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Assessment Plan Summary

Assessment Description

Students will be introduced to a question that is in

relation to the play prior to reading in order to
Think Pair Share assess prior knowledge on the topic. Students will
write a short answer to the question and pair off
into groups of 2-3 and discuss their answers to
compare. Then students will share what they
learned to the entire class.

The first day of the reading students will create a

KWL chart and on this day they will fill out the K
K-W-L Chart and W section. These sections will have what
they already know and what they want to learner
are curious about during the reading of The
Crucible. As the students questions from section
W are being answered they will fill out the L
section with the answers or anything interesting/
important they’ve learned so far so that I can track
the progress of the understanding of the play.

Sumarrative Exit Slips After each Act is completed students will have to
complete an entry in their Journal describing the
overall themes, main ideas, style, and overall tone
of the particular act being discussed. The
students will write these summaries in the journal
where they take their notes and will be turned in at
the end of every act to be graded in order to track
students progress.

Flash Cards Students will create sets of flashcards one for

themes and another for character and connection.
They will add to their Quizlet sets as they learn
more about the overarching themes and character
development that will help them study for their
quizzes. The flashcard sets will be graded to
examine the constancy of the overall class

Poll Quizes Students will be quizzed online in class using a

survey method and will be submitted through this
site and will allow me to track their progress and
incorporate digital aspects to it.
Assessment Description

In Class Essay Students at the end of the unit will be asked to

examine 2 different possibly essay topics and
collect evidence for each one through their notes,
summaries, and class assignments. On the day of
the in-class essay I will pick one of the essay topic
and the entire class period to write their essay and
will be able to use the play to pull evidence from
the text that supports their claims. This will allow
me to see if the students have pulled what I
expected from the text and have a clear
understanding of the text.

Music Video Project In groups of 5-6 students will create a iMovie

reenacting a scene from the play with a modern
take. The students will elaborate on the dialogue
and create more modern take on the scene. They
will choose a theme to base their scene off of and
will write a short summary describing their scene.
This will show their ability to be creative all the
while remaining true to the themes and messages
from the play.

Assessment Timeline

Before Reading During Reading After Reading

(Entry-Level) (Formative) (Summative)

1)Think-Pair-Share 1) Journal/Notebook Entries 1)In-class essay

2) K-W-L Chart 2)Reflective Project
3) Flash Cards
4) Poll/Quizes

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