Art. 1403-1430

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Art. 1403.

The following contracts are u____________, unless they p__________ on whose a__________ the s__________ is
are r____________: m__________, it is a s__________ m__________;

(1) Those e__________ into in the n__________ of a__________ (e) An a__________ of the l__________ for a l__________
p__________ by one who has been g__________ no p__________ than o__________ y__________, or for the
a__________ or l__________ r__________, or who has s__________ of r__________ p__________ or of an i__________
a__________ beyond his p__________; therein;

(2) Those that do not c__________ with the S__________ of (f) A r__________ as to the c__________ of a t__________
F__________ as set forth in this number. In the following cases an p__________.
a__________ hereafter made shall be u__________ by
(3) Those where b__________ p__________ are i__________ of
a__________, unless the same, or some n__________ or
g__________ c__________ to a c__________.
m__________, thereof, be in w__________, and s__________ by
the p__________ c__________, or by his a__________; Art. 1404. U__________ c__________ are governed by Article
e__________, therefore, of the a__________ cannot be 1317 and the p__________ of a__________ in Title X of this Book.
r__________ without the w__________, or a s__________
e__________ of its c__________: Art. 1405. C__________ i__________ the S__________ of
F__________, referred to in No. 2 of Article 1403, are
(a) An a__________ that by its t__________ is not to be r__________ by the f__________ to o__________ to the
p__________ within a y__________ from the m__________ p__________ of o__________ e__________ to p__________ the
thereof; same, or by the a__________ of b__________ u__________
(b) A s__________ p__________ to a__________ for the
d_________, d__________, or m__________ of a__________; Art. 1406. When a c__________ is e__________ under the
S__________ of F__________, and a p__________ d__________
(c) An a__________ m__________ in c__________ of
is n__________ for its r__________ in the Registry of Deeds, the
m__________, other than a m__________ p__________ to
p__________ may a__________ t__________ of the
r__________ under Article 1357.
(d) An a__________ for the s__________ of g__________,
Art. 1407. In a c__________ where b__________ p__________
c__________ or t__________ in a__________, at a p__________
are i__________ of g__________ c__________, e__________ or
not l__________ than five hundred pesos, unless the
i__________ r__________ by the p__________, or g__________,
b__________ a__________ and r__________ p__________ of
as the case may be, of o__________ of the c__________
such g__________ and c__________, or the e__________, or
p__________ shall g__________ the c__________ the
some of them, of such t__________ in a__________ or
s__________ e__________ as if only o__________ of them were
p__________ at the t__________ some p__________ of the
p__________ m__________; but when a s__________ is made by
a__________ and e__________ is made by the a__________ in If r__________ is m__________ by the p__________ or
his s__________ b__________, at the t__________ of the g__________, as the case may be, of b__________ c__________
s__________, of the a__________ and k__________ of p__________, the c__________ shall be v__________ from the
p__________ s__________, t__________ of s__________, i__________.
p__________, n__________ of the p__________ and
Art. 1408. U__________ c__________ cannot be a__________ by d__________, they shall have no a__________ against each
t__________ p__________. other, and both shall be p__________. Moreover, the
p__________ of the Penal Code r__________ to the d__________
of e__________ or i__________ of a c__________ shall be
a__________ to the t__________ or the p__________ of the

This r__________ shall be a__________ when only one of the

Art. 1409. The following contracts are i__________ and p__________ is g__________; but the i__________ o__________
v__________ from the b__________: may c__________ what he has g__________, and shall not be
b__________ to c__________ with his p__________. (1305)
(1) Those whose c__________, o__________ or p__________ is
c__________ to l__________, m__________, g__________ Art. 1412. If the a__________ in which the u__________ or
c__________, p__________ o__________ or p__________ f__________ c__________ c__________ does not c__________ a
p__________; c__________ o__________, the following rules shall be
(2) Those which are a__________ s__________ or f__________;
(1) When the f__________ is on the p__________ of
(3) Those whose c__________ or o__________ did not b__________ c__________ p__________, n__________ may
e__________ at the t__________ of the t__________; r__________ what he has g__________ by v__________ of the
c__________, or d__________ the p__________ of the other's
(4) Those whose o__________ is o__________ the c__________
of m__________;
(2) When only one of the contracting parties is at f__________, he
(5) Those which c__________ an i__________ s__________;
c__________ r__________ what he has g__________ by
(6) Those where the i__________ of the p__________ r__________ of the c__________, or a__________ for the
r__________ to the p__________ o__________ of the f__________ of what has been p__________ him. The other, who
c__________ c__________ be a__________; is not at fault, may d__________ the r__________ of what he has
g__________ w__________ any o__________ to c__________
(7) Those e__________ p__________ or d__________ his p__________. (1306)
v__________ by l__________.
Art. 1413. I__________ p__________ in e__________ of the
These c__________ cannot be r__________. Neither can the i__________ a__________ by the u__________ l__________
r__________ to s__________ the d__________ of i__________ may be r__________ by the d__________, with i__________
be w__________. thereon from the d__________ of the p__________.
Art. 1410. The a__________ or d__________ for the Art. 1414. When m__________ is p__________ or p__________
d__________ of the i__________ of a c__________ does not d__________ for an i__________ p__________, the c__________
p__________. may be r__________ by o__________ of the p__________ before
Art. 1411. When the n__________ p__________ from the the p__________ has been a__________, or before any
i__________ of the c__________ or o__________ of the d__________ has been c__________ to a t__________
c__________, and the a__________ c__________ a c__________ p__________. In such case, the c__________ may, if the
o__________, both p__________ being in p__________ p__________ i__________ will thus be s__________,
a__________ the p__________ r__________ the c__________ to Art. 1421. The d__________ of i__________ of c__________ is
r__________ the m__________ or p__________. not a__________ to t__________ p__________ whose
i__________are not d__________ a__________.
Art. 1415. Where o__________ of the p__________ to an
i__________ c__________ is i__________ of g__________ Art. 1422. A c__________ which is the d__________
c__________, the c__________ may, if the i__________ of r__________ of a p__________ i__________ c__________, is
j__________ so d__________ a__________ r__________ of also v__________ and i__________.
m__________ or p__________ d__________ by the i__________
Art. 1416. When the a__________ is not i__________ per se but
is merely p__________, and the p__________ by the
Art. 1423. O__________ are c__________ or n__________.
l__________ is d__________ for the p__________ of the
C__________ o__________ give a r__________ of a__________
p__________, he may, if p__________ p__________ is thereby
to c__________ their p__________. N__________ o__________,
e__________, r__________ what he has p__________ or
d__________. not being b__________ on p__________ l__________ but on
e__________ and n__________ l__________, do not
Art. 1417. When the p__________ of any a__________ or g__________ a r__________ of a__________ to e__________
c__________ is d__________ by s__________, or by their p__________, but after v__________ f__________ by the
a__________ of l__________, any p__________ p__________ o__________, they a__________ the r__________ of what has
any a__________ in e__________ of the m__________ been d__________ or r__________ by r__________ thereof.
p__________ a__________ may r__________ such S__________ n__________ o__________ are set forth in the
e__________. following articles.

Art. 1418. When the l__________ f__________, or a__________ Art. 1424. When a r__________ to s__________ u__________ a
the f__________ of the m__________ n__________ of c__________ o__________ has l__________ by e__________
h__________ of l__________, and a co__________ is p__________, the o__________ who v__________ p__________
e__________ into whereby a l__________ u__________ to the c__________ c__________ r__________ what he has
w__________ l__________ than the m__________ thus d__________ or the v__________ of the s__________ he has
f__________, he may d__________ a__________ c__________ r__________.
for s__________ r__________ b__________ the t__________
Art. 1425. When w__________ the k__________ or a__________
the w__________ of the d__________, a t__________
Art. 1419. When the l__________ s__________, or a__________ p__________ p__________ a d__________ which the
the s__________ of a m__________ w__________ for o__________ is not l__________ b__________ to p__________
l__________, and a c__________ is a__________ u__________ b__________ the a__________ thereon has p__________, but
by which a l__________ a__________ a l__________ the d__________ l__________ v__________ r__________ the
w__________, he shall be e__________ to r__________ the t__________ p__________, the o__________ c__________
d__________. r__________ what he has p__________.

Art. 1420. In case of a d__________ c__________, if the Art. 1426. When a m__________ b__________ e__________ and
i__________ t__________ can be s__________ from the t__________ years of age who has e__________ into a
l__________ o__________, the latter may be e__________. c__________ w__________ the c__________ of the
p__________ or g__________, after the a__________ of the
c__________ v__________ r__________ the w__________
t__________ or p__________ r__________, notwithstanding the
f__________ the he has not been b__________ thereby, there is
no r__________ to d__________ the t__________ or
p__________ thus r__________.

Art. 1427. When a m__________ b__________ e__________ and

t__________ years of age, who has e__________ into a
c__________ without the c__________ of the p__________ or
g__________, v__________ p__________ a s__________ of
m__________ or d__________ a f__________ t__________ in
f__________ of the o__________, there shall be no r__________
to r__________ the s__________ from the o__________ who has
s__________ or c__________ it in g__________ f__________.

Art. 1428. When, after an a__________ to e__________ a

c__________ o__________ has f__________ the d__________
v__________ p__________ the o__________, he cannot
d__________ the r__________ of what he has d__________ or
the p__________ of the v__________ of the s__________ he has

Art. 1429. When a t__________ or i__________ h__________

v__________ p__________ a d__________ of the d__________
e__________ the v__________ of the p__________ which he
r__________ by w__________ or by the l__________ of
i__________ from the e__________ of the d__________, the
p__________ is v__________ and cannot be r__________ by the

Art. 1430. When a w__________ is d__________ v__________

because it has not been e__________ in a__________ with the
f__________ r__________ by l__________, but one of the
i__________ h__________, after the s__________ of the
d__________ of the d__________, p__________ a l__________
in c__________ with a c__________ in the d__________
w__________, the p__________ is e__________ and

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