Mariter Mendoza vs. Adriano Casumpang - gr197987

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G.R. No. 197987
March 19, 2012
Nature: Petition for review

On Feb. 13, 1993, Josephine Casumpang underwent hysterectomy and myomectomy at Iloilo Doctors
Hospital, performed by petitioner Dr. Mariter Mendoza. After the operation, she experienced vomiting,
recurring fever, and nausea. Three months after, she noticed something protruding from her genital. Because
Dr. Mendoza was unavailable when called, Josephine went to another physician, Dr. Edna Jamandre-
Gumban. Dr. Gumban extracted a foul smelling partially expelled rolled gauze from her cervix. Josephine
then filed an action for damages against Dr. Mendoza with the RTC Iloilo. Josephine died at 40 years old
before trial even began. She was substituted by her husband and children in the case.
RTC ruled on March 7, 2005 that Dr. Mendoza’s negligence caused Josephine’s eventual death and
ordered her to pay damages. On motion for reconsideration, the RTC reversed itself and dismissed the
complaint on June 3, 2005.
CA ruled on March 18, 2011 that Dr. Mendoza committed breach of her duty as a physician when a
gauze remained in her patient’s body after surgery. Motion for reconsideration was denied.

Whether or not the petitioner is liable for damages due to negligence


As the RTC pointed out, Josephine did not undergo any other surgical operation. And it would be much
unlikely for her or for any woman to inject a roll of gauze into her cervix. As the Court held in Professional
Services, Inc. v. Agana:
An operation requiring the placing of sponges in the incision is not complete until the sponges are
properly removed, and it is settled that the leaving of sponges or other foreign substances in the
wound after the incision has been closed is at least prima facie negligence by the operating surgeon.
To put it simply, such act is considered so inconsistent with due care as to raise an inference of
negligence. There are even legions of authorities to the effect that such act is negligence per se.

The Court notes, however, that neither the CA nor the RTC awarded exemplary damages against Dr. Mendoza
when, under Article 2229 of the Civil Code, exemplary damages are imposed by way of example or correction
for the public good, in addition to moral damages. Exemplary damages may also be awarded in cases of gross

A surgical operation is the responsibility of the surgeon performing it. He must personally ascertain that the
counts of instruments and materials used before the surgery and prior to sewing the patient up have been
correctly done. To provide an example to the medical profession and to stress the need for constant vigilance
in attending to a patients health, the award of exemplary damages in this case is in order.

Further, in view of Josephine’s death resulting from petitioners negligence, civil indemnity under Article 2206
of the Civil Code should be given to respondents as heirs. The amount of P50,000.00 is fixed by prevailing
jurisprudence for this kind.

The Court also deems it just and equitable under Article 2208 of the Civil Code to increase the award of
attorneys fees from P20,000.00 to P50,000.00.

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