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Approval of the thesis:



submitted by SENA YAZIRLI in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering Department, Middle East
Technical University by,

Prof. Dr. Gülbin Dural Ünver

Dean, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ozan Tekinalp

Head of Department, Aerospace Engineering

Prof. Dr. Nafiz Alemdaroğlu

Supervisor, Aerospace Engineering Department, METU

Examining Committee Members:

Prof. Dr. Serkan Özgen

Aerospace Engineering Department, METU

Prof. Dr. Nafiz Alemdaroğlu

Aerospace Engineering Department, METU

Prof. Dr. Altan Kayran

Aerospace Engineering Department, METU

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ali Türker Kutay

Aerospace Engineering Department, METU

Assist. Prof. Dr. Levent Ünlüsoy

Aeronautical Engineering, UTAA

I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare
that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all
material and results that are not original to this work.

Name, Last Name: SENA YAZIRLI

Signature :




M.S., Department of Aerospace Engineering
Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Nafiz Alemdaroğlu

December 2015, 115 pages

The main objective of this thesis is to write a design tool that will perform the concep-
tual design phase of an aircraft and achieve the desired specifications of the design.
For this purpose, a code is written in MATLAB so that the designer does not have
to change or check parameter values when a modification on the mission altitude,
cruise conditions, airfoil type, propulsion system units, weight or general geometry
of the aircraft. Most of the available design tools are created for large aircraft and not
for uninhabited air vehicles. Besides they are mostly focused on a single branch of
the aircraft design such as airfoil design, wing design, structural design, performance
analysis etc. Whereas in this thesis, it is aimed to combine all these branches of the
aircraft design and come up with a conceptual design tool for mini class uninhabited
air vehicles manufactured from composite materials and powered by electrical mo-
tor. The code calculates the parameters for the general geometry, lift and drag forces,
pitching moment, performance characteristics, composite structure weight, stability
and control derivatives, state space matrices with their eigenvalues of longitudinal and
lateral dimensions. In principle, the user enters the input parameters needed and rest
of the computations are done automatically. Five critical input parameters are deter-
mined by the user according to the design features. These parameters are computed
by the tool and in return the user gets the optimum values for the determined objective
parameters of the aircraft within the given intervals and constraints. As a results, a
user-friendly conceptual design tool that generates the whole information about the

aircraft from its geometry to its stability and control derivatives is devised. The thesis
gives an example of the conceptual design of a mini UAV system performed using the
design tool given in the thesis to verify the design tool.

Keywords: mini UAV, mini UAV design, conceptual design, design toolbox, lift, drag,
moment, composite weight estimation, UAV performance, UAV design optimization,
stability and control derivatives,state space matrix




Yüksek Lisans, Havacılık ve Uzay Mühendisliği Bölümü
Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Nafiz Alemdaroğlu

Aralık 2015 , 115 sayfa

Bu tezin asıl hedefi bir hava aracının kavramsal tasarım fazını gerçekleştirecek ve ta-
sarımı istenilen özelliklere eriştirecek bir tasarım aracı yazmaktır. Bu amaçla, MAT-
LAB programında bir kod yazılmıştır ki böylelikle kullanıcı, tasarlanan uçağın görev
irtifasında, seyir koşullarında, kanat profil türlerinde, itki sistemi elemanlarında, ağır-
lığında veya genel formunda bir değişiklik yaparsa, diğer parametre değerlerini tekrar
kontrol etmek veya değiştirmek zorunda kalmayacaktır. Birçok tasarım aracı daha bü-
yük türdeki ve insansız olmayan uçaklar için yaratılmıştır. Bunun yanında, onlar genel
olarak uçak tasarımının profil tasarımı, kanat tasarımı, performans analizi veya yapı-
sal tasarım gibi tek bir dalına odaklanmıştır. Bu tezde, tüm bu alanları birleştirmek
ve elektrik motorlu, kompozit malzemelerden yapılmış ve mini sınıfında olan insanız
hava araçları tasarımı için bir kavramsal tasarım aracı oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır.
Bu kod genel geometri, kaldırma ve sürükleme kuvvetleri, yunuslama momenti, per-
formans karakteristiği, kompozit yapı ağırlığı, kararlılık ve kontrol türevleri, yanal ve
boylamsal yönlere ait durumsal uzay matriksi ve özgün değer parametrelerini hesap-
lamaktadır. Prensipte, kullanıcı girdi parametrelerini koda girer ve geri kalan hesap-
lamalar otomatik olarak yapılır. Beş tane kritik girdi parametresi kullanıcı tarafından
tasarım özelliklerine göre belirlenir. Bu parametre değerleri kod tarafınan hesapla-
nır ve bunun karşılığında kullanıcı belirlenen aralıklarda ve kısıtlamalarda belirlenen

hedef parametresi için optimum değerleri elde eder. Sonuç olarak, kullanıcı dostu,
hava aracı ile ilgili geometrisinden kararlılık türevlerine kadar tüm bilgileri üreten
bir kavramsal tasarım aracı düzenlenmiştir. Bu tez, tasarım aracı kullanılarak ve ta-
sarım aracını doğrulamak için gerçekleştirilen bir mini UAV sistem tasarımı örneğini

Anahtar Kelimeler: mini İHA, mini İHA tasarımı, kavramsal tasarım, tasarım araç
kutusu, kaldırma kuvveti, sürükleme kuvveti, moment, kompozit ağırlık tahmini, İHA
performansı, İHA tasarım optimizasyonu, kararlılık ve kontrol türevleri, durağan uzay

To my extended family, my Güçlü and the designers who will find this design tool


I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Nafiz ALEMDAROĞLU for his con-
stant support, guidance and friendship. It was a great honor to work with him for the
last five years and our cooperation influenced my academical and world view highly.

There are a lot of people that were with me in these seven years. They defined me,
they made me who I am, they are true owners of this work. It is not possible to write
down why each of them is important to me and this work, because it will take more
space than the work itself. I am very grateful to all people I know during my being
undergraduate and doing master degree in METU-AEE, they changed me deeply: my
vision towards life, happiness and friendship. I am very lucky to have them all. So
I’ll just give name of our group; "Havacı Tayfa" or "Anatolian Craft" or "KUŞKAŞ".
I would also like to thank you my fiance Güçlü ÖZCAN for always listening, sup-
porting, tolerating, leading and loving me deeply from the start of my masters.

Lastly and most deeply, sincerest thanks to each of my family members, my mother
Nuran YAZIRLI, my father Özcan YAZIRLI and my little brother Eray YAZIRLI for
supporting in every way and believing in me all the way through my university life.


ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

ÖZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii


1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 MOTIVATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 CONTENT OF THE THESIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.3 LITERATURE SURVEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9



2 CODE GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.1 GENERAL CODE STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2 LIFT, DRAG and MOMENT COMPUTATIONS . . . . . . . 17

2.2.1 General Specifications of Flight Conditions and

Aircraft Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2.2 Flap Properties and Methods of Constitution of

Graph Equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.2.3 Lift Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2.2.4 Drag Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

2.2.5 Pitching Moment Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.3 PERFORMANCE CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


NATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44


CALCULATIONS VERIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

2.6 SYSTEM MATRIX CONSTITUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . 57


3.1 Optimization Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.1.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.1.2 Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

3.1.3 Moving Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

3.2 Optimization Part of Code Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

4 MINI UAV DESIGN USING THE DESIGN TOOL . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.1 MISSION PLAN and USAGE CONCEPT . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.2 CONFIGURATION SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.3 AIRFOIL SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.4 PROPULSION SYSTEM SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . 73


4.6 WEIGHT ESTIMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.7 OPTIMIZATION INPUT and RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.7.1 Optimization Parameters Selection . . . . . . . . . 76

4.8 DESIGN TOOL RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82


SIBLE DESIGNS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86



5 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101


A 3D VIEWS AND DIMENSIONS OF UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

B OPERATING MANUAL OF DESIGN TOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107



Table 1.1 Literature survey results [14] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Table 1.2 Photos of competitor UAVs [14] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Table 2.1 Validation of equation by using ±7% of real data . . . . . . . . . . 24

Table 2.2 Comparison of CFD results and code results for control derivatives . 56

Table 2.3 Comparison of CFD results and code results for stability derivatives 56

Table 2.4 Concise longitudinal aerodynamic stability derivatives [8] . . . . . . 60

Table 2.5 Concise lateral aerodynamic stability derivatives [8] . . . . . . . . . 61

Table 4.1 MotoCalc results for different configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Table 4.2 Force and moment values of the designed UAV . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Table 4.3 Some performance characteristic values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Table 4.4 Stability derivatives of the designed UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Table 4.5 Control derivatives of designed UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Table 4.6 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with span . . 86

Table 4.7 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with angle
of attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Table 4.8 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with aspect
ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Table 4.9 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with fuselage
diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Table 4.10 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with hori-
zontal tail volume ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

Table 4.11 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with span by
smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Table 4.12 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with angle
of attack by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Table 4.13 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with aspect
ratio by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Table 4.14 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with fuselage
diameter by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Table 4.15 Objective function and constraint parameters variation with hori-
zontal tail volume ratio by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96



Figure 2.1 The general structure of the design tool code . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Figure 2.2 Correction factor for nonlinear lift behaviour of plain flaps [18] . . 21

Figure 2.3 Obtaining graph data by GetData Graph Digitizer program . . . . . 22

Figure 2.4 Comparison of real graph (black curves) and graph obtained by
code (red curves) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Figure 2.5 Correction factor for plain flap lift [18] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Figure 2.6 Procedure to calculate parameter Kb [18] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Figure 2.7 Effect of taper ratio and flap span on Kb [18] . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Figure 2.8 Effect of aspect and flap-chord ratios on the 3D flap effectiveness
[18] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Figure 4.1 Mission plan of the designed UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Figure 4.2 Comparison of possible wing airfoils [23] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Figure 4.3 Objective function change with angle of attack and wing span . . . 79

Figure 4.4 Objective function change with angle of attack and fuselage diameter 79

Figure 4.5 Objective function change with aspect ratio and fuselage diameter . 80

Figure 4.6 Objective function change with aspect ratio and wing span . . . . . 80

Figure 4.7 Objective function change with fuselage diameter and wing span . 81

Figure 4.8 Graph of objective function variation with span and verification of
constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Figure 4.9 Graph of objective function variation with angle of attack and ver-
ification of constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Figure 4.10 Graph of objective function variation with aspect ratio and verifi-
cation of constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Figure 4.11 Graph of objective function variation with fuselage diameter and
verification of constrains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Figure 4.12 Graph of objective function variation with horizontal tail volume
ratio and verification of constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

Figure 4.13 Graph of objective function variation with span and verification of
constraints by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Figure 4.14 Graph of objective function variation with angle of attack and ver-
ification of constraints by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Figure 4.15 Graph of objective function variation with aspect ratio and verifi-
cation of constraints by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Figure 4.16 Graph of objective function variation with fuselage diameter and
verification of constraints by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Figure 4.17 Graph of objective function variation with horizontal tail volume
ratio and verification of constraints by smaller increment . . . . . . . . . . 96

Figure A.1 Isometric 3D view of the UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Figure A.2 Top 3D view of the UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

Figure A.3 Side 3D view of the UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Figure A.4 Front 3D view of the UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Figure A.5 Dimensions of the UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Figure A.6 Equipments of the UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Figure A.7 Placement of equipments in the UAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Figure A.8 Centre of gravity location of the UAV from the top view . . . . . . 105

Figure A.9 Centre of gravity location of the UAV from the side view . . . . . . 106


UAV Uninhabited Air Vehicle

CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
GPS Global Positioning System
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
AGL Above Ground Level
MSL Mean Sea Level
AVL Athena Vortex Lattice
ADS Aircraft Design Software



Uninhabited Air Vehicles (UAVs) are aircraft in which the crew is replaced with an
intelligent computer system and a radio link. They are controlled by human personnel
through a ground control station. These aircraft also have avionic systems onboard.
The types and properties of these avionic systems are chosen according to the mission
of the aircraft. UAVs have advantages for several missions compared to manned
aircraft. This is the reason why they exist in the aviation sector.
The use for UAVs can be categorized [3] in two parts: civilian and military. Civilian
purposes are listed below:

• Aerial Photography : Film, video, still, etc.

• Agriculture : Crop monitoring and spraying

• Coastguard : Search and rescue

• Conservation : Pollution and land monitoring

• Customs and Excise : Surveillance for illegal imports

• Electricity Companies : Powerline inspection

• Fire Services and Forestry : Fire detection, incident control

• Fisheries : Fisheries protection

• Gas and Oil Supply Companies : Land survey and pipeline security

• Information Services : News information and pictures, feature pictured

• Lifeboat Institutions : Incident investigation, guidance and control

• Local Authorities : Survey, disaster control

• Meteorological Services : Sampling and analysis of atmosphere for forecasting


• Traffic Agencies : Monitoring and control of road traffic

• Oil Companies : Pipeline security

• Ordonance Survey : Aerial photography for mapping

• Police Authorities : Search for missing persons, security and incident surveil-

• Rivers Authorities : Water course and level monitoring, flood and pollution

• Survey Organizations : Geographical, geological and archaeological survey

• Water Boards : Reservoir and pipeline monitoring

Second category of UAV usage area is for military purposes [3]. In this type of
purpose, there are three major topic: navy, army and air force.

• NAVY : Shadowing enemy fleets, Decoying missiles by the emission of artificial

signatures, Electronic intelligence, Relaying radio signals, Protection of port
from offshore attack, Placement of sonar buoys and possibly other forms of
anti-submarine warfare, Monitoring of sonar buoys and possibly other forms of
anti-submarine warfare;

• ARMY : Reconnaissance, Surveillance of enemy activity, Monitoring of nu-

clear, biological or chemical contamination, Electronic intelligence, Target des-
ignation and monitoring, Location and destruction of land mines;

• AIR FORCE : Long-range, high-altitude surveillance, Radar system jamming

and destruction, Electronic intelligence, Airfield base security, Airfield damage
assessment, Elimination of unexploded bombs.


Initial motivation of this study comes from the desire to write an aerodynamic design
code complete with the calculation of stability derivatives. Usually automated design
packages are prepared considering only the aerodynamic aspects of the design and
leaving aside the stability and control aspects of the design. Therefore this study is
aimed at filling this gap of the design and tries to make a more complete design pack-
age including the determination of stability and control analysis of the air craft design
and include the effects of these dynamic effects in the full picture of the aerodynamic
design. Therefore in this respect this thesis brings a novel approach to the concept
of the design and include these dynamic effects right at the conception phase of the
design instead of dealing with them after the whole aerodynamic design is completed.
The calculation of the stability derivatives and therefore include the controllability as-
pect of the aircraft into the full picture of the design is intended to be the contribution
of this thesis.
Usually the calculation of the stability derivatives are performed after the design phase
is completed and the calculation of the stability derivatives are not considered at all
in the design cycle. It is considered as a separate package by itself and these com-
putations are performed outside the design cycle. Therefore this is a totally new
and integrated approach to the aerodynamic design where these important affects are
taken into consideration as a whole and the stability and control parameters of the
aircraft are determined within the same package.
However making up this "integrated approach to design" is not an easy task to under-
take. To realize this new undertaking of the design the famous work of Roskam [19]
is extensively used as a guide and within this context most of the graphical represen-
tations in his book are re-interpreted as equations in order to able to be integrate them
into the automated design procedure.
In the process of developing the code, several parameters should be entered as input.
Therefore, in addition to stability and control derivatives, it is decided that the aero-
dynamic and performance parameter calculations should be included in the code. In
this manner, a conceptual design tool is created that will not require any additional
calculations. Furthermore, it is thought that some of the input parameters are to be
selected by the code itself as the most proper parameters and are used in the code for

further design calculations. In this way, the user will not need to determine every and
each input parameter. These explanations are the starting points of this thesis. Such a
design tool will be very useful for UAV designers.
UAV design is one of the major fields of aeronautics due to their extensive use, rel-
atively low cost and their very fast developing technologies. Therefore, many re-
searchers ranging from university students to large aerospace companies work on de-
sign and manufacturing of UAVs and UAV systems. The design of UAV has similar
phases with the design of manned aircraft. These are conceptual design, preliminary
design and detailed design. Initial step is to start with the requirements coming from
a customer, for a design competition or for a research and development study. During
the conceptual design phase, the general form of the design is shaped. In this man-
ner, the interaction between each requirement and limitations such as aerodynamical,
structural and propulsive limitations are found. Moreover, approximate weight and
cost values are determined. The technologies which should be used are found and the
feasibility of these technologies are done. In the content of the conceptual design, it
is important to observe that these requirements generate a practicable and commer-
cial aircraft. In the preliminary design phase, configuration of these components are
kept constant. Test results and analytical calculations are collected. Major items are
designed. In this step a mockup may be constructed physically or by using computer
aided drawing programs. Since preliminary design is a more detailed level of design,
detailed cost analysis can be done and actual cost can be determined.Detailed design
is the last phase before manufacturing. Thus, all pieces must be designed to be built.
In addition, tools which are used in the manufacturing should be designed. Each com-
ponent must be tested in structural manner. Performance characteristics and weight
estimation is finalized.
When these phases are analysed, it can be seen that the conceptual design phase has
high impact on the decision of the requirements which make an aircraft design feasi-
ble. In addition to that, it is vital for the companies to determine that the given UAV
project is executable or not. In substantial point of view, a successful conceptual
design supports a successful budget allocation. Labor force and logistic sufficien-
cies are determined and necessities are satisfied. In background information point
of view, conceptual design figures out convenience of knowledge and experience of
the people who will work on this job. According to the results, required lectures and

consultancies from experts are arranged. In the planning point of view, by the help
of the conceptual design phase, the time needed for each process of the aircraft de-
sign and manufacturing, namely the time that will pass until release of product can
be determined. In UAV point of view, conceptual design leads improvements and
optimizations in the design since it constituted in general shape of the air vehicle.
Regarding all of these profits of the conceptual design phase, it can be seen how im-
portant it is. If conceptual design phase can be processed quickly, practically and
safely, all these advantages increase dramatically. In company point of view, fast
time planning and cost analysis supports bidding with right values. In addition to
that, fast adjustments related to labor force and logistic help making up a shortage
quickly. Therefore, they can get ahead of the other companies in a short time. When
requirements given by customer are analysed quickly, the company can reply to the
customer by correct comments and possible improvements. This situation improves
the reliability of the company on the customer’s point of view. Lastly, when general
look of the aircraft is created, customer can see what the required aircraft will look
like and reorganise or change the requirements according to the new thoughts and
ideas. At the end, project can be finalized in time and without problems since cus-
tomer requests and structured outcomes by company are suitable with each other.
In addition to this, when the student projects and competitions are focused on, same
advantages can be achieved by quick conceptual designs. Financial supports, school
opportunities, number of team members and their fields are determined quickly. There-
fore, the team can apply the competition or submit the project before deadline so that
they can get good points and have a higher chance of success. Moreover, if learning
process is the point of view, the students can see how requirements shape the aircraft
and limit the performance. Effects of any changed parameter on the other can be
learned. They understand which component configurations bring which aerodynamic
advantages. The relation between propulsion system selection and efficient flights
can be seen. The students can observe at what rate structural elements change weight
and cost. Quick conceptual design in research projects have advantage of focusing on
the real research subject and develop the main points instead of losing time in doing
whole design features.
In this chapter, the importance of the conceptual design is mentioned. Moreover,
limitless benefits of a quick conceptual design phase are emphasised. As conceptual

design is a flowing process and the design layout is constantly changing, design tools
are generated to prevent time loss. These design tools are used by universities and
in every level of the aviation sector. They offer learning with results and speaking
with values obtained promptly from each different possible design properties. De-
sign programs have several distinguished properties. While some of them have only
aerodynamic or performance calculations, others include stability analysis. In addi-
tion, their base sources can also be changed. For example, they can run with another
program or they use some books’ design methodology, formulations or experimen-
tal/historical data bases. Regardless of these properties, the reliability of the obtained
results and calculated values of parameters are the most important aspects of a design
tool program.


In this thesis, a design tool is developed. The tool is created in MATLAB program-
ming environment. Initially, several input must be determined. In particular, atmo-
spheric condition and flight conditions must be clarified for the code. Information
related to the chosen airfoil and propulsion system must be entered in the code. Ad-
ditionally, several geometrical properties and variables are needed to be optimized in
the code. These are included in the code manually. In this manner, when the user runs
the code, input parameters are asked to be entered one by one. Firstly, these input are
used to compute lift [18], drag [17] and moment parameters [18]. The main parame-
ters listed are the lift, drag and moment coefficients of individual aircraft components
and the values for total aircraft, as well as the change of these coefficients with angle
of attack and the effect of flap deflection on them.
Secondly, weight is estimated for each component separately. This code is prepared
for composite structures. Therefore, initially, surface weights of each part of the air-
craft should be estimated. In this way, the composite fabrics that are laid on each
layer are determined. By using fabrics’ weights per unit square area, components’
surface area and approximate resin weight, the total weight of each layer are esti-
mated. After that computation is completed, rib and spar numbers are determined.
According to the necessary stiffness of the components, the structure and dimensions

of the spar and ribs are decided. Lastly, avionics, payload, landing equipments and
propulsion system weights are added to the skin weight of the aircraft. There is an
important point in determining the take-off weight. The value of the weight cannot be
much less or much greater than the lift force for the level flight. This must be taken
into account and if such a situation occurs, some parameters such as angle of attack,
wing span, airfoil type or structural elements must be changed. In the code, there is a
control loop that protects the design against the occurrence of these inequalities in the
vertical aerodynamic forces. However, this is only a warning mechanism in the main
logic of the design cycle; the code does not fix this inequality situation automatically,
therefore, this should be done manually by the intervention of the designer. Namely,
code does not fix inequality automatically, the user must correct it manually.
Thirdly, the performance parameters [2], [17] are calculated. According to the mis-
sion plan, these are constituted of take-off, climb, cruise, loiter and landing phases.
The code considers that the take off the UAV is by hand launch. Therefore, take-off
calculations are done by taking this fact into consideration. After take-off segment
of the mission plan, climb until cruise altitude, cruise to mission and then loiter and
cruise back to home situations are analysed. In this manner, several performance
characteristics such as power consuming from battery, passing time, velocities, rate
of climbs and required powers are also computed. Another limitation of this code
is its landing procedure. The code is valid for aircraft that makes parachute, airbag,
deep stall or belly landing after unpowered gliding. Therefore, in the code, landing
part does not exist. Last calculations related to performance are done for the loiter
segment. During loiter, the aim of the mission is realized. Since this segment includes
rotational movement, performance characteristics such as turn rate, minimum turn ra-
dius are also computed. At the end of the performance computation part of the code,
one of the most important parameters, mission time, is found by adding the take-off,
climb, cruise and loitering times.
In the fourth part of the code, stability derivatives, longitudinal and lateral control
derivatives are computed using principally the stability book of Roskam [19]. At the
end following stability derivatives are obtained.

• Lift coefficient variation with velocity, pitch rate, angle of attack and rate of
angle of attack (cLu , cLq , cLα , cLα̇ )

• Drag coefficient variation with velocity and angle of attack (cDu , cDα )

• Side force coefficient variation with sideslip angle, roll rate and yaw rate (cyβ , cyp ,
cyr )

• Pitching moment coefficient variation with velocity, pitch rate, angle of attack
and rate of angle of attack (cmu , cmq , cmα , cmα̇ )

• Rolling moment coefficient variation with sideslip angle, roll rate and yaw rate
(clβ , clp , clr )

• Yawing moment coefficient variation with sideslip angle, roll rate and yaw rate
(cnβ , cnp , cnr )

In addition to them, following longitudinal, lateral and directional control derivatives

are computed.

• Lift coefficient variation with flap deflection, stabilizer incidence and elevator
angle (cLδF , cLiH , cLδE )

• Drag coefficient variation with flap deflection and elevator angle (cDδF , cDδE )

• Pitching moment coefficient with stabilizer incidence and elevator angle (cmδF ,
cmiH , cmδE )

• Drag, side force, rolling moment and yawing moment coefficients variation
with aileron deflection (cDδA , cyδA , clδA , cnδA )

• Side force, rolling moment and yawing moment coefficients variation with rud-
der deflection (cyδR , clδR , cnδR )

Last part of the code includes system matrix generation of designed UAV. In this
manner, the equations in [8] are used and below matrices of longitudinal and lateral
parameters are obtained.

 
  Yv Yp Yr Yφ Yψ
Xu X w X q Xθ 
L L L L L 

  v p r φ ψ
 u Zw Zq Zθ 
  
Alongitudinal =  Alateral = Nv Np Nr Nφ Nψ 

Mu Mw Mq Mθ  

  0 1 0 0 0 
0 0 1 0  
0 0 1 0 0

When this design tool is examined in detail by its parts, it can be observed that the
most valuable and important part of the code is the section where the automatic cal-
culations and the optimizations are performed. When the calculations of the required
parameters are performed, equations that are needed to perform the computations are
obtained from various related reference books (i.e, [17], [2], [18], [19], [8]). There
are also several parameters that are read from various graphs. In this thesis, automatic
calculation is aimed. To achieve this aim, graphical approach should be surpassed,
so that the user does not have to read any data from the graphs. In the light of this
idea, the equations of the particular graphs are determined. Some of the data from
the graphs are taken manually. The intervals of x and y axis are divided into sections
to make the equation as accurate as possible. These data are written in the code and
the equation of the graph is obtained. Some of the graphs’ data are taken from the
GRAPHDATA program. The next task of the code is optimization. In this section of
the code, values for several geometrical parameters are chosen such that maximum
mission time and minimum wing loading can be achieved.
When the coding of the design tool is finalized, it is validated by values of the mini
uninhabited air vehicle which is the product of a Turkish company. At the end of the
thesis work, a sample design of a mini UAV is done by using this tool.



Design tools supply several opportunities therefore, some companies and some in-
dividuals produced design tools that have different properties. They are for aero-
dynamic, structure, propulsion and stability calculations. While some of them are

specific for one of these branches, others are combinations of two or more. In addi-
tion to that, some programs are created to design a specific component of the aircraft
such as wing, tail or empennage. Examples of some of these design tools are listed

• XFOIL offers the design and analysis of the subsonic airfoils. ([13])

• XFLR5 is an aerodynamic analysis and design tool for airfoils, wing and planes
at low Reynolds Numbers by using XFOIL. ([24])

• Tornado Vortex Lattice Method is a MATLAB code to design a linear aerody-

namic wing. ([21])

• Athena Vortex Lattice Method (AVL) supports aerodynamic and flight dynamic
analysis. ([12])

• MIAReX is the program that calculates the 2.5D wing properties. ([20])

• CEASIOM supply higher representation fidelity in a quick way then the recog-
nised handbook methods. ([9])

• Project Falcon is a wind tunnel simulation program. ([7])

• ADS (Aircraft Design Software) is design tool that gives the best solutions of
aircraft configuration. ([15])

• AVID Software are created for combining and optimizing parts of an aircraft.

When these softwares are analysed in detail, their usage areas, modules and prop-
erties can be seen.The XFOIL programme includes viscous analysis of an existing
airfoil,performs new airfoil design from the beginning and by modifying an exist-
ing airfoil, blending of airfoils, writing and reading of airfoil coordinates and polar
save files and plotting geometry, pressure distributions and multiple polar. XFLR5
includes wing design and analysis based on the Lifting Line Theory, Vortex Lat-
tice Method and 3D Panel Method. Tornado program supplies linear aerodynamic
wing design in conceptual design. In addition to that, by using Tornado, most of
the aerodynamic derivatives can be solved. MIAReX is similar to XFLR5. It also

uses the XFOIL. MIAReX computes lift distribution, induced and airfoil drag and
airfoil moment locally and globally by using Lifting Line Theory. These programs
generally study on lifting surfaces and airfoils and they are based on only aerody-
namic calculations and only one component. CEASIOM software includes geometry
module to define the geometry of an aircraft, aerodynamic module to replace digital
DATCOM methods with new fidelity modules, stability and control module to simu-
late test flights with six degree of freedom and to predict performance, flight control
system design module to give control design system philosophy and architecture and
aeroelastic module for structural analysis. AVID is a program that give optimum solu-
tions for given requirements. It includes geometry definition, fixed wing and ducted-
fan aircraft design, optimization and performance analysis. Lastly, ADS has analysis
module to analyse existing key stages, statistical analysis module to analyse an ex-
isting aircraft, design tool to determine geometry, weight, propulsion, performances
and balance, optimisation module, 3D module to make visual analysis, balance and
stability module to locate centre of gravity, digitizer module to make measurements
on the designed aircraft, airfoil, airplane and engine databases. This last software is
very comprehensive. In this thesis, a similar code to this software content was tried
to be developed. However, it can not be so detailed and the study area of the thesis
is small UAVs with electric engine which is different from other design tools. There-
fore, although the work in this thesis is very specific, it will probably fill a blank in
the design tool market.


Before starting the design, requirements must be clarified. In this manner, similar
UAV specifications are examined by a literature survey (Table 1.1 and Table 1.2)

Table 1.1: Literature survey results [14]

Table 1.2: Photos of competitor UAVs [14]

The values in this table is analysed. The requirements are determined according to
the average or maximum/minimum of given parameters. In this manner, following
list is formed for limitations of the UAV.

• Maximum take-off weight is limited to 2 kg,

• Wing span interval is decided to be between 0.9 m and 1.4 m,

• Fuselage diameter is chosen to be in the interval of 0.04-0.12 m,

• Minimum mission time is determined as 60 minutes,

• Range is specified as 5 km,

• Cruise speed is restricted between 8 m/s and 16 m/s and

• Operating ceiling preference to be concluded in the 1000-2000 m interval.

To sum up, the aim of the thesis is to generate a design tool which computes lift, drag
and moment parameters, performance characteristics, stability and control deriva-
tives. The tool produced in the thesis allows a fast and an optimized conceptual
design for uninhabited air vehicles. By using this design tool, a mini UAV design is
realized to see its usage and benefits more clearly. All the items mentioned in this
chapter, which form scope of this thesis, are investigated in detail in the following




The present design tool calculates, the lift and drag forces and the pitching moment,
as well as the stability and control derivatives, performance specifications, state space
matrix constitution and the eigenvalues. As the initial step, the user of this design tool
must enter the input parameters that are necessary for doing these computations. The
input parameters can be categorized in six groups.

1. The first group are the optimization input which determine the moving vari-
ables, their lower and upper limits and increments, objective function and con-
straint parameters with their limits (the parameter definitions related to opti-
mization are done in the Chapter 3).

2. Second group are the altitude and atmospheric conditions during mission.

3. The third group are the propulsion system specifications such as battery capac-
ity, propeller diameter.

4. Fourth group are the airfoil information such as thickness ratios of both wing
and tail airfoils.

5. Fifth group are general geometry properties which are used to calculate the
geometry of whole aircraft.

6. Sixth and last group are the parameters which are used in weight estimation
such as composite densities.

After entering all these input parameters, all calculations except state space matrices
are done for each configuration of the selected moving variable values. At the end,
desired optimum values are found and the same calculations of lift, drag, pitching
moment, stability and control derivatives and performance of the aircraft are repeated
by using the optimized values. Lastly, state space representation and eigenvalue foun-
dation are done. The flow chart of the design procedure and the general structure of
the design tool can be seen in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: The general structure of the design tool code


2.2.1 General Specifications of Flight Conditions and Aircraft Geometry

Initial step for the design tool generation is to determine some flight and air condi-
tions; propulsion system, airfoil and some geometrical specifications. Atmospheric
conditions must be determined before starting any kind of air vehicle design. There-
fore, in the code the user enters mission altitude, launch altitude and, according to
these altitudes, dynamic viscosity and temperature. In this part of the code, grav-
itational acceleration and air density at sea level are placed as default values. Air
density at cruise altitude (Eqn. 2.1) and speed of sound are calculated from the given
information automatically. Cruise speed and angle of attack are user defined flight
conditions. Mach number and dynamic pressure are calculated by the code.

(altitude/1000 − 44.3308) 1/0.234969

ρ = (− ) (2.1)

While propulsion system parameters are being entered, the code design limitations
should not be forgotten. This design tool is valid for the aircraft that use electrical
propulsion systems. Therefore, propeller efficiency, motor efficiency, battery capac-
ity, motor power, battery voltage, propeller diameter and propeller pitch are the input
parameters for the propulsion system. In the code, available power at sea level and at
cruise altitude (Eqn. 2.2) and current drawn by the motor at full throttle (Eqn. 2.3)
are calculated.

ρ 0.7
Pa = Pa@sl ( ) (2.2)

Amperf ull = (2.3)

Airfoil is chosen according to the design requirements. After that, important param-
eters related to the airfoil are entered to the code for wing and tail separately. In this
step of the design, the user should be aware that the code does calculations for the
aircraft that use same airfoil type for both the horizontal and vertical tails. Slope of

the lift curve at zero Mach, thickness ratio, maximum thickness chord wise location,
maximum 2D lift coefficient, zero lift angle of attack and trailing edge angle are en-
tered to the code according to the chosen airfoil specifications. Stall angle of attack
(Eqn. 2.4), lift curve slope at cruise Mach (Eqn. 2.5) and airfoil lift coefficient (Eqn.
2.6) are calculated by using formulations. Airfoil aerodynamic center is determined
from the graph [18]. The equation of the curve is obtained for different thickness
ratios. It gives the percentage of the aerodynamic center for any value of trailing

αs t = −4 (2.4)
clα π/180

clα sl
cl α = p (2.5)
(1 − M ach2 )

cl = clα |(α − αl=0 )π/180 (2.6)

Next, geometric parameters must be entered. Necessary input parameters for wings
are aspect ratio, span, dihedral angle, taper ratio, thickness difference of airfoil at
6% and 0.15% of chord, quarter chord and semi-chord line sweep angles, incidence
angle and vertical distance from fuselage centerline to wing root quarter chord point.
In addition to wing parameters, horizontal and vertical tail input are angle of attack,
taper ratio, quarter chord and maximum thickness line sweep angles, volume ratio,
distance between wing aerodynamic center and tail (vertical or horizontal) aerody-
namic center, distance between wing and (horizontal and vertical) tail in vertical di-
rection, distance between wing root chord and horizontal tail root chord, submerged
(horizontal and vertical) tail area in the propeller airstream and incidence angle. The
arranged parameters are put into the code separately for vertical and horizontal tails.
The other geometrical specifications are calculated from the aerodynamic formula-
tions [17] (from Eqn. 2.7 to Eqn. 2.22). As it can be seen from the equations, sub "f"
refers to fuselage parameters, sub "ht" refers to horizontal tail and sub "vt" refers to
vertical tail. If there is no sub letter, this means that the parameter is related to wing.
Calculations belonging to vertical tail are not included here as they are the same with

that of horizontal tail. In addition to that, semi-chord and leading edge sweep angle
equations (Eqn. 2.14 and Eqn. 2.15) are formed from geometrical relations. There
are two wetted wing area equations (Eqn. 2.17) which are chosen according to the
thickness ratio in the code. Moreover, for both of horizontal and vertical tails, aspect
ratio, volume ratio and distance between aerodynamic centres are chosen as input pa-
rameters. By using these parameters, area (Eqn. 2.18), span (Eqn. 2.19) and chord
(Eqn. 2.20 and Eqn. 2.21) values are calculated by the code. Lastly, the tail area
affected by the flow coming from the motor propeller is calculated, (Eqn. 2.22). In
this manner, the ratio of total area to slipstream area is taken as equal the ratio of half
of the propeller diameter to span. The reason to take half of the propeller diameter
is reducing area by increased air flow speed at the outflow of the propeller when it is
compared to the inflow of the propeller.

Swetf = 3.4(Sfs ide + Sft op )/2 (2.7)

S= (2.8)

f lapspan
Sf lap = S (2.9)

Sunf lap = S − Sf lap (2.10)

crt = (2.11)
b(1 + λ)

ct = crt λ (2.12)

crt + ct
c= (2.13)

Λle = atan(tan(Λc/4 ) + )180/π (2.14)
AR(1 + λ)

2 1−λ
Λc/2 = atan(tan(Λle ) − )180/π (2.15)
AR 1 + λ

f usedia 2
Sexp = S − (π( ) crt ) (2.16)

Swet = 2.003Sexp Swet = Sexp (1.977 + 0.52 ) (2.17)

V rht cS
Sht = (2.18)

bht = Sht ARht (2.19)

crtht = (2.20)
(bht /2)(λht + 1)

ctht = crtht tprht (2.21)

propdia 0.3048/2
Shtslip = Sht (2.22)

2.2.2 Flap Properties and Methods of Constitution of Graph Equation

Lastly, user clarifies flap deflection values. Flap deflection, percent of flap chord to
chord and percent of flap span to span are entered for both wing and horizontal tail.
These values and following graphs are used to calculate the 2D lift coefficient in-
crement under the effect of the flap. Therefore, in this subsection, constitution of
equations from graphs [18] is mentioned. The methods applied to gather these equa-
tions are used several times in the code. When equation of the given graph (Figure

2.2) [18] is obtained, it is required to select the correct curve and respective equation
according to the ratio between flap chord to chord. From the graph (Figure 2.2), it
can be seen that between chord ratio values of 0.1 and 0.3, the ratio increases by 0.05.
Therefore, in this interval, if the calculated ratio falls in between an increment step,
it is rounded down or up to its closest value (i.e. 1.2 is rounded down to 1, whereas
1.4 is rounded up to 1.5). Moreover, between 0.3 and 0.5, same logic is applied but
rounding is done according to step of 0.1. Regarding the situation that the chord ratio
is less than 0.1 or greater than 0.5, two more condition loops are added to the code.
As a result, following part of the code is constituted.

Figure 2.2: Correction factor for nonlinear lift behaviour of plain flaps [18]

1 if cfc <= 0.1

2 cfc1 = 0.1
3 else if cfc > 0.1 & cfc < 0.3
4 cfc1 = round(cfc*20)/20
5 else if cfc >= 0.3 & cfc < 0.5
6 cfc1 = round(cfc*10)/10
7 else if cfc >= 0.5
8 cfc1 = 0.5
9 end

10 end
11 end
12 end

In the graph (Figure 2.2) [18], there are seven curves. Several data that belong to
each curve are collected. The number of chosen points is determined according to
the change in the first and second derivatives. If the curve has many different slope
values and concavity/convexity, the number of selected data is increased. In addition
to that, degree of the polynomial can be increased. x and y values of the point selected
on curve are obtained from the program "GetData Graph Digitizer", (Figure 2.3).
Initially, it is important to introduce the maximum and minimum x and y axes places
and values on the graph to the program.

Figure 2.3: Obtaining graph data by GetData Graph Digitizer program

After the gathered x and y values are entered to the code, the fitting curve equation is
obtained with the desired degree of polynomial. It can be seen in the following part
of the code.

2 if cfc1 == 0.5
3 % delta_f = [0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60]
4 % kprime = [1 1 1 0.9 0.8 0.61 0.55 0.51 0.49 0.47

0.45 0.44 0.43]
5 % plot(delta_f,kprime)
6 % [p7,S,mu] = polyfit(delta_f,kprime,5)
By running this part of the code, p7 and mu values which are the coefficients of
polynomial and coefficients of indices are obtained. By using these numbers, the
equation is formed.

p7 =
0.0272 -0.0979 0.0158 0.2579 -0.3265 0.5913
mu =

1 kprime = 0.0089*((delta_f-30)/19.4722).^5

Lastly, these new obtained curves and formed equations should be checked. Gathered
data are plotted to check that obtained curve is similar to the real graph, Figure 2.4. In
addition to that, random values are put into the equation and results are compared with
the real graph. If the obtained value is close to the real value in an interval of ±7%,
the equation is designated as valid, Table 2.1. If it is not, the number of selected points
and/or degree of fitting curve polynomial are increased. After that previous checking
procedure is repeated. The check percentage, 7 percent value, is chosen according to
the graph values. Generally, the graph results have increments in the range of ±10%.
Therefore, the check percentage is chosen to be less than ±10% so that the result
should not be compared to the upper or lower real graph value. In addition to this, for
several graphs, it is observed that choosing the accuracy greater than 8 percent causes
the obtained curves not to follow real curves as required. Therefore, the most proper
percentage is decided to be as ±7%.

Figure 2.4: Comparison of real graph (black curves) and graph obtained by code (red

Table 2.1: Validation of equation by using ±7% of real data

k’ 1.00000 0.99877 0.99754 0.96513 0.85810 0.75012

k’_upper_limit 1.07000 1.06869 1.06737 1.03269 0.91816 0.80263
k’_lower_limit 0.94000 0.93885 0.93769 0.90722 0.80661 0.70511
k’_calculated 0.98250 1.05680 0.98080 0.91800 0.82470 0.77060
k’ 0.57926 0.52869 0.49167 0.46205 0.44207 0.42557
k’_upper_limit 0.61980 0.56570 0.52609 0.49439 0.47301 0.45536
k’_lower_limit 0.54450 0.49697 0.46217 0.43433 0.41554 0.40003
k’_calculated 0.59490 0.51520 0.47620 0.46580 0.44970 0.42080

The graph below has several curves, (Figure 2.5) [18]. These curves give close results
for the same flap chord to chord ratio. They also have similar curve slopes. They are
also like shifted curves for different ratios of cla to clatheory (taken as 2π).Therefore,
a relation between this ratio and shifting value is established. The shifting value,
changing with each curve according to the value of the ratios of cla to clatheory , is

added to the equations of the ratio of clδ to clδtheory . Obtaining the curve equations by
shifting them is used only for this graph in the entire code.

Figure 2.5: Correction factor for plain flap lift [18]

The values obtained from the formed equations belong to the wing since the wing
airfoil thickness ratio and wing flap chord ratio are used. Therefore, to obtain same
parameters for horizontal tail, the same procedure is applied by using horizontal tail
data instead of wing data. At the end, lift coefficient changes with flap and elevator
deflection are calculated in 2D, Eqn. 2.23. In addition, base of the maximum lift
coefficient of airfoil and some coefficients are obtained from other formed equations.
These parameters help finding maximum lift coefficient change with flap in 2D, Eqn.

∆cl = δf π/180 clδt heory k 0 (2.23)
clδt heory

∆clm ax = k1 k2 k3 ∆clmaxbase (2.24)

2.2.3 Lift Calculation

Lift calculations are done separately for each component of the aircraft. All graphs
and several equations (not all of them) are taken from the book by Roskam [18]. As
general method, firstly, lift coefficients changing with different angles of attack are
calculated for three-dimensional wing and horizontal tail. Wing clα (Eqn. 2.25 to
Eqn. 2.27) is combined with the fuselage and clαwf (Eqn. 2.28 and Eqn. 2.29) is
obtained. In these calculations, β parameter is not very important since the thesis
study is related to incompressible flows and β is for compressible flows. It is still
added to the code so that the usage area of the code can be extended.

β= 1 − M ach2 (2.25)

ν= (2.26)

cLαw = p Sexp /S (2.27)
2 + 4 + (ARβ/ν)2 (1 + (tan(Λc/2 )/β)2 )

F = 1.07 × (1 + f usedia /b)2 (2.28)

cLαwf = cLαw F (2.29)

In addition to alpha derivatives, zero-angle-of-attack lift coefficients of wing-fuselage

combination and horizontal tail are found. The slip stream effect coming from the
motor propeller is added to the horizontal tail cL0 value, Eqn. 2.30. This addition of
the accelerated flow on the tail is very important, since the velocity of airflow on the
tail is increased, thus lift is increased.

cL0h = (−incht − 0ht )π/180cLαht nuh (2.30)

On the other hand, cL0w is calculated without the addition of the slip stream effect,
Eqn. 2.31.

cL0w = (incw − αL=0w )π/180cLαw (2.31)

If the propeller and motor is placed in front of the aircraft, wing will also experience
the slip stream effect. For such a situation, an additional term (Eqn. 2.33) and wing
lift coefficient (Eqn. 2.32), which is used to calculate this additional term, are added
to the code so that lift increase caused by the slip stream effect can be reflected on
the total lift force. The wing and horizontal tail areas which are exposed to slipstream
must be determined correctly.

cLw = (cL0w + cLαw (α − αL=0w )π/180)+

σw (2sign(α)(sin(α))2 cos(α))

Sslip 2200Pav 0.001341

∆cLwslip = cLw (2.33)
S qVc π(propdia )2

After the two lift coefficient values are calculated, sigmoid function [16] is constituted
separately for wing and horizontal tail, (Eqn. 2.34 and Eqn. 2.35). This function is
added to the lift coefficient calculation so that the angle of attack corrections can be
done for all values of angle of attack. Sigmoid function helps to create an aerody-
namic model which gives more realistic lift coefficient values, especially for deep
stall landing. It provides more reliable lift calculations at higher angle of attacks.

1 + e−M ach(α−αst ) + eM ach(α+αst )

σw = (1 + eM ach(α+αst ) ) (2.34)
1 + e−M ach(α−αst )

1 + e−M ach(α+incht −αstt ) + eM ach(α+incht +αstt )

σh = −M ach(α+inc −α )
(1 + eM ach(α+incht +αstt ) ) (2.35)
1+e ht st t

As a result, total lift coefficient (Eqn. 2.36) is calculated by adding wing and fuselage
combined lift coefficient (Eqn. 2.37), horizontal tail lift coefficient (from Eqn. 2.38

to Eqn. 2.43) and the increment coming from the slipstream effect (Eqn. 2.33).
To obtain these coefficients, zero-angle-of-attack lift coefficients and lift coefficient
angle of attack derivatives are used with the addition of sigmoid functions. Total lift
coefficient is multiplied with wing area and dynamic pressure so that lift force can be

cL = cLwf + cLht + ∆cLwslip (2.36)

cLwf = (cL0wf + cLαwf (α − αL=0w )π/180)+

σw (2sign(α)(sin(α))2 cos(α))

Shslip 2200Pav 0.001341

nuh = 1 + (2.38)
Sht qVc π(propdia )2

1 1
KA = − (2.39)
AR 1 + AR1.7

10 − 3Λ
KΛ = (2.40)

Kh = q b (2.41)
3 2lht

δε (KA KΛ Kh cos(Λc/4 ))1.19 cLαw
= 4.44 (2.42)
δα cLαw0

Sht δε
cLht = (cL0h + cLαht nuh (1 − )(α − αL=0t )π/180)+
S δα (2.43)
σh (2sign(α)(sin(α)) cos(α))

Additional calculations for the parameters related to the lift are done. Initially, flap-
deflected lift coefficient is calculated, (from Eqn. 2.44 to Eqn. 2.47). In this manner,
four empirical data are used. This results in four different graph analysis. One of them

is flap-span factor, Kb , Figure 2.7. This is found by taking the difference between
two points on the graph, Figure 2.6. Namely, the flap span factor is calculated from
the same equation by changing the variables and subtracting the obtained values.
Two variables are determined according to inner and outer limits of the flap span,
measured from the aircraft center line. Such parameter finding procedures are applied
throughout the code.

Figure 2.6: Procedure to calculate parameter Kb [18]

Figure 2.7: Effect of taper ratio and flap span on Kb [18]

The second and third graphs are studied together, (Figure 2.8). Although these graphs
have different independent and dependent variables, the parameter read from one of

the graphs becomes curve selection variable for the other. After both of the curve
equations are obtained, the value taken from the initial equation must be rounded.
Thus, the curve to be chosen on the other graph is determined according to this
rounded value. The fourth equation is composed from one curve on the graph fol-
lowing the general procedure mentioned in the beginning.

Figure 2.8: Effect of aspect and flap-chord ratios on the 3D flap effectiveness [18]

After all of the equations are formed, necessary parameters are calculated for wing
and horizontal tail separately. In this manner, horizontal tail and wing specifications
are entered as independent variables and the parameters related to them are obtained.
At the end, by combining all necessary parameters, lift coefficient when the flaps are
deflected is obtained.

cLαw αδcL
∆cLw = Kb ∆cl (2.44)
clα αδcl

∆εf = Incdownwash (2.45)
ARbf /b

Sht Sht
∆cL = ∆cLw + kwh ∆cLh − cLαht nuh ∆εf π/180 (2.46)

cLf lap = cL + ∆cL δf π/180 (2.47)

2.2.4 Drag Calculation

Drag coefficient is calculated by separating it to its components and using several

equations (not all of them) from the book by Raymer [17]. Initially, parasite drag
is obtained. In this manner, component build-up method, which computes parasite
drags for each component of the aircraft separately, is used. This method is based
upon skin-friction drag in addition to a small separation pressure drag. The general
formulation is shown in Eqn. 2.48.

(Cfc F Fc Qc Swetc )
cD 0 = (2.48)

Flat plate skin friction coefficient, Cfc , is expressed in the code for turbulent flow
since wetted area of most aircrafts is under turbulent flow, (Eqn. 2.49). Reynolds
Number is included in this coefficient formulation. However, it is important to decide
whether actual Reynolds Number (Eqn. 2.51) or cutoff Reynolds Number (Eqn. 2.50)
will be used. Lower Reynolds Number is selected and it is implemented to code as in
the following example of wing component.

cf = (2.49)
(log10 R)2.58 (1 + 0.144(M ach)2 )0.65

Rcutof f = 38.21(l/k)1.053 (2.50)

ρV l
Reynolds = (2.51)

1 R1_w = ro*Vc*c/mu
2 R_cutoff_w = 38.21*(c/k)^1.053
3 if R1_w < R_cutoff_w
4 R_w = R1_w

5 else R1_w > R_cutoff_w
6 R_w = R_cutoff_w
7 end

The reason of this situation is surface roughness. If the surface is relatively rough,
the friction coefficient will be higher. This is can be explained by the use of cutoff
Reynolds Number, which includes skin roughness value, k. This parameter is cho-
sen as 0.052 × 10− 5 since the code is valid for the aircraft that have structure of
smooth molded composite. Form factor that estimates the pressure drag due to vis-
cous separation, F Fc , is found by different formulations, according to components
of aircraft (Eqn. 2.52 is for wing and tail, Eqn. 2.53 is for fuselage). Interference
factor, Qc , takes additional drag caused by mutual interference between components
into account. All the gained data is used in the above equation and total parasite drag
is obtained.

0.6 t t
F Fw,t = [1 + + 100( )4 ][1.34M ach0.18 (cos(Λm ))0.28 ] (2.52)
(x/c)m c c

60 f
F Ff = [1 + ] (2.53)
(f )3 400

After that, drag due to lift is calculated for horizontal tail and wing combined with
fuselage. These values are added to the parasite drag. In this manner, sigmoid func-
tion is used as in the lift calculation, (from Eqn. 2.54 to Eqn. 2.57).

K= (2.54)

cDwf = (cD0 w + cD0 f )/S + (1 − σw )K(cL0w + cLαwf (α − αL=0w )π/180)2 +

σw (2sign(α)(sin(α))3 )

Sht δε
cDht = (cD0 ht )/S + (1 − σh )K(cL0h + cLαht nuh (1 − )(α − αL=0t )π/180)2 +
S δα
σh (2sign(α)(sin(α))3 )

cDvt = (cD0 vt )/S (2.57)

At the end, total drag is calculated for all components and drag types (Eqn. 2.58).

cD = cDwf + cDht + cDvt (2.58)

2.2.5 Pitching Moment Calculation

Moment coefficient prediction is included in the code by using several equations (not
all of them) and all graphs from the book by Roskam [18]. The method is based on
the calculation of pitching moment coefficient changing with lift coefficient. At the
end, this variable is multiplied by lift coefficient so that pitching moment can be ob-
tained. When the steps are followed from final to initial, to create pitching moment
coefficient and hence pitching moment, wing zero lift coefficient must be calculated.
This parameter is the base. Therefore, increment due to lift is added to the zero-lift
moment coefficient. In this manner, pitching moment change with lift coefficient is
added to the base by multiplying lift coefficient. Moreover, aircraft pitching moment
coefficient increment due to flaps is included in computation. Firstly, zero-lift pitch-
ing moment coefficient for combined wing and fuselage and horizontal tail is required
so that the total zero-lift moment coefficient can be obtained. Horizontal tail part is
calculated just like the moment calculation from the force and moment arm. Namely,
zero-angle-of-attack lift coefficient and horizontal tail moment arm, which is found
from the difference between aircraft centre of gravity and horizontal tail aerodynamic
centre, are used. In addition, zero-lift moment coefficient of combined wing and fuse-
lage is calculated from summation of the zero-lift moment coefficients of only wing
and only fuselage. In this manner, zero-lift moment coefficient for fuselage is mul-
tiplied with a parameter that declines zero Mach Number to cruise Mach Number,
(cm0 )M
(cm0 )M =0
. When the zero-lift pitching moment of the fuselage computed, the fuselage

is separated to segments. For each segment, average width and length of the segment
and incidence angle of the fuselage camber line relative to the fuselage reference
plane at the centre of each fuselage increment are calculated iteratively according to
the formulation, Eqn. 2.59.

k2 − k1 X
cm0f = [ 3(wfi )2 (−incw + α0Lw + incf )∆xi ] (2.59)
36.5Sc i=1

1/13 of total length, which is the length of each fuselage segment, is added to the code
so that each of them have the same length. Average width values are entered in two
parts. For the first seven segments, the fuselage diameter increases linearly and for
the last six segments it decreases linearly. This part of the code given below can be
modified regarding to the fuselage shape.

1 cM01_f(1) = 0
2 for i=1:13
3 delx(i) = fuse_leng/13
4 if i <= 6
5 wf(i) = 0.1+i*(fuse_dia-0.1)/6
6 end
7 if i > 6
8 wf(i) = fuse_dia-(i-6)*(fuse_dia-0.1)/7
9 end
10 inc_f(i) = 0
11 cM01_f(i+1) = ((k2_k1)/36.5*S*c)*(((wf(i))^2*
12 end
13 cM0_f = cM01_f(14)

Change in the pitching moment coefficient with lift coefficient is calculated from
the difference between pitching moment reference centre and aircraft aerodynamic
centre, Eqn. 2.60. As a reference location, aircraft centre of gravity is used in the

code, Eqn. 2.61.

dcm /dcL = x/c (2.60)

x = −xacA + xcgA (2.61)

Aircraft total aerodynamic centre is calculated as summation of aerodynamic centres

of fuselage-wing combination and horizontal tail by multiplying them with their lift
curve slopes. This method is often applied in the code. The parameter, Eqn. 2.62, is
obtained by dividing mentioned equation with total lift curve slope. Wing-fuselage
combined aerodynamic centre is obtained from addition of wing aerodynamic centre
and the increment due to fuselage aerodynamic centre, Eqn. 2.63.

xacwf cLαwf + cLαht nuh SSht (1 − δε

)xach /c
xacA = (2.62)

xacwf = xacw /c + ∆xacf /c (2.63)

The parameter which represents the additional aerodynamic centre shift due to fuse-
lage includes derivative of moment with respect to angle of attack, Eqn. 2.64. dM/dα
is computed for each segment and added together to find the total value, Eqn. 2.65.
Width and length of each fuselage segment are entered as obtained from calculations
of zero-lift moment coefficient of fuselage. In addition, downwash gradient is ob-
tained in three different ways in the code, according to the segment number, which
can be seen in the following code part. Two methods can be used; finding from the
graph equation or using the given equation.

∆xacf = (2.64)

(dM/dα) = (q/36.5)(cLαw /0.08)[ 3(wfi )2 (δ ε̄/δα)i ∆xi ] (2.65)

1 if i <= 4
2 % xicf(i) = [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2]
3 % deda1 = [1.7 1.5 1.4 1.34 1.27 1.18 1.1 1.05
1.02 1.01]
4 % plot(xicf(i),deda1)
5 % [p82,S,mu] = polyfit(xicf(i),deda1,5)
6 deda_mean(i) = -0.031*((xicf(i)-1.1)/0.6055).^5
7 end
8 if i == 5
9 % xicf(i) = [0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1]
10 % deda1 = [3.5 2.6 2.2 1.9 1.8]
11 % plot(xicf(i),deda1)
12 % [p83,S,mu] = polyfit(xicf(i),deda1,5)
13 deda_mean(i) = -0.0494*((xicf(i)-0.6)/0.3162).^5
14 end
15 xh = l_ht-3*xac_w
16 if i >= 6
17 deda_mean(i) = xi(i)/xh*(1-deda)
18 end
19 dMda(i+1) = q/36.5*cL_alpha_w/0.08*(wf(i))^2
20 end
21 dMda = dMda(14)

As it is seen from the code, there is "xicf" parameter. This is found from the below

equation, Eqn. 2.66.

xi xi
= (2.66)
cf 13 − (bsegment + f segment)∆xi

To find zero-lift moment coefficient and pitching moment coefficient derivative with
respect to lift coefficient, airplane pitching moment coefficient increment due to flaps
must be computed. The parameter is obtained by addition of the same parameters that
belong to each of the aircraft components, Eqn. 2.67.

∆cm = ∆cmw + cLαht nuh (xach /c − xcgA /c)∆εf (2.67)

The parameter that represents pitching moment change due to wing flaps require a
challenging computation, Eqn. 2.68.

∆cmw = (xcgA − 0.25)∆cLw + KΛ ∆cLref w tan(Λc/4 )
∆c0m c0 2 c0 c0 c0 (2.68)
+Kp ( ) − Kp 0.25cLw (( )2 − ( )) + Kp cmw (( )2 − 1)
∆cLref w c c c c

From this equation, flap span factor, which is mentioned as Kp , ∆cLref w
, and conver-
sion factor (KΛ ), which accounts for a partial-span flap on a swept wing, are found.
In this level of calculations, Kp and KΛ parameters are computed for two independent
variables and they are subtracted from each other. In addition, c0 value belongs to the
chord length when the flaps are deflected. Its equation, Eqn. 2.69 is formed from
geometrical specifications.

c0 = c − cf + cos(δf )cf (2.69)

Lift increment due to flaps for a reference wing, ∆cLref w , is found from the same
equation of lift increment effect on wing due to flaps by inserting AR = 6 and Λc/4
geometrical values.


Mission plan is constituted so that performance characteristics can be determined for

each part of the flight. In this manner, flight is divided into five parts: take-off, climb,
cruise, loiter and landing. Several equations (not all of them) are taken from the book
by Anderson [2]. Firstly, calculations are done for the take-off part. It is important to
know that the velocity in this part is not equal to the cruise velocity. Therefore, lift
and drag values are required to be computed again according to the new designated
speed. This code is designed for hand launched aircrafts. That’s why initial velocity
is entered as 7 m/s which is an average value for the aircraft speed at the instant
of throwing by hand. In addition, the ending of the take-off phase is defined as the
condition of reaching the stall velocity. If the aircraft is able to reach stall velocity, this
means that it is flying and it can start to climb. When take-off calculations are done,
velocity is taken as the average of the hand launch speed and stall speed. In addition
to the velocity, altitude is different from the cruise altitude. Thus, air density is taken
according to the take-off altitude. Lift and drag change due to flaps and zero-lift drag
coefficient are computed again for take-off part by using take-off altitude and speed
value. In this manner, to reduce the code running time, only the parameters which are
affected from speed and density are determined again. The other parameters are used
the same. Lift force is calculated from thrust and weight, Eqn. 2.70.

Lto = W cos(θto − αto ) − Tavto sin(θto − αto ) (2.70)

After that, the code computes drag coefficient by using lift coefficient, Eqn. 2.71 and
Eqn. 2.72.

cLto = (2.71)
qto S

cDto = cD0to + K(cLto )2 + σwto 2(sin(αto ))3 (2.72)

Accelerations in x and z directions are computed Eqn. 2.73, Eqn. 2.74, to find total

acceleration by their resultant value, Eqn. 2.75.

Tavto cos(θto + φto ) − ((cD0to + cDf lap δfto π/180)qto S)cos(θto − αto )
acctox = −
W/gcos(θto − αto )
((cL0to + cLf lap δfto π/180)qto S)sin(θto − αto )
W/gcos(θto − αto )

Tavto sin(θto + φto ) − ((cD0to + cDf lap δfto π/180)qto S)sin(θto − αto )
acctoz = −
W/gsin(θto − αto )
((cL0to + cLf lap δfto π/180)qto S)cos(θto − αto )
W/gsin(θto − αto )

accto = (acctox )2 + (acctoz )2 (2.75)

After this, time (Eqn. 2.77) and altitude (Eqn. 2.78) to complete the take-off are cal-
culated. These values are important to know the total mission time and to determine
the remaining altitude to climb.

Tavto Vto − cDto qto SVto

RCto = (2.76)

Vtoend − Vtostart
timeto = (2.77)

hto = RCto timeto (2.78)

During the take-off phase, current drawn from the battery is maximum since the throt-
tle is 100%. Therefore, consumed capacity (mAh) of battery during take-off is calcu-
lated by the equation below, (Eqn. 2.79).

capbatteryto = Amperto 1000timeto /60/60 (2.79)

After the take-off calculations are complete, performance calculations began for the
other mission plan segment, climb. In this step, velocity and air density are obtained
again. Climb starting speed is taken as the take-off ending speed, which is equal to the
stall speed. The final speed of the climb part is calculated according to the altitude.
Namely, aircraft speed increases by the amount of calculated climb acceleration until
it reaches the cruise altitude. Within this period, velocity is increased by 0.01 at
each loop in the code. In addition to this, different from take-off phase, in climb
acceleration equations (Eqn. 2.80 and Eqn. 2.81), flap is not included since flaps are
closed. Therefore, lift and drag increments are not needed to be calculated according
to the climb velocity and altitude. Only necessary calculations are done for sigmoid
function and zero-lift drag coefficient. Lift and drag coefficients are obtained just as
in the take-off phase (Eqn. 2.70 to Eqn. 2.72) by using climb specifications instead
of take-off specifications. Moreover, available thrust value (Eqn. 2.82) is important
for the climb. In take-off phase, it is assumed that all available power is used since
the throttle is full. However, for climb, it is assumed that 90% of the power available
is used.

Tavcl cos(θcl + φcl ) − (cDcl qcl S)cos(θcl − αcl ) − (cLcl qcl S)sin(θcl − αcl )
accclx =
W/gcos(θcl − αcl )

Tavcl sin(θcl + φcl ) − (cDcl qcl S)sin(θcl − αcl ) − (cLcl qcl S)cos(θcl − αcl )
accclx =
W/gsin(θcl − αcl )

Pav 0.9
Tavclimb = (2.82)

Climb time, altitude and capacity of battery are calculated as take-off part. For the
ampere taken from the battery during climb is computed from the given equation,

P ower0.9
Amperclimb = (2.83)

For the climb part, several performance criteria are computed in the code so that some
comments and observations can be done. These parameters are maximum theta angle
(Eqn. 2.84), maximum lift to drag ratio (Eqn. 2.85), velocity that makes the rate of
climb maximum (Eqn. 2.86), velocity that makes the climb angle θ maximum (Eqn.
2.87), required power for climb (Eqn. 2.88) and rate of climb that maximise θ, (Eqn.

Tavclimb q
θclimbmax = asin( − 4cD0cl K)180/π (2.84)

(L/D)maxclimb = (2.85)
4cDclimb K

v s
u (T /W )(W/S) 3
VRCmaxclimb =t [1 + 1 + ] (2.86)
3ρcD0 (L/D)max (T /W )2

v s
u2 K W
Vθmaxclimb =t cos(θmax ) (2.87)
ρ cD 0 S

2W 3 c2Dclimb
Preqclimb = (2.88)

RCθmaxclimb = Vθmaxclimb sin(θclimbmax ) (2.89)

After climb, the cruise phase comes in. First step for this phase is to determine the
range. By using the range and cruise velocity, cruise time is calculated. Power re-
quired for cruise, current drawn and consumed battery capacity are all computed in
the same way as in climb phase. At the end, to check if the determined range value is
meaningful or not, the following formulation is used, Eqn. 2.90.

2 2 c0L .5
Rangecheck = (2.90)
c ρS cD

The computations on the code proceed with loiter phase. All lift, drag and other pa-
rameters calculated similar to that of cruise. Lift and drag coefficients are calculated
from the load factor since turning maneuver is involved, (Eqn. 2.91 to Eqn. 2.93).

n = (L/W ) (2.91)

cLloiter = ncL (2.92)

cDloiter = cD0 + Kc2Lloiter (2.93)

The power required and current drawn in loiter phase are calculated, (Eqn. 2.94 to
Eqn. 2.95).

2W 3 c2Dloiter
Preqloiter = (2.94)

P owerloiter = (2.95)
ηmotor ηprop

In this part of the mission, different from the other parts, battery capacity is not found
from the current drawn and time. Firstly, remaining battery capacity (Eqn. 2.96) is
calculated by subtracting consumed capacity in take-off, climb and cruise from 90%
of total capacity. The reason of this method is that aircraft executes its mission during
loitering and needs more time in this phase. Moreover, 90% of total capacity is en-
tered to the code instead of full battery capacity for the possible case of an emergency.
It is also not good to deplete battery fully for each flight in terms of battery efficiency
and lifetime.

capbatteryloiter = capbattery 0.9 − capbatteryto − capbatteryclimb − capbatterycruise (2.96)

The time passing during loiter is found from current drawn during loiter and battery
capacity for loiter, Eqn. 2.97.

timeloiter = × 60 × 60 (2.97)
Amperloiter 1000

At the end, some performance parameters related to the turning maneuver are added
to the code to clearly observe the limits of aircraft. These parameters are maximum
load factor(Eqn. 2.98), minimum turn radius (Eqn. ??), maximum turn rate velocity
(Eqn. 2.100), load factor (Eqn. 2.101) and maximum turn rate (Eqn. 2.102).

0.5ρVc2 cLmax
nmax = (2.98)

2 W
Rturnmin = (2.99)
ρgcLmax S

2(W/S) K 1/4
Vωmax = ( ) (2.100)
ρ cD 0

T /W
nωmax = p −1 (2.101)

s r
ρ (T /W ) cD0
ωmax = q [ − ] (2.102)
W/S 2K K

Performance characteristic designation ends with mission time calculation in the code
(Eqn. 2.103). Mission time is found by addition of each time value of every phase of
flight. This parameter is very important for small aircrafts, as in UAV sector, small
aircrafts compete especially in terms of their flight time.

M ISSION T IM E = [timeloiter + timeclimb + timecruise + timeto ]/60 (2.103)


The created code includes the stability and control derivative calculations. In this
manner, user can see the entire table related to the stability characteristic of the UAV.
This aspect of the code supplies general information of stability without using any de-
tailed computer programs and thus without losing much time. The equations in this
part of the code are taken from [19]. In addition to that, same necessary information
related to the stability and control derivatives, their physical meanings, the properties
or components that affect them and their intervals for a successful design are learned
and added from several sources ([6], [4], [10] and [1]).
As the initial computations, angle of attack derivatives of lift, drag and pitching mo-
ment coefficients are determined. Drag coefficient derivative with respect to angle of
attack is neglected since it is very small. However, for the low subsonic flight such
as mini UAVs, this assumption is not meaningful. Therefore, it is calculated from the
below equation (Eqn. 2.104).

∂cD0 2cL cLα

cDα = + (2.104)
∂α πARe
3D lift curve slope is determined (from Eqn. 2.105 to Eqn. 2.112). It gives infor-
mation related to the turbulence changes. In addition to that, this parameter has sig-
nificance on aircraft manoeuvrability and pitching motion damping. This parameter
increases with Mach number below the critical Mach number due to the compress-
ibility effects.
Sht dε
cLα = cLαwf + cLαht ηh t (1 − ) (2.105)
S dα

cLαwf = Kwf cLαw (2.106)

d d
Kwf = 1 − 0.25( )2 + 0.025 ∗ ( ) (2.107)
b b

dε dε cLαw|M
|M = |M =0 (2.108)
dα dα cLαw|M =0

dε q
|M =0 = 4.44[KA Kλ KH cos(Λc/4 )]1.19 (2.109)

1 1
KA = − (2.110)
A 1 + A1.7

10 − 3λ
Kλ = (2.111)

1 − hH /b
KH = q (2.112)
3 2lh

Derivative of moment coefficient with respect to angle of attack (Eqn. 2.113) is com-
puted by using static margin ( dcm
), which is an essential parameter for the stability.
This variable is found from the difference between aircraft total aerodynamic centre
and aircraft total centre of gravity (Eqn. 2.114). Aircraft centre of gravity location
must be known or must be estimated properly. Additionally, calculation of aerody-
namic centre of aircraft is mentioned in previous sub section. This parameter is also
called as pitch stiffness and plays an important role in pitching motion. This parame-
ter is in the interval of -3 and +1 rad−1 .

cmα = cL (2.113)
dcL α

= xcg − xacA (2.114)

Second derivatives are found for velocity variation. Change of drag coefficient with
respect to speed is computed (Eqn. 2.115). In addition to that, the dependency of
lift coefficient to the speed is calculated. This is occurred due to compressibility
and aeroelastic effects. However, aeroelastic effects are neglected in this formulation
(Eqn. 2.116). Same situation is valid for the variation of pitching moment with speed

(Eqn. 2.117).

cDu = M ach (2.115)
∂M ach

M ach2
cLu = cL (2.116)
1 − M ach2

cmu = −cL (2.117)

Third part is related to the pitch rate derivatives. For subsonic flights, the drag coeffi-
cient derivative with respect to the pitch rate is negligible (Eqn. 2.118).

cD q = 0 (2.118)

The derivative cLq is resultant both of the wing and horizontal tail (Eqn. 2.119). Same
situation is valid for the pitching moment derivative (Eqn. 2.123). This derivative is
called as pitch damping derivative. It should be negative since the derivative is a
counteracting to any pitch rate.

cLq = cLqw + cLqht (2.119)

AR + 2cos(λc/4 )
cLqw|M = cL (2.120)
ARB + 2cos(λc/4 ) qw|M =0

cLqw|M =0 = (1/2 + )cLαw|M =0 (2.121)

cLqht|M = 2cLαht|M ηht V rht (2.122)

cmq = cmqw + cmqht (2.123)

AR3 (tan(Λc/4 ))2 3
ARB+6cos(Λc/4 )
+ B
cmqw|M = [ AR3 (tan(Λc/4 ))2
]cmqw|M =0 (2.124)
AR+6cos(Λc/4 )+3

AR[2( xcw )2 + 0.5( xcw )]

cmqw|M =0 = −Kclαw cos(Λc/4 )[ +
AR + 2cos(Λc/4 )
AR3 (tan(Λc/4 ))2
AR + 6cos(Λc/4 ) + 1/8

cmqht = −2cLαht ηht V rht (2.126)

Fourth derivative set is done for the angle of attack rate derivatives. These derivatives
are caused by the wing downwash which affects the horizontal tail. The lift force
of the horizontal tail and pitching moment are affected from this situation. Drag
coefficient derivative with respect to angle of attack rate is also assumed as zero just
like the derivative with respect to pitch rate. Lift coefficient variation by angle of
attack rate is found from below formulations (from Eqn. 2.127 to Eqn. 2.129).

cLα̇ = cLα̇w + cLα̇ht (2.127)

cLα̇w = 1.5( )cLαw + 3cL (2.128)

cLα̇ht = 2cLαht ηht V rht (2.129)

Pitching moment coefficient derivative with respect to angle of attack rate is found
from the given formulation (Eqn. 2.130). Although wing contribution is seen in the
formulation, there is no explicit method to estimate cmα̇w . In addition to that, for con-
ventional aircrafts this parameter is generally small. Because of all these reasons,
pitching moment derivative is found directly from the horizontal tail contribution
(Eqn. 2.131).

cmα̇ = cmα̇w + cmα̇ht (2.130)

xht dε
cmα̇ht = −2cLαht ηht V rht (2.131)
c dα

The next derivative calculations are done for the variations with sideslip angle. Ini-
tially, side force derivative is determined. Wing contribution of this parameter (Eqn.
2.133) has importance only when the aircraft has dihedral angle. The effects of the
fuselage and vertical tail components (Eqn. 2.134 and Eqn. 2.135) are determined so
that entire side force derivative can be found (Eqn. 2.132).

cyβ = cyβw + cyβf + cyβvt (2.132)

cyβw = −0.0001|Γ|57.3 (2.133)

cyβf = −2Ki ( ) (2.134)

dσ Svt
cyβvt = −kcLαvt (1 + )ηvt (2.135)
dβ S

dσ Svt /S zw
(1 + )ηvt = 0.724 + 3.06 + 0.4 + 0.009AR (2.136)
dβ 1 + cos(Λc/4 ) d

Variation of rolling moment coefficient (Eqn. 2.137 to Eqn. 2.143) is found by adding
the contributions of horizontal (Eqn. 2.142) and vertical tail (Eqn. 2.143) and wing
fuselage interaction (Eqn. 2.138). This derivative is a result of a dihedral effect. A
stable aircraft is inclined to roll away from the side slip. In this way, lift force is not
decreased. The situation brings a negative clβ for lateral stability.

clβ = clβwf + clβht + clβvt (2.137)

clβ cl
clβwf = 57.3[cLwf ( )Λc/2 KMΛ Kf + ( β )A
cL cL
cl ∆clβ
Γ β KMΓ + + (∆clβ )zw + (2.138)
θtan(Λc/4 )( )]
θtan(Λc/4 )

∆clβ √ d
= −0.0005 AR( )2 (2.139)
Γ b

averagef uselagecrosssectionalarea (2.140)

1.2 AR zw 2d (2.141)
(∆clβ )zw =− ( )( )
57.3 b b

Sht bht
clβht = clβhtf (2.142)

zv cos(α) − lv sin(α)
clβvt = cyβvt (2.143)

Yawing moment derivative with respect to sideslip angle (Eqn. 2.144) is another
parameter to be computed. This is static directional stability. Positive values of this
parameter means that the aircraft is stable in terms of yawing motions. Although fuse-
lage (Eqn. 2.145) has decreasing effect on the derivative, vertical tail (Eqn. 2.146) and
wing have dominating positive effects on the yawing moment change with sideslip

cnβ = cnβw + cnβf + cnβvt (2.144)

Sfside lf
cnβf = −57.3KN KRl (2.145)
S b

lv cos(α) + zv sin(α)
cnβvt = −cyβvt (2.146)

Following derivatives are calculated with respect to roll rate. Side force derivative
(Eqn. 2.147) is constituted by vertical tail. During the rolling motion, vertical tail
moves in horizontal direction. This causes change in angle of attack and thus change
in horizontal force. Roll rate and horizontal force are inversely proportional. There-
fore, variation of side force coefficient with roll rate should be negative.

zv cos(α) − lv sin(α)
cyp = cypvt = 2 cyβvt (2.147)

Change of rolling moment coefficient with roll rate (Eqn. 2.148) is found by the
contributions of wing fuselage interaction (Eqn. 2.149), vertical (Eqn. 2.151) and
horizontal tail (Eqn. 2.150). During the rolling motion, the lift forces on left and
right the wings are different from each other due to changing angle of attack. This
fact causes an opposite motion to rolling. Therefore, it is obvious that the rolling
moment coefficient derivative with respect to the rolling is negative.

clp = clpwf + clpht + clpvt (2.148)

βclp κ
clpwf = clpw = (2.149)
κ β

Sht bht 2
clpht = 0.5(clp )ht ( ) (2.150)
S b

zv 2
clpvt = 2( ) cyβvt (2.151)

Variation of yawing moment coefficient with roll rate is computed from the given
formulations (from Eqn. 2.152 to Eqn. 2.157). Rolling motion creates additional
values to drag and thrust forces. This brings a yawing moment opposite to the rolling.
On the contrary, for the vertical tail, the situation is different. Positive rolling motion

causes positive yawing motion. For high angle of attacks, wing is more dominant than
vertical tail. Therefore, cnp should be less than zero. For the normal flight conditions
which have less angle of attack, the situation is the reverse.

cnp = cnpw + cnpvt (2.152)

cnpw = −clpw tan(α) − [−clp tan(α) − ( )c =0|M cL ]+
cL L
∆cnp ∆cnp (2.153)
( )θ + ( )αδf δf
θ αδf δf

cnp AR + 4cos(Λc/4 )
)cL =0|M =
cL ARB + 4cos(Λc/4 )
ARB + 0.5(ARB + cos(Λc/4 ))(tan(Λc/4 ))2 cnp
( )cL =0|M =0
AR + 0.5(AR + cos(Λc/4 ))(tan(Λc/4 ))2 cL

B= 1 − M ach2 (cos(Λc/4 ))2 (2.155)

cn p 1 AR + 6(AR + cos(Λc/4 ))
( )cL =0|M =0 = −
cL 6 AR + 4cos(Λc/4 )
x tan(Λc/4 ) (tan(Λ
c/4 ))2 (2.156)
c AR
+ 12
AR + 4cos(Λc/4 )

2 zv cos(α) − lv sin(α)
cnpv = − (lv cos(α) + zv sin(α)) cyβvt (2.157)
b b

Another set of computations are done for the yaw rate derivatives. The least important
derivative is the side force coefficient derivative with respect to the yaw rate (Eqn.
2.158) and its value comes from the vertical tail (Eqn. 2.159).

cyr = cyrvt (2.158)

cyrvt = − (lv cos(α) + zv sin(α))cyβvt (2.159)

Rolling moment variation with yaw rate is found from the given formulation (Eqn.
2.160). As it can be seen from the formulation, it is constituted from the vertical tail
(Eqn. 2.164) and wing affects (from Eqn. 2.161 to Eqn. 2.163). Since yawing motion
and moment are proportional, rolling moment derivative with respect to the yaw rate
should be positive.

clr = clrvt + clrw (2.160)

clr ∆clr ∆clr ∆clr

clrw = cL ( )cL =0|M + ( )Γ + ( )θ + ( )αδf δf (2.161)
cL Γ θ αδf δf

AR(1−B ) 2

clr 1 + 2B(ARB+2cos(Λ c/4 ))

( )cL =0|M = AR+2cos(Λ ) (tan(Λ 2
cL c/4 c/4 ))
1 + AR+4cos(Λc/4 ) 8
ARB+2cos(Λc/4 ) (tan(Λc/4 ))2
ARB+4cos(Λc/4 ) 8 clr
AR+2cos(Λc/4 ) (tan(Λc/4 ))2
( )c =0|M =0
1+ cL L
AR+4cos(Λc/4 ) 8

∆clr 1 πARsin(Λc/4 )
= (2.163)
Γ 12 AR + 4cos(Λc/4 )

clrvt = − (lv cos(α) + zv sin(α))(zv cos(α) − lv sin(α))cyβvt (2.164)

Yawing moment coefficient due to the yaw rate (Eqn. 2.165) is computed by the
sum of two affecting components, wing (Eqn. 2.166) and vertical tail (Eqn. 2.167).
Vertical tail effect is caused by the side force on the moment arm. Moreover, wing
contribution is caused by the moment created by the changing drag force along span-
wise direction.

cnr = cnrvt + cnrw (2.165)

cnr cn
cnrw = c2L ( 2
) + cD 0 ( r ) (2.166)
cL cD0

cnrvt = 2
(lv cos(α) + zv sin(α))2 cyβvt (2.167)

In the code, longitudinal control derivatives are also focused on. In this manner,
variation of lift coefficient (Eqn. 2.168) with flap deflection is computed. Reference
book ([19]) is used for all the calculations assuming that the flaps and trailing edges
are plain type. Therefore, code is limited to the plain flaps. To determine the effect
of the flap deflection on lift coefficient, airfoil lift curve slope at cruise Mach (Eqn.
2.169) and variation of flap deflection with airfoil lift coefficient (Eqn. 2.170) are

cLα|M (αδ )cL

cLδF = clδF [ ]Kb (2.168)
clα|M (αδ )cl

cl α
clα|M = √ (2.169)
1 − M ach2

cl δ
clδF = clδT heory K 0 (2.170)
clδT heory

Lift coefficient derivative and moment coefficient derivative with respect to the stabi-
lizer incidence are calculated from the given formulas (Eqn. 2.171 and Eqn. 2.172).

cLiht = cLαht (2.171)

cmiht = −cLαht V rht (2.172)

As the last longitudinal control derivative, lift (Eqn. 2.173) and moment coefficient
(Eqn. 2.174) changes with elevator deflection are calculated.

cLδE = cLδF (2.173)

cmδE = −cLδE V rht (2.174)

Lateral control derivatives are computed. In this manner, aileron deflections are anal-
ysed. Initially, rolling moment coefficient derivative with respect to aileron deflec-
tion is computed. In the determination process, parameters for left and right wings
are summed and several additional parameters are found (from Eqn. 2.175 to Eqn.

clδA = [clδL + clδR ] (2.175)

cl δ
clδ = clδT heory K 0 (2.176)
clδT heory

|αδ | = (2.177)
cl α

clδ = |αδ |c0lδ (2.178)

κ βc0lδ
c0lδ = ( ) (2.179)
β κ

cl δ cl
cl = [( )L + ( δ )R ](δL − δR ) (2.180)
2 2

δA = (δL − δR) (2.181)

Yawing moment variation with aileron is also discussed and found from bellow for-
mulation (Eqn. 2.182). This derivative is also called adverse yaw. It causes a nose
left motion when the aircraft rolls to the right. Therefore, it should be negative.

cnδA = KcL clδaileron (2.182)

Next step is discussion of the directional control derivatives. Rudder deflections
are discussed. In the code, side force, rolling moment and yawing moment coef-
ficients derivatives with respect to the rudder deflection are computed respectively
(Eqn. 2.183,Eqn. 2.184 and Eqn. 2.185).

(αδ )cL Svt

cyδR = cLαvt (αδ )cl K 0 Kb (2.183)
(αδ )cl S

zv cos(α) − lv sin(α)
clδR = cyδR ( ) (2.184)

lv cos(α) + zv sin(α)
cnδR = −cyδR ( ) (2.185)



For the code that is generated up to this point, the methods, formulations and com-
putations are needed to be checked. In this manner, the UAV system that is designed
and manufactured by my company is used. Its flight tests related to the aerodynamic
and structural design are finished and it is placed in the product list of the company.
In addition to that, stability and control derivative values taken from DATCOM and
CFD results of this UAV properties are compared with each other and with the flight
test results. Therefore, the parameters belonging to this aircraft are used so that the
input values can be entered to the code and it can be checked. At the result of the
running code, following stability and control derivative results which are compared
with the CFD results are obtained (Table 2.3 and Table 2.2). As it can be seen, the
results are very close to each other. Therefore, the design tool code can be qualified
as valid, confidential and accurate.

Table 2.2: Comparison of CFD results and code results for control derivatives

Results from Results from

Control Derivatives
CFD Generated Code
cLδF 1.690 1.160
cDδF 0.051 0.046
cm_δF -0.100 -0.092
cLδE 0.147 0.118
cmδE -0.475 -0.407
cDδE 0.003 0.005
clδA -0.115 -0.268
cnδA 0.010 0.018
cDδA 0.014 0.023
cyδR 0.062 0.035
clδR 0.001 0.001
cnδR -0.014 -0.009

Table 2.3: Comparison of CFD results and code results for stability derivatives

Results from Results from

Stability Derivatives
CFD Generated Code
cDalpha 0.16 0.17
cLalpha 5.40 5.36
cmalpha -0.26 -0.29
cLq 4.07 4.19
cmq -8.50 -8.97
cLα̇ 0.48 0.51
cmα̇ -1.70 -1.88
cy β -0.25 -0.24
cl β -0.0041 -0.0041
cnβ 0.0190 0.0290
cyp -0.0012 -0.0014
clp -0.60 -0.47
cn p -0.046 -0.074
cy r 0.048 0.066
cnr -0.02 -0.01
cl r 0.108 0.166


In the created design tool, last step is formed as system matrix constitution. In this
manner, "A" matrix is obtained by using the equations in the book, [8]. As it can
be seen from the reference book, some assumptions are done to simplify the calcula-
tions. Initially, the derivatives are calculated in dimensionless form.
The force in X direction derivative with respect to the velocity is obtained from Eqn.
2.186. This is a simplified equation by assuming that θ is a small angle. This assump-
tion is meaningful for level flight.
∂cD 1 ∂τ
Xu = −2cD − V0 + (2.186)
∂V 0.5ρV0 S ∂V
Normal force due to axial velocity is computed from the below equation (2.187).
Zu = −2cL − V0 (2.187)
Axial force due to normal velocity is obtained from 2.188.
X w = cL − (2.188)
Last force derivative due to velocity perturbations of longitudinal forces is normal
force due to normal velocity, (2.189).
Zw = −( + cD ) (2.189)
Moment derivatives due to velocity perturbations are computed by the given order;
pitching moment due to axial velocity and due to normal velocity (Eqn. 2.190 and
Eqn. 2.191).
Mu = V0 (2.190)

Mw = (2.191)
Another set of derivative calculations are done for due to pitch velocity perturbations.
They are obtained in given order Eqn. 2.192, Eqn. 2.193 and Eqn. 2.194. These equa-
tions are applied by the assumption that the pitch rate perturbations are dominated by
Xq = −V rht (2.192)

Zq = −V rht clα (2.193)

Mq = Zq (2.194)
The derivatives due to the acceleration perturbations are computed as the next step.
Axial force, normal force and pitching moment due to rate of change of normal veloc-
ity parameters are computed according to the following equations (Eqn. 2.195, Eqn.
2.196 and Eqn. 2.197).

Xẇ = Xq (2.195)

Zẇ = Zq (2.196)

Mẇ = Mq (2.197)

Allof the above equations belong to the longitudinal directional derivatives. Follow-
ing calculations are done for longitudinal-directional aerodynamic stability deriva-
tives. They are more difficult to estimate when compared to the longitudinal ones.
This is due to asymmetric flow conditions on mutual aerodynamic interference be-
tween the aircraft components. Initially, derivatives due to sideslip (side force, rolling
moment, yawing moment due to sideslip) are computed in the given order, (from Eqn.
2.198 to Eqn. 2.204).
Sfs ide Svt
Yv = yf − cl (2.198)
S S αv t

Lv = Lvdihedral + Lvf in + Lvsweep (2.199)

1 (b/2)2
Lvdihedral = − clα cΓ (2.200)
Sb/2 2

2cL tan(Λc/4 ) (b/2)2

Lvsweep = − (crt ∗ + (b/2)2/3 ∗ (tpr − 1) ∗ crt ) (2.201)
Sb/2 2

Lvf in = −V rvt ∗ ∗ c l αt (2.202)

Nv = Nvf in (2.203)

Nvf in = V rvt ∗ clαt (2.204)

Following calculations are done for the derivatives due to rate of roll. In this manner,
side force due to rate of roll is determined by using given formulation Eqn. 2.205.
Additionally, rolling moment and yawing moment coefficients due to rate of roll are
computed in the previous sub section, which includes stability and control derivatives
1 b2 b2
Yp = Ypf in = − ∗ clαt ∗ (crtvt ∗ vt + vt ∗ (λ − 1) ∗ crtvt ) (2.205)
S∗b 2 1.5
Calculation of derivatives due to rate of yaw is another part of this sub section. There-
fore, by applying the following equations, calculations related to the side force (Eqn.
2.206), rolling moment (Eqn. 2.207) and yawing moment (Eqn. 2.209) due to yaw
rate are done. When rolling moment is calculated, wing and fin components are
calculated separately. Wing yawing moment derivative coefficient has already been
computed in the previous sub section. Same situation is also valid for the yawing
moment derivative coefficient.

Yr = V rvt ∗ clαt (2.206)

Lr = Lrwing + Lrf in (2.207)

Lrf in = −Lvf in (2.208)

Nr = Nrwing + Nrf in (2.209)

Nrf in = −Nvf in (2.210)
As mentioned before, all derivatives are calculated in dimensionless form. After that,
by using them, concise longitudinal and lateral derivatives are determined in the code.
In this step, the equations in the following tables are used for longitudinal and lateral
derivatives.(Table 2.4 and Table 2.5).

Table 2.4: Concise longitudinal aerodynamic stability derivatives [8]

Table 2.5: Concise lateral aerodynamic stability derivatives [8]

In conclusion, longitudinal and lateral system matrices are obtained. By using these
matrices, the stability characteristics related to each mode (short period mode, phugoid
mode, roll subsidence mode, dutch roll mode and spiralling) can be analysed.
 
Xu Xw Xq Xθ
 
Z Z Z Z 
 u w q θ
Alongitudinal =  
Mu Mw Mq Mθ 
 
0 0 1 0
 
Yv Yp Yr Yφ Yψ
 
L L L L L 
 v p r φ ψ
 
Alateral =
N v Np Nr Nφ N ψ

 
0 1 0 0 0 
 
0 0 1 0 0



In this thesis a conceptual design tool is created. The user of this tool must enter
several input parameter values when the code starts to run. There are several critical
input changing according to the mission of the designed UAV. In this input step, it is
thought that this tool should be a guide for the user. Therefore, a selection of decided
input parameters is added to the code so that these critical parameters can be opti-
mum among their determined limits and can give maximum and minimum values of
the UAV’s desired properties. Thus, the user can be guided to have a more efficient
conceptual designs. This kind of optimization part of the code is explained in the
following sections. However, it should not be unforgotten that this optimization is
not a common optimization process. This is only a selection process so that the code
can be more user-friendly.
For this design tool it is tried to equate the lift and weight forces which is the prin-
cipal concept for the design. The selection of the optimum values depends on the
establishment of the equality of the lift and weight forces to each other. Among these
values, the selection of optimum ones are executed.
The word meaning of optimization [22] is finding an alternative with the most cost
effective achievable performance under given constraints, by maximizing desired fac-
tors and minimizing undesired ones. Actually, optimization is a maximizing and min-
imizing process. However, in comparison, maximization means trying to attain the
highest result or outcome without regarding the cost or expense. Therefore, it is very
important to choose the correct parameters to be the highest or lowest so that a real
optimization process can be constituted. In this manner, several determined variables
affect the objective function in different ways. These variables do not have to be max-

imum or minimum to get the desired value of target function. On the contrary, they
can be arbitrary values. Optimization supports to find these arbitrary variables to get
ideal target value of objective function that makes a situation, in our case the flight,
more efficient.
Aircraft design is a multi-disciplinary process. Therefore, selection of multiple pa-
rameters as optimum is applied. In addition to that, more than one objective pa-
rameters are chosen according to the mission and type of the aircraft. The type of
aircraft, which assigns performance, aerodynamic, structural or control property is
vital. Regarding these in the course of design, high performance and efficient flights
can be done in the determined limits by an easy way for the user. As a result, the
students, companies or people who are into UAV design will be able to get ahead of
their competitors.

3.1 Optimization Elements

3.1.1 Objectives

Objectives are the parameters that should be maximized or minimized. When more
than one parameter are selected for maximization and minimization, these properties
of the aircraft can be optimized according to the objective of the design. For the
optimization part of the code, an "optimization function" should be obtained. In this
manner, the parameters which will be maximized are written to the denominator, the
parameters which will be minimized are written to the numerator of the optimization
function. After that, this function is maximized by the code according to the floating
variables and limitations. By this way, maximization and minimization of several
parameters can be done simultaneously.

3.1.2 Constraints

Constraints are the limits for the variables that are included in the optimization pro-
cess. When the constraints are determined, optimized solutions are found such that
the determined variables remain in their limitations. The code writes these results

into an array. In this manner, the results are selected according to the constraints by a
condition loop. Therefore, the conditions which do not satisfy the constraints are not
included in the maximization process.

3.1.3 Moving Variables

In the optimization process, selected variables are changed by determined increments

in determined intervals. These variations cause the objective function to have different
results. The combination of values which make the objective function maximum is
constituted among these moving variables. In this manner, it is important to determine
the intervals of each moving variable properly. If these intervals are selected properly,
the optimization process can be faster. Among the input parameters, user enters initial
and end points of the moving variables to determine these intervals. According to the
desired precision, increments of moving variables are also entered to the code by user.
While choosing these increment values for each parameter, user should compromise
between the precision and calculation speed of the results. In addition to the interval
and increment selection, it is important to decide which input parameters will be
moving variables. In this manner, all the parameters that changes objective function’s
numerator or denominator can be selected. However, this situation causes the code
to run for longer. Therefore, some of the selected moving variables are taken out of
the optimization process. The variables which cause peaks and reverse peaks in the
graphs of variation with objective function are preferred.

3.2 Optimization Part of Code Creation

In the code, first step is to determine the properties that will be maximized or min-
imized. After all of them are determined, the parameters which will be maximized
are defined in the parameter "MaxOBJ" by multiplying with each other. On the other
hand, the parameters which will be minimized are written into the parameter "Mi-
nOBJ" again by multiplying with each other (Eqn. 3.1).

OptimizationF unction = (3.1)

Second step is to decide which parameter or parameters will be the moving vari-
ables. In this manner, the designer can select maximum 5 variables. After this, for
each variable, initial value, last value and increment values are entered to the code as
”mov#_start”, ”mov#_end” and ”mov#_inc”. In addition to that, constraints are
determined and written into the ”CON S#” parameters in the code. Their limits are
entered to the code as ”Cons#_lim” according to the upper or lower bound that is
Each moving variable step means one loop and the optimization part of the code is
constituted of several loops. The results of the objective function for each loop or
each combination of parameters are collected in a matrix. At the end, maximum el-
ement of the matrix is taken. The moving variable values which give this maximum
result are the values of the optimized version of designed UAV. The code part related
to these procedures can be seen in the following MATLAB script.

1 if L > (W) && L < (W+1) && CONS1 < Cons1_lim

&& CONS2 > Cons2_lim && CONS3 < Cons3_lim &&
CONS4 > Cons4_lim
2 j5 = j5+1
3 OPTIM1(j5,:) = [MaxOBJ/MinOBJ]
4 OPTIM(j5,:) = [mov1 mov2 mov3 mov4 mov5]
5 end

7 mov1 = mov1 + mov1_inc;

8 end
9 mov2 = mov2 + mov2_inc;
10 end
11 mov3 = mov3 + mov3_inc;
12 end
13 mov4 = mov4 + mov4_inc;
14 end
15 mov5 = mov5 + mov5_inc;
16 end

18 [DESIRED,I] = max(OPTIM1(:));

20 mov1_optim = OPTIM(I,1);
21 mov2_optim = OPTIM(I,2);
22 mov3_optim = OPTIM(I,3);
23 mov4_optim = OPTIM(I,4);
24 mov5_optim = OPTIM(I,5);



In this section of the thesis, an example of the design is presented by demonstrating

the applicability of the present design code to the conceptual design of a mini UAV
system. In this way, the use of the design tool and its advantages can be observed and
tested. The UAV general specifications are listed below and they will be explained
during this chapter in detail.

• The UAV can practice autonomous flights with a camera as payload,

• Span is less than 2 m and it is in mini UAV class,

• Its propulsion system includes electric motor and propeller,

• The designed UAV system can be carried by one person in its bag,

• It has a parachute for landing, take-off is done by hand-launch.


The designed UAV will be used for reconnaissance purposes in both civil and military
area. Therefore, it carries a camera as payload. Due to its low weight, it can be used
by anyone and in any place by carrying it in a back-pack. Its dimensions are suit-
able to conduct its mission in smaller and narrower places than huge empty terrains.
For example, this designed UAV can be used for real time video shoot in crowded
places of like festivals, concerts and sports games. It can be very useful especially
for observing over crowded areas among streets. In addition to this, the UAV can be

useful in these activities for the purpose of security. In military applications, search
and rescue missions along critical and rough terrains can be executed regardless of
the obstacles. Military convoys can be followed and the security of the road can be
checked beforehand.
The mission planning of the designed UAV is started by hand launching the UAV. Af-
ter the climb segment comes the cruise part of the flight. Until the UAV reaches to the
target area where the mission is conducted, cruise flight continues. After that time,
loiter segment starts. According to the endurance value, the loitering over the desired
area is maintained and later the UAV cruises back to home. At home, it releases the
parachute and lands. This mission plan is summarized in the Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Mission plan of the designed UAV

In addition to the above considerations, some of the technical specifications of the

designed UAV are mentioned in the design tool case study (Chapter 1). During this
case study the applicability of the present design tool will be demonstrated and its
limitations will be considered.


Configuration selection is done as simple as possible so that the UAV has to com-
pete with minimum problems and the user can easily assemble-disassemble the UAV
or repair it in a very quick way. In addition, by a conventional design, manufac-

turing can be less challenging, as well. Regarding these situations, initially wing is
determined as high wing so that the aircraft can be more stable. In addition to that,
conventional tail configuration is chosen. Since the UAV is a mini type, the engine is
selected as electric motor with propeller. When the propeller is located in front of the
fuselage, induced drag can be reduced since undisturbed air flow is effective on the
wing. Therefore, tractor configuration is applied in the UAV.
Hand launch and parachute landing is thought to be most proper ways of landing and
launch. This is because that the aircraft is in the class of the mini UAV and it is used
in rough or narrow flight areas. Therefore, it is beneficial not to require long and
straight runway.


The first design phase is the airfoil selection. The design is done for the low Reynolds
Number. Therefore, to choose a proper airfoil is very important. It is known that fly-
ing in subcritical Reynolds Numbers are very worthy of notice. When the aircraft
passes from subcritical Reynolds Number to supercritical Reynolds Number, an im-
portant change is occurred in the aerodynamic properties. For example, according to
[5], lift to drag ratio increases 50%. In addition to that information, paper says that for
low speed flights, airfoil should have high camber and small thickness to increase lift
to drag ratio as much as possible. Regarding of the gained information, some airfoils
are compared. During the investigation, airfoil L/D loses found from computational
experiment results are considered. Moreover, from lift versus angle of attack graphs,
stall angles and maximum lift coefficients are studied.
Some low speed airfoils are chosen and following comparison is done [23]. As you
can see from the Figure 4.2, in terms of lift to drag ratio, maximum lift coefficient
value and maximum lift to drag ratio at given angle of attacks, Eppler 61 airfoil is
the most proper one for the design. However, when the paper [5] is applied, amount
of lift to drag ratio loss when the Reynolds Number transferring from subcritical to
supercritical is very high. Therefore, it is thought that one of the secondary possible
airfoils, GOE 495 and FX 60100, should be chosen. They have very similar proper-
ties but FX 60100 has more advantages since its loss of L/D is very low. Therefore,

FX 60100 is chosen as the wing airfoil.

Figure 4.2: Comparison of possible wing airfoils [23]

The other airfoil selection is done for the vertical and horizontal tail. They are chosen
as NACA0009 for its simplicity and for not applying negative lift at zero angle of


In this part of the design, MotoCalc program is used. This program has huge databases
for each propulsion system component especially for electrical motors, batteries. This
property is very useful to see and compare several configurations. In addition to that,
the program gives the user approximate mission time, thrust and the total weight of
the chosen propulsive elements. When a probable set of motor, battery, ESC, gear
ratio and propeller is chosen, it arrays the mission time and thrust values according
to the cruise velocity. This arranged table is made colorful so that propeller stall,
the supporting enough lift at cruise level flight situations can be seen clearly. On the
other hand, thrust level can be set to different percentages. Beyond of whole these,
MotoCalc gives reliable and accurate information and it supplies quick solutions.
Therefore, for the conceptual design, it is a proper program. In the subsection of the
thesis, the propulsion system, which provides the desired requirements is chosen by
using mentioned properties of MotoCalc.
As the initial step, the electric motor is determined as NeuMotor due to its high effi-
ciency and low weight for small-sized aircrafts. However, which type of this motor is
proper for the purpose of the thesis is found by running the program for each one sep-
arately. In addition to that, Thunder Power batteries are commonly used and pleased
with products. Therefore, the battery is chosen as Thunder Power in the interval of
3900 mAh and 4500 mAh, so that mission time can be around sixty seconds. In
addition to that, ESC is chosen as 40 A. CAMCarbon propeller is determined. Di-
ameter and pitch limits are entered from 6 to 12. Lastly, gear ratio is changed from
1:1 to 3:1. When the program is run with these values, several results are obtained.
Among them, the data which has desired thrust and mission time values is selected.
In this manner, mission time is desired to be one hour as mentioned before. On the
other hand, thrust determination is done from weight. The total weight of the aircraft
is assumed to be around 1.4 kg from literature survey. Therefore, thrust which is

approximately half of the weight is thought to be sufficient. The obtained probable
elements that are screened a few times are listed in the below Table 4.1. Static thrust
for all configurations is approximately 700 grams.
From the table (4.1), the propulsion system elements which have low weight, high
thrust and long flight time properties are selected. The designated system elements
can be listed as the below.

• NEU1105/1.5Y Electric Motor (66 grams) with 2:1 gear box (total 85 grams),

• Thunder Power 3900 mAh 1S3P Li-Po Battery (349 grams),

• Castle Creations 40 Amper ESC (54 grams) and

• 9x6 CAMCarbon Propeller (16 grams).

Table 4.1: MotoCalc results for different configurations


1105/1.5Y 1S4P 1172 1.5:1 6X4 13.5 52:13 0.91
1105/1.5Y 1S3P 1078 1.5:1 5.5X4 12.5 57:17 0.86
1105/1.5Y 1S3P 1078 2:1 9X6 15 59:16 0.66

1105/2Y 1S3P 1078 2:1 9X6 15 62:21 0.85

1105/2Y 1S5P 1266 2:1 10X6 16.5 74:15 0.96

1105/2.5Y 1S3P 1078 2:1 10.5X7 15 59:46 0.97

1105/2.5Y 1S5P 1266 2:1 11.5X7.5 16.5 66:54 -
1105/2.5Y 1S5P 1266 2:2 10X7 16.5 91:02 1

1105/3.5Y 1S3P 1078 dd 11x7 15 61:11 0.78

1105/3.5Y 1S4P 1172 dd 9x6 16 61:25 0.96
1105/3.5Y 1S5P 1266 dd 10X7 16.5 51:28 1

1107/2Y 1S4P 1194 dd 8x5 16 43:16 0.99

1107/2Y 2S2P 1194 3:1 9X6 16 75:44 -

1107/6D 2S2P 1194 dd 7X4 16 63:58 0.95

1107/6D 4CELL 1194 2:1 7X4 16 62:08 0.91

According to MotoCalc, this propulsion system configuration gives flight time of 59
minutes and around 700 grams static thrust. These values are valid for 15 m/s cruise
speed, which is level flight speed for optimum lift coefficient. Propeller stall is not
seen for this flight.
Lastly, the weight of the total propulsion system is 507 grams.


Since the UAV flies in autonomous mode, an autopilot (including GPS and IMU),
data modem, modem antenna and GPS antenna for communication with the ground
control station are necessary. In addition to them, AGL sensor, to know the altitude
at low altitudes; pitot tube, to calculate the true air speed; compass (magnetometer),
to get accurate heading value even when GPS is lost; and servo board to control the
servos on the UAV by autopilot are also necessary. Other than pitot tube, all avionic
system elements are chosen from products of MicroPilot. In this way, avionic sys-
tem and sensors will be small-sized, low-weighed and reliable. Total weight of these
specified elements is calculated as 222 grams
UAV has reconnaissance mission, as the payload gimbal camera is chosen. Gimbal
is placed under the aircraft since there is no place in front of the aircraft due to the
tractor configuration. Moreover, UAV lands with parachute on its belly. Regarding all
these situations, gimbal must be retracted into the fuselage so that it is not damaged
in the landing process. In this manner, BTC-40 Micro Pan gimbal is chosen because
of its retracting mechanism, being small sized to fit into the fuselage and being only
80 grams.
The designated equipments are proper for the designed UAV requirements, such as 5
km range, full autonomous flight and live video transmission in terms of their techni-
cal specifications.


Weight is estimated from separate composite elements as mentioned in Chapter 1.

Initially, weights of wing, horizontal tail, vertical tail and fuselage surface compos-

ites and internal supportive elements are computed. In this manner, wing surface is
decided to includes 1 each layers of 25gr/m2 and 49gr/m2 fiberglass fabric and 1
layer, which is placed from root to middle of the wing, of 80gr/m2 . As the core
material, 1 mm of rohacell is used. Support elements are chosen as 10 ribs from balsa
composite and 2 carbon tube spars. Horizontal tail surface composite structure is de-
termined as the same with the wing except existence of the carbonfiber fabric layer.
It also includes 5 ribs and 2 carbon pipes. Vertical tail is decided as the same with the
horizontal tail in terms of both surface and internal structure. When it comes to the
fuselage, its surface is formed by 1 layer of 80gr/m2 carbonfiber and 2 each layers
of 25gr/m2 and 49gr/m2 fiberglass fabrics. As the core material 2mm-by-rohacell
is used. Lastly, 2 bulkheads made from balsa composite are added to inside of the
fuselage. Aircraft components are consisted of resin 67% of fabric weights and glue
50% of internal structure weights. Whole these weights are arranged so that they
are updated according to the dimensions of the aircraft components. In conclusion,
total weight is computed by adding weights of avionic system elements, payload,
parachute and propulsion system elements to these component weights.


4.7.1 Optimization Parameters Selection

Before the optimization part, several decision should be made. These can be cate-
gorized as objectives, constraints and moving variables as mentioned in Chapter 3.
Initially, objective function is constituted by selecting maximized and minimized pa-
rameters. It is important to meet the requirements of the UAV and to have a design
which is able to practice its mission by the best way. Therefore, objective parame-
ters are selected according to the desired properties and their corresponding technical
meanings. In this manner, to increase the general performance of the UAV, in other
words to decrease the consuming energy during flight and make the UAV more effi-
cient, lift to drag ratio can be maximized. Thus, to maximize lift to drag ratio provides
higher range property to the UAV since it will fly in an efficient way. In the same way,
loiter endurance can be increased by selecting the proper wing loading to get higher

L/D. In addition, it is important to climb with a higher slope from the mission point
of view. This UAV is designed to reconnoitre in a certain limited areas. Therefore,
it should be climb in as short as possible projection distances so that it can reached
the desired altitude to start visualisation in a short way. This property can also be
supported by decreasing drag and weight. Therefore, L/D maximization and W/S
minimization can give higher climb angles. Secondly, this UAV mission necessitates
to fly at lower velocities since it will monitorize such as crowded people in small ar-
eas, slow moving people or a standing target in a measurable place. It will be like a
multicopters but have more mission time. Therefore, it is very important to minimise
the stall velocity. This can be done by wing loading. When the stall velocity equation
is applied, it can be seen that wing loading and stall velocity is directly proper to each
other. Therefore, to minimise the W/S decreases the stall velocity. When all these
explanations are considered, objective function is decided to be consisted of lift to
drag ratio as numerator and wing loading as denominator (Eqn. 4.1).

OptimizationF unction = (4.1)

As the second step, constraints should be determined. Initially, equality of the lift
and weight is a necessary condition for the cruise segment. Therefore, to supply this
equality, the code includes this statement as constraint. In addition to that, designer
can choose two upper limit values for the two parameters and two lower limits for
the two another or the same parameters. For the design, one constraint is determined
to show the running of the optimisation part code. As the known fact, the aircraft
is stable if the alpha derivative of the pitching moment is less than zero. Therefore,
the code tries to find the maximum of the optimization function among the configu-
rations which give the negative pitching moment variation with angle of attack. The
other constraints are entered as so that the condition is always valid.

1 if L > (W) && L < (W+1) && cm_alpha < 0

&& 5 > 2 && 2 < 3 && 4 > 3

Thirdly, the parameters which their values will be given as the results of a optimiza-
tion part are determined. These moving variables are selected among the input. Actu-

ally, all of the input can be moving variables. However, this makes the code running
time much longer and the designer can loose time recklessly. Therefore, some param-
eters are decided to be taken out of the optimization process. Binary combinations of
the parameter graphs with respect to the objective function are drawn. According to
the results, the parameters which cause peaks and dips in the graphs of variation are
preferred. In this manner, following 3D plots are obtained by taking the other input
as constant. These constants belong to the base design. The graphs that have peak
points which are not on the interval limits are shown below. When these graphs are
analysed, it can be seen that these parameters can be selected as moving variables. In
this way, the code can give optimized results which are not on the limits. Moreover,
run times for the code will be significantly shortened by determining the proper limits
for the variables and avoid the searching limits on moving variables regardless of the
nature of the variables. For this purpose the following carpet plots are produced to
represent the variations of the variable pairs two by two as;

• angle of attack and wing span (Figure 4.3),

• angle of attack and fuselage diameter (Figure 4.4),

• aspect ratio and fuselage diameter (Figure 4.5),

• wing span and aspect ratio (Figure 4.6),

• wing span and fuselage diameter (Figure 4.7) variations

In addition to that, one extra moving variable is thought to be determined even if it is

not an obligation. This property is selected according to its relation to the constraint
variable. Therefore, horizontal tail volume ratio is added to the moving variable list
since it affects the pitching moment derivative with respect to alpha.



Objective 0.6





0 10
5 8
10 6
15 2
20 0
Wing Span (m)
Angle of Attack (deg)
Figure 4.3: Objective function change with angle of attack and wing span








0.2 20
0.25 5
Fuselage Diameter Angle of Attack (deg)

Figure 4.4: Objective function change with angle of attack and fuselage diameter







0 10
1 5
2 0
Aspect Ratio
Fuselage Diameter (m)

Figure 4.5: Objective function change with aspect ratio and fuselage diameter





10 15
4 5
0 0 Aspect Ratio
Wing Span (m)

Figure 4.6: Objective function change with aspect ratio and wing span









0 1.5 2 2.5
0 0.5 1
Wing Span (m)
Fuselage Diameter (m)

Figure 4.7: Objective function change with fuselage diameter and wing span

At the end of the selecting the moving variables, the upper and lower limits of these
are determined according to the UAV class general specifications and general decided
dimensions of the designed UAV. The values which are entered to the code are listed

• Angle of attack is limited between -5 degrees and 20 degrees increasing by 2


• Horizontal tail volume ratio loop, which has increment value of 0.1, is from 0.1
to 0.6,

• Span is changed from 0.9 m to 1.4 m increasing by 0.1 m,

• Aspect ratio is selected among the numbers from 2 to 14,

• Fuselage diameter limits and increment are determined as 0.04 m, 0.12 m and
0.01 m.

At the end, all necessary input values are entered. Lastly, the code is run and the
optimized parameters in terms of the objective function are computed.

• Wing span : 1.2 m

• Aspect ratio : 4

• Horizontal tail volume ratio : 0.3

• Angle of attack : -1 degrees

• Fuselage diameter : 0.08 m


Entered input and calculated parameters form the aircraft in conceptual manner. The
3D views (Figure A.1 for isometric view, Figure A.2 for top view, Figure A.3 for
side view, Figure A.4 for front view) and major dimensions (Figure A.5) of the UAV,
which are prepared in CATIA program, can be seen in Appendix A. In addition to that,
the equipments (Figure A.6), which are necessary for autonomous flight, practicing
mission and landing, are placed (Figure A.7) in the fuselage by using CATIA. After
that, the center of the gravity location is obtained (Figure A.8 and Figure A.9). In
this manner, all component weights are implemented to the program and the center
of gravity location is determined automatically. Centre of gravity location and again
automatically calculated inertias by CATIA are entered to the code. Calculations
are done according to these new values. After that, in the drawing, dimensions are
updated according to the final results.
After the optimization is completed, code continues to compute all parameters related
to the lift, drag, moment, weight, performance characteristic, stability and control
derivatives and system matrix. Several parameter values of the designed mini UAV is
concluded from the design tool. Initially, force and moment values are studied (Table
4.2). As it can be seen from the table, the difference between weight and lift forces
is not grater than 1 N as desired. In addition to that, lift to drag ratio which is a vital
parameter for an efficient aircraft is high enough compared with its competitors. This
parameter affects several performance characteristics such as gliding performance.

Table 4.2: Force and moment values of the designed UAV

c_L 0.675 L (N) 18.519
c_D 0.033 D (N) 0.910
c_M -2.590 M (N m) -21.306
W/S (N/m ) 49.100 L/D 20.361

Secondly, cruise, climb, maximum turn rate velocities are compared with the stall
velocity since the aircraft is not to stall any segment of the flight mission. It is seen
that, stall velocity is 8.9 m/s when cruise velocity is 12 m/s and maximum turn rate
velocity is 13.6 m/s. After that, several performance properties (Table 4.3) are exam-
ined. In this manner, most important parameter for this UAV is mission time. At the
end of the conceptual design, it can be seen that the mission time value satisfies the
requirement which tells that the mission time will be 60 minutes. Moreover, it is 6
minutes more than the determined flight duration. Rate of climb and minimum turn
radius values are within the acceptable interval. These parameter values supply the
desired performance even if they can be developed.

Table 4.3: Some performance characteristic values

Performance Values
MISSION TIME (min) 66.828
ωinsdown (deg/s) 42.674
ωmaxins (deg/s) 38.458
Rmin (m) 8.231
RCmax (m/s) 4.072

Another investigation is done on the stability derivatives (Table 4.4). It is seen that
the, whole stability derivatives are in the desired interval. One of the most important
stability derivative is the pitching moment coefficient variation with angle of attack,
which is the constraint parameter. For a stable aircraft, this derivative must be neg-
ative. This is satisfied in the designed UAV. As it can be seen from the Table 4.4,
some parameters must be greater than zero and some of them must be less than zero
(mentioned in Subsection 2.4 of Chapter 2). When these conditions are evaluated by

the data of the UAV, it can be seen that the UAV is stable.
Table 4.4: Stability derivatives of the designed UAV

Stability Derivatives
cDα 0.598 cmα̇ -1.131
cLα 4.939 cyβ -0.606 <0
cm α -0.037 <0 clβ -0.141 <0
cDu 0.000 cnβ 0.084
cLu 0.001 cyp -0.042
cm u -0.009 clp -0.134 <0
cLq 3.981 cnp -0.090 <0
cmq -2.050 <0 cyr 0.178 >0
cLα̇ 1.768 cnr -0.085 <0

After stability derivatives, control derivatives (Table 4.5) are also studied. There are
some conditions for some of these derivatives mentioned in Subsection 2.4 of Chapter
2 as stability derivatives. As it can be seen from the Table 4.4, given conditions
are satisfied by the designed UAV. In addition to them, how much flap, aileron and
stabilizer incidence variations affect the aircraft’s aerodynamical properties can be
determined from the obtained data. The results are also beneficial for control loops
Table 4.5: Control derivatives of designed UAV

Control Derivatives
cLδF 1.373
cLiht 1.286
cmiht -1.385
cLδE 0.383
cmδE -0.412
clδA -0.151 <0
cnδA 0.027 >0
cyδR 0.153 >0
clδR 0.009 >0
cnδR -0.038 <0

UAV system matrices of two directions are occurred as below. By using these matri-

ces, a new controller can be designed. When the matrices are available, very impor-
tant parameters for a control engineer such as characteristic equation, transfer func-
tion are very easy to found. Moreover, controllability and observability of the aircraft
is checked. The designed UAV has full rank of controllable matrices of both longitu-
dinal and lateral for whole input parameters. Therefore, the UAV is controllable. The
same situation is valid for the observability of the UAV.

 
−0.0766 0.0100 −2.0838
 
−0.1753 −0.6407 11.7096 −1.1290
Alongitudinal =
 

−1.3926 0.1369 −42.1150 2.3371 
 
0 0 1.0000 0

 
−0.0988 2.0699
11.8497 9.6610 1.7035
 
−14.9933 −12.0068 −8.8926 0 0 
 
 
Alateral =
 9.9339 −3.7084 −0.8959 0 0 
 

 0 1.0000 0 0 0 

0 0 1.0000 0 0

Last comments are related to the eigenvalues which are found from lateral and longi-
tudinal A matrices. These values support a general information related to the aircraft’s
stability characteristics. In addition to that, they guide engineers how the aircraft can
be controlled or what kind of controller should be designed and how the aircraft is
made stable or which properties should be developed. When the obtained eigenvalues
are investigated, it is seen that there are points which has real parts that are greater
than zero. This means that there is an unstable situation in it. However, it can be fixed
by a well-designed controller.

 
−42.2702 + 0.0000i
 
 0.5997 + 0.0000i 
Eigenvalueslongitudinal =
 

 −0.5809 + 0.1285i 
 
−0.5809 − 0.1285i

 
10.9121 + 0.0000i
 
−12.1498 + 3.8837i
 
 
Eigenvalueslateral = −12.1498 − 3.8837i

 
 0.3860 + 0.0000i 
 
0.0000 + 0.0000i


It is significant to observe that the conceptual design is really an successful design

in given limitations. Therefore, chosen variables to be optimized are changed and
results are compared with the data of the designed UAV. In this manner, span, angle
of attack, aspect ratio, fuselage diameter and horizontal tail volume ratio are altered
each by keeping the other ones constant.
Initially, when span is increased, it can be seen from the Table 4.6 and from the graph
(Figure 4.8) that objective function which is constituted from the lift to drag ratio and
wing loading increases. This increment continues to the span value of 2.7 m which is
not included in the below table. As a peak value it is expected to select the 2.7 m of
optimized span. However, due to the constraints, the span is selected by the code as
1.2 m which gives the highest objective function and supports constraints.

Table 4.6: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with span

Lift to Drag Ratio /

Lift - Weight (N) cm α Span (m)
Wing Loading
0.159 -5.671 0.409 0.600
0.208 -4.754 0.231 0.700
0.256 -3.760 0.123 0.800
0.302 -2.696 0.055 0.900
0.344 -1.570 0.010 1.000
0.382 -0.388 -0.019 1.100
0.415 0.843 -0.037 1.200
0.443 2.114 -0.048 1.300
0.466 3.420 -0.054 1.400
0.486 4.753 -0.056 1.500

Figure 4.8: Graph of objective function variation with span and verification of con-

Secondly, angle of attack change is studied. As it can be seen from the Table 4.7 and
from the graph (Figure 4.9), 3 degrees of α gives the maximum objective function.
However, due to the constraints, -1 degrees is selected as optimized value.

Table 4.7: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with angle of attack

Lift to Drag Ratio /

Lift - Weight (N) cm α Angle of Attack (deg)
Wing Loading
0.228 -9.194 0.006 -5.000
0.344 -4.089 -0.016 -3.000
0.415 0.843 -0.037 -1.000
0.451 5.644 -0.057 1.000
0.466 10.576 -0.076 3.000
0.463 15.682 -0.093 5.000
0.444 20.959 -0.110 7.000
0.415 26.407 -0.125 9.000
0.381 32.021 -0.139 11.000
0.346 37.796 -0.151 13.000
0.312 43.728 -0.162 15.000
0.281 49.808 -0.171 17.000
0.253 56.028 -0.179 19.000

Figure 4.9: Graph of objective function variation with angle of attack and verification
of constraints

Aspect ratio is another optimized parameter. When the Table 4.8 and the graph (Fig-
ure 4.10) is analysed, it is obvious that aspect ratio of 3 gives the highest ratio of lift
to drag ratio and wing loading. However, to supply the constraint conditions aspect
ratio of 4 is selected by the code.
Table 4.8: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with aspect ratio

Lift to Drag Ratio /

Lift - Weight (N) cm α Aspect Ratio
Wing Loading
0.388 -1.283 0.309 2.000
0.422 1.144 0.037 3.000
0.415 0.843 -0.037 4.000
0.393 -0.055 -0.033 5.000
0.367 -1.019 0.013 6.000
0.340 -1.912 0.087 7.000
0.315 -2.703 0.180 8.000
0.292 -3.396 0.287 9.000
0.271 -4.000 0.405 10.000
0.251 -4.530 0.532 11.000
0.234 -4.996 0.666 12.000
0.218 -5.408 0.807 13.000
0.204 -5.775 0.953 14.000
0.191 -6.103 1.104 15.000

Figure 4.10: Graph of objective function variation with aspect ratio and verification
of constraints

Fuselage diameter variation is examined. When the Table 4.9 and the graph (Figure
4.11) is looked, it is clear that maximum objective function can be supplied by the
fuselage diameter of 0.12 m. Regarding the constraint parameters, 0.08 m is chosen as
fuselage diameter since it gives the maximum objective function value which satisfies
the constraints.

Table 4.9: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with fuselage diam-

Lift to Drag Ratio /

Lift - Weight (N) cm α Fuselage Diameter (m)
Wing Loading
0.396 -0.107 -0.081 0.040
0.402 0.142 -0.072 0.050
0.407 0.384 -0.061 0.060
0.411 0.617 -0.050 0.070
0.415 0.843 -0.037 0.080
0.418 1.060 -0.023 0.090
0.420 1.269 -0.007 0.100
0.422 1.469 0.010 0.110
0.422 1.660 0.029 0.120
0.422 1.843 0.050 0.130
0.420 2.017 0.073 0.140

Figure 4.11: Graph of objective function variation with fuselage diameter and verifi-
cation of constrains

Lastly, the variation of horizontal tail volume ratio is studied. As it can be seen from
the Table 4.10 and from the graph (Figure 4.12), 0.3 is the value which meets all

Figure 4.12: Graph of objective function variation with horizontal tail volume ratio
and verification of constraints

Table 4.10: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with horizontal
tail volume ratio

Lift to Drag Ratio /

Lift - Weight (N) cm α H. Tail Volume Ratio
Wing Loading
0.477 2.045 0.267 0.100
0.443 1.406 0.115 0.200
0.415 0.843 -0.037 0.300
0.390 0.318 -0.189 0.400
0.367 -0.181 -0.340 0.500
0.347 -0.662 -0.492 0.600

When all these comparisons between different values of optimized parameters are
taken in consideration, it can be seen that the optimization process of the code does
its duty successfully. Therefore, the determined values of these five significant pa-
rameters for the optimized values of the designed UAV,will make the aircraft more



In addition to selecting the optimum values for determined input parameters, the ac-
curacy of these values can be increased. In this manner, the code can be run again by
choosing the moving variables’ upper and lower limits closer to the calculated opti-
mum values and by choosing sufficiently small increment values. At the end of all
these computations, the following tables and graphs are obtained (from Table 4.11
to Table 4.15 and from Figure 4.13 to Figure 4.17). According to these tables and
graphs, selected optimum values of moving variables can be modified as follows:

• Wing span : 1.21 m

• Aspect ratio : 3.8

• Horizontal tail volume ratio : 0.28

• Angle of attack : -1 degrees

• Fuselage diameter : 0.087 m

Table 4.11: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with span by
smaller increment

Lift to Drag Ratio / Lift -

cmα Span (m)
Wing Loading Weight (N)
0.392 -0.023 -0.025 1.130
0.396 0.099 -0.027 1.140
0.399 0.222 -0.029 1.150
0.402 0.345 -0.031 1.160
0.405 0.469 -0.032 1.170
0.408 0.593 -0.034 1.180
0.412 0.718 -0.035 1.190
0.415 0.843 -0.037 1.200
0.418 0.968 -0.038 1.210
0.421 1.094 -0.040 1.220
0.424 1.220 -0.041 1.230

Figure 4.13: Graph of objective function variation with span and verification of con-
straints by smaller increment

Table 4.12: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with angle of at-
tack by smaller increment

Lift to Drag Ratio / Lift - Angle of

cm α
Wing Loading Weight (N) Attack (deg)
0.404 -0.13 -0.033 -1.4
0.407 0.114 -0.034 -1.3
0.409 0.357 -0.035 -1.2
0.412 0.6 -0.036 -1.1
0.415 0.843 -0.037 -1
0.417 1.085 -0.038 -0.9
0.42 1.326 -0.039 -0.8
0.422 1.567 -0.04 -0.7
0.424 1.808 -0.041 -0.6
0.426 2.049 -0.042 -0.5
0.428 2.288 -0.043 -0.4
0.43 2.528 -0.044 -0.3
0.432 2.767 -0.045 -0.2
0.434 3.005 -0.046 -0.1
0.436 3.243 -0.047 0
0.438 3.482 -0.048 0.1

Figure 4.14: Graph of objective function variation with angle of attack and verifica-
tion of constraints by smaller increment

Table 4.13: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with aspect ratio
by smaller increment

Lift to Drag Ratio / Lift - Aspect

cm α
Wing Loading Weight (N) Ratio
0.420 1.093 -0.020 3.600
0.419 1.041 -0.025 3.700
0.418 0.982 -0.030 3.800
0.416 0.915 -0.034 3.900
0.415 0.843 -0.037 4.000
0.413 0.765 -0.039 4.100
0.411 0.684 -0.041 4.200
0.409 0.599 -0.042 4.300
0.407 0.511 -0.042 4.400
0.405 0.420 -0.042 4.500
0.402 0.328 -0.041 4.600
0.400 0.234 -0.040 4.700
0.398 0.138 -0.038 4.800
0.395 0.042 -0.036 4.900
0.393 -0.055 -0.033 5.000
0.390 -0.152 -0.030 5.100

Figure 4.15: Graph of objective function variation with aspect ratio and verification
of constraints by smaller increment

Table 4.14: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with fuselage di-
ameter by smaller increment

Lift to Drag Ratio / Lift - Fuselage

cm α
Wing Loading Weight (N) Diameter (m)
0.413 0.731 -0.044 0.075
0.413 0.754 -0.042 0.076
0.414 0.776 -0.041 0.077
0.414 0.798 -0.040 0.078
0.414 0.821 -0.038 0.079
0.415 0.843 -0.037 0.080
0.415 0.865 -0.036 0.081
0.415 0.887 -0.034 0.082
0.416 0.909 -0.033 0.083
0.416 0.931 -0.031 0.084
0.416 0.952 -0.030 0.085
0.417 0.974 -0.029 0.086
0.417 0.996 -0.027 0.087
0.417 1.017 -0.026 0.088
0.417 1.038 -0.024 0.089
0.418 1.060 -0.023 0.090

Figure 4.16: Graph of objective function variation with fuselage diameter and verifi-
cation of constraints by smaller increment

Table 4.15: Objective function and constraint parameters variation with horizontal
tail volume ratio by smaller increment

Lift to Drag Ratio / Lift - Horizontal Tail

Wing Loading Weight (N) Volume Ratio
0.423 1.007 0.009 0.270
0.420 0.952 -0.007 0.280
0.417 0.897 -0.022 0.290
0.415 0.843 -0.037 0.300
0.412 0.789 -0.052 0.310
0.397 0.473 -0.143 0.370
0.395 0.421 -0.158 0.380
0.392 0.370 -0.174 0.390
0.390 0.318 -0.189 0.400
0.387 0.268 -0.204 0.410
0.385 0.217 -0.219 0.420
0.383 0.166 -0.234 0.430
0.381 0.116 -0.249 0.440
0.378 0.066 -0.265 0.450
0.376 0.016 -0.280 0.460
0.374 -0.033 -0.295 0.470
0.372 -0.083 -0.310 0.480

Figure 4.17: Graph of objective function variation with horizontal tail volume ratio
and verification of constraints by smaller increment



At the end of the thesis, a conceptual design tool in MATLAB environment is gen-
erated. This work includes the computations of lift and drag forces and pitching
moment as well as the weight estimation of the composite structure of the designed
aircraft. Moreover, the parameters which give information related to the performance
characteristics of the designed UAV are computed. Stability and control derivatives
and the state space representation are also discussed in the scope of the present thesis.
Therefore, these values of the aircraft are also calculated in the code. In addition to
determining these parameters optimization of the design is also done by the code. In
this manner, maximum lift to drag ratios and minimum wing loading objectives are
taken into account.
Conceptual design phase of a mini UAV is performed by running the design tool writ-
ten in this thesis. The code written for this study is subject to several limitations as
already mentioned in the previous chapters. These restrictions are basically related
to the use of the code since the code is particularly designed for small mini class of
UAVs powered by electrical motors and of limited range and endurance. These design
characteristics are listed as:

• UAV is powered by an electric motor,

• UAV must be hand launched and land by parachute or deep stall,

• The flaps and other trailing edge controllers must be plain type,

• UAV is manufactured from composite materials and its weight is calculated

accordingly using composite structures,

• The code is valid for subsonic flights, (not for compressible high speed flow

• Horizontal and vertical tail airfoils should be the same type.

Regarding all these limitations and capabilities of the code, an indigenous mini UAV
system previously designed, manufactured and currently undergoing autonomous flight
testing is used to validate the design code realized in this thesis. This reference air-
craft‘s properties are calculated and the results of this Mini UAV system built and
flight tested are used to verify all the predictions of the design tool with those of the
theoretical calculations, ground and flight tests results of the real system. In addition,
the values are validated and corrected by some computer programmes such as AN-
SYS (CFD), DATCOM, CATIA (Inertia). In this manner, all the necessary input are
provided and entered into the code. Since the aircraft is a designed and manufactured
mini UAV, optimization process in the code is deactivated. Design tool is run only for
the validation of the obtained results. In this manner, it is very important to observe
that the computational time required to compute all of the values is very short. When
the parameter values of the UAV taken from the generated design tool are compared
with the real data of the product, it is seen that lift, drag and moment coefficients are
very close to real ones, with a bias of about 1%. Stability derivatives are also close
to data taken form CFD analysis. Endurance is also meaningful according to the test
When the design tool is used for designing an actual UAV system several advantages
of this processes be understood better. Initially, most of the design books and existing
tools are for fuel based propulsion systems. When an electrical motor is used for the
propulsive system of an aircraft, further additional design features are needed, some
modifications and some assumptions are needed for developing and incorporating
these additional design capabilities into the code by using further formulation. This
code gives the design steps needed for the design of the electrically driven propulsion
system UAV. Power and thrust determinations are done by using electric motor data.
In addition to that, performance parameters, especially mission time are computed by
using motor current and battery capacity. To find the performance properties for each
of the mission segment, some loops should be done in MATLAB, where these loops
are very easily and successfully performed.

Secondly, in most of the available design codes estimation of weight is done by meth-
ods that are based on the fuel consumption and many of them are for larger aircraft
and not suitable for the composite structure computations. On the other hand, this
present code is for small mini class size aircraft with composite structures. In the
recent years, hand launched mini UAVs are being very popular and are sought after.
Therefore, in the code weight estimation is done for composite platforms. In this
manner, the estimation of the weight is very close to the manufactured aircraft, since
the experimental coefficients are used in the actual calculations.
Thirdly, the code includes selection of optimum values. This allows the user to choose
several important parameters so that the design can offer the best solutions within the
determined limits. In this manner, lift to drag ratio and wing loading parameters are
preferred for the objectives of the optimization. In this way, most important proper-
ties (more power saving, efficient and manoeuvrable) for a small UAVs are mediated
through the design tool.
Fourth advantage is being user-friendly. For example, if one variable was to be
changed in the design phase, which is a very common situation especially for the
conceptual design phase, the user has to change only that value. Other factors are
recalculated again according to the new value automatically. The user does not have
to worry about which parameter is affected from the change and what should the new
value of the affected parameter be. This property of the code is supported by the
equations which are obtained from the graphs. Therefore, during the whole concep-
tual design phase, the user does not require to read any data from graphs.
In conclusion, this code is a verified, user-friendly and time saving versatile design
tool. It can be used for all conceptual designs of UAVs that meet the requirements.


[1] Lateral and longitudinal stability derivatives.,
last visited on August 2015.

[2] John D. Anderson. Aircraft Performance and Design. McGraw-Hill, 1999.

[3] Reg Austin. Unmanned Aircraft Systems: UAVs Design, Development and De-
ployment. Wiley, 2010.

[4] Frank L. Lewis Brian L. Stevens. Aircraft Control and Simulation. John Wiley
and Sons, 2003.

[5] Vladimir Brusov and Vladimir Petruchik. Design approach for selection of
wing airfoil with regard to micro-uavs. Proceedings of the International Mi-
cro Air Vehicles Conference Summer Edition, 2011.

[6] David A. Caughey. Introduction to aircraft stability and control course notes for
m&ae 5070. 2011.

[7] Cadline Community. Autodesk labs - project falcon - wind tunnel sim-

[8] M. V. Cook. Flight Dynamics Principle. Elsevier, 2007.

[9] CFS Engineering. Ceasiom.

[10] Great OWL Publishing Engineering. Stability analysis module., last visited on
August 2015.

[11] AVID LLC. Avid acs.

[12] Harold Youngren Mark Drela. Avl.

[13] Harold Youngren Mark Drela. xfoil.

[14] Kenneth Munson. Jane’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Targets. Jane’s Infor-
mation Group, 2002.

[15] OAD. Ads, aircraft design software.

[16] Wolfgang Pointner and Gabriele Kotsis. Using formal methods to verify safe
deep stall landing of a mav. IEE, 2011.

[17] Daniel P. Raymer. Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach. AIAA, 2006.

[18] Dr. Jan Roskam. Part VI: Preliminary Calculation of Aerodynamic, Thrust and
Power Characteristics. DARcorporation, 2000.

[19] Jan Roskam. Methods for Estimating Stability and Control Derivatives of Con-
ventional Subsonic Airplanes. The University of Kansas, 1971.

[20] Matthieu Scherrer. Miarex. http://scherrer.pagesperso-

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il, last visited on August 2015.

[24] xflr5. xflr5.



3D views of the UAV can be found in below figures (from Figure A.1 to Figure A.4).

Figure A.1: Isometric 3D view of the UAV

Figure A.2: Top 3D view of the UAV

Figure A.3: Side 3D view of the UAV

Figure A.4: Front 3D view of the UAV

Major dimensions of the UAV can be seen from the below Figure A.5.

Figure A.5: Dimensions of the UAV

The equipments and their placement in the UAV is shown in below two Figures (Fig-
ure A.6 and Figure A.7).

Figure A.6: Equipments of the UAV

Figure A.7: Placement of equipments in the UAV

Lastly, centre of gravity location can be seen from the below Figure A.8 and Figure

Figure A.8: Centre of gravity location of the UAV from the top view

Figure A.9: Centre of gravity location of the UAV from the side view



• Run the code.

• The user enters the values of intended parameters when the code starts to ask.
First subject of the input parameters are optimization. Moving variable initial
points, end points and increments are entered for the five parameters. In this
manner, it is important to read the written notes such as "angles in degree and
all other parameters in metric system". This note informs the user which units
of parameters are required. Mean while, if a moving variable is selected as
angle, this means that the entered value must be in degree; or if it belongs to a
dimension, the value must be in meter.

Optimization Parameters Selection (angles in degree

and all other parameters in metric system (m,m^2,m/s)

asked by code : moving variable 1

optimization range initial value
entered by user : 0.6
mov1_start =

asked by code : moving variable 2

optimization range initial value
entered by user : -5
mov2_start =

asked by code : moving variable 3
optimization range initial value
entered by user : 2
mov3_start =

asked by code : moving variable 4

optimization range initial value
entered by user : 0.04
mov4_start =

asked by code : moving variable 5

optimization range initial value
entered by user : 0.1
mov5_start =

asked by code : moving variable 1

optimization range end value
entered by user : 1.5
mov1_end =

asked by code : moving variable 2

optimization range end value
entered by user : 19
mov2_end =

asked by code : moving variable 3

optimization range end value

entered by user : 15
mov3_end =

asked by code : moving variable 4

optimization range end value
entered by user : 0.14
mov4_end =

asked by code : moving variable 5

optimization range end value
entered by user : 0.6
mov5_end =

asked by code : moving variable 1

optimization increment value
entered by user : 0.1
mov1_inc =

asked by code : moving variable 2

optimization increment value
entered by user : 2
mov2_inc =

asked by code : moving variable 3

optimization increment value
entered by user : 2
mov3_inc =

asked by code : moving variable 4
optimization increment value
entered by user : 0.01
mov4_inc =

asked by code : moving variable 5

optimization increment value
entered by user : 0.1
mov5_inc =

• Secondly, all general specifications of aircraft that can be categorized as ’Air

Condition Input’, ’Propulsion System Input’, ’Airfoil Input for Wings and Tails’,
’Geometry Input’, ’Pitching Moment Input’, ’Performance Input’, ’Stability
and Control Derivative Input’, ’State Space Input’ are entered to the code by
user. This part of the code also includes a note (For selected moving variables,
when their values are asked, enter ”mov#s tart” just as written). According
to this note, for example it is assumed that the first selected moving variable is
span. In this manner, when the code is asked to enter the value of the span, the
user must write ”mov1s tart” to the command window.

For the selected moving variables; when their values

are asked, enter mov#_start just as its written

ans =
Air Condition Input

asked by code : viscosity (Ns/m^2)

entered by user : 1.646*10^(-5)
mu_air =

asked by code : cruise altitude (MSL)(m)
entered by user : 1500
alt_MSL =

asked by code : angle of attack (deg)

entered by user : ’mov2_start’
aoa =

asked by code : cruise speed (m/s)

entered by user : 12
Vc =

ans =
Propulsion System Input

asked by code : battery volt (volt)

entered by user : 3.7
volt_batt =

ans =
Airfoil Input for Wings and Tails

asked by code : thickness ratio

entered by user : 0.1
tc =
asked by code : zero lift angle of attack

entered by user : -4
azl =

ans =
Geometry Input

asked by code : fuselage length

entered by user : 0.05
fuse_leng =

asked by code : fuselage diameter

entered by user : ’mov4_start’
fuse_dia =

asked by code : fuselage average cross sectional

entered by user : 0.005
fuse_acrse =

asked by code : span (m)

entered by user : ’mov1_start’
b =

• As the third step the parameters which are chosen as moving variables are as-
signed to their numbered moving variable names by user. In this manner, it is
very important to write the parameter names of moving variables in inverted

commas as the note is mentioned.

Equating moving variables to their selected

parameters(Enter parameter name in inverted commas)

asked by code : moving variable 1

entered by user : ’b’
assign1 =

asked by code : moving variable 2

entered by user : ’aoa’
assign2 =

asked by code : moving variable 3

entered by user : ’AR’
assign3 =

asked by code : moving variable 4

entered by user : ’fuse_dia’
assign4 =

asked by code : moving variable 5

entered by user : ’Vr_ht’
assign5 =

• Before the next step, the code does some computations and after that, user
enters the last input parameters. These input variables are also related to the
optimization. Constraint parameters are assigned and their limitation values
are entered. Last two input belongs to the objective function; the parameter

which will be maximized and minimized are assigned. These objective function
parameters and constraints (not the constrain limits) are also written in inverted
commas just as the moving variables. This situation takes part as note.

Optimization Parameters Selection [Constraints(Enter

parameter names in inverted commas) and their limits]

asked by code : constraint 1 (with upper limit)

entered by user : ’cM_alpha’
assign6 =

asked by code : constraint 1 limit

entered by user : 0
Cons1_lim =

asked by code : constraint 2 (with lower limit)

entered by user : ’5’
assign7 =

asked by code : constraint 2 limit

entered by user : 2
Cons2_lim =

asked by code : constraint 3 (with upper limit)

entered by user : ’3’
assign8 =

asked by code : constraint 3 limit

entered by user : 6
Cons3_lim =

asked by code : constraint 4 (with lower limit)

entered by user : ’6’
assign9 =

asked by code : constraint 4 limit

entered by user : 4
Cons4_lim =

asked by code : Objective Function Parameter that

will be maximized
entered by user : ’LifttoDrag’
assign10 =

asked by code : Objective Function Parameter that

will be minimized
entered by user : ’WingLoading’
assign11 =
Wing Loading

• After the all necessary input parameters are entered by user, the code starts
calculations. At the end, all the computed values of the designed UAV can be
achieved from the Matlab Workspace. In addition to that, the user can add a
small script to write the data excel or other files.


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