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Council on Tall Buildings

and Urban Habitat

CTBUH - Publication

Principal Authors:
Recommendations for the Seismic
Design of High-rise Buildings
Michael Willford
Andrew Whittaker
Ron Klemencic
Antony Wood A Consensus Document - CTBUH Seismic Working Group
2.4 Deformation Based Design Philosophy damage to non-structural components such as facades

ș ȕ and interior partitions. However, it is more informative


2 ș ȕ
Deformation is a critical parameter in per- in high-rise buildings to assess these relative move-
formance based seismic design because ments in each story as components due to:
performance is characterised by the level
of damage, and damage is related to the 1. Rigid body displacement
degree of deformation in components and
systems. For primary structural elements 2. Racking (shear) deformation
damage is related to the degree of inelastic
deformation experienced. This is related to Rigid body displacement is associated with the ‘rota-
a) Low rise building: racking deformation angle equals their strength, and adequate strength must tion’ of the building as a whole at upper levels due to
storey drift ratio be provided to prevent excessive inelastic vertical deformations in the columns and/or walls be-
deformation. Further, structural elements low, and induces no damage. Racking shear deforma-
tion (ß) is a measure of the angular in-plane deforma-

that have no deformation capacity beyond


ș ȕ yield (attainment of maximum strength) tion of a wall or cladding panel. This will in general
ș ȕ
are not permitted to experience inelastic vary at different positions on a floor, and may exceed
deformation and so force-based checking the story drift ratio (θ) in some locations, (e.g. parti-
should be used for these elements. Whilst tion panels spanning between a core and a perimeter
the same principles apply to the inertial column). These distinctions are illustrated in the three
effects on non-structural elements and panels of Figure 1.
systems, they also experience deforma-
tions generated by the primary structure. Inelastic element deformations form the basis for
Performance here is governed by the total assessment of structural damage and potential for
deformation of the structure to which they structural collapse for ductile components. Assess-
are attached and the deformation capacity ments are generally performed one component at
of their connections. a time (although collapse will generally involve the
excessive deformation of multiple components) by
Deformations can be classified into three comparing deformation demands with permissible
types: values (e.g., maximum plastic hinge rotations) that are
b) ‘Tube’ high-rise building: racking deformation angle is
based on provided structural details (e.g. tie spacing
smaller than the storey drift ratio
1. Overall building movements in concrete elements) and co-existing member forces.
As noted above, for non-ductile actions (e.g., shear in

ȕ 2. Story drifts and other internal relative a reinforced concrete core wall), little-to-no inelastic
ș ș deformations deformation is permissible and component adequacy
should be based on force-based checking to ensure
3. Inelastic deformations of structural that the maximum earthquake demands do not ex-
components and elements ceed nominal capacities.

Overall building movement enables a qual-

itative assessment of building performance 2.5 Performance Criteria
only. Although total building deformation


can provide some measure of the signifi- Establishing quantitative acceptance criteria for
cance of P - ∆ effects on the response of a performance-based design is the subject of on-go-
building, this is of limited value since peak ing research and study. Although great strides have
deflection is transitory. been made in the past decade, much work remains.
One challenge faced by the designer is to establish a
Story drift, which is defined here as the balance between construction cost and risk of damage
c) Wall-frame high-rise building: racking deformation relative horizontal displacement of two ad- (and associated direct and indirect cost) for a design
angle can exceed storey drift ratio problem with many sources of uncertainty in all steps
jacent floors at a given instant in time, can
Figure 1. Deformation parameters for tall buildings form the starting point for assessment of of the design solution. Examples of the uncertainties

CTBUH Seismic Design Guide 2008 --

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