Pages From UBC 1997 - Uniform Building Code 11

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CHAP. 16, DIV.


Forces shall be applied in the horizontal directions, which result directional effects is used, each term computed shall be assigned
in the most critical loadings for design. the sign that will result in the most conservative result.
1632.3 Specifying Lateral Forces. Design specifications for 1633.2 Structural Framing Systems.
equipment shall either specify the design lateral forces prescribed
1633.2.1 General. Four types of general building framing sys-
herein or reference these provisions.
tems defined in Section 1629.6 are recognized in these provisions
1632.4 Relative Motion of Equipment Attachments. For and shown in Table 16-N. Each type is subdivided by the types of
equipment in Categories 1 and 2 buildings as defined in Table vertical elements used to resist lateral seismic forces. Special
16-K, the lateral-force design shall consider the effects of relative framing requirements are given in this section and in Chapters 19
motion of the points of attachment to the structure, using the drift through 23.
based upon DM . 1633.2.2 Detailing for combinations of systems. For compo-
1632.5 Alternative Designs. Where an approved national nents common to different structural systems, the more restrictive
standard or approved physical test data provide a basis for the detailing requirements shall be used.
earthquake-resistant design of a particular type of equipment or 1633.2.3 Connections. Connections that resist design seismic
other nonstructural component, such a standard or data may be ac- forces shall be designed and detailed on the drawings.
cepted as a basis for design of the items with the following limita-
tions: 1633.2.4 Deformation compatibility. All structural framing
elements and their connections, not required by design to be part
1. These provisions shall provide minimum values for the de-
of the lateral-force-resisting system, shall be designed and/or
sign of the anchorage and the members and connections that trans-
detailed to be adequate to maintain support of design dead plus
fer the forces to the seismic-resisting system.
live loads when subjected to the expected deformations caused by
2. The force, Fp , and the overturning moment used in the design seismic forces. PD effects on such elements shall be considered.
of the nonstructural component shall not be less than 80 percent of Expected deformations shall be determined as the greater of the
the values that would be obtained using these provisions. Maximum Inelastic Response Displacement, DM , considering PD
effects determined in accordance with Section 1630.9.2 or the
deformation induced by a story drift of 0.0025 times the story
SECTION 1633 — DETAILED SYSTEMS DESIGN height. When computing expected deformations, the stiffening
REQUIREMENTS effect of those elements not part of the lateral-force-resisting sys-
1633.1 General. All structural framing systems shall comply tem shall be neglected.
with the requirements of Section 1629. Only the elements of the For elements not part of the lateral-force-resisting system, the
designated seismic-force-resisting system shall be used to resist forces induced by the expected deformation may be considered as
design forces. The individual components shall be designed to re- ultimate or factored forces. When computing the forces induced
sist the prescribed design seismic forces acting on them. The com- by expected deformations, the restraining effect of adjoining rigid
ponents shall also comply with the specific requirements for the structures and nonstructural elements shall be considered and a
material contained in Chapters 19 through 23. In addition, such rational value of member and restraint stiffness shall be used.
framing systems and components shall comply with the detailed Inelastic deformations of members and connections may be con-
system design requirements contained in Section 1633. sidered in the evaluation, provided the assumed calculated capaci-
All building components in Seismic Zones 2, 3 and 4 shall be ties are consistent with member and connection design and
designed to resist the effects of the seismic forces prescribed here- detailing.
in and the effects of gravity loadings from dead, floor live and For concrete and masonry elements that are part of the lateral-
snow loads. force-resisting system, the assumed flexural and shear stiffness
Consideration shall be given to design for uplift effects caused properties shall not exceed one half of the gross section properties
by seismic loads. unless a rational cracked-section analysis is performed. Addi-
tional deformations that may result from foundation flexibility
In Seismic Zones 2, 3 and 4, provision shall be made for the ef- and diaphragm deflections shall be considered. For concrete ele-
fects of earthquake forces acting in a direction other than the prin- ments not part of the lateral-force-resisting system, see Section
cipal axes in each of the following circumstances: 1921.7.
The structure has plan irregularity Type 5 as given in Table 1633.2.4.1 Adjoining rigid elements. Moment-resisting frames
16-M. and shear walls may be enclosed by or adjoined by more rigid ele-
The structure has plan irregularity Type 1 as given in Table ments, provided it can be shown that the participation or failure of
16-M for both major axes. the more rigid elements will not impair the vertical and lateral-
load-resisting ability of the gravity load and lateral-force-resisting
A column of a structure forms part of two or more intersecting
systems. The effects of adjoining rigid elements shall be consid-
lateral-force-resisting systems.
ered when assessing whether a structure shall be designated regu-
EXCEPTION: If the axial load in the column due to seismic forces lar or irregular in Section 1629.5.1.
acting in either direction is less than 20 percent of the column axial load
capacity. 1633.2.4.2 Exterior elements. Exterior nonbearing, nonshear
The requirement that orthogonal effects be considered may be wall panels or elements that are attached to or enclose the exterior
satisfied by designing such elements for 100 percent of the pre- shall be designed to resist the forces per Formula (32-1) or (32–2)
scribed design seismic forces in one direction plus 30 percent of and shall accommodate movements of the structure based on DM
the prescribed design seismic forces in the perpendicular direc- and temperature changes. Such elements shall be supported by
tion. The combination requiring the greater component strength means of cast-in-place concrete or by mechanical connections and
shall be used for design. Alternatively, the effects of the two ortho- fasteners in accordance with the following provisions:
gonal directions may be combined on a square root of the sum of 1. Connections and panel joints shall allow for a relative move-
the squares (SRSS) basis. When the SRSS method of combining ment between stories of not less than two times story drift caused

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