Emotional Labour in Management EDITED

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Running head: EMOTIONAL LABOUR 1

Emotional Labour



Emotional Labour

Emotional labor is basically defined as the willpower involved in employees to regulate

their emotional expressions in order to comply with the organizational rules and the occupational

norms. However, as the employees decide on this strategy upon their personality and situation,

the choice of any of them will have several organizational and personal consequences to be

faced. Admittedly, there are two customs of executing out emotional labor, surface perfomance

and exterior acting thus displaying emotions that are not accustomed to which an individual truly

feels. The performance of surface acting conceals the genuine emotions an individual holds thus

acting in submission to the norms and perceptions of the organization specified to its employees’

emotional displays. Moreover, deep and ingenious actors alter their main emotions in the essence

of complying with the organization norms irrespective to what they feel in any certain situation.

Frequent altered individual intentions probably underlie with emotional labor, including

compliance in identifying various goals whether professional, social or organization (Hochschild,

2012, p. 46). The demand of many jobs on workers is consecutively becoming deeper and more

personal as there have been a high rate of psychosomatic diseases within the employees who

tend be performing emotional labour on high range. Employees should therefore learn to handle

their emotions principally by accepting how they would drive and control them rather than

learning how to regulate them.

Understandably, while exploring individuals on emotional labour strategy, the invention

of emotional labour remains to be in the state of peoples mind. However, resembling on

companies offering emotional labour strategy, airline companies are therefore ranked according

to their quality practice of service in their personal offer. In 1980, Lucas Guide categorized Delta

Airlines out of all the fourteen airlines in being the first one in in offering high-quality service

deliverance based on emotional labour. (Hochschild, 2012, p. 40). Notably, an inquiry was done

from passengers and the outcome was that drinks and foodstuffs were served not only with a

smile but with a high quality of inquiry such as, “May I help with anything else”. The

atmosphere was excellent as passengers behaved liked civilized guests with a lot of respect.

Admittedly, flight attendants exercise physical labour as they move their heavy meal carts over

the aisles as well as doing the metal efforts in organizing and preparing the emergency landings

for the airlines((Hochschild, 2012, p. 29). Despite the physical and emotional labour the airlines'

workers undergo, there exists an easier way of exploiting the work which the individuals are

alienated from the feature of self-body by either the soul that is accustomed in doing the work.

Analyzing and differentiating the types of companies which practice emotional labour is

generally because the modern assembly-line employee symbolizing the outmoded sign of current

industrial labor. In this note, another type of labor has been brought forth in a symbolic form of

face-to-face and voice-to-voice supplying service hence the flight attendant has been known to

be appropriate for it. However, it does not signify that there have never been the public-service

jobs, otherwise, the deliverance service jobs are now socially engineered and carefully structured

from the top. Furthermore, the flight attendant’s jobs have advanced in better ways than other

service work companies. Therefore, the worker develops to be vulnerable in social engineering

on the emotional labor field thus dropping the individuals' control over the labor. Moreover,

comparing to a commodity advertised, the service that necessitates for emotional labor is

therefore subjected to the laws of demand and supply. However, as the demand for many jobs to

workers increases as well as the supply declines, workers tends to remain to be more personal

and become more deeper((Hochschild, 2012, p. 31). This is evident as the airline speeded-up

since the 1970s has been undermined by worker shutdown thus revealing in what range the

emotional labor job is necessary all the way long. Additionally, the airline speed-up signified

how it improved the uncertainty of many workers in the realization and importance to secure of


Evidently, organizations that hire employees’ who perform and perfom emotional labor

in compliance with the organization norms and out of an essential motivation, the outcomes of

the strategy are always advantageous. However, such essential motivations done by various

organizations are rarely done using organizational means thus, they are often created by certain

social and collective forces. Subsequently, it is advised that the practice of the intrinsic

motivations to be done while recruiting the new employees. Therefore, as the actor of emotional

labour adopts on the norm, the policy will generally be based upon his or her situation or

personality. Notably, the choice may, however, bring out numerous personal and organizational

consequences. Definitely, similar to any other labour accessible, emotional labour is naturally

tiring thus carrying a potential perception of emotional exhaustion within a long period of time.

Excessive and abundant emotional labour holds a negative effect on one’s behavior as well as

somatic well-being and psychic. (Chu, 2002, p 40). Admittedly, the surface actors have been

through difficulties, this is brought up by holding undissolved emotional dissonance, thus;

leading to excessive stress levels which causes the actuation of the psychological process as well

as the operation of the main immune system (Chu, 2002, p. 58). Surface acting would lead in the

reduction in motivation at work and depression over a long time which may alter and increase

the days of sickness-leave thus changing the profitability from the work.

Emotional labour generally has a negative impact on individuals as it is the most

advantageous strategy in the organization and mainly the employer. The constant and the

necessary attitude portrayed by the employees facilitate a high-quality service and an efficient

performance of duties which lead to an increased volume of clients bringing forth a better and an

appropriate reputation of the organization. Evidently, emotional labour reduces interpersonal

difficulties and advances the effectiveness of the work. However, for this to take place, it is

compulsory for the targeted persons reach the emotional labour positive outcome in practice of

the behavioral outputs. Existing without the knowledge of the true emotions of an individual

performing emotional labour may be however difficult hence it is not easy recognizing the

amount of energy to be exerted for the performer to reach the desirable and the required target

state. Approximating the quantity of the emotional labour performed may hinder the required

emotional display as the performer will take into consideration the true emotions thus being

interfered by the psychic factors extensively. Therefore, any approximated emotional display

may be biased based on negativity thus including customers’ responses regardless with the

organization expectations (Torland, 2013, p.45). Moreover, the fact remains to be what one

identifies on being insincere or rather sincere, it either relies upon one's personality and


Undeniably, emotions have positive impacts on the operation of organizations as well as

organizations have positive impacts on emotions and the individuals involved in the emotional

labour. Social and organization processes impact emotions in different kind of ways such as joy

and pride. However, individuals who realize and identifies their organizations probably

experience optimistic emotions as their organization meets its desired emotional targets.

Adapting employees’ emotional display endures being an important task in organizations as it

ensures service quality, the effectiveness of the work and the increased sales in the business.

Despite the customers being the prime cause of stress to the workers, they, therefore, offer the

employees with quite many satisfying and delightful moments in the working environment.

During the emotional labour communication, the customers appear in a more respectful

way thus serving as a comic relief to employees (Monaghan, 2006, p.56). Lastly, emotional labor

is essentially worthy to be enacted by organizations in an effective way. By observing emotional

labor on its performance in every day basis can, however, increase the employees’ efficiency

thus allowing the best performance that every organization would want. Different appliances of

control such as telephone calls and trial purchases would need to be put into consideration to

guarantee that emotional labor display are set with the desired goals. This ensures to be helpful

to the workers because by that strategy their employer would realize their efforts and hard work

and probably obtain an update of their emotional labor.



Hochschild, A.R. (2012). The managed heart commercialization of human feeling (University of

California Press), 12, 19-67. https://caringlabor.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/the-


Torland, M. (2013). Emotional labour and the job satisfaction of adventure tour leaders in

Australia. , 4, 25-100.


Chu, K. H. L. (2002, 34-123). The effects of emotional labor on employee work outcomes

(Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech), 4, 34-


Monaghan, D. M. (2006). Emotional labor in customer service work: The perceived difficulty

and dispositional antecedents (Doctoral dissertation, University of Akron), 3, 45-


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