Commlab India 8 Efficient Ways To Improve Learner Engagement in Elearning Using Articulate Storyline

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Enhanced Learner

Engagement Using
Articulate Storyline:
Increase Course Completion Rates
and Accelerate Employee Performance 1
Table of Contents
Page No:

Introduction 3

Unit 1 Missing Learner Engagement? 5

Try Articulate Storyline

Unit 2 Build Custom GUI with Articulate Storyline 12

Unit 3 Simplifying the Creation of Flash-like 16

Animations – The Storyline Way

Unit 4 Intuitive Interactivities that Enhance Learning 19

Unit 5 Improve Decision-making Skills with Branching 26


Unit 6 Add the Fun Element to Your Learning with 30

Gamified Storyline Courses

Unit 7 Cohorts of Success: Experience Interactive 35

Simulations with Storyline

Unit 8 Unleash the Power of Interactive Videos 39

Unit 9 Make eLearning Translations Super Easy 46

Conclusion 50 2
Rewind to two, three decades ago… What comes to your mind when you
think of ‘learning’?

A bustling classroom, with a dedicated teacher, full of friends, lots of

collaboration, filled with small experiments in the lab, exciting activities,
games, extracurricular activities…

Oh, nostalgia is bliss! Recollecting those memories brings a sense of

fulfilled experience.
You were FULLY ENGAGED in the learning environment and surrounded
by people to FOCUS your sight on learning,
despite distractions.

>> Fast-forward to the present times…

Has everything changed? NO! You still have

classrooms, instructors, and co-learners.
Though now in some cases, it’s virtual.
Technology has quickly entered the domain of
learning. It has brought its own good and bad
with it. Technology has broadened the reach of
learning and brought too many distractions.

For a moment, let’s stop being cynical, and look

at the bright side.
Is it possible to ENGAGE ourselves COMPLETELY
in learning, as it was in the good ol’ days? 3

Yes, we can! Turn the very cause of distraction to FOCUS on learning

once again.

Many changes took place in the ONLINE LEARNING space over the past
years, to boost LEARNER ENGAGEMENT. Instructional Designers are
leveraging technology to involve learners actively in the online learning

One remarkable development helping them is the era of Rapid Authoring

Tools. Interactions in online courses have improved thanks to authoring
tools and development has become faster. Learning design strategies
and interactivities contribute much toward learner engagement.

While many authoring tools enrich engagement in online courses, in this

eBook, we will confine ourselves to leveraging Articulate Storyline for
better learner engagement. 4
Unit 1

Missing Learner
Try Articulate Storyline 5
Missing Learner Engagement? Try Articulate Storyline

Disengagement in workplace learning proves costly to organizations.

When learners are disengaged, organizations suffer a direct impact in
the form of high dropout rates, low productivity, absenteeism, attrition,
safety incidents, data privacy issues, and more.

Statistics by Corporate University Exchange, based on a study of 4148

online learners, show dropout rates at about 70% compared with an
average of 15% for classroom training.

Lack of direct interaction, flexibility in course structure, different

learning styles, declining attention spans, and several factors lead to
disengagement in online learning. So how do you increase learner
engagement in online courses using Articulate Storyline? 6
Missing Learner Engagement? Try Articulate Storyline

Provide Interaction
No direct interaction with the instructor and fellow learners is the obvious
and most common reason for disengagement in online courses.

How Articulate Can Help:

You can develop a number of interactivities using Articulate Storyline
and generate the much needed interaction and involvement in online
courses. Storyline supports interactivities to both teach and to assess.
You have at least ten interactions to teach and nine interactions to assess
in Articulate Storyline. Not just that, you customize them according to
your training need.

Interactivities to Teach: Click-on-images, click-on-numbers,

hotspots, rollover, click-on-tabs, timeline, slideshow, FAQs, flip
book, flip cards, and more.

Interactivities to Assess: Single select, multiple select, drag and

drop, matching, dropdown, quiz, word builder, puzzles, gaming,
and more.

Including group activities within the online course will promote

collaborative learning. For example, when your learners are taking online
courses in the same workspace, they can meet for collaborative activities
in groups. 7
Missing Learner Engagement? Try Articulate Storyline

Use a Relevant Instructional

Design Strategy
You can’t teach your blue and white-collared workers the same way.
Many instructional designers are unsure of how to present their learning
content in online courses; that’s where learner disengagement seeps
in. They don’t use the right instructional strategy as per the training
requirements and learner preferences.

How Articulate Can Help:

Articulate Storyline supports a wide variety of instructional design

Developing an online course with ‘guided learning’ fills the gap of an

instructor virtually and gives learners the feel of individualized instruction.

You can develop scenarios with characters and backgrounds in Articulate

Storyline. Scenario-based learning puts learners in specific situations
and compels them to take decisions and develop critical thinking skills.

You can develop the Learning through Exploration and Discovery

(LEAD) strategy in Articulate Storyline with relevant settings and clickable
elements that can be explored. This provides learners the flexibility to
explore and learn new things.

Developing game-based learning is easy with the available features in

Storyline. You can easily add gaming elements such as points, levels,
scores, and leaderboards. 8
Missing Learner Engagement? Try Articulate Storyline

Make your Course Structure Flexible

Adult learners dislike restrictions. They expect a flexible course structure
and the choice to select what they need to learn. A linear or restricted
navigation in online courses will turn them off.

How Articulate Can Help:

Avoid restrictions in navigation and allow learners to skip slides/sections
they are familiar with. Give them the choice to go to the assessments

It’s also possible to create different learning paths with branching

scenarios in Articulate Storyline, based on learners’ chosen options
and their interests. This makes your learners’ way clear to self-directed
learning. 9
Missing Learner Engagement? Try Articulate Storyline

Develop Microlearning Modules

Is it not a crime to rob your learners’ time for hours together in the name
of online learning? When the new age learner’s attention span is fast
declining and is shorter than a Goldfish’s, learner engagement for hours
is an over expectation.

How Articulate Can Help:

You can overcome this issue by developing microlearning modules in
Articulate Storyline. This helps your learners access bite-sized learning
when needed.

Articulate lets you incorporate microlearning assets such as videos,

mini games, infographics, interactive PDFs, how-to demos, quizzes, and
more. Built-in templates and assets in Articulate also make developing
microlearning easier.

Microlearning has to be compatible with multiple devices. You can get

responsive and HTML5 output in Articulate 360. 10
Missing Learner Engagement? Try Articulate Storyline

Cater to Different Learning Styles

Each learner has a unique learning style – Visual, Audio, Kinesthetic. Some
read well, some prefer watching videos, while others prefer listening and
some prefer learning by doing. If there is no proper combination of these
formats in your online courses, you can’t cater to various types of learners.

How Articulate Can Help:

You can create online courses with a proper blend of text, audio, and
visual formats using Articulate Storyline. Videos will appeal to visual
learners, podcasts to auditory learners, and interactivities, games and
other activities will appeal to kinesthetic learners.

Motivate with Game-based Courses

Modern learners won’t put their efforts where it’s not worth their while.
They also expect an element of fun and competition in learning. So
learner engagement goes down if there is no proper motivation.

How Articulate Can Help:

You can leverage Storyline to develop online courses that offer learners
opportunities to compete and give a sense of achievement using game

You can develop gamified courses – introduce points, leaderboards,

levels, and more for fun.

This way, you can build friendly competition among learners, so that
engagement levels go up. You can also tie these points to performance
appraisals to make them long-term. 11
Unit 2

Build Custom GUI with

Articulate Storyline 12
Build Custom GUI with Articulate Storyline

As Learning experts say, the user interface of an online course is the

gateway through which learning content is accessed. The quest for a
learner-centric design has led to the customization of the Graphical User
Interface (GUI) in online learning.

While most eLearning authoring tools have default templates for the GUI,
one size doesn’t fit all. 13
Build Custom GUI with Articulate Storyline

Challenges with a Default GUI

• Confuse learners with an overcrowded environment
• Complicate tasks by complex combination of shortcuts and technical
jargon which is difficult to understand
• Are generic and don’t reflect organization-specific branding
• May not be responsive and will look inconsistent across multiple

Benefits of Customizing the GUI

• Intuitive, easy to use and navigate
• Increase motivation by providing a visual connect with the topic; this
also helps reinforce learning
• Can reflect organization-branding with company logo, color theme and
fonts, and tweak functionality as per learning needs
• Simple and clean look – avoid unnecessary things and help learners
focus on the course 14
Build Custom GUI with Articulate Storyline

How to Customize the GUI in

Articulate Storyline
Articulate Storyline offers default GUIs and also lets us customize them
using Player properties. Creating custom user interface buttons, hiding
the UI area, and a lot more can be done.

You can customize your course GUI as per your organization’s brand colors
and logos using Articulate Storyline. The added advantage is, you can
customize without any programming knowledge. You can also change
the dimensions of the GUI and customize the buttons as per company

You can add a custom menu in the GUI, using triggers. You can add notes
to display the audio script in your online course, in all or selected slides.

You can also customize the Resource option with the help of trigger
wizards. This will help you provide links to external sources, if needed.
Adding the Help feature to the GUI helps provide an overview of the
navigation details.

You can also add page numbers and custom Play/Pause & Replay buttons
to the GUI. 15
Unit 3

Simplifying the Creation

of Flash-like Animations
– The Storyline Way 16
Simplifying the Creation of Flash-like Animations – The Storyline Way

For years, Flash was used to create incredible animations for eLearning.
But, it has its own limitations.

Limitations of Flash
• Flash-based eLearning is not mobile-compatible
• Course development in Flash is time-consuming and requires
extensive programming
• Assets and animations have to be developed from scratch, this
requires time, efforts, and valuable resources 17
Simplifying the Creation of Flash-like Animations – The Storyline Way

Flash-like Animations in Storyline

With Articulate Storyline, you don’t need programming knowledge
to create Flash-like animations. They can be developed using inbuilt
templates, triggers, slide layers, object states, and variables. You
can also gamify assessments using these features for better learner

Articulate Storyline also offers a wide range of built-in templates, including

slide layouts. However, you can customize these templates according to
your learning requirements.

Animation Effects Possible with Storyline

Many animation effects are possible with the latest version, Articulate
• Ease of using motion paths
• Orient objects to motion paths
• Use various types of entrance, exit, and transition animations
• Change object states, based on learner actions
• Use variables to trigger logic-based actions 18
Unit 4

Intuitive Interactivities
that Enhance Learning 19
Intuitive Interactivities that Enhance Learning

You have a number of distractions in the self-paced environment, and if

courses are not engaging, learners will be left with a passive ‘click Next’

According to a report by Columbia University, learners learn best when

learning is active, when they are mentally involved in hands-on activities,
a process of inquiry, discovery, investigation, and interpretation.

Interactivities in online training are opportunities for learners to interact

with the course in terms of actions (such as clicking an image) and/or
thinking (such as solving a puzzle). Interactivities ensure your learners
stay engaged throughout the course. 20
Intuitive Interactivities that Enhance Learning

How Articulate Storyline

Supports Various Interactivities
As seen earlier, online learning has two types of interactivities:

i. Teaching interactivities
ii. Assessing interactivities
Articulate Storyline helps you to develop both types. Let’s explore a few
teaching interactivities in this section. 21
Intuitive Interactivities that Enhance Learning

1 Click and Learn

Learners access relevant information on clicking a particular element.

i. Click-on-Images – Explain differences between concepts

ii. Click-on-Tabs – Display related information
iii. Click-on-Numbers – Explain the steps in a procedure or elements in a
iv. Hotspots – Used to label parts or display short text

2 Simulations
Simulations offer a replica of real-life applications and situations to
help learners take decisions and experience consequences, in a safe
environment. Simulations usually have 3 modes – Watch, Try, Do.

Watch – The Watch activity provides a demonstration of a process/

application – the learner can view what is to be done. 22
Intuitive Interactivities that Enhance Learning

Try – In the Try activity, learners can try executing the steps, with hints
and prompts.
Do – In the Do activity, learners need to complete the task on their own.

3 Flashcards
Flashcards help learners recall information, key concepts, terminology,
definitions, and more. Click each card will reveal the pertinent information. 23
Intuitive Interactivities that Enhance Learning

4 Flip Book
A flip book presents a series of related content, in sequence. It can be
made interactive, with clickable elements.

5 Interactive Timeline
Timeline interactivity is used to group and display information based
on time. On clicking each element, activities/events of that period will
be revealed. You can develop various custom timeline interactions in
Articulate Storyline.

6 FAQs
Learners get answers to questions by clicking them (usually represented in tabs). 24
Intuitive Interactivities that Enhance Learning

7 Gamification
Gamification is the use of game elements such as points, scores, and
leaderboards to engage learners while teaching a concept. It provides
instant feedback to learners on their learning and the extent to which
they have achieved the learning objectives. Assessments can also be
customized using gamified templates.

8 Dial Interaction
You can use interactive dials in the latest versions (Articulate 360 &
Storyline 3) to manipulate data, explore cause-and-effect relationships,
and control other objects.

(Courtesy: Storyline)

This list of interactivities possible with Articulate Storyline doesn’t end

here. You can create many more such as bulletin board, checklist, circle
diagram, conversation, folders, glossary, guided image, image zoom,
media tour, media panel, labeled panel, labeled graphic, etc. 25
Unit 5

Improve Decision-
making Skills with
Branching Scenarios

Improve Decision-making Skills with Branching Scenarios

Want to train your sales reps on handling customer queries? Improve

the decision-making skills of employees promoted to managerial roles?
In both cases, learners need to be educated on the consequences of
their actions and the new challenges they pose. Incorporating branching
scenarios helps learners take decisions and cope with the consequences. 27
Improve Decision-making Skills with Branching Scenarios

What is a branched learning scenario?

A branched learning scenario is an interactive learning element that
presents learners a problem, which can be tackled in multiple ways, and
challenges them to choose one of the possible ways to resolve. Their
choice determines the further course of action, where learners have to
take decisions, yet again.

Let’s explore how Storyline eases the

development of branching scenarios.
A large library of in-built scenario templates
Articulate Storyline has several built-in templates that make the
development of branched learning scenarios easy. These templates
eliminate the need to develop a scenario from the scratch. You can also
customize templates based on your needs.

Thousands of illustrated characters and Stock photos

One of the key challenges in developing a good, “real” learning scenario is
the unavailability of appropriate images. This problem can be overcome
using Articulate Storyline. The latest version of the rapid authoring tool,
Articulate Storyline 360, comes with hundreds of thousands of illustrated
characters and stock photos. Illustrated characters come in different
poses, conveying a wide variety of emotions such as happiness, anger,
disappointment, and so on. 28
Improve Decision-making Skills with Branching Scenarios

Easy to use triggers

Triggers play a key role in developing a branched learning scenario by
enabling developers display specific content, based on the response
provided by the learner. It is simple to use triggers in Articulate Storyline,
thanks to the highly user-friendly interface of the e-learning development

Sample branched learning scenario

This branching scenario helps a manager assess his leadership style.

Check the interesting web-based module here. 29
Unit 6

Add the Fun Element to

Your Learning with Gamified
Storyline Courses

Add the Fun Element to Your Learning with Gamified Storyline Courses

Gamification is the application of gaming techniques and elements to

non-gaming environments. You can use game mechanics such as scores,
points, rewards, levels, and leaderboards to encourage your learners to
explore and learn as they progress toward the defined learning objectives.

How you do you apply gamification elements to your online courses

using Articulate Storyline? 31
Add the Fun Element to Your Learning with Gamified Storyline Courses

Select a Gamified Theme

When you want to create a gamified course in Articulate Storyline, select
a game theme that suits your training requirements. Align the game to
your course content.

For example, turn a ‘treasure hunt’ game in to ‘hazard hunt’ for a gamified
safety training. Show an unorganized work site and ask your employees
to identify the possible hazards and threats.

Set Levels and Leaderboards

Why divide your online course into chapters or modules? Break them into
levels. Unlock the next level if they complete the previous one successfully.
You can also give badges based on the levels they have completed.

Encourage competition with leaderboards by displaying the names,

ranks, and scores of your learners. You can create a leaderboard that
automatically updates results using Google Docs in Articulate Storyline.

Source: Articulate 32
Add the Fun Element to Your Learning with Gamified Storyline Courses

Gamify Assessments
Presenting assessments in the form of games is easy with Articulate
Storyline. You can incorporate game elements such as decision-making
and dynamic feedback. You can access a number of gamified sample
quizzes and templates developed using Articulate Quizmaker.

Sample gamified quizzes developed by CommLab India:

Trivia Time, Bouquets &Brickbats, Fabulous Four.

Offer Timely Feedback

Incorporating feedback is a key ingredient in gamifying online courses.
This lets learners know their action has been recognized and valued.
Feedback also provides a clue about how they are doing.

You can give feedback not only through text but by “unlocking” new
features or giving access to higher levels.

Give Control to the Players

Learners love to be in control of their gamified learning activity. This
is the stepping stone for success. You can incorporate this element by
letting learners choose an avatar/character within the course. Opening
the navigation is another way to include this element in your course. You
can give your learners several options from the main menu instead of
pushing them on a linear path. 33
Add the Fun Element to Your Learning with Gamified Storyline Courses

Facilitate Explore and Learn

Games in online courses have to create favorable conditions for discovery
and exploration. Learners will love activities such as ‘treasure hunt’ to be
included in your courses. Include a hidden nugget of information or clue
in the course and link it to points. You can make this provision easily with
the help of gaming templates and triggers.

It is better to keep crucial information always visible, and hide extra, add-
on information for fun. Providing clear instructions to learners on what to
do at each stage will simplify the learning process.

Put a Time Cap to Create Urgency

Use the time constraint element to create a sense of urgency, this will
build some pressure on learners to think and respond quickly. You can
use the countdown timer in your final quiz/assessments. You can easily
create time limit scenarios with Articulate Storyline.

Avoid Negative Scoring

No one likes to lose. The same applies to learning too. Your learners prefer
avoiding losses and want gains. Instead of negative scores, using progress
indicators will show learners whether they are progressing satisfactorily
through the online course. 34
Unit 7
Cohorts of Success:
Experience Interactive
Simulations with Storyline

Cohorts of Success: Experience Interactive Simulations with Storyline

Has your company moved to a new ERP system? Do you want to train
your employees on the software? Let’s take an example of a company
implementing Salesforce and wants to train sales teams on the use of the
CRM tool effectively.

In such cases, training managers need to equip their learners with the
requisite knowledge and skills to use software applications in an effective
manner. Watch-Try-Do simulations of software applications would
be a good option to deliver training quickly and effectively in the given
scenarios. 36
Cohorts of Success: Experience Interactive Simulations with Storyline

What is a Watch-Try-Do Simulation?

Watch-Try-Do simulations are one of the most effective tools to impart
good training on software products. Watch, Try and Do approach is an
instructional strategy that facilitates holistic learning. In this approach,
the learner is first shown the steps of the procedure he needs to perform
on the application.

For example, a clerk responsible for generating purchase orders (POs) in

SAP is assigned a video that explains the steps involved in creating POs
using the ERP software. This is known as the WATCH phase.

Then comes the TRY phase, where the learner needs to execute the steps
he has just watched. He is guided with pop-ups containing hints at every
stage, providing information about each step in the procedure.

Staying on with the example of creating POs, the learner is provided

information at each step – starting from the keying in the appropriate
transaction code to confirming the data entered.

Finally, in DO phase, the learner is all by himself and needs to apply the
knowledge he has acquired, remember the steps, and execute them on
his own. In our example, the learner needs to create a PO without any
assistance. 37
Cohorts of Success: Experience Interactive Simulations with Storyline

What does Storyline help develop

good Watch-Try-Do simulations?
Perfect screen recordings can be produced
You can use Storyline to insert screencasts of your software application in
demonstrations, tutorials, and videos. The latest version of tool, Storyline
360, allows you to include captions, characters, and zoom-and-pan
effects in recordings of the application. The tool is fully integrated with
another Articulate application, Peek, which can be used to produce high
quality screencasts for Macs and PCs.

Easy to edit screen recordings

You can use Storyline 360 to segment onscreen activity into multiple,
simulation-based online software tutorials, in a hassle-free manner.
The Articulate 360 tool allows you to edit tutorials without re-recording
onscreen activity. You can even change the first and last frames of the
screencast, without modifying the original.

Sample: Logging in and navigating through the home

page of Workday 38
Unit 8

Unleash the Power

of Interactive Videos

Unleash the Power of Interactive Videos

Video-based learning (VBL) is a great approach to engage learners in online

courses. Adding interactive elements such as annotations, hyperlinks to
other videos or external sites, polls, quiz questions and more to videos
will make your learners active and involve them in the learning process.
Integrating these elements and developing interactive videos is made
easy with Articulate Storyline. 40
Unleash the Power of Interactive Videos

What is an Interactive Video?

Interactive videos (IV) support user interaction. These videos play like
usual video files, but include clickable areas, or "hotspots," that perform
the defined action when clicked.

Importance of IVs in eLearning

• Increase learner engagement and retention
• Stimulate higher attention rates
• Provide instant feedback
• Make videos learner-centric
• Create various learning paths as per learner inputs

Developing Interactive
Videos with Storyline

Source: Interactive Video 41
Unleash the Power of Interactive Videos

In the interactive video created in Articulate Storyline, ‘information icons’

appear on the video. Learners can click them and as they do, the video is
paused and information is presented. Learners can read the information
and when they are done, the video plays again. Other icons appear on
the screen at the set time and duration.
Let’s see how to do this:
1. First, you need to import the video to be made interactive, to Articulate

2. You need to insert the information icons on the video, where you want
your learners to click. Select the Play head and note where the icons are
to appear on the timeline.

For example, you want one information icon at three seconds; insert a
cue point there on the video timeline. Here in the example, three cue
points are inserted. 42
Unleash the Power of Interactive Videos

3. To insert an information icon between the cue points, right-click the

item in the timeline and deselect the option ‘Show Until End’. This setting
will allow the first information icon to disappear before the second
information icon appears onscreen.

4. Create triggers to display information when learners click the icons. 43
Unleash the Power of Interactive Videos

5. To show contextual information, insert a background from Shapes and

do the necessary formatting.

6. To hide the information icon when the information box appears on the
screen, deselect the information icon/oval in that layers’ timeline. 44
Unleash the Power of Interactive Videos

7. When the learner clicks the information icon, to pause the video, select
‘Pause timeline of base layer’ option in the slide Properties window.

8. Replicate these steps for other icons and layers.

9. If you click anywhere on video, play/pause reaction is natural. To avoid

this natural interaction on any part of the video, except the inserted icons,
add a rectangle that covers the whole video using a hotspot. Ensure it
appears underneath the icons, on the video. Thus, it works as a protective
layer. 45
Unit 9

Make eLearning
Translations Super Easy

Make eLearning Translations Super Easy

Before the introduction of authoring tools, translating online courses to

other languages was a time-consuming process. Preparing a standard
template, importing content from the course manually to the template,
sending the document to the translator, and inserting the translated
content in the course was a long-drawn process.

But with the advent of rapid authoring tools such as Articulate Storyline,
this process has become shorter and easier. You can download the course
content in a ‘Comma-Separated Value’ (CSV) file, which is easy to translate
and export the translated content in the course in no time. 47
Make eLearning Translations Super Easy

Let us see how to translate

courses using Articulate Storyline.
1. Click the Articulate icon in the project window and select Translations.

2. When you select Translations, you will have Export and Import options.

Export option helps download course content in a systematic template

for translation. This is a sample translation template.

Translators need to translate the words, phrases, or sentences given in the

right column. 48
Make eLearning Translations Super Easy

3. Using the Import option you can dump translated content in the
online course accurately without manual work.

Support to Languages with

Right-to-Left Orientation
Articulate Storyline also supports languages such as Hebrew, Arabic,
and Urdu that have right-to-left orientation. In Storyline, you can enable
right-to-left language orientation with a small change in storyline player
In its latest version Articulate 360, there are new and enhanced features
that help eLearning translations. There are new language variants in
Player text labels, improved HTML5 language identifiers for screen
readers, interface in Chinese, French, German, and Spanish. 49
Engage your learners to the maximum in online courses with the help of
Articulate Storyline. Higher learner engagement avoids higher dropout
rates, lower efficiencies, absenteeism, attrition, safety incidents, data
privacy issues, and more in your organizations.

Make your online courses highly effective, engaging, and involving

using the top-notch features of Articulate Storyline: custom GUI &
templates, Flash-like animations, intuitive interactivities, branching
scenarios, gamification elements, and interactive videos. 50
videos?wvideo=ccar8n8js8 51
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