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1. Teacher talking
Think about language grading and note examples of well-graded language and
things that could be improved. How much did the teacher talk? At what points of
the lesson was this?

2. Student talking
Think about what the teacher was doing while the students were talking. What type
of monitoring did the teacher use?

3. Student Involvement
Were all the students participating? If not, why not? Did the teacher show
awareness of the students as individuals?

4. Teacher Manner
How would you describe the teacher’s manner? Think about guidance and
instructions, classroom control, encouragement, praise, enthusiasm, etc.

5. The Use of Teacher Aids

Were the visual aids really visual? Were they visually appealing and clear? Was the
whiteboard/CD player used well? Any other relevant comments about the aids
used in the lesson?

6. Language Clarification (MFP)

How did the teacher clarify MFP? What did you think was effective? Why? What
was less effective? Why?

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