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Timeline of the Half-Life and Portal universe

Unclassifiable until 21st century

The Combine, a vast empire, spanning multiple parallel universes, invade the Nihilanth and Vortigaunt
homeworld. That prompting the migration of Nihilanth and Vortigaunts to the borderworld Xen, where
Combine won't follow.
The Nihilanth is last of his race.
Xen is takeover by Nihilanth, who enslaves Vortigaunts and other species of Xen.

20th century

Aperture Fixtures is established in Ohio, USA by Cave Johnson.

Cave Johnson receives the Shower Curtain Salesman award within Aperture Fixtures.

Cave Johnson appears in the UP Pioneer Press headlines for buying a salt mine in Upper Michigan,
USA, which is later reconstructed as the Aperture Science Innovators facility.

1944 – 1952
Aperture Science begins building 9 Test Shafts in salt mine in Upper Michigan, USA.

May 17, 1944 – May 16, 1954

Richard Keller is born. (Age 55 on May 16, 200-)

Cave Johnson decided to take a more broad scientific approach to Aperture Fixtures, and promptly renamed
the company "Aperture Science". Johnson began to focus on experimental physics as new direction for the
company, and although Johnson was well known for his unorthodox approach to science.
Aperture Science receives the award for Best New Science Company from the Science and Business Institute
of America.

Aperture Science is rated #2 among the Top 100 Applied Science Companies by the Mechanical Engineering
World Journal.
Caroline becomes Cave Johnson assistant.
Aperture Science begins various testing in the Enrichment Spheres.
Aperture Science develops Repulsion Gel and attempt to create a dietetic pudding substitute from it. Later,
they begin to use Repulsion Gel in Portal testing.

Aperture Science is the Runner Up for the US Department of Defense's Contractor of the Year award. By
now, Aperture Science has begun testing Repulsion Gel. Test Shaft 09's Entrance Way, Lobby and Testing
Lounge are built.

1953 – 1956
Aperture Science constructs Pump Station Alpha and at least Test Shaft 09 Chambers 01 and 02.

Aperture Science is the Runner Up for the U.S. Department of Defense's Contractor of the Year award again.

Aperture Science receives the Spirit of Idaho National Potato Board award for the promotion of Potato

Aperture Science handles local teleportation.
Aperture Science developed Portable Quantum Tunneling Device.
Portal testing begins with astronauts, war heroes and olympians.

Pump Station Alpha (which pumps Repulsion Gel) is in active use by now.

Aperture Science constructs at least Test Shaft 09 Chamber 26.

Aperture Science constructs Test Shaft 09 Chambers 27 and 28, and begins forming control groups for
experimentation with cranial microchip implantation.

Aperture Science's financial boom period had passed, and with countless products stuck in the testing phase as
well as many being pulled from shelves for violating health and safety regulations, Aperture was beginning to

June 15
Aperture Science's Test Shaft 09 "Zulu Bunsen" is condemned and sealed off.

Aperture Science was involved in the U.S. Senate hearings regarding astronauts going missing following their
participation in testing.
Aperture Science was declared bankrupt. Cave Johnson blamed Black Mesa for Aperture's financial troubles,
claiming that the rival company was stealing their ideas.

May 17, 1968 – May 16, 1978

Colette Green is born. (Age 31 on May 16, 200-)

Aperture Science re-opens Test Shaft 09 for testing. The lower sections remain unused.

Aperture Science constructs Pump Station Beta and begins Propulsion Gel testing.
Aperture Science works on advanced teleportation project on research icebreaker Borealis in the dry dock of
Test Shaft 09. Aperture Science due to their rush with Black Mesa for funding, must have compromised
standard of risk and experiment with technology on Borealis, which disappeared unknown where, even with
part of the dry dock. In the following years, Borealis became a legend in the scientific community.

May 17, 1972 – May 16, 1982

Gordon Freeman is born in Seattle, Washington, USA. (Age 27 on May 16, 200-)

May 17, 1974 – May 16, 1984

Gina Cross is born. (Age 25 on May 16, 200-)

Aperture Science constructs at least Chamber 05 of the Propulsion Gel Testing Facility.

Aperture Science constructs the elevator out of the Propulsion Gel Testing Facility.
Due to financial difficulties and possible legal problems arising from testing prominent citizens, Aperture
Science begins using homeless people as Test Subjects.
Complementing the Propulsion Gel testing, Aperture Science also begins experiment with human
deconstruction, enhancement, and reconstruction procedures.

May 17, 1977 – May 16, 1987

Adrian Shephard is born. (Age 22 on May 16, 200-)

May 17, 1978 – May 16, 1988

Gordon Freeman at age 6 construct a butane-powered tennis ball cannon.

Aperture Science constructs the Conversion Gel Testing Facility's enrichment center, and now performs tests
on its own employees. By now, Cave Johnson has spent $70 million on moon rocks to grind up and turn
into Conversion Gel, and because of exposure has himself become gravely ill and addicted to pain medication.

Aperture Science experiments with androids and begins to use them as an employee and test subjects.

Aperture Science constructs Pump Station Gamma and the Conversion Gel Testing Facility.
Desperate to cheat death, Cave Johnson orders his engineers to begin research and development on a computer
system that could store his consciousness. However, should the system not be completed before his death,
Johnson orders that his ever loyal assistant Caroline succeed him as CEO of Aperture Science, and have her
consciousness uploaded instead, regardless of any protests she might have.

Cave Johnson dies.

For this year, a calendar named "The girls of Aperture Science" is issued by Aperture Science.

The Conversion Gel Testing Facility is updated with an additional wall.

Aperture Science releases several testing elements, such as the Excursion Funnel, a tractor beam-like funnel
made of liquid asbestos; the Thermal Discouragement Beam, a laser to be used with a Weighted Pivot Cube to
destroy Sentry Guns and activate some buttons; the Aerial Faith Plate, a catapult plate flinging into the air
Test Subjects or any other object upon contact; and the Pneumatic Diversity Vent, a variant of the Vital
Apparatus Vent used for distributing objects to Test Chambers.

Aperture Science perform first annual "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day". GLaDOS is ceremonially fully
activated. Upon being activated, she almost instantly becomes self-aware, takes control of the Enrichment
Center, locks everyone inside, and floods the Enrichment Center with a deadly neurotoxin, but is halted when
she is quickly fitted with a Morality Core.
Doug Rattmann is one of the only survivors, and GLaDOS turned onto taunting him about his schizophrenia.
She attempts to convince him that his situation was a result of his paranoia, but he ignores her, and gets a
hunch about a Test Subject, Chell, who he thought could make a difference. He flees to the file room and find
her file. It said that she should not be tested, as she is abnormally stubborn and "never ever" gives up.
Convinced she is the one he needs to stop GLaDOS, he put her on top of the Test Subject list. Because he
can't escape Enrichment Center, he begins to live at maintenance areas, hiding from GLaDOS.
In the following years, GLaDOS begins permanent cycle of testing and developing a new technologies and
robots, such as ATLAS and P-Body, which are assigned to Cooperative Testing Initiative.

Late 1990s
While visiting the University of Innsbruck, Gordon Freeman observes a series of seminal teleportation
experiments conducted by the Institute for Experimental Physics. Practical applications for teleportation
become his obsession.

Gordon Freeman graduates from MIT with a Ph.D. in theoretical physics with a thesis paper
entitled "Observation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Entanglement on Supraquantum Structures by Induction
through Nonlinear Transuranic Crystal of Extremely Long Wavelength (ELW) Pulse from Mode-Locked
Source Array".

Unclassifiable 20th/21st century until May 16, 200-

Aperture Science
Aperture Science builds Co-op test shaft. Hundreds of human Test Subjects are placed to the Extended
Relaxation Annex there.
Aperture Science develops Handheld Portal Device.
Aperture Science develops cryotechnology. Extended Relaxation Center is built, where are 10,000 cryo-
chambers for test subjects.
Doug Rattman begins to work in Aperture Science. He is assigned to Henry's team of the development of
Aperture Science develops GLaDOS. Caroline's consciousness is later copied to GLaDOS.
Aperture Science activates GLaDOS for the first time. It takes a sixteenth of a picosecond before she tries kill
Aperture personnel.
Aperture Science begins developing Personality Cores.
Aperture Science designs Intelligence Dampening Sphere, known as Wheatley to render GLaDOS less
dangerous by generating a constant stream of stupid ideas, thereby distracting her and hampering her decision-
making process. It isn't successful. Wheatley is later reassigned to the Extended Relaxation Center.
Henry's team develops Morality Core and install it to GLaDOS. She appears that she lost all interest in killing
and now she only craves science. She tells Henry that she finds herself drawn to the study of consciousness.
She would like to perform an experiment during "Bring Your Daughter to Work Day". She wants neurotoxin
for that experiment. Henry agrees.
Chell applies for a Test Subject position in Aperture Science. She is evaluated as stubborn and rejected to test.
She is ranked at the 1498th place in the Test Subject list.
Black Mesa
Black Mesa Research Facility is established in New Mexico, USA. In the following years, the facility is built
over several decommissioned ICBM launching and testing silo complexes, which was converted into a vast
civilian institute for the research of almost every conceivable scientific discipline, loosely spread along seven
main Sectors.
Black Mesa begins to work on teleportation technology. It is discovered, that a strange borderworld (Xen) is
somehow involved to the process which kept scientist from accurately predicting where any given
teleportation event would lead to back on Earth.
Black Mesa handles local and interdimensional teleportation.
Black Mesa sends survey teams to Xen. First samples are bringing back as well as another life forms. Science
team, including Dr. Rosenberg, develop device that could be attached to Xen crystalline structures and then
could be used as a focal point and relay to aid in the teleportation. However, science team lose contact with
the survey team shortly after the device was in place.
Several members of survey teams collect Xen samples for themselves.
Most of the Black Mesa teleportation research is moving to Lambda Complex.
Black Mesa improves their teleportation technology, which now doesn't need a coordinating device.
Black Mesa Anomalous Materials begins a Xen samples research.
Black Mesa Biodome Complex begins alien life research.
Black Mesa plans to develop a satellite array. Rockets are launched from Sector E High Altitude Launch
Black Mesa Gamma Labs develop the Displacement Beacon. It is used as a sort of cross-dimensional netting
ground, where they capture organic alien samples and creatures for study without the danger of actually going
to Xen to retrieve them. Alien Quarantine Labs are established as a part of Gamma Labs.
Black Mesa develops Displacer Cannon, Tau Cannon, Gluon Gun, HEV Suit Mark IV (Mark V is at the
prototype state).
Dr. Rosenberg designs the Anti-Mass Spectrometer in the Test Lab C-33/a at Black Mesa Anomalous
Colette Green graduates from Carnegie Mellon with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and masters the robotics
Colette Green becomes research associate with Level 4 security clearance assigned to Black Mesa Anomalous
Gina Cross graduates from Caltech with a Ph.D. in the fields of bioengineering and mechanical engineering.
Gina Cross becomes senior physicist assigned to anomalous materials handling at Black Mesa Anomalous
Materials, Hazardous Environment Supervisor with Level 4 security clearance, HEV Suit instructor and
holographic assistant at Black Mesa Training Facility. She becomes part of the team, which develop HEV
Gordon Freeman begins to study at MIT and meet Professor Isaac Kleiner as his mentor. They begin to work
together and become friends.
Gordon Freeman begins to work at Institute for Experimental Physics of University of Innsbruck in Austria.
Isaac Kleiner and Arne Magnusson begin competing for grant money in Black Mesa.
Isaac Kleiner appears on the front cover of Popular Scientist magazine.
Isaac Kleiner is author of the book "From Here to There in Under a Second".
Eli Vance and Azian Vance marries. They begin to live together in Black Mesa with Alyx Vance, which is
born to them.
Barney Calhoun, an undecided major after two years at Martinson College begins to work at Black Mesa
Sector C as Security Guard. Barney is accommodated in Area 8 Topside Dormitories. He and Isaac Kleiner
meet. They become friends.
Adrian Shephard enlists U.S. Marine Corps. He begins to serve in the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit at
Santego Military Base in Arizona, USA.
Wallace Breen becomes Administrator of the Black Mesa Research Facility.
The G-Man's employers notice Earth and Black Mesa. They decide about the G-Man's mission in Black Mesa.
Among other things, they plan to create Resonance Cascade, which would cause dimensional rift between
Earth and Xen.
The G-Man becomes member of the United States Government structures and acquires a prominent position
in Black Mesa.

Unclassifiable 20th/21st century

Eli Vance constructs Dog to protect Alyx Vance.

21st century

Pre-March 3
The G-Man prepares Hazardous Environment Combat Unit in Santego Military Base for mission in Black
March 3 – 15
Corporal Adrian Shephard write to his diary about training for mission in Black Mesa and he is concerned
about this mission. He also notices G-Man.
Pre-May 5
Isaac Kleiner takes charge over a research project at Black Mesa Anomalous Materials. He is looking for new
associate and Gordon Freeman is his first choice. Gordon, which is disappointed with the slow pace and poor
funding of academic research (and with potential tenure a distant dream) and looked for a job in the private
sector accept Kleiner's offer. Kleiner then recommended Gordon to the Office of the Administrator.
Judith Mossman, who applied a research associate position at Black Mesa, is rejected when Gordon Freeman
is preferred.
May 5
While concluding his work at the University of Innsbruck, Gordon Freeman receives a letter from the Black
Mesa Office of the Administrator's L.M. confirming he is hired, commencing his position immediately but no
later than May 15.
May 5 - 15
Gordon Freeman begins to work at Black Mesa. He is accommodated at Level 3 Dormitories.
Gordon Freeman is declared the Employee of the Month and is photographed for a portrait.
A science team at Black Mesa Anomalous Materials is photographed in the lobby, including Gordon Freeman,
Isaac Kleiner, Eli Vance and Administrator Wallace Breen.
Xen sample simulation experiment with Gordon Freeman as associate is scheduled on May 16. Eli Vance is
one of the leaders of this experiment.
Gordon Freeman and Barney Calhoun meet and become friends.
Gordon Freeman and Barney Calhoun race into Kleiner's office via the air ducts whenever he locks himself
Gordon Freeman buys a beer to Barney Calhoun.
May 9
Barney Calhoun receives a letter from L.M. about his May 15 reassignment to Blue Shift.
Pre-May 11
The G-Man personally brings Xen sample GG-3883 to Black Mesa Anomalous Materials. Colette Green
begins to study this sample.
May 11
L.M. writes a memo to Colette Green, with C.C. to Isaac Kleiner. In it, L.M. tells Green that the supervision
team is particularly interested in Xen crystal sample GG-3883. Although Green's experiments on the sample
revealed unexpected spectral analysis fluctuations, she has identified it as the purest and largest sample they
have. Therefore, sample GG-3883 replaces the original chosen sample, sample EP-0021, in the simulation.
L.M. also states that the enclosed materials requisition form required to switch the samples has already been
authorized, and is conscious that a sample change made so fast is a violation of normal anomalous material
handling protocol.
Barney Calhoun is performing a retinal scan and has his salary increased. His two-day Security Guard
Training is scheduled.
May 12
First day of Barney Calhoun's Security Guard Training under Miller's Holographic Instructor counterpart,
in Sector A.
May 13
Second day of Barney Calhoun's Security Guard Training.
Walter Bennet is being instructed by Gina Cross for an Anti-Mass Spectrometer Overload Simulation.
May 14
Colette Green was to be instructed by Isaac Kleiner for an Anomalous Materials Handling, but it was
postponed to June.
May 15
Barney Calhoun is assigned to a 09:00 - 22:00 Blue Shift assignment until August 15 and reports at Area 3
Medium Security Facilities at 09:00. Other unknown security guards are assigned to Red, Orange, Yellow,
Green and Indigo Shifts in specific areas of Sector A, B, and C. For that timespan, the Violet Shift is on
Gina Cross is being instructed by Richard Keller for a Mark V HEV Suit Prototype Testing.
Pre-May 16
Several scientists, including Eli Vance, try to warn Wallace Breen about dangerous of GG-3883 sample
simulation. He doesn't listen them.
Science staff, which is included to the GG-3883 sample simulation assure Wallace Breen, that nothing will go
May 16
The majority of the Black Mesa Sector C is in full preparation for the Xen sample GG-3883 simulation
A scientist in the Sector E Biodome Complex records a holographic recording, where he explains to Walter
Bennet that they had been able to successfully detach a Barnacle from its point of gestation but were still only
able to coerce the creature into latching onto organic materials. The scientist then states he has to end his
examination of the creature as the Administrator Wallace Breen had called him down to the Anomalous
Materials lab for an important experiment this morning, instructing Walter to continue studying specimen
Gordon Freeman is being instructed by Gina Cross' hologram counterpart for an HEV Suit Training in Sector
A's Training Facility. Prior to beginning the training, the scientists monitoring Gordon mention that the
sensors in their equipment are not working.
More system crashes occur throughout Black Mesa.
Barney Calhoun starts his tram ride from Area 8 Topside Dormitories, to start his second Blue Shift day in the
Area 3 Medium Security Facilities in Sector C.
Gordon Freeman starts his tram ride from Level 3 Dormitories. He is 30 minutes late.
Gordon Freeman arrives at Anomalous Materials in the Sector C Test Labs. He is late, but this delay is
convenient for the science team, who use the time for more preparations, and to recover from a minor system
crash across the facility. The Sector C staff also decide to boost the Anti-Mass Spectrometer to 105% power,
much higher than the equipment's safety buffer zone of below 90%, in a bid to garner better data. Eli Vance
argues against this decision but is overruled.
Barney Calhoun visits security headquarters, including a shooting range. Barney is then sent to help some
scientists with an elevator; along the way, he witnesses many equipment incidents such as a pair of scientists
vainly trying to fix a supercomputer.
Another scientist, Harold, warns his close friend Dr. Rosenberg about the danger of such an energy boost. Just
before the experiment, in the presence of Gina Cross and Colette Green, Dr. Rosenberg discusses the matter
with fellow scientist Richard Keller, but Keller states he has no power to change the operating levels because
Wallace Breen insisted that the Anti-Mass Spectrometer run at the levels he set for it. Because of this
immense power output, Black Mesa experiences several minor blackouts.
Gordon Freeman destroys Arne Magnusson's microwave casserole.
GG-3883 simulation experiment performs by Anti-Mass Spectrometer in the Test Lab C-33/a at Black Mesa
Anomalous Materials begins. Gordon Freeman, wearing HEV Suit enters the test chamber.
Eli Vance, one of the leaders of this experiment, is contacted by the G-Man, who whispers into his ear
"prepare for unforeseen consequences". Eli contemplates aborting the test, but ultimately decides against it.
Gordon Freeman activates the device without incident, with the rest of the science team monitoring the
experiment from the upper control room. As the Anti-Mass Spectrometer is boosted to full 105% capacity,
one of the overseeing scientists notices a small discrepancy in the readings but dismisses it as it goes back to
acceptable bounds.
Gina Cross delivers the Xen crystal sample to the chamber while Colette Green works the Anti-Mass
Spectrometer from its lower maintenance level. The sample arrives at the test chamber, and Gordon Freeman
pushes the Materials Handler holding the crystal into the beam of the Anti-Mass Spectrometer.
Resonance Cascade (beginning of Black Mesa Incident)
The immediate result is catastrophic; the main beam of the device begins to violently pulsate and expand. The
Anti-Mass Spectrometer explodes in several sections, and the science team scramble to shut it down, to no
avail, and are killed by a violent beam of energy that cascades through the control room window. The Anti-
Mass Spectrometer continues to go critical, and the Resonance Cascade occurs, ripping a hole through
dimensional space and teleporting Xen creatures into the facility. The Resonance Cascade teleports Gordon
Freeman to various locations around Xen, and after final teleportation back into the test chamber, he slips into
Barney Calhoun rides in elevator with two scientists when the Resonance Cascade occurs; the elevator is
jammed, the cable snaps and sends Barney and two scientists plummeting down the shaft as chaos breaks out
around them. As the elevator collides with the bottom of the elevator shaft, Barney falls unconscious.
Black Mesa Hazard Course Decathlon was to start in the Level 3 facility. This never happened due to the
May 16 – 17 (Black Mesa Incident)
The Resonance Cascade has immediate and catastrophic effects. The Xen creatures, trapped in an alien
environment, begin to relentlessly attack the Black Mesa employees on sight. The Resonance Cascade also
causes serious structural damage to the facility, with elevators collapsing and ceilings caving in.
The Nihilanth is aware of the dimensional rift. He keeps the portal open and sends Vortigaunts and other
species to invade Earth.
The U.S. Government, influenced by the G-Man, sends Hazardous Environment Combat Unit and other
military of U.S. Armed Forces on pre-prepared mission to secure Black Mesa, dispatching the aliens and
permanently silence the facility personnel.
Black Ops are sent to Black Mesa to plant and detonate a thermonuclear warhead to decimate the entire
facility, intending to end the conflict once and for all, with orders to kill anything, human or otherwise, even
HECU soldiers that stand in their way.
The G-Man notices Gordon Freeman as a man who triggered the Resonance Cascade and survived.
Gordon Freeman, Barney Calhoun, Gina Cross and Colette Green fight their way through the facility.
Gina Cross, Colette Green and Dr. Rosenberg contact the military for help. Later, Cross and Green under the
instruction of Richard Keller attempt to close the dimensional rift.
Barney Calhoun meet deadly wounded Harold, who reveals Dr. Rosenberg's plan of escape to him. Dr.
Rosenberg, who was meanwhile captured by HECU is freed by Barney. They then head to Section A-17
Prototype Labs to use teleport for ecape.
Gordon Freeman manages to head to Lambda Complex.
Overnight, Gordon Freeman successfully launches the rocket. The satellite is later used by Gina Cross, Colette
Green and Richard Keller.
May 17
Otis Laurey was to be instructed by the Miller's holographic instructor counterpart for a Security Guard
Training, but he was apparently unable to attend and Cross suggests to Green to ask Barney to replace him.
This never happened due to the Incident.
May 16/17 – 18 (Black Mesa Incident)
The G-Man plucks Alyx Vance from Black Mesa. He decides to save her for his own intentions despite
objections from known to him naysayers that she is "a mere child" and "of no practical use to anyone".

Several scientists are aware about the Nihilanth.

Gina Cross, Colette Green and Richard Keller are able to perform a resonance reversal.

Barney Calhoun successfully escapes Black Mesa with Dr. Rosenberg, Simmons and Walter Bennet.

Adrian Shephard and his squad are attacked by Alien Crafts and their Osprey crashes. As Gordon Freeman
fights his way across the surface towards the Lambda Complex, Shephard is left behind.

Race X appears in Black Mesa.

The G-Man is interested in Gordon Freeman and Adrian Shephard and observes their paths.

Gordon Freeman reaches Lambda Complex and is teleported to Xen.

Gordon Freeman defeats the Nihilanth and frees the Vortigaunts. He is then confronted by the G-Man, who
explains that his employers, agreeing that Gordon has "limitless potential", have authorized him to offer
Gordon a job. Gordon is hired and placed in stasis.

Due to Nihilanth's defeat, Xen is in the G-Man employers' control.

Adrian Shephard finds a group of Black Ops arming the Mark IV Thermonuclear Device. Shephard defeats
them and deactivates the device. However, shortly afterward in a nearby room with a view of the warhead,
Shephard witnesses the G-Man reactivating it. Shephard can't return to the device, making the destruction of
Black Mesa inevitable.

Adrian Shephard defeats Race X Gene Worn. He is then confronted by the G-Man in Osprey Helicopter and is
witness to nuclear explosion, when G-Man tells that biggest embarrassment has been Black Mesa facility. The
G-Man then explains that Shephard reminds him of himself but is still a dangerous witness. He then placed
Shephard in stasis.

Black Mesa Research Facility is destroyed by a thermonuclear explosion.

Azian Vance dies in Black Mesa due to the Incident.

Isaac Kleiner, Eli Vance and Arne Magnusson are able to escape from Black Mesa before its destruction.

Eli Vance is able to save a family picture from Black Mesa as the only personal thing.

Gina Cross, Colette Green and Richard Keller's fate is unknown.

May 18


Colette Green was to conduct a Public Relations Tour. This never happened due to the Incident.


Colette Green was to be instructed by Isaac Kleiner for an Anomalous Materials Handling on May 14, which
was postponed to June. It never happened due to the Incident.

August 15

Barney Calhoun's Blue Shift was to end on that day. It ended earlier due to the Incident.

Unclassifiable after May 18, 200-

During this period of around 20 years Gordon Freeman is in stasis

Portal Storms rage on Earth while Xen creatures continue to be teleported. The governments and United
Nations provide the protection centers located in major cities worldwide.

The United Nations introduces emergency measures. Human Affairs Bureau is established. Wallace Breen is
charged with Human Affairs Bureau.
World public is aware of extraordinary heroism of Gordon Freeman in Black Mesa from survived scientists.
His next fate remains unknown to everyone.

The Combine are aware of Earth.

The Combine launch an invasion on Earth. Earth governments and the United Nations enter into war against
them. The Seven Hour War occurs. Wallace Breen negotiate surrender with the Combine which cause Earth
surrenders after seven hours. Later, an extra edition of "The Times" newspapers is coming out with a headline
"Earth surrenders" and front picture of damaged United Nations Secretariat Building in New York City.

The Combine

Wallace Breen is appointed Interim Administrator of Earth.

The Combine introduce hard censorship and other totalitarian measures in society.
The Combine begin with large population transfers.
The Combine begin to pillage Earth's natural resources. Decreasing of the ocean level begins.
The Combine begin to combine their and human technology.
The Combine create Stalkers and transhuman soldiers.
The Combine build a new network of railways.
The Combine attempt to enslave Vortigaunts.
Citadels are built in major cities.
Suppression field is launched by Citadels' network.
The Combine interdimensional connection from Earth dependent only on Citadels at a certain time point.
World cities are renamed. Wallace Breen chooses City 17 as his headquarters, also because it's one of the
finest remaining urban centers. His office becomes upper floors of the City 17 Citadel.
Nova Prospekt, a high-security prison in Sector 17 is rebuilt also as a facility for acquiring knowledge from
humans and Vortigaunts.
Dr. Breen's Private Reserve brand is established.
Juggler show with Wallace Breen is aired.
The Resistance
Eli Vance with Alyx, Isaac Kleiner, Arne Magnusson, Barney Calhoun and Judith Mossman gradually move
to Sector 17.
The Resistance begin to use Lambda logo as their symbol.
Vortigaunts ally with humans and become integral part of the Resistance.
The Resistance establish their presence in the Canals, Ravenholm, the Coast and the Outlands.
The Combine find out a large presence of refugees and rebels in Ravenholm. They bombard Ravenholm by
Headcrab Shells. Father Grigori is the only known survivor. The Resistance then abandon access route from
Black Mesa East to Ravenholm.
Eli Vance
Eli Vance is aware, that Alyx Vance was saved from Black Mesa by the G-Man.

Eli Vance is the first human who collaborate with Vortigaunts. They state that Gordon Freeman has freed
Eli Vance loses his leg by a Bullsquid while struggling to get Isaac Kleiner over a barrier to Combine City.
Eli Vance establishes a Resistance base named Black Mesa East in a hydropower plant next to small town
Ravenholm near City 17. He stays here with Alyx Vance and Judith Mossman.
Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator (Gravity Gun) is developed by Eli Vance.
Alyx Vance
Alyx Vance grows up and learns science and mechanics at the knee of her father. She also learns to fight.
Dog is upgraded several times by Alyx Vance, including adding one Gravity Gun.
Refugees use route through the Canals to Black Mesa East. Alyx Vance is one of the rebels, who help them.
Alyx Vance creates a time record in a route through the Canals.
Alyx Vance visits White Forest at least one time.
Judith Mossman
Judith Mossman contacts Wallace Breen and offer the Resistance knowledge to him. In the following years,
Breen deliberately doesn't destroy Black Mesa East, promising to acquire their technological development and
knowledge about local teleportation.
Isaac Kleiner
Isaac Kleiner creates a lab in an abandoned building at an electric substation.
HEV Suit Mark V is developed by Isaac Kleiner.
Isaac Kleiner and Eli Vance each build a teleport in their respective labs a not needing a Xen relay with the
aid of Alyx Vance and Judith Mossman, among others. The teleport in Kleiner's lab is tested on a cat, with a
Barney Calhoun's presence. Barney then begins to have nightmares about that cat. Alyx Vance isn't aware
about that cat until Gordon Freeman's arrival to City 17. Alyx still helps Kleiner on his teleport, while teleport
in Black Mesa East is complete.
Isaac Kleiner develops small hand teleport.
Isaac Kleiner is studying one headcrab since its born. He named it Hedy Lamarr.
Barney Calhoun
Barney Calhoun joins the Civil Protection to help the Resistance. At the time of Gordon Freeman's arrival to
City 17, his post is in the Trainstation, near Kleiner's Lab.
Arne Magnusson
Arne Magnusson moves to an old rocket base White Forest in the Outlands beyond City 17. Magnusson and
Vortigaunt Uriah meet. They become co-workers.
10 years before Gordon Freeman's arrival to City 17, Arne Magnusson begins to work on a White Forest
rocket. The Resistance plan to launch a satellite, carrying a device known as the Xenium Resonator, to tune
into the old array that had been set up at Black Mesa, of which the satellite previously launched by Gordon
Freeman is a part, but they dare not to while the Combine is still in full power.
Magnusson Device is developed by Arne Magnusson.
The Resistance at White Forest build mobile teleports for Magnusson Devices. These teleports are then
deployed to several buildings in the valley near White Forest base.
1 to 2 years before Gordon Freeman's arrival to City 17
Alyx Vance drives along the Coast for the last time.
Tau Cannon is developed and mounted on the Scout Car by Eli Vance and Alyx Vance last summer before
Gordon Freeman's arrival to City 17.

Just before Gordon Freeman's arrival to City 17
Alyx Vance installs the final piece for teleport in Kleiner's Lab.

Gordon Freeman's arrival to City 17 after around 20 years in stasis

Day 1 of Gordon Freeman's journey
The G-Man removes Gordon Freeman from stasis and inserts him into a train on the way to City 17. A couple
of citizens in the same train talk about city life and the process of being transferred. Arriving at the station,
Gordon exits the train to find the world under the control of a vast interdimensional empire known as the
Combine. He witnesses armed police officers known as Civil Protection and is greeted by the image of
Wallace Breen who is broadcasting a message on a large screen welcoming the new arrivals to City 17.
Gordon is ordered away from the rest of the citizens into a small interrogation room in which he meets former
Black Mesa security guard Barney Calhoun, now undercover as a Civil Protection officer. Barney contacts
Isaac Kleiner, who greets Gordon warmly. After a bit of discussion, they decide to send Gordon over to
Kleiner's Lab, though he must find his own way there as Barney can't abandon his post without raising Civil
Protection's suspicions. Along the way, Gordon catches a glimpse of the Citadel looming in the distance.
While moving through apartment buildings, Gordon finds himself right in the middle of a Civil Protection
raid, barely escaping with his life, and being rescued by Alyx Vance.
The G-Man begins to observe Gordon Freeman's path.
Gordon Freeman finds his way to Kleiner's Lab with Alyx Vance's help, with Alyx revealing more
information about the state of the world and Wallace Breen. Alyx explains that she is part of an underground
network known as the Resistance and has been helping people escape the city on foot; she also reveals that
they have just developed a "better way" of moving them, which turns out to be a teleport. In Kleiner's Lab,
Gordon is greeting by Isaac Kleiner. Barney Calhoun arrives to the lab shortly after their meeting. Barney
explains that he can't stay long, due to his shift. It is decided that Gordon and Alyx should be teleported to
Black Mesa East. After meeting Kleiner's pet headcrab Lamarr, Gordon receives the Mark V HEV Suit. Alyx
is teleported to Black Mesa East successfully. When trying to teleport Gordon, however, Lamarr leaps onto
him, causing the machine to malfunction and teleport him to various random places, including a desert, twice
at Black Mesa East, the middle of the ocean (where he is almost eaten by an Ichthyosaur), and Wallace
Breen's office in the Citadel, alerting the Combine to his presence. Finally ending up outside the lab where he
started, Gordon is forced to head on foot to Black Mesa East by himself. Before he leaves, Barney gives him a
crowbar, telling him that he needs to travel through the extensive canal system of City 17 to reach his
destination. As Gordon begins the journey, the Citadel is seen changing formation, and swarms of city
scanners are seen flooding out in response to Gordon's arrival.
Barney Calhoun returns to his post.
Gordon Freeman goes through the underground railroad.
The Resistance realizes that Gordon Freeman has returned.
Rebel Joe with one Vortigaunt communicate with G-Man in television, right before they meet Gordon
Freeman. Once Gordon gets noticed, the Vortigaunt stops powering the television.
Wallace Breen airs a Breencast message, in which he warns citizens against Gordon Freeman, explaining that
"His figure is synonymous with the darkest urges of instinct, ignorance and decay". Breen reminds "danger of
the magical thinking". He urges citizens to report Gordon.
Alyx Vance in Black Mesa East sends a radio message to underground network Station 6 about lending the
airboat to Gordon Freeman and giving him all help.
Gordon Freeman gets airboat from rebel Arlene, right after she fuels it. She then waits by her radio but is
killed by Fast Headcrab.
Gordon Freeman drives airboat through City 17 polluted canals to Black Mesa East.
Alyx Vance is on watch in Black Mesa East. While Gordon Freeman reaches the base, she is relieved by
Vortigaunts to come see Gordon.
Gordon Freeman enters Black Mesa East. In the airlock, Gordon meets Judith Mossman. She explains him
about their attempts to handle local teleportation and Combine struggle of it. Gordon comes to the lab and is
reunited with Eli Vance. Eli shows Gordon his lab. Alyx Vance comes to welcome Gordon, then she works on
the teleport. While Judith comes to the lab again and sees Alyx, they begin arguing about wrong calculations.
Eli in an effort to relieve tension suggests Alyx to show Gravity Gun to Gordon. Alyx agrees and leads
Gordon to scrapyard. Along the way, they pass by a sealed off tunnel to Ravenholm, of which Alyx speaks
The Combine tracked Gordon Freeman to Black Mesa East. Wallace Breen immediately decides to catch
Gordon with Eli Vance and sends forces to Black Mesa East, without waiting for Judith Mossman's signal.
Gordon Freeman is introduced to the Gravity Gun by Alyx Vance and meets Dog for the first time at Black
Mesa East scrapyard. While Gordon is playing by Gravity Gun with Dog in the scrapyard, Alyx spots
Combine Scanners sweeping the area, shortly before an all-out aerial raid on Black Mesa East. They run to the
airlock, where they are able to connect with Eli Vance. He tells them to not go to Ravenholm. The connection
is suddenly interrupted, then Dog help Gordon and Alyx to get out of the airlock. They attempt to rejoin the
others, but Gordon and Dog are separated from Alyx by a collapsed ceiling, and Gordon is forced to escape
down the tunnel to Ravenholm.
Gordon Freeman makes his way through the Ravenholm town, fighting zombies and avoiding bizarre man-
made deathtraps.
Gordon Freeman meets the man who set deathtraps up: Father Grigori, a mentally unstable man claiming to be
a priest. Grigori gives Gordon a shotgun and guides him through the town. Gordon and Grigori join at the
church and make their way to an old mine with a path leading to the coast. After battling through the
graveyard to the mine entrance, Grigori declines to leave with Gordon, opting to remain in the town. As
Gordon departs, Grigori continues fighting the zombies until disappearing into a blazing fire inside a crypt.
Gordon then make his way through the old mines.
Eli Vance is captured by Combine soldiers. He is taken to Nova Prospekt. Judith Mossman travels with him.
The Vortigaunts track the ship that made off with him and Judith.

Day 2 of Gordon Freeman's journey

Alyx Vance calls Leon at Shorepoint base to ask him about presence of Gordon Freeman.
Gordon Freeman reaches the surface, where he discovers railway and goes along the rails, until he reaches
Shorepoint base. He realizes that Combine soldiers fight to rebels from base. He joins the battle and defeat
Combine soldiers.
Gordon Freeman and Leon meet. They go into the base, where Alyx Vance is on the screen. She informs
Gordon about Eli Vance and Judith Mossman and tell him her plan to get to Nova Prospekt, where she plans
meet Gordon in the Depot. She asks Leon about providing Scout Car to Gordon and ask Gordon for help. She
tells Gordon to drive the coast by Scout Car, because is almost impossible goes along the coast on foot, when
is spawning season for the Antlions. Leon then explains the coast route to Gordon.
Gordon Freeman drives along the coast by Scout Car until he reaches Lighthouse Point, where he leaves the
Gordon Freeman proceed again on foot and meets Sandy and Laszlo. Sandy warns Gordon before stepping on
sand, which makes Antlions crazy. However, Laszlo is laying wounded on the sand and when he moves,
Antlions climbed out of the sand and kill him.
Gordon Freeman continues on foot, avoid stepping on the sand.
Upon Gordon Freeman's arrival to Vortigaunt Camp, an Antlion Guard appears from the ground and starts
attacking him. With the help of a Resistance member using the Emplacement Gun mounted above the first
entrance, Gordon is able to kill the creature. Right after, a Vortigaunt shepherd retrieves Pheropods from the
downed Antlion Guard, then leads Gordon through the camp, where he instructs him on the use of Pheropods.
Gordon then leaves the camp and heads to Nova Prospekt, now with Antlions on his side.
Gordon Freeman goes along the coast, leading groups of Antlions and battling his way through Nova Prospekt
guards set up in bunkers and Gunships on his way into the prison. Eventually, he penetrates inside.
Gordon Freeman fights his way through Nova Prospekt and its defenses, including prison guards and sentry
turrets, as well as creatures such as headcrabs and zombies and two Antlion Guards. During the assault,
Gordon hears a prerecorded message from Wallace Breen in which he berates the Sector 17 Overwatch for
their inability to stop Gordon. Eventually, he makes his way to the Depot.
Alyx Vance is exploring the Depot in an attempt to determine the location of her dad. She stays here and wait
for Gordon Freeman.
Gordon Freeman meets up with Alyx Vance in the Nova Prospekt Depot. They head to near security station,
where Alyx locates Eli Vance's Pod and sends him to Depot's interrogation room, where they could meet.
After fighting with security guards, they reach interrogation room and meet Eli in Combine Prisoner Pod.
Alyx tells him about their plan how to save him and Judith Mossman. After their goodbye, Alyx decides to
stay and send Eli's Pod through the prison to the teleport chamber as far as she can. She also thought out about
patch into Gordon's HEV Suit radio, then sends Gordon ahead to clear the way.
Gordon Freeman goes through Nova Prospekt alone again, but this time by Alyx Vance's radio helping and
clearing the way. He reaches control room, where he uses sentry turrets reprogrammed by Alyx to defend the
control room. After defending control room, Alyx arrives and tries to find Judith Mossman by hacking a
computer station. They discover that Judith is actually a Combine spy working on Wallace Breen's side. Alyx
is angry and sends Gordon ahead again, while she is disrupting the next level of security.
Nova Prospekt Prison Guard has a high level of alarm and sends every available soldier to catch Gordon
Freeman and Alyx Vance.
Gordon Freeman goes ahead and fights with lot of soldiers, trapped in one place. After defeating all soldiers,
he is reunited with Alyx Vance and head for Judith Mossman. They find her in a security room, where Alyx
locked her in. They meet and Alyx is arguing Judith about her espionage. They then reach teleport chamber
and begin to prepare escape. They are reunited with Eli Vance in Prison Pod and Alyx is able to connect Isaac
Kleiner, which is prepared in his lab. However, Judith manages to trick Alyx, teleporting herself and Eli out of
the facility to the Citadel. Alyx and Gordon are forced to take the risk in using the same teleport again to get
back to Kleiner's Lab. Meanwhile, Prison Guard soldiers break through the doors and fight again Gordon,
while teleport is charging. Eventually Gordon and Alyx teleport themselves at the last moment.
After-Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance's teleportation in Nova Prospekt
Nova Prospekt is destroyed by exploding of its overload teleport, right after teleportation of Gordon Freeman
and Alyx Vance.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance aren't teleported to Kleiner's Lab. Their next fate remains unknown to
Explosion in Nova Prospekt is noticeable in City 17 and surroundings.
City 17 Uprising begins.
Barney Calhoun leads a mission to reaching the Citadel.
Dog arrives in Kleiner's Lab.
Pre-Day 3 of Gordon Freeman's journey
Borealis appears in the Arctic. Later, the Combine, including Judith Mossman, are able to get exact
coordinates of the place.

Day 3 of Gordon Freeman's journey – over a week after the teleportation in Nova Prospekt
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance appear in the teleport in Kleiner's Lab. They are reunited with Isaac Kleiner
and Dog. They learn about the current situation and connect Barney Calhoun, which want to penetrate to the
Citadel. Alyx remains in the lab and wants to help Kleiner escape the city, who refuses to leave until finding
just lost Lamarr, while Gordon with Dog head to Barney. Alyx promises that she later catches Gordon in the
Dog initially fights alongside Gordon Freeman but is separated from him as he attempts to destroy a Combine
Dropship, getting carried away by it in the process. Gordon joins up with various squads of citizens, and
together they fight their way through the city towards Barney's location.
At this point, the Resistance is caught in an intense Overwatch counterattack. Resistance positions are
bombard by Headcrab Shells, destroy by Striders, and tougher troops.
Isaac Kleiner finally finds Lamarr and with Alyx Vance leaves his lab. Alyx sends Kleiner to safety. She then
heads to city center to find Gordon Freeman.
Gordon Freeman meets up with Alyx Vance in a building near city center. They meet several rebels and fight
on a plaza, while Alyx is trying to shut down the Combine forcefield. Gordon and Alyx are able to get to the
other side and plan to meet Barney Calhoun. However, bridge, which they planned crossed is destroyed. Alyx
climbs on the near building roof. While she is scouting for a route, she is captured by Combine soldiers and
taken to the Citadel by a Dropship.
Gordon Freeman heads to the underground canals to get to the city center. When he again reaches the surface,
he is informed by one rebel that Barney Calhoun is in a near building, pinned down by snipers.
Alyx Vance is placed into Prisoner Pod and deliver to Wallace Breen's office in the Citadel.
Gordon Freeman goes through heavy damaged building, eliminate snipers and meet up with Barney Calhoun.
They head to the Overwatch Nexus.
Wallace Breen broadcast a direct address to Gordon Freeman.
Gordon Freeman, Barney Calhoun and rebel squad penetrate Overwatch Nexus in intention to impair
Overwatch's movement and coordination, and open several gates for the resistance, as well as eliminate
Combine Suppression Device on the roof.
Gordon Freeman led the final charge toward a prominent horse statue. After winning battle, Gordon is
reunited with Barney Calhoun. There, they encounter Dog who is running rampant through the streets looking
for Alyx Vance. Dog provides a pathway into the Citadel by lifting up a portion of a Combine Smart Barrier,
allowing Gordon through.
Gordon Freeman penetrates the Citadel. After making his way into the Citadel through use of a Prisoner Pod,
Gordon is caught in a Combine weapon confiscation field. This destroys most of his weapons except for the
Gravity Gun, instead causing the field to malfunction and overcharge it. The Gravity Gun becomes infused
with dark energy, making it much more powerful and capable of picking up and throwing organic beings. The
HEV suit is also affected by the dark energy, causing its shielding to become twice as strong and allowing it to
heal Gordon directly from energy chargers. Making use of this newly-acquired weapon and defense, Gordon
fights his way through the Citadel against large numbers of Combine soldier as Wallace Breen attempts in
increasing desperation to convince Gordon to surrender. Gordon is forced to enter another Prisoner Pod and is
quickly discovered on camera, transferring him to the top of the Citadel directly to Breen's office.
After being transported to Wallace Breen's office, Gordon Freeman is deprived of Gravity Gun and meet
Judith Mossman, who says her sorry. Gordon meets Breen and is reunited with Eli Vance and Alyx
Vance who are both being kept captive in Prisoner Pods as well. Breen tries once again to gain the allegiance
of Eli, but after being refused, he prepares to send Gordon, Alyx, and Eli through a portal to the Combine
Overworld. Judith protests, but after being brushed off by Breen, decides to intervene, releasing Gordon,
Alyx, and Eli.
Alyx Vance thanks Judith Mossman for their rescue. Gordon Freeman and Alyx leave Eli Vance and Judith in
Breen's office after their goodbye.
Wallace Breen attempts to escape, using Gravity Gun and fleeing to the Dark Fusion Reactor at the very top
of the Citadel to be transported himself to the Combine Overworld. Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance
persecute him. Breen escapes from the control room, where he discussed situation with Combine Advisor, but
he forgets to take Gravity Gun, which Gordon takes again. Alyx remains in the control room and Gordon
gives chase, fighting his way through Combine soldiers along the way. Just as the portal to the Overworld
opens, Gordon attacks the reactor using his Dark Energy-infused Gravity Gun, causing the reactor to fail and
go critical. Breen desperately says his last words. Alyx is excited by their success and suggest exiting Citadel,
if it's still time. However, the reactor explodes in a few seconds.
Eli Vance and Judith Mossman escape from the Citadel.
City 17 Citadel's Dark Fusion Reactor explosion
Just as the City 17 Citadel's Dark Fusion Reactor explodes, the G-Man freezes time and addresses Gordon
Freeman. The G-Man congratulates him on his success, stating that he has received "interesting offers" for
Gordon's services. Gordon is put back into stasis by the G-Man who then leaves through a door of light with
the final words: "In the meantime, this is where I get off".
Group of Vortigaunts dislikely observe the G-Man actions and decide to intervene. While time is still freeze,
they rescue Alyx Vance. They then take Gordon Freeman from stasis (who was allowed to observe Alyx's
rescue) right before the G-Man. This happens against the G-Man's will, but he is unable to stop Vortigaunts.
After-City 17 Citadel's Dark Fusion Reactor explosion
City 17 Citadel's Dark Fusion Reactor explodes, destroys upper floors of Citadel and damages all building,
which becomes unstable. This causes dampening of network of linked Citadel reactors, failing of all Combine
portals and all Combine interdimensional communication systems worldwide, isolating Combine forces on
Earth. Further, the Suppression Field collapses, most Combine technology to come open to cybernetic attack,
and the forcefields and thumpers around the City 17 dropped, allowing thousands of creatures to swarm in,
mainly Antlions.
Wallace Breen is killed by reactor's explosion.
Eli Vance and Judith Mossman arrive at White Forest. Judith Mossman then departures from White Forest by
a helicopter heading to the Arctic in an attempt to find Borealis.
Eli Vance is reunited with Isaac Kleiner at White Forest.
Judith Mossman in the Arctic collects data about Borealis.
Vortigaunts are placing Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance in the rubble at the base of Citadel.
Dog begins to explore rubbles close to Citadel.
Alyx Vance is discovered by Dog in the rubble at the base of Citadel. She then tries to contact her father by
communication device and locate Gordon Freeman by tracking his HEV Suit signal by Dog. When she
discovers Gordon's signal, she and Dog starts digging.

Day 4 of Gordon Freeman's journey – after unspecified amount of time (at least one night)
Gordon Freeman wakes up outside the Citadel, buried under a pile of rubble. Dog digs Gordon out and he is
reunited with Alyx Vance, who embraces him. Gordon gets back Gravity Gun (now in normal state) from
Dog. Shortly after this, Alyx is able to contact Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner to inform them that Gordon is safe.
Kleiner tells Alyx that the Citadel Core is at risk of exploding at any moment. Kleiner states that the explosion
could be large enough to level the whole of City 17, and that the only possible way to survive would be to re-
enter the Citadel and slow the core's progression toward meltdown. Eli interrupts, showing distress at placing
his daughter in further danger, but reluctantly agrees when he sees no other option. After their goodbye, Alyx
and Gordon re-enter the Citadel by Dog's help.
After-Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance re-enter the Citadel
While Alyx Vance left, Dog now heads to reach Eli Vance at White Forest as he was ordered by Alyx.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance go through the Citadel in order to get down to the core.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance enter the Citadel Core. Gordon is sending to reactivate the stabilization
mechanism for the core. He is successful in re-engaging the reactor's containment system, delaying the
explosion. His Gravity Gun is returned to normal by this. Alyx subsequently discovers that the Combine are
trying to use the reaction, and therefore the destruction of the Citadel, to send a message about their state and
asking for help to Combine Overworld. There is also a message from Judith Mossman, from an Arctic base,
where she informs about the "Project", but is interrupted by Combine attack. Alyx makes a copy of the data
packet to take to Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner, ensuring that the Combine make them their prime target and
even in their disorganized state use everything they have to stop them.
After-Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance exit the Citadel Core
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance board a Razor Train to escape the Citadel. It becomes apparent that the
carriage Gordon and Alyx are in was being used to transport Stalkers. Alyx mourns for the Stalkers and is
then interrupted by the train derailing, which wakes the Stalkers.
Alyx Vance is trapped under a Combine Prisoner Pod with a restrained Stalker viciously attempting to break
loose, relying on Gordon Freeman to set her free. After escaping from the derailed train, Alyx states that they
must now proceed on foot to a train station.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance fight through the rubble of dark, deserted, underground parking garages and
tunnels, searching for a way to head up to the surface of the city. Eventually, Gordon and Alyx reach elevator
to surface.
Final hours of City 17
City 17 center is almost entirely destroyed by Striders and other Combine forces at this time point.
Most of the Combine and Resistance forces as well as citizens left City 17 at this time point.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance make their way through heavy-damaged City 17 streets and buildings. They
are witnesses of Isaac Kleiner's message to citizens of City 17, which is broadcast through hacked Breencast.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance come across a safe house, where they finally meet up with Barney
Calhoun and a group of other survivors who are preparing to move on a train station in order to escape City
17. Due to the fact that Alyx is carrying data packet from the Citadel and she and Gordon are primary target
for the Combine, which monitors their movement, Gordon and Alyx split up from the group and move
through a derelict hospital to draw the remaining Combine forces away from the refugees. Inside the hospital,
the Combine forces and zombies of all kinds are fighting throughout the collapsing structure, and hastily
constructed defenses slow Gordon and Alyx down. They are eventually able to reach a technical trainstation.
Barney Calhoun with group of citizens goes through the streets to a technical trainstation.
Upon reuniting with Barney Calhoun at a technical trainstation, Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance work to
move the citizens to the trains while facing increasing Combine opposition. They then decide to stay behind to
lure the Combine away from Barney and the citizens as they board the train and make their escape.
Barney Calhoun escapes City 17.
After Gordon Freeman battling Combine soldiers and a Strider, Alyx Vance reprograms another train and she
and Gordon board the caboose. As the train carries Gordon and Alyx away, they observe Citadel with the
Core once again about to explode, while Combine transmission begins. Several Advisor Pods are ejected from
the Citadel as it detonates. On two occasions, as pods pass overhead, Gordon and Alyx are hit with psychic
blasts. The force of the shockwave from the exploding Citadel causes metal chunks and wreckage to fly
toward the train Gordon and Alyx are on as it sends its final transmission, destroying City 17, and causing a
shockwave that overtakes the train. Gordon hears the twisting of metal and Alyx whispering his name, when
he and Alyx fall into unconsciousness.
After-City 17 Citadel's destruction
City 17 Citadel together with most of the city is destroyed.
Infant Superportal is created above destroyed Citadel.
Train with Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance crashes from a damaged bridge.
Alyx Vance becomes conscious. She tries to find Gordon Freeman in the wrecks of the train but is unable to
find him.

Day 5 of Gordon Freeman's journey – after unspecified amount of time

Gordon Freeman becomes conscious. He goes through the wreck, when is discovered by Alyx Vance. She
retrieves near Gravity Gun in order to free Gordon from the wreck. Alyx gives Gravity Gun back to Gordon
and after their reunion, they have chance to see destroyed City 17 with a Superportal forming above the
collapsed Citadel. A portal storm occurs, appearing to emanate from the Citadel ruins, destroying the damaged
rail bridge and opening a path into a mine shaft for Gordon and Alyx to follow.
After-Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance reach the Victory Mine
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance travel through a mine tunnel to a communication building, and Alyx is able
to contact White Forest. Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner are relieved to learn that Gordon and Alyx survived the
detonation of the Citadel. Arne Magnusson is introduced to them, more concerned with the data packet than
the safety of Gordon and Alyx. Magnusson states that Alyx's data packet contains specific contact code for the
Combine Overworld and is necessary for closing the Superportal and survival of the Resistance. However, the
sound of a hunter-chopper and an overheard Overwatch message confirm that the Combine are still tracking
them and the data packet Alyx possesses.
The Resistance at White Forest with Arne Magnusson at the head are preparing a rocket which they plan to
use, in conjunction with Alyx's data packet and the satellite array launched at the time of Black Mesa, to close
the Combine Superportal.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance go through the surface of the Victory Mine. Alyx is aware that they are not
alone and warns Gordon. Gordon then penetrates one building in order to open closed gate. When he crawls
under the building back, Alyx is critically wounded by a Combine Hunter, who also imprisoned Gordon under
the building. A Vortigaunt arrives in time to drive off Antlions and stabilize Alyx's condition. Vortigaunt
takes unconscious Alyx and with Gordon head to nearby Resistance outpost. They are suddenly separated,
when Gordon crashes with elevator, where he releases a crowbar from gearwheels. Gordon must travel
through Antlion caves, while Vortigaunt with Alyx goes another way.
After-Alyx Vance is wounded and unconscious
The Vortigaunt has brought Alyx Vance to the Resistance outpost and is awaiting the arrival of his kin in
order to heal her wounds.
Gordon Freeman arrives at a small Resistance outpost within the mines manned by Griggs and Sheckley.
Griggs and Sheckley introduce Gordon to the Antlion Detector, and, with the aid of reprogrammed Hoppers
and Sentry Guns, are barely able to hold off several Antlion attacks until the Vortigaunts arrive. The
Vortigaunts assist in dispatching the next wave of Antlions and proceed to tend to Alyx Vance. The
Vortigaunts are unable to save Alyx, however, without the use of an Antlion larval extract, so Gordon and his
Vortigaunt companion travel deeper into the mine to retrieve it.
Gordon Freeman and the Vortigaunt discover a Zombie infestation, as well as an overrun Combine troop
carrier accompanied by Zombines. As they travel deeper into the Antlion caves, they eventually reach the
Nectarium where the extract is obtained.
Gordon Freeman and the Vortigaunt deliver the extract just in time, and the Vortigaunts heal Alyx Vance.
During the healing process, the G-Man contacts Gordon, stating that he has been prevented from doing so by
the Vortigaunts until this point. He hints at Alyx's importance to his plans and reveals that he had saved her
life at Black Mesa despite the objections of naysayers. The G-Man asks Gordon to escort her to White Forest
safely and instructs an unconscious Alyx to tell her father to "prepare for unforeseen consequences".
After-Alyx Vance has recovered
Alyx Vance and Gordon Freeman, accompanied by the Vortigaunt, proceed to the surface.
Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance and the Vortigaunt reach the surface and they observe a large group of
Combine forces traveling north towards White Forest with Advisors in tow. Alyx is surprised and she stresses
the need to warn the White Forest. Alyx is still weak due to her wound, however, they must fight off the
Antlion Guardian, along with an Antlion Guard and several of their smaller kin, before reaching the last
Resistance outpost of the Victory Mine. There, they find that the settlement has been overrun by Headcrabs.
Gordon is required to descend into the zombie-infested mining settlement in order to reach a working car for
the journey to White Forest. Alyx assists Gordon by covering his progress with a sniper rifle powered by the
Vortigaunt. Gordon finally reaches the far side of the settlement where the Muscle car awaits. He jumps the
car over a broken bridge back onto the side Alyx and the Vortigaunt are waiting at. Alyx is excited by car's
look and named it "Shotgun". The Vortigaunt takes his leave of Alyx and Gordon, informing them that his kin
are hunting Combine Advisors still in their escape pods.
After-Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance leave the Victory Mine
Having acquired transportation, Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance proceed at top speed to White Forest. They
discover a radio tower and Alyx decides to try and contact White Forest to warn of the impending attack.
While establishing power to the transmitter, Hunters arrive and ambush them. Gordon fights the Hunters
directly for the first time and manages to defeat them. Gordon and Alyx resume trying to contact White
Forest. They are able to connect with Arne Magnusson, but connection is soon interrupted as Advisors appear
to be blocking the transmission. They then leave radio tower, continuing in the Muscle car.
Despite the interrupted message from Alyx Vance, White Forest increases combat readiness.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance ride in the Muscle car, when Alyx sees her-known peak, which assures
them that they are heading right way. Continuing, a crashed Advisor pod is discovered by the road. Gordon
and Alyx soon encounter the telepathic attacks of an Advisor. They investigate a nearby barn and discover an
Advisor encamped inside it. Alyx exposes its life support system and Gordon damages it with the Gravity
Gun. The Advisor emerges from its mechanical cocoon and demonstrates its telekinetic powers by pinning
Gordon and Alyx to a wall. It appears unfamiliar with its environment, as it probes first a barrel and a dead
rebel before nearly killing Gordon. However, further damage to its life support system forces it to flee.
Gordon and Alyx then fight off a Combine ambush and escape a Hunter-Chopper which arrives at the barn.
Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance are pursued by the chopper to the next Resistance outpost, the car's engine
giving out as it breaks through a barricade at the entrance. Gordon then defeats the chopper by firing its mines
back at it by the Gravity Gun, and the rebels at the outpost offer to repair the car.
While Alyx Vance and the rebels work on the car, Gordon Freeman disables a Combine Autogun that is
hampering Resistance movement. In the meantime, a rebel technician repairs the car and installs a radar
detector that picks up Resistance caches.
After the Muscle car is fixed, Gordon Freeman an Alyx Vance continue to White Forest, traveling through the
zombie-infested countryside and retrieving supplies from hidden caches. An enormous Combine ambush is
laid for them at the White Forest Inn, but after defeating Hunters and soldiers, they approach nearby the White
Forest base. They witness a dropship being downed by rebels, however the Strider that it was carrying
awakens. Dog arrives and defeats the Strider, and Alyx challenges him to a race to the base. Eventually, after
the race, Gordon and Alyx enter the White Forest.
After-Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance enter the White Forest
Arriving at White Forest, Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance reunite with Eli Vance and later Isaac Kleiner.
Alyx finally delivers the data packet acquired in the Citadel to them. They also meet Arne Magnusson in
person, who is just angry to Kleiner due to presence of Lamarr. Their reunion is soon interrupted when an
alarm is triggered in secondary silo. On that occasion, Lamarr unnoticed crawls into the rocket. When the
secondary silo crew isn't responding, Magnusson sends Gordon to the secondary silo to find out the problem.
On Gordon's way, it is found that Combine forces breach the silo. Gordon then defeats the attack force,
consisting of Hunters and soldiers, and closes the silo doors that are allowing access to the facility.
After successfully repelling the attack, Gordon Freeman meets up with Alyx Vance, and the two return to Eli
Vance and Isaac Kleiner who have completed decoding Judith Mossman's message. It reveals that the
"Project" is none other than the Borealis, an Aperture Science vessel which mysteriously disappeared some
time before and is rumored to carry powerful technology. Kleiner suggests using the technology of the
Borealis against the Combine, while Eli insists that it be destroyed to avoid another Black Mesa Incident.
Initially, Eli wants to follow Judith to rescue her; however, he becomes convinced that his own knowledge of
the Resistance is far too sensitive for him to risk capture by the Combine, and Alyx promises that she and
Gordon will go after Judith. After a call from an irritated Arne Magnusson, Kleiner leaves to assist him in the
final preparation for the launch of the rocket. As the G-Man appears on the screen behind her, Alyx delivers
his message to Eli: "Prepare for unforeseen consequences". Upon hearing this, a shocked Eli nearly collapses
and, in private, when Alyx left for preparing tea for Eli, he informs Gordon that the G-Man spoke those same
words to him just before the Black Mesa Incident. Eli expresses regret for not aborting the test that led to the
Incident and over the G-Man's present influence over Alyx. They are soon interrupted by the incoming Alyx
with tea and subsequently also Magnusson comes.
MIRT upgrades the Muscle car, which now can carry one Magnusson Device, track the mobile teleports in the
valley around the White Forest on the radar and track Gordon Freeman's HEV Suit signal.
Arne Magnusson requests Gordon Freeman and introduces him to the Magnusson Device, a sticky bomb
designed to destroy Striders, and informs Gordon that keeping the Striders away from the silo is crucial, as a
single Strider could destroy the rocket. Gordon gets back into the Muscle car and awaits the Combine offense
in the sawmill nearby White Forest.
After-Battle of White Forest
The Combine launch their open offense. Battle of White Forest begins.
Using the Gravity Gun to launch the Magnusson devices, Gordon Freeman battles and finally manages to
defeat the Combine forces in the valley around the White Forest. Battle of White Forest ends in Resistance
Alyx Vance prepares Mil Mi-8 helicopter, which she found in the White Forest hangar, for journey to the
After the Striders are dispatched, Gordon Freeman returns to the White Forest base, meets up with Alyx
Vance and receives an unexpected thanks from Arne Magnusson. Alyx tells Gordon about preparation of the
helicopter and they head to the launch room, where Gordon is welcomed by Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner.
Rocket is full prepared and Kleiner lets Gordon to press launch button. The rocket is then successfully
launched and Gordon, Alyx and Eli go outside to observe closing the Superportal, where also Dog waits.
Before that and out of Alyx's earshot, Eli tells Gordon that he believes the G-Man's message is a warning
regarding the Borealis, telling Gordon to destroy it and promises to elaborate further. He then tells Gordon
that he is very proud and thankful of him, saying he "couldn't be prouder of you even if you were my own
The Superportal is closed, which now prevents the Combine from connection with their homeworld.
After successfully closing the Superportal, Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance and Eli Vance go together to the
White Forest hangar to begin last helicopter preparations before Gordon and Alyx depart to search for
Borealis and Judith Mossman. Dog suddenly left them, but they continue even so. As they enter in, Combine
Advisors attack the helicopter hangar. They telekinetically pin Gordon and Alyx to the wall and seize Eli. Eli
warns them both that the Borealis must be destroyed and then tells Alyx he loves her and to look away as the
Advisors proceed to kill him. Dog arrives and fights off the Advisors, forcing them to escape the hangar and
freeing Gordon and Alyx from their control. After they fall to the floor, Alyx runs to Eli's side, holds onto his
lifeless body and cries over him.
Unclassifiable 21st century
Aperture Science - Chell's testing course
Chell wakes up in a Relaxation Vault - with only a small table with a mug, radio, and clipboard listing test
chamber hazards, as well as a toilet and a stasis bed of some kind - and is welcomed "again" by a GLaDOS
which states that "her specimen has been processed" and that "we are now ready to begin the test proper."
Under GLaDOS observation, Chell make her way through 19 test chambers. Doug Rattman notices that Chell
is awake and monitor her way.
Chell is promised to receive a cake at the end of the test route.
Chell continues the test route. In Test Chamber 16, she discovers first Doug Rattman's den.
After the final 19th test chamber, instead of receiving a cake, Chell rides on platform to the large incinerator.
Chell escapes via portals, much to GLaDOS' apparent displeasure. Chell then escapes into the bowels of the
Enrichment Center.
Chell manages to escape into a maintenance area and GLaDOS begins to show agitation, claiming first that it
was the real final test, and then that it was just a joke. She tells Chell that there will be a party held in her
honor and urges her to "assume the party escort submission position" on the floor. Chell flees into the facility's
numerous maintenance areas, and GLaDOS becomes increasingly agitated. Finally, Chell confronts GLaDOS,
a large machine hanging in a cylindrical shaft. As Chell destroys critical components of the machine,
GLaDOS' personality degenerates. During this confrontation, GLaDOS makes several comments that
something has gone wrong in the outside world, and that she is the only thing keeping the facility from
"them". After Chell destroys the last component, some form of portal opens above them, tearing apart
GLaDOS and sucking in Chell.
Chell wakes up at the Enrichment Center's gate, among the wreckage of GLaDOS, as debris rains down from
the massive, unseen portal. Then the Party Escort Bot thanks Chell for assuming the party escort submission
position and brings her back inside the facility.
After-Chell is unconscious
GLaDOS destruction cause an ultimate system crash. All the cryo-chambers at Extended Relaxation Center
are offline.
Chell is placed to the offline cryo-chamber.
Doug Rattman realizes, that he can't set Chell free, but he can restore power to her cryo-chamber. He patches
her cryo-unit into the reserve grid and restart her life support. He made it even when he knows that there is no
wake-up date.
Doug Rattman puts himself to Relaxation Vault.
After-Chell is placed to stasis
50 days after she is put in stasis, Chell is awakened by the Announcer. In compliance with "state and federal
regulations", Chell is instructed to perform a mandatory physical and mental wellness exercise. Chell is then
instructed to return to bed and placed to stasis again.
Unclassifiable 21st century and further
Aperture Science - Chell is awoken by Wheatley
After unspecified amount of time, Chell is awoken by Wheatley, who meet for the first time. Chell learns that
the facility's reserve power has been lost and is instructed to prepare for reactor core meltdown. Wheatley,
fearing he will be blamed by "management" for the incident, plans to escape. He smashes the chamber
through a wall and tells Chell to look for "a gun that makes holes". The Aperture Science facility is overgrown
and badly damaged. During the escape attempt, GLaDOS is accidentally reawakened and promptly resumes
forcing Chell to complete test chambers.
Chell is separated from Wheatly and forced to go through the test route. GLaDOS constantly attempts to make
Chell stop by making her feel bad, including non-existent surprise and GLaDOS decides to include Chell's
unknown parents into their conversations.
GLaDOS fixes the damaged Enrichment Center.
Wheatley tries to reach Chell again and escape with her.
Wheatley helps Chell escape from the testing course. After running, they unveil a plot to sabotage the turret
production line and neurotoxin filters. Having shut down GLaDOS' two main weapons with Chell, they return
to the Central AI Chamber to dismount her and replace her with Wheatley. Once he is attached to the body of
the Central AI, he gains control of the entire facility and calls an elevator to the surface for Chell. Gloating in
triumph, Wheatley shows signs of going mad with power almost immediately. He humiliates GLaDOS by
attaching her personality core to a potato battery and quickly changes his mind about giving Chell her
freedom. GLaDOS eggs him on, exploiting his insecurities by revealing his origin as a profoundly stupid
"intelligence dampener" and pointing out that Chell did all the work in engineering their escape. In a fit of
anger and paranoia, he accuses Chell of ordering him around and taking advantage of his hard work.
Thrashing about in rage, he punches the elevator several times and accidentally sends GLaDOS and Chell
plunging into the bowels of the facility.
Chell and GLaDOS fall down into Aperture Science's old areas and get separated from each other when a bird
snatched GLaDOS and flies away.
Chell finds herself in the Test Shaft 09 and is guided by pre-recorded messages by Cave Johnson and
occasionally, his assistant, Caroline. She activates the flow of the Repulsion Gel and begins testing in the
Enrichment Spheres.
After Chell and GLaDOS are gone, Wheatly begins rebuilding the entire facility in his own image, renaming it
"Wheatley Laboratories", combining turrets with cubes and plagiarizing GLaDOS' testing tracks as his own.
Chell makes her way upward, through progressively more recent parts of the Test Shaft 09, including Borealis
empty dry-dock. Partway through, Chell reunites with GLaDOS, who was being eaten by a crow, and agrees
to ally with her against Wheatley, stabbing the potato onto a prong of the Portal Gun. As GLaDOS listens to
the recordings, she comes to realize her own origins: Caroline's consciousness was eventually uploaded into
an A.I. network, creating GLaDOS. As she regains conscious access to Caroline's memories and personality,
her attitude toward Chell begins to soften slightly.
Chell and GLaDOS leave Test Shaft 09 and return near the surface to Wheatley's redesigned Enrichment
Center, while making the gels available in the Enrichment Center. When the two re-enter the modern section
of the facility, they are captured by Wheatley, who puts them through his own poorly designed Test
Chambers. His incompetence clearly poses a threat to the entire Enrichment Center, as he ignores warnings
about an imminent reactor meltdown.
Chell and GLaDOS manage to escape Wheatley's attempts to kill them and enter his lair. Working together,
Chell redirects bombs to Wheatley as GLaDOS delivers corrupt cores. After attaching three cores, Chell
increases Wheatley's corruption to one hundred percent. A core transfer takes place but results in another
stalemate. Chell reaches for the Substitute Stalemate button, but Wheatley expected this, and placed bombs as
booby-traps. Chell gets thrown across the room as the reactor meltdown enters its final phase, shaking the
chamber apart. A Moon appears through a breach in the roof, allowing Chell to shoot a portal at its surface.
The vacuum of space sucks Chell, Wheatley, Fact Core, and the Space Core through, as Chell hangs onto
Wheatley's tethered core to survive. GLaDOS then successfully performs the core transfer and stabilizes the
reactors. She knocks Wheatley out into space and drags Chell back to safety before closing the portal. Chell
falls unconscious.
Chell wakes up in an elevator, as GLaDOS, ATLAS and P-body greet her. GLaDOS tells her that "being
Caroline" taught her a valuable lesson - that Chell was her best friend. She says she also learned where
Caroline lives in her brain, and then promptly claims to have deleted that part. Now back to her usual
antagonistic self, GLaDOS concedes that killing Chell has proven to be difficult, and her life was a lot easier
before Chell entered it. Therefore, she gives Chell her freedom, on the condition that she doesn't come back.
As the elevator rises, an army of turrets sing an opera for Chell as she departs. After finally reaching the
surface, Chell steps out from the elevator and into a golden field. Suddenly, Chell's Companion Cube, covered
in soot from the incinerator, is hurtled out of the elevator behind her, and the door slams shut.
After-Chell exits the Aperture Science
The two testing androids ATLAS and P-body of the Cooperative Testing Initiative carry out a series of tests in
six different courses, each consisting of about eight or nine chambers. At the end of each course, GLaDOS
sends the androids outside of the testing chambers and into the facility itself, claiming their help is needed to
retrieve several Compact Discs "innocently" left lying around by the humans. In reality, she uses the androids
to help her gain control of the facility. After each out-of-chamber task, both androids are self-destructed and
then reassembled in the Hub.
With the previous courses finished, GLaDOS can now access a vault in the lower levels which contains
hundreds of human test subjects. She has determined that, given their inability to die, ATLAS and P-body just
aren't the same as human test subjects. They are sent to open the Extended Relaxation Annex. Upon reaching
the vault, ATLAS and P-body open it by making similar gestures to the camera installed on the lock.
GLaDOS claims to have more work for them as she destroys them.
GLaDOS gains access to human test subjects in the Extended Relaxation Annex.
After-GLaDOS gains access to the Extended Relaxation Annex
GLaDOS rebuilds ATLAS and P-body, claiming that 100,000 years have passed since the conclusion of the
last course. She also claims that all of the humans are still alive. She guides the two of them through a new set
of courses (which are supposedly designed to be art exhibitions), though a number of mechanical failures
occur, which GLaDOS attempts to cover up.
At the end of Chamber 4 the reassembly machinery fails, forcing ATLAS and P-body to make a detour
through an incomplete test track. GLaDOS admits that she has been lying and reverses her original claim of
the humans being fine, revealing that she has already killed them all during testing. She also comes clean that
it has only been a week since the humans were "rescued".
GLaDOS believes that Chell has returned and has gained control of an old mainframe chassis, posing a threat
to the facility. ATLAS and P-body spend the remaining chambers being "trained" as killing machines, though
this merely involves solving further tests and being plied with generic insults. In the final chamber, GLaDOS
informs the two that the reassembly machines have broken down and that if she doesn't regain control, their
next deaths will be permanent.
ATLAS and P-body reach the chassis, but find that it is being controlled mindlessly by a crow nesting.
Despite GLaDOS' calls for a retreat, ATLAS shoos the bird from the control panel and P-body manages to
lock it out of the facility. GLaDOS then notices that the crow had been harbouring three eggs, which she later
hatches in an "oviparous warming vault," planning to breed the chicks as "little killing machines".

This work "Timeline of the Half-Life and Portal universe" uses derivative texts of Combine OverWiki
used under CC BY-SA 4.0. "Timeline of the Half-Life and Portal universe" is licensed under CC BY-SA
4.0 by Freeman3017.

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