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Board trustees present: Lisa Vale, Allison Watkinson, and Kathi Warm.
Also present were 14 Community Council Members.
The meeting was held at FCSA Boardroom and called to order at 10:01 am by President Lisa Vale.
Invocation was said by Charles Fields, and Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Minutes of January 13, 2018 were read, approved by Mary Frances Partlow, seconded by Bill Herman,
and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report
Allison gave a presentation on the new format that she would be using for month ending reports.
She discussed two different checking accounts. One was for FCD 2018 showing a beginning balance of
$3,092.11 as of Jan. 1, 2018 with ending balance of $958.36 as of April 14, 2018. Balanced showed a
deficit of $2,133.75. A detailed account could be found of various categories and transactions on our
website and could be downloaded. Other report was the income and expense report of FCSCC. January
beginning balance was $6,256.93 with an ending balance of $5,601.96 as of March 30, 2018 showing a
deficit of $654.97. Allison noted that a detailed account could be found on our website.
Both accounts were detailed regarding cost of expenditures for Fort Clark Days regarding poles, and
spikes for tents. A detailed report was given for major expenditures in FCSCC account. Western Air
Conditioning was reported as $0.00 as it was a wash. Funds came in and went out for the a/c for the Art
Club building.

Old Business
FCD Recap
Allison reported that about 700 students came Fri. and many of them enjoyed the museum. It was
mentioned that the weather was perfect. Charles Fields mentioned that we are getting a state-wide
reputation for this event. Many comments followed in the discussion.

New Constitution and Bylaws.

They have been revised, amended, and approved. Copies of both may be found on our website.

New business
Members Open House
Members open house is following this meeting at the arbor. Prizes would be drawn every 15 minutes,
and you must be there to win.

FCD 2019
Allison said that the new Chair and committees are already getting in gear. There are 14 people already
involved. Fort Clark Days 2019, will be held Mar. 1 and 2. Meetings were already being held, and a list
of various chairs for each committee are listed on the FCD website. We will have a juried artisan venue
to keep the “junk” out. More information can be found on Ft. Clark Days. org.

Summer movies
Movies will be held again at the pool or at the quarry. Suggestions were “maybe we could have a movie
on Memorial weekend. Maybe we could have ‘grown up’ movies.” Daily licensing fee for indoor movies
is $110 and $115 for outdoor movies. That is why we try to have 3 shows a day because we cannot
charge admission.
Ghostly tours planning
Last year’s venue brought in more than $2,000.00. $1,000.00 was donated to the High School Students
for their help. It is questionable if Lisa Conoly or Jeremy Ellison will be involved. The Commissary was a
great location for the haunted house. The red bridge is a long way away, but everyone likes it there.
Suggestion was that maybe some scary scenes could be done on the way there. Charles Fields said he
would suggest other sites for the Halloween venue.
Sandra Vance was welcomed for serving on the Preservation Committee.
Susan Hughes was nominated to serve on the Preservation Committee as a representative for
Community Council. Sue Ruhling motioned, Phyllis Giblin second, and approved unanimously.
Bank Signature. President Lisa Vale has been added to FCSCC bank account signature affidavit.

Art Club. Garland said thanks for the help in purchasing the a/c for the art club building.
The Art Club will donate a picture for FCD 2019 in gratitude.
Preservation Committee. Sandra said they meet the second Wed. of the month. She had not
much to report as she is the “newy”.
Garden Club. Phyllis said the plant sale would be May 6 at the adult center where one can buy
plants and tickets for the tour of homes.
Historical Society. Charles Fields said the next event was April 19 at the Palisado Building. The
movie is “Arrowhead”. Russell Nowell would be doing some commentary as some of the scenes were
filmed on the Fort. It was stressed that the movie is free because it comes under the auspices of FCSCC.
A hamburger dinner would be $5.00.
Old quarry. Sandy Herman mentioned that the next play is Sat. April 21 and Sun. April 22.
No times or cost were available yet.
Recycling. Judi Winchell gave a report that everyone should look at the bottom of their
plastic containers. We cannot take number 5 or number 7 containers. We can still recycle “mixed”
paper, but we won’t get any reimbursement due to the China political status. Shredded office paper is
now only acceptable if it is white paper with black ink. All colored office paper must now be included in
mixed paper. A lengthy discussion ensued. Volunteers are still needed.
RV park. None

Open house for FCSCC and FCSA to follow this meeting.
Bob Hendricks graciously accepted the position of Member at Large.

Member Comments
Mary Frances mentioned that we should get flyers showing what Fort Clark has to offer and pass them
out to newcomers. Brochures from various organizations represented at our open house would be
included. A lengthy discussion followed among all attendees. Comments: We should do an open house
again in the fall. Maybe reinstate the “welcome wagon” that we had years ago. The visitor center is
nice, but it is not open all the time. Maybe more brochures should there about the Fort’s amenities.
Maybe welcome bags could be given out at the administration office to the new members.
Bylaws were read and it was agreed that FCSCC could and should have an ad-hoc committee with Mary
Frances Partlow to head this committee. Garland Young volunteered and one other person is needed
per bylaws. The committee would be called “Welcome Visitor Committee” and be under the auspices of
There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 11:12 am by the president. Respectfully
submitted, Kathleen Warm, Secretary

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