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Submitted To:
Sir Muhammad Saeed

Submitted By:
Umair Ali Khan SP17-BBA-020

Date 01 NOV 2018

COMSATS University Islamabad,

Abbottabad Campus



“Agriculture is the procedure of development of land or soil for generation reason".

Horticulture assumes an extremely fundamental job for economy of Pakistan and its improvement.
48% of work compel is locked in straightforwardly with horticulture. So it is the principle
wellspring of living or pay of the significant piece of economy populace. Around 70% of populace
is identifies with horticulture straightforwardly or in a roundabout way. Farming is the real
wellspring of sustenance of enormous populace of Pakistan. Agribusiness is likewise the
significant wellspring of arrangement of crude military to mechanical division of Pakistan. Its
commitment towards GDP is around 25% which is higher than commitment of some other part.
Following are the fundamental purposes of significance of horticulture for Pakistan economy.

Major Crops of Pakistan

In Pakistan, cultivate creation is ruled by a couple of harvests which represent right around 60
percent of GDP from farming. Editing frameworks change broadly as a result of varieties in agro-
climatic and soil conditions. Wheat is the real winter edit in all locales of the nation. In summer,
rice, cotton, and maize are developed in regions reasonable for their generation. Harvest generation
happens both on flooded and dry land, with inundated agribusiness contributing' around 80 percent
of the aggregate creation. The five noteworthy yields are Wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, and maize.
The financial essentialness of these real yield is quickly depicted in the accompanying passages.
I. Wheat
Independence in wheat can be accomplished and supported just if wheat yields are
expanded past levels. This should be possible by bringing more region under confirmed wheat
seed. At present, just 10 percent of the wheat-developing region is being sown with confirmed
wheat seed as against the insignificantly wanted 20 percent. Additionally increment in yield can
be acknowledged through enhanced social practices, more prominent thoughtfulness regarding
culturing and collecting, more adjusted and convenient utilization of manure, and higher water-
utilize productivity.
Yield levels in the barani territories of Pakistan are astoundingly low, however yield can
be expanded if uncommon consideration is given to innovation age and scattering in these regions.
Specific consideration ought to be given to the advancement of proper culturing and planting
hardware. Research in the improvement of new wheat assortments will likewise need to put more
noteworthy accentuation
On infection safe, late-planted, and brief span assortments, and on cultivars suited 'to focused
on conditions. In 199F-92, wheat was become over somewhere in the range of 7.877 million ha,
around 6.497 million ha under water system and around 1.380 under rainfed conditions. The yields
got were 2170 kg/ha under water system and 1146 kg/ha without water system. Since 1975-76, the


territory under inundated wheat has consistently expanded from around 4.594 million ha, and the
zone under rainfed wheat has declined from around 1.517 million ha. The per hectare yields over
this period have expanded 30 percent for watered wheat and 67 percent for rainfed wheat
(Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan 1991-92, pp.8-12).
II. Rice
Rice is the second most important economic crop in Pakistan. Pakistan appears to have a
comparative advantage in producing the highly-valued, aromatic basmati rice. Basmati has been’
a major export of Pakistan, and generates substantial revenues for the government from export
duties. The government has adopted a number of policy measures to promote larger production of
basmati. The major rice-growing provinces, Punjab and Sindh, account for 54 and 36 percent,
respectively, of the area planted. Basmati is grown in the Punjab. In 1988-89, the area urider rice
was 2.042 million hectares, and the average yield was 1,567 kg/ha. In 1991-92, the area under rice
was 2.097 million ha, an increase of.23 percent over 1975-76. Its aver- age yield over this period
has varied from 1531 to 1741 kg/ha, with a meanof 1609 kg/ha (Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan
1991-92, pp. 13-14).
III. Cotton
After wheat, cotton involves the biggest territory of the considerable number of yields in
Pakistan. Financially, it wins the biggest fare incomes. Notwithstanding the build up, cottonseed
for oil and feast represents 80 percent of the national oilseed production.In 1991-92, cotton was
become over around 2.836 million ha, with gl percent of this territory in Punjab. Since 1975-76,
the region under cotton has expanded by 53 percent. In Punjab, the yield expanded from 249 kg/ha
in 1975-76 to 849 kg/ha in 1991-92. The yield increment in Sindh was just from 363 kg/ha in
1975-76 to 435 kg/ha in 1991-92 (Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan 1991-92, pp. 29-30). Non-
accessibility of good quality seed, a higher occurrence of waterlogging, move of good cotton
regions to sugarcane, and nonattendance of appropriate plant security measures are the significant
explanations behind this yield stagnation.
Pakistan is an effective maker of cotton, and it can in this way normally create cotton at
costs equivalent to or lower than universal long-incline costs with the exception of in strange long
periods of overabundance or high sponsorships by other cotton-delivering nations. In such years,
the legislature needs to secure the ranchers through appropriations. Given the contrast between
yields abroad and those got in Pakistan, plainly Pakistan has far to go to figure it out its maximum
capacity. Towards this end, it is important to reinforce research and expansion administrations
identifying with cotton in the nation.

IV. Sugarcane

Sugarcane is an imperative money yield of Pakistan, involving around 896,100 ha in 1991-

92: 536,200 ha in Punjab; 255,300 ha in Sindh; and 104,000 ha in NWFP. In Punjab and NWFP,
the territory under sugarcane has stayed static since 1975-76. In Sindh, it has expanded by 47
percent. Since 1975-76, sugarcane yields have expanded from 36.5 to 43.4 tons/ha for Pakistan all


in all. For Punjab, the expansion has been from 36.6 to 37.3; for NWFP,from 39.1 to 43.9; and for
Sindh, from 34 to 55.8 tons/ha (Agricultural measurements of Pakistan 1991-92, pp. 27-28).

Sugarcane has encountered constrained enhancement throughout the years. An essential

requirement is that sugarcane does hot deliver reasonable seed in the Indus plain: Another issue is
that examination stations have exceptionally constrained zone for reproducing, repeated
investigations, and seed increase.

V. Maize

Maize occupied 847,500 ha during 1991-92, increasing from 620,000 in 1975-76. The
major maize-growing areas are in NWFP (514,100 ha in 1991-92), and Punjab (311,300 ha in
1991-92). From 1975-76 to 1991-92, maize yields remained static at about 1300 kglha in Punjab.
In NWFP, they increased from 1312 to 1507 kg1ha (Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan 1991-92,
pp. 18-19).

VI. Oilseeds

Assault and mustard are the real oilseeds of Pakistan. Their region has declined from 470,100
ha in 1975-76 to 286,500 ha in 1991-92. However, the creation diminish was just from 267,300
tons in 1975-76 to 219,700 tons in 1991-92. This is on the grounds that yields expanded from 569
kg/ha to 767 kg/ha amid this interim (Agricultural Statistics of Pakistan 1991-92, pp. 59-60). The
generation of oilseeds can he incredibly expanded through strategy measures and mechanical
advancements? Whenever innovation and sources of info are accessible, non-conventional oilseeds
like sunflower and safflower can gainfully supplant late wheat in cotton and basmati rice zones.
Oilseeds can likewise be developed beneficially on decrepit grounds after wheat, particularly in
barani zones.
VII. Coarse grains and pulses
Coarse grains like 'sorghum, millet, and grain comprise a noteworthy feed and feed source,
and their significance will increment further as the poultry segment keeps on extending. Gram
(chickpea), which possesses around 66% of the aggregate land under heartbeats, is a noteworthy
harvest in the cultivating arrangement of Pakistan. Punjab is the real heartbeat developing territory
pursued by Sindh, NWFP, and Balochistan. With changes underway examples in Punjab, many
heartbeat and minor-edit territories have been moved to real harvests. Heartbeats are a noteworthy
wellspring of protein for, poor people. An expansion in the generation of heartbeats is
consequently a matter of extensive social significance. Accentuation on the advancement of
enhanced and infection safe assortments of heartbeats and coarse grain crops is earnestly required.
At the same time, new heartbeat developing regions in Balochistan and NWFP should be
investigated to counterbalance misfortunes of zone in different territories.


Source of employment:

Pakistan as creating economy the work on steady level has much significance. For this
benefit agribusiness has much significance since it gives business straightforwardly or by
implication to general society. Work straightforwardly influences the GSP of economy and also
the per capita wage. With the expansion in per capita wage expectation for everyday comforts
increments, higher cleanliness offices and better instruction offices are likewise increments. Every
one of these signs are the elements of financial advancement. So we can state that farming has an
extraordinary commitment toward monetary improvement by giving the business.

Food requirement:

Populace development rate of Pakistan is expanding quickly. As indicated by UNDP

human advancement report populace development rate of Pakistan is 2% every year. So with the
quickly expanding populace the sustenance necessity is likewise expanding quickly. For this sake
horticulture is the main the real division which is the gathering the expanding necessity of
nourishment. It additionally decreases the import of sustenance from different economies. So we
can state that farming part is assuming extremely essential job being developed of Pakistan by
giving the sustenance to huge populace and in addition supporting the monetary development.


Contribution in exports:

Major exports or cash crops of Pakistan are wheat, rice and cotton. 9.8 billion Bales of
cotton are created every year. Rice edit is created 4.3 million ton for each year. These farming
items are sent out to different nations against outside trade. This outside trade is used for the import
of modern or mechanical supplies, for example, apparatus or vehicles. Advance this remote trade
is used to enhance the foundation of economy or for enhancing the other division of economy like
instruction, wellbeing and ventures.

Raw material for industries:

Businesses have incredible significance for the improvement of any nation extraordinarily
to create economies like Pakistan. Ventures require crude material to deliver complete
merchandise. In Pakistan horticulture gives crude material to businesses. Cotton is essential
farming creation which is likewise real fare of Pakistan. It is utilized as crude material in material
ventures. The creation of these material enterprises is traded to different nations against remote
trade. Domesticated animals is additionally a farming area. It likewise assumes imperative job to
send out merchandise by giving the crude material to different businesses like games products
enterprises and calfskin ventures. So along these lines agribusiness serves to Pakistan economy
and its development toward improvement.

Infrastructural development:

Framework assumes imperative job to advancement of any economy. It is fuel to the

economy improvement. Efficient framework is a key to improvement as a result of speedy methods
for transportation of agrarian products or wares (crude material or complete merchandise) and
correspondence. On dispersion motivation behind farming items great and speedy methods for
transportation are required this expects to enhance the framework quickly. So horticulture assume
imperative job to the improvement of transportation with the end goal of appropriation of products.

Increase in GDP level:

Agriculture has huge contribution toward GDP of Pakistan economy. it contributes around
25% of aggregate GDP, or, in other words different divisions of Pakistan. Increment in GDP
demonstrates the creating advancement of the economy. It has assumed imperative job since
freedom toward GDP of Pakistan. Presently agribusiness is the third biggest segment of adding to
GDP. Animals and fisheries are the tremendous division of horticulture with the end goal to giving
the work. Business add to GDP, it is likewise with the expansion in work the per capita pay will
expand which results to increment in GDP rate of the economy.


Decreasing in rural poverty:

Agribusiness area has assumed vital job with the end goal to decrease of country
destitution. Since 1975 to 2000 the GDP development rate of farming was around 4.1% every year.
Green transformation innovation in water system, enhanced seeds and manures assumed
exceptionally indispensable job to expand the agrarian creation which results in increment in GDP.
Through this innovation ranchers with land gain the chance to expand their creation. So thusly
arable grounds ended up developed terrains and ranchers got the market of rural items against
some arrival.

Development of banking sector:

Agriculture has also contributed a great role toward the development of banking sector. As
the administration understood the significance of horticulture, it finds a way to enhance the
profitability of products by giving the credit offices to the ranchers at low loan costs. With using
these credits ranchers can deliver an ever increasing number of products. For this reason
government set up the ZTBL and other money related organizations for the arrangement of credit
offices. So along these lines advancement of managing an account part happens.

Farm mechanization:

Introduction of farm mechanization in agricultural sector had played very effective role in
the development of economy. With the utilization of present day hardware in farming terrains
causes progressively and great generation of products. So the arrangement of crude material to the
businesses increments. Because of increment in efficiency level the fare rate of real fare crops is
expanded which causes remote trade and monetary advancement.

Use of Nanotechnology:

In horticultural segment utilization of present day innovation like nanotechnology has

assumed extremely fundamental job in the advancement of economy. This innovation is utilized
for creating the high yielding assortment with excellent items. Fantastic items results into high rate
of come back to the ranchers and the per capita pay of agriculturist increments. Increment in per
capita pay demonstrates the development of economy toward advancement.

Role of dairy farming:

Dairy cultivating from farming segment has additionally assumed an incredible job in
financial improvement. Domesticated animals or dairy cultivating has tremendous commitment
toward financial development. The yearly protein per capita is 18 kg of meat and 155 litters of
drain. This is the most noteworthy rate in South Asia. Drain and meat and their results have a


decent market. Agriculturists can get a decent return by creating and giving these items to the
market. This procedure results into increment in per capita pay and in addition increment in
national salary of the economy.

Role of textile industries:

In economic development textile industries plays very important role. These enterprises
absolutely rely upon horticulture generation in crude shape. Cotton is the real yield which is
utilized as crude material for these ventures for creation reason. Assist these items are sent out to
numerous economies against remote trade. So cotton as crude material from agribusiness side
contributes toward increment in NI (National Income). Material businesses additionally give work
level which expands the per capita salary of the individual. So we can state that commitment of
material enterprises in the advancement of economy has much significance.

Role of sugar industries:

Sugar industry is likewise one of the significant areas of economy which has incredible
significance as per improvement of economy. This is absolutely agrarian based industry. Sugar
stick is created on extensive scale in numerous territories of Pakistan. This further supplies to sugar
ventures for the generation of sugar and other results which has extraordinary market. As
substantial scale businesses these likewise gives work level to the general population. This
outcomes into increment in per capita wage and in addition enhances expectations for everyday

Rice Export Corporation:

Many areas of Pakistan have much significance as per the creation of rice edit. In a few
regions the world most renowned rice edit is created. A gigantic amount is sent out to numerous
economies against remote trade. This outside trade is additionally used in import of some different
items like present day innovation or apparatus or this is used for the enhancement of foundation
of the economy.


About 4% of land is canvassed with timberlands in Pakistan. This is the significant

wellspring of paper, stumble, fuel wood, and latex drug. It is likewise utilized with the end goal of
natural life preservation and ecotourism.




i. Yield collection problems:

The gathering of yield from little agriculturists is extremely costly and troublesome
process. So it is an extraordinary issue of showcasing. There ought to be some simple path for
accumulation of yield from the ranchers.

ii. Rough grading Products:

Items or items which are reviewed have higher cost in the market. In Pakistan blending of
poor and great characteristics are normal. So evaluating issues must diminish.

iii. Storage problems:

The storerooms in business sectors are insufficient, vender can not store and sit tight at a
higher cost of the item because of absence of distribution centers. In light of this some transient
deliver endures misfortune.

iv. Middleman’s role:

The agent takes a major offer of rancher trim without doing anything. The agriculturists
get the cash from them and offer their items at low costs. So this is a major misfortune to the

v. Transportation problems:

Our sources of transportation are insufficient, so regular supply of product is not possible
to the market. The village are not properly linked to the markets. For proper provision of products
to the market there must be sufficient as well as fast means of transportation.

vi. Revenue system:

Our farmers have to pay land revenue after the harvesting of each crop, so it forces the
farmers to sell their produce at low price.


vii. Market Advisory Committee (MAC):

Macintosh (Market Advisory Committee) at region and tehsil level ought to be set up to
give specialized guidance and data to co-agent showcasing social orders. The officers of co-agent
and farming office ought to be the individuals from the board.
viii. Market reforms:

The government should improve the markets system. Strict rules and laws should be
introduced. The prices of agricultural products should be checked by the inspectors in the market.

ix. Water issues

In Pakistan, development of water supplies has turned into a matter of political tussle. Because of
which development of dams has been in end since last real undertaking of Terbela. Indus Basin
Treaty 1960 has neglected to prevent India from building water supplies on the channels
streaming to Pakistan. In any case, Pakistan reliably neglected to build up its view point on
worldwide gatherings. The present waterway water isn't viably utilized in our water system
framework. 25% - 35% misfortunes of water are recorded out of aggregate connected to fields.
Out of 142 MAF, add up to quantum of water accessible to crops is just 42 MAF. Because of
lack of channel water agriculturists need to utilize tube well water. This water is bitter and
having higher centralization of various salts and upgrades the issue of soil saltiness.


Unresolved issues were identified which need to be addressed in the next decade. It is
inappropriate to build recommendations for the irrigation subsector without considering the
water sector as a whole (irrigation and non - irrigation sectors). Therefore, some tentative
recommendations are:

 Comprehensive planning of the water sector coupled with integrated development and
management of irrigated agriculture is essential to achieve self - reliance in agricultural
production and sustainability of the resource base.
 Efficiency of water conveyance must be seen in the context of groundwater quality, as
any loss of water in the brackish groundwater zone is not retrievable in terms of quality.
Therefore, canal and watercourse lining programmes should be given priority in the
brackish groundwater zone.
 Research/development of low - cost, effective linings for canals and watercourses should
be strengthened.
 Productivity and sustainability research should address issues of water scarcity and


 Pilot projects in all major canal commands should be initiated to address issues of canal
operational management, institutional reforms, productivity and sustainability.
 Provincial on - farm water management programmes should address both surface and
groundwater issues. They must reorient their technical backstop support system to
respond to farmers' organizations.
 Surface water resources especially the small dams used for provision of domestic water
supply have to be increased to meet future needs. The losses of pipeline supply systems
have to be decreased to provide additional water. Mass awareness programmes have to be
initiated to motivate domestic and industrial water users’ in conservation of water.
 Emphasis should be given to recycling and re - use of water including wastewater
management; and.
 Research on low - cost and low O&M treatment plants for sewage and industrial effluents
should be initiated on an urgent basis.

Being an agrarian country, agricultural sector of Pakistan’s economy is still backward. Use of
modern techniques, provision of credit facilities, basic infrastructure and agriculture research
facilities are needed to remove all the problems of agriculture sector.


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