Conset: Q1 Netscape Documentary Tape

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t0y30 Q1

Netscape Documentary
Tape 5Z_ ______

Tp Thres certainly and element of conset This is hard things to balance You

are talking about social contract sense that you are really promising not to go out of

business And the only way to do that is to be little more conservative But yet if

too conservative you stagnate the question is How do you innovate at the same time

to avoid out of business Its this in Las Vegas and

as you are trying going game if youre

youre gambling once you hit zero you leave You dont get to play again to recover your

losses So that zero level is absolutely to be avoided Whereas early on with high risk

you are willing to roll it all and now you can deal with the zero So now you become

little bit more conservative How do you become innovative The interesting thing is to find

it within the people way of causing them to be excited Youre at an urgency that gets

certain amount of extra work effort but make their job be fun They are all really creative

And of where come you with ideas

if to the
you just paint picture youre going theyll

So its really pretty cool to try to give them enough freedom.. And you see that here you

see that lot of people are given lot of rope to hang themselves And thats what brings

new features and new power Its hard game -- avoid that You dont wanna go bankrupt

you must produce product It must ship You cannot afford.. small company

everyone can say Oh well just take 50% pay cut and go an extra three months big

company lot of people have families lot of people have home they dont have back-up

cash They signed onto this without the faliback that they would need to go onto 19 out

20 failure mode And now the goal is to somehow get the same energy out of them Its

fun interesting challenge but when you succeed the fun is that they produced more that

they come out with value its not that you sucked blood from stone You showed them

way that they can just make gold and theyre having blast doing it and theyre taking the

credit for it and you just part of the team So its an interesting challenge And this is

good example of where were getting this nice focus were getting incredibly aggressive

activity from folks to get this done Theyre buying in they see the benefit At the same

time as this is going there are other features which are coming forward -- about RDF

u7 O35O2
Netscape Documentary
Tape 52

related links people talk about how they can push these features in people have enough

freedom that they can make this bigger choice Its an interesting trade-off Conservatism in

management almost starts to suggest micro-managing You will do this you will do this

you will do that But when you do that you do stagnate So its gentle picture and see

from Barksdale we want long-term goal strategic goal and then allow all the

employees to try to figure out what they can do individually to achieve that goal If you try

to have centralized economy you are pretty

doomed Someone has to watch over the

money in the bank make sure we dont run out has to provide the
big goal and then he

has to trust the people and.. Barksdale does that well and people are hard to do
trying very

it here Qr

What is the allure of software creation for you and you think for

others here mean obviously its many-faceted thing money

professional status creativity long hours sleepless nights Why is this

the heart and soul of the modern um.. Its so many its such an

interesting thing and its something that were trying to get at in this film

It appears to be fun on so many levels and on other levels to be


some of the hardest work one can aspire to

Ofly- Well there is two issues One is why is it taking over the world The other is why

is it fun The critical element of fun is real similar to rock that its
actually climbing is

constant as the phrase is immediate gratification To become good runner you have to

run and run and run before race and years of practice
you can enter whereas in

programming you write little

programs which actually help you just early on person

who just does something as simple as-- well its not incredibly simple but it seems that

way--puts little counter on your wrist and just counts numbers Well thats watch

And suddenly its really wonderful that have this digital wristwatch here on
sitting my

wrist And then some programmer itd be nice we alarm And he

said put in an
gee all

did is put in one thing -- an alarm but yet this an valuable addition So
just -- is immensely

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Netscape Documentary
Tape 52

you just work tiny bit and already you have success As opposed to wanna build

skyscraper Well no one can use the building until the walls go up the roof goes up the

walls are painted the glass is -- still no one goes in it -- we need the plumbing in we need

the electricity in -- still no one goes in it -- we need to start furnishing it -- still no one goes

in it -- we have to be sure the elevator shafts work we have to get everything -- and still

there is no gratification You can start to see it

taking shape but the gratification takes

years We can take add feature programmer in the past two weeks fellow came in

with an interesting deal having to do with better controlling things called cookies --

have to type your password less often but yet its equally secure In one week he put in

that feature and now he says Now dont have type the password so often but yet its just

as secure boy this is such relief this is so much easier to use people are going to love

this So theres this small incremental fix As the

programmer way that happens is you

are solving little puzzles Something is broken Why is the

gas not reaching the engine

You walk and go Ah And

the line there it is then you look at it and go Look at the

gasoline is
flowing What just an incredible flow thisll power an engine million

horse-power And you have that small piece But if it were really powering an engine you

couldnt really show it to anyone No one would care about it until it was part of the car

and it was running down the street In our case you can see that small incremental addition

and so we get immens gratification think thats what drives programmers

on Thats the basic level Its almost an Why does

like artist an artist enjoy painting The /1

answer will be something simple When mix color just look at color sometimes and

say Thats beautiful And he derives his enjoyment almost that directly And as he is

creating the picture he has the enjoyment and so theres this internal the

interesting thing is Not only can get my internal enjoyment can just put one extra piece

in the picture And then can sell it And can put another extra piece and sell it And all

these other people around me can enjoy it the

good news is.. people actu y.. an

when sell it starts to hint theyre wi to me value so not only do to solve

give get


ioTh 55.j
b1.L 175
Netscape Documentary
Tape 52

being larger Ive made some

go home with wallet
this puzzle but get to at night my

money And theres no question of Gee is this building really gonna sell You are

building building are wondering whether its gonna rent youre wondering if

Instead on at they were giving away Beta copies

anyones gonna buy it early Netscape

Net they could it

up The site was being
they were being
and grabbed off the as fast as put

hit bombarded pulling copies as quick as they can get it And you see that happen and

that other people value so

thats rewarding feeling you are producing something

much that their time just to come get So theres the initial internal just..
theyre spending

the joy -- youll see in programmers eyes when they solve bug and go yeah got

This is gonna take care of it Were ready to go And other people are depending on you

and its team But then the big gain-- and this is why theres so much pressure--is to

valuable thats to the wealth of the world because

move up and become company adding

mean the watch the camera that

youre making so many more people more

were using the microphone the ability for me to spek and for all these people to hear

simultaneously instead of having them all together within five feet of me -- this is an

immense value the value of that little microphone cant almost be explained You see it in

small electronic equipment but then you realize that even the microphone wasnt that fancy

and recording devices were lot of problems to be

cause until you had speakers there still

had But the interesting thing in software is that small things very quickly become

usable Another critical element is in software you just make copy of it You make

software copy just like recording tape

and now the tape has as much power as the

original item Whereas car-- you need an assembly line you need equipment talk in the

business sense call it low recurring costs --its very cheap to make copy and the copy

is as the original and this is special element of software and the software

industry This is why the world is changing At least this is my perspective __ o5 to

ji JOP%
dont want you to be late for Andreeson One of what you were

talking about is the ability of digital technology to knit together people

07 \D
Netscape Documentary
Tape 52

almost on any bases they choose to collaborate and whether its within

Netscape or outside -- its gonna happen anyway

So is the question -- Is this all

gonna work Is this PR stunt

No dont know..

Or this is valuable --

No this more --

Will we be able to unify and harness the Web in positive way Man thats the

$64000 question think it can work but theres so much experimenting to and
try figure

out how to make it work so that all the

people that are participating can come away with th
that makes them want to participate more Its really up in the air Jam not sure You

see the phone company and now you see discussions of Web service and its not

clear how thatll play out We had search services early on that we are trying to have pay by

the drink and now we that where

are realizing advertising is really the key is am sure that

when someone the was not clear that

gonna be sold
it at all
printing press magazines are

not because of the value of the words but the ads that are gonna be surrounding the words

In fact its just never clear-- And someone talked about radio Someone said Whats so

valuable about being to broadcast so that

you talk
something people far can listen to

Whats so remarkable about this broadcast into ether dont

the see the value of it Why
would anyone wanna spiel off into the universe with no way of anyone collecting charges

for even what he said And so we are wondering\Ve are the

giving away source why are

we doing this For years people have wondered about this there have been pros and

cons.. This is our pretty Well

big experiment see if we lose all the value or if we harness

all the value And its not completely clear When on the
you speak radio are
you losing all

the value because words go out and

your anyone can listen to it and not be charged Or are

the value
you gaining because they are all listening to you dont know Well know

with radio what the answer is And were gonna find out now with free source for large

commercial application

Netscape Documentary
Tape 52

To be continued Thats great Actually Im gonna go with you.

\5 brake noise

Uh yeah Jerry were not gonna settle for anything less than half million so if

they cant play send em home All right do it

car alarm

camera direction

off camera background discussion

o_ CD
this is for title sequence Mike Tuomey our fearless editor

it would be great if it was in focus..

camera direction

What we should do is
get them scrolling the screen..

...disgruntled ask me..

...theres Tara..

07.L l-


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