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Part 1. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. . Curriculum can be organized either horizontally or vertically. Which follows a horizontal arrangement?
A. two legged, four legged, and six legged animals
B. history, geography, civics, and culture
C. family, community, society
D. Math, Science, Filipino
2. The subject matter of the teacher is about the four fundamental operations. He discussed first about addition followed by
subtraction, then multiplication and division. What dimension of curriculum design is it followed?
A. Scope B. Continuity C. Sequence D. Articulation
3. Following the philosophy of progressivism how could one measure the teacher’s effectiveness?
A. if the teacher stays in school beyond official time
B. if the teacher has a complete recordings, test files, and lesson plan
C. if the teacher has an active, attentive, responsive class
D. if the teacher has a pupil who topped the achievement test
4. . How do parents participate in the shaping of the curriculum?
A. They follow up the lesson of their children especially in basic education.
B. They assist the teachers in writing the lesson plan.
C. They design and modify the curriculum to suit the learner’s characteristics.
D. The supervised curriculum implementation.
5. Why is there a need to pilot test, monitor and evaluate curricular programs?
A. In order to comply with the requirements and policies.
B. In order to test the abilities of the students.
C. In order to know the problems and needs of the community.
D. In order to determine its strength and weaknesses.
6. What is the basis of the success of the school curriculum?
A. effective teachers C. school’s improvement
B. student’s performance D. more resources
7. Why do we need to include evaluation as part of our lesson?
A. it guarantees the success of the lesson
B. it serves as a decision point whether to re-teach or proceed with the lesson
C. it answers the questions of the past lesson
D. it provides interaction between the learner and the teacher
8. Who are the direct beneficiaries of the curriculum?
A. teachers
B. learners
C. parents
D. administrators
9. Why are the school managers / administrators important in curriculum implementation?
A. they provide necessary leadership
B. they are the direct beneficiaries of the curriculum
C. they are the most crucial persons in the implementation of the curriculum
D. they strongly influence the school curricula
10. What is the process of collecting information for the purpose of evaluation?
A. Curriculum évaluation C. Curriculum innovation
B. Curriculum assessment D. Curriculum implémentation
11. Which of the following is not referred to intended curriculum?
A. Various learning experiences of the students.
B. Objectives set at the beginning of any curricular plan.
C. Answers what the curriculum maker wants to do.
D. Establishes the goal and the specific purposes to be accomplished.
12. How was the Basic Education Curriculum implemented to accomplish the goals?
A. It was decongested into five learning areas.
B. The teachers were trained to use thematic and integrative modes of instructional delivery
C. Teaching-learning processes are interactive to enhance learning.
D. All of the above.
13. The following are the criteria in writing goals and objectives. Which does not belong to the group?
A. Specify the number of students to learn the lesson
B. Providing explicit directions
C. Both knowledge and behavior are addressed
D. Promotes the use of common sense
14. Why is there a need to assess the curriculum?
A. To know the overall impact of the curriculum.
B. To determine the strength and weaknesses of the teachers.
C. To identify the budget needed for improvement.
D. To know the individual learner.
15. The following are the characteristics of a good curriculum, EXCEPT:
A. The curriculum is continuously evolving.
B. The curriculum is based on the needs of the people.
C. The curriculum is the result of a long-term effort.
D. The curriculum promotes conformity to some hypothetical standard.
16. Which is not a performance- based classroom activity?
A. exhibition C. classroom presentation
B. demonstration D. performance task
17. Which of the following assessment strategy can be scored very quickly/
A. Essay C. The select -response
B. Demonstration D. The classroom presentation
18. What is recorded in the anecdotal record?
A. student’s progress C. student’s misbehavior
B. student’s achievement D. all of the above
19. When do teachers use the strategies and tools for assessment?
A. during the activity proper C. during evaluation
B. during application D. all of the above
20. What do you think would be the consequence if instruction does not relate to curriculum?
A. It heightens learners’ interest and motivation.
B. It provides minimum opportunities for broad study.
C. It gives the quantitative measure of the instruction.
D. It provides the teacher the value of their work.
21. Why is there a need to innovate the curriculum?
A. To keep pace with the changing world.
B. To maintain what is being introduced in the past.
C. To solve the problem on poverty.
D. To produce quantity graduates.
22. What is the main reason behind the existence of Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum or K to 12 Program?
A. Low performance B. Poor teaching C. Lack of support D. Over crowdedness
23. How would you address the issue on low academic performance of learners?
A. Communicate clearly the purpose of the innovation.
B. Prepare every stakeholder for the task that they have to do.
C. Periodical evaluation and observation of teachers.
D. Providing instructional materials and training for teachers.
24. One of the millennium aims of education for economic competence is ____________.
A. Gender equality C. Eliminate Diseases
B. Eradicate poverty D. equal access and equity
25. The offering of Spanish in the curriculum of education is in response to the demand of teachers in the US where most
students are Latinos. Which criterion is in focus of the new course offering in education?
A. balance B. utility C. feasibility D. validity
26. The use of the integrated approach in both secondary and primary level subjects is in line with:
A. Decontextualized teaching C. New secondary School Curriculum
B. Multidisciplinary teaching D. School First Initiative
27. Which government’s educational program on _____made the Philippine Education Placement Test accessible for adults and
A. Equitable Access C. Quality and relevance
B. Quality D. Relevance

28. Which of these practices supports equitable access but on the other hand, quality might be compromised.
A. Open admission C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
B. School accreditation D. Selective retention
29. Educational institutions’ effort of developing work skills inside the school are aimed at _____.
A. Developing moral character C. Inculcating love of country
B. Teaching the duties of citizenship D. Developing vocational efficiency
30. Teachers are tasked with so many things to do aside from teaching. Sometimes these tasks adversely affect their teaching.
Does this mean that teachers should be only preoccupied with teaching?
A. Yes, if they are given other assignments justice demands that they be properly compensated.
B. No, because every teacher is expected to provide leadership and initiative in activities for betterment of
C. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers, are tasked to lead in community activities
D. Yes, because teaching is enough full time job.
31. The importance of providing free public education for both in primary and secondary levels is highlighted in Article XIV section
2. This is needed because:
A. Elementary and Secondary school provides formal education
B. These levels provide the foundation for life functions and roles
C. No one goes to college without passing the grade and high schools
D. A few people cannot afford the expensive quality of private schools
32. The school director emphasizes the necessity of clean and green environment to contribute to effective teaching and learning.
This is an example of:
A. Providing an atmosphere conducive to learning C. Utilize educational technology
B. Providing adequate physical facilities D. Establish rapport between teachers and pupils
33. Education is the acquisition of the art and the utilization of knowledge. This statement means:
A. A learner’s application of what she has learned is necessary
B. A learner’s interest in art is commendable
C. A learner’s acquisition of information is sufficient
D. A learner’s acquisition of information is not important
34. In school, student’s initiative is stifled or prevented by:
A. Rationalism C. “Utang na loob”
B. Extreme authoritarianism D. “Bahala na”
35. As envisioned by the Department of Education, a Filipino learner should be:
A. Makabayan, makasarili, makakalikasan, at maka-Diyos
B. Makabayan, makatao, makahalaman, at maka-Diyos
C. Makabayan, makakaragatan, makatao, at mak-Diyos
D. Makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan, at maka-Diyos
36. A research was conducted about the future dreams of Filipino children. Nobody said that they want to be a citizen of another
country. This finding shows _____.
A. Inferiority of other nationalities C. Superiority of other nationalities
B. Superiority of the Filipino D. Filipinos’ sense of national pride
37. Is it moral if someone will put up a school in a far barrio in order to get votes for an unworthy candidate?
A. No, the candidate is undeserving
B. Yes, the votes were in exchange for the school built
C. Yes, it was his duty to strategize for his candidacy
D. No, his motive was not meant for a good effect
38. If a teacher believes in the concept of education that makes every individual a useful citizen to the
, then, he is influenced by the concept of:
A. Conformity C. Humanitarianism
B. Security D. Utilitarianism
39. Based on the results of the survey conducted by Hirsch-Pasek, et al in 1989, there are harmful effects
caused by giving highly academically oriented early childhood education program. What is a proper
recommendation to solve this issue?
A. Give children the total freedom to do as they please inside the classroom
B. Do not give assessment activities for pre-school students
C. Plan engaging academic lessons
D. Do not engaged students in highly structured direct instruction in pre-school
40. If you are a principal and one of your teachers is not acting the way he should be, how would you address this problem?
A. Explain to the pupils that there are some things that adults can do but children can’t
B. Be tolerant about the teacher’s behavior
C. In writing, express disapproval of the unbecoming behavior of the teacher
D. Talk to the teacher about the importance of being consistent in one’s action and in the rules of discipline
enforced inside the classroom.
41. How can a teacher uphold the high standard of the teaching profession?
A. By working for the promotion in the system
B. By continuously improving themselves personally and professionally
C. By pointing out the advantages of joining the teaching profession
D. By good grooming to change people’s poor perception of teachers
42. The Educational Act of 1982 expressly granted to institutions of higher learning the freedom to determine on academic
grounds who shall be admitted to study, who may teach and what shall be the subject of the study and research. This refers
A. A. academic freedom C. institutional freedom
B. B. educational freedom D. constitutional freedom
43. This 18th century doctrine advocates for education in accordance with the child’s nature. Educators who hold this view
stressed that in learning the child should be _____________.
A. trained in accordance with the standards set by the teacher
B. disciplined for him to concentrate more
C. subjected to a specific regimen or training
D. allowed to develop according to his own inner impulses and inclinations
44. The environment must be interactive to facilitate learning. Which of the following situation is an example of this?
A. The class goes out and discovers the habitats of insects.
B. The teachers show posters of the habitat of insects.
C. The class copies a list of facts concerning the habitat of insects.
D. The teacher lectures on the habitat of insects.
45. After the test in Araling Panlipunan, the pupils corrected their own work. Their grades were not recorded. The pupils referred
to their books for the correct answers. What is the advantage of this procedure to the learners?
A. Attention was directed to learning itself, not grades.
B. Cooperation was developed when pupils compared answers.
C. The learners lost their fear of grades.
D. Undue competition was eliminated.
46. A BSEE graduate, eligible, needs advice in which job opening to accept: domestic helper in Saudi Arabia with $350 monthly
compensation or to teach on a distant barrio in her own province. You were approach to give advice on the matter. Which of
the following will you advice?
A. Accept the teaching position in your province where you can share your own service to your own countrymen.
B. Follow the “first come first serve” basis.
C. Tell both employers of your offers and whoever can increase the pay will be your choice.
D. Accept the offer in Saudi Arabia, save and send part of your income to your folks.
47. What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?
A. The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls.
B. The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning system.
C. Practice of inclusive education
D. The concentration on formal education system
48. The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice which management practice?
A. Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises.
B. Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office.
C. Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planning
D. Allowing schools to do what they think is best
49. The failure of Filipino students in the study conducted about independence was attributed to their:
A. unpreparedness from schooling C. ambivalence
B. high degree of independence D. high degree of dependence on authority
50. The shooting incidents in school campuses abroad have made school to rethink the curriculum. Which is believed to
counteract such incidents and so is being introduced in schools?
A. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
B. The emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against others
C. Focus on academic achievement and productivity
A. I and III C. II and III
B. I and II D. I, II and III
51. Despite of opposition from some school official, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no collection of fees” policy during
enrolment period in public schools. In this policy in accordance with EFA goals?
A. No, it violates the mandate of equality education
B. Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities
C. Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education
D. No. it does not support parent of adult education
52. If curriculum is designed following the traditional approach, which feature(s) apply(ies)?
I. The aims of the curriculum are set by professionals and experts
II. Interested groups (teachers, students, communities) are assumed to agree with the aims of the curriculum
III. Consensus building in not necessary
A. III only B. I, II, III C. I, II D.I, III
53. School curriculum reflects the world’s economic and political integration and industrialization. What does these point in
curriculum development?
A. The trend towards the classical approach to curriculum development
B. The trend toward the globalization and localization
C. The trend toward participatory curriculum development
D. The shift in the paradigm of curriculum development from a process-oriented to a product-oriented one
54. Which one will serve as a guiding principle, if as a teacher, you are a reconstructionist? I MUST TEACH THE CHILD.
A. So he is assured of heaven
B. Every knowledge, skill, and value for a better future
C. To develop his mental powers to the fullest
D. That we can never have real knowledge of anything
55. The student-centred curriculum belongs to which group of educators?
A. Reconstructionist, perennialists
B. Progressivists, reconstructionists
C. Progressivists, essentialists
D. Perennialists, essentialists

Part 2. Choose a situation in the local or national level and suggest an innovation that the school system needs to do in
addressing this situation. Example: Taxi drivers who are high school graduate are now making Facebook Page to
accommodate Chinese Tourists; or Cebuanos preparing to go to Korea to work as manufacturers but they need to
learn the language.

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