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Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 83 (2005) 107–114


Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase activity

in herbicide-resistant and -susceptible late watergrass
(Echinochloa phyllopogon)
Min-Soo Yun a,¤, Yasuhiro Yogo a,1, Reiichi Miura b, Yuji Yamasue b,
Albert J. Fischer c
Upland Weed Laboratory, Department of Field Environment, National Agricultural Research Center,
3-1-1 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8666, Japan
Laboratories of Agricultural Ecology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa-Oiwake-cho, Kyoto, Japan
Weed Science Program, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA

Received 28 January 2005; accepted 7 April 2005

Available online 31 May 2005


Late watergrass is a major weed of rice in California, and several populations showed resistance to multiple herbi-
cides of diVering modes of action. Bispyribac-sodium, fenoxaprop-ethyl, and thiobencarb were used in this study as
inducers and substrates of cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases (P450s). To examine the role of P450s in herbicide
metabolism by a herbicide-resistant (R) and a herbicide-susceptible (S) late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon) bio-
type, seedlings were grown in absence and presence of the above three herbicides as inducers. The eYcacy of the inducer
treatments was conWrmed by monitoring changes in P450 content and activity. Herbicide induction increased P450 con-
tent and activity in both R and S biotypes. This increase was higher in the R biotype. The induced P450s exhibited spec-
iWcity for the diVerent herbicide substrates. Our study suggests that induction of P450s is the mechanism involved in the
multiple-herbicide resistance observed in late watergrass.
 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase; Herbicide-resistance; Late watergrass; Bispyribac-sodium; Fenoxaprop-ethyl; Thio-

Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences, SE- 901 83 Umeå, Sweden. Fax: +46 90 786 8165.
E-mail address: minsoo.yun@genfys.slu.se (M.-S. Yun).
Present address: Organochemicals Group, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, 3-1-3 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Iba-
raki 305-8604, Japan.

0048-3575/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
108 M.-S. Yun et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 83 (2005) 107–114

1. Introduction sites. There are two phases in xenobiotic detoxiW-

cation. The Wrst phase involves oxidative reac-
Late watergrass [Echinochloa phyllopogon tions, such as hydroxylation, and the second
(Stapf) Kossenko] is a noxious weed of rice in the phase involves conjugation with glutathione or
Sacramento Valley of California. In 1997, late other compounds [8]. The cytochrome P-450
watergrass biotypes putatively resistant to multi- monooxygenases (P450s) are membrane-bound
ple herbicides, namely, bispyribac-sodium, fenox- and heme–iron containing enzymes that use
aprop-ethyl, molinate, and thiobencarb, were NADPH + H+ as a co-substrate by forming a
found in rice Welds scattered throughout the Sac- complex with a cytochrome P-450 reductase. In
ramento Valley [1,2]. It was suggested that these plants, P450s participate in secondary metabo-
biotypes originated from a single biotype, lism [9]. P450s are also well known as key
because of their similarities in morphological and enzymes in phase I metabolism of xenobiotics,
ampliWed fragment-length polymorphism and have been implicated in the initial detoxiWca-
(AFLP) traits [3]. tion of herbicides [9,10]. For example, thiocarba-
Bispyribac-sodium, a pyrimidinyl carboxy her- mates such as molinate and thiobencarb are
bicide, is eVective to control many annual and initially metabolized through typical monooxida-
perennial grasses, sedges, and broad-leaved weeds tion reactions in plants, as generally observed for
in rice Welds. The mode of action has been consid- other carbamate esters, i.e., thiol sulfur oxidation
ered as inhibition of acetolactate synthase (ALS,2 to the corresponding sulfoxide [11,12]. It was also
also known as acetohydroxyacid synthase or known that thiobencarb is metabolically detoxi-
AHAS; EC in the biosynthetic pathway Wed by N-demethylation to form a demethyl
of three branched-chain amino acids [4]. Resis- derivative and by hydroxylation of a phenyl ring
tance to bispyribac-sodium had already been [13].
detected in some late watergrass populations Through diVerent substrate speciWcities, P450
before this herbicide had ever been used commer- isozymes contribute to herbicide selectivity
cially in California [1,2]. Fenoxaprop-ethyl is between weeds and crops, and in some cases
used as postemergence herbicide to control vari- confer herbicide resistance to weed biotypes
ous annual grass weeds in rice and other crops [5]. [14–18]. P450s are implicated in metabolism-
This herbicide is an aryloxyphenoxy propionate based resistance to multiple herbicides in grass
that inhibits acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase weeds such as blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuro-
(ACCase; EC [6] and was introduced to ides Huds.) [19]. A blackgrass biotype of a
California in the early 1990s to control Echino- population collected from Peldon in the United
chloa spp. and Leptochloa fascicularis (Lam.) A. Kingdom, which showed multiple-resistance to
Gray in rice. Molinate and thiobencarb are thioc- phenylurea and aryloxyphenoxypropionate
arbamate herbicides widely used for weed control herbicides, exhibited higher P450 activities than
in rice, and were introduced to California as early a herbicide-susceptible biotype [20]. It was also
postemergence herbicides in the 1960s and early suggested from a study with P450 inhibitors
1980s, respectively [7]. that P450-mediated herbicide degradation
Plants can metabolize foreign compounds, was involved in the multiple-herbicide resistance
such as herbicides, and thus reduce the amounts of the Californian late watergrass [2]. In the
of these xenobiotics that can reach their action present study, we used microsomal fractions
isolated from herbicide-resistant (R) and -suscep-
Abbreviations used: ABT, aminobenzotriazol; ACCase, ace- tible (S) late watergrass plants to determine
tyl coenzyme A carboxylase; AFLP, ampliWed fragment-length P450 content and activity. A representative of
polymorphisms; ALS, acetolactate synthase; CO, carbon mon-
each herbicide group against which R late
oxide; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; GST, glutathione transferas-
es; HSD, honestly signiWcant diVerence; LSD, least signiWcant
watergrass exhibits resistance in California
diVerence; P450, cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase; PBO, pi- rice Welds was used as P450 inducer and sub-
peronyl butoxide; R, herbicide-resistant; S, herbicide-susceptible. strate.
M.-S. Yun et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 83 (2005) 107–114 109

2. Materials and methods buVer (100 mM; pH 8.0) containing -mercap-

toethanol (14 mM), EDTA (10 mM), and ascorbate
2.1. Chemicals (40 mM) [18,22]. Shoots were ground in liquid
nitrogen using mortar and pestle. The crude
Technical-grade herbicides were used for all extract was Wltered through four layers of cheese-
assays. Bispyribac-sodium {sodium 2,6-bis[(4,6- cloth to remove tissue debris and then centrifuged
dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)oxy]benzoate} was pro- at 10,000g for 20 min. The resulting supernatant
vided by Kumiai Chemical Industry3; fenoxaprop- was centrifuged at 100,000g for 90 min. The Wnal
ethyl {ethyl(§)-2-[4-(6-chloro-1,3-benzoxazol-2-yl- pellet was re-suspended in sodium phosphate
oxy)phenoxy]propionate} and thiobencarb (S-p- buVer (100 mM; pH 8.0) containing glycerol
chlorobenzyl diethylthiocarbamate) were obtained (250 ml L¡1) prior to use.
commercially from Wako Pure Chemical Industries.4
2.4. P450 content
2.2. Plant material and herbicide treatment
Amounts of P450s in the microsomal fractions
Two inbred strains of late watergrass, R (511) were quantiWed using reduced carbon monoxide
and S (401), were used in the present experiment. (CO) diVerence spectroscopy [23,24]. An aliquot
These strains originated from accessions collected (1 ml) of a microsomal preparation (2 mg
in 1997 in rice Welds of the Sacramento Valley in protein ml¡1) was placed in a 10 ml test tube. The
California. They represent strains derived after two preparation was reduced with 3 mg solid sodium
successive selWng cycles from a multiple-herbicide- dithionite. Standard CO gas (99.9% purity) was
resistant and a susceptible biotype, respectively. lightly bubbled in the test tube for 30 s. The Wnal
Plant morphology and AFLP Wngerprints of these solution was transferred to a 96-well microplate.
strains were described in detail elsewhere [1,3]. Absorbance was then measured from 350 to
Seeds of these two strains were germinated in an 550 nm using a microplate reader (SPECTRAmax
incubator at 30 °C in the dark for 24 h. Emerged 190, Nihon Molecular Devices5). P450 content was
seedlings were transferred to plastic pots and calculated as nmol mg¡1 microsomal protein using
grown in aqueous calcium sulfate solution (1 mM). the extinction coeYcient of 91 mM¡1 cm¡1 and the
The pots were covered with aluminum foil and value of absorbance at 450–490 nm [21,25]. The
placed in the dark at 30 °C. After 6 days, etiolated enzyme solution was assayed for protein contents
shoots were excised and used for microsome isola- by the method of Bradford [26] using bovine serum
tion [14,17]. Prior to excision, plants were subirri- albumin as a standard. Linear regression of a stan-
gated for 24 h with 1 M bispyribac-sodium, dard curve was used to determine the concentra-
fenoxaprop-ethyl, or thiobencarb. tion of protein in samples prepared from the
enzyme fractions.
2.3. Microsome isolation
2.5. P450 monooxygenase activity
Since P450s are mainly found in microsomal
fractions [21], microsomes were isolated from All assays were done in a total volume of 500 l
entire shoots [22]. Approximately 10–15 g of in a 1.5 ml microtube. The assay mixture contained
pooled shoots were harvested from R and S plants sodium phosphate buVer (100 mM; pH 8.0), micro-
and homogenized at 4 °C in sodium phosphate somal protein (1 mg ml¡1 assay solution), and
NADPH (1.0 mM). Bispyribac-sodium (0.1 mM as
Wnal concentration), fenoxaprop-ethyl (0.25 mM),
Life Science Research Institute, Kumiai Chemical Industry,
or thiobencarb (0.25 mM) was individually dis-
3360 Kamo, Kikugawa-cho, Ogasa-gun, Shizuoka 439-0031,
4 5
Wako Pure Chemical Industries, 1-2, Doshomachi 3- Nihon Molecular Devices, 3-21 Kanda Nishiki-cho, Chi-
Chome, Chuo-Ku, Osaka 540-8605, Japan. yoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0054, Japan.
110 M.-S. Yun et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 83 (2005) 107–114

solved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO, Wnal concen- and S mean values were compared using standard
tration: 1.0 ml L¡1) and added to the assay mixture errors and Fisher’s protected least signiWcant
as a substrate. This concentration of DMSO did diVerence (LSD) test. Means of either R or S plants
not aVect the enzyme activity. The reaction was ini- across pretreatments were compared using the
tiated by addition of 50 l NADPH (10 mM). A Tukey–Kramer honestly signiWcant diVerence
treatment without NADPH was included as a con- (HSD) test. The type I error rate was set at 0.05 for
trol. Solutions were incubated at 30 °C for 60 min all statistical tests, and the SPSS (Ver. 8.0J) soft-
and the reaction was terminated by adjusting the ware was used.
pH to 3.0 with 75 l phosphoric acid (1.4 M). The
solution was partitioned with ethyl acetate
(2 £ 1.0 ml). The ethyl acetate fractions were com- 3. Results and discussion
bined, dried under nitrogen, and then dissolved in
methanol (1.0 ml). Substrates were separated by The P450 contents in R and S microsomal frac-
high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; tions determined using spectroscopy at 450–
Shimadzu LC-10Ai, Shimadzu6) with a Nucleosil 490 nm under reduced carbon monoxide [23,24] are
5C18 column (4.6 mm £ 250 mm). The solvent gra- shown in Table 1. These fractions were isolated
dient was formed through an initial proportion of from plants pretreated with either bispyribac-
80% solvent A (0.5% phosphoric acid in water) to sodium, fenoxaprop-ethyl or thiobencarb. The R
20% solvent B (0.5% phosphoric acid in acetoni- biotype exhibits resistance to these herbicides in
trile). After 20 min, the solvent gradient had the Weld, while the S biotype is killed by the indi-
reached 80% B. The Xow rate of the solvent was vidual herbicides at recommended doses [1]. The
kept constant at 1.0 ml min¡1. All solvents were microsomal fraction prepared from R plants not
HPLC grade and were degassed before use. pretreated with any herbicide contained
Twenty microliter assay solution was injected. 3.12 nmol mg¡1 protein, which is signiWcantly
Substrates except bispyribac-sodium (246 nm) larger than the 2.95 nmol mg¡1 protein found in S
were detected at a wavelength of 240 nm. All sub- plants. When plants were pretreated with either
strates were quantiWed by peak areas using a UV bispyribac-sodium, fenoxaprop-ethyl or thioben-
detector (Shimadzu SPD-10A UV-VIS detector, carb, both R and S plants increased their micro-
Shimadzu6). The peaks were identiWed by matching somal P450 content compared to non-pretreated
their retention times with analytical standards of
each substrate. Hydroxylation activity was calcu-
Table 1
lated as speciWc activity (pmol mg¡1 microsomal P450 monooxygenase contents in microsomal fractions isolated
protein min¡1). from shoots of R and S late watergrass plants pretreated with
either bispyribac-sodium, fenoxaprop-ethyl, or thiobencarb
2.6. Statistical analysis Herbicide P450 content (nmol mg¡1 protein)
pretreatmenta (§SE)b
Preliminary trials were performed with a single R plants S plants
or two replications for the microsomal fraction- None ¤
3.12 § 0.04a 2.95 § 0.03a
ation and also for quantitative analyses of P450 Bispyribac-sodium¤ 5.82 § 0.06c 4.10 § 0.01b
content and activity. The experiment was repeated Fenoxaprop-ethyl¤ 4.61 § 0.12b 4.03 § 0.11b
with reproducible eVects, and data presented here Thiobencarb¤ 5.53 § 0.05c 5.14 § 0.10c
are for R and S etiolated plants, with or without a
Plants were pretreated with a 1 M concentration of each
herbicide pretreatment, for which P450 content herbicide for 24 h prior sampling for assay. An asterisk (¤) indi-
and activity was determined with three replicated cates statistical diVerence between a pair of R and S means
within a row according to Fisher’s protected least signiWcant
measurements. For each pretreatment, paired R diVerence (LSD) test at P < 0.05.
Within each column, means followed by diVerent letters are
6 statistically diVerent according to the Tukey–Kramer honestly
Shimadzu, 1 Nishinokyo, Kuwabara-cho, Nakagyo-ku,
Kyoto 604-8511, Japan. signiWcant diVerence (HSD) test at P < 0.05.
M.-S. Yun et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 83 (2005) 107–114 111

Table 2
P450 monooxygenase activities in microsomal fractions isolated from shoots of R and S late watergrass plants pretreated with either
bispyribac-sodium, fenoxaprop-ethyl, or thiobencarb
Herbicide pretreatmenta Substrateb P450 activityc (pmol mg¡1 protein min¡1) (§SE)
R plants S plants
None Bispyribac-sodium 0.0a 0.0a
Fenoxaprop-ethyl 0.0a 0.0a
Thiobencarb 0.0a 0.0a
Bispyribac-sodium Bispyribac-sodium¤ 33.3 § 0.5b 11.0 § 0. 2a
Fenoxaprop-ethyl 0.0a 0.0a
Thiobencarb 0.0a 0.0a
Fenoxaprop-ethyl Bispyribac-sodium 0.0a 0.0a
Fenoxaprop-ethyl¤ 246.7 § 5.7d 143.3 § 14.9b
Thiobencarb¤ 37.5 § 1.1b 22.7 § 5.3a
Thiobencarb Bispyribac-sodium 0.0a 0.0a
Fenoxaprop-ethyl 0.0a 0.0a
Thiobencarb¤ 297.1 § 5.5e 245.2 § 2.6c
Plants were pretreated with a 1 M concentration of each herbicide for 24 h prior sampling for assay.
Bispyribac-sodium, fenoxaprop-ethyl, and thiobencarb were added to the assay medium as hydroxylation substrates at concentra-
tions of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.25 mM, respectively. An asterisk (¤) indicates statistical diVerence between a pair of R and S means within a row
according to Fisher’s protected least signiWcant diVerence (LSD) test at P < 0.05.
Within each column, means followed by diVerent letters are statistically diVerent according to the Tukey–Kramer honestly signiW-
cant diVerence (HSD) test at P < 0.05.

plants. But, this increase in P450 content was larger ity on thiobencarb induced by fenoxaprop-ethyl
for R plants in all cases. The higher contents of was substantially lower than that observed when
inducible P450 in the R biotype in response to spe- thiobencarb itself was used as the inducer. In all
ciWc herbicide pretreatments suggest a correspon- cases, pretreatment-induced P450 activity was
dence with its superior ability to withstand toxicity higher in R than in S microsomal fractions. The
from these herbicides. higher ability of induced R plants to utilize as sub-
The speciWc activities of P450s from R and S strates for degradation the herbicides with which
microsomal fractions, as determined by the degra- they had been pretreated reXects the higher P450
dation rates of the herbicides used as substrate, are content observed in the induced R plants (Table 1).
shown in Table 2. We assumed that this activity These results suggest that R late watergrass has
corresponded to P450 monooxygenase hydroxyl- inducible P450s responsible for enhanced hydrox-
ation of the herbicide molecule, since it was deter- ylation rates of bispyribac-sodium, fenoxaprop-
mined in the presence of NADPH. No P450 ethyl, and thiobencarb, which reXect the observed
activity was observed in microsomal fractions resistance to these herbicides. Although pretreat-
from plants not pretreated with herbicide, but her- ment with fenoxaprop-ethyl increased the ability
bicide pretreatment induced P450 activity in both of R and S plants to hydroxylate both fenoxaprop-
R and S microsomal fractions. When plants were ethyl and thiobencarb, P450 induction was herbi-
pretreated with bispyribac-sodium, the microsomal cide-speciWc in all other cases (Table 2). This sug-
fractions exhibited P450 activity only against this gests that induction of P450 isozymes with
herbicide, and the R biotype exhibited higher P450 diVerent substrate speciWcity is most likely the
activity than the S biotype. Likewise, P450 activity mechanism involved in the multiple-herbicide
on fenoxaprop-ethyl was observed only when resistance observed in late watergrass.
plants had been pretreated with this herbicide. Several possible mechanisms need to be consid-
However, P450 activity on thiobencarb was ered when investigating resistance to herbicides in
induced by pretreatment with thiobencarb and weeds. Resistant weed biotypes may contain an
with fenoxaprop-ethyl, although the level of activ- action site with low herbicide aYnity or may have
112 M.-S. Yun et al. / Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 83 (2005) 107–114

evolved a high ability to detoxify herbicides. In our be a long-term creeping process by which these
earlier study with R and S late watergrass diVering plants could have accumulated mutations, gene
in their sensitivity to the above herbicides [1], we ampliWcations, or duplications conferring higher
demonstrated that resistance to bispyribac-sodium herbicide detoxiWcation ability [30]. Evidently
did not involve an altered herbicide-binding site on plants have an enormous diversity of P450 genes
the ALS, but instead, a mechanism of enhanced [31–33], given the chemical diversity of secondary
degradation that was possibly P450 mediated [2]. metabolites and the many P450 genes involved in
The P450 involvement was indirectly postulated their biosynthesis [34]. However, there is yet no evi-
because resistance to bispyribac-sodium was abol- dence that P450 genes are ampliWed by herbicide
ished by a simultaneous application of either piper- treatment. Further studies are needed to clarify
onyl butoxide (PBO) or malathion, which are how many and which P450 isozymes are induced
known P450 inhibitors. Similarly, resistance to thio- by speciWc herbicide treatments, and what is their
bencarb in hydroponically grown R late watergrass mode of inheritance. The involvement of other
was overcome by adding the P450 inhibitor amin- mechanisms in the observed resistance cannot be
obenzotriazol (ABT) to the growing medium (A. discarded. Several studies have demonstrated the
Fischer 2004, personal communication). An role of glutathione transferases (GST) in the detox-
increase in P450-dependent metabolism was Wrst iWcation of fenoxaprop via glutathione conjuga-
demonstrated in resistant Lolium rigidum Gaudin tion in other species [8,35,36]. This mechanism was
biotypes from Australia and blackgrass biotypes also implicated in the resistance of blackgrass in
that appeared in Europe [27,28]. Blackgrass resis- Europe to multiple herbicides, including fenoxa-
tance to ACCase-inhibitors, including fenoxaprop- prop, and it has even been postulated that GST
ethyl, can involve an insensitive ACCase. However, and P450 xenobiotic detoxiWcation systems can be
blackgrass populations in the United Kingdom are coordinately regulated [37]. Therefore, further
resistant to these herbicides through enhanced met- studies should investigate the role of GST activity
abolic detoxiWcation. In vivo metabolism studies in the resistance to fenoxaprop in resistant popula-
have established the role of P450s in the enzymatic tions of late watergrass.
detoxiWcation of diclofop-methyl and fenoxaprop-
ethyl in wheat and barley [8,29]. In the present
study, an R late watergrass biotype with multiple- Acknowledgments
herbicide resistance to bispyribac-sodium, fenoxa-
prop-ethyl, and thiobencarb exhibited higher P450 We are grateful to Dr. T. Shinohara of Kumiai
hydroxylation activity toward these herbicides than Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. for the gift of bispyri-
an S biotype. Therefore, the results presented here bac-sodium and their helpful suggestions.
directly prove our hypothesis of P450 involvement
as a mechanism for resistance in late watergrass.
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