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Animal Farm & Harrison Bergeron

Answer the following questions in the space provided.

1. What is a Dystopia?
2. How does Boxer break his leg?
3. What does Boxer expect to happen to him now that his leg is broken?

4. What actually happens to Boxer?

5. Animal farm is listed by the author as a fable. What do you think the lesson of the story was?

6. Based on your notes, does Animal Farm count as a classic Dystopia? Explain your reasoning.

7. By the end of the book, all the commandments are gone except one. What is the remaining
8. How do the pigs justify wearing clothes and walking on two legs?

9. How do the sheep show their support for the pigs walking on 2 legs?

10. What happens to the pigs at the end of Animal farm?

11. What happens to the animals on the farm by the end of the book?

12. Whether or not Animal Farm is considered a classic, are the animals living in a dystopic society?
Explain your reasoning.

13. What was the good idea that formed the society in Harrison Bergeron?

14. How is the original idea corrupted?

15. Where does this story take place?

16. Does Harrison Bergeron count as a classic dystopia? Explain your reasoning.

17. Who are the main characters in Harrison Bergeron?

18. What are the acts of Small Rebellion in Harrison Bergeron?

19. What is the Large Rebellion in Harrison Bergeron?

20. What are the 7 elements of a Dystopia?


Essay Questions
Answer 3 of the following essay prompts in short essay form (2-3 paragraphs)

1. How do you define equality? Are the citizens of the United States in 2081 truly "equal"? How
about citizens today?
2. What handicaps does society impose on people today? Are all talented people encouraged to
develop their talents? If so, how? If not, why not?
3. Why was Harrison able to break the basic laws of gravity after freeing himself from handicaps?
4. Based on what we know of this society, why is the picture of Harrison Bergeron that appears on
the television screen upside-down, then sideways, then upside-down again, before finally
appearing right-side up?

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