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Name: Jordan Peacock Course: Business Level 3 Year 2 Year: 2018 Date: 15/10/2018

Section 1

Consider the skills listed below and rate how important you think each skill is for employment and how competent you are in this skill.
Consider how each of these skills may enhance your performance, and allow you to develop and advance further. You may wish to discuss
these with your advisor of studies. Alternatively, you may wish to ask a friend or family member, and to compare and discuss your separate

Once you have rated yourself, multiply the number in the column marked ‘Competence’ with that in the column ‘Job Importance’. So, for
example, if you feel that you are not very proficient in verbal and written communication (i.e. you have rated your competence at 4), but that
these skills are very important for employment (i.e. you have rated it at 5), then your overall total score would be 5 X 4 = 20.

Section 2
This section will provide you with examples of the types of evidence you can provide to demonstrate your level of competence with each skill.

Competence – How competent are you Job Importance – How important do you
in this skill? think this skill is in Employment?
1. Highly proficient 1. Unnecessary
2. Fairly proficient 2. Not very important
3. Adequate 3. Helpful
4. Not very proficient 4. Fairly important
5. Unskilled 5. Essential
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
3 3 9 I have written multiple assignments and so on through
Ability to express self well in writing both school and college.
Informal – ability to network easily 3 3 9 I have networked with people in a wide range of
with other people environments in the past.
Formal – ability to express yourself 4 4 16 I have worked with various people before, such as giving
clearly and concisely to a group of presentations and generally working in teams.
Listening – ability to attend actively to 2 3 6 Listening is a part of daily life so I believe that I have
others’ views and ideas and understand experience of it. However, I feel that in terms of group
their point of view exercises I have not had much experience, as I haven’t
worked in groups much.
Body Language – ability to match body 5 2 10 I have not had much experience in using body language
language appropriately to what is being but understand the importance of it, especially in
said verbally interviews for example.
Ability to collaborate effectively within 4 5 20 I have done a group tasks in the past during college and
a team school.
Ability to reach a mutually satisfactory 4 3 12 I not have not had any experience with negotiation skills.
outcome through compromise
Ability to respond appropriately to 2 3 6 I hold no stereotypes of any kind relating to gender, age
individual differences, e.g., age, gender, or race therefore I believe I am able to respond
etc. appropriately to anyone whenever it is needed.
Ability to encourage and motivate 3 3 9 I have had little experience with motivation and
others encouragement. However if the situation arose, where I
had to motivate someone, then I feel like I would do a
decent job at motivating people and keeping the morale
Ability to supervise or direct work of 5 2 10 I have had no experience in this.
Ability to evaluate competing priorities 3 5 15 With things such as assignments for college and
to plan ahead homework from school, I know what it is like to have
competing deadlines and have to prioritise them.
Ability to use a calculator or PC to 2 2 4 I have had a lot of experience using a calculator with my
make calculations GCSE maths qualification in school and I feel I am
equipped to make calculations.
Ability to interpret descriptive statistics, 3 2 6 I did a lot of this within my GCSE in Maths and statistics
e.g. ratios percentages, means, standard that I did at school.
Ability to interpret inferential statistics, 3 2 6 Statistics taught me to be able to interpret statistics and
e.g., confidence intervals, statistical data.
significance, effect size
Ability to organise and present 3 2 6 Again, I believe that I am able to organise and present
numerical data in an appropriate manner data in an appropriate manner due to the Statistics course
I did and passed.
File Management Techniques
Ability to create, store and retrieve files 2 1 2 I have used a PC for many years, all of which have
involved storing and retrieving files.
Word Processing (e.g. MS Word)
Ability to use a word processing (WP) 2 3 6 I learnt how to use word processing packages in school
package to produce a variety of formats to produce a variety of different types of documents such
of documents as reports, for example.
Spreadsheets (e.g., MS Excel)
Ability to use a spreadsheet to record 3 1 3 Likewise with word processing packages, I learnt how to
and manipulate different sets of data record and manipulate different sets of data in
spreadsheets at school in IT.


Databases (e.g., MS Access)
Ability to retrieve information from a 5 1 I have no experience with databases.
Ability to create a database 5 1 I have no experience with databases.

Presentations (e.g., MS PowerPoint)

Ability to create and display a 3 3 9 In IT I created and presented a powerpoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation on IT Security within school.
Information and Communication
Ability to send and receive email 1 3 3 I have extensive experience with emails as I have sent
and received loads over the years.
Ability to send and receive attachments 1 3 3 I have extensive experience with emails as I have sent
by e-mail and received loads over the years.
Ability to use an internet browser, e.g., 1 2 2 I am able to use an internet browser and have done so
Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL for many years now.
Ability to download files from the 2 2 4 I am able to download files from the internet and
Internet and transfer to WP transfer to a word processor and my wider work
whenever applicable.
Ability to use a search engine, e.g. 1 1 1 I am able to use a search engine.
Altavista, Google
Ability to generate new ideas or 3 4 12 I believe I have the ability to generate new ideas often to
conceive existing ideas in a new way solve problems whenever I need to.
Organisation and Planning
Ability to set down a systematic 3 4 12 I believe I am able to carry out tasks within an effective
sequence of activities and carry them manner and are organised as I get assignments in on
through in an effective manner time.
Ability to gather information in a 3 3 9 I have had to do this in both school and college for
systematic way to establish certain facts assignments that I have had to submit.
or principles


Ability to understand and summarise 2 4 8 I am able to understand and summarise information as I
information have had to do so for assignment work.
Ability to initiate, take decisions and act 3 4 12 I believe that I am able to take initiative and act
resourcefully resourcefully whenever required, say when a problem
Self Management
Self awareness – ability to identify and 2 2 4 I have had some experience with identifying personal
reflect on own strengths and weaknesses strengths and weaknesses because I have filled out a
in relation to: personal skills audit.
● Personal Development
● Educational Development
● Career Development
Effective learning – ability to learn 3 3 9 I have the ability to learn from all situations and all what
from a range of situations and apply I have learnt and my knowledge as much as required.
learning in a variety of contexts
Reasoning skills – ability to defend 3 3 9 I am able to defend my arguments using logical and
argument using logical and systematic systematic thinking based on sound advice after debating
thinking based on sound evidence with friends in the past on a wide range of topics and
Reflection – ability to reflect on and 2 2 4 I am able to reflect and criticise myself and will do so on
critique own performance feedback when I receive my assignments back from my


Study Skills
Ability to manage and prioritise time to 3 5 15 With college and assignment work I am constantly
meet deadlines managing competing deadlines and have to prioritise as
a result.
Ability to identify relevant sources of 3 2 6 I am able to apply relevant sources of information as I
information, including people and have to do this with my college work.
reference material
Ability to use a library to find books and 3 1 3 I don’t have much ability with using a library to find
journal articles books and journal articles as I use the internet to find
articles that can be used for my assignments.
Ability to take notes, organise them, and 2 3 6 In most of my educational career I have been taking
integrate them with other sources of notes from all lessons in school and college to use them
information in assignments where required.
Ability to reference materials using an 2 1 2 For the past year and a half, almost, I have been using
appropriate system, e.g., Harvard or Harvard referencing in my work.
Identify your learning needs
Now pick three of the highest scoring skills from the above audit (by multiplying your scores as shown above) that you need to develop further.
List these below in order of priority.

Skill Area Action Plan for Development and where you can access these

1. Ability to collaborate
effectively within a Working within a team is one of my weakest skill areas and also is highly important if I want a successful career
team within the Marketing industry so it is something I would like to improve on. To improve this skill, I believe that I
need to work in groups more often to develop this skill, and that there is team building courses that I could go on
to also improve this skill.

Although I consider myself to be good at timekeeping, I believe that I need to improve my ability to prioritise my
time and efficiency in that I make a better use of my time than I currently do. This is important for Marketing with
2. Ability to manage and such tight deadlines and to improve this, I would set myself goals to become more efficient in prioritising time so
prioritise time to meet that I can then better perfect this skill for the future.

3. Ability to initiate, take I don’t consider myself a leader or to have expertise in leadership qualities but if I am to make it into the
decisions and act Marketing Industry then I need to make sure that I improve my ability to initiate - such as work, make ideas come
resourcefully. into fruition and so on, take decisions - when they’re needed and act more resourcefully - making as much use out
of the resources I have then neglecting them. To improve this, I would again put a plan in place to take decisions
where I would not and make more use of the resources at my disposal.
Section 2: Providing Evidence you have the Skills

Communication may be formal or informal, personal or impersonal, creative or factual. Messages may be delivered verbally, in writing or non-
verbally. There are many areas where examples of each communication approach may have been successfully applied, at university, at work, at
home, etc

Written - Ability to express self well in writing Ability to express self well in writing
- I believe that I am able to express myself well in writing up to a fairly decent standard in that I believe my assignments are up to the
required criteria and that I have wrote various different types of documents such as posters, letters, reports amongst others.
Written - Ability to express self well in writing
Informal – ability to network easily with other people
- I believe that I am able to network easily with other people thanks to working within groups and talking with friends to come to a
solution to a problem that I have.
Formal – ability to express self clearly and concisely to a group of people
- I believe that I have the ability to express myself clearly and concisely to a group, from both school and outside of college with friends
for example, such as debating and talking with others.

Listening – ability to attend actively to others’ views and ideas and understand their point of view
- I am able to listen and understand others’ views, ideas & opinions and take them onboard whenever it is relevant, for example working in
a group, it would be important to take everyone’s viewpoints and come to an agreement on the course of action.
● Lectures (evidenced from good notes and good results!), in groups/teams, peer tutoring, supporting/counselling others, ability to take
instructions (e.g. when learning a new skill – music, driving, sport).
- I believe that I take as much as I possibly can from lecturers and the lessons and support that I receive whilst in college.
Body Language – ability to match body language appropriately to what is being said verbally
- I don’t have much experience with body language but understand the importance it can have in presentations, socially and in interviews,
for example.
Working with others is a skill highly valued by employers. Suitable evidence for this skill need not be limited to work experience. You should
think of all aspects of your work, studies and social life.

Cooperation - Ability to collaborate effectively within a team

- I believe that I am able to work well within a team but could be better if I constantly worked on improving my work ethic within a team
to get everything that is required of me done efficiently.

Negotiation - Ability to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome through compromise

- I don’t have any experience with negotiation but know the importance of it and how it can be used, especially within my future career
choice of Marketing and therefore it is something that I will aim to work upon.
Sensitivity- Ability to respond appropriately to individual differences, e.g., age, gender, etc.
- I believe that I am able to respond appropriately to individual differences and not be biased in one way or another because of the beliefs
that I hold, that everyone should receive the same opportunities and treated the same.
Leadership - Ability to encourage and motivate others
- I don’t have good leadership skills, especially since the fact that I haven’t had any experience leading groups but know the importance of it and that it
is something that I need to improve on, for my career in Marketing.

Calculations - Ability to use a calculator or PC to make calculations
Interpretation - - Ability to interpret descriptive statistics, e.g. ratios percentages, means, standard deviations
- Ability to interpret inferential statistics, e.g., confidence intervals, statistical significance, effect size
Application -Ability to organize and present numerical data in an appropriate manner
- I believe that I have the application of number in that I have experience in doing so within my Maths GCSE and the Statistics GCSE that
I both passed at school which taught me the skills of working with and interpreting data on various different occasions.

File Management Techniques - Ability to create, store and retrieve files
- I have the ability to create, store and retrieve files through both the college network and also on my own home network for assignment
work, primarily.
Word Processing - Ability to use a word processing package to produce a variety of formats of documents
- I am able to use word processing packages to produce a wide variety of formats of documents such as letters, assignments, flyers and my
CV, all of which I have done in college.
Spreadsheets - Ability to use a spreadsheet to record and manipulate different sets of data
- I am able to use a spreadsheet to both record and manipulate different sets of data and have done so in previous assignment work at
college, with a cash flow forecast for 12 months.
Databases - Ability to retrieve information from a database/ Ability to create a database
- I first developed the skill of using and manipulating spreadsheets within Excel in IT in school and have developed further since,
although there are still a wide range of things in Excel I haven’t learned yet.
Presentations - Ability to create and display a PowerPoint presentation
- I developed this skill in school, in an IT lesson, where we had to do a presentation on IT security which had to be well constructed, clear
and provide audio-visual aids so that all audiences were able to gain something from the presentation.
Information and Communication - Ability to send and receive email
- I have sufficient ability in being able to send and receive emails and have been able to do so for a long time.
Ability to send and receive attachments as email
- I have forwarded work and attachments on email before such as sending my coursework to a tutor and likewise, have received a wide
variety of attachments through email before.
Ability to use an internet browser e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL
- I am able to use an internet browser and it has helped me in the past such as research information for my assignments, for an example.
Ability to download files from the internet and transfer to WP
- I have downloaded files from the past from the internet such as course notes and past exam papers in school for example that I can then
use in assignment and study work to my advantage. I have also filled in forms in the past as well, which are fairly straightforward and
simple to do.
Ability to use a search engine e.g. Altavista, Google
- Learnt how to first use the internet within primary school and have extended my knowledge ever since to a level I now feel somewhat
proficient at. I, of course use it within my assignment and coursework and also in my everyday life for a different variety of tasks.

Creativity - Ability to generate new ideas or conceive existing ideas in a new way
- I am able to generate new ideas and approaches to things and have been able to do so when thinking in depth whilst working within
teams. I also believe that this has helped me within assignments such as to find new and efficient ways of finishing my work.
Organisation and Planning - Ability to set down a systematic sequence of activities and carry them through in an effective manner
- Organisation and Planning is vitally important within my chosen career and also my academic studies and I believe that I have a decent
ability in being able to carry out required tasks within an effective manner and timeframe.
Research - Ability to gather information in a systematic way to establish certain facts or principles
- I am able to gather information in a systematic way to help me finish my assignments to my best possible ability. This involves looking
into different opinions and sources to come to a full conclusion of all of the facts, and viewpoints, not biased in anyway shape or form.
Analysis - Ability to understand and summarise information (Detailed examination of structure and content)
- I have an ability to understand and summarise information in a detailed manner, so for example when I receive an assignment back I will
analyse the feedback in depth and improve my work from there on to meet the required criteria. I also like going as in depth as possible
with topics to find out as much as possible.
Initiative - Ability to initiate, take decisions and act resourcefully
- I believe that I have the ability to take decisions and act resourcefully such as whenever I come into a problem I will effectively
troubleshoot and come to a conclusion on how I can fix the problem in a swift and good manner.


Self Management

Self-awareness – ability to identify and reflect on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to:
● Personal Development:
- I am fully confident and aware in what skills and experience I need to make myself more employable for a job within the employment
market through the Skills Audit and this Transferable Skills Audit that I am doing now to also realise what my core strengths are and how
I can show and emphasise them whenever needed, preferably within interviews for example.
● Educational Development:
- I believe that I make good use of my time when working on assignments in that they are always in before the deadline and are done to the
best of my ability and not rushed and done poorly. I regularly review my progress to see how I am advancing academically, to see what I
need to do to improve and then act upon it.
● Career Development:
- I have an extensive career plan for the next five years that I aim to follow closely. I also have an up-to-date, well organised and accurate
CV which states all my strengths, qualifications and experience. I don’t have a part time job and haven’t done any voluntary work to
develop my employability skills but know that they can massively help my employability skills and set me out against the crowd.
Effective learning – ability to learn from a range of situations and apply learning in a variety of contexts
- I don’t think I have developed many skills from a hobby or sport of mine other than communication, which itself isn’t as great as I would
like it to be. However, I recognise that sports and hobbies can give an individual a lot of skills within academic studies and the workplace
that are really transferable.
Reasoning skills – ability to defend argument using logical and systematic thinking based on sound evidence
- When presenting arguments in essays and presentations, and also my own assignment work, I make sure that I use a wide range of trusted
sources from books, articles and so on to make sure that the information and opinion I am presenting/writing about is as factually true as
possible. This is important as if you present something as true, without a factually correct source or source in general, will reflect badly
on you and show that you don’t put much effort or care within your work.
Reflection – ability to reflect on and critique own performance
- When I have received an assignment back from one of my tutors I always make sure that I take it onboard for future assignments so that I
don’t make the same mistakes and make sure that I put in as much effort as possible to get the best grades possible. Reflecting on
mistakes is important because if you properly take them onboard and take time to reflect deeply on your learning then you will learn
much more about yourself which is important for continuing professional development.

Study Skills - Ability to manage and prioritise time to meet deadlines

- Ability to identify relevant sources of information, including people and reference material
- Ability to use a library to find books and journal articles
- Ability to take notes, organize them, and integrate them with other sources of information
- Ability to reference materials using an appropriate system, e.g., Harvard or Vancouver.
- I am able to manage and prioritise time to meet deadlines as I have always got my work in within the required deadline at both school
and college. I also organise and prepare for both my assignments and any exams that I may have to make sure that I perform as good as I
possibly can, which shows my dedication and engagement towards my activity. I have a sufficient ability to find books and articles that
are relevant to my assignment and what I’m working towards. I also believe that I am good at taking notes, organising them and using
them whenever needed. I am also aware of the current range of learning opportunities and support available to me and will use it
whenever I feel that I need it.

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