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Persuasive Essay Rubric

4 3 2 1
Amount of Topic was completely Topic was addressed. Most Topic was addressed. Topic was not addressed.
Information addressed. Statements statements were Some statements were Statements were not supported
were clearly supported by supported by facts and supported by facts and by facts or examples.
many facts and detailed examples. examples.
Creativity Project demonstrated Used student-created Information was factual Project was built from a
student's own materials as well as but showed little student template, designed only as
interpretation and existing material from interpretation. Project prescribed, or was based entirely
expression of research other sources. Student based primarily on sample on sample work.
material. Used graphs, devised a creative way to work. Student added one
charts, or other visual aids design or deliver the or more original ideas.
to display information in project.
multiple ways.
Essential All information was Subject knowledge was Information was relevant, Information was confusing or
Question accurate and was delivered evident. but details and examples irrelevant. Had few supporting
effectively. Subject Information included did not address the details or examples. Did not
knowledge was thorough. details and strong essential question. Subject answer the essential question.
Extensive details and examples that provided a knowledge was evident, Subject knowledge was not
relevant examples were clear answer to the but was not used to sufficient to make successful
used to answer the essential question. support argument. argument.
essential question.
Quality of All information was clear Used relevant information. Information related to the Information did not include
Information and came from reputable Included many details and topic, but project needed details or examples that related
sources. Extensive details strong examples that came more details and examples to the topic. Information did not
and relevant examples were from reputable sources. to fully support ideas. come from a reliable source.
used to support the
Sequence Information was sequenced Information was Information did not always Information was not clear and did
in a logical manner. sequenced in a logical flow logically between not flow in a logical order.
Information was organized manner. Ideas flowed paragraphs or pages.
so that the viewer was between paragraphs and
ready to accept, or expect, pages.
the next idea.
Writing No spelling, grammar, Fewer than 5 spelling and More than 5 spelling and More than 10 spelling and
Conventions capitalization or grammar errors. Fewer grammar errors. More grammar errors. More than 10
punctuation errors. than 5 capitalization and than 5 capitalization and capitalization and punctuation
Sentences are all well- punctuation errors. One punctuation errors. Less errors. Many sentences show
formed. or two flawed sentences. than 5 sentences show flawed structure.
flawed structure.
Documentation Bibliography or credits were Bibliography or credits Bibliography or credits Did not include
complete were were bibliography or credits.
and flawlessly formatted. complete. All information incomplete. Less than half One or two sources
All sources and of the were cited.
were cited and media media sources were cited. sources were cited.
included captions
showing source.
Score Your Own Draft
Maximum Possible
Points Earned Multiplier Total Points
Amount of
x3.5 14
Creativity x3.5 14
Essential Question x3.5 14
Quality of
x3.5 14
Sequence x3.5 14
x3.5 14
Documentation x3.5 14

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