Common Process Chain Errors

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Common Process chain errors

This question is Assumed Answered.

Feb 15, 2008 7:51 AM
Hi friends,

Can u please explain cause of below errors in process chain and how to rectify the problem ?

1. Deadlock error.
2. Error in unit conversion
3.Error 1 in update
4.Processing no data
5.Caller 70 missing
6.Idoc not processed completely.

Helpful Answer by Aadil Siddiqui


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 Re: Common Process chain errors

Beekay B Feb 15, 2008 8:00 AM (in response to BW USER)

Just search SDN with the same error words " Deadlock Error " will find many issues.
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 Helpful AnswerRe: Common Process chain errors

Aadil Siddiqui Feb 15, 2008 8:00 AM (in response to BW USER)



Dead Locks

2. Error in unit conversion

\Units of measure

3.Error 1 in update
When Src file is already open or not accessible.

4.Processing no data
theres no data selected after extraction
5.Caller 70 missing

"• This error normally occurs whenever BW encounters error and is not able to classify them. There could be multiple reasons for
the same
1) Whenever we are loading the Master Data for the first time, it creates SID’s. If system is unable to create SIDs for the records
in the Data packet, we can get this error message.
2) If the Indexes of the cube are not deleted, then it may happen that the system may give the caller 70 error.
3)Whenever we are trying to load the Transactional data which has master data as one of the Characteristics and the value does
not exist in Master Data table we get this error. System can have difficultly in creating SIDs for the Master Data and also load the
transactional data.
4) If ODS activation is taking place and at the same time there is another ODS activation running parallel then in that case it may
happen that the system may classify the error as caller 70. As there were no processes free for that ODS Activation.
5) It also occurs whenever there is a Read/Write occurring in the Active Data Table of ODS. For example if activation is
happening for an ODS and at the same time the data loading is also taking place to the same ODS, then system may classify the
error as caller 70.
6) It is a system error which can be seen under
the “Status” tab in the Job Over View.


"• If the Master Data is getting loaded for the first time then in that case we can reduce the Data Package size and load the Info
Package. Processing sometimes is based on the size of Data Package. Hence we can reduce the data package size and then reload
the data again. We can also try to split the data load into different data loads
• If the error occurs in the cube load then we can try to delete the indexes of the cube and then reload the data again.
• If we are trying to load the Transactional and Master Data together and this error occurs then we can reduce the size of the Data
Package and try reloading, as system may be finding it difficult to create SID’s and load data at the same time. Or we can load
the Master Data first and then load Tranactional Data
• If the error is happening while ODS activation cause of no processes free, or available for processing the ODS activation, then
we can define processes in the T Code RSCUSTA2.
• If error is occurring due to Read/Write in ODS then we need to make changes in the schedule time of the data loading.
• Once we are sure that the data has not been extracted completely, we can then go ahead and delete the red request from the
manage tab in the InfoProvider. Re-trigger the InfoPackage again.
• Monitor the load for successful completion, and complete the further loads if any in the Process Chain.

6.Idoc not processed completely.

Here the request remains yellow (in process) and with the same details (as seen in the details tab of the monitor) for an
abnormally long time. Many-a-times, the port for communication is not open and re-starting the load helps. For long running
jobs, it may not be advisable to restart the extraction

Contact the BASIS administrator to push the IDOC.

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 Re: Common Process chain errors

Jitu Krishna Feb 15, 2008 8:05 AM (in response to BW USER)

Try this.

Process Chain Errors


Data Load Errors


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 Re: Common Process chain errors

Tharakaramarao Ganta Feb 15, 2008 8:08 AM (in response to BW USER)


look into these links:


For common data load errors check this link:


Majority of the issues will be based on these things only..

Hope the following links will give u a clear idea about process chains and clear ur doubts.

Business Intelligence Old Forum (Read Only Archive)

Siggi's weblogs for data load error and how to restart process chain


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