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Netscape Documentary

Tape 47


room tone

employee voices in distance

camera crew discusses shots etc

\7 u\

Are you guys going to the party on Wednesday

Dave think we probably will Im not sure whether well film it but uh


Dave Its one of those kinds of ..has the final license been uh

Camera Dave youre in the..

Dave Sorry

is looking pretty good


Dave What is

We put out dot 90 sorry dot 95


then for the feedback

Dave .third party and urn..


...the idea is to is to induce people to work Urn then

Dave Yeah you want to..

.so sirnilarly you youre out of business if



..its horrible idea but thats. .his his stance

Netscape Documentary
Tape 47


Ive read this portability guide is it sick or what Wow

Oh its beautiful Yeah Im going to publish this today Its its Tm-Im so happy

with it Im Im just ecstatic

Oh .. did really good job

Because this is

Its quarter inch thick

This this is ..the shotgun You got the shotgun


Judy Hey Lloyd

Lloyd Hi Judy

Judy So how do you 21

your home over there in

Lloyd Its good

Judy Would you be interested in over 22 of

moving to building in couple weeks or do

you think you just kind of want to-

Lloyd Urn..

Judy -stick there or-

Lloyd Depends on Ill stay there for now ..

Judy Cause Im thinking of locating Toms in

group over building 22-

Lloyd Theoretically Im already there...

Judy Yeah


Judy ...set that meeting up think its going to be

Can you

Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

Judy McCue and hes going to be over there also

Lets do it Urn youre going to come with us

Where are you now

Judy ...he kind of just moved so.

Lloyd Urn with client

eng focus on 21 ...21 on the 3rd floor

Want to stay there

Lloyd dont know let rne think about it

Talk to .. He did exactly what you did moved to those guys hung out

Lloyd M-hm

and later on mean it was worth it

Lloyd M-hm

You did the right thing But now

Lloyd Come back

get back to yeah


.These relationships are established Your relationships are already established so

Lloyd Yeah except that Im always there let me see what my life is like after 3/31

But you dont have time to move in..

Judy ..

Lloyd Can you door can you hold the spot

Yeah We can try to do that

Lloyd Hold the spot..

Judy Yeah for sure

We can try


OK The FTP machine Is it

up yet

Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

The domain registered and theres .. machine but theres

you cant
is there no

connect to it So think that means its


Urn the localization guys arent publishing anything yet right

They not yet able to publish

anything Urn the last heard is were going to

have staging server and things will .. out to it



But dont know how that works dont know whos for like
responsible actually

throwing the switch

So heres the good thing about those localization guys putting up bits It causes all

that to occur

Yes agree Yeah want

They to go out on Friday Right

Thats tomorrow

think that what they said

Urn you or are follow us

going to
up on that which one of

Lloyd .. what is this

Localization is coming up with local universal localization


Lloyd Uh-huh

Essentially what it
is is universal for localize And Netscape
rights anybody to will

bless you and smile

upon you even though they wont say Yes we support that

Swahili version because we dont really know much about it On the other hand if

you want to do it in Swahili and distribute it

You have -the rights to do this



Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

to do that Heres the tools you need And the tools are supported if you will or

blessed or something on this version of Netscape Or Communicator Urn


if you want to try to apply it to other things youre going to have .95 hit The other

percent is
your problem

The interesting thing is that theyre doing this with uh 4.0 something rather than


Think its 4.0.3

Yeah But so theyre theyre giving people the ability the ability to localize the

4.0 product

M-hrn They want to turn this we talked about um what the ongoing localization

strategy would be how how they would do this in 5.0 time frame and-

theyre learning and theyre theyre smiling and nodding lot so

Uh OK CYS machine is not exist yet



...actually was supposed to talk to you about this Urn theyre making the tar files the

tarballs Monday is it

Yeah Theyre making them Friday and theyre going

afternoon to populate the tree


Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

So so youre going to give them tree and theyre going to like their thought was that

they would check out from the CVS server and make their tarballs from

that Um the one thing we dont want to have happen is have those CVS files have

machine name in them thats not like or whatever were going to call

it so that means we need to have the machine name um doesnt necessarily

set up it

have to be outside but that has be machine name you check

to the out from or else

people are going to have go and mess around with their server route and stuff Isnt that


Theyre going to have to do that

anyway and theyre not gonna

Are they

Yeah theyre basically anybody on the outside is just not going to have is not going

to have readable access from our CVS server until we get mirrors because

Until we get what

Until we get CVS mirrored servers going dont want we

OK Theres theres scaling issue but

Yeah theres scale big scaling issue And so

So youre saying use tarballs until further notice

Right want their want their version numbers to be so that when we do

right get

minored servers out there that can do an update

they on that tree but dont want

Who is solving the minor service issue

We havent addressed it

Still Um think that that the name of the machine thats in the if we can manage

it at all the name of the machine that that is in the CVS directories in the tarballs

should be be the case Maybe itll that they wont actually be able to

use that machine but thats the name that it should be

Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

Or we could actually the easier thing to do is to and regressively delete

just go through

all the route files Theres this its stored in

all one file in
every directory its called

route and we can just nuke those and .. will be the right one
guys looking at

Yeah we could do that but that means youre checking out and then youre making

some change and then youre writing CD Right

Well were going to be doing that too


We cant we uh Tasked Dan to to be an CVS

try get to alias for

server And he said ...

No think Dans confused Cause that has to be easy

you can make that

you make that happen and Ill make the pull from

J.G handles name servers or the domain


All name service does is take the name and return an IP address

Thats right

So all J.G has to do ask Dan what the IP address

is is is of the machine that answers

to the name CVS server problem solved


th that has to be true right

You can find that out mean its to find that

easy out..

Well right sure Yeah know

J.G can just go off and do this is what youre saying

And its called..

Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

...were into the line of speculation whos going to solve this when

Ill find out about the machine names

And Dan wanted to call ... dont care

All right Fine

The published name should be the service


The other thing that me

occurred to is that going out with the name CVS server and no

dot no domain sucks lot less than ...

Which is what is does right now

So that wouldnt be such disaster


So Lloyd when do you pick up this issue of


CVS on the outside of the firewall after 3/3

Yeah Basically we..


Im going to write you..

While were talking about machines Beulah whats the load on that right now
dont know

Can we run Tinderbox on or should

that we have the different machine

think we should have different machine

think we should have different machine Is uh what is Beulab Is it

Im not sure Dan knows


think it might be Dans

actually still
desktop machine


Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

...Tm not going to do the CYS stuff until after 3/31 but would still like document

explaining our plans that can publish before then To answer know


tell people what what were thinking were going to do someday


Hes going kick me the butt

to in for doing the urn you know this mail sent about the

tree ought to look He he yelled at me this morning yelled back blah blah blah

were all happy now and he wants me to write something Im

up so while writing that

you can write the CVS story .. theyre sort of theyre related

OK List of owners Did anybody besides me get the preliminary list of owners out of



Is there any it
any problems with

Id like to see it

had comment about his like the he was the layout

way structuring and stuff clarity

...thought it was little ..

But urn you know saw of modules and of names and

list list didnt have

comments one way or another on it didnt know what to make of it


..Warren has some stuff hes written uh thats not quite done yet


On well theres this thing on the history of Java

...isnt that great

Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

And and then there was else on on the modularization

something strategy that that

think Warren

cut is going to look like him and Scott and so right well
probably some

big chunk of the internationalization kits is going to and this

go there things going to

go there and that things going to dont know where

go there anythings going to go

yet cause he hasnt given me So Im expecting

his tree setC Ill nag him but that youre

going to have to light fire under him too Once Ive done that

OK Youre going to have to kick me in the butt in order to light fire under him

but if
you tell me to do it


Ill do it


OK Directory hierarchy on source tree guess thats mine now and owe you

something by the weekend me

..forgive for the order this is random order Uh party

The partys Wednesday for sure

Wednesday for sure

There are t-shirts Uh out

youre working are you content youre currently content

with how youre pursuing any financial

Um well if have to
pay for the t-shirts Im starting to get worried Because because

at this point Ive put like Ive spent like more than ten grand



you add the t-shirts in

Well Bob wanted 300 shirts for the CPD


Page 10
nT cS
Netscape Documentary
Tape 47

Urn and guess they have of think thats which

pile money they that ought to cost

think should no question

really there be about tossing in the question is how much

more do they want to toss in


So if
you want to chat with Tina and see what the
you can find out attitude is

told Tina that urn the shirt



want to get paid soon cause were really its rush job And
really theyre doing us

favor by doing it this quickly So urn if if uh we cant get thern check mail them

check tomorrow then Irn going them check

to write myself So need to know pretty


End of tape


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