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1) When de verb is the subject
- Listening hip hop music can change your perception about african-american culture
- Making train models is my hobby
- Eating so much fat will be bad for your health
2) After a preposition
(aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, anti, around, as, at, before, behind,
below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, concerning, considering, despite, down,
during, except, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in, inside, into, like, minus, near, of, off,
on, onto, opposite, outside, over, past, per, plus, regarding, round, save, since, than, through, to,
toward, towards, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, versus, via, with, within, without)
- In this course you can learn everything about cooking.
- I always need a nap after having lunch
- I´ m celiac, so, despite loving pizza, I shouldn´t have it anymore
- We love Ricky Martin, we are going to stay at the hotel´s door until seeing him
3) Vebs follows by ing
ADMIT: Oderbrecht had admitted paying bribes to Brazilian administration.
AVOID: If you want a good night of sleep, you should avoid drinking too much coffee.
CAN´T HELP: I know that I can´t help being here, but I want to do so.
CAN´T STAND: I hate the way she talks, I can´t even stand listening her voice.
CARRY ON: You got great marks at school so you should carry on studying at university.
DENY: Despite the text messages evidence, Diego Latorre has denied cheating her wife.
ENJOY: I would really enjoy going out, but I feel terrible, I think I´ ve got the flu.
FANCY: I had been in Spain and France two years ago, nowadays I fancy traveling
around Germany.
FINISH: Do you finish eating your dinner?
GIVE UP: I´ve tried so many times but I always burn the meals so I´ve given up cooking.
KEEP ON: I´ve been working in this company for three years but the money isn´t good and
last week I had a better job offer so I don´t know if I keep on being here next month.
IMAGINE: Mark really pay for the whole dinner? He is very cheap, I can´t imagine him
doing so.
INVOLVE: If he wants driving a car he must lose his fears because it involves getting
MIND: I´ don’t mind washing dishes, but you must clean the room.
MISS: We miss walking around the old town.
PROMISE: During the campaign, the candidates promise working for the people but not
always do so when they are in office.

1) Express a purpose
- I´m watching the movie to write an essay
- I followed a strict diet to fit in my weeding dress

2) Adjetive + to + infinitive
- It is very difficult to speak this language
- It was awful to see that car accident

3) Vebs without “to”

Make me laught
Let it be

4) Vebs follow by infinitive

AGREE: I agree to go out with Mary´s brother, he is new in the town.
APPEAR: He appear to be a great guy, but I don´t like him very much.
BE ABLE TO: I study a lot so I hope to be able to pass the exam.
CAN´T AFFORD: My computer has broken but I can´t affor to buy a new one right now.
CANT WAIT: I´m very exited about the music concert, I can´t wait to listen “The
Strokes” next Saturday.
DECIDE: I´had been vegetarian for several years, but last year I decided to become vegan.
EXPECT: If you don´t quit smoking, you can´t excpect to be healthy several years.
HAPPEN: They seem nice people, but they happen to be harmful persons.
HAVE (GOT): I can´t go there this afternoon because I have to search a book in the
HELP: If I got any time this weekend, I´ ll help you to clean the new house.
LEARN: Several times I tried to learn how to drive, but I couldn´t.
MANAGE: Despite he was an elderly man, he managed to run the marathon.
OFFER: I´ offered to stay at my place, but he prefer to stay in a hotel.
PLAN: I had planned to spend a couple of days in the Bahamas this holidays, but my
housband´s dother got sick, so we must stay in the city.
PRETEND: He pretended to be someone else to get into the club.
PROMISE: If I hadn´t promised her to go to the party I´ would stay at home because I´m
very tired.
REFUSE: The teachers refused to go back to work if they don’t get a decent wage.
SEEM: Barbara and Nahuel seemed to love each other, but suddenly they broked up.
TEACH: Nil teachs to write and to speak English Language
TEND: Martin tend to be an asshole with the new partners, try to get away from him.
THREATEN: This morning it threatened to rain, but now the sun came out.
WANT: I really wanted to watch that movie, but the tickets were sold out.
WOULD LIKE: So, Would you like to watch another movie? Or you prefer to have
something to eat?

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