhaps, be tolerated to save the country from the emergency contemplated therein and that it is within the
cannot survive without the executive order in question. It chaos, until a more proper and adequate remedy can be exclusive province of the political departments to determine
would be absurd for this court to declare the cessation of an secured. whether said emergency continues or has ceased to exist, I am
emergency, and by that same declaration permit, if not abet, of the conviction that, in view of the formal and unmistakable
declarations of both the Congress and the President, said Act been brought about by the inaction of the Congress unaffected been discharged by the Congress. The following illustrates the
No. 671 should be held as having lost its force and effect. by the last war, and such emergency, if it may be called so, is powers delegated in the Act and the measures enacted by the
It is important to remember that the kind of not of the kind contemplated in Commonwealth Act No. 671. Congress itself covering each:
emergency expressly spoken of in the Act is a total emergency The government has for four years since liberation Section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 671 —
resulting from war and that the Act was passed at a time been normally functioning; elections had been regularly held; a (a)to transfer the seat of the Government or any of its
(December 16, 1941) when there was factually a state of war national census had been taken; Congress had held regular and subdivisions, branches, departments, offices, agencies or
involving the Philippines. special sessions; "people travel freely most everywhere and instrumentalities:
In section 1 of Republic Act No. 342, approved on July more quickly, by land, sea and air, to an extent that was not Republic Act No. 333 —
26, 1948, it was categorically declared by the Congress that hitherto enjoyed," and "business is more brisk than ever, goods
"An Act to establish the Capital of the
"since liberation conditions have gradually returned to normal, are plentiful, our people even in the remotest communities and
barrios of the country are better dressed, their diet has been Philippines and the permanent seat of the
but not so with regard to those who have suffered the ravages National Government, to create a capital city
of war and who have not received any relief for the loss and immensely improved, and they look more healthy than they
planning commission, to appropriate funds for
destruction resulting therefrom," and that "the emergency ever did" (President's fifth monthly radio chat, March 15, 1949);
and the sporadic depredations of the outlaws in isolated areas the acquisition of private estates within the
created by the last war as regards these war sufferers being still boundary limits of said city, and to authorize the
existent, it is the declared policy of the state that as to them the of the country are but the last paroxysms of a dying movement
issuance of bonds of the National Government
debt moratorium should be continued in force in a modified (President's State-of- the-Nation Message, January 24, 1949), -
for the acquisition of private estates, for the
form." The President, in turn, in his speech delivered on July 4, all these certainly negative the existence of any real (much less
total) emergency. subdivision thereof, and for the construction of
1949, plainly proclaimed that "what emergencies it (the streets, bridges, waterworks, sewerage and
Republic) faces today are incidental passing pains artificially That the Congress had heretofore recognized the other municipal improvements in the capital
created by seasonal partisanship, very common among cessation of the emergency is conclusively established by the City." (Approved, July 17, 1948.)
democracies but will disappear with the rains that follow the fact that it had assumed the task of directly enacting, during its
thunderclaps not later than November 8 of this year." past sessions, measures dealing with all the matters covered by (b)to reorganize the Government of the
Commonwealth including the determination of the order of
We thus have a formal declaration on the part of the the specific legislative powers conceded to the President in
precedence of the heads of the Executive Departments:
Congress that the emergency created by the last war exists as Commonwealth Act No. 671. This is in line with the
regards only those debtors whose war damage claims have not fundamental reason for the approval of said Act, as may be Republic Act No. 51 —
been settled by the United States Philippine War Damage gathered from the following statement of President Quezon: "An Act authorizing the President of
Commission (section 2, Republic Act No. 342), patently meaning "When it became evident that we were completely helpless the Philippines to reorganize within one year the
that said emergency is, at most, a partial emergency. It is against air attack and that it was most unlikely the Philippine different Executive departments, bureaus,
needless to point out that only a small portion of the Philippine Legislature would hold its next regular session which was to offices, agencies and their instrumentalities of
population are debtors and not all of those who are debtors are open on January 1, 1942, the National Assembly passed into the government, including the corporations
war damage claimants. history approving a resolution which reaffirmed the abiding owned or controlled by it." (Approved, October
We also have the solemn declaration on the part of the faith of the Filipino people in, and their loyalty to, the United 4, 1946.)
President that the emergencies faced by the Republic are States. The assembly also enacted a law granting the President (c)to create new subdivisions, branches, departments,
incidental emergencies artificially created by seasonal of the Philippines all the powers that under the Philippine offices, agencies or instrumentalities of government and to
partisanship, clearly meaning that such emergencies not only Constitution may be delegated to him in time of war." (The abolish any of those already existing:
are not total but are not the result of war. Good Fight, pp. 204-205.) When President Quezon said "in time Commonwealth Act No. 732 —
of war", he undoubtedly meant factual war, a situation that
If the emergency is, as admitted by the Congress, not "An Act to create the Department of
existed at the time of the passage of Commonwealth Act No.
total and, as admitted by the President, not the result of the Foreign Affairs and to authorize the President of
war, Commonwealth Act No. 671 has lost its basis and cannot the Philippines to organize said department as
legally give rise to the executive orders herein involved. Indeed, Indeed, the dissenters admit that any delegated power well as the foreign service of the Republic of the
it is not pretended that said orders are intended to meet any directly exercised by the principal is considered withdrawn from Philippines." (Approved, July 3, 1946.)
emergency growing out of the last war. Lack of a budget, an the agent. A cursory examination of Commonwealth Act No.
(d)to continue in force laws and appropriations which
appropriation for the elections, or an import control law, has 671 will show that the legislative functions therein specified had
would lapse or otherwise become inoperative, and to modify or
suspend the operation or application of those of an "An Act appropriating such sums as Congress cannot be interfered with by the courts, are not
administrative character: may from time to time be released by the controlling. Particularly, the case of Ludecke vs. Watkins, 92 L.
Commonwealth Act No. 709 — Central Bank representing excess monetary ed., 1883, in which the opinion of the United States Supreme
"An Act appropriating the sum of five reserves, and authorizing the President of the Court was written by Mr. Justice Frankfurter, cannot apply, for
million pesos to enable the national housing Philippines to issue bonds, certificates or other the further reason that it merely involved the power of
commission to resume its functions." evidence of indebtedness covering such deportation which, even in our jurisdiction, is recognized, it
(Approved, November 1, 1945.) amounts." (Approved, June 15, 1948.) being the rule here that the courts cannot control the right of
Republic Act No. 85 — the Chief Executive to determine the existence or sufficiency of
Commonwealth Act No. 710 —
"An Act creating the Rehabilitation the facts justifying an order of deportation. Upon the other
"An Act to appropriate funds to hand, the war power of the President is separately covered by
continue the payment of Retirement gratuities Finance Corporation." (Section 2 [f].) (Approved,
Oct. 29, 1946.) section 10, paragraph (2), of Article VII, and that of the Congress
or pensions under existing laws." (Approved, by section 25, Article VI, of the Constitution, which are not
November 1, 1945.) (g)to authorize the National, provincial, city or
invoked for the passage of Commonwealth Act No. 671.
(e)to impose new taxes or to increase, reduce, municipal governments to incur in overdrafts for purposes that
he may approve: MONTEMAYOR, J., concurring and dissenting:
suspend, or abolish those in existence:
Various Appropriation Acts. The majority opinion holds that Executive Order No. 62
Republic Act No. 215 — dated June 21, 1947; Executive Order No. 192 dated December
"An Act to amend Section One of (h)to declare the suspension of the collection of credits
24, 1948; and Executive Orders Nos. 225 and 226 both dated
the Republic Act numbered eighty-one providing or the payment of debts: June 15, 1949 were issued without authority of law and
a new time limit for the waiver of, and/or Republic Act No. 342, approved, July 26, 1948. therefore illegal and of no legal force and effect. I concur only in
extension of the period, within which to (i)to exercise such other powers as he may deem the result. Ordinarily, such concurrence without comment or
perform, accomplish or comply with, any term, necessary to enable the Government to fulfill its responsibilities explanation would be sufficient and satisfactory. However, in
condition, or stipulation required of locators, and to maintain and enforce its authority. view of the radical difference between the reasons had and
holders, lessees, operators of mining claims or The powers included in this subdivision (i) are of given by the majority in arriving at the result and those
concessions, end of water rights and timber course covered by hundreds of other acts approved by the entertained by me, and considering the transcendental
concessions connected with the mining industry Congress which, it cannot be denied, all tend to "enable the importance of these cases, not only because of the vast
and the condonation of mining, specific and real Government to fulfill its responsibilities and to maintain and amounts of public funds and the rights of citizens affected but
estate taxes, under certain terms and enforce its authority." Moreover, the withdrawal of the greater also of the principles of law involved, and the fact that not only
conditions." (Approved, June 1, 1948.) and more important powers may be presumed to have carried the force and effect of a law (Commonwealth Act No. 671) but
Ley No 321 de la Republica — the accessory and less important powers. also the legality and the force and effect of numerous executive
"Ley que eleva los derechos de There is no merit in the contention that orders issued by several Presidents during a period of about
transferencia de ganado mayor, enmendado al Commonwealth Act No. 671 was enacted by virtue of the war three years, affecting as they do not only citizens, their interests
efecto el articulo quinientos veintiocho del powers of the Congress. As the Act itself expressly states, its and their properties but also the different departments and
Codigo Administrativo Revisado." (Aprobada, basis is section 26 of Article VI of the Constitution which merely offices of the Government, I deem it my duty to set forth my
Junio 9, 1948.) authorizes delegation of legislative powers to the President in views and the reasons in support of the same.
(f)to raise funds through the issuance of bonds or times of war or other national emergency. The phrase "in times There is a claim made about lack of personality of
otherwise, and to authorize the expenditure of the proceeds of war or other national emergency" is solely indicative or some of the parties-petitioners particularly, the petitioners in
thereof: descriptive of the occasions during which the delegation may be G.R. Nos. L-3054 and L-3056. Much could be said for and against
extended and does not classify the act of delegating legislative that claim, but I am willing to brush aside all the defenses and
Republic Act No. 265 —
functions as a war power. It must be borne in mind that said technicalities on this point in order to be able to consider and
"An Act establishing the Central Bank of decide the more important question of the legality of the
section 26 is peculiar to our Constitution, with the result that
the Philippines . . ." (Section 87 [e] No. 7.) the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States cited executive orders involved and whether or not Commonwealth
Approved, June 15, 1948.) Act No. 671 is still in force.
on behalf of the respondents, expounding the theory that the
Republic Act No. 266 — exercise by the President of his war powers granted by the
The aforementioned executive orders were issued on products, merchandise and materials. Under said authority the And Republic Act No. 73appropriating P1,000,000 to defray
the strength of and by virtue of Commonwealth Act No. 671. President issued Executive Order No. 3 dated July 10, 1946, election expenses on March 11, 1947; Republic Act No.
The majority holds that Commonwealth Act No. 671 ceased to later amending section 2 of said Executive Order by issuing 147 appropriating P1,000,000 to defray expenses for the
have any force and effect on May 25, 1946 when Congress first Executive Order No. 23 dated November 1, 1946, regulating the election of provincial, city and municipal officials and eight
convened in regular session after liberation. In this, I disagree exportation of certain products, materials and merchandise. senators held on November 11, 1947, and Republic Act No.
for I believe and hold that Commonwealth Act No. 671 is still in The important thing to consider is that section 4 235 appropriating P100,000 for the special elections held on
force and in effect. But despite this view, I am of the opinion of Commonwealth Act No. 728 provided that the authority it March 23, 1948, to fill vacancies in Representative District No. 4
that the executive orders under consideration were issued granted to the President shall terminate on December 31, 1948, of Iloilo and No. 1 of Leyte, demonstrated the ability of the
without authority. that is to say, that after said date the Executive could no longer Congress to appropriate money for election purposes. By so
Starting with Executive Order No. 62, we find that it validly regulate exports under said law. The President, however, doing Congress had tacitly and impliedly withdrawn this portion
deals with and regulates house and lot rentals. If the legislature overlooked or ignored said injunction and invoking his of the field where the President may under his emergency
had not already acted and legislated on this matter since the emergency powers under Commonwealth Act No. 671, power legislate or promulgate rules and regulations.
promulgation of Commonwealth Act No. 671, this would be a promulgated Executive Order No. 192 regulating exports, to In this connection, it may be stated that in my opinion,
proper field for Presidential action. However, the legislature take effect on January 1, 1949. What was said with regard to the theory underlying the delegation of emergency powers to
had already promulgated Commonwealth Act No. 689 Executive Order No. 62 is applicable to the lack of authority of the President under Commonwealth Act No. 671 and similar
and Republic Act No. 66, regulating house rentals and, as late as the Executive to promulgate Executive Order No. 192, namely, laws is that the legislature because of the emergency resulting
the month of May, 1947, Congress passed House Bill No. 978 that on this matter of export control, the legislature had already from the war, would be unable to meet in order to legislate or
further amending Commonwealth Act No. 689. In other words, withdrawn it from the jurisdiction of the Executive under his although able to meet, because of the emergency, the ordinary
in thus acting, the Legislature had already shown its readiness emergency powers after the enactment of Commonwealth Act process of legislation would be too slow and inadequate and
and ability to legislate on this matter, and had withdrawn it No. 728. Any Presidential power or authority on the subject of could not cope with the emergency. So, as a remedy, the power
from the realm of presidential legislation or regulation under export control was derived from said Act. Not only this, but and authority of legislation are vested temporarily in the hands
the powers delegated by Commonwealth Act No. 671. Not only when in section 4 of Commonwealth Act No. 728 the legislature of one man, the Chief Executive. But as regards Executive
this, but in issuing rules and regulations in the form of executive terminated the authority given the President to regulate and Orders Nos. 225 and 226, the legislature has demonstrated that
orders under his delegated powers, the Chief Executive merely control exports on December 31, 1948 and failed or refused to not only it could meet but also that it could legislate on this
acts as an agent of the legislature, his principal which made the renew said authority, the inference or conclusion is that after point of appropriations by approving general appropriation laws
delegation. As such agent, he cannot go against the policy and said date Congress deemed any presidential regulation on for the different fiscal years since liberation as well as
expressed desire of his principal. exports unnecessary and inadvisable. Therefore, in appropriations for the necessary funds for the different national
There are radical differences between Commonwealth promulgating Executive Order No. 192 the Chief Executive acted and provincial elections. Consequently, there no longer was any
Act No. 689, Republic Act No. 66, and House Bill No. 978 on one not only without legislative authority but also against the necessity for Presidential legislation in this regard. Moreover,
side and Executive Order No. 62 on the other. That was the wishes and policy of Congress. This he may not validly do. and this is not unimportant, the failure of the Legislature to
reason why President Roxas vetoed House Bill No. 978, With respect to Executive Orders Nos. 225 and 226, pass an appropriation law for the fiscal year 1949-50 and a law
believing in good faith that it would not solve and remedy the the considerations made with regard to Executive Orders Nos. appropriating funds for the elections in November, 1949 was
problem of house rentals as explained by him in his 62 and 192 are equally applicable. By previously enacting not due to any emergency resulting from the war,
communication to the House of Representatives of June 21, necessary legislation on the yearly Government appropriation contemplated by Commonwealth Act No. 671, but rather and
1947, setting forth his views on the bill. The President may not and on the appropriation of funds for the expenses incurred in possibly due to lack of time and because of the rather abrupt
and could not substitute his opinion however excellent or national elections, Congress has shown its readiness and ability ending and adjourning of the last session of the Legislature last
superior for that of the legislature on matters of legislation to cope with the financial problems of the Government on this May.
when Congress has already acted and expressed its opinion and point. Republic Act No. 80, approved October 22, 1946, As already stated, the majority holds that Act No. 671
desire on the matter. appropriating funds for the operation of the National ceased to have force and effect on May 25, 1946. The other
With respect to Executive Order No. 192, it will be Government from July 1, 1946 to June 30, 1947; Republic Act view is that it is still in force. To me this is the main and the
remembered that Congress passed Commonwealth Act No. No. 156 appropriating funds for the fiscal year 1947-48 more important issue involved in these cases. In fact the
728, approved on July 2, 1946, authorizing the President to and Republic Act No. 320, the appropriation law for the fiscal argument of the parties centered on this point. The importance
regulate, curtail, control, and prohibit the exportation of certain year 1948-49 show that Congress was in a position and able to of this issue may readily be appreciated when it is realized that
provide for the yearly expenditures of the Government.
on its determination is based, not only the validity or nullity create new subdivisions, branches, nature, the object to be accomplished, the
(according to the theory of the majority opinion), of the four departments, offices, agencies or purpose to be subserved, and its relation to the
Executive Orders now under consideration, but also of all the instrumentalities of government and to abolish constitution." (Page 5, majority opinion.)
Executive Orders promulgated under authority of any of those already existing; (d) to continue in The main thesis of the majority is that the only reason for the
Commonwealth Act No. 671 after May 25, 1946, up to the force laws and appropriations which would delegation of legislative powers to the Chief Executive under
present time. Its determination will also decide whether or not lapse or otherwise become inoperative, and to the Constitution, such as was done under Commonwealth Act
the President may still exercise his emergency powers in the modify or suspend the operation or application No. 671 was because due to the emergency resulting from the
future on matters and subjects not heretofore withdrawn by of those of an administrative character; (c) to war, the Legislature could not meet to enact legislation; that
the Legislature. Because of my disagreement with the majority impose new taxes or to increase, reduce, the moment the Legislature could convene there would no
on this point, I deem it necessary to explain and elaborate on suspend or abolish those in existence; (f) to longer be any reason for the exercise by the President of
my reasons for my disagreement. raise funds through the issuance of bonds or emergency powers delegated to him; that if, when the
otherwise, and to authorize the expenditure of Legislature could meet and actually is in session, the President
For purposes of reference and to facilitate the same, I the proceeds thereof; (g) to authorize the is allowed to exercise his delegated legislative powers, there
am reproducing Commonwealth Act No. 671 in full as well as national, provincial, city or municipal would be the serious anomaly of two legislative bodies acting at
section 26, Article VI of the Constitution on which said Act is governments to incur in overdrafts for purposes the same time, namely, the Legislature and the Executive,
based: that he may approve; (h) to declare the "mutually nullifying each other's actions"; that the limited
suspension of the collection of credits or the period fixed in Commonwealth Act No. 671 for its life and
"AN ACT DECLARING A STATE OF TOTAL payment of debts; and (i) to exercise such other
EMERGENCY AS A RESULT OF WAR INVOLVING effectiveness as required by the Constitution is the interval
powers as he may deem necessary to enable the from the passage of said Act and the moment that Congress
Government to fulfill its responsibilities and to could convene, not in special session where its power of
maintain and enforce the authority. legislation is limited by the Chief Executive in his call for special
SEC. 3.The President of the Philippines session, but in regular session where it could be free to enact
"Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the
shall as soon as practicable upon the convening general legislation; and that unless this automatic ending or
of the Congress of the Philippines report thereto cessation of Act No. 671 is so held, there would be need of
"SECTION 1.The existence of war all the rules and regulations promulgated by him another Act or legislation by Congress to repeal Act No. 671 in
between the United States and other countries under the powers herein granted. which case, the Chief Executive may by his veto power
of Europe and Asia, which involves the effectively block any effort in this direction.
SEC. 4.This Act shall take effect upon its
Philippines, makes it necessary to invest the
approval and the rules and regulations I beg to differ with the foregoing thesis. I believe that,
President with extraordinary powers in order to promulgated hereunder shall be in force and as I already had occasion to state though incidentally, the real
meet the resulting emergency.
effect until the Congress of the Philippines shall reason for the delegation of legislative powers to the Chief
"SEC. 2.Pursuant to the provisions of otherwise provide." Executive is not only because the Legislature is unable to meet
Article VI, section 26, of the Constitution, the "In time of war or other national due to a national emergency but also because although it could
President is hereby authorized, during the and does actually meet, whether in regular or special session, it
emergency, the Congress may by law authorize
existence of the emergency, to promulgate such is not in a position and able to cope with the problems brought
the President, for a limited period and subject to
rules and regulations as he may deem necessary about by and arising from the emergency, problems which
such restrictions as it may prescribe, to
to carry out the national policy declared in promulgate rules and regulations to carry out a require urgent and immediate action. Certainly, one man can
section 1 hereof. Accordingly, he is, among act more quickly and expeditiously than about one hundred
declared national policy." (Section 26, Article VI,
other things, empowered (a) to transfer the seat members of the Legislature, especially when they are divided
of the Government or any of its subdivisions, into legislative chambers. That is why in times of emergency,
branches, departments, offices, agencies or I fully agree with the majority when in its opinion it
says: much as we in democratic countries dislike the system or idea
instrumentalities; (b) to reorganize the of dictatorship, we hear of food dictator, fuel dictator,
Government of the Commonwealth including "Commonwealth Act No. 671 does not
transportation dictator, civilian evacuation dictator, etc., where
the determination of the order of precedence of in term fix the duration of its effectiveness. The the functions which ordinarily belong to a council or board or to
the heads of the Executive Department; (c) to intention of the Act has to be sought for in its
a legislative body, are entrusted under certain limitations to become disastrous or ended in calamity or gone beyond suspension or abandonment of service,
one single official or individual. legislations or any remedy. It would be too late. It would be like activities, or operations of no immediate
Supposing that during a national emergency and while locking the stable door after the horse had been stolen. importance.
the Legislature is in session, the legislators woke up one Now, for some retrospect. The Philippine National At that time, September, 1939 the second world war
morning to find that there was extreme scarcity of imported Assembly delegated its legislative powers because of the was only in Europe, quite far from the Philippines and had just
foods, fuel, building materials, equipment required in existence of a state of national emergency as early as the year begun. There was then no likelihood of the Philippines being
agriculture and industry, etc., because of a monopoly, hoarding, 1939. During its second special session of that year, it involved in the war. In fact, the Philippines did not get involved
injurious speculations, manipulations, private controls and promulgated the following laws: in the war until more than two years later, in December, 1941.
profiteering, or that there were wide-spread lockouts and (a) Commonwealth Act No. 494, The National Assembly was then free to meet either in regular
strikes paralyzing transportation, commerce and industry, or authorizing the President of the Philippines to or special session to enact legislation to meet the emergency. In
rampant espionage or sabotage endangering the very life and suspend until the time of the adjournment of fact, it met in regular session in January, 1940 lasting 100 days
security of the nation. How much time would it take the the next regular session of the National and in January, 1941 for another regular session of 100 days,
legislature to enact the necessary legislation in order to cope Assembly, either wholly or partially and under excluding the several special sessions held during those two
with the situation and pass the necessary emergency such conditions as he may deem proper, the years. And yet the Assembly delegated legislative powers to the
measures? operation of Commonwealth Act No. 444, President under section 26, Article II of the Constitution. This is
We are all familiar with the practice and routine of commonly known as the Eight Hour Labor Law; clear proof that, contrary to the theory of the majority opinion,
enacting laws. A bill is introduced in the Legislature; it is (b) Commonwealth Act No. 496, the Legislature delegated legislative powers to the President
referred to the corresponding committee, it is studied by said authorizing the President to take over, for use or even when it could meet and it actually met several times.
committee, which in some cases holds public hearings; the operation by the Government, any public After passing the Acts just mentioned delegating
committee discusses the bill and sometimes introduces service or enterprise and to pay just legislative powers to the President, the Assembly in its fourth
amendments; if the bill is not killed in the committee or compensation in the manner to be determined special session on August 19, 1940 repeated and reiterated this
shelved, it is submitted to the chamber for study, discussion by him and to prescribe and promulgate practice and policy by passing Commonwealth Act No. 600
and possible amendment by all the members; it is finally voted regulations he may deem essential to carry out delegating additional and more extensive legislative powers to
and if approved, it is sent to the other house where it the purposes of the Act; the President in spite of the fact that the war was still far away
undergoes the same process; and if it is finally approved by (c) Commonwealth Act No. 498 in Europe and there was no danger or prospect of involving the
both houses of Congress, it is submitted to the Chief Executive declaring a state of national emergency due to a Philippines, and the Legislature was still free to meet as in fact it
for his study and approval or veto. All this may consume weeks state of war among several nations and as a met again in regular session in January, 1941. During its regular
or months as a result of which, ordinarily, many bills finally measure to prevent scarcity, monopolization, session begun that month and year, instead of stopping or
approved by Congress could be sent to the President for hoarding, injurious speculations, profiteering, ending the legislative powers delegated to the President,
approval or veto only after adjournment of the legislative etc. affecting the supply, distribution and because according to the theory of the majority opinion, the
session. And we should not overlook the fact that in some cases movement of foods, clothing, fuel, building Legislature was able to meet, the Assembly allowed them to
for lack of time or due to disagreement among the legislators or materials, agricultural equipments etc. continue by passing Commonwealth Act No. 620 which merely
between the two houses of Congress, important pieces of authorized the President to purchase any of the amended section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 600. I repeat that
legislations like the annual appropriation law for the fiscal year articles or commodities available for storage, for all this, far from supporting the view of the majority that the
1949-50, appropriation of funds for the elections to be held in re-sale or distribution, to fix the maximum Legislature delegated legislative powers to the President only
November, 1949, contained in Executive Orders Nos. 225 and selling price of said articles or commodities and because it could not meet, fairly and squarely refutes said view.
226, involved in the present cases, and the proposed to promulgate such rules and regulations as he Now, let us consider the theory of the majority that it
amendment to the Election Code etc. have not been passed by may deem necessary; and. would be a great anomaly to have two legislative bodies, the
Congress in its last session ending last May, 1949, which session Legislature and the President to be acting at the same time,
lasted one hundred days. If we were to rely on the ordinary (d) Commonwealth Act No. 500
authorizing the President in view of the each nullifying the acts of the other. I fail to see the suggested
process of legislation to meet a national emergency, by the time anomaly. In fact, under the view and interpretation given by the
existence of a state of national emergency to
the necessary and needed law is passed, the situation sought to majority of the delegation of legislative powers, the very laws
be remedied, or the problem sought to be solved may have reduce the expenditures of the executive
departments of the Government by the making such delegation contemplated the simultaneous
functioning of the Legislature and the President, both exercising After all, it is for the Legislature to say whether it Under my view, had the invasion of the Philippines by
legislative powers. And it is a fact that there were several wants the President to exercise his emergency powers at the the Japanese forces, which we feared and expected in
instances of the legislature and the President both validly and same time that it is in session. It may validly and properly December, 1941 failed to materialize either because the
simultaneously exercising legislative powers. stipulate in its grant of emergency powers that they be invasion was repelled or because the Japanese high command
Under section 2 of Commonwealth Act No. 496 already exercised when the Legislature is not in session. In fact, in one at the last moment decided to by-pass the Philippines and
referred to, approved on September 30, 1939, the power instance, in Commonwealth Act No. 500, section 2, the National divert his forces further south to invade, say Australia, or if the
delegated to the President to prescribe rules and regulations he Assembly expressly provided "that the authority herein given Pacific war had ended as we all or most of us then expected it
may deem essential to carry out the purposes of the Act, shall be exercised only when the National Assembly is not in to end sooner within weeks or months after its commencement
namely, the taking over of and operation by the Government of session." When in its other acts of delegation, like and that the emergency resulting therefrom had also ceased
any public service or enterprise and to pay for the same, was to Commonwealth Act 671, the Legislature not only fails to soon thereafter, Commonwealth Act No. 671 would have
last until the date of the adjournment of the next regular stipulate this condition, but on the contrary, contemplates automatically ceased to have force and effect right in the year
session of the National Assembly. This means that, during the Presidential exercise of legislative powers simultaneously with 1942 without any affirmative act or law of the Legislature.
regular session of the Assembly which began in January, 1940 the Legislature, it is to be presumed that the Legislature There would be no point or reason for the President to continue
and lasted 100 days, the President could exercise the intended it and saw nothing improper or anomalous in it, and it exercising emergency powers when there no longer was any
emergency powers delegated to him. Again, under is not for the Courts to pass upon the supposed impropriety or emergency. But under the view of the majority, emergency or
Commonwealth Acts Nos. 600 and 620 the President could and anomaly. no emergency even if Congress could meet in special session to
indeed he exercised his emergency powers during the regular As to the possibility of the Chief Executive validly and enact general legislation, the country must continue to be ruled
session of the Assembly which began in January, 1941, when successfully nullifying the acts of the Legislature, to me that is by Presidential decree until the next regular session of Congress
President Quezon issued at least nine Executive Orders quite remote, if not impossible. As already stated at the which may not come till many months later. In my opinion this
numbered 321, 333, 335, 337, 339, 340, 342, 344 and 345. beginning of this opinion, the Chief Executive acting as an agent is not logical. To me the real and only reason and test for the
The same thing obtains under Commonwealth Act 671 of the Legislature under his emergency powers, may not go continuance of the exercise of emergency powers is the
Since under the view of the majority the emergency powers of against the wishes and policies of his principal. He can only continued existence of the emergency, not the inability of
the President granted him by Commonwealth Act No. 671 carry out its wishes and policies, and where his acts and orders Congress to meet in regular session.
ended only on May 25, 1946, then the extensive legislative run counter to those of the Legislature, or operate on a field The majority, and the parties who initiated these
powers delegated to the President under that Act could be already withdrawn because the Legislature had already acted proceedings in court fear that the President may promulgate
exercised and in fact they were exercised during the five special therein, his acts or Executive Orders must give way and will be rules and regulations contrary in purpose and effect to
sessions of Congress in the year 1945, which lasted a total of 84 declared void and of no effect, by the Courts, as we are doing legislation enacted by the Legislature; that he may reenact his
days. During those special sessions of 1945, President Osmeña with the Executive Orders involved in these cases. rules and regulations after being repealed by the legislature,
issued several Executive Orders in the exercise of his emergency With respect to the claim in the majority opinion that and that he may even veto a bill passed by Congress repealing
powers. unless the emergency powers were made to end at the time the the Act of delegation and ending his emergency powers. It is a
Is there further proof needed to show that the President made his report to Congress when it convened, it fear not well founded. It runs counter to the presumption that
suggested and feared anomaly and impropriety of the would be necessary to enact new legislation to repeal the act of the Chief Executive like any other public official would perform
Legislature and the Executive both exercising legislative delegation, in which case the period for the delegation would his functions and conduct himself in every respect for the good
functions simultaneously, is more fancied than real? The be unlimited, indefinite, and uncertain, contrary to the and welfare of the people and in accordance with the
situation was contemplated and expressly intended by the constitutional provisions, I may say that the President was Constitution. It is fear based on the presumption that the
Legislature itself, evidently believing that said condition or state authorized by Act 671 to exercise emergency powers "during Legislature and the Chief Executive are at loggerheads, working
of affairs was neither anomalous nor improper. There is to my the existence of the emergency," and not a day longer. To me at cross purposes and that the President though acting as a
mind really no incompatibility. At such a time and during the that is a limited period in contemplation of the Constitution. mere agent of his principal, the legislature, would brazenly
period of their simultaneous functioning, the Legislature may There would be no need for a new law to repeal the Act of repudiate his principal and even challenge its authority, and
perform its ordinary legislative duties taking its time to study, delegation, for said Act is self-liquidating. The moment the that the Chief Executive is so much in love with his emergency
consider, amend and pass bills, reserving to the President emergency ceases, the law itself automatically ceases to have powers that he would perpetuate them by going as far as
matters requiring and demanding immediate action. force and effect, and the Presidential emergency powers also vetoing an act of Congress ending said emergency powers. Let it
end with it. be said to the credit of and in justice to the different Chief
Executives who have wielded these emergency powers,
Presidents Quezon, Osmeña, Roxas and the present incumbent the war and that furthermore, that duration is a limited period sessions, nevertheless, it had been delegating legislative powers
President Quirino, that no accusing finger has ever been within the meaning and contemplation of the Constitution. to the President.
pointed at them, accusing or even insinuating that they had Surely the emergency resulting from the war contemplated by The majority view finds no support in the law. Section
abused their emergency powers or exercised them for any the National Assembly when it enacted Act No. 671 is not 26, Article VI of the Constitution does not impose this condition
purpose other than the welfare of the country, or that they had permanent or indefinite It is of limited duration. It may be long or requirement. The only important conditions imposed by the
maliciously acted contrary to the wishes of the Legislature. Even or it may be short; but it cannot be for always. It has an end. Constitution are that there be a national emergency and
after liberation there has been no claim not even from the Presumably the members of the National Assembly thought delegation be for a limited period. The same thing is true with
Legislature itself, to the knowledge of this Court, at least to that that the emergency would not last as long as it did. The belief Act No. 671 which makes the delegation. The only condition
of the undersigned, that any Chief Executive exercised his entertained at the time by not a few, in fact by a great portion imposed by section 2 of said Act is that the delegated powers
delegated powers, knowing that they had ended or had abused of the people here not excluding the legislators, was that the be exercised during the emergency. Neither in the Constitution
the same. war with Japan would be of short duration, a question of nor in Commonwealth Act No. 671 is there any hint or
months at the longest; that American reinforcements would insinuation, much less express mention about the inability of
There is no charge or insinuation that any of the come at the beginning of the year 1942 and drive away the the Legislature to meet. When every consideration for clearness
Executive Orders which we are now holding to be invalid were invading Japanese armies if they ever were able to occupy the and for Executive and Judicial guidance loudly called for and
issued from ulterior motives or to further and favor the political Philippines and that, consequently, the war as far as these demanded an unequivocal and clear expression of
interests of the President issuing them. It is admitted in the islands were concerned and the resulting emergency would Constitutional and legislative intent, both laws, the source and
majority opinion that Executive Order No. 62, seeking to soon pass away. The wisdom or lack of wisdom of the National basis of the emergency powers are conspicuously silent on this
regulate house and lot rentals was issued in good faith by Assembly in limiting or rather making the life and effectiveness point. The only conclusion is that neither the framers of the
President Roxas. Executive Order No. 192 was issued to of Commonwealth Act No. 671 coextensive with the resulting Constitution nor the members of the National Assembly had
regulate exports, President Quirino presumably believing that emergency, viewed in the light of what had actually happened, thought of much less intended to impose this condition. To
exports at this time still needed regulation and control as was cannot be passed upon by this Court. So, as I see it, so long as sustain the majority view would require reading into the law
formerly provided by Congress in its Act No. 728, and that the the emergency resulting from the War continues, what is not there.
matter was still within the field of his emergency powers as was Commonwealth Act No. 671 subsists and so long the Chief In further support of its view that emergency powers
also mistakenly believed by President Roxas in issuing Executive Executive retains his emergency powers. may be exercised by the President only until the Legislature
Order No. 52. As to Executive Order No. 226, it merely The majority believes that as already stated, Act No. could meet, the majority finds comfort in and cites section 3 of
appropriated funds to defray the expenses in connection with 671 was in force only until Congress could meet and resume its Act 671 which reads as follows:
the holding of the national elections in November, 1949, legislative functions. Naturally, this view is based on the theory "SEC. 3.The President of the Philippines
without which, said elections could not be held. With respect to that legislative functions in times of emergency are delegated shall as soon as practicable upon the convening
Executive Order No. 225, it merely continues in force Republic only because of the inability of the Legislative Department to of the Congress of the Philippines report thereto
Act 320which appropriated funds for the last fiscal year meet and exercise its functions. I believe I have successfully all the rules and regulations promulgated by him
inasmuch as Congress had failed to pass a General demonstrated the flaw in this theory, not only by showing that under the powers herein granted."
Appropriation Act for the operation of the National the real reason underlying the delegation of legislative powers
I fail to see anything in said section that warrants a holding that
Government for the period beginning July 1, 1949 to June 30, is not the inability of the Legislature to meet but rather its
upon filing his report with Congress, about the rules and
1950. There is no insinuation that any political motives or inability to consider and pass legislation in time to meet an
regulations promulgated by him under his emergency powers
purposes are involved in these Executive Orders. emergency which requires as it does urgent and immediate
action and can be solved only by the exercise of legislative under Commonwealth Act 671, his emergency powers
I agree with the majority that since the Constitution automatically ceased. I could well imagine that under an act of
provides that the delegation of legislative powers by the functions by one single responsible individual, unhampered by
delegation of legislative powers where the President is
Legislature should be done for a limited period, it is to be study and prolonged discussion by many members of the
authorized to perform one single act such as the suspension of
presumed that Commonwealth Act No. 671 was approved with legislative body, but also by the fact that although since 1939
when the second world war broke out in Europe and for a the eight-hour labor law under Commonwealth Act No. 494, or
this limitation in view. I even agree to its definition of the word the reduction of the expenditures of the executive departments
"limited." But I submit that Commonwealth Act No. 671 itself, period of more than two years thereafter, when the National
of the National Government by the suspension or abandonment
limited its operation and effectiveness to and made it Assembly could still meet and in fact convened on several
occasions and for hundreds of days in regular and special of services, activities or operations of no immediate necessity
coextensive with the duration of the emergency resulting from under Commonwealth Act No. 500, when the President has
exercised his delegated authority and made his report to the report of the President. The reason given is that "in a special that we are not passing upon the validity or constitutionality of
Assembly as required by said laws, the latter, as well as his session Congress may consider general legislation or only such a law enacted by the Legislature, in which case, the Court may
delegated authority thereunder automatically ceased, for the subjects as he (President) may designate." But as a matter of find the act invalid and unconstitutional if it is in violation of the
simple reason that nothing remains to be performed or done. fact, the first two special sessions called by President Osmeña in basic law, regardless of the opinion or interpretation given by
However, treating of the grant of extensive emergency powers 1945, after liberation, each for a period of thirty days were both the Legislature that passed it or of the Executive Department
as was done under Commonwealth Acts Nos. 600, 620 and 671 to consider general legislation. So, actually there is no reason which may be trying to enforce it. We assume that Act No. 671
where said laws contemplated many different acts, rules and for the distinction. is valid and constitutional. Here, we are merely trying to
regulations of varied categories and objectives and to be Furthermore, if it were the intention of the Legislature ascertain the intention of the National Assembly as to the life
performed not at one time or instance but at different times to fix the time at which Commonwealth Act No. 671 would and period of effectiveness of Commonwealth Act No. 671.
during the existence of the emergency, as the need or occasion cease in its operation as of the date when the President could Do the study and analysis of other acts of the
arose, there is no reason for the belief or the holding that upon file his report before Congress when it first convened not Legislature similar to Commonwealth Act 671, favor the view of
submitting a partial report of his acts up to the time he made in special session but in regular session, it would have expressly the majority? The answer in my opinion is clearly and decidedly
the report, the whole law making the delegation including his and unequivocally said so. In its other acts of delegation of in the negative. The majority cites Commonwealth Acts Nos.
powers under it automatically ended. The legislature during the powers when the legislature wanted to have the report of the 600 and 620 to support the theory that Commonwealth Act 671
emergency might be able to convene and naturally, the President at its regular session, it expressly and explicitly said automatically ceased to operate when Congress met at its next
President will immediately make his report to it of the rules and so. In section 3 of Commonwealth Act 494, in section 5 of regular session. But the logical inference or conclusion to be
regulations promulgated by him up to that time; but if the Commonwealth Act 496, in section 6 of Commonwealth Act drawn from these two acts is, in my opinion, just the reverse. It
emergency continued or even became more serious, would it 498, in section 3 of Commonwealth Act 500 and in section 4 of is even fatal to the view of the majority as I shall attempt to
be reasonable to hold that his emergency powers ended right Commonwealth Act 600, the National Assembly provided that show. Let us consider Commonwealth Act 600 delegating
then and there? Would it not be more logical and reasonable to the President shall report to the National Assembly within ten extensive legislative powers to the President, approved on
believe that inasmuch as the grant and the exercise of his days after the opening of the next regular session of the said August 19, 1940, which like Act 671 is silent as to any express
emergency powers were motivated by and based upon the Assembly of whatever acts have been taken by him under the provision regarding its life or period of effectiveness, and as to
existence of the emergency and since the emergency continued authority of those Acts. The Assembly left nothing for how long the emergency powers granted the President by it will
his work and responsibility were not ended and that his partial interpretation or speculation. In section 3 of Commonwealth last. Section 4 of said Commonwealth Act No. 600 like section 3
report could not possibly affect the continuance of his Act 671, however, the same Assembly has not specified the kind of Act 671 provides that "the President shall within the first ten
emergency powers? of session before which the President should make his report. It days from the date of the opening of the Assembly's next
Section 3 of Commonwealth Act No. 671 provides for merely said that upon the convening of the Congress the regular session report to said Assembly whatever action he had
the filing of a report with Congress by the President as soon as President shall report thereto all the rules and regulations taken under the authority therein granted." Said section 4 of
that body convened. According to the majority opinion on that promulgated by him. We should make no distinction where the Act 600 is clearer and more specific than section 3 of Act 671 in
date the whole Act No. 671 ceased to have force and effect. law makes or calls for none. Here again, to support the majority that it clearly specifies the next regular session whereas the
Under that theory, as soon as Congress convened in June, 1945, opinion would require reading into the law, section 3 of Act latter refers merely to the convening of Congress. But let us
and it is to be presumed that President Osmeña, complying 671, something that is not there. assume arguendoas contended by the majority that "the
with his duty, must have made his report of all the numerous convening of the Congress" mentioned in section 3 of
Executive Orders he had issued so far, perhaps including those In case like the present where there is room for doubt Commonwealth Act 671, referred to regular session. According
issued by his predecessor President Quezon who because of his as to whether or not Commonwealth Act No. 671 has ceased to to the majority opinion, under section 4 of Commonwealth Act
premature death was unable to report his acts to Congress, the operate, one view (of the majority) being that it automatically No. 600, as soon as the President made the report to the
President automatically lost his emergency powers. But the ceased to have any force and effect on May 25, 1946, the other National Assembly at its "next regular session" which was to be
majority opinion qualifies this convening of Congress, for it says view being that the law operated as long as the emergency and was actually held in January, 1941, Commonwealth Act 600
that it must be a regular session and not a special session, resulting from the war existed, the opinion of and the obvious automatically ceased to operate and the President
thereby extending the life of Commonwealth Act No. 671 one interpretation given by the legislature which enacted the law automatically lost his delegated legislative powers. But this is
year longer, to May, 1946 when Congress held its first regular and made the delegation of powers and the President to whom contrary to the very view of the National Assembly which
session after liberation. I do not quite see the necessity or the the delegation was made and who exercised said powers, passed said Act 600. Commonwealth Act No. 620 of the
reason for the distinction made between the special and regular should have much if not decisive weight. We must bear in mind National Assembly passed during that "next regular session"
sessions, for at both sessions Congress could well receive the and approved on June 6, 1941 merely amended section 1 of
Commonwealth Act 600, which enumerated the powers he did not share the majority view, because despite his having executive departments, offices, agencies, etc. and Executive
delegated to the Chief Executive. It left the rest of the made his report to the Assembly in January, 1941, and even Order No. 100 was promulgated on October 23, 1947, after the
provisions and sections of Commonwealth Act 600 intact. So before the enactment of Commonwealth Act No. 620, he expiration of the one year period. Furthermore, it is a matter of
that, under section 4 (which was left intact) of Act 600, the believed and considered Commonwealth Act No. 600 as still in common knowledge that during the last session of Congress
President was still required to report to the National Assembly force after that date and that he still retained his emergency which ended in May, 1949, there was talk if not a movement in
within the first 10 days from the date of the opening of its next powers. the Congress to end the emergency powers of the President.
regular session which should have begun in January, 1942, Then, let us see what was the attitude and conduct of Nothing concrete in the form of legislation or resolution was
despite the fact that he had already made a report to the the Chief Executives and of Congress after May 25, 1946, when done, for if we are to accept newspaper reports and comment,
Legislature in January, 1941. Incidentally, this answers and according to the majority opinion Commonwealth Act No. 671 the members of Congress or at least a majority of them were
refutes the contention of the majority that the law of ceased to operate. After May 25, 1946, two Presidents, Roxas willing and satisfied to have the Chief Executive continue in the
delegation of powers contemplated only one meeting of and Quirino had issued numerous Executive Orders based upon exercise of his emergency powers until the end of 1949. All this
Congress at which the President was to report his acts of and invoking Commonwealth Act No. 671. Like President leads to no other conclusion but that Congress believed all
emergency, and that said report was to be the first and the last. Quezon, they also evidently were of the opinion that despite along that Commonwealth Act No. 671 is still in force and
Now, what inference may be drawn from this the meeting of the Legislature in regular session the act effect.
amending of section 1 only of Commonwealth Act No. 600 by delegating legislative powers to them (in the case of Roxas and If Commonwealth Act No. 671 is still in force and effect
Commonwealth Act No. 620? The logical conclusion is that in Quirino - Commonwealth Act No. 671) was still in force, that the question arises: how long and for what period will said Act
promulgating Commonwealth Act 620 on June 6, 1941, the they still retained their emergency powers and so proceeded to continue to operate? As I have already stated, I believe that the
National Assembly all along regarded Commonwealth Act No. exercise them in good faith. delegation of emergency powers was made coextensive with
600 which delegated legislative powers to the President as still Congress also, evidently, believed that Commonwealth the emergency resulting from the war, and as long as that
in force and effect despite the report filed with the Assembly by Act No. 671 was still in force and effect after said date, May 25, emergency continues and unless the Legislature provides
the President at the beginning of its regular session in January, 1946. In spite of the several legislative sessions, regular and otherwise, Act 671 will continue to operate and the President
1941. When the Legislature merely amends a section of a law, special since then and up to and including the year 1949, may continue exercising his emergency powers.
leaving the rest of said law intact and unchanged, the logical Congress has not by law or resolution said anything questioning The last and logical question that one will naturally ask
inference and conclusion is that the amended law was still in or doubting the validity of said Executive Orders on the score of is: has the emergency resulting from the war passed or does it
force because you cannot amend a law which is no longer in having been promulgated after Commonwealth Act No. 671 had still exist? This is a fair and decisive question inasmuch as the
force. The only thing that could be done with a law that has supposedly ceased to operate. Not only this, but at least in one existence of the emergency is, in my opinion, the test and the
ceased to operate is to reenact it. But in passing instance, Congress had by a law promulgated by it, considered only basis of the operation or cessation of Act 671. The
Commonwealth Act 620 in July, 1941, the Assembly did not one of those supposed illegal Executive Orders promulgated existence or non-existence of the emergency resulting from the
reenact Commonwealth Act No. 600. By merely amending one after May 25, 1946, to be valid. I refer to Republic Act No. war is a question of fact. It is based on conditions obtaining
of its sections, the Assembly, as late as June 1941, considered 224 approved on June 5, 1948, creating the National Airport among the people and in the country and perhaps even near
said Act 600 as still effective and in operation and consequently, Corporation which considered and treated as valid Executive and around it. It is a highly controversial question on which
the emergency powers of the President continued and Order No. 100, dated October 21, 1947, by providing in section people may honestly differ. There are those who in all good
subsisted despite his previously having made a report of his 7 of said Republic Act No. 224 for the abolishment of the Office faith believe and claim that conditions have returned to normal;
actions in January 1941. This squarely refutes the theory that as of the Administrator of the Manila International Airport that the people have now enough to eat, sometimes even more
soon as the President filed his report on the exercise of his established under the provisions of said Executive Order No. than they had before the war; that people nowadays especially
emergency powers with the Legislature, the Act making the 100 and the transfer of the personnel and funds created under in the cities are better nourished and clothed and transported
delegation ceased to operate and the President lost his the same Executive Order to the National Airport Corporation. and better compensated for their labor, and that the President
emergency powers. This Executive Order No. 100 which appropriated public funds himself in his speeches, chats and messages had assured the
As I have already stated in the course of this opinion, in and therefore, was of a legislative nature must have been public that normal times have returned, that the problem of
connection with another phase of this case from January to issued under Commonwealth Act No. 671. It cannot possibly be peace and order had been solved, that the finances of the
June, 1941, President Quezon had issued at least eight regarded as having been promulgated by authority of Republic Government and the national economy are sound, and that
Executive Orders in the exercise of his emergency powers, by Act No. 51, for said Act approved on October 4, 1946, gave the there is an adequate food supply. It is, therefore, claimed that
authority of Commonwealth Act 600. From this it is evident that President only one year within which to reorganize the different there is no longer any emergency resulting from the war.
On the other hand, it is asserted with equal conditions and the situation obtaining in the country. This Court first determine as to whether or not there is a national
vehemence in the opposite camp that conditions are still far is not in a position to decide that controversy. It does not have emergency as a condition precedent to the delegation of its
from normal; that the picture painted by the President in the facilities to obtain and acquire the necessary facts and data legislative powers. Naturally, it is the one that is called upon to
cheerful and reassuring colors is based on over optimism and, on which to base a valid and just decision. Neither did it have say when that emergency ceases.
as to be expected, calculated to show in bold relief the the opportunity to receive the necessary evidence as in a Now, one will ask, what does Congress think about the
achievements of the administration, and so should be hearing or trial at which evidence, oral or documentary, is emergency? Does it believe that it still exists? To me the answer
considered with some allowance; that we are now importing introduced. We cannot invoke and resort to judicial notice is YES. What has been said about the acts, conduct and attitude
more rice than before the war for the reason that many rice because this refers to things of public knowledge, and not of the legislature as to its belief that Commonwealth Act No.
farms are idle because of the farmers' fear of or interference by controverted, whereas things, facts and conditions necessary 671 is still in force, are all applicable and may be repeated to
dissidents; that the problem of peace and order is far from for the determination of whether or not there is still an show that the Congress believes that the emergency resulting
solved as shown by the frequent hold-ups, kidnappings, lootings emergency, are often not of public knowledge but require from the war still exist. Under the theory that I maintain,
and killings and organized banditry not only in Luzon but also in investigation, accurate reporting and close contact with the Congress must be of the opinion that the emergency still exists
the Visayas and Mindanao; that whereas before the war, the people to be able to ascertain their living conditions, their for the reason that as I have shown Congress believes that
Constabulary force consisting of only about 6,000 officers and needs, their fears, etc. Commonwealth Act No. 671 is still in force and the life and
men could provide complete protection to life and property and To me, the departments of the Government equipped operation of said Act depends upon and is coextensive with the
was adequate in all respects to enforce peace and order, now and in a position to decide this question of emergency are the existence of the emergency. To this may be added the attitude
this Constabulary enlarged to about 20,000 men, provided with Chief Executive and the Legislature. The first has at his and the belief of the President as to the continued existence of
modern weapons and equipment and with the aid of thousands command and beck and call all the executive officials and the emergency. It must be borne in mind that Commonwealth
of civilian guards and of the Philippine Army and Air force departments. He has the Army, the Constabulary, Naval Patrol, Act No. 671 authorizes the President to exercise his emergency
cannot solve the peace and order problem; that the dissidents the Police of the cities and towns and the barrio lieutenants to powers only during the existence of the emergency. The
who are well organized, armed and disciplined even attack and inform him of the state of peace and order and the security of inference is that before exercising his emergency powers by
sack towns and sometimes openly defy and engage the armed the state. He has the Secretary of Education and all the promulgating an Executive Order he must First determine and
Government forces; that as long as more than 100,000 firearms subordinate officers and school officials under him to inform decide that the state of emergency still exists, for that is the
are loose and in the hands of irresponsible parties, not him as to whether or not there is a school crisis or emergency condition precedent to the exercise of his delegated power. In
excluding the seemingly regular mysterious supply to them of as a result of the war. He has the Secretary of Agriculture and other words, the two departments of the Government, the
additional firearms and ammunitions, there can be no peace Natural Resources and his men to advise him as to the Legislative and Executive Departments, best qualified and called
and order; and as to the barrio folk in central Luzon and now, agricultural needs and the food supply of the country. He has upon to determine whether or not the emergency resulting
even in provinces bordering central Luzon whose parents and the Secretary of Finance and all the officials under him to from the war still exist have made manifest in their acts and
relatives had been killed by dissidents, whose women folk had inform him of the finances of the Government and the economy attitude that they believe that such emergency still exists. I may
been outraged by the same elements, whose homes had been of the country as well as the officials to advise him of the land here state that on this question of emergency, I entertain no
looted and burned and whose very lives had been subjected to shipping transportation situation. In other words, the President personal opinion either way lacking as I do the means of
constant terror and peril, compelling them to leave their homes is in a position to determine whether or not there is still an deciding fairly and justly. Neither has the Court. If the decisions
and their farms and evacuate to and be concentrated in emergency as a result of the war. of the courts on questions of fact involved in a controversy are
the poblaciones to live there in utter discomfort and privation, As to Congress, it is equally in a position and in fact it is given due respect and weight and are binding, it is because such
it is said that it would be difficult to convince these unfortunate the first called upon to decide as to the existence or non- decisions are based on evidence adduced and received after a
people that normalcy has returned and that there is no longer existence of an emergency. According to the Constitution, hearing. No such hearing was held for the purpose and no
any emergency resulting from the war. To further support the section 24, Article VI, either House of Congress may call upon evidence has been received. In other words, we have nothing
claim of the existence of an emergency, the menace of the head of any department of the Government on any matter on which to decide a question of fact which is the existence or
communism not only at home, particularly in central Luzon but pertaining to his department. The members of Congress come non-existence of emergency.
from abroad, especially China, is invoked. And it is asserted that from all parts and the far-corners of the country. They are In view of the conclusion we have arrived at, finding
all this is a result of the war. supposed to be in close contact with their constituents and these Executive Orders to be void and of no effect, particularly
I repeat that this question of the existence of an know at first hand their needs, the way they live, etc. Congress, Executive Orders Nos. 225 and 226 with the evident result that
emergency is a controversial one, the decision on which must therefore should know. Moreover, it is the legislature that must no funds are appropriated for the operation of the Government
be based on the ascertainment of facts, circumstances and
for the fiscal year beginning July of this year and for the judicial notice. In the present cases, there has been no trial for exercise those powers "during the existence of the emergency."
expenses in the coming national elections next November, one the reception of proof, and I am not aware that enough facts The Act does not say that the President may exercise the
may inquire as to what will happen or what is to be done. The have been shown to justify the conclusion that the emergency powers only when the Legislature is not in session. Much less
answer or answers to this question lie with the Chief Executive. in question has already ceased. On the other hand, since the does it say that the emergency powers shall cease as soon as
Congress will not meet in regular session until next year. It is exercise of the emergency powers by the President the Legislature has convened in regular session. An emergency
not for the court, not even the undersigned to suggest the presupposes a determination of the existence of the resulting from a global war cannot end with the mere meeting
calling of a special legislative session to cope with the perilous emergency, the President must be presumed to have satisfied of the Legislature. Neither may it be legislated out of existence.
situation thus created, altho one may regard that as a logical himself in some appropriate manner that the emergency The Legislature, once it has convened, may, if it so desire,
remedy. But, should the President call a special session and existed when he issued his executive orders. Under the theory revoke the emergency powers of the President, but it cannot by
Congress for one reason or another fails to meet, or though it of separation of powers and in accord with the latest ruling of any form of legislative action put an immediate end to the
meets, for one reason or another it fails to pass an the United States Supreme Court, it is not for the judiciary to emergency itself. Well known is the fact that a deliberative
appropriation law, then a real crisis will have ensued. I am review the finding of the Executive in this regard. Judicial review body, such as the Legislature, because of the time consumed in
confident that the Chief Executive, conscious of his would in such case amount to control of executive discretion the study and discussion of a measure, may not always act with
responsibility as the Chief of the ration would not just stand and place the judicial branch above a co-equal department of the promptness which the situation requires so that in an
supine and idle and see the Government of the Republic of the the Government. Only in case of a manifest abuse of the emergency there is really need for the concentration of power
Philippines disintegrate and die. He would know what to do and exercise of powers by a political branch of the Government is in one man. This may well be the reason why Act No. 671 in
he would do something according to his sound discretion and in judicial interference allowable in order to maintain the express terms authorizes the President to exercise the
accordance with law, statutory or otherwise and in the supremacy of the Constitution. But with the cold war still going emergency powers "during the existence of the emergency"
discharge of his high executive powers, express or implied. on though the shooting war has already ended; with the world and not merely during the time that the Legislature could be in
TORRES, J.: still in turmoil so much so that the American Secretary of State session. For one thing, to make the life of the emergency
I concur in the foregoing opinion of Mr. Justice has declared that "the world has never before in peace time powers depend upon the inability of the Legislature to meet is
Montemayor on the existence of the emergency powers. I been as troubled or hazardous as it is right now;" with most of the same as to declare those emergency powers automatically
reserve my opinion on the validity of Executive Orders Nos. 225 the industries of the country still unrehabilitated, so that a large ended the moment they were conferred, for at that very
and 226. proportion of our food and other necessaries have to be moment the Legislature that conferred them was in session.
imported; with a great portion of the population still living in The argument that, unless the emergency powers of
REYES, J., concurring and dissenting:
temporary quarters; with most of the war damage claims still the President were made to cease the moment Congress
The main issue in these cases is whether the unpaid; and with peace and order conditions in the country far convened in regular session, we would be having two
emergency which on December 16, 1941 prompted the from normal, it would be presumptuous for this Court, without legislatures which could mutually annul each other, will not
approval of Commonwealth Act No. 671, delegating proof of the actual conditions obtaining in all parts of the stand analysis. In supposing that the President, in the exercise
extraordinary powers to the President, still existed at the time Archipelago, to declare that the President clearly abused his of the emergency powers could "repeal or modify a bill passed
the Chief Executive exercised those powers by promulgating the discretion when he considered the emergency not ended at the by the Legislature," the argument overlooks the fact that the
executive orders whose validity is now challenged. time he promulgated the executive orders now questioned. emergency powers delegated to the President under Article VI,
On issues similar to the one just formulated there is a The majority opinion has skirted the issue of whether section 26 of the Constitution could only authorize him "to
diversity of opinions. While some courts would rather leave the or not the question of the existence or continuance of the promulgate rules and regulations to carry out a declared
determination of such issues to the political department of the emergency is one for the political department of the national policy." Only the Legislature (with the concurrence of
Government, others are for making the determination subject Government to determine by restricting "the life of the the President of course) may declare a national policy, and once
to judicial review. But the latest ruling of the United States emergency powers of the President to the time the Legislature that policy is declared the President may not, under the
Supreme Court on the point accords with the first view and was prevented from holding session due to enemy action or Constitution, depart from it. Moreover, unless the Presidential
declares that "these are matters of political judgment for which other causes brought on by the war." I cannot subscribe to this veto could be overridden, no bill approved by Congress could
judges have either technical competence nor official narrow interpretation of Commonwealth Act No. 671, for in my become a law if the President did not want it. And if the
responsibility." (Ludeckevs. Watkins, 92 L. ed., 1883.) opinion it is contrary to both the plain language and manifest President approves a bill and allows it to become a law, surely
In any event, the existence or non-existence of an purpose of that enactment. That law invests the President with he can have no reason for repealing it; while, on the other
emergency is a question of fact which may not always be extraordinary powers in order to meet the emergency resulting hand, if the bill becomes a law because his veto has been
determined without evidence by mere reference to facts within from the war and it expressly says that the President is to overridden, there is no point in his repealing that bill, because if
there are enough votes to override his veto there must also be warning of those who feared a dictatorship in this country, for the operation of the Government of the Republic for the
enough votes to repeal his emergency powers. decided to depart from the strict theory of separation of fiscal year 1949-1950, and Executive Order No. 226,
The majority opinion has I think placed a rather forced powers by embodying a provision in our Constitution, appropriating funds for the expenses of the coming national
construction upon section 3 of Commonwealth Act No. 671, authorizing the delegation of legislative powers to the President elections in November, 1949, are valid so that the petition in
which provides that — "in times of war or other national emergency." It is my surmise G.R. No. L-3054, Eulogio Rodriguez, Sr. vs. Treasurer of the
"The President of the Philippines shall that this provision was intended to guard not only against the Philippines, and the petition in G.R. No. L-3056, Antonio
as soon as practicable upon the convening of inability of Congress to meet but also against its usual tardiness Barredo, et al., vs. Commissioner on Elections, et al., in which
the Congress of the Philippines report thereto and inaction. We have proof of this last in the last regular the said two executive orders are respectively challenged,
all the rules and regulations promulgated by him session of Congress, when this body failed to pass measures of should be denied.
under the powers herein granted." pressing necessity, especially the annual appropriation law and But Executive Order No. 62 (Regulating rents) and
the appropriation for the expenses of the coming elections. Executive Order No. 192 (controlling exports) stand on a
As may be seen, the above provision does not say that the
President has to report only once, that is, the first time It is said that the need for an appropriation law for the different footing. The validity of Executive Order No. 62 can no
Congress is convened, and never again. But the majority fiscal year 1949-1950 as well as for the coming elections is not longer be maintained because of the approval by the
opinion wants to read that thought into the law in order to an emergency resulting from the war. But I say that if the Legislature of Commonwealth Act No. 689 and Republic Act No.
bolster up the theory that the emergency powers of the emergency resulting from the war as contemplated in 66, which regulate the same subject matter and which, as an
President would end as soon as Congress could convene in a Commonwealth Act No. 671 still exists, as the President expression of the national policy, can not be deviated from by
regular session. believes it exists or he would not have issued the executive the President in the exercise of the emergency powers
orders in question (and it is not for the Court to change that delegated to him by Commonwealth Act No. 671. The same is
Invoking the rule of contemporary construction, the
belief in the absence of proof that the President was clearly true with respect to Executive Order No. 192 (controlling
majority opinion makes reference to a passage in President
wrong) would it not be a dereliction of duty on his part to fail to exports) in view of the passage of Commonwealth Act No. 728,
Quezon's book, "The Good Fight," to the effect that, according
provide, during the emergency, for the continuance of the regulating the same subject matter, especially because section
to the author, Act No. 671 was only "for a certain period" and functions of government, which is only possible with an 4 of said Act terminates the power of the President thereunder
"would become invalid unless re- enacted." But I see nothing in
appropriation law? What would be gained by issuing rules and on December 31, 1948, if not sooner. Consequently, since the
the quoted phrases any suggestion that the emergency powers
regulations to meet the emergency if there is no Government to validity of these executive orders (Nos. 62 and 192) can no
of the President were to end the moment Congress was enforce and carry them out? The mere calling of a special longer be upheld, the petitions in G.R. Nos. L-2044, L-2756 and
convened in regular session regardless of the continuance of
session is no guaranty that an appropriation law will be passed L-3055, which seek to prohibit their enforcement, should be
the emergency which gave birth to those powers. A more valid
or that one will be passed before the thousands of officials and granted.
application of the rule of contemporary construction may, I
employees who work for the Government have starved. It is, PADILLA, J.:
think, be made by citing the executive orders promulgated by probably, because of these considerations that the National
President Roxas in his time in the exercise of the emergency I join in this opinion of Mr. Justice Reyes. I wish to add
Assembly, in approving Commonwealth Act No. 671, specifically that I agree with Mr. Justice Bengzon that petitioners in G.R.
powers conferred by Commonwealth Act No. 671. Many of
empowered the President, during the existence of the Nos. L-3054 and L-3056 have no personality to institute the
those executive orders were issued after May 25, 1946 when emergency, "to continue in force laws and appropriations which
Congress convened in regular session, an event which, proceedings.
would lapse or otherwise become inoperative." And that Act
according to the majority opinion, automatically put an end to BENGZON, J., dissenting:
has also authorized the President during the existence of the
the emergency powers. The majority feels it has to decide the question
same emergency "to exercise such other powers as he may
While we have adopted the republican form of deem necessary to enable the government to fulfill its whether the President still has emergency powers; but unable
government with its three co-equal departments, each acting responsibilities and to maintain in force this authority." Under to determine in which of the above five cases the issue may
within its separate sphere, it would be well to remember that this specific provision, the appropriation for the expenses of the properly be decided, it grouped them together. When the eye
we have not accepted the American theory of separation of coming elections would, naturally, come, for, without doubt, it or the hand is unsure, it is best to shoot at five birds in a group:
powers to its full extent. For, profiting from the experience of is a measure to enable the Government "to fulfill its firing at one after another may mean as many misses.
America when her Supreme Court, by the application of the responsibilities." It does not matter that the first two cases had been
doctrine of separation of powers, frustrated many a New Deal submitted and voted before the submission of the last three.
Consistently with the views above expressed, I am of
measure which her Congress had approve to meet a national the opinion that Executive Order No. 225, appropriating funds Neither does it matter that, of these last, two should be thrown
crisis, our Constitutional Convention in 1935, despite the
out in accordance with our previous rulings. The target must be MORAN, C.J.: were not members of the court and whether
large. Petitioners filed motions asking (1) that Mr. Justice they were or were not present at the date of
These cases could be, and should be, decided Padilla be disqualified to act in these cases; (2) that the vote submission; . . ."
separately. If they are, they may be disposed of without ruling cast by the late Mr. Justice Perfecto before his death be Under this provision, one who is not a member of the
on the general question whether the President still has counted in their favor; and (3) that the opinion of the Chief court at the time an adjudication is made cannot take part in
emergency powers under Commonwealth Act No. 761. How? Justice be counted as a vote for the nullity of Executive Orders that adjudication. The word "adjudication" means decision. A
This way, which is my vote. Nos. 225 and 276. case can be adjudicated only by means of a decision. And a
1. L-2044, Araneta vs. Dinglasan; L-2756, Araneta vs. I decision of this Court, to be of value and binding force, must be
Angeles. The President has presently no power to regulate rents, As regards the motion to disqualify Mr. Justice Padilla, in writing duly signed and promulgated (Article VIII, sections 11
because his power to do so is granted by Commonwealth Acts the Court is of the opinion that it must not be considered, it and 12, of the Constitution; Republic Act No. 296, section 21;
Nos. 600 and 620 which have lapsed. Under Commonwealth Act having been presented after Mr. Justice Padilla had given his Rule 53, section 7, of the Rules of Court). Promulgation means
No. 671 he has no power to regulate rents. opinion on the merits of these cases. As we have once said "a the delivery of the decision to the Clerk of Court for filing and
2. L-3056, Barredo vs. Commission, etc. Dismissed litigant . . . cannot be permitted to speculate upon the action of publication. Accordingly, one who is no longer a member of this
because petitioner has no personality to sue. According to the court and raise an objection of this sort after decision has Court at the time a decision is signed and promulgated, cannot
Custodio vs. President of the Senate et al., 42 Off. Gaz., 1243, a been rendered." (Government of the Philippine Islands vs. Heirs validly take part in that decision. As above indicated, the true
citizen and taxpayer, as such, has no legal standing to institute of Abella, 49 Phil., 374.) decision of the Court is the decision signed by the Justices and
proceedings for the annulment of a statute. duly promulgated. Before that decision is so signed and
Furthermore, the fact that Justice Padilla, while promulgated, there is no decision of the Court to speak of. The
3. L-3054, Rodriguez vs. Treasurer. Dismissed, like the Secretary of Justice, had advised the President on the question
vote cast by a member of the Court after deliberation is always
Barredo case. The private rights of petitioner and of his of emergency powers, does not disqualify him to act in these
understood to be subject to confirmation at the time he has to
partymen are affected only as taxpayers. cases, for he cannot be considered as having acted previously in
sign the decision that is to be promulgated. That vote is of no
4. L-3055, Guerrero vs. Commissioner of Customs. these actions as counsel of any of the parties. The President is value if it is not thus confirmed by the Justice casting it. The
Supposing that the President still has emergency powers under not here a party.
purpose of this practice is apparent. Members of this Court,
Commonwealth Act No. 671, and that they include regulation of All the members of this Court concur in the denial of even after they have cast their votes, wish to preserve their
exportation, inasmuch as the Congress has chosen to legislate the motion to disqualify Mr. Justice Padilla, with the exception freedom of action till the last moment when they have to sign
on exports (Commonwealth Act No. 728), it has thereby pro of Mr. Justice Ozaeta and Mr. Justice Feria who reserve their the decision, so that they may take full advantage of what they
tanto withdrawn the power delegated to the President along vote. may believe to be the best fruit of their most mature reflection
that field. II and deliberation. In consonance with this practice, before a
It is a sound rule, I believe, for the Court to With respect to the motion to include the vote and decision is signed and promulgated, all opinions and
determine only those questions which are necessary to decide a opinion of the late Mr. Justice Perfecto in the decision of these conclusions stated during and after the deliberation of the
case. cases, it appears that Mr. Justice Perfecto died and ceased to be Court, remain in the breasts of the Justices, binding upon no
Although I am favorably impressed by the a member of this Court on August 17, 1949, and our decision in one, not even upon the Justices themselves. Of course, they
considerations set forth by Mr. Justice Montemayor and Mr. these cases was released for publication on August 26, 1949. may serve for determining what the opinion of the majority
Justice Reyes on the existence of emergency powers, I prefer to Rule 53, section 1, in connection with Rule 58, section 1, of the provisionally is and for designating a member to prepare the
vote as herein indicated. Rules of Court, is as follows: decision of the Court, but in no way is that decision binding
I reserve the right subsequently to elaborate on the "SECTION 1.Judges: who may take part. unless and until duly signed and promulgated.
above propositions. — All matters submitted to the court for its And this is practically what we have said in the
For lack of the required number of votes, judgment was consideration and adjudication will be deemed contempt case against Abelardo Subido, 1 promulgated on
not obtained. However, after rehearing, the required number of to be submitted for consideration and September 28, 1948:
votes was had, by resolution of September 16, 1949, which adjudication by any and all of the justices who "que un asunto o causa pendiente en
follows. are members of the court at the time when such esta Corte Suprema solo se considera decidido
RESOLUTION matters are taken up for consideration and una vez registrada, promulgada y publicada la
adjudication, whether such justices were or sentencia en la escribania, y que hasta entonces
September 16, 1949
el resultado de la votacion se estima como una In connection with the motion to consider the opinion The harmful consequences which, as I envisioned in my
materia absolutamente reservada y of the Chief Justice as a vote in favor of petitioners, the writer concurring opinion, would come to pass should the said
confidencial, perteneciente exclusivamente a las has the following to say: executive orders be immediately declared null and void, are still
camaras interiores de la Corte." In my previous concurring opinion, I expressed the real. They have not disappeared by reason of the fact that a
In an earlier case we had occasion to state that the view that the emergency powers vested in Commonwealth Act special session of Congress is not now forthcoming. However,
decisive point is the date of promulgation of judgment. In that No. 671 had ceased in June 1945, but I voted for a deferment of the remedy now lies in the hands of the Chief Executive and of
case a judge rendered his decision on January 14; qualified judgment in these two cases because of two circumstances Congress, for the Constitution vests in the former the power to
himself as Secretary of Finance on January 16; and his decision then present, namely, (1) the need of sustaining the two call a special session should the need for one arise, and in the
was promulgated on January 17. We held that the decision was executive orders on appropriations as the lifeline of latter, the power to pass a valid appropriations act.
void because at the time of its promulgation the judge who government and (2) the fact that a special session of Congress That Congress may again fail to pass a valid
prepared it was no longer a judge. (Lino Luna vs. Rodriguez, 37 was to be held in a few days. I then asked, "Why not defer appropriations act is a remote possibility, for under the
Phil., 186.) judgment and wait until the special session of Congress so that circumstances it fully realizes its great responsibility of saving
Another reason why the vote and opinion of the late it may fulfill its duty as it clearly sees it?" the nation from breaking down; and furthermore, the President
Mr. Justice Perfecto can not be considered in these cases is that It seemed then to me unwise and inexpedient to force in the exercise of his constitutional powers may, if he so
his successor, Mr. Justice Torres, has been allowed by this Court the Government into imminent disruption by allowing the desires, compel Congress to remain in special session till it
to take part in the decision on the question of emergency nullity of the executive orders to follow its reglementary approves the legislative measures most needed by the country.
powers because of lack of majority on that question. And Mr. consequences when Congress was soon to be convened for the Democracy is on trial in the Philippines, and surely it
Justice Torres is not bound to follow any opinion previously very purpose of passing, among other urgent measures, a valid will emerge victorious as a permanent way of life in this
held by Mr. Justice Perfecto on that matter. There is no law or appropriations act. Considering the facility with which Congress country, if each of the great branches of the Government,
rule providing that a successor is a mere executor of his could remedy the existing anomaly, I deemed it a slavish within its own allocated sphere, complies with its own
predecessor's will. On the contrary, the successor must act submission to a constitutional formula for this Court to seize constitutional duty, uncompromisingly and regardless of
according to his own opinion for the simple reason that the upon its power under the fundamental law to nullify the difficulties.
responsibility for his action is his and of no one else. Of course, executive orders in question. A deferment of judgment struck Our Republic is still young, and the vital principles
where a valid and recorded act has been executed by the me then as wise. I reasoned that judicial statesmanship, not underlying its organic structure should be maintained firm and
predecessor and only a ministerial duty remains to be judicial supremacy, was needed. strong, hard as the best of steel, so as to insure its growth and
performed for its completion, the act must be completed However, now that the holding of a special session of development along solid lines of a stable and vigorous
accordingly. For instance, where the predecessor had rendered Congress for the purpose of remedying the nullity of the democracy.
a valid judgment duly filed and promulgated, the entry of that executive orders in question appears remote and uncertain, I With my declaration that Executive Orders Nos. 225
judgment which is a ministerial duty, may be ordered by the am compelled to, and do hereby, give my unqualified and 226 are null and void, and with the vote to the same effect
successor as a matter of course. But even in that case, if the concurrence in the decision penned by Mr. Justice Tuason of Mr. Justice Ozaeta, Mr. Justice Paras, Mr. Justice Feria, Mr.
successor is moved to reconsider the decision, and he still may declaring that these two executive orders were issued without Justice Tuason and Mr. Justice Montemayor, there is a sufficient
do so within the period provided by the rules, he is not bound authority of law. majority to pronounce a valid judgment on that matter.
to follow the opinion of his predecessor, which he may set aside While in voting for a temporary deferment of the It is maintained by the Solicitor General and the amicus
according to what he may believe to be for the best interests of judgment I was moved by the belief that positive compliance curiae that eight Justices are necessary to pronounce a
justice. with the Constitution by the other branches of the Government, judgment on the nullity of the executive orders in question,
We are of the opinion, therefore, that the motion to which is our prime concern in all these cases, would be under section 9 of Republic Act No. 296 and Article VIII, section
include the vote and opinion of the late Justice Perfecto in the effected, and indefinite deferment will produce the opposite 10 of the Constitution. This theory is made to rest on the
decision of these cases must be denied. result because it would legitimize a prolonged or permanent ground that said executive orders must be considered as laws,
Mr. Justice Paras, Mr. Justice Bengzon, Mr. Justice evasion of our organic law. Executive orders which are, in our they having been issued by the Chief Executive in the exercise
Padilla, Mr. Justice Montemayor, Mr. Justice Alex. Reyes, and opinion, repugnant to the Constitution, would be given of the legislative powers delegated to him.
Mr. Justice Torres concur in this denial. Mr. Justice Ozaeta, Mr. permanent life, opening the way to practices which may It is the opinion of the Court that the executive orders
Justice Feria and Mr. Justice Tuason dissent. undermine our constitutional structure. in question, even if issued within the powers validly vested in
III the Chief Executive, are not laws, although they may have the
force of law, in exactly the same manner as the judgments of The respondents in the cases G.R. Nos. L-3054 and L- 671; and afterwards we shall refute the arguments in support of
this Court, municipal ordinances and ordinary executive orders 3056 contend that the petitioners in said cases can not institute the contrary proposition that said Commonwealth Act No. 671
cannot be considered as laws, even if they have the force of an action to invalidate the Executive Orders Nos. 225 and 226 is still in force and, therefore, the President may exercise now
law. promulgated by the President, because they have no interest in the legislative powers therein delegated to him.
Under Article VI, section 26, of the Constitution, the preventing the illegal expenditures of moneys raised by
only power which, in times of war or other national emergency, taxation, and can not therefore question the validity of said PRELIMINARY
may be vested by Congress in the President, is the power "to executive orders requiring expenditures of public money.
The Constitution of the Philippines, drafted by the duly
promulgate rules and regulations to carry out a declared Although this Supreme Court, in the case of elected representatives of the Filipino people, provides in its
national policy." Consequently, the executive orders issued by Custodio vs. President of the Senate, G.R. No. L-117 (42 Off. section 1, Article II, that "The Philippines is a republican state,
the President in pursuance of the power delegated to him Gaz., 1243) held in a minute resolution "That the sovereignty resides in the people and all government authority
under that provision of the Constitution, may be considered constitutionality of a legislative act is open to attack only by a emanates from them." The people have delegated the
only as rules and regulations. There is nothing either in the person whose rights are affected thereby, that one who invokes government authority to three different and separate
Constitution or in the Judiciary Actrequiring the vote of eight the power of the court to declare an Act of Congress to be Departments: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. In section 1,
Justices to nullify a rule or regulation or an executive order unconstitutional must be able to show not only that the statute Article VI, the legislative power to make laws is conferred upon
issued by the President. It is very significant that in the previous is invalid, but that he has sustained or is in immediate danger of Congress; the executive power to faithfully execute the laws is
drafts of section 10, Article VIII of the Constitution, "executive sustaining some direct injury as the result of its enforcement," vested by sections 1 and 10 of Article VII, in the President; and
order" and "regulation" were included among those that that ruling was laid down without a careful consideration and is the judicial power is vested by section 1, Article VII, in one
required for their nullification the vote of two thirds of all the contrary to the ruling laid down in the majority of jurisdictions in Supreme Court and in such inferior courts as may be
members of the Court. But "executive order" and "regulation" the United States that "In the determination of the degree of established by law. the Supreme Court having the supremacy to
were later deleted from the final draft (Aruego, The Framing of interest essential to give the requisite standing to attack the pass upon "the constitutionality or validity of any treaty, law,
the Philippine Constitution, Vol. I, pp. 495, 496), and thus a constitutionality of a statute, the general rule is that not only ordinance, or executive order or regulations."
mere majority of six members of this Court is enough to nullify persons individually affected, but also taxpayers, have sufficient
The distribution by the Constitution of the powers of
them. interest in preventing the illegal expenditure of moneys raised
government to the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
All the members of the Court concur in this view. by taxation and may therefore question the constitutionality of
statutes requiring expenditure of public moneys." (Am. Jur., Vol. Departments operates, by implication, as an inhibition against
For all the foregoing, the Court denies the motion to the exercise by one department of the powers which belong to
disqualify Mr. Justice Padilla, and the motion to include the vote 11, p. 761.) All the members of this Court, except two, in taking
another, and imposes upon each of the three departments the
of the late Mr. Justice Perfecto in the decision of these cases. cognizance of those cases, rejected the respondents' contention,
duty of exercising its own peculiar powers by itself, and
And it is the judgment of this Court to declare Executive Orders reversed the ruling in said case and adopted the general rule
above mentioned; and we believe the latter is better than the prohibits the delegation of any of those powers except in cases
Nos. 225 and 226, null and void, with the dissent of Mr. Justice expressly permitted by the Constitution. The principle of the
Bengzon, Mr. Justice Padilla and Mr. Justice Reyes, upon the one adopted in said case of Custodio, which was based on a
separation of the powers of government is fundamental to the
grounds already stated in their respective opinions, and with doctrine adhered to only in few jurisdictions in the United
States; because if a taxpayer can not attack the validity of the very existence of a constitutional government as established in
Mr. Justice Torres abstaining. the Philippines patterned after that of the United States of
executive orders in question or a laws requiring the expenditure
But in order to avoid a possible disruption or America. The division of governmental powers into legislative,
of public moneys, no one under our laws could question the
interruption in the normal operation of the Government, it is executive, and judicial represents the most important principle
validity of such laws or executive orders.
decreed, by the majority, of course, that this judgment take of government that guarantees the liberties of the people, for it
effect upon the expiration of fifteen days from the date of its After laying down the fundamental principles involved prevents a concentration of powers in the hands of one person
entry. No costs to be charged. in the case at bar, we shall discuss and show that or class of persons.
Commonwealth Act No. 671 was no longer in force at the time
Ozaeta, Paras, Bengzon, Padilla, Tuason, Montemayor, Under the doctrine of separation of the powers of
the Executive Orders under consideration were promulgated,
Reyes and Torres, JJ., concur. because even the respondents in the cases G.R. Nos. L-2044 and government, the law-making function is assigned exclusively to
Feria, J., concurs plus his concurring opinion. the legislative, and the legislative branch cannot delegate the
L-2756, in sustaining the validity of the Executive Order No. 62
FERIA, J., concurring: power to make laws to any other authority. But it must be
rely not only on Commonwealth Act No. 600 as amended by
Commonwealth Act No. 620, but on Commonwealth Act No. borne in mind that what cannot be delegated is that which is
purely legislative in nature, not administrative. There are
powers so far legislative that may properly be exercised by the subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe, Besides, to provide that the delegated legislative powers shall
legislature, but which may nevertheless be delegated because to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out continue to exist until repealed by the Congress, would be a
they may be advantageously exercised in proper cases by a declared national policy." delegation not for a limited, but for an unlimited period or
persons belonging to the other departments of the It is important to observe that what the above-quoted rather without any limitation at all, because all acts enacted are
government, such as the authority to make rules and constitutional provision empowers Congress to delegate to the always subject to repeal by the Congress, without necessity to
regulations of administrative character to carry out an express President, is not the power to promulgate rules and regulations providing so.
legislative purpose or to effect the operation and enforcement of administrative nature, for this may also be delegated at any No question is raised as to the constitutionality of
of a law. As illustrations of the proper exercise of the power of time without necessity of an express authority by the Commonwealth Act No. 671 under which Executive Orders Nos.
Congress to delegate the authority to promulgate rules and Constitution, but the power to promulgate rules and 62, 192, 225 and 226 were promulgated by the President of the
regulations with the necessary details to carry into effect a law, regulations purely legislative in nature, leaving to the discretion Philippines according to the contention of the respondents. The
are Act No. 3155 empowering the Governor General then, now of the President the determination of what rules or regulations question involved is the validity (not constitutionality) of said
the President, to suspend or not, at his discretion, the shall be or what acts are necessary to effectuate the so-called executive orders, that is, whether or not the President had
prohibition of the importation of foreign cattle (Cruz vs. declared national policy, for otherwise it would not have been authority to promulgate them under Commonwealth Act No.
Youngberg, 56 Phil., 234; Act No. 3106 authorizing the necessary for the Constitution to authorize Congress to make 671; and therefore the concurrence of two-thirds of all the
Commissioner of the Public Service Commission to regulate such delegation. members of this Court required by section 10, Article VIII of the
those engaged in various occupations or business affected with DEMONSTRATION Constitution to declare a treaty or law unconstitutional is not
a public interest, and to prescribe what the charges shall be for required for adjudging the executive orders in question invalid
services rendered in the conduct of such business (Cebu Autobus The Constitution permits Congress to authorize the
President of the Philippines to promulgate rules and regulations or not authorized by Commonwealth Act No. 671, which read as
Co. vs. De Jesus, 56 Phil., 446); and the National Industrial follows:
of legislative nature only (1) in times of war or (2) other national
Recovery Act enacted by the Congress of the United States "COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 671
emergency, such as rebellion, flood, earthquake, pestilence,
authorizing the President to promulgate administrative rules
and regulations to carry out the emergency measure enacted by economic depression, famine or any other emergency different "AN ACT DECLARING A STATE OF TOTAL
from war itself affecting the nation. EMERGENCY AS A RESULT OF WAR INVOLVING
Congress, though a part thereof was declared unconstitutional
It is obvious that it is for Congress and not for the THE PHILIPPINES AND AUTHORIZING THE
for producing a delegation of legislative authority which is
unconfined, "and not canalized within banks to keep it from President to determine when there is such a particular PRESIDENT TO PROMULGATE RULES AND
emergency and to authorize the President to promulgate rules REGULATIONS TO MEET SUCH EMERGENCY.
and regulations to cope with it. Therefore, if Congress declares "Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the
Although, in principle, the power of the Legislature to
that there exists a war as a national emergency and empowers Philippines:
make laws or perform acts purely legislative in nature may only
be delegated by Congress to another authority or officer of the President to promulgate rules and regulations to tide over "SECTION 1.The existence of war
the emergency, the latter could not, because he believes that between the United States and other countries
either the executive or judicial department when expressly
there is an economic emergency or depression or any of Europe and Asia, which involves the
permitted by the Constitution, no such delegation is authorized
by the State constitution or Federal Constitution of the United emergency other than war itself, exercise the legislative power Philippines, makes it necessary to invest the
delegated to meet such economic or other emergency. President with extraordinary powers in order to
States. It is a fact admitted by the attorneys and amici curiae for
the petitioners and respondents in these cases that section 26, The Constitution requires also that the delegation be meet the resulting emergency.
Article VI, of our Constitution is unique and has no counterpart for a limited period or the authority so delegated shall "SEC. 2.Pursuant to the provisions of
in said constitutions, and for that reason not a single case cease ipso facto at the expiration of the period, because to Article VI, section 16, of the Constitution, the
involving a question similar to the one herein involved has ever require an express legislation to repeal or terminate the President is hereby authorized, during the
been submitted to and passed upon by the courts of last resort delegated legislative authority of the President might be existence of the emergency, to promulgate such
in the United States. The provision of our Constitution reads as subversive to the constitutional separation of powers in our rules and regulations as he may deem necessary
follows: democratic form of government, for the President may prevent to carry out the national policy declared in
indefinitely the repeal of his delegated authority by the exercise section 1 hereof. Accordingly he is, among other
"Sec. 26.In times of war or other
of his veto power, since the veto could be overridden only by a things, empowered (a) to transfer the seat of
national emergency, the Congress may by law
authorize the President, for a limited period and two-thirds vote and it would be extremely difficult to repeal it the Government or any of its subdivisions,
in a subservient Congress dominated by the Chief Executive. branches, departments, offices, agencies or
instrumentalities; (b) to reorganize the Act No. 66 and Republic Acts Nos. 51 and 728, we are of the whole or in part by a citizen of the Philippines or by a
government of the Commonwealth including opinion, and therefore so hold, that the actual war in Philippine corporation organized under the laws of the Philippines, to any
the determination of the order of precedence of territory and not any other national emergency is contemplated person not a citizen of the United States or of the Philippines,
the heads of the Executive Departments; (c) to in Commonwealth Act No. 671, and that the period of time shall be null and void, without the approval of the President of
create new subdivisions, branches, during which the President was empowered by said the Philippines; and Commonwealth Act No. 500 authorizing
departments, offices, agencies or Commonwealth Act No. 671 to promulgate rules and the President to reduce the expenditure of the Executive
instrumentalities of Government and to abolish regulations was limited to the existence of such war or invasion Department of the National Government by the suspension or
any of those already existing; (d) to continue in of the Philippines by the enemy, which prevented the Congress abandonment of services, activities or operations of no
force laws and appropriations which would to meet in a regular session. Such emergency having ceased to immediate necessity, which authority shall be exercised only
lapse or otherwise become inoperative, and to exist upon the complete liberation of the Philippines from the when the National Assembly is not in session. All these
modify or suspend the operation or application enemy's occupation, Commonwealth Act No. 671 had ceased to Commonwealth Acts took effect upon their approval on
of those of an administrative character; (e) to be in force and effect at the date of the adjournment of the September 30, 1939, a short time after the invasion of Poland
impose new taxes or to increase, reduce, next regular session of the Congress in 1946, before the by Germany.
suspend, or abolish those in existence; (f) to promulgation of said executive orders, and hence they are null During the fourth special session of the second
raise funds through the issuance of bonds or and void. National Assembly, Commonwealth Act No. 600, which
otherwise, and to authorize the expenditure of In view of the existence of a state of national superseded the above-mentioned emergency power acts, was
the proceeds thereof (g) to authorize the emergency caused by the last world war among several nations passed and took effect on its approval on August 19, 1940. This
National, provincial, city or municipal of the world, the second National Assembly during its second Act No. 600 expressly declared that the existence of war in
governments to incur in overdrafts for purposes special session passed the following acts: (a) Commonwealth many parts of the world had created a national emergency
that he may approve; (h) to declare the Act No. 494 authorizing the President until the adjournment of which made it necessary to invest the President with
suspension of the collection of credits or the the next regular session of the National Assembly, to suspend extraordinary powers in order to safeguard the integrity of the
payment of debts; and (i) to exercise such other the operation of Commonwealth Act No. 444, commonly known Philippines and to insure the tranquillity of its inhabitants, by
powers as he may deem necessary to enable the as the "Eight-Hour Labor Law," when in his judgment the public suppressing espionage, lawlessness, and all subversive
Government to fulfill its responsibilities and to interest so requires, in order to prevent a dislocation of the activities, by preventing or relieving unemployment, by insuring
maintain and enforce its authority. productive forces of the country (b) Commonwealth Act No. to the people adequate shelter and clothing and sufficient food
"SEC. 3.The President of the Philippines 496 delegating to the President the power expressly granted by supply, etc. To carry out this policy the President was
shall as soon as practicable upon the convening section 6, Article XIII, of the Constitution to the State "until the "authorized to promulgate rules and regulations which shall
of the Congress of the Philippines report thereto date of adjournment of the next regular session of the National have the force and effect of law until the date of adjournment
all the rules and regulations promulgated by him Assembly, to take over solely for use or operation by the of the next regular session of the National Assembly," which
under the powers herein granted. Government during the existence of the emergency, any public rules and regulations may embrace the objects therein
"SEC. 4.This Act shall take effect upon service or enterprise and to operate the same," upon payment enumerated. And the National Assembly in its regular session
its approval, and the rules and regulations of just compensation; (c) Commonwealth Act No. 498, commencing in January, 1941, in view of the fact that the
promulgated hereunder shall be in force and authorizing the President, among others, to fix the maximum delegated authority granted to the President by
effect until the Congress of the Philippines shall selling prices of foods, clothing, fuel, fertilizers, chemicals, Commonwealth Acts Nos. 494, 496, 498, 499, 500, and 600 was
otherwise provide. building materials, implements, machinery, and equipment to terminate at the date of the adjournment of that regular
"Approved, December 16, 1941." required in agriculture and industry, and other articles or session of the National Assembly, passed Act No. 620 which
commodities of prime necessity, and to promulgate such rules took effect upon its approval on June 6, 1941, amending section
Taking into consideration the presumption that
and regulations as he may deem necessary in the public 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 600 by extending the delegated
Congress was familiar with the well-known limits of its powers
interests, which rules and regulations shall have the force and legislative authority of the President until the date of the
under section 26, Article VI, of the Constitution and did not effect of law until the date of the adjournment of the next adjournment of the next regular session of the Congress of the
intend to exceed said powers in enacting Commonwealth Act
regular session of the National Assembly; (d) Commonwealth Philippines, instead of the National Assembly, the Constitution
No. 671, the express provisions of Commonwealth Acts Nos.
Act No. 499 providing that until the date of the adjournment of having been amended by substituting the Congress of the
494, 496, 498, 499, 500, 600 as amended by 620 and 671, and the next regular session of the National Assembly, any sale, Philippines for the National Assembly.
those of Commonwealth Act No. 689 as amended by Republic
mortgage, lease, charter, delivery, transfer of vessels owned in
Although Commonwealth Act No. 600, as amended by invaded and occupied by the Japanese forces. And the involving the Philippines", declared in the title of said Act No.
Commonwealth Act No. 620, provides that "the President is President was authorized to exercise his delegated powers until 671, that was the reason for which the President was
authorized to promulgate rules and regulations which shall the date of the adjournment of the next regular session of the "authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to meet
have the force and effect of law until the date of adjournment Congress, for the reason that although during the next regular resulting emergency." It is obvious that what Act No. 671 calls
of the next regular session of the Congress of the Philippines," it session a bill may be passed by the Congress, it would not "total emergency" was the invasion and occupation of the
is evident that this limitation was intended to apply, not only to become a law until it was approved, expressly or impliedly, by Philippines by the enemy or Japanese forces which, at the time
the effectivity of the rules and regulations already promulgated, the President during the period of twenty days after it shall of the passage and approval of said Act, had already landed in
but specially to the authority granted to the President to have been presented to him. Philippine soil and was expected to paralyze the functioning of
promulgate them, for the following reasons: First, because The reason of the limitation is that if Congress were in the Congress during the invasion and enemy occupation of the
Commonwealth Acts Nos. 494, 496, 498, 499, and 500 had position to act it would not be necessary for it to make such Philippines.
expressly limited the authority of the President to exercise the legislative delegation to the President, for Congress may in all The mere existence of the last world war in many parts
delegated power while the Assembly was not in session until cases act, declare its will and, after fixing a primary standard or of the world which had created a national emergency and made
the date of the adjournment of the next regular session of the yardstick, authorize the President to fill up the details by it necessary to invest the President with extraordinary powers
National Assembly, and there was absolutely no reason prescribing administrative rules and regulations to cope with was not called total emergency by Commonwealth Acts Nos.
whatsoever why the National Assembly, in enacting the actual conditions of any emergency; and it is inconceivable 600 and 620, because it had not yet actually involved and
Commonwealth Act No. 600 as amended, which superseded that there may arise an emergency of such a nature that would engulfed the Philippines in the maelstrom of war. It does not
said Act, would not impose the same limitation on the authority require immediate action and can not wait, without irreparable stand to reason that the authority given to the President to
delegated in Commonwealth Act No. 600 as amended in or great injury to the public interest, and action of the promulgate rules and regulations of legislative nature by
compliance with the requirement of the Constitution; secondly, legislature in regular or special session called by the Chief Commonwealth Acts Nos. 494, 496, 498, 499, 500, 600 and 620
because it would have been useless to give the rules and Executive for the purpose of meeting it. If in the United States was to terminate at the date of the adjournment of the next
regulations the effect and force of law only until the date of the they could withstand and have withstood all kinds of regular session of the Congress of the Philippines in 1946, but
adjournment of the next regular session of the Congress, if the emergency without resorting to the delegation by the those granted to the President by Commonwealth Act No. 671
President might, after said adjournment, continue exercising his legislative body of legislative power to the Executive except under the same war emergency should continue to exist
delegated legislative powers to promulgate again the same and those of administrative nature, because no such delegation is indefinitely even after the Congress of the Philippines had
other rules and regulations; and lastly, because to construe permitted by the States and Federal constitutions, as above regularly convened, acted, and adjourned in the year 1946 and
Commonwealth Act No. 600, as amended by Act No. 620, stated, there is no reason why the same can not be done in the subsequent years. Besides to give such construction to Act No.
otherwise would be to make the delegation not for a limited Philippines. The framers of our Constitution and the National 671 would make it violative of the express provision of section
but for an indefinite period of time, in violation of the express Assembly that enacted Commonwealth Act No. 671 are 26, Article VIII, of the Constitution, under which said
provision of section 26, Article VI of the Constitution. presumed to be aware of the inconveniences and chaotical Commonwealth Act No. 671 was enacted, as expressly stated in
All the above-mentioned Acts Nos. 494, 496, 499, 500, consequences of having two legislative bodies acting at one and said Act, and which permits the Congress to authorize the
and 600 before its amendment show that it was the intention the same time. President, only for a limited period during a war emergency, to
or policy of the National Assembly, in delegating legislative It is true that Commonwealth Act No. 671 does not promulgate rules and regulations to carry into effect a declared
functions to the President, to limit the exercise of the latter's expressly say that the President is authorized to promulgate national policy.
authority to the interregnum while the National Assembly or rules and regulations until the date of the adjournment of the By the special session of the first Congress of the
Congress of the Philippines was not in session until the date of next regular session of the National Assembly or Congress, as Philippines commencing on the 9th day of June, 1945, called by
the adjournment of the next regular session thereof, which the above-quoted Commonwealth Acts; but it is also true that it the President for the purpose of considering general legislation,
interregnum might have extended over a long period of time clearly provides that "pursuant to the provisions of Article VI, Commonwealth Act No. 671 did not cease to operate. As we
had the war in Europe involved and made the Philippines a section 26, of the Constitution, the President is hereby have already said, the emergency which prompted the second
battle ground before the next regular session of the Congress authorized, during the existence of the emergency, to National Assembly to enact Commonwealth Act No. 671
had convened. And the authority granted to the President of promulgate such rules and regulations as he may deem delegating legislative powers to the President, was the inability
Commonwealth Act No. 600, as amended, had to be extended necessary to carry out the national policy declared"; and that of Congress to convene in regular session in January of every
over a long period of time during the occupation because, the definite and specific emergency therein referred to is no year during the invasion of the Philippines by the Japanese
before the meeting of the next regular session of the Congress, other than the "state of total emergency as a result of war Imperial forces. The National Assembly could not have in mind
the Philippines was involved in the war of the United States and
any special session which might have been called by the shall continue in force and effect until the Congress shall appropriation acts or Republic Acts Nos. 1, 156, and 320 for the
President immediately after liberation, because the calling of a otherwise provide." It is obvious that the convening of the years 1946-47, 1947-48 and 1948-49, and of the Republic Acts
special session as well as the matters which may be submitted Congress referred to in said section 3 is the next regular session Nos. 73, 147, and 235 appropriating public funds to defray the
by the President to Congress for consideration is a contingent of the Congress after the passage of Act No. 671, and not any expenses for the elections held in 1947 and 1948, shows that
event which depend upon the possibility of convening it and the other subsequent sessions; because, otherwise, it would not the emergency powers granted by Commonwealth Act No. 671
discretion of the President to call it, and the matters he will have required that it shall be submitted to the Congress as soon had already ceased to exist, but because Congress "has shown
submit to it for consideration; because it is to be presumed, in as practicable and the purpose of the law already stated in by their enactment its readiness and ability to legislate on those
order to comply with the provision of section 26, Article VI of requiring the submission of the report would be defeated; and matters, and had withdrawn it from the realm of presidential
the Constitution, that it was the intention of the National if it were the intention of said Commonwealth Act No. 671 to legislation or regulations under the powers delegated by
Assembly to fix a limited period, independent of the President's authorize the President to continue promulgating rules and Commonwealth Act No. 671." If the Congress was ready and
will, during which he is authorized to exercise his delegated regulations after the next regular session of the Congress, it able to legislate on those matters since 1946 and for that
legislative power. would have required the President to submit to the Congress reason the executive orders herein involved are null and void,
The object of section 3 of Act No. 671 in requiring the each and every time it convenes a report of the rules and there is no valid reason for not concluding that the emergency
President to report "as soon as practicable upon the convening regulations promulgated after his previous reports had been powers of the President has ceased to exist in 1946, because
of the Congress of the Philippines all rules and regulations submitted. since then the Congress could, although it did not, legislate on
promulgated by him under the powers therein granted" is to Furthermore, our conclusion is confirmed by the all matters on which the President was granted and delegated
inform the Congress of the contents of said rules and legislative interpretation given to Commonwealth Act No. 671 power to legislate by the Commonwealth Act No. 671. And if
regulations so that the latter may modify or repeal them if it by the same Congress in enacting Commonwealth Act No. Commonwealth Act No. 671 continues to be in force and effect
sees fit to do so, inasmuch as, according to section 4 of the 728 which took effect on July 2, 1946, authorizing the President in so far as it grants delegated legislative powers to the
same Act, "the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder to regulate, control, curtail, and prohibit the exploration of President and declares the national policy to be carried out by
shall be in force and effect until the Congress shall otherwise agricultural or industrial products, merchandise, articles, the rules and regulations the President is authorized to
provide." And although said section 3 does not specify whether materials and supplies without the permit of the President until promulgate, the mere promulgation of the acts above described
in regular or special session, it is evident that it refers to the December 31, 1948 as expressly provided in section 4 thereof, can not be considered as an implied repeal or withdrawal of the
next regular and not to the special session of the Congress, because it would not have been necessary for the Congress to authority of the President to promulgate rules and regulations
because as a rule a special session is called to consider only promulgate said Act No. 728 if the President had authority to only on those matters, and the adoption of a contrary policy by
specific matters submitted by the President to Congress for promulgate Executive Order No. 62 in question on January 1, the Congress, because implied repeal is not favored in statutory
consideration, and it would be useless to submit such report to 1949, under Commonwealth Act No. 671 as contented by the construction, and the national policy referred to in section 26,
the Congress in special session if the latter can not either respondents; and Republic Act No. 51, approved on October 4, Article VIII of the Constitution is to be declared by the Congress
modify or repeal such rules and regulations; and besides, it is to 1946, authorizing the President of the Philippines to reorganize in delegating the legislative powers to the President, in order to
be presumed that it was the intention of the National Assembly within one year the different executive departments, bureaus, establish the standard to be carried out by him in exercising his
in enacting section 3 of Commonwealth Act No. 671 to require offices, agencies and other instrumentalities of the delegated functions, and not in repealing said powers.
the submission of a report to the next regular session of the government, including corporations controlled by it, would not As we have already said, section 26, Article VI of the
Assembly or Congress, as provided in section 4 Commonwealth have been passed by the Congress if Commonwealth Act No. Constitution expressly empowers Congress, in times of war and
Act No. 600, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 620, which 671 under consideration was then still in force, for section 2 (b) other national emergency, to authorize the President to
required a similar report, for there was absolutely no plausible and (c) of said Act No. 671 authorizes the President to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out a declared
reason to provide otherwise. reorganize the Government and to create new subdivisions, national policy, and therefore it is for the National Assembly to
Our conclusion is corroborated by the fact that section branches, department offices, agencies or instrumentalities of determine the existence of a particular emergency, declare the
3 of Act No. 671 only requires the President to submit the government, and to abolish any of those already existing. national policy, and authorize the President to promulgate rules
report, "as soon as practicable upon the convening of the REFUTATION and regulations of legislative nature to carry out that policy. As
Congress" and not to submit a report to the Congress every There is no force in the argument that the executive the National Assembly has determined and specified in
time it convenes, in order to inform the Congress thereof so orders in question are not valid, not because the promulgation Commonwealth Act No. 671 that the existence of war between
that the latter may modify or repeal any or all of them, for of the acts above mentioned and of Commonwealth Act No. the United States and other countries of Europe and Asia which
under section 4 of the same Act "such rules and regulations 689 as amended by the Republic Act No. 66 on rentals, the involves the Philippines is the emergency which made it
necessary for the National Assembly to invest the President
with extraordinary powers to promulgate rules and regulations section 26, Article VI of the Constitution. This constitutional we are supported by the above quotation from American
to meet the resulting emergency from the actual existence of precept distinguishes war emergency from any other national Jurisprudence, the power to pass emergency police legislation
that war which involved the Philippines, the President cannot, emergency, such as an economic depression and others which in the United States may be exercised only by the legislature in
under said Act No. 671, determine the existence of any other may be the effect of a war, and empowers the Congress in the exercise of the police power of the State, and it can not be
emergency, such as the state of cold war, the continued military times of war and other national emergency, to be determined delegated to the Executive because there is no provision in the
occupation of the enemy country, the disorder in central Luzon, by Congress itself as we have already said and shown, to State and Federal constitutions authorizing such delegation as
the current inflation, and the economic and political instability authorize the President, for a limited period that may be shorter we have in section 26, Article VI, of our Constitution. As we
throughout the world, cited by the respondents, and or of the same duration but not longer than that of the have already said before, the only legislative power which may
promulgate rules and regulations to meet the emergency; emergency, to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out be delegated to the Executive and other administrative bodies
because obviously it is not for the delegate but for the delegant the policy declared by the Congress in order to meet the or officers in the United States is the power to promulgate rules
to say when and under what circumstances the former may act emergency. To construe Commonwealth Act No. 671 as and regulations of administrative nature, which does not
in behalf of the latter, and not vice-versa. contended would be to leave the determination of the include the exercise of the police power of the State.
The theory of those who are of the opinion that the existence of the emergency to the discretion of the President, The ruling laid down by the United States Supreme
President may determine "whether the emergency which on because the effects of the war such as those enumerated by the Court in the case of Ludecke vs. Watkins, 92 Law. ed., 1883,
December 16, 1941, prompted the approval of Commonwealth respondents are not determined or stated in said Act and could quoted by the respondents and dissenters in support of the
Act No. 671 delegating extraordinary powers to the President, not have been foreseen by the Assembly in enacting said Act; proposition that "only in case of a manifest abuse of the
still existed at the time the Chief Executive exercised those and because it would make the delegation of powers for an exercise of powers by a political branch of the government is
powers," is predicated upon the erroneous assumption that indefinite period, since such an emergency may or may not judicial interference allowable in order to maintain the
said Commonwealth Act No. 671 contemplated any other become a reality and it may arise a short or long time after the supremacy of the Constitution," has no application to the
emergency not expressly mentioned in said Commonwealth last war. It is of judicial notice that the economic depression, present case; because the question involved in the present case
Act. This assumption or premise is obviously wrong. Section 1 of effect of the first world war, took place in the year 1929, or is not a political but a justiciable question, while the question in
said Act No. 671 expressly states that "the existence of the war about ten years after the cessation of hostilities in the year issue in said Ludecke case was the power of the court to review
between the United States and other countries of Europe and 1919; and by no stretch of imagination or intellectual "the determination of the President in the postwar period that
Asia which involves the Philippines makes it necessary to invest gymnastics may the failure of the Congress to appropriate funds an alien enemy should be deported, even though active
the President with extraordinary power in order to meet the for the operation of the Government during the period from hostilities have ceased," and it was held that it was a political
resulting emergency." That is the war emergency. And it is July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950, and to defray the expenses in question and, therefore, was not subject to judicial review.
evident, and therefore no evidence is required to prove, that connection with the holding of the national election on the CONCLUSION
the existence of the war which involved the Philippines had second Tuesday of November, 1949, be considered as an
emergency resulting from the last war. In view of all the foregoing, we have to conclude and
already ceased before the promulgation of the executive orders declare that the executive orders promulgated by the President
in question, or at least, if the last war has not yet technically "In the enactment of emergency police measures, the under Commonwealth Act 671 before the date of the
terminated in so far as the United States is concerned, it did no question as to whether an emergency exists is primarily for the adjournment of the regular session of the Congress of the
longer involve the Republic of the Philippines since the legislature to determine. Such determination, although entitled Philippines in 1946 are valid, because said Commonwealth Act
inauguration of our Republic or independence from the to great respect, is not conclusive because the courts, in such was then still in force; but the executive orders promulgated
sovereignty of the United States. cases, possess the final authority to determine whether an after the said date are null and void, because Commonwealth
It is untenable to contend that the words "resulting emergency in fact exists." (American Jurisprudence, Vol. XI, Act No. 671 had already ceased to be in force in so far as the
emergency from the existence of the war" as used in section 1 page 980.) delegation of powers was concerned. Therefore, are null and
of Commonwealth Act No. 671 should be construed to mean No case decided by the courts of last resort in the void the Executive Order No. 62 dated June 21, 1947, regulating
any emergency resulting from or that is the effect of the last United States may be cited in support of the proportion that it rentals for houses and lots for residential purposes; the
war, and not the war emergency itself, and that therefore it is is for the President to determine whether there exists an Executive Order No. 192 promulgated on December 24, 1948,
for the President to determine whether at the time of the emergency in order to exercise his emergency powers, and "it is on the control of exports from the Philippines; the Executive
promulgation of the executive orders under consideration such not for the judiciary to review the finding of the Executive in Order No. 225 dated June 15, 1949, appropriating funds for the
emergency still existed, because such contention would make this regard." There is none and there cannot be any. Because, operation of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines
Act No. 671 unconstitutional or violative of the provisions of as we have already stated at the beginning of this opinion, and during the period from July 1, 1949 to June 30, 1950; and the
Executive Order No. 226 promulgated on June 15, 1949,
appropriating the sum of six million pesos to defray the
expenses in connection with, and incidental to, the holding of
the national election to be held on the second Tuesday of
November, 1949.
||| (Araneta v. Dinglasan, G.R. No. L-2044, L-2756, L-3054, L-3055,
L-3056, [August 26, 1949], 84 PHIL 368-459)
EN BANC December 16, 1941. That emergency terminated upon the 30, 1950, and the second appropriating funds for election
[G.R. No. L-6266. February 2, 1953.] ending of said war. expenses in November, 1949, were therefore declared null and
EULOGIO RODRIGUEZ, SR. ETC., ET 5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; KINDS OF EMERGENCIES. — Section void for having been issued after Act No. 671 had lapsed and/or
AL., petitioners, vs. VICENTE GELLA, ETC., ET 26 of Article VI of the Constitution authorizes the delegation of after the Congress had enacted legislation on the same
AL., respondents. powers by the Congress (1) in times of war or (2) other national subjects. 1
Eulogio Rodriguez, Sr., Lorenzo M. Tañada, Claro M. emergency. The emergency spoken of in Commonwealth Act More or less the same considerations that influenced
Recto, Jose P. Laurel, Jesus Barrera and Leon Ma. Guerrero for No. 671 is one "in time of war," as distinguished from "other our pronouncements of August 26, 1949 are and should be
petitioner. national emergency" that may arise as an after-effect of war or controlling in the case now before us, wherein the petitioners
from natural causes such as widespread earthquakes, typhoons, seek to invalidate Executive Orders Nos. 545 and 546 issued on
Solicitor General Juan R. Liwag and Solicitor Martiniano
floods, and the like. November 10, 1952, the first appropriating the sum of
P. Vivo for respondents. P37,850,500 for urgent and essential public works, and the
SYLLABUS second setting aside the sum of P11,367,600 for relief in the
APPROPRIATIONS. — Even under the theory that insofar as the
1. CONSTITUTIONAL AND POLITICAL LAW; Congress had shown its readiness or ability to act on a given provinces and cities visited by typhoons, floods, droughts,
CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION OF EMERGENCY POWERS TO matter, the emergency powers delegated in earthquakes, volcanic action and other calamities.
THE PRESIDENT; COMMONWEALTH ACT NO. 671; LIMITED Commonwealth Act No. 671 are pro tanto withdrawn, the Section 26 of Article VI of the Constitution provides
DURATION. — Commonwealth Act No. 671, passed in President cannot set aside funds for special purposes, since the that "in times of war or other national emergency, the Congress
pursuance of section 26 of Article VI of the Constitution, Congress has been approving appropriation acts. If the may by law authorize the President, for a limited period and
declared the national policy that "the existence of war between President had ceased to have powers with respect to general subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe, to promulgate
the United States and other countries of Europe and Asia, which appropriations, none can remain in respect of special rules and regulations to carry out a declared national policy."
involves the Philippines makes it necessary to invest the appropriations; otherwise he may do indirectly what he cannot Accordingly the National Assembly passed Commonwealth Act
President with extraordinary powers in order to meet the do directly. No. 671, declaring (in section 1) the national policy that "the
resulting emergency," and authorized the President "during the DECISION existence of war between the United States and other countries
existence of the emergency, to promulgate such rules and of Europe and Asia, which involves the Philippines makes it
regulations as he may deem necessary to carry out the national PARAS, C.J p:
necessary to invest the President with extraordinary powers in
policy declared in the Act." To be constitutional, this Act must As a fitting foreword, it may be recalled that on a order to meet the resulting emergency," and (in section 2)
be construed to be for the limited period fixed or implied previous occasion, on August 26, 1949 to be exact, this court
authorizing the President, "during the existence of the
therein. had already passed upon the status of CommonwealthAct No.
emergency, to promulgate such rules and regulations as he may
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; EXPRESS REPEAL UNNECESSARY. — 671, approved on December 16, 1941, "declaring a state of total
deem necessary to carry out the national policy declared in
Express repeal of Commonwealth Act No. 671 is not necessary; emergency as a result of war involving the Philippines and section 1."
otherwise it would be unconstitutional since it may never be authorizing the President to promulgate rules and regulations
to meet such emergency." Five members held that the Act As the Act was expressly in pursuance of the
repealed by the Congress, or if the latter attempts to do so, the constitutional provision, it has to be assumed that the National
President may wield his veto. ceased to be operative in its totality, on May 25, 1946 (when
the Congress met in regular session) according to Justices Assembly intended it to be only for a limited period. If it be
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; HOUSE BILL NO. 727 contended that the Act has not yet been duly repealed, and
Ozaeta, Feria, Tuason and the writer, and on June 9, 1945
CONSIDERED CONCURRENT RESOLUTION. — Although House such step is necessary to a cessation of the emergency powers
(when the Congress convened in special session) according to
Bill No. 727, approved by the Congress, repealing the delegated to the President, the result would be obvious
Chief Justice Moran. Justices Bengzon, Padilla, Montemayor,
Emergency Powers Acts, had been vetoed by the President and Reyes and Torres in effect concluded that the powers delegated unconstitutionality, since it may never be repealed by the
did not thereby become a regular statute, it may at least be Congress, or if the latter ever attempts to do so, the President
to the President had been withdrawn as to matters already
considered as a concurrent resolution formally declaring the may wield his veto. This eventuality has in fact taken place
legislated upon by the Congress or on which the latter had
termination of the emergency powers. when the President disapproved House Bill No. 727, repealing
demonstrated its readiness or ability to act. Executive Orders
4. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; EMERGENCY RESULTING FROM LAST No. 62 (dated June 21, 1947) regulating house and lot rentals, all Emergency Powers Acts. The situation will make the
WORLD WAR. — Commonwealth Act No. 671 lasted only during No. 192 (dated December 24, 1948) regulating exports, Nos. Congress and the President or either as the principal authority
the emergency resulting from the last world war which factually 225 and 226 (dated June 15, 1949) the first appropriation funds to determine the indefinite duration of the delegation of
involved the Philippines when said Act was passed on for the operation of the Government from July 1, 1949 to June legislative powers, — in palpable repugnance to the
constitutional provision that any grant thereunder must be for a As early as July 26, 1948, the Congress categorically and dying in Korea in defense of democracy and freedom and
limited period, necessarily to be fixed in the law itself and not declared that "since liberation conditions have gradually for the preservation of our Republic. The emergency thus
dependent upon the arbitrary or elastic will of either the returned to normal, but not so with regard to those who have feared cannot, however, be attributed to the war mentioned
Congress or the President. suffered the ravages of war and who have not received any in Act No. 671 and fought between Germany and Japan on one
Although House Bill No. 727, had been vetoed by the relief for the loss and destruction resulting therefrom," and that side and the Allied Powers on the other; and indications are
President and did not thereby become a regular statute, it may "the emergency created by the last war as regards these war that in the next world war, if any, the communist countries will
at least be considered as a concurrent resolution of the sufferers being still existent, it is the declared policy of the state be aligned against the democracies. No departure can be made
Congress formally declaring the termination of the emergency that as to them the debt moratorium should be continued in from the national policy declared in section 1 of Act No. 671.
powers. To contend that the Bill needed presidential force in a modified form." 4 It is important to remember New powers may be granted as often as emergencies
acquiescence to produce effect, would lead to the anomalous, if that Republic Act No. 342 in which this declaration was made contemplated in the Constitution arise.
not absurd, situation that, "while Congress might delegate its bore the approval of the President. Indeed, the latter in his There is no point in the argument that the Philippines
powers by a simple majority, it might not be able to recall them speech delivered on July 4, 1949, plainly proclaimed that "what is still technically at war with Japan pending the ratification of
except by two-third vote. In other words, it would be easier for emergencies it (the Republic) faces today are incidental passing the peace treaty. In the first place, Act No. 671referred to a
Congress to delegate its powers than to take them back. This is rains artificially created by seasonal partisanship, very common factual war. In the second place, the last world war was
not right and is not, and ought not to be the law." 2 among democracies but will disappear with the rains that between the United States and Japan, the Philippines being
Act No. 671 may be likened to an ordinary contract of follow the thunderclaps not later than November 8 of this involved only because it was then under American sovereignty.
agency, whereby the consent of the agent is necessary only in year," — an admission, that such emergencies not only are not In the third place, the United States had already signed the
the sense that he cannot be compelled to accept the trust, in total but are not the result of the last war as envisaged in Act peace treaty with Japan, and the Philippines has become an
the same way that the principal cannot be forced to keep the No. 671. independent country since July 4, 1946.
relation in eternity or at the will of the agent. Neither can it be If more is necessary to demonstrate the unmistakable It is pointed out that the passage of House Bill No. 727
suggested that the agency created under the Act is coupled stand of the legislative department on the alleged existence of is inconsistent with the claim that the emergency powers are
with interest. emergency, reference may be had to House Bill No. 727, non- existent. But, from the debates in the House, it is patent
The logical view consistent with constitutionality is to hereinbefore referred to, repealing all Emergency Powers Acts. that the Bill had to be approved merely to remove all doubts,
hold that the powers lasted only during the emergency Moreover, section 26 of Article VI of the Constitution, especially because this Court had heretofore failed, for lack of
resulting from the last world war which factually involved the in virtue of which Act No. 671 was passed, authorizes the necessary majority, to declare Act No. 671 entirely inoperative.
Philippines when Act No. 671 was passed on December 16, delegation of powers by the Congress (1) in times of war or (2) Reliance is placed on the petition of about seventy
1941. That emergency, which naturally terminated upon the other national emergency. The emergency expressly spoken of Congressmen and Senators and on House Resolution No. 99,
ending of the last world war, was contemplated by the in the title and in section 1 of the Act is one "in time of war," as urging the President to release and appropriate funds for
members of the National Assembly on the foresight that the distinguished from "other national emergency" that may arise essential and urgent public works and for relief in the typhoon-
actual state of war could prevent it from holding its next regular as an after-effect of war or from natural causes such as stricken areas. It is enough to state, in reply, that the said
session. This is confirmed by the following statement of widespread earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and the like. petition and resolution cannot prevail over the force and effect
President Quezon: "When it became evident that we were Certainly the typhoons that hit some provinces and cities in of House Bill No. 727 formally passed by two chambers of the
completely helpless against air attack and that it was most 1952 not only did not result from the last world war but were Congress. If faith can be accorded to the resolution of one
unlikely the Philippine Legislature would hold its next regular and could not have been contemplated by the legislators. At house, there is more reason for accepting the solemn
session which was to open on January 1, 1942, the National any rate, the Congress is available for necessary special declaration of two houses.
Assembly passed into history approving a resolution which sessions, and it cannot let the people down without somehow Even under the theory of some members of this court
reaffirmed the abiding faith of the Filipino people in, and their being answerable thereover. that insofar as the Congress had shown its readiness or ability
loyalty to, the United States. The Assembly also enacted a law As a matter of fact, the President, in returning to the to act on a given matter, the emergency powers delegated to
granting the President of the Philippines all the powers that Congress without his signature House Bill No. 727, did not the President had been pro tanto withdrawn, Executive Orders
under the Philippine Constitution may be delegated to him in invoke any emergency resulting from the last world war, but Nos. 545 and 546 must be declared as having no legal
time of war." 3 When President Quezon said "in time of war", only called attention to an impending emergency that may be anchorage. We can take judicial notice of the fact that the
he undoubtedly meant such factual war as that then raging. brought about by present complicated and troubled world Congress has since liberation repeatedly been approving acts
conditions, and to the fact that our own soldiers are fighting appropriating funds for the operation of the Government,
public works, and many other purposes, with the result that as efficient procedure; but it alone must decide because which prompted it ceases the delegation of legislative powers
to such legislative task the Congress must be deemed to have emergency in itself cannot and should not create power. In our ceases also ipso facto. A law which delegates such powers to
long decided to assume the corresponding power itself and to democracy the hope and survival of the nation lie in the the President for an indefinite period would be unconstitutional
withdraw the same from the President. If the President had wisdom and unselfish patriotism of all officials and in their because it is against the express provision of the Constitution. It
ceased to have powers with regards to general appropriations, faithful adherence to the Constitution. would be an abdication of legislative powers. If the law which
none can remain in respect of special appropriations; otherwise Wherefore, Executive Orders Nos. 545 and 546 are delegates legislative powers does not fix or provide for a period
he may accomplish indirectly what he cannot do directly. hereby declared null and void, and the respondents are ordered of time within or during which the President may exercise them
Besides, it is significant that Act No. 671 expressly limited the to desist from appropriating, releasing, allotting, and expending and there is dispute or doubt as to whether the national
power of the President to that of continuing "in force" the public funds set aside therein. So ordered, without costs. emergency which prompted the Congress to pass the law
appropriations which would lapse or otherwise become Feria, Pablo and Tuason, JJ., concur. delegating legislative powers to the President continues or has
inoperative, so that, even assuming that the Act is still effective, ceased, such dispute or doubt may be determined in an
Bengzon, J., concurs in the result.
it is doubtful whether the President can by executive orders appropriate case by the courts. Another way of terminating
make new appropriations. The specific power "to continue in Separate Opinions such delegation is by the Congress itself which made the
force laws and appropriations which would lapse or otherwise PADILLA, J., concurring: delegation. To withdraw, terminate or revoke the delegation of
become inoperative" is a limitation on the general power "to "All appropriation, revenue or tariff bills . . . shall legislative powers to the President a concurrent resolution
exercise such other powers as he may deem necessary to originate exclusively in the House of Representatives, but the would be sufficient. 1 The concurrence of the President is
enable the Government to fulfill its responsibilities and to Senate may propose or concur with amendments." 1 "No superfluous and unnecessary, for if it be required then the law
maintain and enforce its authority." Indeed, to hold that money shall be paid out of the Treasury except in pursuance of which delegated legislative powers to him would suffer from a
although the Congress has, for about seven years since an appropriation made by law." 2 The authority or power to fatal defect, vice, or infirmity which would render such
liberation, been normally functioning and legislating on every appropriate government funds to be spent for public purposes delegation unconstitutional for lack of time limitation
conceivable field, the President still has any residuary powers is lodged exclusively in the Congress because it is purely and prescribed and ordained by the Constitution.
under the Act, would necessarily lead to confusion and essentially a legislative function. The legislative power to It is claimed that just as the delegation of legislative
overlapping, if not conflict. appropriate government funds for public purposes lodged powers to the President is to be made by means of a law which
Shelter may not be sought in the proposition that the exclusively in the Congress may, however, be delegated to the requires the concurrence of the President, so the withdrawal,
President should be allowed to exercise emergency powers for President "in times of war or other national emergency," "for a termination or revocation of the legislative powers delegated to
the sake of speed and expediency in the interest and for the limited period and subject to such restrictions as it may him must also be with his concurrence and approval. The
welfare of the people, because we have the Constitution, prescribe," "to carry out a declared national policy." 3 This reason for the requirement that a law be passed to make the
designed to establish a government under a regime of justice, constitutional provision has no counterpart in the Constitution delegation of legislative powers valid and effective is the fact
liberty and democracy. In line with such primordial objective, of the United States of America and in those patterned after it. that whereas the Congress may deem it wise and expedient to
our Government is democratic in form and based on the system Under this provision of the Constitution several emergency make the delegation, the President may hold a different view.
of separation of powers. Unless and until changed or amended, powers acts, notably Com. Acts Nos. 600 and 671, were In other words, he has to concur and accept the powers
we shall have to abide by the letter and spirit of the passed. 4Being a deviation from the principle of separation of delegated to him by the Congress. But when it comes to
Constitution and be prepared to accept the consequences powers the delegation of legislative powers authorized by the withdrawal, termination or revocation of the legislative powers
resulting from or inherent in disagreements between, inaction Constitution may validly be made only by adhering strictly to its delegated to him his concurrence or consent is not necessary.
or even refusal of the legislative and executive departments. spirit and letter. Pursuant thereto the legislative authority or The absence of constitutional provision on how it should be
Much as it is imperative in some cases to have prompt official power to be granted or delegated to the President by the done and carried out is not due to an oversight or to an
action, deadlocks in and slowness of democratic processes must Congress must be "in times of war or other national intention of the members of the Constitutional Convention to
be preferred to concentration of powers in any one man or emergency" and "for a limited period and subject to such require the concurrence of the President to make the
group of men for obvious reasons. The framers of the restrictions as it may prescribe," and the Congress has to pass a revocation valid and effective, because, as heretofore stated, if
Constitution, however, had the vision of and were careful in law for that purpose. The reason why the Constitution is silent such concurrence be required to make the revocation valid and
allowing delegation of legislative powers to the President for a on or does not provide for the manner the delegation of effective, the law which delegated legislative powers to the
limited period "in times of war or other national emergency." legislative powers may be withdrawn, revoked or ended, is President would or might offend against the very provision of
They had thus entrusted to the good judgment of the Congress because if it is for a limited period it lapses at the end of the the Constitution which requires and ordains that such
the duty of coping with any national emergency by a more period and because if the war or other national emergency delegation be for a limited period of time only, and because the
refusal to concur in by a President bent on or inclined to For these reasons I am of the opinion that Executive President to Promulgate Rules and Regulations to Meet such
continue exercising legislative powers delegated to him would Orders Nos. 545 and 546 which appropriate government funds Emergency," reads as follows:
result in a delegation of legislative powers, at least during his for public works and relief for the, victims of typhoons in some "The existence of war between the
incumbency or tenure of office, regardless of whether the provinces of the Republic are of no validity and legal effect United States and other countries of Europe and
reason or reasons for the grant of the authority to exercise such because the President no longer had the authority to issue such Asia, which involves the Philippines, makes it
legislative powers have ceased to exist. executive orders under the Emergency Powers Act which had necessary to invest the President with
It is contended, however, that in withdrawing, been withdrawn or revoked by the Congress. The writ of extraordinary powers in order to meet the
terminating or revoking the legislative powers delegated to the prohibition prayed for should be granted. resulting emergency."
President the Congress did so by passing a bill evincing its BENGZON, J.: Section 2 of said Commonwealth Act No. 671 invoking
intention to have his assent, which he refused to give, and for I have signed the majority opinion. But I also agree to section 26, Article VI, of the Constitution above-quoted,
that reason the revocation of the legislative powers delegated the above views of Mr. Justice Padilla. authorized the President during the existence of the emergency
to him was ineffective for lack of such concurrence. To Labrador, J., concurs. caused by said war to promulgate rules and regulations, etc.
determine what the Congress intended when it passed the bill Executive Order No. 545, dated November 10, 1952,
repealing the Emergency Powers Acts — the Senate approved it REYES, J., concurring:
It being repugnant to the spirit of the Constitution to appropriating funds for urgent and essential public works,
unanimously — form must give way to substance. If the states in its preamble, in justification of said order, that the
contention that in passing the bill repealing the Emergency let Commonwealth Act No. 671 degenerate into a grant in
perpetuity of legislative powers to the Executive, and taking Congress in its last special session had failed to appropriate
Powers Acts the Congress intended to have the concurrence of funds for the immediate repairs and reconstruction of certain
the President be upheld, such a construction would render the House Bill No. 727, approved by the Congress but vetoed by the
President, as a for-the- record pronouncement on the part of public buildings and public works, damaged by the recent
bill contradictory in itself, because in the explanatory notes of typhoons, floods, and other calamities.
H. No. 692 introduced by Congressman Roy and H. No. 727 by the legislative branch of the Government that the emergency
which impelled it to delegate, through the said Commonwealth Executive Order No. 546, dated November 10, 1952,
Congressman Zosa, upon which the consolidated bill passed is
based, it is declared "that war had long ended," that "the need Act, legislative powers to the President had already ceased, so also declares as its cause that the Congress had failed in its last
that there was no longer any need for the exercise of those special session to provide funds for relief to the victims of the
for the grant of such unusual powers to the President has
delegated powers, and, lastly, considering that said Act does recent typhoons, floods, draughts, earthquakes, etc.
disappeared," and that for that reason the Congress repealed
all Emergency Powers Acts. The Congress could not have meant not have to be repealed by another Act because, as an It will be seen that the authority given by the
or intended to subordinate its opinion or judgment that the war emergency measure, it repeals itself with the cessation of the Constitution to the Congress to delegate certain legislative
had ended and that the national emergency had ceased to exist emergency, I concur in this opinion of Mr. Justice Padilla. powers to the President was for a limited time. This was
to that of the President, the legislative and not the executive JUGO, J., concurring: naturally so, because an emergency cannot be of a long,
being the department of the Government exclusively clothed or In addition to the reasons set forth by Chief Justice unlimited or indefinite duration, for otherwise it would not be
vested with the authority and power to make such a Parás and Associate Justice Padilla, I would like to make a few an emergency.
declaration. In passing the bill the Congress committed a brief remarks: Commonwealth Act No. 671 was passed on December
mistake in the matter of form but not of substance because the Section 26 of Article VI of the Philippine Constitution 16, 1941. Executive Orders Nos. 545 and 546 were issued on
latter is there in the explanatory note of the bill passed by both provides as follows: November 10, 1952; that is, almost eleven years from the date
houses, to wit: "that war had long ended," that "the need for Commonwealth Act No. 671 was enacted. It is hard to conceive
"In times of war or other national
the grant of such unusual powers to the President has of an emergency which has lasted almost eleven years.
emergency, the Congress may by law authorize
disappeared," and that for that reason it repealed all the The emergency contemplated by Commonwealth Act
the President, for a limited period and subject to
Emergency Powers Acts. After the Congress had made that No. 671 was not the same emergency invoked in said executive
such restrictions as it may prescribe, to
declaration the President could no longer exercise the orders, for, whereas Commonwealth Act No. 671refers to the
promulgate rules and regulations to carry out a
legislative powers delegated to him. It was a complete and emergency created by the existence of war between the United
declared national policy."
absolute revocation of the delegation of such powers. His veto States and other countries of Europe involving the Philippines,
of the bill could not and did not have the effect of reviving or Section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. 671, which is the executive orders above-mentioned deal with the damages
continuing the delegation of legislative powers which had been entitled "An Act Declaring a State of Total Emergency as a
wrought by the recent typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic
revoked by the Congress, the only constitutional body Result of War Involving the Philippines and Authorizing the
eruptions, etc., and the failure of the Congress to provide funds
empowered and authorized to make the revocation.
for the repairs and reconstruction of damaged buildings and say that four justices voted in those emergency cases in favor of dictator, transportation dictator, civilian
public works and for the relief of the victims. The recent the existence of emergency powers of the President. evacuation dictator, etc., where the functions
typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. and the failure which ordinarily belong to a council or board or
of the Congress to provide for them have nothing to do with the In those emergency cases of 1949 I prepared a more or to a legislative body, are entrusted under
war mentioned in said Commonwealth Act No. 671 and are not less extensive opinion in support of the theory that certain limitations to one single official or
the consequences of said war. Commonwealth Act No. 671 was still in force. I wish to embody individual.
For the foregoing reasons, I concur in the majority said opinion in the present opinion by reference, without "Supposing that during a national
opinion. prejudice to reproducing portions of the same. emergency and while the Legislature is in
MONTEMAYOR, J., concurring and dissenting: I agree with the majority that Commonwealth Act 671 session, the legislators woke up one morning to
With the majority I agree that Executive Orders Nos. was to be in force only for a limited period of time, otherwise it find that there was extreme scarcity of imported
545 and 546, — the first appropriating P37,850,500 for urgent would be unconstitutional; and that that limited period was foods, fuel, building materials, equipment
and essential public works, the second appropriating coextensive with the existence of the emergency. But I required in agriculture and industry, etc.,
P11,367,600 for relief — are invalid, for the same reasons given emphatically disagree with the majority when it says: because of a monopoly, hoarding, injurious
by me in my dissenting opinion in cases G. R. Nos. L-2044, * L- speculations, manipulations, private controls
"That emergency, which
2756, * and L-3054-56 * commonly called the "Emergency Cases and profiteering, or that there were wide spread
naturally terminated upon the ending of the last
of 1949", namely, that the Legislature had already withdrawn lockouts and strikes paralyzing transportation,
world war, was contemplated by the members
from the realm of presidential legislation or regulation under commerce and industry, or rampant espionage
of the National Assembly on the foresight that or sabotage endangering the very life and
the emergency powers delegated by Commonwealth Act No. the actual state of war would prevent it
671, the power to appropriate funds for the expenses of the security of the nation. How much time would it
from holding its next regular session."
Government and for other purposes. take the legislature to enact the necessary
As regards the majority's view that emergency powers legislation in order to cope with the situation
To me, however, the more important point involved in were delegated by Commonwealth Act 671 because due to and pass the necessary emergency measures?
the present case is not the validity of the two executive orders emergency the National Assembly would be unable to hold its
but rather the question of whether or not Commonwealth Act "We are all familiar with the practice
regular session, I discussed and I hope I refuted this theory in
No. 671 is still in force, and whether or not the Chief Executive and routine of enacting laws. A bill is introduced
my dissenting opinion in the 1949 emergency cases and I take in the Legislature; it is referred to the
still has emergency powers under said Act. And the parties the liberty of quoting a pertinent portion thereof:
herein, not excluding the Chief Executive and the Legislature, it corresponding committee, it is studied by said
"I believe that, as I already had committee, which in some cases holds public
is to be presumed, want this point definitely settled. So, I occasion to state though incidentally, the real
proposed to devote the considerations in this modest hearings; the committee discusses the bill and
reason for the delegation of legislative powers sometimes introduces amendments; if the bill is
dissenting opinion to this matter. The majority opinion states to the Chief Executive is not only because the
that in the emergency cases of 1949, five members of this not killed in the committee or shelved, it is
Legislature is unable to meet due to a national submitted to the chamber for study, discussion,
tribunal held that Commonwealth Act No. 671 ceased to be emergency but also because although it could
operative. To complete the record, I may add that Mr. Justice and possible amendment by all the members; it
and does actually meet, whether in regular or is finally voted and if approved, it is sent to the
Reyes in his concurring and dissenting opinion held that special session, it is not in a position and able to
Commonwealth Act 671 was still in force. Mr. Justice Padilla other house where it undergoes the same
cope with the problems brought about by and process; and if it is finally approved by both
concurred in that opinion. With the concurrence of Mr. Justice arising from the emergency, problems which
Torres in my concurring and dissenting opinion I also held that houses of Congress, it is submitted to the Chief
require urgent and immediate action. Certainly, Executive for his study and approval or veto. All
Commonwealth Act 671 was still in force. Mr. Justice Bengzon one man can act more quickly and expeditiously
in his dissenting opinion in those emergency cases said that this may consume weeks or months as a result
than about one hundred members of the of which, ordinarily, many bills finally approved
although he was favorably impressed by the reasons set forth Legislature, especially when they are divided
by Mr. Justice Reyes and Mr. Justice Montemayor, he preferred by Congress could be sent to the President for
into Legislative chambers. That is why in times approval or veto only after adjournment of the
not to vote on that particular point — the existence or non- of emergency, much as we in democratic
existence of the emergency powers of the President. So that legislative session. And we should not overlook
countries dislike the system or idea of the fact that in some cases for lack of time or
even if we do not include Mr. Justice Bengzon, we can correctly dictatorship, we hear of food dictator, fuel
due to disagreement among the legislators or under section 26, Article VI of the Constitution. There may be a national emergency without a war.
between the two houses of Congress, important This is clear proof that, contrary to the theory of And so, when on the, occasion of a war, a national emergency
pieces of legislations like the annual the majority opinion, the legislature delegated ensues and is recognized and declared by Congress, said
appropriation law for the fiscal year 1949-50, legislative powers to the President even when it emergency may continue even if and when the war that started
appropriation of funds for the elections to be could meet and it actually met several times. it is ended. War may and generally create an emergency, but
held in November, 1949, contained in Executive "After passing the Acts just mentioned the emergency thus created does not necessarily end with the
Orders Nos. 225 and 226, involved in the delegating legislative powers to the President, war. A war may last only several weeks or months but with the
present cases, and the proposed amendment to the Assembly in its fourth special session on use of the modern weapons of warfare it may cause such
the Election Code etc., have not been passed by August 19, 1940 repeated and reiterated this devastation, desolation and national suffering and collapse not
Congress in its last session ending last May, practice and policy by passing Commonwealth only economically but socially and morally that the resulting
1949, which session lasted one hundred days. If Act No. 600 delegating additional and more emergency may last for years. A destructive flood, tornado,
we were to rely on the ordinary process of extensive legislative powers to the President in tidal wave or volcanic eruption may last only minutes or hours
legislation to meet a national emergency, by the spite of the fact that the war was still far away in but the destruction that it leaves in its wake may take weeks,
time the necessary and needed law is passed, Europe and there was no danger or prospect of months or years to repair, and the emergency thereby created
the situation sought to be remedied, or the involving the Philippines, and the legislature was may last that long.
problem sought to be solved may have become still free to meet as in fact it met again in regular To bolster its contention the majority cites President
disastrous or ended in calamity or gone beyond session in January, 1941. During its regular Quezon's book "The Good Fight" pp. 204-205, wherein he
legislations or any remedy. It would be too late. session begun that month and year, instead of speaks of the powers delegated to him under the Constitution
It would be like locking the stable door after the stopping or ending the legislative powers in time of war. I am afraid the citation proves nothing. He
horse had been stolen. delegated to the President, because according merely said that the delegation was made in time of war. He did
"Now, for some retrospect, The to the theory of the majority opinion, the not say or mean that the powers thus delegated were to be
Philippine National Assembly delegated its Legislature was able to meet, the Assembly exercised only during the war. The main thing to be considered
legislative powers because of the existence of a allowed them to continue by passing and which calls for the exercise of the powers delegated is the
state of national emergency as early as the year Commonwealth Act No. 620 which merely emergency, not the war that merely started or caused it.
1939. During its second special session of that amended section 1 of Commonwealth Act No. Commonwealth Act 671 itself in its section 2 says that the
year, it promulgated the following laws: 600. I repeat that all this, far from supporting President will exercise his emergency powers during the
(Commonwealth Acts Nos. 494, 496, 498 and the view of the majority that the legislature existence of the emergency. It does not say during the existence
500). delegated legislative powers to the President of the war.
"At that time, September, 1939, the only because it could not meet, fairly and President Quezon is hardly the authority that the
second world war was only in Europe, quite far squarely refutes said view." majority should quote to support its theory that emergency
from the Philippines and had just begun. There As to the proposition in the majority opinion that the powers are given to the Chief Executive just because due to the
was then no likelihood of the Philippines being emergency terminated with the war, I am afraid the majority emergency, the Legislature is unable to meet. It was President
involved in the war. In fact, the Philippines did confuses war with emergency. They are two different and Quezon who was given emergency powers as early as 1939
not get involved in the war until more than two separate things and events. Even the Constitution (Article VI, under Commonwealth Acts Nos. 494, 496, 498 and 500 when
years, in December, 1941. The National section 26) which for purposes of reference is reproduced the war was still far away in Europe and we were not yet
Assembly was then free to meet either in below, considers war and emergency as separate and distinct: involved and the National Assembly could still meet and
regular or special session to enact legislation to "SEC. 26. In times of war or other actually did meet several times in two years, 1940 and 1941, in
meet the emergency. In fact, it met in regular national emergency, the Congress may by law regular and special sessions, and during those two years when
session in January, 1940 lasting 100 days and in authorize the President, for a limited period and the National Assembly was holding its sessions, he was
January, 1941 for another regular session of 100 subject to such restrictions as it may prescribe, exercising his emergency powers and enacting legislation by
days, excluding the several special sessions held to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out means of Executive Orders. Evidently, he did not see any
during those two years. And yet the Assembly a declared national policy." incompatibility in the grant and exercise of emergency powers
delegated legislative powers to the President
with the ability of the Legislature to meet and in actually the country and perhaps even near and around Air Force cannot solve the peace and order
holding sessions, this, all contrary to the majority's contention. it. It is a highly controversial question on which problem; that the dissidents who are well
people may honestly differ. There are those who organized, armed and disciplined even attack
Hostilities incident to the last Pacific war have long in all good faith believe and claim that and sack towns and sometimes openly defy and
ended since 1945; it does not however necessarily mean that conditions have returned to normal; that the engage the armed Government forces; that as
the emergency resulting from said war has ceased and that the people have now enough to eat, sometimes long as more than 100,000 firearms are loose
disruption of trade and dislocation of the economy of the even more than they had before the war; that and in the hands of irresponsible parties, not
country, the destruction of public and private property, the people nowadays especially in the cities are excluding the seemingly regular mysterious
breakdown in honesty and morality and the collapse of peace better nourished and clothed and transported supply to them of additional firearms and
and order, all resulting from that war have disappeared, and and better compensated for their labor, and ammunitions, there can be no peace and order;
that everything has returned to normalcy. In support of its that the President himself in his speeches, chats and as to the barrio folk in central Luzon and
theory that the emergency has ceased the majority makes and messages had assured the public that now, even in provinces bordering central Luzon
reference to Republic Act 342 wherein it is stated that normal times have returned, that the problem whose parents and relatives had been killed by
conditions have gradually returned to normal. But this same law of peace and order had been solved, that the dissidents, whose women folk had been
clearly says that the emergency created by the last war as finances of the Government and the national outraged by the same elements, whose homes
regards war sufferers who have not received any relief for the economy are sound, and that there is an had been looted and burned and whose very
loss or destruction resulting from the war, still exists and so adequate food supply. It is, therefore, claimed lives had been subjected to constant terror and
postpones payment of their debts or monetary obligations that there is no longer any emergency resulting peril, compelling them to leave their homes and
contracted before the war, for a period of eight (8) years from from the war. their farms and evacuate to and be
and after the settlement of their war damage claims by the "On the other hand, it is asserted with concentrated in the poblaciones to live there in
United States-Philippine War Damage Commission. In other equal vehemence in the opposite camp that utter discomfort and privation, it is said that it
words, the Congress of the Philippines believes that at least as conditions are still far from normal; that the would be difficult to convince these unfortunate
regards war sufferers, the emergency resulting from the last picture painted by the President in cheerful and people that normalcy has returned and that
war still exists, and will exist not only up to the time that their reassuring colors is based on over optimism and, there is no longer emergency resulting from the
war damage claims are paid but for a period of eight years as to be expected, calculated to show in bold war. To further support the claim of the
thereafter. This hardly supports the majority's theory that relief the achievements of the administration, existence of an emergency, the menace of
everything is normal, and that there no longer is any emergency and so should be considered with some communism not only at home, particularly in
because the war has long ended. allowance; that we are now importing more rice central Luzon but from abroad, especially China,
than before the war for the reason that many is invoked. And it is asserted that all this is a
In connection with this question of whether or not
rice farms are idle because of the farmers fear result of the war."
there is still an emergency resulting from the last war and
whether or not things and conditions have returned to normal, I of or interference by dissidents; that the To the above are those who claim and will add that
permit myself to reproduce a portion of my dissenting opinion problem of peace and order is far from solved as since 1949 up to the present time, although rehabilitation
in the 1949 emergency cases: shown by the frequent hold-ups, kidnappings, progressed substantially, there are still many people who have
lootings and killings and organized banditry not not achieved rehabilitation. The economy of the country is still
"The last and logical question that one
only in Luzon but also in the Visayas and far from what it was before the war. It is being bolstered
will naturally ask is: has the emergency resulting Mindanao; that whereas before the war, the temporarily by the millions of pesos being received by war
from the war passed or does it still exist? This is
Constabulary force consisting of only about veterans, their widows and children in the form of pensions or
a fair and decisive question inasmuch as the
6,000 officers and men could provide complete insurance; by the millions being spent by the Mutual Security
existence of the emergency is, in my opinion,
protection to life and property and was Agency (MSA) in the Philippines to rehabilitate agriculture,
the test and the only basis of the operation or adequate in all respects to enforce peace and industry, commerce, etc.; by the millions being sent here by the
cessation of Act 671. The existence or
order, now this Constabulary enlarged to about United States in war materials, equipment, etc. in relation with
nonexistence of the emergency resulting from
20,000 men, provided with modern weapons the United States military aid to the Philippines, and with the
the war is a question of fact. It is based on and equipment and with the aid of thousands of enforcement of the Import Control, Exchange Control and other
conditions obtaining among the people and in
civilian guards and of the Philippine Army and laws all of a temporary nature intended to temper and
minimize the financial and economic crisis which otherwise When the President makes his inspections, especially persons, there can be no complete peace and order in the
would overwhelm the country. The coastwise trade is being in the troubled areas, he is escorted by contingents of fully country. Before, the war about 5,000 Constabulary soldiers and
maintained with ships originally built for and used during the armed soldiers, sometimes with machine guns and tanks. High officers with an appropriation of about three million pesos was
war, converted provisionally into interisland freight and officials of the Government using low plate numbers on their able to maintain peace and order throughout the country. The
passenger boats; and land transportation specially in the cars, use high plate numbers called "security plate numbers" Armed Forces of the Philippines including the Constabulary of
centers of population like Manila is operated in great measure when traveling in the provinces to minimize the danger of hold- the country in 1949 numbered 37,000. Realizing that this
with vehicles (used jeeps) obtained from the Surplus Property ups and attacks by dissidents who are said to be after high number was unable to maintain peace and order it was
Commission. Everything is on a provisional basis. What will government officials. People are advised not to travel at night increased substantially so that in 1952, it went up to 56,000
happen after these boats and motor vehicles wear out and over certain provincial highways, even national roads. men and officers with an appropriation of over P151,000,000,
become junk? Could they be readily replaced by their owners or Peace and order still leaves much to be desired. In an amount by far larger than the appropriation for the
operators? Sunken boats will clutter the harbors of the country 1949 when the emergency cases were decided, five justices Department of Public Schools which gives instruction and
particularly Manila Bay, constituting a menace to navigation. held the opinion that there no longer was any emergency. But education to school children and students. With the help of
Squatters in great numbers are still a problem, claiming that conditions of peace and order actually worsened thereafter. thousands of temporary and special policemen, civilian guards
they have nowhere to go to live. Government and private There was an uprising or rebellion in Batangas by Medrano and and commandos the army and the constabulary are still battling
buildings, and churches are still in ruins, tenanted by squatters. his men after November, 1949, and it is said that unable to cope dissidents, communists and bandits. Hundreds and thousands
Intramuros, the walled city, in the very City of Manila is a living with the uprising and bring the rebels to justice the of families from central Luzon, particularly Pampanga are still
example of non-rehabilitation, with the hundreds and Government was compelled to offer them amnesty. Since 1949 marooned in Manila, Baguio and other centers of population,
thousands of owners of lots therein either financially unable to the HUKS and the communists became stronger, in fact became unable and afraid to return to their homes, and a number of
reconstruct or prohibited from rebuilding until the Government so strong that they actually threatened the existence of the them more fearless and optimistic, who thought that peace and
has completed its plan about its reconstruction. Government which was forced to increase its army and wage order in central Luzon had been restored, returned to their
The War Damage Commission has paid war damage campaigns not only in the field but also in centers of population homes there but were kidnapped and liquidated. Farmers
claims, it is true, but only a portion of the amounts of the where it was able to arrest and prosecute those whom it claims harvesting rice in some barrios in central Luzon have to be
claims; and with prices as they are and the low purchasing to be high officials of the POLITBURO. In Sulu the Government guarded by the armed forces so as not to be molested by the
power of the peso, complete rehabilitation of war sufferers and waged an intensive campaign against Kamlon and his men dissidents. Only yesterday the papers carried the news that
substantial repair of the war damage is impossible. The country spending several million pesos and losing quite a number of 14,000 soldiers and officers have started an intensive campaign
is claiming reparations from Japan in the amount of eight (8) soldiers and officers, with no decisive result, and it was only in central and southern Luzon against lawless elements. All this,
billion dollars. It is not known if Japan can or will ever pay them after Kamlon and his men had been promised executive many people still honestly believe.
and when. That is why the Legislature in Republic Act 342 wisely clemency that they surrendered to the authorities, stood trial,
postponed payment of debts and monetary obligations of were convicted and promptly pardoned. Some of Kamlon's Considering all this, one may well doubt that peace
sufferers, not up to the payment of their war damage claims, relatives with their followers are said to be still in the and order in the country has gone back to normal, and that
but eight years thereafter, realizing perhaps that the amounts mountains and forests and refuse to surrender unless offered there is no longer any emergency. And this emergency clearly is
paid for war damage claims are inadequate to achieve complete the same conditions. Not long ago several hundred Chinese said the result of the last war. The HUKS movement was born during
rehabilitation. So the Legislature says that as to these war to be dangerous communists were rounded up in several towns that war and the hundreds of thousands of loose firearms were
sufferers, the emergency still exists. And who has not suffered and cities in the Philippines. About two or three weeks ago, also released and distributed indiscriminately during that war.
damage during the last war? according to the papers the army authorities said that up to Lawlessness and banditry always follow a war, and it takes
We have not yet completely risen from the low level that time they had through confiscation, capture, surrender and several years thereafter to restore peace and order.
into which we had sunk during and immediately after the war, purchase, been able to collect about 40,000 loose firearms but In the face of all the foregoing which many regard as
in public and private morality, decency, honesty and personal that there still remained about 100,000 more to be accounted facts and realities, the majority without any data in the form of
integrity as witnessed by the more or less rampant for. The other day the Provincial Commander of Lanao said that evidence received at a hearing or trial, but based perhaps on
misappropriations and defalcations by public officials, he is faced with the problem of eliminating or capturing ten judicial notice and personal knowledge and observation holds
corruption and malfeasance, bribery, ten percentage, guerrilla outlaw bands in the province with about 700 followers. The that everything has gone back to normal and that there no
recognition and veterans benefits rackets, dynamite fishing, etc. hold-ups, massacres, raids and ambushes in different provinces, longer is any emergency.
even near Manila have not ceased. As long as over 100,000
loose firearms are still in the hands of lawless or irresponsible
Personally, I cannot say that the emergency resulting who was favorably impressed with that view though he part, because after all he is the one to whom the delegation is
from the last war still exists, but neither am I prepared to say preferred not to vote directly upon it. Today, tho it seems in the made and who would later exercise the powers so delegated. If
that it no longer exists. It is such a controversial question upon tribunal, I am the lone dissenter on this proposition and so mine he believes that there is no emergency or that even if there
which people may and could honestly differ. There are is reduced so to speak, to the "voice in the wilderness," I still were, it is not of sufficient magnitude and seriousness as to call
authorities to the effect that the existence or non-existence of maintain the same view, and there is reason to believe that for the delegation and the exercise of emergency powers, he
an emergency calling for the exercise of emergency powers is a there are many others who subscribe to the same opinion. The may veto the bill of delegation and that would be the end of it.
political question which can be decided only by the political Legislature in passing during its last session House Bill No. 727 It is far from likely that the bill would be repassed over his veto
department, and that the courts are not called upon, neither repealing the latest Commonwealth Acts including because it would be futile and pointless to make a delegation of
are they authorized to pass upon the question. This was one of Commonwealth Act No. 671, delegating emergency powers to powers to an unwilling delegate who later would decline and
the views maintained in the concurring and dissenting opinion the Chief Executive, must have believed and been satisfied that refuse to exercise them. But if he approves the bill of delegation
of Mr. Justice Alex. Reyes concurred in by Mr. Justice Padilla in the President still had those emergency powers otherwise, and it becomes a law then the delegation is complete,
the 1949 emergency cases. But assuming for a moment that there would have been no need of going to all the trouble and successful and effective for the exercise of the powers by the
this court had the authority to pass upon this point and to bind the tedious process of approving a bill withdrawing said powers President would be assured. Not so with the withdrawal of the
the executive and legislative departments with its finding, I from him. There would have been no necessity for the powers delegated. The Constitution does not say or require a
believe that we have no data or evidence on which to base our Legislature to repeal a law which it believed to be no longer law for such withdrawal and it may be withdrawn at any time
finding. If the findings of courts on questions of fact are given operative. There is no reason or point in withdrawing even when the emergency which motivated said delegation still
authority or binding effect it is because those findings are based something that is not there or that no longer exists. exists. In such a case, the Legislature is the sole judge as to the
on facts established during the hearing by means of evidence In previous sessions of the Legislature after Liberation necessity and advisability of the continuance or cessation of the
adduced by both parties who are given the right to present, there had been talk or move to enact legislation withdrawing exercise of emergency powers by its delegate, the President.
cross-examine and impeach witnesses, object to questions and said emergency powers but presumably the atmosphere was But how did the Legislature go about this attempt to
object to the admission of evidence in general. In the present not favorable or the necessary votes to pass the corresponding withdraw the President's emergency powers? It had the choice
case no such hearing or trial for the reception of evidence was measure was not available. It was in the last session of the of approving a mere concurrent resolution or passing a bill.
ever had. Consequently, in my opinion we are not warranted in Legislature that a bill was finally approved by both Houses of Both houses of the Legislature are graced with the presence of
finding that there still exists or there no longer exists any Congress. The Chief Executive, however, vetoed it and it was constitutional lawyers and legal luminaries for whom I have
emergency resulting from the last Pacific War. not repassed over his veto. In spite of this, did the Legislature great respect. They must have known that a concurrent
It is the Legislature that granted or delegated the succeed in withdrawing his emergency powers? The majority resolution was sufficient for the purpose. Atty. Recto, counsel
emergency powers or the Chief Executive to whom the through a process of interpretation which to me, is strained and for the petitioners and member of the Senate knew it and in his
delegation was made that decide whether or not the unwarranted, voted in the affirmative. I disagree. We should oral argument before this Tribunal, he said that the Legislature
emergency continues. There has been lack of agreement not forget that in House Bill No. 727 the Legislature was not merely made a mistake because it could have just as well
between the two departments on this point since the last only expressing its wish and desire to withdraw the emergency approved a concurrent resolution instead of passing a regular
sessions of the Legislature. While the President up to a few powers of the President. It wanted to repeal the law or laws bill.
weeks ago has been exercising his emergency powers which delegating said emergency powers. A law can be repealed only But to me, it is highly possible and not improbable that
presupposes that in his opinion the emergency still existed, by another law. Consequently, since House Bill No. 727 did not the Legislature knowing that it could withdraw the President's
because Commonwealth Act 671 provides that he may exercise become a law because of the veto of the President, it could not emergency powers by means of a concurrent resolution or by
those powers only during the emergency, the Legislature has repeal the law or laws which it sought to abrogate. means of a law, deliberately and intentionally chose the latter
passed House Bill No. 727 in an attempt to withdraw said I agree with the majority and also with Mr. Justice for reasons of its own. The mistake committed by the
emergency powers on the theory that the emergency has Padilla that the emergency powers delegated to the President Legislature if any was that perhaps it believed that the Chief
ceased. To end and definitely settle this disagreement, we are could be withdrawn by means of a mere concurrent resolution. Executive would not veto the bill; but veto it, he did and I am
called upon to render decision. It is true that to delegate emergency powers under section 26, afraid the Legislature has to abide by the consequences. The
In my dissenting opinion in the 1949 emergency cases I Art. VI of the Constitution, a law is necessary. It is because the Legislature knew that in passing the bill and in submitting it to
held that the President still had the emergency powers Constitution expressly says so. Moreover, it is not only the Chief Executive as required by the Constitution, it had to be
delegated to him under Commonwealth Act 671. Three justices convenient but equally necessary that a law should be passed approved by him either with his signature or by letting it
of this court held the same view as I did excluding one Justice for that purpose in whose approval the Chief Executive takes become a law without any action on his part. He may also veto
it. This was a hazard and a risk which the Legislature assumed whether intentionally or otherwise of the Legislative to override regarded by some as not only unwarranted but officious and
and of which it must have been perfectly aware. But they were the veto, the majority of all the members of the lower house uncalled for.
willing to take the risk. Another possible reason why the believed that Congress failed to withdraw the President's In view of the foregoing reasons, I beg to disagree with
Legislature chose to pass a bill instead of a mere concurrent emergency powers and consequently, believed that he still had the majority.
resolution was that it sought and wanted the intervention and those powers, and was even requested to exercise the same. ||| (Rodriguez, Sr. v. Gella, G.R. No. L-6266, [February 2, 1953], 92
participation of the Chief Executive himself in the withdrawal of And on November 8, 1952, the lower house of the Legislature
PHIL 603-637)
the emergency powers so that he would also share in the credit passed Resolution No. 99 strongly urging the President to
and the responsibility for said withdrawal. If he approved the exercise his emergency powers and authorize the expenditure
bill there would be complete understanding between the two of funds for the relief to provinces visited by typhoons and
departments of the Government, and no hard feelings. Another floods and other calamities and for other urgent essential public
reason not entirely improbable is that the decision to withdraw works projects. This official action of the lower House shows
the emergency powers from the Chief Executive was a that one of the two Houses of Congress officially believes that
compromise arrangement between the two parties in the the emergency powers of the President had not been
Legislature. We must remember that our government is run on withdrawn. One view of this action or inaction of the Legislature
the basis of the party system. The President at present happens on the veto was that it could not get the 2/3 votes in both
to be the head of one of the two major parties in the houses to override the veto because some members who voted
Legislature. His party is in the minority in the Senate by two or in favor of House Bill No. 727, particularly members of the party
three votes but is in the majority by quite a number of votes in of the Chief Executive did not from the very beginning want to
the lower house. It is not inconceivable that his party men in withdraw the emergency powers without the President's
the two houses consented and agreed to have the emergency consent. Another view is that the Legislature was convinced by
powers withdrawn provided that the Chief Executive consented the reasons adduced and given by the Chief Executive in vetoing
to and approved of it. And so, they agreed to pass the bill for the bill and so either approved the stand taken by him or
this purpose, but that they would not agree to a concurrent acquiesced in it and took it in good grace and let the matter
resolution where the Chief Executive would be ignored and his rest, at least for the time being.
emergency powers summarily withdrawn without consultation If the foregoing considerations on this point are true or
and without his approval. This last view is in some measure could have been true, then there would absolutely be no reason
supported and borne out by the attitude of the Legislature or warrant for the majority's interpreting and considering
when House Bill No. 727 was vetoed. The members of Congress House Bill No. 727 as a concurrent resolution sufficient to
knew that the remedy was to override his veto if they wanted repeal the several laws mentioned in the bill and withdraw the
to. The Senate approved the bill unanimously and judging from emergency powers of the President. In effect, the majority
that unanimity, at least in the upper house the 2/3 votes decided to think for the Legislature and to do for the latter what
necessary to override the veto was available. But the fact is that it failed or perhaps did not want to do, namely, to withdraw the
the Legislature did not only fail to override the veto but it did emergency powers by means of a concurrent resolution. I
not even make any attempt whatsoever to repass it over the repeat that both houses of Congress with the legal talent and
President's veto. Added to this, it was a fact that, and this is by constitutional authorities, not only among its distinguished
no means unimportant, in the month of September, 1952, that members but also among its legal experts and assistants, did
is, about two months after the veto of the bill, about sixty- neither wish nor intend to approve a mere concurrent
seven Congressmen and two Senators filed a petition addressed resolution but deliberately and intentionally chose to pass a bill,
to the President in which they not only recognized the existence - House Bill No. 727 with full realization of the possibilities and
of his emergency powers but even asked him to exercise the chances of its approval or rejection by the Chief Executive to
same for the purpose of releasing funds for public works whom it was submitted. Under these circumstances, the action
projects. Excluding the two Senators, the signers constituted of the majority in practically telling the Legislature what it
more than the majority of the membership of the lower house. should have done and in finally doing it for said Legislature in
In other words, after the veto of the bill and after a failure order to most easily achieve its purpose or wish might be
FIRST DIVISION 1934 (Criminal Case No. 42649), was affirmed by this court on the review of said judgment and, desiring to stay execution
[G.R. No. 45685. December 22, 1937.] March 26, 1935 (G. R. No. 41200, 35 Off. Gaz., 738. See during the pendency of the application for the writ and of the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES and THE also resolutions of December 17, 1935). The decision of this proceedings relative thereto in the Supreme Court of the
HONGKONG & SHANGHAI BANKING court in that criminal case has already become final and the United States, now prays that the corresponding supersedeas
CORPORATION, petitioners, vs. JOSE O. VERA, petition for a writ of certiorari to review said decision was bond be fixed, as provided by the rules of this court. The People
Judge ad interim of First Instance of Manila, denied by the Supreme Court of the United States in November of the Philippines and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking
and MARIANO CU UNJIENG, respondents. of last year. At bottom, supersedeas is being sought to stay the Corporation, petitioners in the above-entitled case, oppose the
execution of the final judgment in said criminal case. Thereby, application of the respondent for the granting of a supersedeas
Solicitor-General Tuason and City Fiscal Diaz for the
the petitioner will continue to be at large and this is the status bond.
quo desired to be maintained. The suspensive effect of The original action instituted in this court which
DeWitt, Perkins & Ponce Enrile for the Hongkong & supersedeas can only operate in this case on the judgment resulted in the declaration of unconstitutionality of the
Shanghai Banking Corporation. sought to be reviewed and cannot arrest the execution of the Probation Act (No. 4221) was for certiorari and prohibition.
Vicente J. Francisco, Feria & La O, Orense & final judgment rendered in the criminal case against the Respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng, thru counsel, states that as
Belmonte and Gibbs & McDonough for the respondent Unjieng. respondent M. C. U. (Cyc. of Fed. Proc., Civil and Criminal, certiorari and prohibition are civil remedies, it is mandatory
No appearance for respondent Judge. Longsdorf, vol. 6, sec. 2869, p. 362.) upon this court to stay enforcement of its judgment in the
SYLLABUS 4. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. — The public interest and the above-entitled case. (Sec. 46 [a] infra, Rules of the Supreme
1. JUDGMENT; STAY OF EXECUTION; WRIT OF interest of the speedy administration of justice demand prompt Court of the Philippines.) He also calls attention to the principle
CERTIORARI; SUPERSEDEAS BOND. — Section 46 (a) of the Rules execution of the final sentence of conviction rendered against that probation can not be granted after the defendant has
of this court requires that in any civil case in which final the petitioner. Said petitioner has had all the time and begun the service of his sentence and to the policy of this court
judgment has been rendered by this court, if any party thereto opportunity which the law can possibly afford to anyone in self- to encourage review of its decisions and judgments on
gives notice in writing of his intention to remove the case to the defense. He had the assistance of able counsel and had certiorari by the Federal Supreme Court. In opposition, the
Supreme Court of the United States by writ of certiorari, this opportunity to appeal to this court and the Supreme Court of petitioners state that the judgment of this court declaring the
court shall grant a stay for the period therein mentioned within the United States, and the least that can be said is that he must Probation Act unconstitutional and void is self-executing; that
which said party may give a supersedeas bond, the sufficiency abide by this judgment and serve his term. It is further to be there is no judgment in the instant proceedings to be executed
of which is to be determined by one of the members of this observed that the petition for probation of the respondent M. and that the supersedeas will serve no useful purpose. The
court. C. U. has already been denied by the trial court. petitioner gave answer to the foregoing objections raised by the
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; RULE OF FEDERAL PRACTICE IN THE respondents and reiterated the arguments advanced by him in
UNITED STATES. — As a rule of federal practice in the United support of his petition for the fixing of the bond.
PROCEEDINGS. — It is admitted that certiorari and prohibition
are civil remedies but the certiorari and prohibition proceedings States, section 8 cd. of the Act of Congress of February 13, 1925 Section 46 (a) of the rules of this court provides that:
originally instituted in this court were, like the proceedings for (43 Stat., 936, 940; 28 U. S. C. A., sec. 350), provides that in any "Whenever it is made to appear by
probation, an incident of the criminal case. Apart from this, it case the execution and enforcement of final judgment or notice in writing that any party to a civil case in
will be noted that the appeal taken is from the judgment of this decree which is subject to review by the Supreme Court of the which final judgment has been rendered by this
court declaring the Probation Act unconstitution and void. That United States on writ of certiorari is discretionary with "a judge court intends to petition the Supreme Court of
judgment does not command or permit any act to be done. of the court rendering the judgment or decree or by a Justice of the United States for a writ of certiorari for the
There is nothing there to be actively enforced by execution or the Supreme Court," and this rule is reiterated in paragraph 6 of review of the decision and judgment of this
otherwise. Because of its negative or prohibitive character, Rule 38 of the Supreme Court of the United States. (Robertson court, and it appears that the case is one which,
there is nothing to supersede; nothing, as petitioners assert, & Kirkham, sec. 413, p. 831 et seq.) by reason of the amount involved or the nature
upon which the stay bond can operate. DECISION of the questions of law presented, may be
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID. — In reality, the supersedeas is LAUREL, J p: removed to the Supreme Court of the United
intended to operate on the decision and judgment in the After rendition of the judgment of this court in the States by writ of certiorari, and it further
criminal case entitled "The People of the Philippine above-entitled case, 1 the respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng, on appears that the party intending to make
Islandsvs. Mariano Cu Unjieng, et al." The decision of the Court November 26, 1937, gave notice of his intention to petition the application for such writ desires to stay the
of First Instance of Manila in that case, rendered on January 8, Supreme Court of the United States for a writ of certiorari for enforcement of the judgment of this court
during the pendency of the application for the (Cyc. of Fed. Proc., Civil and Criminal, Longsdorf, vol. 6, sec. pass on it. That court is in a position to judge,
writ of certiorari and of the proceedings in the 2869, p. 362.) first, whether the case is one likely, under our
Supreme Court of the United States, if such is The public interest and the interest of the speedy practice, to be taken up by us on certiorari; and,
granted, this court shall grant a stay, for a term administration of justice demand prompt execution of the final second, whether the balance of convenience
not to exceed ten days, within which the moving sentence of conviction rendered against the petitioner. Said requires a suspension of its decree and a
party may give a supersedeas bond, and shall petitioner has had all the time and opportunity which the law withholding of its mandate. It involves no
designate one of its members to determine the can possibly afford to anyone in self- defense. He had the disrespect to this court for the circuit court of
sufficiency of such bond." assistance of able counsel and had opportunity to appeal to this appeals to refuse to withhold its mandate or to
The foregoing rule requires that in any civil case in court and the Supreme Court of the United States, and the least suspend the operation of its judgment or decree
which final judgment has been rendered by this court, if any that can be said is that he must abide by this judgment and pending application for certiorari to us. If it
party thereto gives notice in writing of his intention to remove serve his term. It is further to be observed that the petition for thinks a question involved should be ruled upon
the case to the Supreme Court of the United States by writ of probation of the respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng has already by this court, it may certify it. If it does not
certiorari, this court shall grant a stay for the period therein been denied by the trial court. certify, it may still consider that the case is one
mentioned within which said party may give a supersedeas in which a certiorari may properly issue, and
bond, the sufficiency of which is to be determined by one of the may, in its discretion, facilitate the application
There is force in the argument that where the case is
members of this court. It is admitted that certiorari and by withholding the mandate or suspending its
appealable under the Constitution and law to the Supreme
prohibition are civil remedies but the certiorari and prohibition decree. This is a matter, however, wholly within
Court of the United States, this court is but an agent of that its discretion. If it refuses, this court requires an
proceedings originally instituted in this court were, like the court and must permit the case to take its due course. In such a
proceedings for probation, an incident of the criminal case. extraordinary showing before it will grant a stay
case, the appeal is a matter of right. But from this premise it
Apart from this, it will be noted that the appeal taken is from of the decree below pending the application for
does not follow that a stay must be granted by this court where
the judgment of this court declaring the Probation Act a certiorari, and even after it has granted a
nothing can be stayed, or that the final decision in a criminal certiorari, it requires a clear case and a decided
unconstitutional and void. That judgment does not command or case which can no longer be appealed from should be
permit any act to be done. There is nothing there to be actively balance of convenience before it will grant such
superseded. Upon the other hand, the wide latitude necessarily
enforced by execution or otherwise. Because of its negative or stay. These remarks, of course, apply also to
possessed by this court in the interpretation of its Rules must application for certiorari to review judgments
prohibitive character, there is nothing to supersede; nothing, as be exercised in favor of what is believed to be a matter of public
petitioners assert, upon which the stay bond can operate. In and decrees of the highest courts of states."
interest in the present case.
reality, the supersedeas is intended to operate on the decision Petition for stay of execution and the fixing of a
As a rule of federal practice in the United States,
and judgment in the criminal case entitled "The People of the supersedeas bond is denied. So ordered.
Philippine Islands vs. Mariano Cu Unjieng et al." The decision of section 8 cd. of the Act of Congress of February 13, 1925 (43
Stat., 936, 940; 28 U. S. C. A., sec. 350), provides that in any Avanceña, C. J., Villa-Real, Abad Santos, Imperial,
the Court of First Instance of Manila in that case, rendered on Diaz and Concepcion, JJ., concur.
case the execution and enforcement of final judgment or
January 8, 1934 (Criminal Case No. 42649), was affirmed by this ||| (People v. Vera, G.R. No. 45685, [December 22, 1937], 65 PHIL
court on March 26, 1935 (G. R. No. 41200) 1 . The decision of decree which is subject to review by the Supreme Court of the
United States on writ of certiorari is discretionary with "a judge 56-206)
this court in that criminal case has already become final and the
of the court rendering the judgment or decree or by a Justice of
petition for a writ of certiorari to review said decision was
the Supreme Court," and this rule is reiterated in paragraph 6 of
denied by the Supreme Court of the United States in November
of last year. At bottom., supersedeas is being sought to stay the Rule 38 of the Supreme Court of the United States. (Robertson
& Kirkham, sec. 413, p. 831 et seq.) In Magnum Import
execution of the final judgment in said criminal case. Thereby,
Co. vs. De Spoturno Coty (262 U. S., 159, 163; 43 S. Ct., 531; 67
the petitioner will continue to be at large and this is the status
Law. ed., 922), the Supreme Court of the United States, through
quo desired to be maintained. We do not think that this should
be allowed. (Sec. 46 [f], Rules of the Supreme Court of the Chief Justice Taft, said:
Philippines.) The suspensive effect of supersedeas can only "The petition should, in the first
operate in this case on the judgment sought to be reviewed and instance, be made to the circuit court of
cannot arrest the execution of the final judgment rendered in appeals, which, with its complete knowledge of
the criminal case against the respondent Mariano Cu Unjieng. the cases, may, with full consideration, promptly
EN BANC discretion, to issue a proclamation fixing the price and to make rice or corn, to issue and promulgate, with the consent
[G.R. No. L-17122. February 27, 1922.] the sale of it in violation of the proclamation a crime, it is of the Council of States, temporary rules and
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. NAG unconstitutional and void. emergency measures for carrying out the purpose of
TANG HO, defendant-appellant. 7. CONSTITUTION. — The Constitution is something this Act. to wit:
Williams & Ferrier for appellant. solid, permanent and substantial. It stability protects the rights, "(a) To prevent the monopoly and hoarding
liberty, and property rights of the rich and the poor alike, and of, and speculation in, palay rice or corn.
Acting Attorney-General Tuason for appellee. its construction ought not to change with emergencies or "(b) To establish and maintain a government
SYLLABUS conditions. control of the distribution or sale of the commodities
1. ORGANIC LAW. — By the organic law of the 8. PRIVATE RIGHTS. — In the instant case, the law was referred to or have such distribution or sale made by
Philippine Islands and the Constitution of the United States, all not dealing with Government property. It was dealing with the Government itself.
powers are vested in the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary. It private property and private rights which are sacred under the "(c) To fix, from time to time, the quantities of
is the duty of the Legislature to make the law; of the Executive; Constitution. palay, rice, or corn that a company or individual may
and of the Judiciary to construe the law. The Legislature has no
9. PRIVATE PROPERTY. — In the instant case, the rice acquire, and the maximum sale price that the
authority to execute or construe the law; the Executive has no was the personal, private property of the defendant. The industrial or merchant may demand.
authority to make or construe the law; and the Judiciary has no
Government had not bought it, did not claim to own it, or have "(d) . . .
power to make or execute the law.
any interest in it at the time the defendant sold it to one of his "SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful to destroy, limit,
2. POWER. — Subject to the Constitution only, the customers.
power of each branch is supreme within its own jurisdiction, prevent or in the other manner obstruct the
10. POWER VESTED IN THE LEGISLATURE. — By production or milling of palay, rice or corn for the
and it is for the judiciary only to say when any Act of the
the organic act and subject only to constitutional limitations, purpose of raising the prices thereof; to corner or
Legislature is or is not constitutional.
the power to legislate and enact laws is vested exclusively in the hoard said products as defined in section three of this
3. THE POWER TO DELEGATE. — The Legislature Legislature, which is elected by a direct vote of the people of Act; . . ."
cannot delegate legislative power to enact any law. If Act No. the Philippine Islands.
2868 is a law unto itself and within itself, and it does nothing Section 3 defines what shall constitute a monopoly or
11. OPINION LIMITED. — This opinion is confined to hoarding of palay, rice or corn within the meaning of this Act,
more than to authorize the Governor-General to make rules
the right of the Governor-General to issue a proclamation fixing but does not specify the price of rice of define any basis for
and regulations to carry it into effect, then the Legislature the maximum price at which rice should be sold, and to make it
created the law. There is no delegation of power and it is valid. fixing the price.
a crime to sell it at a higher price, and to that extent holds that "SEC. 4. The violations of any of the provisions
One the other hand, if the act within itself does not define a
it is an unconstitutional delegation of legislative power. It does of this Act or of the regulations, orders and decrees
crime and is not complete, and some legislative act remains to
not decide or undertake to construe the constitutionality of any promulgated in accordance therewith shall be
be done to make it law or a crime, the doing of which is vested of the remaining portions of Act No. 2868.
in the Governor-General, the is a delegation of legislative punished by a fine of not more than five thousand
power, is unconstitutional and avoid. DECISION pesos, or by imprisonment for not more than two
4. No CRIME TO SELL. — After the passage of Act No. JOHNS, J p: years, or both, in the discretion of the court: Provided,
2868, and without any rules and regulations of the Governor- At its special session of 1919, the Philippine Legislature That in the case of companies or corporations, the
General, a dealer in rice could sell it at any price and he would passed Act No. 2868, entitled "An Act penalizing the monopoly manager or administrator shall be criminally liable.
not commit a crime. There was no legislative act which made it and hoarding of, and speculation in palay, rice, and corn under "SEC. 7. At any time that the Governor-
a crime to sell rice at any price. extraordinary circumstances, regulating the distribution and General, with the consent of the Council of State, shall
5. CRIME BY PROCLAMATION. — When Act No. 2868 is sale thereof, and authorizing the Governor-General, with the consider that the public interest requires the
analyzed, it is the violation of the Proclamation of the consent of the Council of States. to issue the necessary rules application of the provisions of this Act, he shall so
Governor-General which constitutes the crime. The alleged sale and regulations therefor, and making an appropriation for this declare by proclamation, and any provisions of other
was made a crime, if at all, because of the Proclamation by the purpose," the material provisions of which are as follows: laws inconsistent herewith shall from then on be
Governor-General. "Section 1. The Governor-General is hereby temporarily suspended.
6. UNCONSTITUTIONAL. — In so far as Act No. authorized, whenever, for any cause, conditions arise "Upon the cessation of the reasons foe which
2868 undertakes to authorize the Governor-General, in his resulting in an extraordinary rise in the price of palay, such proclamation was issued, the Governor-General,
with the consent of the Council of States, shall declare Governor-General to fix the price at which rice should be sold. It has no power to make or executive the law. Subject to the
the application of this Act to have likewise terminated, will be noted that section 1 authorizes the Governor-General, Constitution only, the power of each branch is supreme within
and all laws temporarily suspended by virtue of the with the consent of the Council of State, for any cause resulting its own jurisdiction, and it is for the Judiciary only to say when
same shall again take effect, but such termination shall in an extraordinary rise in the price of palay, rice or corn, to any Act of the Legislature is or is not constitutional. Assuming,
not prevent the prosecution of any proceedings or issue and promulgated temporary rules and emergency without deciding, that the Legislature itself has the power to fix
cause begun prior to such termination, nor the filing of measures for carrying out the purposes of the Act. By its very the price at which rice is to be sold, can it delegate that power
any proceedings for an offense committed during the terms, the promulgation of temporary rules and emergency to another, and, if so, was that power legally delegated by Act.
period covered by the Governor-General's measures is left to the discretion of the Governor-General. The No. 2868? In other words, does the Act delegate legislative
proclamation." Legislature does not undertake reasons the Governor-General power to the Governor-General? By the Organic Law, all
August 1, 1919, the Governor-General issued a shall issue the proclamation, but says that it may be issued " for legislative power is vested in the Legislature, and the power
proclamation fixing the price at which rice should be sold. any cause," and leaves the question as to what is "any cause" to conferred upon the Legislature to make laws cannot be
August 8, 1919, a complaint was filed against the the discretion of the Governor-General. The Act also says: "For delegated to the Governor-General, or any one else. The
defendant, NAG Tang Ho, charging him with the sale of rice at any cause, conditions arise resulting in an extraordinary rise in Legislative cannot delegate the Legislative power to enact any
an excessive price as follows: the price of palay, rice or corn." The Legislature does not specify law. If Act No. 2868 is a law unto itself and within itself, and it
or define what is "an extraordinary rise." That is also left to the does nothing more than to authorize the Governor-General to
"The undersigned accuses NAG Tang Ho of a
discretion of the Governor-General. The Act also says that the make rules and regulations to carry the law into effect, then the
violation of Executive Order No. 53 of the Governor-
Governor-General, "with the consent of the Council of State," is Legislature itself created the law. There is no delegation of
General of the Philippines, dated the 1st of August, authorized to issue and promulgate "temporary rules and power and it is valid. On the other hand, if the Act within itself
1919, in relation with the provisions of sections 1, 2
emergency measures for carrying out the purposes of this Act." does not define a crime, and is not a law, and some legislative
and 4 Act No. 2868, committed as follows:
It does not specify or define what is a temporary rule or an act remains to be done to make it a law or a crime, the doing of
"That on or about the 6th day of August, emergency measure, or how long such temporary rules or which is vested in the Governor-General, then the Act is a
1919, in the city of Manila, Philippine Islands, the said emergency measures shall remain in force and effect, or when delegation of legislative power, is unconstitutional and avoid.
NAG Tang Ho. voluntarily, illegally and criminally sold they shall take effect. That is to say the Legislature itself has no The Supreme Court of the United States in what is
to Pedro Trinidad, one Janet of rice at the price of in any manner specified or defined any basis for the order, but known as the Grainer Cases (94 U. S.. 183-187; 24 L, ed., 94),
eighty centavos (P.80). which is a price greater than has left it to the sole judgment and discretion of the Governor- first laid down the rule:
that fixed by Executive Order No. 53 of the Governor- General to say what is or what is not "a cause," and what is or
General of the Philippines, dated the 1st of August, "Railroad companies are engaged in public
what is not "an extraordinary rise in the price of rice," and as to employment affecting the public interest and, under
1919, under the authority of section 1 of Act No. 2868. what a temporary rule or an emergency measure for the
Contrary to law." the decision in Mun vs. Ill., ante subject to Legislative
carrying out the purpose of the Act Under this state of facts, if control as to their rates of fare and freight unless
Upon this charge, he was tried, found guilty and the law is valid and the Governor-General issues a proclamation protect by their charters.
sentenced to five months' imprisonment and to pay a fine of fixing the minimum price at which rice should be sold, any
P500, from which he appealed to this court, claiming that the dealer who, with or without notice, sells rice at a higher price, is "The Illinois statute of Mar. 23, 1874, to
lower court erred in finding Executive Order No. 53 of 1919, to established reasonable maximum rates of charges for
a criminal. There may not have been any cause, and the price
be of any force and effect, in finding the accused guilty of the the transportation of freights and passengers on the
may not have been extraordinary, and there may not have been
offense charged, and in imposing the sentence. different railroads of the State is not void as being
an emergency, but, if the Governor-General found the existence
of such facts and issued a proclamation, and rice is sold at any repugnant to the Constitution of the United States or
The official records show that Act was to take effect on to that of the State."
its approval; that it was approved July 30,1919; that the higher price, the seller commits a crime.
Governor-General issued his proclamation on the 1st of August, It was there for the first time held in substance that a
By the organic law of the Philippine Islands and the
1919; and that the law was first published on the 13th of railroad was a public utility, and that, being a public utility, the
Constitution of the United States all power are vested in the
August, 1919; and that the proclamation itself was first Legislative, Executive and Judiciary. It is the duty of the State had power to establish reasonable maximum freight and
published on the 20th of August, 1919. passenger rates. This was followed by the State of Minnesota in
Legislature to make the law; of the Executive to execute the
enacting a similar law, providing for and empowering, a railroad
The question here involves an analysis and law; and of the Judiciary to construe the law. The Legislature
has no authority to executive or construe the law, the Executive commission to hear and determine what was a just and
construction of Act No. 2868, in so far as it authorizes the reasonable rate. The constitutionality of this law was attacked
has no authority to make or construe the law, and the Judiciary
and upheld by the Supreme Court of Minnesota in a learned and the conferring an authority or discretion to be legislature, so that, in form and substances, it is a law
and exhaustive opinion by Justice Mitchell, in the case of State exercised under and in pursuance of the law. in all its details in presenting, but which may be left to
vs. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ribs. Co. (38 Minn., 281), in "The legislature enacts that all freight rates take effect in future, if necessary, upon the
which the court held: and passenger fares should be just and reasonable. It ascertainment of any prescribed fact or event."
"Regulations of railway tariffs — had the undoubted power to fix these rates at The delegation of legislative power was before the
Conclusiveness of commission's tariffs. — Under Laws whatever it deemed equal and reasonable. Supreme Court in United States vs. Grimed (220 U. S., 506; 55 L.
1887, c. 10, sec. 8, the determination of the railroad "They have not delegated to the commission ed., 563), where it was held that the rules and regulations of
and warehouse commission as to what are equal and any authority or discretion as to what the law shall be, the Secretary of Agriculture as to a trespass on government
reasonable fares rates for the transportation of — which would not be allowable, — but have merely land in a forest reserve were valid constitutional. The Act there
persons and property by a railway company is conferred upon it an authority and discretion, to be provided that the Secretary of Agriculture " . . . may make such
conclusive, and, in proceedings by mandamus to exercised in the execution of the law, and under and in rules and regulations and establish such service as will insure
compel compliance with the tariff of rates pursuance of it, which is entirely permissible. The the objects of such reservation; namely, to regulate their
recommended and published by them, no issue can be legislature itself has passed upon the expediency of the occupancy and use, and to preserve the forests thereon from
raise or inquiry had on that question. law, and what it shall be. The commission is intrusted destruction; and any violation of the provisions of this act or
"Same — Constitution — Delegation of power with no authority or discretion upon these questions. It such rules and regulations shall be punished, . . ."
to commission. — The authority thus given to the can neither make nor unmade a single provision of law. The brief of the United States Solicitor-General says:
commission to determine, in the exercise of their It is merely charged with the administration of the law, "In refusing permits to use s forest reservation
discretion and judgment, what are equal and and with no other power." for stock grazing, except upon stated terms or in stated
reasonable rates, is not a delegation of legislative The delegation of legislative power was before the ways, the Secretary of Agriculture merely asserts and
power." Supreme Court of Wisconsin in Doling vs Lancaster Ins. Co. (92 enforces the proprietary right of the United States over
It will be noted that the law creating the railroad Wis., 63). The opinion says: land which it owns. The regulations of the Secretary,
commission expressly provides — "The true distinction is between the therefore, is not an exercise of legislative, or even of
"That all charges by any common carrier for delegation of power to make the law, which administrative, power; but is an ordinary and
the transportation of passengers and property shall be necessarily involves a discretion as to what it shall be legitimate refusal of the landowner's authorized agent
equal and reasonable." and conferring authority or discretion as to its to allow persons having no right in the land to use it as
With that as a basis for the law, power is then given to execution, to be exercised under and in pursuance of they will. The right of proprietary control is altogether
the railroad commission to investigate all the facts, to hear and the law. The first cannot be done; to the latter no valid different from governmental authority."
determine what is a just and reasonable rate. Even then that objection can be made.' The opinion says:
law does not make the violation of the order of the commission "The act, in our judgment, wholly fails to "From the beginning of the
a crime. The only remedy is a civil proceeding. It was there held provide definitely and clearly what the standard policy government, various acts have been passed
— should contain so that it could be put in use as a conferring upon executive officers power to
"That the legislature itself has the power to uniform policy required to take the place of all others, make rules and regulations, — not for the
regulate railroad charges is now too well settled to without the determination of the insurance government of their departments, but for
require either argument or citation of authority. commissioner in respect to matters involving the administering the laws which did govern. None
"The difference between the power to say exercise of a legislative discretion that could not be of these statutes could confer legislative power.
what the law shall be, and the power to adopt rules delegated, and without which the act could not But when Congress had legislated and indicated
and regulations, or to investigate and determine the possibly be put in use as an act in conformity to which its will, it could give to those who were to act
facts, in order to carry into effect a law already passed, all fire insurance policies were required to be issued. under such general provisions power to fill up
is apparent. The true distinction is between the "The result of all the cases on this subject is the details' by the establishment of
delegation of power to make the law, which that a law must be complete, in all its terms and administrative rules and regulations, the
necessarily involves a discretion as to what it shall be, provisions, when it leaves the legislative branch of the violation of which be punished by fine
government, and nothing must be left to the judgment imprisonment fixed by Congress, or by penalties
of the electors or other appointee or delegate of the
fixed by Congress, or measured by the injury commissioner in respect to matters involving the exercise of a to a mere administrative officer power to make
done. legislative discretion that could not be delegated.'' a law, but it can make a law with provisions that
"That 'Congress cannot delegate The case of the United States Supreme Court, supra, it shall go into effect or be suspended in its
legislative power is a principle universally dealt with rules and regulations which were promulgated by the operation upon the ascertainment of a fact or
recognized as vital to the integrity and Secretary of Agriculture for Government land in the forest state of facts by an administrative of board. In
maintenance of the system of government reserve. These hold that the legislature only can enact a law, the present case the ordinance by its terms
ordained by the Constitution.' and that it cannot delegate its legislative authority. gives power to the president to decide
"If, after the passage of the act and the The line of cleavage between what is and what is not a arbitrarily, and in the exercise of his own
promulgation the rule, the defendants drove delegation of legislative power is pointed out and clearly discretion, when a saloon shall close. This is an
and grazed their sheep upon the reserve, in defined. As the Supreme Court of Wisconsin says: attempt to vest legislative discretion in him, and
violation of the regulations, they were making cannot be sustained."
"That no part of the legislative power
an unlawful use of the government's property. can be delegated by the legislature to any other The legal principle involved there is squarely in point
In doing so they thereby made themselves liable department of the government, executive or here.
to the penalty imposed by Congress." judicial, is a fundamental principle in It must conceded that, after the passage of Act No.
"The subject as to which the Secretary constitutional law, essential to the integrity and 2868, and before any rules and regulations were promulgated
can regulate are defined. The lands are set apart maintenance of the system of government by the Governor-General, a dealer in rice could sell it at any
as a forest reserve. He is required to make established by the constitution. price, even at a peso per "Janet," and that he would not commit
provision to protect them from depredations "Where an act is clothed with all the a crime, because there would be no law fixing the price of rice,
and from harmful uses. He is authorized 'to forms of law, and is complete in and of itself, it and the sale of it at any price would not be a crime. That is to
regulate the occupancy and use and to use to may be provided that it shall become operative say, in the absence of a proclamation, it was not a crime to sell
preserve the forests from destruction.' A only upon some certain act or event, or, in like rice at any price. Hence, it must follow that, if the defendant
violation of reasonable rules regulating the use manner, that its operation shall be suspended. committed a crime, it was because the Governor-General issued
and occupancy of the property is made a crime, the proclamation. There was no act of the Legislature making it
The legislature cannot delegate its
not by the Secretary, but by Congress." a crime to sell rice at any price, and without the proclamation,
power to make a law, but it can make a law to the sale of it at any price was not crime.
The above are leading cases in the United States on the delegate a power to determine some fact or
question of delegating legislative power. It will be noted that in state of things upon which the law makes, or The Executive Order 1 provides"
the "Grainer Cases," it was held that a railroad company was a intends to make, its own action to depend." (5) The maximum selling price of palay, rice or corn is
public corporation, and that a railroad was a public utility, and "All saloons in said village shall be closed at 11 o'clock hereby fixed, for the time being as follows:
that, for such reasons the Legislature had the power to fix and P. M. each day and remain closed until 5 o'clock on the "In Manila —
determine just and reasonable rates for freight and passengers. following morning, unless by special permission of the "Palay at P6.75 per sack of 1/2 kilos, or
The Minnesota case held that, so long as the rates president." 29 centavos per Janet.
were just and reasonable, the legislature could delegate the Construing it in 136 Wis., 526 128 A. S. R., 1100, 1 the "Rice at P15 per sack of 57 1/2 kilos, or
power to ascertain the facts and determine from the facts what Supreme Court of that State says: 63 centavos per Janet.
were just and reasonable rates, and that in vesting the
"We regard the ordinance as void for "Corn at P8 per sack of 57 1/2 kilos, or
commission with such power was not a delegation of legislative
power. two reasons: First, because it attempts to confer 34 centavos per Janet.
arbitrary power upon an executive officer, and "In the provinces producing palay, rice
The Wisconsin case was a civil action founded upon a allows him, in executing the ordinance, to make and corn, the maximum price shall be the
"Wisconsin standard policy of fire insurance," and the court unjust and groundless discriminations among Manila price less the cost of transportation from
held that "the act, . . . wholly fails to provide definitely and persons similarly situated; second, because the
clearly what the standard policy should contain, so that it could the source of supply and necessary handling
power to regulate saloons is a law-making expenses to the place of sale, to be determined
be put in use as a uniform policy required to take the place of power vested in the village board, which cannot by the provincial treasures or their deputies.
all others, without the determination of the insurance be delegated. A legislative body cannot delegate
"In provinces, obtaining their supplies range in the price, which varies with grade and quality. Act No. at the price of eighty centavos (P0.80) which is a price greater
from Manila or other producing provinces, the 2868 makes no distinction in price for the grade quality of the than fixed by Executive Order No. 53."
maximum price shall be the authorized price at rice, and the proclamation, upon which the defendant was tried We are clearly of the opinion and hold that Act No.
the place of supply or the Manila price as the and convicted, fixes the selling price of rice in Manila "at P15 2868 in so far as it undertakes to authorize the Governor-
case may be, plus the transportation cost, from per sack of 57 1/2 kilos, or 63 centavo per Janet," and is General in his discretion to issue a proclamation, fixing the price
the place of supply and the necessary handling uniform as to all grades of rice, and says nothing about grade or of rice, and to make the sale of rice in violation of the
expenses, to the place of sale, to be determined quality. Again, it will be noted that the law is confined to palay, proclamation a crime, is unconstitutional and void.
by the provincial treasurers or their deputies. rice and corn. They are products of the Philippine Islands. It may be urged that there was an extraordinary rise in
"(6) Provincial treasurers and their Hemp, tobacco, coconut, chickens, eggs, and many other things the price of rice and profiteering, which worked a severe
deputies are hereby directed to communicate are also products. Any law which singles out palay, rice or corn hardship, on the poorer classes, and that an emergency existed,
with, and execute all instructions emanating from the numerous, but is a local or special law. If such a law is but the question here presented is the constitutionality of a
from the Director of Commerce and Industry, valid, then by the same principle, the Governor-General could particular portion of a statute, and none of such matters is an
for the most effective and proper enforcement be authorized by proclamation to fix the price of meat, eggs argument for, or against, its constitutionality.
of the above regulations in their respective chickens, coconut, hemp, and tobacco, or any other of the
The Constitution is something solid, permanent and
localities," Islands. In the very nature of things, all of that class of laws
substantial. Its stability protects the life, liberty and property
The law says that the Governor-General may fix "the should be general and uniform. Otherwise, there would be an
rights of the rich and the poor alike, and that protection ought
maximum sale price that industrial or merchant may demand." unjust discrimination of property rights, which, under the law,
must be equal and uniform. Act No. 2868 is nothing more than not to change with the wind or any emergency condition. The
The law is a general law and not a local or special law. fundamental question involved in this case is the right of the
a floating law, which, in the discretion and by a proclamation of
The proclamation undertakes to fix one price for rice in people of the Philippine Islands to be and live under a
the Governor-General, makes it a floating crime to sell rice at a
Manila and other and different prices in other and different republican form of government. We make the board statement
price in excess of the proclamation, without regard to grade or
provinces in the Philippines Islands, and delegates the power to quality. that no state or nation, living under a republican form of
determine the other and different prices to provincial government, under the terms and conditions specified in Act
treasurers and their deputies. Here, then, you would have a When Act No. 2868 is analyzed, it is the violation of the No. 2868, has ever enacted a law delegating the power to any
delegation of legislative power to the Governor-General, and a proclamation of the Governor-General which constitutes the one, to fix the price at which rice should be sold. That power
delegation by him of that power to provincial treasurers and crime. Without that proclamation, it was no crime to sell rice at can never be delegated under a republican form of
their deputies, who "are hereby directed to communicate with, any price. In other words, the Legislature left it to the sole government.
and executive all instructions emanating from the Director of discretion of the Governor-General to say what was and what
In the fixing of the price at which the defendant should
Commerce and Industry, for the most effective and proper was not "any cause" for enforcing the act, and what was and
what was not "an extraordinary rise in the price of palay, rice or sell his rice, the law was not dealing with government property.
enforcement of the above regulations in their respective It was dealing with private property and private rights, which
localities." The issuance of the proclamation by the Governor- corn," and under certain undefined conditions to fix the price at
are sacred under the Constitution. If this law should be
General was the exercise of the power delegation of a power, which rice should be sold, without regard to grade or quality,
also to say whether a proclamation should be issued, if so, sustained, upon the same principle and for the same reason,
and was even a subdelegation of that power. the Legislature could authorize the Governor-General to fix the
when, and whether or not the law should be enforced, how
Assuming that it is valid, Act No. 2868 is a general law price of every product or commodity in the Philippine Islands,
long it should be enforced, and when the law should be
and does not authorize the Governor-General to fix one price of and empower him to make it a crime to sell any product at any
suspended. The Legislature did not specify or define what was
rice in Manila and another price in Iloilo. It only purports to "any cause," or what was "an extraordinary rise in the price of other or different price.
authorize him fix the price of rice in the Philippine Islands under It may be said that this was a war measure, and that
rice, palay or corn." Neither did it specify or define the
a law, which is general and uniform, and not local or special. for such reason the provision of the Constitution should be
conditions upon which the proclamation should be issued. In
Under the terms of the law, the price of rice fixed in the suspended. But the stubborn fact remains that at all times the
the absence of the proclamation no crime was committed. The
proclamation must be the same all over the Islands. There alleged sale was made a crime, if at all, because the Governor- judicial power was in full force and effect, and that while that
cannot be one price at Manila and another at Iloilo. Again, it is a power was in force and effect, such a provision of the
General issued the proclamation. The act or proclamation does
matter of common knowledge, and of which this court will take Constitution could not be, and was not, suspended even in
not say anything about the different grades or qualities of rice,
judicial notice, that there are many kinds of rice with different and the defendant is charged with the sale" of one Janet of rice times of war. It may be claimed that during the war, the United
and corresponding market values, and that there is a wide States Government undertook to, and did, fix the price at which
wheat and flour should be bought and sold, and that is true. MALCOLM, J., with whom concur AVANCENA and VILLAMOR
There, the United States had declared war, and at the time was JJ., concurring:
at war with other nations, and it was a war measure, but it is I concur in the result for reasons which reach both the
also true that in doing so, and as a part of the same act, the facts and the law. In the first place, as to the facts, — one
United States commandeered all the wheat and flour, and took cannot be convicted ex post facto of a violation of a law and of
possession of it, either or constructive, and the government an executive order issued pursuant to the law, when the alleged
itself became the owner of the wheat and flour, and fixed the violation thereof occurred on August 6, 1919, while the Act of
price to be paid for it. That is not case. Here, the rice sold was the Legislature in question was not published until August 13,
the personal and private property of the defendant, who sold it 1919, and the order was not published until August 20,1919. In
to one of his customers. The government had not bought and the second place, as to the law, — one cannot be convicted of a
did not claim to own the rice, or have any interest in it. and at violation of a law or an order issued pursuant to the law when
the time of the alleged sale, it was the personal, private both the law and the order fail to set up an ascertainable
property of the defendant. It may be that the law was passed in standard of guilt. (U. S. vs Cohen Grocery Company [1921], 255
the interest of the public, but the members of this court have U. S., 81, holding section 4 of the Federal Food Control Act of
taken a solemn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, August 10, 1917, as amended, invalid.)
and it ought not to be construed to meet the changing winds or In order that there may not be any misunderstanding
emergency conditions. Again we say that no state or nation of our position, I would respectfully invite attention to the
under a republican form of government ever enacted a law decision of the United States Supreme Court in German Alliance
authorizing any executive, under the conditions stated, to fix Ins. Co. vs. Lewis [1914, 233 U. S., 389), concerning the
the price at which a private person would sell his own rice, and legislative regulation of the prices charged by businesses
make the broad statement that no decision of any court, on affected with a public interest, and to another decision of the
principle or by analogy. will ever be found which sustains the United States Supreme Court, that of Marshall Field & Co. vs.
constitutionality of that particular portion of Act No. 2868 here Clark [1892] U. S., 649], which adopts as its own the principle
in question. By the terms of the Organic Act, subject only to laid down in the case of Locke's Appeal [1873], 72 Pa. St., 491).
constitutional limitations, the power Legislature, which is elated namely: "The Legislature cannot delegate its power to make a
by a direct vote of the people of the Philippine Island. As to the law: but it can make a law to delegate a power to determine
question here involved, the authority of the Governor-General some fact or state of things upon which the law makes or
to fix the maximum price at which palay, rice and corn may be intends to make, its own action depend. To deny this would be
sold in the manner and under the conditions stated is a to stop the wheels of government. There are many things upon
delegation of legislative power in violation of the organic law. which wise and useful legislation must depend which cannot be
This opinion is confined to the particular question here know to law-making power, and must, therefore, be a subject
involved, which is the right of the Governor-General, upon the of inquiry and determination outside of the halls legislation.
terms and conditions stated in the Act, to fix the price of rice ||| (U.S. v. Ang Tang Ho, G.R. No. L-17122, [February 27, 1922], 43
and make it a crime to sell it at a higher price, and which holds
PHIL 1-19)
that portion of the Act unconstitutional. It does not decide or
undertake to construe the constitutionality of any of the
remaining of the Act.
The judgment of the lower court is reversed, and the
defendant discharged. So ordered.
Araullo, C. J., Johnson, Street, and Ostrand, JJ., concur.
Romualdez, J., concurs in the result.
Separate Opinions
EN BANC purpose and no carabeef shall be transported boundaries. His claim is that the penalty is invalid because it is
[G.R. No. 74457. March 20, 1987.] from one province to another. The carabao or imposed without according the owner a right to be heard
RESTITUTO YNOT, petitioner, vs. INTERMEDIATE carabeef transported in violation of this before a competent and impartial court as guaranteed by due
APPELLATE COURT, THE STATION COMMANDER, Executive Order as amended shall be subject to process. He complains that the measure should not have been
INTEGRATED NATIONAL POLICE, BAROTAC NUEVO, confiscation and forfeiture by the government, presumed, and so sustained, as constitutional. There is also a
ILOILO and THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, BUREAU OF to be distributed to charitable institutions and challenge to the improper exercise of the legislative power by
ANIMAL INDUSTRY, REGION IV, ILOILO other similar institutions as the Chairman of the the former President under Amendment No. 6 of the 1973
CITY, respondents. National Meat Inspection Commission may see Constitution. 4
fit, in the case of carabeef, and to deserving While also involving the same executive order, the
Ramon A. Gonzales for petitioner.
farmers through dispersal as the Director of case of Pesigan v. Angeles 5 is not applicable here. The question
DECISION Animal Industry may see fit, in the case of raised there was the necessity of the previous publication of the
CRUZ, J p: carabaos. measure in the Official Gazette before it could be considered
The essence of due process is distilled in the immortal "SECTION 2. This Executive Order shall take enforceable. We imposed the requirement then on the basis of
cry of Themistocles to Alcibiades: "Strike — but hear me first!'" effect immediately. due process of law. In doing so, however, this Court did not, as
It is this cry that the petitioner in effect repeats here as he "Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of contended by the Solicitor General, impliedly affirm the
challenges the constitutionality of Executive Order No. 626- October, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen constitutionality of Executive Order No. 626-A. That is an
A. Cdpr hundred and eighty. entirely different matter.
The said executive order reads in full as follows: (SGD.) This Court has declared that while lower courts should
"WHEREAS, the President has given orders FERDINAND E. observe a becoming modesty in examining constitutional
prohibiting the interprovincial movement of MARCOS questions, they are nonetheless not prevented from resolving
carabaos and the slaughtering of carabaos not President the same whenever warranted, subject only to review by the
complying with the requirements ofExecutive Republic of the highest tribunal. 6 We have jurisdiction under
Order No. 626 particularly with respect to age; Philippines" the Constitution to "review, revise, reverse, modify or affirm on
"WHEREAS, it has been observed that despite The petitioner had transported six carabaos in a pump appeal or certiorari, as the law or rules of court may provide,"
such orders the violators still manage to boat from Masbate to Iloilo on January 13, 1984, when they final judgments and orders of lower courts in, among others, all
circumvent the prohibition against were confiscated by the police station commander of Barotac cases involving the constitutionality of certain measures. 7 This
interprovincial movement of carabaos by Nuevo, Iloilo, for violation of the above measure. 1 The simply means that the resolution of such cases may be made in
transporting carabeef instead; and. petitioner sued for recovery, and the Regional Trial Court of the first instance by these lower courts.
"WHEREAS, in order to achieve the purposes Iloilo City issued a writ of replevin upon his filing of And while it is true that laws are presumed to be
and objectives of Executive Order No. 626 and a supersedeas bond of P12,000.00. After considering the merits constitutional, that presumption is not by any means conclusive
the prohibition against interprovincial of the case, the court sustained the confiscation of the carabaos and in fact may be rebutted. Indeed, if there be a clear showing
movement of carabaos, it is necessary to and, since they could no longer be produced, ordered the of their invalidity, and of the need to declare them so, then "will
strengthen the said Executive Order and provide confiscation of the bond. The court also declined to rule on the be the time to make the hammer fall, and heavily," 8 to recall
for the disposition of the carabaos and carabeef constitutionality of the executive order, as raised by the Justice Laurel's trenchant warning. Stated otherwise, courts
subject of the violation;. petitioner, for lack of authority and also for its presumed should not follow the path of least resistance by simply
validity. 2 presuming the constitutionality of a law when it is questioned.
The petitioner appealed the decision to the On the contrary, they should probe the issue more deeply, to
President of the Philippines, by virtue of the
Intermediate Appellate Court, * 3 which upheld the trial relieve the abscess, paraphrasing another distinguished
powers vested in me by the Constitution, do
court, ** and he has now come before us in this petition for jurist, 9 and so heal the wound or excise the affliction.
hereby promulgate the following:
review oncertiorari. prcd Judicial power authorizes this; and when the exercise is
"SECTION 1. Executive Order No. 626 is hereby
The thrust of his petition is that the executive order is demanded, there should be no shirking of the task for fear of
amended such that henceforth, no carabao
unconstitutional insofar as it authorizes outright confiscation of retaliation, or loss of favor, or popular censure, or any other
regardless of age, sex, physical condition or
the carabao or carabeef being transported across provincial
similar inhibition unworthy of the bench, especially this easily to every situation, enlarging or constricting its protection dispensed with because they are intended as a safeguard
Court. LLjur as the changing times and circumstances may require. against official arbitrariness. It is a gratifying commentary on
The challenged measure is denominated an executive Aware of this, the courts have also hesitated to adopt our judicial system that the jurisprudence of this country is rich
order but it is really presidential decree, promulgating a new their own specific description of due process lest they confine with applications of this guaranty as proof of our fealty to the
rule instead of merely implementing an existing law. It was themselves in a legal straitjacket that will deprive them of the rule of law and the ancient rudiments of fair play. We have
issued by President Marcos not for the purpose of taking care elbow room they may need to vary the meaning of the clause consistently declared that every person, faced by the awesome
that the laws were faithfully executed but in the exercise of his whenever indicated. Instead, they have preferred to leave the power of the State, is entitled to "the law of the land," which
legislative authority under Amendment No. 6. It was provided import of the protection open-ended, as it were, to be Daniel Webster described almost two hundred years ago in the
thereunder that whenever in his judgment there existed a grave "gradually ascertained by the process of inclusion and exclusion famous Dartmouth College Case, 14 as "the law which hears
emergency or a threat or imminence thereof or whenever the in the course of the decision of cases as they arise." 11 Thus, before it condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry and renders
legislature failed or was unable to act adequately on any matter Justice Felix Frankfurter of the U.S. Supreme Court, for example, judgment only after trial." It has to be so if the rights of every
that in his judgment required immediate action, he could, in would go no farther than to define due process - and in so doing person are to be secured beyond the reach of officials who, out
order to meet the exigency, issue decrees, orders or letters of sums it all up — as nothing more and nothing less than "the of mistaken zeal or plain arrogance, would degrade the due
instruction that were to have the force and effect of law. As embodiment of the sporting idea of fair play." 12 process clause into a worn and empty catchword.
there is no showing of any exigency to justify the exercise of When the barons of England extracted from their This is not to say that notice and hearing are
that extraordinary power then, the petitioner has reason, sovereign liege the reluctant promise that that Crown would imperative in every case for, to be sure, there are a number of
indeed, to question the validity of the executive order. thenceforth not proceed against the life, liberty or property of admitted exceptions. The conclusive presumption, for example,
Nevertheless, since the determination of the grounds was any of its subjects except by the lawful judgment of his peers or bars the admission of contrary evidence as long as such
supposed to have been made by the President "in his the law of the land, they thereby won for themselves and their presumption is based on human experience or there is a
judgment," a phrase that will lead to protracted discussion not progeny that splendid guaranty of fairness that is now the rational connection between the fact proved and the fact
really necessary at this time, we reserve resolution of this hallmark of the free society. The solemn vow that King John ultimately presumed therefrom. 15 There are instances when
matter until a more appropriate occasion. For the nonce, we made at Runnymede in 1215 has since then resounded through the need for expeditious action will justify omission of these
confine ourselves to the more fundamental question of due the ages, as a ringing reminder to all rulers, benevolent or base, requisites, as in the summary abatement of a nuisance per se,
process. that every person, when confronted by the stern visage of the like a mad dog on the loose, which may be killed on sight
It is part of the art of constitution-making that the law, is entitled to have his say in a fair and open hearing of his because of the immediate danger it poses to the safety and
provisions of the charter be cast in precise and unmistakable cause.prLL lives of the people. Pornographic materials, contaminated meat
language to avoid controversies that might arise on their and narcotic drugs are inherently pernicious and may be
correct interpretation. That is the ideal. In the case of the due summarily destroyed. The passport of a person sought for a
The closed mind has no place in the open society. It is criminal offense may be cancelled without hearing, to compel
process clause, however, this rule was deliberately not followed part of the sporting idea of fair play to hear "the other side"
and the wording was purposely kept ambiguous. In fact, a his return to the country he has fled. 16 Filthy restaurants may
before an opinion is formed or a decision is made by those who
proposal to delineate it more clearly was submitted in the be summarily padlocked in the interest of the public health and
sit in judgment. Obviously, one side is only one-half of the bawdy houses to protect the public morals. 17 In such
Constitutional Convention of 1934, but it was rejected by question; the other half must also be considered if an impartial
Delegate Jose P. Laurel, Chairman of the Committee on the Pill instances, previous judicial hearing may be omitted without
verdict is to be reached based on an informed appreciation of
of Rights, who forcefully argued against it. He was sustained by violation of due process in view of the nature of the property
the issues in contention. It is indispensable that the two sides
the body. 10 involved or the urgency of the need to protect the general
complement each other, as unto the bow the arrow, in leading welfare from a clear and present danger. cdll
The due process clause was kept intentionally vague so to the correct ruling after examination of the problem not from
it would remain also conveniently resilient. This was felt one or the other perspective only but in its totality. A judgment The protection of the general welfare is the particular
necessary because due process is not, like some provisions of based on less that this full appraisal, on the pretext that a function of the police power which both restraints and is
the fundamental law, an "iron rule" laying down an implacable hearing is unnecessary or useless, is tainted with the vice of bias restrained by due process. The police power is simply defined
and immutable command for all seasons and all persons. or intolerance or ignorance, or worst of all, in repressive as the power inherent in the State to regulate liberty and
Flexibility must be the best virtue of the guaranty. The very regimes, the insolence of power. property for the promotion of the general welfare. 18 By reason
elasticity of the due process clause was meant to make it adapt of its function, it extends to all the great public needs and is
The minimum requirements of due process are notice described as the most pervasive, the least limitable and the
and hearing 13 which, generally speaking, may not be
most demanding of the three inherent powers of the State, far the questioned statute was a valid exercise of the police power to strengthen the original measure, Executive Order No. 626-
outpacing taxation and eminent domain. The individual, as a and declared in part as follows: A imposes an absolute ban not on theslaughter of the carabaos
member of society, is hemmed in by the police power, which "To justify the State in thus interposing its but on their movement, providing that "no carabao regardless
affects him even before he is born and follows him still after he authority in behalf of the public, it must appear, of age, sex, physical condition or purpose (sic) and no carabeef
is dead — from the womb to beyond the tomb — in practically first, that the interests of the public generally, as shall be transported from one province to another." The object
everything he does or owns. Its reach is virtually limitless. It is a distinguished from those of a particular class, of the prohibition escapes us. The reasonable connection
ubiquitous and often unwelcome intrusion. Even so, as long as require such interference; and second, that the between the means employed and the purpose sought to be
the activity or the property has some relevance to the public means are reasonably necessary for the achieved by the questioned measure is missing.
welfare, its regulation under the police power is not only proper accomplishment of the purpose, and not unduly We do not see how the prohibition of the
but necessary. And the justification is found in the venerable oppressive upon individuals. . . . interprovincial transport of carabaos can prevent their
Latin maxims, Salus populi est suprema lex and Sic utere tuo ut "From what has been said, we think it is clear indiscriminate slaughter, considering that they can be killed
alienum non laedas, which call for the subordination of that the enactment of the provisions of the anywhere, with no less difficulty in one province than in
individual interests to the benefit of the greater number. statute under consideration was required by another. Obviously, retaining the carabaos in one province will
It is this power that is now invoked by the government `the interests of the public generally, as not prevent their slaughter there, any more than moving them
to justify Executive Order No. 626-A, amending the basic rule in distinguished from those of a particular class' to another province will make it easier to kill them there. As for
Executive Order No. 626, prohibiting the slaughter of carabaos and that the prohibition of the slaughter of the carabeef, the prohibition is made to apply to it as
except under certain conditions. The original measure was carabaos for human consumption, so long as otherwise, so says executive order, it could be easily
issued for the reason, as expressed in one of its Whereases, these animals are fit for agricultural work or circumvented by simply killing the animal. Perhaps so. However,
that "present conditions demand that the carabaos and the draft purposes was a 'reasonably necessary' if the movement of the live animals for the purpose of
buffaloes be conserved for the benefit of the small farmers who limitation on private ownership, to protect the preventing their slaughter cannot be prohibited, it should
rely on them for energy needs." We affirm at the outset the community from the loss of the services of such follow that there is no reason either to prohibit their transfer
need for such a measure. In the face of the worsening energy animals by their slaughter by improvident as, not to be flippant, dead meat.
crisis and the increased dependence of our farms on these owners, tempted either by greed of momentary Even if a reasonable relation between the means and
traditional beasts of burden, the government would have been gain, or by a desire to enjoy the luxury of animal the end were to be assumed, we would still have to reckon with
remiss, indeed, if it had not taken steps to protect and preserve food, even when by so doing the productive the sanction that the measure applies for violation of the
them. power of the community may be measurably prohibition. The penalty is outright confiscation of the carabao
A similar prohibition was challenged in United States v. and dangerously affected." or carabeef being transported, to be meted out by the
Toribio, 19 where a law regulating the registration, branding In the light of the tests mentioned above, we hold with executive authorities, usually the police only. In the Toribio
and slaughter of large cattle was claimed to be a deprivation of the Toribio Case that the carabao, as the poor man's tractor, so Case, the statute was sustained because the penalty prescribed
property without due process of law. The defendant had been to speak, has a direct relevance to the public welfare and so is a was fine and imprisonment, to be imposed by the court after
convicted thereunder for having slaughtered his own carabao lawful subject of Executive Order No. 626. The method chosen trial and conviction of the accused. Under the challenged
without the required permit, and he appealed to the Supreme in the basic measure is also reasonably necessary for the measure, significantly, no such trial is prescribed, and the
Court. The conviction was affirmed. The law was sustained as a purpose sought to be achieved and not unduly oppressive upon property being transported is immediately impounded by the
valid police measure to prevent the indiscriminate killing of individuals, again following the above-cited doctrine. There is police and declared, by the measure itself, as forfeited to the
carabaos, which were then badly needed by farmers. An no doubt that by banning the slaughter of these animals except government.
epidemic had stricken many of these animals and the reduction where they are at least seven years old if male and eleven years In the instant case, the carabaos were arbitrarily
of their number had resulted in an acute decline in agricultural old if female upon issuance of the necessary permit, the confiscated by the police station commander, were returned to
output, which in turn had caused an incipient famine. executive order will be conserving those still fit for farm work or the petitioner only after he had filed a complaint for recovery
Furthermore, because of the scarcity of the animals and the breeding and preventing their improvident depletion. llcd and given a supersedeas bond of P12,000.00, which was
consequent increase in their price, cattle-rustling had spread But while conceding that the amendatory measure has ordered confiscated upon his failure to produce the carabaos
alarmingly, necessitating more effective measures for the the same lawful subject as the original executive order, we when ordered by the trial court. The executive order defined
registration and branding of these animals. The Court held that cannot say with equal certainty that it complies with the second the prohibition, convicted the petitioner and immediately
requirement, viz., that there be a lawful method. We note that imposed punishment, which was carried out forthright. The
measure struck at once and pounced upon the petitioner Only the officers named can supply the answer, they and they without protest, and soon forgotten in the limbo of
without giving him a chance to be heard, thus denying him the alone may choose the grantee as they see fit, and in their own relinquished rights. LLpr
centuries-old guaranty of elementary fair play. exclusive discretion. Definitely, there is here a "roving The strength of democracy lies not in the rights it
It has already been remarked that there are occasions commission," a wide and sweeping authority that is not guarantees but in the courage of the people to invoke them
when notice and hearing may be validly dispensed with "canalized within banks that keep it from overflowing," in short, whenever they are ignored or violated. Rights are but weapons
notwithstanding the usual requirement for these minimum a clearly profligate and therefore invalid delegation of on the wall if, like expensive tapestry, all they do is embellish
guarantees of due process. It is also conceded that summary legislative powers. and impress. Rights, as weapons, must be a promise of
action may be validly taken in administrative proceedings as To sum up then, we find that the challenged measure protection. They become truly meaningful, and fulfill the role
procedural due process is not necessarily judicial only. 20 In the is an invalid exercise of the police power because the method assigned to them in the free society, if they are kept bright and
exceptional cases accepted, however, there is a justification for employed to conserve the carabaos is not reasonably necessary sharp with use by those who are not afraid to assert them.
the omission of the right to a previous hearing, to wit, to the purpose of the law and, worse, is unduly oppressive. Due WHEREFORE, Executive Order No. 626-A is hereby
the immediacy of the problem sought to be corrected and process is violated because the owner of the property declared unconstitutional. Except as affirmed above, the
the urgency of the need to correct it. cdphil confiscated is denied the right to be heard in his defense and is decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed.
In the case before us, there was no such pressure of immediately condemned and punished. The conferment on the Thesupersedeas bond is cancelled and the amount thereof is
time or action calling for the petitioner's peremptory administrative authorities of the power to adjudge the guilt of ordered restored to the petitioner. No costs.
treatment. The properties involved were not even inimical per the supposed offender is a clear encroachment on judicial SO ORDERED.
se as to require their instant destruction. There certainly was no functions and militates against the doctrine of separation of
powers. There is, finally, also an invalid delegation of legislative ||| (Ynot v. Intermediate Appellate Court, G.R. No. 74457, [March
reason why the offense prohibited by the executive order
powers to the officers mentioned therein who are granted 20, 1987], 232 PHIL 615-632)
should not have been proved first in a court of justice, with the
accused being accorded all the rights safeguarded to him under unlimited discretion in the distribution of the properties
the Constitution. Considering that, as we held in Pesigan v. arbitrarily taken. For these reasons, we hereby declareExecutive
Angeles, 21 Executive Order No. 626-A is penal in nature, the Order No. 626-A unconstitutional.
violation thereof should have been pronounced not by the We agree with the respondent court, however, that
police only but by a court of justice, which alone would have the police station commander who confiscated the petitioner's
had the authority to impose the prescribed penalty, and only carabaos is not liable in damages for enforcing the executive
after trial and conviction of the accused. order in accordance with its mandate. The law was at that time
We also mark, on top of all this, the questionable presumptively valid, and it was his obligation, as a member of
manner of the disposition of the confiscated property as the police, to enforce it. It would have been impertinent of him,
prescribed in the questioned executive order. It is there being a mere subordinate of the President, to declare the
authorized that the seized property shall "be distributed to executive order unconstitutional and, on his own responsibility
charitable institutions and other similar institutions as the alone, refuse to execute it. Even the trial court, in fact, and the
Chairman of the National Meat Inspection Commissionmay see Court of Appeals itself did not feel they had the competence,
fit, in the case of carabeef, and to deserving farmers through for all their superior authority, to question the order we now
dispersal as the Director of Animal Industry may see fit, in the annul.
case of carabaos." (Emphasis supplied.) The phrase "may see The Court notes that if the petitioner had not seen fit
fit" is an extremely generous and dangerous condition, if to assert and protect his rights as he saw them, this case would
condition it is. It is laden with perilous opportunities for never have reached us and the taking of his property under the
partiality and abuse, and even corruption. One searches in vain challenged measure would have become a fait accompli despite
for the usual standard and the reasonable guidelines, or better its invalidity. We commend him for his spirit. Without the
still, the limitations that the said officers must observe when present challenge, the matter would have ended in that pump
they make their distribution. There is none. Their options are boat in Masbate and another violation of the Constitution, for
apparently boundless. Who shall be the fortunate beneficiaries all its obviousness, would have been perpetrated, allowed
of their generosity and by what criteria shall they be chosen?
EN BANC demonstrate that the statute and regulation they assail in fact more fundamental rule of the separation and allocation of
[G.R. No. 78164. July 31, 1987.] clash with that provision. On the contrary we may note — in powers among the three great departments of government,
TERESITA TABLARIN, MA. LUZ CIRIACO, MA. anticipation of discussion infra - that the statute and the must be applied with circumspection in respect of statutes
NIMFA B. ROVIRA, EVANGELINA S. LABAO, in regulation which petitioners attack are in fact designed to which like the Medical Act of 1959, deal with subjects as
their behalf and in behalf of applicants for promote "quality education" at the level of professional obviously complex and technical as medical education and the
admission into the Medical Colleges during the schools. When one reads Section 1 in relation to Section 5 (3) of practice of medicine in our present day world. Mr. Justice Laurel
school year 1987-88 and future years who have Article XIV as one must one cannot but note that the latter stressed this point 47 years ago in Pangasinan Transportation
not taken or successfully hurdled the National phrase of Section 1 is not to be read with absolute literalness. Co., Inc. vs. The Public Service Commission: "One thing,
Medical Admission Test The State is not really enjoined to take appropriate steps to however, is apparent in the development of the principle of
(NMAT) petitioners, vs. THE HONORABLE JUDGE make quality education "accessible to all who might for any separation of powers and that is that the maxim of delegatus
ANGELINA S. GUTIERREZ, Presiding Judge of number of reasons wish to enroll in a professional school but non potest delegare or delegati potestas non potest delegare,
Branch XXXVII of the Regional Trial Court of the rather merely to make such education accessible to all who adopted this practice (Delegibus et Consuetudiniis Anglia edited
National Capital Judicial Region with seat at qualify under "fair, reasonable and equitable admission and by G.E. Woodbine, Yale University Press, 1922, Vol. 2, p. 167)
Manila, THE HONORABLE SECRETARY LOURDES academic requirements." but which is also recognized in principle in the Roman Law
QUISUMBING, in her capacity as Chairman of 2. ID.; CONSTITUTIONALITY ESSENTIALLY A QUESTION (d.17.18,3) has been made to adapt itself to the complexities of
the BOARD OF MEDICAL EDUCATION, and THE OF POWER OR AUTHORITY; QUESTIONS AS TO DESIRABILITY, modern government, giving rise to the adoption, within certain
CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT WISDOM OR UTILITY OF LEGISLATION OR ADMINISTRATIVE limits, of the principle of 'subordinate legislation,' not only in
(CEM), respondents. REGULATION PROPERLY ADDRESSED TO POLITICAL the United States and England but in practically all modern
DEPARTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT. — The petitioners also urge governments. (People vs. Rosenthal and Osmena [68 Phil. 318,
that the NMAT prescribed in MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, is an 1939]. Accordingly, with the growing complexity of modern life,
1. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; DECLARATION OF the multiplication of the subjects of governmental regulation,
"unfair, unreasonable and inequitable requirement," which
UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF STATUTE AND ADMINISTRATIVE results in a denial of due process. Again, petitioners have failed and the increased difficulty of administering the laws, there is a
ORDER; BURDEN OF PROOF TO BE DISCHARGED; CASE AT BAR. constantly growing tendency toward the delegation of greater
to specify just what factors or features of the NMAT render it
— Article II of the 1987 Constitution sets forth in its second half power by the legislature, and toward the approval of the
"unfair" and "unreasonable" or "inequitable." They appear to
certain "State policies" which the government is enjoined to suggest that passing the NMAT is an unnecessary requirement practice by the courts." The standards set for subordinate
pursue and promote. The petitioners here have not seriously legislation in the exercise of rule making authority by an
when added on top of the admission requirements set out in
undertaken to demonstrate to what extent or in what manner administrative agency like the Board of Medical Education are
Section 7 of the Medical Act of 1959, and other admission
the statute and the administrative order they assail collide with necessarily broad and highly abstract. As explained by then Mr.
requirements established by internal regulations of the various
the State policies embodied in Sections 11, 13 and 17. They medical schools, public or private. Petitioners arguments thus Justice Fernando in Edu v. Ericta — "The standard may be either
have not, in other words, discharged the burden of proof which expressed or implied. If the former, the non-delegation
appear to relate to utility and wisdom or desirability of the
lies upon them. This burden is heavy enough where the objection is easily met. The standard though does not have to
NMAT requirement. But constitutionality is essentially a
constitutional provision invoked is relatively specific, rather question of power or authority: this Court has neither be spelled out specifically. It could be implied from the policy
than abstract, in character and cast in behavioral or operational and purpose of the act considered as a whole. In the Reflector
commission or competence to pass upon questions of the
terms. That burden of proof becomes of necessity heavier Law, clearly the legislative objective is public safety. What is
desirability or wisdom or utility of legislation or administrative
where the constitutional provision invoked is cast, as the sought to be attained as in Calalang v. Williams is 'safe transit
regulation. Those questions must be addressed to the political
second portion of Article II is cast, in language descriptive of departments of the government not to the courts. upon the roads.'" We believe and so hold that the necessary
basic policies, or more precisely, of basic objectives of State standards are set forth in Section 1 of the 1959 Medical Act:
policy and therefore highly generalized in tenor. The petitioners 3. ID.; PRINCIPLE OF NON-DELEGATION OF LEGISLATIVE
POWER; APPLIED WITH CIRCUMSPECTION WHERE STATUTES "the standardization and regulation of medical education" and
have not made their case, even a prima facie case, and we are in Section 5 (a) and 7 of the same Act, the body of the statute
not compelled to speculate and to imagine how the legislation DEAL WITH COMPLEX AND TECHNICAL SUBJECTS; PRINCIPLE OF
SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION; STANDARDS SET FOR itself, and that these considered together are sufficient
and regulation impugned as unconstitutional could possibly compliance with the requirements of the non-delegation
offend the constitutional provisions pointed to by the SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION NECESSARILY BROAD AND HIGHLY
ABSTRACT. — The general principle of non-delegation of principle.
petitioners. Turning to Article XIV, Section 1, of the 1987 4. ID.; POLICE POWER; NATURE AND OBJECTIVE;
Constitution, we note that once more petitioners have failed to legislative power, which both flows from the reinforces the
ADMISSION TO RANKS OF AUTHORIZED PRACTITIONERS A to maintain, and the difficulties of maintaining, high standards To establish a permanent and immutable cutoff score
VALID EXERCISE THEREOF. — There is another reason why the in our professional schools in general, and medical schools in regardless of changes in circumstances from year to year, may
petitioners' arguments must fail: the legislative and particular, in the current stage of our social and economic well result in an unreasonable rigidity. The above language in
administrative provisions impugned by them constitute, to the development, are widely known. We believe that the MECS Order No. 52, far from being arbitrary or capricious,
mind of the Court, a valid exercise of the police power of the government is entitled to prescribe an admission test like the leaves the Board of Medical Education with the measure of
state. The police power, it is commonplace learning, is the NMAT as a means for achieving its stated objective of flexibility needed to meet circumstances as they change.
pervasive and non-waivable power and authority of the "upgrading the selection of applicants into [our] medical DECISION
sovereign to secure and promote all the important interests and schools" and of "improv[ing] the quality of medical education in FELICIANO, J p:
needs — in a word, the public order — of the general the country." Given the widespread use today of such
The petitioners sought admission into colleges
community. An important component of that public order is the admission tests in, for instance, medical schools in the United
health and physical safety and well being of the population, the States of America (the Medical College Admission Test [MCAT] or schools of medicine for the school year 1987-1988.
However, the petitioners either did not take or did not
securing of which no one can deny is a legitimate objective of and quite probably in other countries with far more developed
successfully take the National Medical Admission Test
governmental effort and regulation. Perhaps the only issue that educational resources than our own, and taking into account
needs some consideration is whether there is some reasonable the failure or inability of the petitioners to even attempt to (NMAT) required by the Board of Medical Education, one
of the public respondents, and administered by the
relation between the prescribing of passing the NMAT as a prove otherwise, we are entitled to hold that the NMAT is
private respondent, the Center for Educational
condition for admission to medical school on the one hand, and reasonably related to the securing of the ultimate end of
Measurement (CEM).
the securing of the health and safety of the general community, legislation and regulation in this area. That end, it is useful to
on the other hand. This question is perhaps most usefully recall, is the protection of the public from the potentially deadly On 5 March 1987, the petitioners filed with the
approached by recalling that the regulation of the practice of effects of incompetence and ignorance in those who would Regional Trial Court, National Capital Judicial Region, a
medicine in all its branches has long been recognized as a undertake to treat our bodies and minds for disease or trauma. Petition for Declaratory Judgment and Prohibition with a
reasonable method of protecting the health and safety of the prayer for Temporary Restraining Order and Preliminary
public. That the power to regulate and control the practice of LAWS; NOT VIOLATED BY MECS ORDER NO. 52, S. 1985. — Injunction. The petitioners sought to enjoin the Secretary
medicine includes the power to regulate admission to the ranks of Education, Culture and Sports, the Board of Medical
Petitioners have contended, finally, that MECS Order No. 52, s.
of those authorized to practice medicine, is also well Education and the Center for Educational Measurement
1985, is in conflict with the equal protection clause of
recognized. Thus, legislation and administrative regulations the Constitution. More specifically, petitioners assert that from enforcing Section 5 (a) and (f) of Republic Act No.
requiring those who wish to practice medicine first to take and 2382, as amended, and MECS Order No. 52, series of
portion of the MECS Order which provides that "the cutoff score
pass medical board examinations have long ago been 1985, dated 23 August 1985 and from requiring the
for the successful applicants, based on the scores on the
recognized as valid exercises of governmental power. Similarly, taking and passing of the NMAT as a condition for
NMAT, shall be determined every year by the Board of Medical
the establishment of minimum medical educational Education after consultation with the Association of Philippine securing certificates of eligibility for admission, from
requirements — i.e., the completion of prescribed courses in a proceeding with accepting applications for taking the
Medical Colleges" infringes the requirements of equal
recognized medical school — for admission to the medical NMAT and from administering the NMAT as scheduled
protection. They assert, in other words, that students seeking
profession, has also been sustained as a legitimate exercise of admission during a given school year. e.g., 1987-1988, when on 26 April 1987 and in the future. After hearing on the
the regulatory authority of the state. petition for issuance of preliminary injunction, the trial
subjected to a different cutoff score than that established for
court denied said petition on 20 April 1987. The NMAT
5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; CASE AT BAR. — What we have an, e.g., earlier school year, are discriminated against and that
was conducted and administered as previously
before us in the instant case is closely related; the regulation of this renders the MECS Order "arbitrary and capricious." The
access to medical schools. MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, as noted force of this argument is more apparent than real. Different scheduled.
earlier, articulates the rationale of regulation of this type: the cutoff scores for different school years may be dictated by Petitioners accordingly filed this Special Civil
improvement of the professional and technical quality of the differing conditions obtaining during those years. Thus, the Action for Certiorari with this Court to set aside the
graduates of medical schools, by upgrading the quality of those appropriate cutoff score for a given year may be a function of Order of the respondent judge denying the petition for
admitted to the student body of the medical schools. That such factors as the number of students who have reached the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction.
upgrading is sought by selectivity in the process of admission, cutoff score established the preceding year; the number of Republic Act 2382, as amended by Republic Acts
selectivity consisting, among other things, of limiting admission places available in medical schools during the current year; the Nos. 4224 and 5946, known as the "Medical Act of 1959"
to those who exhibit in the required degree the aptitude for average score attained during the current year; the level of defines its basic objectives in the following manner:
medical studies and eventually for medical practice. The need difficulty of the test given during the current year, and so forth.
"SECTION 1. Objectives. — This (d) To determine and prescribe medical school from the Board of Medical
Act provides for and shall govern (a) the the minimum required curriculum Education; (c) a certificate of good moral
standardization and regulation of medical leading to the degree of Doctor of character issued by two former professors in
education; (b) the examination for Medicine; the college of liberal arts; and (d) birth
registration of physicians; and (c) the (e) To authorize the certificate. Nothing in this act shall be
supervision, control and regulation of the implementation of experimental medical construed to inhibit any college of medicine
practice of medicine in the Philippines." curriculum in a medical school that has from establishing, in addition to the
(Emphasis supplied) exceptional faculty and instrumental preceding, other entrance requirements that
The statute, among other things, created a facilities. Such an experimental may be deemed admissible.
Board of Medical Education which is composed of (a) the curriculum may prescribe admission and . . ."(Emphasis supplied)
Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports or his duly graduation requirements other than MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, issued by the then
authorized representative, as Chairman; (b) the those prescribed in this Act; Provided, Minister of Education, Culture and Sports and dated 23
Secretary of Health or his duly authorized That only exceptional students shall be August 1985, established a uniform admission test called
representative; (c) the Director of Higher Education or enrolled in the experimental curriculum; the National Medical Admission Test (NMAT) as an
his duly authorized representative; (d) the Chairman of (f) To accept applications for additional requirement for issuance of a certificate of
the Medical Board or his duly authorized representative; certification for admission to a medical eligibility for admission into medical schools of the
(e) a representative of the Philippine Medical school and keep a register of those issued Philippines, beginning with the school year 1986-1987.
Association; (f) the Dean of the College of Medicine, said certificate; and to collect from said This Order goes on to state that:
University of the Philippines; (g) a representative of the applicants the amount of twenty-five "2. The NMAT, an aptitude test,
Council of Deans of Philippine Medical Schools; and (h) a pesos each which shall accrue to the is considered as an instrument toward
representative of the Association of Philippine Medical operating fund of the Board of Medical upgrading the selection of applicants for
Colleges, as members. The functions of the Board of Education; admission into the medical schools and its
Medical Education specified in Section 5 of the statute (g) To select, determine and calculated to improve the quality of
include the following: LLphil approve hospitals or some departments medical education in the country. The
"(a) To determine and prescribe of the hospitals for training which comply cutoff score for the successful applicants,
requirements for admission into a with the minimum specific physical based on the scores on the NMAT, shall
recognized college of medicine; facilities as provided in subparagraph (b) be determined every year by the Board
(b) To determine and prescribe hereof; and of Medical Education after consultation
requirements for minimum physical (h) To promulgate and prescribe with the Association of Philippine
facilities of colleges of medicine, to wit: and enforce the necessary rules and Medical Colleges. The NMAT rating of
buildings, including hospitals, equipment regulations for the proper each applicant, together with the other
and supplies, apparatus, instruments, implementation of the foregoing admission requirements as presently
appliances, laboratories, bed capacity for functions." (Emphasis supplied). called for under existing rules, shall serve
instruction purposes, operating and Section 7 prescribes certain minimum as a basis for the issuance of the
delivery rooms, facilities for outpatient requirements for applicants to medical schools: prescribed certificate of eligibility for
services, and others, used for didactic admission into the medical colleges.
"Admission requirements. — The
and practical instruction in accordance 3. Subject to the prior approval
medical college may admit any student who
with modern trends; of the Board of Medical Education, each
has not been convicted by any court of
(c) To determine and prescribe competent jurisdiction of any offense medical college may give other tests for
the minimum number and minimum involving moral turpitude and who applicants who have been issued a
qualifications of teaching personnel, presents (a) a record of completion of a corresponding certificate of eligibility for
including student-teachers ratio; bachelor's degree in science or arts; (b) a admission that will yield information on
certificate of eligibility for entrance to a other aspects of the applicant's
personality to complement the "(b) Article II, Section 13: "The generalized in tenor. The petitioners have not made their
information derived from the NMAT. State recognizes the vital role of the case, even a prima facie case, and we are not compelled
xxx xxx xxx youth in nation building and shall to speculate and to imagine how the legislation and
8. No applicant shall be issued promote and protect their physical, regulation impugned as unconstitutional could possibly
the requisite Certificate of Eligibility for moral, spiritual, intellectual and social offend the constitutional provisions pointed to by the
Admission (CEA), or admitted for well being. It shall inculcate in the youth petitioners.
enrollment as first year student in any patriotism and nationalism, and Turning to Article XIV, Section 1, of the 1987
medical college, beginning the school encourage their involvement in public Constitution, we note that once more petitioners have
year, 1986- 87, without the required and civic affairs. failed to demonstrate that the statute and regulation
NMAT qualification as called for under "(c) Article II, Section 17: "The they assail in fact clash with that provision. On the
this Order." (Emphasis supplied) State shall give priority to education, contrary we may note - in anticipation of
Pursuant to MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, the science and technology, arts, culture and discussion infra — that the statute and the regulation
private respondent Center conducted NMATs for sports to foster patriotism and which petitioners attack are in fact designed to promote
entrance to medical colleges during the school year nationalism, accelerate social progress "quality education" at the level of professional schools.
1986-1987. In December 1986 and in April 1987, and to promote total human liberation When one reads Section 1 in relation to Section 5 (3) of
respondent Center conducted the NMATs for admission and development. Article XIV as one must one cannot but note that the
to medical colleges during the school year 1987- "(d) Article XIV, Section 1: "The latter phrase of Section 1 is not to be read with absolute
1988. prcd State shall protect and promote the right literalness. The State is not really enjoined to take
of all citizens to quality education at all appropriate steps to make quality education "accessible
Petitioners raise the question of whether or not
levels and take appropriate steps to to all who might for any number of reasons wish to
a writ of preliminary injunction may be issued to enjoin
make such education accessible to all. enroll in a professional school but rather merely to make
the enforcement of Section 5 (a) and (f) of Republic Act such education accessible to all who qualify under "fair,
No. 2382, as amended, and MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, "(e) Article XIV, Section 5 (3):
"Every citizen has a right to select a reasonable and equitable admission and academic
pending resolution of the issue of constitutionality of the
profession or course of study, subject to requirements."
assailed statute and administrative order. We regard this
issue as entirely peripheral in nature. It scarcely needs fair, reasonable and equitable admission 2. In the trial court, petitioners had made the
documentation that a court would issue a writ of and academic requirements." argument that Section 5 (a) and (f) of Republic Act No.
preliminary injunction only when the petitioner assailing Article II of the 1987 Constitution sets forth in 2382, as amended, offend against the constitutional
a statute or administrative order has made out a case of its second half certain "State policies" which the principle which forbids the undue delegation of
unconstitutionality strong enough to overcome, in the government is enjoined to pursue and promote. The legislative power, by failing to establish the necessary
mind of the judge, the presumption of constitutionality, petitioners here have not seriously undertaken to standard to be followed by the delegate, the Board of
aside from showing a clear legal right to the remedy demonstrate to what extent or in what manner the Medical Education. The general principle of non-
sought. The fundamental issue is of course the statute and the administrative order they assail collide delegation of legislative power, which both flows from
constitutionality of the statute or order assailed. with the State policies embodied in Sections 11, 13 and the reinforces the more fundamental rule of the
17. They have not, in other words, discharged the separation and allocation of powers among the three
1. The petitioners invoke a number of
burden of proof which lies upon them. This burden is great departments of government, 1 must be applied
provisions of the 1987 Constitution which are, in their with circumspection in respect of statutes which like
assertion, violated by the continued implementation of heavy enough where the constitutional provision
invoked is relatively specific, rather than abstract, in the Medical Act of 1959, deal with subjects as obviously
Section 5 (a) and (f) of Republic Act 2381, as amended,
character and cast in behavioral or operational terms. complex and technical as medical education and the
and MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985. The provisions invoked
That burden of proof becomes of necessity heavier practice of medicine in our present day world. Mr.
read as follows: Justice Laurel stressed this point 47 years ago
(a) Article II, Section 11: "The where the constitutional provision invoked is cast, as the
second portion of Article II is cast, in language in Pangasinan Transportation Co., Inc. vs. The Public
state values the dignity of every human Service Commission: 2
person and guarantees full respect of descriptive of basic policies, or more precisely, of basic
human rights. objectives of State policy and therefore highly
"One thing, however, is apparent in We believe and so hold that the necessary relation between the prescribing of passing the NMAT as
the development of the principle of standards are set forth in Section 1 of the 1959 Medical a condition for admission to medical school on the one
separation of powers and that is that the Act: "the standardization and regulation of medical hand, and the securing of the health and safety of the
maxim of delegatus non potest education" and in Section 5 (a) and 7 of the same Act, general community, on the other hand. This question is
delegare or delegati potestas non potest the body of the statute itself, and that these considered perhaps most usefully approached by recalling that
delegare, adopted this practice (Delegibus et together are sufficient compliance with the the regulation of the practice of medicine in all its
Consuetudiniis Anglia edited by G.E. requirements of the non-delegation principle. LLphil branches has long been recognized as a reasonable
Woodbine, Yale University Press, 1922, Vol. 2, 3. The petitioners also urge that the NMAT method of protecting the health and safety of the
p. 167) but which is also recognized in prescribed in MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, is an "unfair, public. 8 That the power to regulate and control the
principle in the Roman Law (d.17.18,3) has unreasonable and inequitable requirement," which practice of medicine includes the power to regulate
been made to adapt itself to the complexities results in a denial of due process. Again, petitioners have admission to the ranks of those authorized to practice
of modern government, giving rise to the failed to specify just what factors or features of the medicine, is also well recognized. Thus, legislation and
adoption, within certain limits, of the NMAT render it "unfair" and "unreasonable" or administrative regulations requiring those who wish to
principle of 'subordinate legislation,' not only "inequitable." They appear to suggest that passing the practice medicine first to take and pass medical board
in the United States and England but in NMAT is an unnecessary requirement when added on examinations have long ago been recognized as valid
practically all modern governments. (People top of the admission requirements set out in Section 7 of exercises of governmental power. 9 Similarly, the
vs. Rosenthal and Osmena [68 Phil. 318, the Medical Act of 1959, and other admission establishment of minimum medical educational
1939]. Accordingly, with the growing requirements established by internal regulations of the requirements — i.e., the completion of prescribed
complexity of modern life, the multiplication various medical schools, public or private. Petitioners courses in a recognized medical school — for admission
of the subjects of governmental regulation, arguments thus appear to relate to utility and wisdom or to the medical profession, has also been sustained as a
and the increased difficulty of administering desirability of the NMAT requirement. But legitimate exercise of the regulatory authority of the
the laws, there is a constantly growing constitutionality is essentially a question of power or state. 10 What we have before us in the instant case is
tendency toward the delegation of greater authority: this Court has neither commission or closely related; the regulation of access to medical
power by the legislature, and toward the competence to pass upon questions of the desirability or schools. MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, as noted earlier,
approval of the practice by the courts." 3 wisdom or utility of legislation or administrative articulates the rationale of regulation of this type: the
The standards set for subordinate legislation in regulation. Those questions must be addressed to the improvement of the professional and technical quality of
the exercise of rule making authority by an political departments of the government not to the the graduates of medical schools, by upgrading the
administrative agency like the Board of Medical courts. quality of those admitted to the student body of the
Education are necessarily broad and highly abstract. As There is another reason why the petitioners' medical schools. That upgrading is sought by selectivity
explained by then Mr. Justice Fernando in Edu v. arguments must fail: the legislative and administrative in the process of admission, selectivity consisting, among
Ericta 4 — provisions impugned by them constitute, to the mind of other things, of limiting admission to those who exhibit
"The standard may be either expressed the Court, a valid exercise of the police power of the in the required degree the aptitude for medical studies
or implied. If the former, the non- state. The police power, it is commonplace learning, is and eventually for medical practice. The need to
delegation objection is easily met. The the pervasive and non-waivable power and authority of maintain, and the difficulties of maintaining, high
standard though does not have to be the sovereign to secure and promote all the important standards in our professional schools in general, and
spelled out specifically. It could be implied interests and needs — in a word, the public order — of medical schools in particular, in the current stage of our
from the policy and purpose of the act the general community. 6 An important component of social and economic development, are widely known.
considered as a whole. In the Reflector that public order is the health and physical safety and
Law, clearly the legislative objective is well being of the population, the securing of which no We believe that the government is entitled to
public safety. What is sought to be one can deny is a legitimate objective of governmental prescribe an admission test like the NMAT as a means for
attained as in Calalang v. Williams is 'safe effort and regulation. 7 achieving its stated objective of "upgrading the selection
transit upon the roads.'" 5 Perhaps the only issue that needs some of applicants into [our] medical schools" and of
consideration is whether there is some reasonable "improv[ing] the quality of medical education in the
country." Given the widespread use today of such changes in circumstances from year to year, may well
admission tests in, for instance, medical schools in the result in an unreasonable rigidity. The above language in
United States of America (the Medical College Admission MECS Order No. 52, far from being arbitrary or
Test [MCAT] 11 and quite probably in other countries capricious, leaves the Board of Medical Education with
with far more developed educational resources than our the measure of flexibility needed to meet circumstances
own, and taking into account the failure or inability of as they change.
the petitioners to even attempt to prove otherwise, we We conclude that prescribing the NMAT and
are entitled to hold that the NMAT is reasonably related requiring certain minimum scores therein as a condition
to the securing of the ultimate end of legislation and for admission to medical schools in the Philippines, do
regulation in this area. That end, it is useful to recall, is not constitute an unconstitutional imposition.
the protection of the public from the potentially deadly WHEREFORE, the Petition for Certiorari is
effects of incompetence and ignorance in those who DISMISSED and the Order of the respondent trial court
would undertake to treat our bodies and minds for denying the petition for a writ of preliminary injunction
disease or trauma. cdrep is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioners.
4. Petitioners have contended, finally, that SO ORDERED.
MECS Order No. 52, s. 1985, is in conflict with the equal
||| (Tablarin v. Gutierrez, G.R. No. 78164, [July 31, 1987], 236 PHIL
protection clause of the Constitution. More specifically,
petitioners assert that portion of the MECS Order which 768-785)
provides that.
"the cutoff score for the successful applicants,
based on the scores on the NMAT, shall be
determined every year by the Board of Medical
Education after consultation with the
Association of Philippine Medical Colleges."
(Emphasis supplied).
infringes the requirements of equal protection. They
assert, in other words, that students seeking admission
during a given school year. e.g., 1987-1988, when
subjected to a different cutoff score than that
established for an, e.g., earlier school year, are
discriminated against and that this renders the MECS
Order "arbitrary and capricious." The force of this
argument is more apparent than real. Different cutoff
scores for different school years may be dictated by
differing conditions obtaining during those years. Thus,
the appropriate cutoff score for a given year may be a
function of such factors as the number of students who
have reached the cutoff score established the preceding
year; the number of places available in medical schools
during the current year; the average score attained
during the current year; the level of difficulty of the test
given during the current year, and so forth. To establish a
permanent and immutable cutoff score regardless of
EN BANC details in the enforcement of a law. It does not enunciate any interfere in the exercise of such discretion as may be vested by
[G.R. No. L-23825. December 24, 1965.] policy to be carried out or implemented by the President. law in the officers of the executive departments, bureaus or
EMMANUEL PELAEZ, petitioner, vs. THE 5. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; ABDICATION OF POWERS OF offices of the national government, as well as to act in lieu of
AUDITOR GENERAL, respondent. CONGRESS IN FAVOR OF THE EXECUTIVE. — If the validity of such officers. This power is denied by the Constitution to the
said delegation of powers, made in Section 68 of theRevised Executive, insofar as local governments are concerned. With
Zulueta, Gonzales, Paculdo & Associates for petitioner.
Administrative Code, were upheld, there would no longer be respect to the latter, the fundamental law permits him to wield
Solicitor General for respondent. any legal impediment to a statutory grant of authority to the no more authority than that of checking whether said local
SYLLABUS President to do anything which, in his opinion, may be required governments or the officers thereof perform their duties as
1. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW; POWER OF PRESIDENT TO by public welfare or public interest. Such grant of authority provided by statutory enactments. Hence, the President cannot
CREATE MUNICIPALITIES. — Since January 1, 1960, would be a virtual abdication of the powers of Congress in favor interfere with local governments, so long as the same or its
when Republic Act No. 2370 became effective, barrios may "not of the Executive, and would bring about a total collapse of the officers act within the scope of their authority. He may not, for
be created or their boundaries altered nor their names democratic system established by the Constitution. instance, suspend an elective official of a regular municipality or
changed" except by Act of Congress or of the corresponding 6. ID.; ID.; ID.; NATURE OF POWERS DEALT WITH IN take any disciplinary action against him, except on appeal from
provincial board "upon petition of a majority of the voters in SECTION 68 OF THE REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. — It is a decision of the corresponding provincial board. If, on the
the areas affected" and the "recommendation of the council of true that in Calalang vs. Williams (70 Phil., 726) andPeople vs. other hand, the President could create a municipality, he could,
the municipality or municipalities in which the proposed barrio Rosenthal (68 Phil., 328), this Court had upheld "public welfare" in effect, remove any of its officials, by creating a new
is situated." This statutory denial of the presidential authority to and "public interest," respectively, as sufficient standards, for a municipality and including therein the barrio in which the
create a new barrio implies a negation of the bigger power to valid delegation of the authority to execute the law. But the official concerned resides, for his office would thereby become
create municipalities, each of which consists of several barrios. doctrine laid down in these cases must be construed in relation vacant (Section 2179, Revised Administrative Code). Thus, by
2. ID.; ID.; NATURE OF POWER TO CREATE to the specific facts and issues involved therein, outside of merely brandishing the power to create a new municipality,
MUNICIPALITIES. — Whereas the power to fix a common which they do not constitute precedents and have no binding without actually creating it, he could compel local officials to
boundary, in order to avoid or settle conflicts of jurisdiction effect. Both cases involved grants to administrative officers of submit to his dictation, thereby, in effect, exercising over them
between adjoining municipalities, may partake of an powers related to the exercise of their administrative functions, the power of control denied to him by the Constitution.
administrative nature — involving, as it does, the adoption of calling for the determination of questions of fact. Such is not 9. ID.; ID.; ID.; ID.; SECTION 68, REVISED
means and ways to carry into effect the law creating said the nature of the powers dealt with in Section 68 of the Revised ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, REPEALED BY THE CONSTITUTION. —
municipalities — the authority to create municipal corporations Administrative Code. The creation of municipalities being The power of control of the President over executive
is essentially legislative in nature. essentially and eminently legislative in character, the question departments, bureaus or offices under Section 10 (a) of Article
3. ID.; ID.; ID.; REQUISITES FOR VALID DELEGATION OF whether or not "public interest" demands the exercise of such X of the Constitution implies no more than the authority to
POWER. — Although Congress may delegate to another branch power is not one of fact. It is purely a legislative question assume directly the functions thereof or to interfere in the
of the Government the power to fill in the details in the (Carolina- Virginia Coastal Highway vs. Coastal Turnpike exercise of discretion by its officials. Manifestly, such control
execution, enforcement or administration of a law, it is Authority, 74 S.E. 21., 310-313, 315-318), or a political question does not include the authority either to abolish an executive
essential that said law: (a) be complete in itself, setting forth (Udall vs. Severn, 79 p. 2d., 347-349). department or bureau, or to create a new one. As a
therein the policy to be executed, carried out or implemented 7. ID.; ID., ID.; ID.; PROOF THAT ISSUANCE OF consequence, the alleged power of the President to create
by the delegate; and (b) fix a standard - the limits of which are EXECUTIVE ORDERS IN QUESTION ENTAILS EXERCISE OF PURELY municipal corporations would necessarily connote the exercise
sufficiently determinate or determinable to which the delegate LEGISLATIVE FUNCTIONS. — The fact that Executive Orders Nos. by him of an authority even greater than that of control which
must conform in the performance of his functions. 93 to 121, 124 and 126 to 129, creating thirty-three he has over the executive departments, bureaus or offices.
municipalities, were issued after the legislative bills for the Instead of giving the President less power over local
creation of the said municipalities had failed to pass Congress, is governments than that vested in him over the executive
the best proof that their issuance entails the exercise of purely departments, bureaus or offices, it reverses the process and
ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. — Section 68 of the Revised
legislative functions. does the exact opposite, by conferring upon him more power
Administrative Code, insofar as it grants to the President the
over municipal corporations than that which he has over
power to create municipalities, does not meet the well-settled 8. ID.; ID.; ID.; POWER OF CONTROL OVER LOCAL
executive departments, bureaus or offices. Even if, therefore, it
requirements for a valid delegation of the power to fix the GOVERNMENTS. — The power of control under Section 10(a) of did not entail an undue delegation of legislative powers, as it
Article X of the Constitution implies the right of the President to
certainly does, said Section 68, as part of the Revised
Administrative Code, approved on March 10, 1917, must be pursuant to Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code, the proposed barrio is situated. The
deemed repealed by the subsequent adoption of issued Executive Orders Nos. 93 to 121, 124 and 126 to 129, recommendation of the municipal council
the Constitution in 1935, which is utterly incompatible and creating thirty-three (33) municipalities enumerated in the shall be embodied in a resolution
inconsistent with said statutory enactment. (De los Santos vs. margin. 1 Soon after the date last mentioned, or on November approved by at least two-thirds of the
Mallare, 87 Phil., 289, 298-299.) 10, 1964, petitioner Emmanuel Pelaez, as Vice-President of the entire membership of the said
10. ID. ID.; ID.; MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS CONCERNED Philippines and as taxpayer, instituted the present special civil council: Provided, however, That no new
DULY REPRESENTED IN PRESENT CASE. — It is contended that action, for a writ of prohibition with preliminary injunction, barrio may be created if its population is
not all the proper parties have been impleaded in the present against the Auditor General, to restrain him, as well as his less than five hundred persons."
case. Suffice it to say that the records do not show, and the representatives and agents, from passing in audit any Hence, since January 1, 1960, when Republic Act No.
parties do not claim, that the officers of any of the expenditure of public funds in implementation of said executive 2370 became effective, barrios may "not be created or their
municipalities concerned have been appointed or elected and orders and/or any disbursement by said municipalities. boundaries altered nor their names changed" except by Act of
have assumed office. At any rate, the Solicitor-General, who has Petitioner alleges that said executive orders are null Congress or of the corresponding provincial board "upon
appeared on behalf of respondent Auditor General, is the and void, upon the ground that said Section 68 has been petition of a majority of the voters in the areas affected" and
officer authorized by law "to act and represent the Government impliedly repealed by Republic Act 2370 and constitutes an the "recommendation of the council of the municipality or
of the Philippines, its officers and agents, in any official undue delegation of legislative power. Respondent maintains municipalities in which the proposed barrio is situated."
investigation, proceeding or matter requiring the services of a the contrary view and avers that the present action is Petitioner argues, accordingly: "If the President, under this new
lawyer" (Section 1661,Revised Administrative Code), and, in premature and that not all proper parties — referring to the law, cannot even create a barrio, can he create a municipality
connection with the creation of the municipalities involved in officials of the new political subdivisions in question — have which is composed of several barrios, since barrios are units of
this case, which involves a political, not proprietary functions, been impleaded. Subsequently, the mayors of several municipalities?"
said local officials, if any, are mere agents or representatives of municipalities adversely affected by the aforementioned Respondent answers in the affirmative, upon the
the national government. Their interest in the case has executive orders — because the latter have taken away from theory that a new municipality can be created without creating
accordingly been duly represented. (Mangubat vs. Osmeña Jr., the former the barrios composing the new political subdivision new barrios, such as, by placing old barrios under the
G.R. No. L-12837, April 30, 1959; City of Cebu vs. Judge Piccio, — intervened in the case. Moreover, Attorneys Enrique M. jurisdiction of the new municipality. This theory overlooks,
G.R. Nos. L-13012 & L-14876, December 31, 1960.) Fernando and Emma Quisumbing-Fernando were allowed to however, the main import of the petitioner's argument, which
11. ID.; ID.; ACTION NOT PREMATURE. — The present and did appear as amici curiae. is that the statutory denial of the presidential authority to
action cannot be said to be premature simply because The third paragraph of Section 3 of Republic Act No. create a new barrio implies a negation of the bigger power to
respondent Auditor General has not yet acted on any of the 2370, reads: create municipalities, each of which consists of several barrios.
executive orders in question and has not intimated how he "Barrios shall not be created or The cogency and force of this argument is too obvious to be
would act in connection therewith. It is a matter of common their boundaries altered nor their names denied or even questioned. Founded upon logic and
knowledge that the President has for many years issued changed except under the provisions of experience, it cannot be offset except by a clear manifestation
executive orders creating municipal corporations and that the this Act or by Act of Congress. of the intent of Congress to the contrary, and no such
same have been organized and are in actual operation, thus Pursuant to the first two (2) paragraphs of the same manifestation, subsequent to the passage of Republic Act No.
indicating, without peradventure of doubt, that the Section 3: 2370. has been brought to our attention.
expenditures incidental thereto have been sanctioned, Moreover, section 68 of the Revised Administrative
"All barrios existing at the time
approved or passed in audit by the General Auditing Office and Code, upon which the disputed executive orders are based,
its officials. There is no reason to believe that respondent would of the passage of this Act shall come
under the provisions hereof. provides:
adopt a different policy as regards the new municipalities "The (Governor-General)
involved in this case, in the absence of an allegation to such "Upon petition of a majority of
the voters in the areas affected, a new President of the Philippines may by
effect, and none has been made by him. executive order define the boundary, or
DECISION barrio may be created or the name of an
existing one may be changed by the boundaries, of any province, sub-
CONCEPCION, J p: provincial board of the province, upon province, municipality, [township]
During the period from September 4 to October 29, recommendation of the council of the municipal district or other political
1964 the President of the Philippines, purporting to act municipality or municipalities in which subdivision, and increase or diminish the
territory comprised therein, may divide upon Municipality of Cardona vs. Municipality of separation of powers and the system of checks and balances,
any province into one or more Binañgonan (36 Phil. 547), which, he claims, has settled it. Such and, consequently undermining the very foundation of our
subprovinces, separate any political claim is untenable, for said case involved, not the creation of a Republican system.
division other than a province, into such new municipality, but a mere transfer of territory — from Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code does
portions as may be required, merge any an already existing municipality (Cardona) to another not meet these well settled requirements for a valid delegation
of such subdivisions or portions with municipality (Binañgonan), likewise, existing at the time of and of the power to fix the details in the enforcement of a law. It
another, name any new subdivision so prior to said transfer (See Gov't of the P.I. ex rel.Municipality of does not enunciate any policy to be carried out or implemented
created, and may change the seat of Cardona vs. Municipality of Binañgonan [34 Phil. 518, 519-520], by the President. Neither does it give a standard sufficiently
government within any subdivision to — in consequence of the fixing and definition, pursuant to Act precise to avoid the evil effects above referred to. In this
such place therein as the public welfare No. 1748, of the common boundaries of two municipalities. connection, we do not overlook the fact that, under the last
may require: Provided, That the It is obvious, however, that, whereas the power to fix clause of the first sentence of Section 68, the President:
authorization of the (Philippine such common boundary, in order to avoid or settle conflicts of ". . . may change the seat of the
Legislature) Congress of the Philippines jurisdiction between adjoining municipalities, may partake of government within any subdivision to
shall first be obtained whenever the an administrative nature — involving, as it does, the adoption such place therein as the public welfare
boundary of any province or subprovince of means and ways to carry into effect the law creating said may require."
is to be defined or any province is to be municipalities — the authority to createmunicipal corporations It is apparent, however, from the language of this
divided into one or more subprovinces. is essentially legislative in nature. In the language of other
When action by the (Governor-General) clause, that the phrase "as the public welfare may require"
courts, it is "strictly a legislative function" (State ex rel. Higgins qualifies, not the clauses preceding the one just quoted,
President of the Philippines in vs. Aicklen, 119 S. 425, January 2, 1959) or "solely but only the place to which the seat of the government may be
accordance herewith makes necessary a and exclusively the exercise of legislative power" transferred. This fact becomes more apparent when we
change of the territory under the (Udall vs. Severn, May 29, 1938, 79 P. 2d. 347-349). As the
jurisdiction of any administrative officer consider that said Section 68 was originally Section 1 of Act No.
Supreme Court of Washington has put it (Territory ex rel. Kelly 1748, 3 which provided, that "whenever in the judgment of the
or any judicial officer, the (Governor- vs. Stewart, February 13, 1890, 23 Pac. 405, 409), "municipal Governor-General the public welfare requires, he may, by
General) President of the Philippines, corporations are purely the creatures of statutes."
with the recommendation and advice of executive order", effect the changes enumerated therein (as
Although 1 Congress may delegate to another branch well as in said Section 68), including the change of the seat of
the head of the Department having of the government the power to fill in the details in the the government "to such place . . . as the public
executive control of such officer, shall execution, enforcement or administration of a law, it is interest requires". The opening statement of said Section 1
redistrict the territory of the several essential, to forestall a violation of the principle of separation of
officers affected and assign such officers of Act No. 1748 — which was not included in Section 68 of
powers, that said law: (a) be complete in itself — it must set the Revised Administrative Code — governed the time at which,
to the new districts so formed. forth therein the policy to be executed, carried out or or the conditions under which, the powers therein conferred
"Upon the changing of the limits implemented by the delegate 2 — and (b) fix a standard — the could be exercised; whereas the last part of the first sentence
of political divisions in pursuance of the limits of which are sufficiently determinate or determinable — of said section referred exclusively to the place to which the
foregoing authority, an equitable to which the delegate must conform in the performance of his seat of the government was to be transferred.
distribution of the funds and obligations functions. 2 Indeed, without a statutory declaration of policy, At any rate, the conclusion would be the same, insofar
of the divisions thereby affected shall be the delegate would, in effect, make or formulate such policy,
made in such manner as may be as the case at bar is concerned, even if we assumed that the
which is the essence of every law; and, without the phrase "as the public welfare may require", in said Section 68,
recommended by the (Insular Auditor) aforementioned standard, there would be no means to qualifies all other clauses thereof. It is true that in Calalang vs.
Auditor General and approved by the determine, with reasonable certainty, whether the delegate has Williams (70 Phil. 726) and People vs. Rosenthal (68 Phil. 328),
(Governor-General) President of the acted within or beyond the scope of his authority. 2 Hence, he
Philippines." this Court had upheld "public welfare" and "public interest",
could thereby arrogate upon himself the power, not only to respectively, as sufficient standards for a valid delegation of the
Respondent alleges that the power of the President to make the law, but, also — and this is worse — to unmake it, by authority to execute the law. But, the doctrine laid down in
create municipalities under this section does not amount to an adopting measures inconsistent with the end sought to be these cases — as all judicial pronouncements — must be
undue delegation of legislative power, relying attained by the Act of Congress, thus nullifying the principle of construed in relation to the specific facts and issues involved
therein, outside of which they do not constitute precedents and the inhabitants in favor thereof, insofar as the court is allowed the scope of that broad declaration, and
have no binding effect. 4 The law construed in the Calalang case to determine whether the lands embraced in the petition of the nature of the few restrictions that
conferred upon the Director of Public Works, with the approval "ought justly" to be included in the village, and whether the are imposed, the discretion of the
of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, the interest of the inhabitants will be promoted by such President in approving or prescribing
power to issue rules and regulations to promote safe incorporation, and to enlarge and diminish the boundaries of codes, and thus enacting laws for the
transit upon national roads and streets. Upon the other hand, the proposed village "as justice may require" (In re Villages of government of trade and industry
the Rosenthal case referred to the authority of the Insular North Milwaukee, 67 N.W. 1035-1037); or creating a Municipal throughout the country, is virtually
Treasurer, under Act No. 2581, to issue and cancel certificates Board of Control which shall determine whether or not the unfettered. We think that the code-
or permits for the sale of speculative securities. Both cases laying out, construction or operation of a toll road is in the making authority thus conferred is an
involved grants to administrative officers of powers related to "public interest" and whether the requirements of the law had unconstitutional delegation of legislative
the exercise of their administrative functions, calling for the been complied with, in which case the Board shall enter an power."
determination of questions of fact. order creating a municipal corporation and fixing the name of If the term "unfair competition" is so broad as to vest
Such is not the nature of the powers dealt with in the same (Carolina-Virginia Coastal Highway vs. Coastal in the President a discretion that is "virtually unfettered", and,
section 68. As above indicated, the creation of municipalities, Turnpike Authority, 74 S. E. 2d. 310). consequently, tantamount to a delegation of legislative power,
is not an administrative function, but one which is essentially Insofar as the validity of a delegation of power by it is obvious that "public welfare", which has even a broader
and eminently legislative in character. The question whether or Congress to the President is concerned, the case of Schechter connotation, leads to the same result. In fact, if the validity of
not "public interest" demands the exercise of such power Poultry Corporation vs. U. S. (79 L. ed. 1570) is quite relevant to the delegation of powers made in Section 68 were upheld,
is not one of fact. It is "purely a legislativequestion" (Carolina- the one at bar. The Schechter case involved the there would no longer be any legal impediment to a statutory
Virginia Coastal Highway vs. Coastal Turnpike Authority, 74 S.E. constitutionality of Section 3 of the National Industrial Recovery grant of authority to the President to do anything which, in his
2d., 310-313, 315-318), or a political question (Udall vs. Severn, Act authorizing the President of the United States to approve opinion, may be required by public welfare or public interest.
79 P. 2d. 347-349). As the Supreme Court of Wisconsin has aptly "codes of fair competition" submitted to him by one or more Such grant of authority would be a virtual abdication of the
characterized it, "the question as to whether incorporation is trade or industrial associations or corporations which "impose powers of Congress in favor of the Executive, and would bring
for the best interest of the community in any case is no inequitable restrictions on admission to membership therein about a total collapse of the democratic system established by
emphatically aquestion of public policy and statecraft" (In re and are truly representative," provided that such codes are not our Constitution, which it is the special duty and privilege of this
Village of North Milwaukee, 67 N. W. 1033, 1035-1037). designed "to promote monopolies or to eliminate or oppress Court to uphold.
For this reason, courts of justice have annulled, as small enterprises and will not operate to discriminate against It may not be amiss to note that the executive orders in
constituting undue delegation of legislative powers, state laws them, and will tend to effectuate the policy" of said Act. The question were issued after the legislative bills for the creation of
granting the judicial department the power to determine Federal Supreme Court held: the municipalities involved in this case had failed to pass
whether certain territories should be annexed to a particular "To summarize and conclude Congress. A better proof of the fact that the issuance of said
municipality (Udall vs. Severn, supra, 358-359); or vesting in a upon this point: Sec. 3 of the Recovery executive orders entails the exercise of purely legislative
Commission the right to determine the plan and frame of Act is without precedent. It supplies no functions can hardly be given.
government of proposed villages and what functions shall be standards for any trade, industry or Again, Section 10 (1) of Article VII of our fundamental
exercised by the same, although the powers and functions of activity. It does not undertake to law ordains:
the village are specifically limited by statute (In re Municipal prescribe rules of conduct to be applied "The President shall have
Charters, 86 Atl. 307-308); or conferring upon courts the to particular states of fact determined by control of all executive departments,
authority to declare a given town or village incorporated, and appropriate administrative procedure. bureaus or offices, exercise general
designate its meter and bounds, upon petition of a majority of Instead of prescribing rules of conduct, it supervision over all local governments as
the taxable inhabitants thereof, setting forth the area desired authorizes the making of codes to may be provided by law, and take care
to be included in such village (Territory ex rel Kelly vs. Stewart, prescribe them. For that legislative that the laws be faithfully executed."
23 Pac. 405-409); or authorizing the territory of a town, undertaking, Sec. 3 sets up no standards,
The power of control under this provision implies the
containing a given area and population, to be incorporated as a aside from the statement of the general
right of the President to interfere in the exercise of such
town, on certain steps being taken by the inhabitants thereof aims of rehabilitation, correction and
and on certain determination by a court and subsequent vote of expansion described in Sec. 1. In view of discretion as may be vested by law in the officers of the
executive departments, bureaus, or offices of the national
government, as well as to act in lieu of such officers. This power reverses the process and does the exact opposite, by conferring absence of an allegation to such effect, and none has been
is denied by the Constitution to the Executive, insofar as local upon him more power over municipal corporations than that made by him.
governments are concerned. With respect to the latter, the which he has over said executive departments, bureaus or WHEREFORE the Executive Orders in question are
fundamental law permits him to wield no more authority than offices. hereby declared null and void ab initio and the respondent
that of checking whether said local governments or the officers In short, even if it did not entail an undue delegation of permanently restrained from passing in audit any expenditure
thereof perform their duties as provided by statutory legislative powers, as it certainly does, said Section 68, as part of public funds in implementation of said Executive Orders or
enactments. Hence, the President cannot interfere with local of the Revised Administrative Code, approved on March 10, any disbursement by the municipalities above referred to. It is
governments, so long as the same or its officers act within the 1917, must be deemed repealed by the subsequent adoption of so ordered.
scope of their authority. He may not enact an ordinance which the Constitution, in 1935, which is utterly incompatible and Bengzon, C.J., Bautista Angelo, Reyes, J.B.L.,
the municipal council has failed or refused to pass, even if it had inconsistent with said statutory enactment. 7 Barrera and Dizon, JJ., concur.
thereby violated a duty imposed thereto by law, although he There are only two (2) other points left for Zaldivar, J., took no part.
may see to it that the corresponding provincial officials take consideration, namely, respondent's claim (a) that "not all the
appropriate disciplinary action therefor. Neither may he veto, Separate Opinions
proper parties" — referring to the officers of the newly created
set aside or annul an ordinance passed by said council within municipalities — "have been impleaded in this case", and (b) BENGZON, J.P., J., concurring and dissenting:
the scope of its jurisdiction, no matter how patently unwise it that "the present petition is premature." A sign of progress in a developing nation is the rise of
may be. He may not even suspend an elective official of a new municipalities. Fostering their rapid growth has long been
As regards the first point, suffice it to say that the
regular municipality or take any disciplinary action against him, the aim pursued by all three branches of our Government.
except on appeal from a decision of the corresponding records do not show, and the parties do not claim, that the
officers of any of said municipalities have been appointed or So it was that the Governor-General during the time of
provincial board. 5 the Jones Law was given authority by the legislature (Act No.
elected and assumed office. At any rate, the Solicitor-General,
Upon the other hand, if the President could create a who has appeared on behalf of respondent Auditor General, is 1748) to act upon certain details with respect to said local
municipality, he could, in effect, remove any of its officials, by the officer authorized by law "to act and represent the governments, such as fixing of boundaries, subdivisions and
creating a new municipality and including therein thebarrio in Government of the Philippines, its offices and agents, in any mergers. And the Supreme Court, within the framework of the
which the official concerned resides, for his office would official investigation, proceeding or matter requiring the Jones Law, ruled in 1917 that the execution or implementation
thereby become vacant. 6 Thus, by merely brandishing the services of a lawyer" (Section 1661, Revised Administrative of such details, did not entail abdication of legislative power
power to create a new municipality (if he had it), without Code), and, in connection with the creation of the (Government vs. Municipality of Binangonan, 34 Phil. 518;
actually creating it, he could compel local officials to submit to aforementioned municipalities, which involves a political, not Municipality of Cardona vs.Municipality of Binangonan, 36 Phil.
his dictation, thereby, in effect, exercising over them the power proprietary, function, said local officials, if any, are mere agents 547). Subsequently, Act No. 1748's aforesaid statutory
of control denied to him by theConstitution. or representatives of the national government. Their interest in authorization was embodied in Section 68 of the Revised
Then, also, the power of control of the President over the case at bar has, accordingly, been, in effect, duly Administrative Code. And Chief Executives since then up to the
executive departments, bureaus or offices implies no more than represented. 8 present continued to avail of said provision, time and again
the authority to assume directly the functions thereof or to invoking it to issue executive orders providing for the creation
With respect to the second point, respondent alleges
interfere in the exercise of discretion by its officials. that he has not as yet acted on any of the executive order in of municipalities.
Manifestly, such control does not include the authority either to question and has not intimated how he would act in connection From September 4, 1964 to October 29, 1964 the
abolish an executive department or bureaus, or to create a new therewith. It is however, a matter of common, public President of the Philippines issued executive orders to create
one. As a consequence, the alleged power of the President to knowledge, subject to judicial cognizance, that the President thirty-three municipalities pursuant to Section 68 of theRevised
create municipal corporations would necessarily connote the has, for many years, issued executive orders creating municipal Administrative Code. Public funds thereby stood to be
exercise by him of an authority even greater than that of corporations and that the same have been organized and in disbursed in implementation of said executive orders.
control which he has over the executive departments, bureaus actual operation, thus indicating, without peradventure of Suing as private citizen and taxpayer, Vice-President
or offices. In other words, Section 68 of the Revised doubt, that the expenditures incidental thereto have been Emmanuel Pelaez filed in this Court a petition for prohibition
Administrative Code does not merely fail to comply with the sanctioned, approved or passed in audit by the General with preliminary injunction against the Auditor General. It seeks
constitutional mandate above quoted. Instead of giving the Auditing Office and its officials. There is no reason to believe, to restrain the respondent or any person acting in his behalf,
President less power over local governments than that vested in therefore, that respondent would adopt a different policy as from passing in audit any expenditure of public funds in
him over the executive departments, bureaus or offices, it regards the new municipalities involved in this case, in the implementation of the executive orders aforementioned.
Petitioner contends that the President has no power to with the recommendation and advice of the doing of the same shall be dependent
create a municipality by executive order. It is argued that the head of the Department having on a sound discretion to be exercised for
Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code of 1917, so far as executive control of such officer, shall the good of the service and benefit of the
it purports to grant any such power, is invalid or, at least, redistrict the territory of the several public, whether so expressed in the
already repealed in the light of the officers affected and assign such officers statute giving the authority or not."
Philippine Constitution and Republic Act 2370 (The Barrio to the new districts so formed. Under the prevailing rule in the United States — and
Charter). "Upon the changing of the limits Section 68 is of American origin — the provision in question
Section 68 is again reproduced hereunder for of political divisions in pursuance of the would be an invalid attempt to delegate purely legislative
convenience: foregoing authority, an equitable powers, contrary to the principle of separation of powers.
"SEC. 68.General authority of distribution of the funds and obligations It is very pertinent that Section 68 should be
[Governor-General] President of the of the division thereby affected shall be considered with the stream of history in mind. A proper
Philippines to fix boundaries and make made in such manner as may be knowledge of the past is the only adequate background for the
new subdivisions. — The [Governor- recommended by the [Insular Auditor] present. Section 68 was adopted half a century ago. Political
General] President of the Philippines may Auditor General and approved by the change, two world wars, the recognition of our independence
by executive order define the boundary, [Governor-General] President of the and rightful place in the family of nations, have since taken
or boundaries, of any province, Philippines." place. In 1917 the Philippines had for its Organic Act the Jones
subprovince, municipality, [township] From such wording I believe that power to create a Law. And under the set-up ordained therein no strict separation
municipal district, or other political municipality is included: to "separate any political division other of powers was adhered to. Consequently, Section 68 was not
subdivision, and increase or diminish the than a province, into such portions as may be required, merge constitutionally objectionable at the time of its enactment.
territory comprised therein, may divide any of such subdivisions or portions with another, name any The advent of the Philippine Constitution in
any province into one or more new subdivision so created". The issue, however, is whether the 1935 however altered the situation. For not only was
subprovinces, separate any political Legislature can validly delegate to the Executive such power. separation of power strictly ordained, except only in specific
division other than a province, into such The power to create a municipality is legislative in instances therein provided, but the power of the Chief
portions as may be required, merge any character. American authorities have therefore favored the Executive over local governments suffered an explicit reduction.
of such subdivisions or portions with view that it cannot be delegated; that what is delegable is not Formerly, Section 21 of the Jones Law provided that
another, name any new subdivision so the power to create municipalities but only the power to the Governor-General "shall have general supervision and
created, and may change the seat of determine the existence of facts under which creation of a control of all the departments and bureaus of the government
government within any subdivision to municipality will result (37 Am. Jur. 628). in the Philippine Islands". Now Section 10 (1), Article VII of the
such place therein as the public welfare The test is said to lie in whether the statute allows any Philippine Constitution provides: "The President shall have
may require: Provided, That the discretion on the delegate as to whether the municipal control of all the executive departments, bureaus, or offices,
authorization of the [Philippine corporation should be created. If so, there is an attempted exercise general supervision over all local governments as may
Legislature] Congress of the Philippines delegation of legislative power and the statute is invalid (Ibid). be provided by law, and take care that the laws be faithfully
shall first be obtained whenever the Now Section 68 no doubt gives the President such discretion, executed."
boundary of any province or subprovince since it says that the President "may by executive order" In short, the power of control over local governments
is to be defined or any province is to be exercise the powers therein granted. Furthermore, Section 5 of
divided into one or more subprovinces. had now been taken away from the Chief Executive. Again, to
the same Code states: fully understand the significance of this provision, one must
When action by the [Governor- General]
"SEC. 5.Exercise of trace its development and growth.
President of the Philippines in
administrative discretion. — The exercise As early as April 7, 1900 President McKinley of the
accordance herewith makes necessary a
change of the territory under the of the permissive powers of all executive United States, in his Instructions to the Second Philippine
or administrative officers and bodies is Commission, laid down the policy that our municipal
jurisdiction of any administrative officer
based upon discretion, and when such governments should be "subject to the least degree of
or any judicial officer, the [Governor-
General] President of the Philippines, officer or body is given authority to do supervision and control" on the part of the national
any act but not required to do such act, government. Said supervision and control was to be confined
within the "narrowest limits" or so much only as "may be prohibition on the President from creating a barrio does not, in
necessary to secure and enforce faithful and efficient my opinion, warrant the inference of statutory prohibition for
administration by local officers". And the national government creating a municipality. For although municipalities consist of
"shall have no direct administration except of matters of purely barrios, there is nothing in the statute that would preclude
general concern". (See Hebron v. Reyes, L-9158, July 28, 1958.) creation of new municipalities out of pre-existing barrios.
All this had one aim, to enable the Filipinos to acquire It is not contrary to the logic of local autonomy to be
experience in the art of self-government, with the end in view able to create larger political units and unable to create smaller
of later allowing them to assume complete management and ones. For as long ago observed in President McKinley's
control of the administration of their local affairs. Such aim is Instructions to the Second Philippine Commission, greater
the policy now embodied in Section 10(1), Article VII of autonomy is to be imparted to the smaller of the two political
the Constitution (Rodriguez v. Montinola, 50 O. G., 4820). units. The smaller the unit of local government, the lesser is the
It is the evident decree of the Constitution, therefore, need for the national government's intervention in its political
that the President shall have no power of control over local affairs. Furthermore, for practical reasons, local autonomy
governments. Accordingly, Congress cannot by law grant him cannot be given from the top downwards. The national
such power (Hebron v. Reyes, supra). And any such power government, in such a case, could still exercise power over the
formerly granted under the Jones Law thereby-became supposedly autonomous unit, e.g., municipalities, by exercising
unavoidably inconsistent with the PhilippineConstitution. it over the smaller units that comprise them, e.g., the barrios. A
It remains to examine the relation of the power to realistic program of decentralization therefore calls for
create and the power to control local governments. Said autonomy from the bottom upwards, so that it is not surprising
relationship has already been passed upon by this Court for Congress to deny the national government some power over
inHebron v. Reyes, supra. In said case, it was ruled that the barrios without denying it over municipalities. For this reason, I
power to control is an incident of the power to create or abolish disagree with the majority view that because the President
municipalities. Respondent's view, therefore, that creating could not create a barrio under Republic Act 2370, a fortiori he
municipalities and controlling their local governments are "two cannot create a municipality.
worlds apart", is untenable. And since, as stated, the power to It is my view, therefore, that the Constitution, and
control local governments can no longer be conferred on or not Republic Act 2370, repealed Section 68 of the Revised
exercised by the President, it follows a fortiori that the power Administrative Code's provision giving the President authority
to create them, all the more cannot be so conferred or to create local governments. And for this reason I agree with
exercised. the ruling in the majority opinion that the executive orders in
I am impelled to conclude, therefore, that Section question are null and void.
10(1) of Article VII of the Constitution has repealed Section 68 In thus ruling, the Court is but sustaining the fulfillment
of the Revised Administrative Code as far as the latter of our historic desire to be free and independent under a
empowers the President to create local governments. Repeal by republican form of government, and exercising a function
the Constitution of prior statutes inconsistent with it has derived from the very sovereignty that it upholds.
already been sustained in De los Santos vs. Mallare, 87 Phil. Makalintal and Regala, JJ., concur with the opinion of
289. And it was there held that such repeal differs from a Justice J.P. Bengzon.
declaration of unconstitutionality of a posterior legislation, so ||| (Pelaez v. Auditor General, G.R. No. L-23825, [December 24,
much so that only a majority vote of the Court is needed to 1965], 122 PHIL 965-989)
sustain a finding of repeal.
Since the Constitution repealed Section 68 as far back
as 1935, it is academic to ask whether Republic Act
2370 likewise has provisions in conflict with Section 68 so as to
repeal it. Suffice it to state, at any rate, that statutory

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