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Study Guide Part the First Vooabulany List | Guestions ‘Ancient ‘What connotations does the word mariner bring to mind? ‘Wherefore 4, Why isthe mariner “ancient”? Kin 2, What does an eye signily? Din 3, How does the mariner gain their attention? Quoth 44. What s left behind as the mariner bagins his stor/? Grey-beard loon | 5. The mariners’ story of the dangers ofthe voyage Efisoons, Introduces the Romantic concept ofthe power and Chuse beauty of nature. What aspects of the natural world Spake are highlighted? ‘irk 6. What effect does repetition and onomatopoeia Bassoon have on the readerlistoner? Minstrelsy 7. How does this part end? Tyrannous Dismal Sheen Swound Shroud Flonds Part the Second ‘Vocabulary List) Questions ‘Avorred inthis ar of the poem nature wreaks havoc. Wretch 4. What happens? Furow 2. What might the sun represent? Roel 3. How does Coleridge create this nightmarish work? Rout 44. Comment on the sailors’ atttude towards the mariner Part the Third Wist ‘At ths pont ofthe narative Coloridge uses suspense to Unslaked ‘oop his readerlistonor fascinated. Agape “1. Whats the "something in the sky"? Gramercy 2. What happens as a result ofthe ofthe dice game Nigh between Death and LifesinDeath? Botwint 3, What do you think the presence of Death and Life- Goseamers i-Death suggest about the mariners fo? Hulk Tice Specte-bark Nether Part the Fourth ‘Questions ‘Abide ‘The mariner is now In a night-time world, Bemocked 4. What is happening to him? Sultry 2. Wht might the snakes signify? Hoary 3. What finally saves him? Part the Fifth ‘WosabulanyList [Questions Dank ‘But allthis belongs in a dream. All around him are the Sere bodies of other salors, Sedge 41. What is happening in this part of the poem? Cleft 2. How are birds represented in this section and what Groan does this reveal about the mariners changed Nought attitude to life? Skyrlark 3, Explain what kind of atmosphere is created by Jargoning references to sound in this section of the poem, Brook 4, Suggest some reasons for why Coleridge used Keal mystical and supematural elements inthis part of Pawing the poem. Discerned ‘5. What do the two voices believe will be the fate of Bideth the mariner? Part the Sixth Vosabulany List | Questions Graciously Now he retums home but he must sil be absolved from Trance the blood of the albatross. Abated | ‘Chamel-dungeon | 1. Which incidents give the mariner @ sense of Fiend renewed hope? ‘Weather cock 2. Make a list ofall the references to fight In this, Prow section. Why do you think light is symbolic of hope Seraph-man for the mariner? Hermit 3. How is the ordinary world represented in this Shrieve section? 4, How does ths differ from the landscapes and ‘seascapes encountered in previous sections? —e Part the Seventh Vosbulankat [Gusaions SSS Pict | Trow. Warped 41. Comment on the encounter between the Perchance hermit’ boat and the mariners ship and why Iyyetod the mariner is considered a source of droad and wit fear in his curent stato? Whoops 2. identify the words and phrases used to convey ‘Smote the visual and aural impact of the ship's sinking Woeful 3, What is the penance given to the mariner? Garden-bower 4. How is the wedding guest affected by the tale? Vesper 5. How are you affected by the tale? 4. Do you think the mariner's penance is the albatross? 2, What éther kinds-of charactors in fiction, scripture and folklore travel around the world teling stories? 3, What flsas thik the post conveys about the way stories are passed on betwee people and over the course of time? st punishment for kiting

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