Year 12 Musicology 2 Film

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Musicology Task 2

Name: __________________________________________ Teacher: Mr Wensley

Unit: In the Mood for Film Task: Essay
Date Set: 16th July 2018
Draft Due: 21st August 2018 Date Due: 4th September 2018


As part of an international film music festival, the board of directors are consulting you
on a nomination for the following award:

• Best Film Music Award

To support your nomination, select a significant scene(s) from a movie of your choosing
and present an analysis of your chosen work which evaluates

• compositional technique through the manipulation of musical elements

• how this music supports a specific function of film music
• establishes character and (or) cultural identity

You must also submit score examples or MP4 recordings of your chosen segment(s).

You may choose to present your analysis as EITHER:

• An oral presentation with audio visual aides

• A written essay
• A multimedia presentation

5– 7 minutes (multimodal)
800 - 1200 words (written)


Standard A Standard B Standard C Standard D Standard E

The student work The student work The student work The student work The student work
has the following has the following has the following has the following has the following
characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics: characteristics:
• discerning • thorough perception • perception and • inconsistent • little
perception and and interpretation of interpretation of perception and consideration of
interpretation of relevant music music elements and interpretation of music elements
relevant music elements and concepts in music elements and or concepts in
elements and concepts in repertoire and music concepts in repertoire and
concepts in repertoire and music sources repertoire and music music sources
repertoire and music sources sources
• comprehensive and • in-depth and • analysis and • simple analysis of • statements that

discerning analysis coherent analysis evaluation of music music to identify may relate to
and evaluation of and evaluation of to determine the some connections music elements
music to determine music to determine relationships between music or concepts
the relationships the relationships between music elements, concepts
between music between music elements, concepts or stylistic
elements, concepts elements, concepts and stylistic characteristics
and stylistic and stylistic characteristics
characteristics characteristics
• discerning synthesis • effective synthesis of • synthesis of findings, • statements of • statements of
of findings, well- findings, valid justification of music findings with simple opinion related to
supported justification of music viewpoints, and justification of music music ideas.
justification of music viewpoints, and communication of viewpoints and
viewpoints, and logical music ideas. presentation of
convincing communication of music ideas.
communication of music ideas.
music ideas.

Grade Awarded:


Teacher Signature: Date:

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