Match Two of The Underlined Words From The: Text To The Definitions Below

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)2017-2016( ‫فحص مادة االنكليزي لطالب البكالوريا‬

2102/4/22 ‫شاملة‬
011:‫الدرجة‬ ‫ساعة ونصف‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫األول‬:‫النموذج‬
I-Read the following text then do the tasks II – Read the following text then do the
below: tasks below:
Hainault gained the nickname “the badger” on Antibiotics are incredibly useful and they have
account of his reputation for being extremely transformed modern medicine . However ,
competitive and dedicating himself fully to each there is a danger that we use them too much .
race. A famous rivalry existed between Hainault The more we use antibiotics , the more the
and another elite cyclist, Greg Lamond. During bacteria they fight get used to them and build
the 1986 Tour du France, the two men fought resistance. There are many reasons why this
continuously to win the championship, with might happen . Often patients stop taking a
Lamond emerging as the eventual winner. course of antibiotics when they start to feel
Following his retirement in 1986, Hainault better but before all the bacteria have been
didn’t lose any of his dedication to the world of eliminated . This means that the bacteria that
cycling. To this day he is heavily involved in survive are the strongest and most resistant .
many high profile cycling events, and is often These resistant bacteria will multiply and
seen on the stage at awards ceremonies. Hainault spread and , in future , will not be eliminated
has written several books telling the story of his by the same antibiotics . There is a real danger
rise to success;they also include details of the that these new superbugs could cause diseases
difficulties he had encountered on the way: the that antibiotics are unable to fight . It is very
crashes, injuries and problems. As one of the important not to overuse antibiotics in order
best cyclists the world has ever seen, he was to prevent bacteria from becoming too
encouraged to write a book for aspiring resistant .
professional cyclists, giving them tips and Choose the correct answer a , b or c :
realistic advice about how to reach the top.
Answer the following questions: 8 – Antibiotics ………………in medicine .
1–Who was Hainault's rival in the Tour du a – have no value
France in 1986? b – have great value
2–What are the difficulties cyclists face during c – aren't important
races ? 9 – You mustn't ……………… the course of
3–What does the word in bold refer to ? antibiotics when you feel better .
Find words in the text which mean the a – give up
following : b – complete
4– showing commitment to a cause c – continue
Match two of the underlined words from the
5– hoping or aiming for a certain thing
text to the definitions below :
Rewrite the following sentences about the text
to correct the information : 10 – to remove completely .
6–Hainault is an aspiring professional cyclist. 11 – to breed and replicate rapidly .
7–Hainault is no longer interested in cycling. Complete the following sentences with
information from the text :
12 – Superbugs are the cause of some diseases
which antibiotics can't………….
13 – Bacteria get used to antibiotics
if we ………………………..…...………
III – Complete the following paragraph by VII – Complete the following sentences
filling in the gaps : using clauses :
The cheapest and quickest way(14)….buying 29– I’d like to be an archaeologist when…...
train or airline tickets is now to book 30–If you are good at arithmetic,……..…….
"online".(15)…….involves logging on to the VIII – Choose the correct words in
internet, finding the correct website, and brackets :
paying(16)……….credit card. 31– Der ez Zour is an area of great (natural –
IV-Fill in the spaces with words from the list nature) beauty.
: 32–Human beings are dependent (from – on)
whole, saved, certain, sadness, own plants.
Pasteur found away to kill the germs on the 33–My mother’s sister is my (aunt – niece).
silkworm eggs and the(17)……..….. IX – Correct the verbs in brackets :
country was thankful. But during his years 34–I am hot. I ………..(not–have) a cold
of work, three of his(18)…………children drink since breakfast.
died. Even in his(19)…..……, he believed 35–I wish our city ………….(collect)
rubbish more often .
that other children's lives could be(20)
36–Before 1953, people……..(try) to reach
…………...if he could stop germs from the summit of Everest for many years.
spreading. X – Translation :
V – Complete the following dialogue by 37–Translate the following sentence into
writing suitable questions or answers : Arabic :
21…………………………………….….? Researchers hope to examine combustion in
The first paper was made from cloth. an environment with less gravity than on
22…………………………………….….? Earth
It was first made two thousand years ago. 38–Translate the following sentence into
23………………………………………..? English :
Paper can be made from all materials. ‫كل شيء كان يسير على ما يرام حتى واجهىا مشكلة غير‬
24………………………………………..? .‫متىقعة‬
Wood pulp is the material most commonly used XI – Composition :
to make new paper. An essay including arguments for and against
VI – Rewrite the following sentences as keeping household pets.
required in brackets :
25–My brother cut his own hair.
( use causative verb)
26–How long have you been married?
(report with” I asked my grandparents”)
27–Many peoples occupied Damascus .
(use passive )
28–There are too many adverts on television.
( use I wish)

:‫م ّدرس المادة‬ * ‫*انتهت األسئلة‬

‫ حسن نعسان‬.‫أ‬
)2017-2016( ‫فحص مادة االنكليزي لطالب البكالوريا‬
2102/4/22 ‫شاملة‬
011:‫الدرجة‬ ‫ساعة ونصف‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫األول‬:‫النموذج‬
I Read the following text then do the tasks below: Read the following text and then do the tasks below:
Desertification, which is the process in which productive Chemically speaking, caffeine was first extracted from plants in
land changes into desert, is an increasingly serious problem in
its pure form in 1820 . But now, it can be made in the laboratory.
over a hundred countries of the world. One billion people, out of
a total world population of six billion, suffer from its effects. Caffeine is an odourless , slightly bitter solid. Caffeine dissolves
Desertification usually occurs in dry areas where there is no rain
in water and alcohol and has crystals that look like needles.
and where the climate is harsh. In these places, the top layer
of soil is destroyed so that the land can no longer be used fo When caffeine is removed from the source plant and reduced to
r growing crops or grazing animals.
its purest state, it forms a white powder . This powdered form of
This means that people who depend on the land for food have to
move to ‘greener’ areas in order to survive. A proportion of caffeine is very bitter, which is why many drinks containing
the population may survive by moving, but others may die
caffeine also contain lots of sugar or other sweeteners .
because of shortages of food and water.
Although natural changes in the climate often start Caffeine is used as a stimulant of the heart and nervous system
the process, the activities of human beings are often the
in certain disorders and is found in a number of non- prescription
real cause of desertification.
Because there are growing numbers of people to feed pain-killing preparations. Caffeine may not be addictive in the
, farmers tend to overcultivate their land, with the result that
classic sense, but the body does build up a tolerance over time
the soil becomes poor and unproductive.
Other farmers overgraze their land and this permanently . Some people find it difficult to function without at least one cup
kills off grass and other plants. In addition to the effects of farming,
of strong coffee or tea in the morning . The stimulating effects of
deforestation – the cutting down of trees – also erodes the soil.
caffeine are caused by a central nervous reaction . The heart
Answer the following questions: (18 marks)
rate increases, blood vessels expand and the brain receives
1-How do people whose land suffers from desertification survive?
………………………………………………………………………… more oxygen . This effect can last up to an hour .
2-How many people are affected by the problem of desertification? Choose the correct answer (a, b or c) (12 marks)
………………………………………………………………………… 9-Many caffeinated drinks contain sugar because caffeine…….
3-What are the causes of desertification? a-tastes bitter b-is a stimulant c-has side effects
10- Some people find it difficult to function in the morning if
Find words in the text which mean the following: (12 marks)
‫في االمتحان هناك فقط مرادفتان‬ they…………..….
4-to stay alive a- have only one cup of coffee b-don't have coffee
5-to destroy slowly
c-have more than one cup of coffee
6-severe or cruel
Rewrite the sentences about the text to correct the information: Match three of the underlined words from the text to the
definitions below(12 marks)
(10 marks)
11-a drug that makes you feel more active
7- Desertification is a minor problem in over two hundred countries of 12-having a sharp, unpleasant taste; not sweet
the world. Complete the following sentences with information from the
8-The soil becomes poor because farmers undercultivate their land text (12 marks)
13- Caffeine may not be addictive in the classic sense, but
14- When caffeine is removed from the source plant and reduced
to its purest state, it ………………….…….…..
Complete the sentences by filling in the gaps (18 marks) Complete the following sentences using clauses (14 marks)
33-We haven't seen each other since………………….…
Weather is what happens to the air 15………… the atmosphere 34-She fell down and broke her arm while……………..
outside. It may 16………… cold or hot , wet or dry. The
atmosphere changes depending 17………. whether it’s rainy or Choose the correct word in brackets (18 marks)
sunny. Thunder and lightning 18………..also part of weather. 35-I have never been keen (in, on) museums.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36-In my city, the council is (coming up against, running out of)
Fill in spaces with words from the list. Use each word once space for new houses.
only (24 marks) 37-The jury said he was (innocent, innocence).
38-He enjoyed every (one, single) day of his life.
trouble, losing, people, germs, health, keep 39-We usually (do, make) the shopping at the weekend.
40- Can you hear that (splash, dripping) noise? Someone must
He worked very hard to 19…………….life going on, both in have left a tap on in the bathroom.
animals and 20………………. .When the silkworms began dying 41-My weekly (earn, earnings) are twice as much as they were
and France's silk-makers were 21………….money, they turned to last year.
Pasteur for help. He found the 22………….. . Certain living germs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
attacked the silkworm eggs.
Correct the verbs in brackets. (18 marks)
42-Ali (study) law and history so far this year.
Complete the following dialogue by writing suitable questions
43-By 1854, a quarter of the population of Ireland (emigrate)
or answers. Write at least three words for each question (32
44-The detectives (interview) people all week.
45-It (be) cloudy all morning, but in the afternoon the sun came
B: Hillary climbed Mount Everest in 1953.
46- I wish you (not eat) so quickly.
B: He raised a flag when he got to the top.
47-Many nests are (make) from grass, twigs or feathers.
48-My uncle finally passed his driving test. He (take) the test
B: He returned to the Himalayas to help the local people. three times already.
26-A: Would you like to be a mountaineer? Why or why not? 49-Nowadays, the sand gazelle (live) in North Africa.
B:……………………………………………………….. 50-He said he (sleep) for ten hours the previous night .
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51-I received a letter from Hiba yesterday. She (promise) to
Rewrite the following sentences as required in brackets: (32 write since last year.
marks): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27-When he accused me of being wasteful, I got very angry. Translation(18 marks):
(use a colour idiom) -Translate the following sentence into Arabic (10 marks)
28-When did you first meet? 52-The stimulating effects of caffeine are caused by a central
(report using She asked them) nervous reaction
29-People drive too fast in the city centre. Translate the following sentence into English (8 marks)
(use I wish) .‫ يجب علينا حماية الحيوانات النادرة كي ال تنقرض‬-53
30-We didn't build our house ourselves. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(use causative verbs) Write a composition of no more 80 words on the following
31-I'm sure bats aren't birds. They don't have feathers. topic.(50 marks)
(express possibility using a modal verb)
32-If predators are threatening sand gazelles, they can run away. An e-mail to a friend about a significant event that has changed
(change into passive) your life in some way

:‫م ّدرس المادة‬ * ‫*انتهت األسئلة‬

‫ عصام عبسي‬.‫أ‬
)2017-2016( ‫فحص مادة االنكليزي لطالب البكالوريا‬
2102/4/22 ‫شاملة‬
011:‫الدرجة‬ ‫ساعة ونصف‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫األول‬:‫النموذج‬
Read the following text then do the tasks below: Read the following text then do the tasks below:
In the early 19th century, the most important People have probably been asking questions about the
world around them since they first developed the power of
economic activity in Ireland was agriculture. But the
speech many thousands of years ago, but it is only
farmers were poor and they used old-fashioned relatively recently that what we call ‘science’ has been
methods. Because they heard that they could earn widely practised. Indeed, the word ‘scientist’ was coined
four times as much abroad, some farmers less than two hundred years ago. Previously, individuals
whom we would call scientists were known in the English-
emigrated. But between 1820 and 1840, the
speaking world as natural philosophers. The origins of
economic situation in Ireland deteriorated and in science are uncertain. From 3500 BCE the people of
1845 the Potato Famine began. Disease destroyed Sumer, a civilisation from the area that is now Iraq, began
25% of the year’s potatoes—the main food for most to record accurate and thorough measurements of the
world around them. The ancient Egyptians developed the
of the population. During the next two years,
study of astronomy, mathematics, geometry and medicine.
350,000 people died of starvation and there was a Later, in ancient Greece, Aristotle took some steps towards
huge increase in emigration. By the end of 1854, a adopting the empirical method, which dictates that all
quarter of the population of Ireland had left for theories must be tested against observations in the natural
world. India was also an early cradle of scientific thought.
other parts of the world. For example, Aryabhata (476–550 CE) worked out an
Answer the following questions: accurate model of gravitation, based on the sun as centre
1. Why did some Irish farmers emigrate in the early of the solar system.
19th century? Choose the correct answer (a,b or c):
2. What did people in Ireland mainly eat? 8- What we call ‘science’ has been widely practiced ......
3. What does the word “they” in bold in the text a. for a long time b. for thousands of years c. relatively
above refer to? recently
Find words in the text that mean the following: 9- The origins of science are ..............................
a. well-known b. not known exactly c. Sumer and Egypt
4. to get worse
5. a serious shortage of food leading to great Find words in the text that mean the following:
10- correct in every detail …....…………….
Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct the
information: 11- the scientific study of the stars and
6. In the early 19th century, people in Ireland planets...................
mainly worked in industry. Complete the following sentences with information
7. Between 1820 and 1840, the economy of Ireland from the text:
12- The word ‘scientist’ was invented............................
13- In the past scientists were called .............................
Complete the following text by filling in the gaps: Complete the following sentences using clauses:

14- ............ my opinion, the main disadvantage is 31- Big supermarkets sell everyday goods quite
cheaply, whereas …………...…………. .
15- that people may spend much time on ............
32- James was very nervous when he arrived at the
16- computers that they see less of their friends…. airport because he ………………….
family. Children who spend too long playing computer Choose the correct words in brackets:
games may become unsociable and
33- Careless drivers can seriously ( threat – threaten
17- forget how to communicate normally ............ other ) the safety of pedestrians.
Fill in the spaces with words from the list. Use each 34- you have to (blow- bow) saxophones and
word only once: trumpets.

ears - words - wireless - pick - open – round 35- The police suspected a crime as there had been
four ( alike – similar ) fires in the previous month.
One day, when he was sitting by an 18.....................
window, it seemed that a thousand noises filled his 36- If you ( make – do ) a mistake, you have to do
19....................... ‘Where are they all coming from?’ he your homework again.
asked himself. ‘And where will they go? What happens Correct the verbs in brackets:
to all the 20...................... people say? Do they stay in
the air 21..................... the Earth, just waiting for 37- Students who ......... (cheat) will be severely
someone to 22......................them up?’ punished.
Complete the following dialogue by writing suitable
38- On February 29th 1960, an earthquake ........ ( hit
questions or answers:
) the Moroccan city of Agadir.
23- ……………………………………………… ?
39- The price of property ……………….(increase)
Ahmad went to the airport to meet his brother, Khaled. dramatically this year.

24-……………………………………………… 40- When I ……………….(talk) to my brother

yesterday, your name came up several times.
Plants need to protect themselves because animals Translation:
might damage or kill animals.
Translate the following sentences into Arabic:
25- ……………………………………………….?
41- Clean, sterile items that are free of germs are kept
My father retired last year. separate from contaminated items.
26- Did you redecorate the flat yourself?
Translate the following sentence into English:
No,…….. ………………………………………..
Rewrite the following sentences as required in brackets: 42- ‫سبب الزلزال دمارا فظيعا عبر البلد‬
27- Elephants have changed the natural environment
(Change to passive) Write a
composition of no more than 80 words on the following
28- Where have you been? (Report this question topic
beginning with I asked him.....)
Write an email to a friend about a significant event
29- He isn’t going to test his own eyesight. (Use
that changed your life.
Causative Verb)
30-Going to the theater is expensive (Write wish
:‫م ّدرس المادة‬ * ‫*انتهت األسئلة‬
‫ طارق السيد علي‬.‫أ‬
)2017-2016( ‫فحص مادة اللغة االنكليزية لطالب البكالوريا‬
2017/3/1 12 ‫ ل‬7 ‫من‬
300 :‫الدرجة‬ ‫ ساعة ونصف‬:‫المدة‬ ‫ األول‬:‫النموذج‬
I – Read the following text then do the tasks II – Read the following text then do the tasks
below: below :
Road tunnels through mountains or under rivers Chemically speaking, caffeine was first extracted
and seas, make car journeys shorter and faster, from plants in its pure form in 1820. But now, it
some of the long tunnels, like those through the can be made in the laboratory. Caffeine is an
Alps, were incredible engineering achievements
odourless, slightly bitter solid. Caffeine dissolves
when they were first built. For example, the 11-
in water and alcohol and its crystals look like
kilometer-long Mont Blanc Tunnel between
France and Italy, which was opened in 1965, needles. When caffeine is removed from the
massively reduced journey times between the two source plant and reduced to its purest state, it
countries. But in recent years, with the increase in forms a white powder. This powdered form of
freight traffic using tunnels, there have been some caffeine is very bitter, which is why many drinks
terrible accidents. So when planners were containing caffeine also contain lots of sugar or
designing the 24.5-kilometer Laerdal Tunnel in other sweeteners. Caffeine is used as a stimulant
Norway, safety was one of their main concerns. of the heart and nervous system in certain
People have known for some time that the main disorders and is found in a number of non-
factors which cause accidents in long tunnels are prescription pain-killing preparations. Caffeine
tiredness and claustrophobia- a fear of being in may not be addictive in the classic sense, but the
small spaces. Drivers can easily fall asleep in body does build up a tolerance over time. Some
tunnels because the view never changes - there is
people find it difficult to function without at least
nothing to keep them awake
one cup of strong coffee or tea in the morning.
Answer the following questions :
1 – What is the purpose of the Mont Blanc tunnel The stimulating effects of caffeine are caused by
? a central nervous reaction. The heart rate
2 – Why have there been terrible accidents in long increases, blood vessels expand and the brain
tunnels in recent years? receives more oxygen. This effect can last up to
3 – What does the word in bold refer to ? an hour.
Find words in the text which mean the Choose the correct answer a , b or c :
following : 8 – When we drink caffeinated beverages, the
4 – unbelievable brain receives………………………..
5 – lorries and vans for carrying things, not people a – less oxygen.
b – more oxygen.
Rewrite the following sentences about the text c – no oxygen.
to correct the information : 9 – The effects of caffeine last…………….
6 – Road tunnels have no importance.
a – up to an hour .
7 – Drivers feel refreshed when they drive
through tunnels. b – for three hours .
c – for half an hour .
Match two of the under lined words from the
text to the definitions below:
10 – the instructions for a medicine or treatment
11 – tubes that carry blood through the organs
Complete the following sentences with VI – Rewrite the following sentences as
information from the text : required in brackets :
12 – Caffeine forms a white powder when.. 25– Too much salt is bad for you, but you
13 – Some people need at least a cup of shouldn't stop eating it altogether.
strong coffee in the morning in order to…. ( use a phrasal verb)
III – Complete the following paragraph 26– Can I go out with my friends ?
by filling in the gaps : (report with ”Amer asked his mother”)
Syria(14)………….undergone a period of 27– Are you going to service your own car?
modernisation in the last few years, with ( use causative verb)
new buildings and improved transportation 28 – Special safety vehicles should escort
services in its cities. Yet, it remains an heavy lorries. (use passive)
ancient land(15)...has enjoyed involvement VII – Complete the following sentences
(16)….........interaction with many different using clauses :
civilisations over the last ten thousand years 29 – He lost 10 kg while………………..
V -Fill in the spaces with words from the 30 – Before we sell the flat,…………….
list : VIII – Choose the correct words in
leave, money, where, wireless, gave brackets :
Although Marconi’s father did not think 31 – My brother is a very (talent-talented)
the(17)…sound would ever be important, basketball player.
he(18)…his son some money to continue 32 – Mobile phones are ( coming over-
his work. ‘Father, with this(19)……I am coming down) in price very quickly.
going to send messages round the world 33 – After the storm there were a lot of
one day.’ He made a wireless machine and ( afraid - frightened) children and animals.
took it to England,(20)……….the public IX – Correct the verbs in brackets :
was ready to hear new ideas. 34 – We………….. (not-see) you for ages.
IV –Complete the following dialogue by 35 – Air travel……....(be) the safest form of
writing suitable questions or answers : transport.
21……………………………………..…? 36 – The police suspected a crime as there
We have been married for 20 years. ……..(be)four similar fires in the previous
22………………………………………..? month.
We first met on my friend's birthday. X – Translation :
23..………………………………………? 37– Translate the following sentence into
We are taking our grandchildren on holiday Arabic :
to Lattakia . Nobel was interested in social and peace-
24.What do you like most about your related issues, and held views that were
town?........................................................ considered radical for his time.
38– Translate the following sentence into
English :
‫الحرفيون المحليون يناضلون لكي يحفظوا الحرف‬
XI – Composition :
Write a composition of no less than 80
words about the following topic:
A genius you know or know about.
:‫مدرس المادة‬
ّ * ‫* انتهت األسئلة‬
‫ حسن نعسان‬.‫أ‬
)2017-2016( ‫فحص مادة االنكليزي لطالب البكالوريا‬
2017/3/29 6 ‫ ل‬1 ‫من‬
300:‫الدرجة‬ ‫ساعة ونصف‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫األول‬:‫النموذج‬
I – Read the following text then do the tasks II – Read the following text then do the
below: tasks below :
The rainforest of the Amazon region of Brazil in At the start of the 1960s, when Yuri Gagarin
south America covers five percent of the world's first went into space , the food was bite – sized
land surface and is home to at least 30 percent of and kept in small aluminum tubes. Food was
the world's animals and plants . The area is also designed this way so that it wouldn't take up
the home of 220.000 people from about 180 too much room and could be eaten in a single
different tribes who live deep in the forest . The mouthful before it floated away. Now
rainforest itself is an important environment but however, astronauts enjoy food from plastic
, because of its size and location , it also plays a containers that just need to have hot or cold
vital part in controlling the world's climate . It water added . Fruit and nuts can also be eaten
does this by taking in carbon dioxide and in space . When drinking liquids, a straw is
releasing oxygen . Recently , however , large used to suck the liquid out of a sealed package
areas of the Amazon rainforest have been cut . It mustn't spill or float out of the cup, or it
down to make more land for farmers . In the last could damage some of the computers .
three years , for example , 70.000 square Another, equally important, issue to address is
kilometers have been destroyed – this is the the toilet . In space this is largely similar to
same as six football pitches every minute . Much one on Earth, with the difference being that
of this destruction , which leaves the land dry astronauts have to strap themselves onto it. In
and dusty , is illegal . place of running water to flush it, there is a
Answer the following questions : vacuum– cleaner – like system to suck up the
1 – How many people live in the south waste , which is then dried and disposed of on
American rainforest ? Earth .
2 – Why is destroying the rainforest illegal? Choose the correct answer a , b or c :
3 – What does the word in bold refer to ? 8 – In space , food was bite-sized in order
Find words in the text which mean the not to……………………...…….…….….
following : a – float away.
4 – weather conditions over a long period of b – decay.
time in a particular place c – be eaten slowly.
5 – the place and conditions where plants 9 – The toilet in space is……that on Earth.
live a – similar to
Rewrite the following sentences about the text b– completely different from
to correct the information : c – both different from and similar to
6 – Nearly a half of the world's animals Match two of the under lined words from
and plants live in the rainforests of the the text to the definitions below :
Amazon. 10 – a light silver–grey metal
7 – The Amazon rainforest has no role in 11 – a space that is completely empty of all
controlling the world's climate matter
Complete the following sentences with
information from the text :
12 –In order to drink liquids, astronauts
13 – In space , food is eaten in …………
III – Complete the following paragraph by VII – Complete the following sentences
filling in the gaps : using clauses :
Yesterday we went swimming in the 29 – Firas found it difficult to get up this
Mediterranean. It was the first time I (14) morning because…………………………
.……….swum in the sea and it was really 30 – James was very nervous when……..
exciting! There are hundreds of species
VIII – Choose the correct words in
(15).…….fish and plants. We spotted some
brackets :
really colorful fish. We swam close (16)
31 – A country where the sun always
………..them and took photos with our
shines has a dry ( climate – weather ).
underwater camera
32 – My Encyclopedia of Nature is full (
V – Fill in the spaces with words from the
for – of ) facts about plants .
list :
33 – I am not going to throw my mobile
painful, form, germs, filled, heard phone away . I am going to send it to
A woman brought him her son, who had been
another country where it can be
bitten by a mad dog . In those days , such a bite
( misused – reused ).
meant a slow and(17)…...death.
IX – Correct the verbs in brackets :
But the child's mother had(18)………of
34 – If sand gazelles……(be) threatened,
Pasteur's work with such dogs ; he got the
they can run away.
(19)………out from the dog's mouths and used
35 – I wish there ………(be) less adverts on
them to make a weaker(20)……….of the same
television .
germ .
36 – I……(try) to phone you all morning.
IV – Complete the following dialogue by
X – Translation :
writing suitable questions or answers : 37 – Translate the following sentence into
21….…………………………………… ?
Arabic :
I used to play the piano at school.
Aristotle took some steps towards adopting
22….………………………………...…. ? The
the empirical method.
address of my school is 17, 10th avenue.
38 – Translate the following sentence into
23….………………………………..….. ?
English :
About 1,750 students go to my school.
‫تساعد حدائق الحيوان في حماية الحيوانات المهددة‬
My father taught me.
XI – Composition :
VI – Rewrite the following sentences as Write a composition of no less than 80 words
required in brackets : about the following topic:
25 – You waste too much paper . (I wish)
An account of a visit you made.
26 – I’m not sure but I think some parts of the
desert were covered in plants and trees.
(express possibility)
27 – Birds often build their nests at the top of
trees.(use passive)
28 – Many nests are made from grass, twigs or
feathers by birds.(use active)

:‫م ّدرس المادة‬ * ‫*انتهت األسئلة‬

‫ حسن نعسان‬.‫أ‬
)2017-2016( ‫فحص مادة االنكليزي لطالب البكالوريا‬
2017/3/29 6 ‫ ل‬1 ‫من‬
300:‫الدرجة‬ ‫ساعة ونصف‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫األول‬:‫النموذج‬
Read the following text then do the tasks below:
Read the following text then do the tasks below: Not many people work in space at any one time, as
Desertification, which is the process in which productive land crews on a space station are always as small as possible. It
changes into desert, is an increasingly serious problem in over means that there are very few people to do all the
a hundred countries of the world. One billion people, out of a technical, scientific and domestic jobs. Everyone shares
total world population of six billion, suffer from its effects. the huge workload and the tiny living area. The crew are
Desertification usually occurs in dry areas where there is no all highly qualified scientists who have important work to
rain and where the climate is harsh. In these places, the top do. But they also live in a small area that must be kept
layer of soil is destroyed so that the land can no longer be clean and they need to prepare food, maintain the systems
used for growing crops or grazing animals. This means that on board and still fit in enough time between their main
people who depend on the land for food have to move to jobs to get enough sleep and exercise. The astronauts carry
'greener' areas in order to survive. A proportion of the out the cleaning in between their main duties; they clean
population may survive by moving, but others may die the meal area, change the air purification system's filters,
because of shortages of food and water. Although natural collect the rubbish and wipe down the walls and floors.
changes in the climate often start the process, the activities of Each astronaut also has maintenance roles, looking after
human beings are often the real cause of desertification. important systems. On board the ISS, the environmental
Because there are growing numbers of people to feed, farmers control and life support systems control elements such as
tend to overcultivate their land, with the result that the soil atmospheric pressure, oxygen levels and water recycling.
becomes poor and unproductive. Other farmers overgraze Often, maintaining these important controls involves
their land and this permanently kills off grass and other plants. working on the outside of the space station in a space suit
Answer the following questions: ( 18 MARKS ) which itself has to
1- Why does desertification usually happen in dry protect the astronaut from space and provide the means for
places? a human to live for a few hours (such as oxygen).
2- What happens when the upper layer of soil is Astronauts sleep in small compartments using sleeping
damaged? bags.
3- When can the soil become poor? Choose the correct answer (a,b or c): (12 MARKS )
Find words in the text that mean the following: (10 MARKS ) 8- A space suit must protect the astronaut and
4-weather conditions in an area over a period of time provide him with ...............
5-the top layer of the earth where plants grow a- hydrogen.
Rewrite these sentences about the text to correct the b- Oxygen
information: (12 MARKS ) c- Nitrogen.
6-One fifth of the world's six million population suffer. 9- Astronauts do the cleaning .................their
7-People move to desert areas so that they can overcultivate duties.
their land. a- after they finish
b- before they start
c- during the performance of
Match two of the underlined words from the
text to their definitions below: (12 MARKS )
10- separate sections or parts of something
11- the removal of dirty or harmful substances

Complete the following sentences with information from

the text: (12 MARKS )
12- On a space station, the crew's number…………….. .
13- One of the maintenance roles of an astronaut
is,…………………………… .
. Complete the following text by filling in the gaps: Complete the following sentences using clauses: (14
14- Syria is ….. the forefront of regional recycling 29- In the future, see levels will rise
15-countries, major recycling plants………. been built because………………………………………………

16- in the last few years in order to dispose safely ………. 30- Forests are cut down so that………………………….
substances such as plastic, batteries and other waste
Choose the correct words in brackets: (18 MARKS )
Fill in the spaces with words from the list. Use each word
only once: (24 MARKS ) 31- We should stop burning coal and oil (so that- in order
not to) cause more global warming
chain, swinging, same, height, noticed, when
32- Two (disaster – disastrous) potato crops led to mass
17 - Galileo was in church ……………..………. he heard a
starvation in Ireland.
strange noise.

18- He ………………………………. that an oil lamp was 33- Cactuses depend (on- at) their thorns to protect
19- ………………………..…. backwards and forwards. He also Correct the verbs in brackets: (18 MARKS )
20- heard the lamp's ……….. hitting against the wall, and it
seemed to him that they were both moving at the same 34- My father retired last year. He ………….(work) for the
……….. time. same company all his life.
Complete the following dialogue by writing suitable
questions or answers. (32 MARKS ) 35- In Australia, since 1945 over six million people
21- Samer: ………………………………………………………… ? ………….(arrive) to settle.

Nada: My brother Hani travelled to Australia 36- Irish people emigrated because so many ………..(die)
of starvation.
22- Samer: ………………………………………………………… ? Translation: (10 MARKS )
Nada: He is studying medicine there
Translate the following sentences into Arabic:
23- Samer: ………………………………………………………….?
37- Virtual reality will allow people to live, work and
Nada: He has been there for 5 years interact with others in an electronic world.
24-Samer: How did you feel when you left your country? Translate the following sentence into English: (8 MARKS )

Nada: ……………………………………………………………. 38- .‫أحد أهداف المشروع هو اظهار أهمية الحفاظ على البيئة الطبيعية‬
Rewrite the following sentences as required in brackets:
Composition : (50 MARKS )
(32 MARKS )

25-I am really tired, but I can't sleep at night. (I Write no less than (80) words on the following topic:
A significant event that chanced your life
26- Farmers produce many salad crops in the area around
the city of Al Aim. (passive voice)

27- I feel sure that she has got good grades in her exams. (
Use must )

28- My mother dyed her own dress blue. ( Use causative


:‫م ّدرس المادة‬ * ‫*انتهت األسئلة‬

‫ طارق السيد علي‬.‫أ‬
)2017-2016( ‫فحص مادة االنكليزي لطالب البكالوريا‬
2017/3/29 6 ‫ ل‬1 ‫من‬
300:‫الدرجة‬ ‫ساعة ونصف‬: ‫المدة‬ ‫األول‬:‫النموذج‬
I Read the following text then do the tasks below: II-Read the following text then do the tasks below:
We usually think that greenhouse gases are harmful, but The modern world is defined by IT, or Information Technology.
without these gases the climate of the Earth would be like The term ‘Information Technology’ emerged in the 1970s, but
the climate of Mars: too it can in fact be traced back to World War II, when the military
cold for human beings to survive. Greenhouse gases, which and early computer specialists worked together to develop
include carbon dioxide and methane, keep the heat of the
electronics, computers and information theory.
sun in and prevent our planet from freezing.
However, for the last 200 years people have been using
In recent years, the field has ballooned through advances in
enormous quantities of fossil fuels like coal, gas and oil. computer applications and the Internet, to include mobile
When these fuels are burnt, they produce large amounts of telephones, computer games and video technology.
carbon dioxide and this keeps more of the sun’s heat in. It was thought that embedded systems that also made use of
The result is that the temperature of the Earth is rising year date logic, such as utilities and other crucial infrastructure,
by year. This is leading to more extreme weather: high winds would collapse because of the Millennium Bug.
and heavy rain, which produce storms and floods. Some Internet professionals also predict that the Internet will
The problem is made worse by the fact that we are
provide a reality parallel to our own. Virtual Reality will allow
destroying the world’s rainforests. Trees naturally consume
carbon dioxide, but because there are fewer trees, more people to live, work and interact with others in an electronic
carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. world, driven by the Internet.
Because of the increase in the Earth’s temperature, the ice at Some fear, however, that Virtual Reality will encourage people
the north and south poles is melting, and this is causing sea to opt out of human society, creating a world of two halves,
levels to rise. Eventually, many areas of land which are now with those in Virtual Reality losing touch with the realities of
on the coast will be flooded. the real world.
Leading scientists are warning that if the authorities don’t Today, designers and inventors are using the Internet in
introduce new laws to reduce greenhouse gas increases now, increasingly innovative ways. Two students at Keio University
the results could be disastrous for life on Earth. in Japan have recently produced the Internet Umbrella.

Answer the following questions: (18 marks) Choose the correct answer a, b, or c (12 marks)
1-What do greenhouse gases include? 8-The downside of Virtual Reality is that it will have
2-Why is the temperature of the Earth rising year by year ? ………………on people.
3- What will the rising of sea levels result in? a-a negative effect b-a positive effect c- no effect

Find words in the text which mean the following: (12marks) 9- The early start of the term "Information Technology" was
4-to make less ……………..
a-in the 1970s b- after World War II
5-not usual or moderate c-in recent years
Rewrite the sentences about the text to correct the
information: (10 marks) - Match the underlined words from the text to the definitions
6-Scientists want every individual on Earth to take below: (12 marks)
immediate action. 10- useful public services
11-occurred or appeared
7-Without greenhouse gases, humans could live on Earth.
Complete the following sentences with information from the
text: (12 marks)
12- Some Internet professionals also predict that the Internet
will provide……………………………………………………….
13- The field has ballooned through advances in computer
applications and the Internet, to include ………………………
Complete the sentences by filling in the gaps (18 marks) Complete the following sentences using clauses (14
Many new arrivals are economic migrants – people marks)
14……….. come because they can earn 15……….. money in 30-People write things in their diaries because……..…..…
Britain than in their own country. Traditionally, many of ……………………………………………………………..
16……….migrants used to come from countries in Africa or 31-If there were no legal systems, ………………………..
Asia. …………………………………………………………….
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Choose the correct word in brackets (18 marks)
Fill in spaces with words from the list. Use each word once 32-It has been a (disaster, disastrous) year for the tea industry.
only (24 marks) 33-We should stop burning coal and oil (so that, in order not to)
cause more global warming.
34-I'm looking for a new flat. I can't (keep up with, put up with)
girls –last –studying –tears –send
the noise of the traffic any more.
35-Ali has drunk two litres of water. He (must, can't) be thirsty.
17-After Marie's sister finished ……..….in Paris, -------------------------------------------------------------------
18-she could get work and …….......Marie the Correct the verbs in brackets. (18 marks)
19-money to study there herself .With …..…….in 36- Ali (study) law and history so far this year.
20-their eyes the ……..…..parted. 37-They (drive) home on the motorway yesterday when they
came across a burning car.
Complete the following dialogue by writing suitable 38-I (not travel) abroad since the war started in 2012.
questions or answers. Write at least three words for each 39-My uncle passed his driving test. He (take) the test three
question (28 marks) times already.
40-He (look) tired because he has been studying all morning.
21-A:.............................................................................................................. ? 41-I (hear) this morning that I won a writing competition.
B: Most animal migrations happen at certain times of the
year. -------------------------------------------------------------------
22-A:............................................................................................................. ? Translation (18 marks):
B: Finding food is the real cause of animal migration. -Translate the following sentence into Arabic(10 marks)
23-A:..............................................................................................................? 42- By reusing objects we can reduce the need for disposal
B:Most animals migrate every year. sites and the polluting machinery used for some recycling
24-Why do people migrate? processes.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Translate the following sentence into English (8 marks)

Rewrite the following sentences as required in brackets: .ً‫ تنخفض البطالة ألن المزيد من الناس يجدون عمالً دائما‬-43
(32 marks):
25-You're always losing things.(use wish)
Write a composition of no more 80 words on the
following topic.(50 marks)
26-Were you hungry?
(report using " He asked me…")
Write about a visit you have made
27-Human activities have destroyed tree kangaroos' natural
(change into the passive)
28-Many salad crops have been produced in the area
around Al-Ain. (change into active)
29-She tried mending her own glasses, but she couldn't.
(use causative verb)

:‫م ّدرس المادة‬ * ‫*انتهت األسئلة‬

‫ عصام عبسي‬.‫أ‬

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