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Definition of Music Therapy

The Peterson Family Foundation is working to bring music therapy programs to kids and teens
across the country who find themselves in hospital care.

Music therapy involves a trained and certified professional using music in a

clinical and evidence-based way to accomplish each patient’s
individualized objective. Music is used to reduce a patient’s pain, offers
them the ability to express themselves without words and facilitates
relaxation through singing, playing instruments, writing songs or listening to
music. This popular and longstanding psychology practice uses the
physical, emotional, mental, aesthetic and spiritual facets of music to help
people improve their overall health.
There are 72 colleges that offer degrees in music therapy, from bachelor’s
degrees to doctorates. It is an established health profession that uses
music in a therapeutic relationship to help patients deal with their physical,
emotional, cognitive and social needs. The process begins with an
assessment by a music therapist who determines the patient’s abilities and
needs. Activities the therapist designs help achieve those goals through
The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) says this form of
treatment can promote wellness, manage stress, alleviate pain, express
feelings, enhance memory, improve communication and promote physical
rehabilitation. Most of the time, live music is used because it is more
flexible and offers a greater chance for interaction between the therapist
and patient.
What Doesn’t Classify as Music Therapy
Now that we’ve explained what music therapy is, let’s take a look at what
it’s not:

 Music medicine, bringing about direct effects on a client’s bodily

systems and functions by listening to live or recorded music is not
considered music therapy.
 It does not qualify as special music education, teaching special
learners about music.
 Music therapy does not include lessons meant to increase a person’s
performance skills with an instrument or vocals.
 Recreational music intended to engage someone in musical activities
in a leisurely way is not musical therapy.
 Nor is entertainment, which is a live or recorded musical performance
for people who only participate in a passive way.

The History of Music Therapy

Music has been used by humans as a healing tool for hundreds of years.

The extraordinary qualities of music as a healing force have

been recognized for hundreds of years. Hippocrates, the founder of
medicine, used it for his patients. Musicians in Britain used to travel from
one hospital to another playing music for soldiers injured in battle. Native
Americans used chants and dancing to cure the sick. The Arabs built
hospitals with music rooms for their patients. Even the great thinkers of
history like Plato and Aristotle believed music could affect and purify a
person’s emotions.
These examples are just a sample of the ways music has been used to
help heal the sick throughout human history.

How Music Therapy Works

The form of music therapy varies based on the individual. Each person
gets the help they need based on their preferences and abilities. For some
it means playing a musical instrument, while others get the most from
singing. If someone struggles making the music themselves, their outlet
can consist of songwriting.
Whatever the method, there’s no denying that this practice can affect a
patient’s heart rate and breathing, especially when a strong rhythm is
involved. Music therapy also promotes the release of neurotransmitters,
called endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in the body and act as
natural painkillers, reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. There is
also evidence that music helps release memories, negative emotions or
repressed feelings. This is important in a patient’s healing process because
it can bring about a positive change in their thoughts, behavior and attitude.

Why is Music Therapy Effective?

Just like babies who start dancing to songs, all humans seem to have an
innate response to music regardless of their level of ability or training. This
does not diminish in those impaired by mental or physical illness. Music
has the power to engage and keep the attention of patients of all ages.
With the guidance of a music therapist, this power can be used to entertain,
uplift, open the mind and awaken the senses in order to succeed in
meeting numerous therapeutic goals.
There is a substantial amount of literature that backs up the
effectiveness of music therapy. A study by the University of Wisconsin at
Milwaukee found that heart-attack survivors in a hospital ward reported
feeling less anxious right after listening to classical music. This was
reflected in their bodies as well, with their heart rates slowing from an
average of 79 beats per minute to 71 and their average number of breaths
falling from 17 per minute to 16. The study also showed an increase in the
patient’s heart-rate variability, a sign their hearts were becoming stronger.
Thanks to the AMTA, research about the benefits of music therapy has
appeared in such publications as the Journal of Music Therapy and Music
Therapy Perspectives. Through this research, the American Cancer
Society recognizes music therapy as a benefit to cancer patients.
MusicWorx has compiled a bibliography with information for anyone
interested in learning more.

Who Can Benefit From Music Therapy

Music therapy has been shown to be effective for patients of all ages and for a variety of

What makes music therapy such a great therapeutic tool is that it is

extremely universal. The benefits it provides helps both young and old as
well as those suffering from a wide range of maladies – from children with
developmental disabilities to people with Parkinson’s disease or dementia
to cancer patients. The reality is that almost any patient can see
improvements in their healing process by working with a music therapist.

Music Therapy for Kids

Every child has experienced music in one form or another. It is a shared
experience everyone can relate to, while at the same time offering a
chance to explore using an instrument they have never picked up but
always wanted to try. Since music therapy is designed to
be developmentally appropriate for anyone, it provides an opportunity for
self-discovery and the chance to release emotions a child might otherwise
keep to themselves.
During their first meeting, a music therapist will assess the patient’s
abilities, set up goals and create an action plan for future appointments. A
session can last anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes and may include the
therapist providing music or the therapist and patient making music
together. Depending on the needs, a meeting can be as simple as chanting
and singing to something more complex like recording a song.
For one young man, music therapy changed his life. In a mini case
presented in The Huffington Post, Music Therapy expert Kat Fulton
describes the obstacles and achievements that Jonah, a child who was
born as a preemie with no sight, faces. Before Jonah started music therapy
he was unable read braille and could not cope with difficult tasks. Through
working with his music therapist and using his natural affinity for music, he
has started learning how to read, vocalizing two to three words at a time –
dramatically increasing his communication skills. Beyond his improvement
in language, and with the help of music, Jonah is able to stay calm in
situations that would have previously frustrated him, such as learning to tie
his shoes. Where other strategies have failed to yield progress, music
therapy has succeeded in helping this child live a more fulfilling life.

Music is motivating
In my private practice, I primarily work with children who have Autism spectrum disorders or
intellectual disabilities. Music therapy in my clinic often looks like “fun.” And it is fun! That’s how
children learn! Often, the music strategies are so motivating that my clients don’t realize they are
“working” on their speech or comprehension skills. They are “working” on increased motor skills.
They are “working” on their social skills!
Music can carry information
How did you learn your ABCs? Or the states and their capitals? By pairing a melody with
targeted information, music therapy can help my clients retain that information when they
otherwise might not be able to remember.
Music uses the whole brain
Music is processed on both sides of the brain. When a person is engaged in music activities, the
brain is actively firing more neurons and increasing the opportunity for development and learning.

What is Music Therapy Kids?

Here at Music Therapy Kids, it is our goal to share songs and music activities based on the
principles of music therapy. While singing with a child does not make you a music therapist, it is
equally or more important for YOU the PARENT to engage with them in music. I also love
hearing how other therapist often incorporate music because that is when they get the most
response from their clients! While there is certainly a place for the expertise of a clinical music
therapist, I feel the more music the better! As a parent you can sing or interact with your child
musically anytime, anywhere! It is our goal to provide resources that enrich the parent/child or
therapist/child interactions through music.

Music therapy
for kids with
by Trine Roald - Head of Medical Marketing on October

Music plays a big part in most people’s lives. It can be relaxing, spark
certain feelings and increase quality of life. For people with disabilities,
music has several advantages and can help to develop mental, physical
and social abilities.
What is music therapy?
Music therapy is an evidence-based use of music to establish a
therapeutical relationshipbetween an individual and his or her therapist.

Through the therapy, the child and the therapist are trying to accomplish a
set of individualised goals. These goals can vary from person to person,
but are usually tied to creating positive changes in behaviour and emotional

For some kids with disabilities, communication can be challenging and

difficult, which can lead to feeling isolated. Music therapy is a chance to not
only develop one’s abilities, but also a way of experiencing a real
connection with another human being. In many ways, it allows the child to
be seen and acknowledged.

Unlike music training and classes, the goal is not necessarily to emerge
from the therapy with higher musical talent, but rather to meet the goals set
– which can be everything from increasing one's self-esteem, to developing
a set of social skills.
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What does a music therapist do?

Not everyone’s aware of it, but music therapists need to have a degree in
music therapy, and will typically work at institutions such as hospitals,
rehabilitation centers, clinics, schools and kindergartens.

When choosing goals, techniques and activities, the therapist will have to
take the child’s overall health, emotional state, cognitive and social abilities
into consideration.

For the therapy to be successful, it’s vital for the therapist to get a musical
connection with the child. This happens by trying to find the child’s musical
preferences, and make use of musical techniques and activities such as
singing, song writing, listening, dancing and playing. These activities can
also be organised as group activities, where the children get to interact and
have fun together.

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How can it help children with

According to the American Music Therapy Association, music therapy can
strengthen and reinforce areas of speech, cognitive abilities, motor
coordination and range of motion.

Improvements in speech and language can come from singing along with
songs, which can improve a child’s fluency as well as loudness, breathing
and pitch. Singing songs can also increase the ability to learn and
memorise. In that sense it functions as cognitive training.

In addition, music therapy can be a great way of getting the child to move,
thus improving motor coordination and relieving tight muscles.
Last, but not least, music therapy can bring a lot of joy and happiness to a
child. Being able to sing, dance and move–essentially being able to
express oneself–can be very fulfilling and giving. Considering all the
benefits that come with music therapy, it surely is worth considering for
your child.

What is music therapy?

Music therapy is an evidence-based allied health profession that uses the clinical
applications of music to meet individualized non-musical goals. These goals could be
physical, cognitive, emotional, or social. At Children’s Minnesota, patients are seen
for individual, group, or family music therapy sessions.

Benefits of music therapy

Music therapy can have benefits such as:

 Pain management
 Physical rehabilitation
 Anxiety and stress reduction
 Self expression
 Family support
 Relaxation

 Normal growth and development

 Opportunities for choice and control
 Positive change in mood and emotional states
 Learning coping skills and techniques
 Effect positive physiological changes

About music therapy sessions

Although every music therapy sessions is different, here are some examples of
common experiences and techniques by age group.
Infants: Music therapy for infants is typically aimed at relaxation or developmental
stimulation goals. Music therapy may reduce stress in infants, increasing oxygen
saturation and lowering heart and breathing rate. When interacting with an infant, a
music therapist might:
 Sing or hum softly to your baby
 Play a reverie harp or guitar
 Use a variety of interactive percussion instruments and songbooks to encourage
reaching, grasping, visual attention and interaction

 Adapt music to be appropriate for infants who are able to tolerate only minimal levels
of stimulation
 Encourage family involvement through singing along, rocking their baby
 Teach families how to use music to encourage growth and development
Toddlers/preschool age: Music therapy for very young children encourages
creative expression of emotions, opportunities for choices and control, and ways to
cope with their hospital experience. Music therapy can also help provide distraction
during uncomfortable procedures. A music therapist may provide opportunities to
play and choose instruments such as drums, shakers, xylophones and harmonicas.
Playing and listening to familiar songs can create a feeling of security for toddlers
and preschoolers while promoting active engagement in their hospital experience.
School-age: Music therapy for school-age kids can be similar to interventions
provided for younger children, but older children may be able to engage in more
complex interventions such as songwriting, free improvisation and guided relaxation
techniques. A school-aged child may be able to engage in projects which take more
than one session to complete, such as writing and recording an original song or
learning a simple song on the guitar or xylophone. These interventions can promote
mastery and self-esteem as well as encourage involvement in their health care
Teens: Music therapy for teens can be helpful for actively processing feelings and
emotions associated with illness, developing techniques to cope with anxiety and
pain, and providing normative musical experiences. Teens may engage in:

 Songwriting
 Creation of CDs and/or playlists
 Lyric analysis to promote emotional processing, relaxation or movement goals
 Guided relaxation and learn techniques to be used outside of the music therapy
Family sessions: Family participation is encouraged in all sessions to the degree
that the family desires. Siblings and family members are encouraged to sing, play
instruments, and actively engage in the music therapy process. Family and siblings
may benefit from an opportunity to participate in a creative, supportive outlet, which
can reduce stress and promote well-being.
Collaboration with other hospital disciplines: Music therapists may
collaborate with various other hospital disciplines such as physical, occupational, and
speech therapy; integrative medicine; chaplaincy; and child life. For example, a
music therapist may co-treat during an occupational therapy session, encouraging
grasp or fine motor skills through instrument play.

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