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Netscape Pocumentry IA

Tape 60 tUticaeJ 4-v4


MT It was wild to grow up in Livermore because it was town of sort of rural town

with all the you know the people who raised cattle and stuff and then the

professors It was like the propeller heads and the ranchers

background noise putting stuff on table

LT So urn yeah this is our fourth year

Thats huge undertaking

LT Yes it is but love it Its fun its uh getting to see Kelsey getting in

Math you know its that same thrill as watching your kid saying their first word

or take their first steps its like yes She So its very
got it yes fun but it is lot

of work and Christopher definitely adds and element of an interesting

element but hes like his dad so he plays on the computer downstairs while were

up here

It must have put lot of responsibility to put lot of responsibility on

yours and Michaels shoulders to make sure that educated

theyre getting

LT Right and an advantage and of the difficulty how youre

part is figuring out kid

learns best right and so theres lot of trial and error with that but kind so once

you find something that really works you know what kind of learner they are like

Kelseys very visual and so if Im introducing some new concept always do it

but then she really on

visually likes hands stuff too so we back it
up with that

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Were you home taught yourself

LT No neither was Michael and thats actually one of the reasons he feels really

strongly about it because he was one of those kids who didnt do well in the public

system but mean hes very bright and he was failing in school SoS and was

pretty shy so was kind of always the quiet one and the one back in the corner

and really didnt learn how to learn until college and Kelsey just loves learning

history is her favorite subject and you know were the first day told her were

gonna do history this year she was bouncing on the bed and she just reads

everything she can so -its fun

The life of the mind is

amazingly rich isnt it

LT Yeah it
really is our first
year didnt know if was gonna make it cause the

year of home schooling is
always hard anyway but because Michael was
doing Netscape he was working 100 hours week Christopher was born weeks

after Netscape started and he didnt cooperate in being the baby that expected Ie

was you know wanted hours in the morning for

nap and two hour the

afternoon and he was the baby who didnt sleep more than about 10 or 15 minutes

at time and he cried lot and so being sleep deprived plus Michael working all

those hours didnt know if was gonna do it another year but its much better


Thats lot of pressure

LT And even at that lime because you know most of the other guys were fresh out of

college and you know and they moved out here and most of their life was here so

staying at work til 300am and then coming in again at 1000 that was fine for

them but for Michael and Kip you know people who had families he would come

home at like 800 so he could see the kids and help me put them to bed and you

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know play little bit and then hed go back to work til and the Christopher

would be up by or in the morning so it wasnt fun for him either

Do you want to finish that

LT Actually Im just ready to print it out

Kings Academy

LT Urn actually kings academy is Christian high school theres woman whos

teacher there who has an enrichment program its once week so the kinds can

get in and kind of have the classroom atmosphere Theyre in class theyre doing

book reports that kinds of stuff so it

gives Kelsey the feeling of being normal you

know shes in class with other kids but it doesnt take that much time form

what were learning at home

It kind of follows classic that Michael didnt do well in the public

school system

LT yeah right well and when you have class of 30 kids of have to
you kind teach

to what the majority can learn or what the curriculum writers have written and

so you dont have lot of flexibility really admire school dont

public teachers

know could do but because knew Ijust have kids and

if it you my know how

they learn then feel like can handle that

Are you enjoying this arent

you really are you

When did you come out here and how meet

did you and Michael

LT we wont give you the long story Iffi lived in Ohio and was out here on

vacation and Michael had been working at summer camp up in the Santa

Cmx mountains that had worked at previously so he was friends there


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we were set up should just say that They invited him over for dinner when was

there and was leaving the next day to to Christian organization down in

Texas that he was interested in So we went and took walk at 1100 at night and

ended up talking and actually praying together which had never done with man

before uh for about hours so that kind of was this bond that started the

relationship And so we did long distance things for couple lot of high

phone bills lot of letter and urn then moved out here in 86

And suddenly you found yourself in California and Silicon Valley what

were the first

years like

LT No we decided to date before we got married We were engaged but we waited til

April of 97 to get married and 6j it was culture shock you know just going

through the grocery store and hearing different languages wasnt used to that

wasnt used to seeing men out at 200 in the afternoon theyre supposed to be at

work you know thats what was used to in Ohio So um dont know laughs

When you look back on those early days and compare them to today what are the


LT Well as far as when the first

year of our marriage and some of this is marriage

stuff and some of its Silicon Valley stuff Michael was had his own company and

so he was working all the time And it then he went to SGI so we could have

more time together has family and and that wasnt lot better just because

again the hours and he had

that are required we didnt know it then but he has

ADD and so there were lot of problems with

my way home and then it would be or hours and you know the romantic dinner

candles had burned down and he was

was thinking dead by the side of the road

And so now after lot of years were kind of were with and hes
dealing that

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dealing with the ADD and know that you know if 24 hours goes by and dont

hear from him that

pretty much know where to find him And you know the

area has grown tremendously since weve been here its just really expensive

mean moving here in86 went from paying $175 for an apartment to paying $645

for smaller apartment and that was culture chock and remember thinking

well Id never be one of those people whod pay $300000 for house that would

be ridiculous and...I should never say never

How does faith mix with this incredibly high powered intellectual life and

how do the two merge

LT Well we believe that God is truth and so these days has

really truth laughs

lot of different meanings for people you know there isnt lot of absolute right or

wrong that is taught you know thats another reason for home schooling is that

want my kids to have values that dont just change week and that truth isnt

what you make it to be that there really are mean there are lot of gray but

you know there are truths So our relationship with God is the most important

thing All this could fall down tomorrow and well start over and it would be great

while it lasted but its not what were living for and you know to tell the truth

almost destroyed what we had because those years like was about before

where he was working 100 hours week and was to home school and we

were renovating the house and took heavy toll on our marriage

wasnt for Gods and the of lot of friends and you

grace prayers know friends

coming and helping me do laundry and cooking dinner for us and things like that

we wouldnt have made it If we didnt have dont think weve


seen lot of people who havent even on this street out of three houses that

renovated in the last couple years two of the couples are

you know
its not because were
of anything that really good at just see it as Gods grace

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The toll of technological advancement is so great what do you attribute

that to

LT Well yeah mean some people really like the rush of always being busy Jffit

think of that
that part is that if youre really busy and youre doing something

productive that nobody can deny oh Im doing this then you dont have to stop

and look at yourself And especially this area its really easy to be so busy you

know that you never take time just to be quiet or to take walk in the woods so

mean this isnt original with me was actually talking to friend couple weeks

ago and she was saying that

you know as humans we have two real needs One is

to be loved and one be significant And Ijust think

is to if youre not getting if

you dont know that God loves you unconditionally and if you dont get your

significance 6fjn him which believe is true true significance then you have your

own set of. .measuring sticks that you can that

you set up and say OK its money

laughs you know this will prove that Im worth while that Im worthy of being

loved or its intelligence or its beauty or whatever and you live

try to up to

those and then you can compare yourself to other people and say they dont have

as much as me they have more than me ...I need to strive to have as much as

them or whatever you know to make yourself feel better about yourself So

dont know that

may sound simplistic but..

What about in the area of intellectual growth and ability

LT think that dont have much

you know
intelligence as my husband and

know that if we sat down and took standardized test he would blow me away

and knowledge is
good thing right because you can use it to help lot of

people but what do you do with it Knowledge for its own sake just...where is it

gonna end up what are you gonna do once you know is it that
you finally know

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enough to do what dont know maybe somebody else has those answers but

feel content you know knowing that dont have all the answers but knowing

God know that he does and lot of that have to take on faith and the things

that dont understand You know still have lot of questions but that doesnt

mean that have to keep striving til

get the answers can get em when can and

know that its OK if dont know Is that what youre asking


if...hindsight you always know what you could have done better but think

that if our marriage had been destroyed and our family had broken up through

Netscape definitely wasnt worth it the fact that we held together and made

it like said still attribute to Gods grace and and now being on the other

side of it Im really grateful mean thats what feel most is grateful you know

we have this stuff we can share it and thats fun laughs and have beautiful

daughter dont go away..

So youve been through own adventure


LT Yeah if people are would look at this and say oh hey this is cool Im

gonna start start up and get rich quick would have to need to
just say you

count the costs and you need to know going in what what the toll could be and is

it worth it and again if had done it over we would have of things

again put lot

in lot because
place differently you cant ever retrieve the time thats lost

Hopefully through all this Michaels gonna be able to retire early and were gonna

spend lot more time together as family but the time that we didnt have that he

was gone all the time then you cant recover those days so its matter of


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Thank you very much


Looking at house

kids playing

Well follow you you show us around

MT OK Christopher are you gonna show him titLt hlet

Christopher shows everyone around

MT Are you gonna take us out to the Hobbit Hole Christopher

whispered camera direction

MT So this is based on the theory that if

you want to have privacy to write or think and

the children the two four year olds are in the house
especially to those two just

dont mix So you need place to go and think great thoughts away from uh the

rest of the house We kind of thed the you know private office room upstairs

didnt work So was big fan of Lord of the Rings when was growing up so

this was supposed to be Hobbit Hole in its original inception But we had real

hard time figuring out how to do that in

way that seemed this is kinda

what we ended up with...its kind of like the year 3000 hobbit hole

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Echoing kids showing off the Hobbit Hole

MT So this was place where you could come and spend the day saw this really cool

red granite with like big green round rocks it almost looks like Fred Flintstone

LT It looked like Fred Flintstone

Ml She didnt like it but get to put it in here....distorts

...but its kind of cool place its real light you dont feel like youre


kid talking


Well you picked great architect

LT should have hanging out of OK

cigarette my mouth...who are you


Youre years old And do you like it here

Uh huh

understand that you go to school at home too


Whats that like

Well sometimes wish went to public school because or private school because

could most of my know two who friends who home

only people are my

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school well three so most of friends

actually anyway my go to public or private

school and think could make more friends like that But home school is pretty

uch funner because we can skip it time we want


bet youre pretty good at school too What are your favorite subjects

History and Science

Do you think about what youd like to do when you get older

You know you mean like job Well Id like to be an artist missionary and


Well these are three good choices Of those three what would you most

like to do

Well artist probably just tiny bit more than the other two because wanted to

be an artist since was and am pretty good at drawing

You know think your father is an artist did you know that about him

Well he is good at drawing things

Is he Thats good quality to have to be drawer


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