Week 1 Lesson 1a Maths Money Financial Plans Budgets

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Mrs Xerri Lesson Plan: Maths Lesson 1A & 1B Money (2 lessons)

Date: Thursday 26th October 2017 Time: 11.30am – 12.15pm Lesson: 1- Money Year: 5
Friday 27th October 2017 2-Money
Learning Area, Strands:

Mathematics – Number & Algebra – Number & Place Value

Content Descriptor:

(ACMNA099) Use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers to calculations

Specific Learning Goals: At the conclusion of this learning experience each student should be able to:

- Demonstrate estimation skills involved in calculating the cost of items without the use of digital technology
- Round up or down to accurately estimate the total cost of purchasing several items
- Use digital technology to calculate the cost of purchasing items and evaluate their success at accurately estimating and rounding financial costs.

Achievement Standard:

Mathematics: Students check the reasonableness of answers using estimation and rounding.
Students solve simple problems involving the four operations using a range of strategies.

Assessment: (Diagnostic) What will you monitor? Recording: How will you monitor?

- Completion of written Diagnostic assessment worksheet - Diagnostic assessment worksheet

- Students estimation and rounding skills - Observation and anecdotal notes
- Student accuracy performing mathematical operations

Students’ Prior Knowledge:

In Year 4 students added on to their understanding of the main four mathematical operations
In Year 5 students have practised using the four operations and have experienced rounding and estimating activities
previously. This lesson is revision and an assessment of their understanding.
Time: Introduction: WALT/WILF for Step 2 onwards as Step 1 is Lesson 1 (Diagnostic test) Preparation and Resources:

11.30am WALT: Develop skill in rounding through giving correct change.

WILF: Students work in groups and then pairs, demonstrating their knowledge of how to
round up/down and give correct change. Teacher computer

11.30am – 1. Students complete Diagnostic Assessment worksheet (20 mins allowed) Diagnostic Assessment (printed or
12.15pm Altered lesson plan: The diagnostic will take one lesson, so tomorrow lesson is now from online for students to access x 25
Step 2 onwards…

Friday 2a. I have added a short video clip on decimal currency as an introduction to this lesson, https://youtu.be/5ZTeWLA1LAs
11.30am given it ties in decimals, rounding and money. Integration with English occurs as I will be Dollar Bill and Australian keep the
discussing advertising elements of this video also. → → wheels of industry turning (NFSA
films, 2010, August 15). 4m09sec
2b. After video teacher informs:
- Australia had 1c 2c coins up until 1991. Base 10 system $1 = 100 units Special edition coin sets (mine)
Q Where today would we see items that are 93c or 99c or 89c? Coles, online shopping… 1m ruler
Whiteboard marker
- Show coins to students and explain that with decimal came rounding up/rounding down.

3. Direct instruction: Using IWB draw number line to question students for understanding
- Draw a line marked zero to 10c. One piece of paper per group
- Each table of students writes 0 to 10 on a piece of paper and then next to each of
these they decide as a group whether you round down, round up or stay the same.

- 1 group member out the front, teacher starts at zero and students at the front show
arms up, arms down or arms folded
Teams reveal group score as a way of self-assessing knowledge of rounding.

Question/Purpose of activity: Is there a rule we can learn from this activity to help us
remember what we round up down or leave as is?

3. Model this with one student in front of whole class: Rounding Dollars Game 13 x 9 or 10-sided dice
In pairs each person rolls the dice twice e.g. 5 then 6 is $56 and 4 and 2 is $42. (1 dice per pair)
Step 1. Numbers rolled written as a subtraction sum (biggest number goes first) Maths workbooks
Step 2. Dollars rounded up/down (unless a 5)
12.10 – Conclusion:
Stand up where you are as I call a number you have to show with your arms up down or crossed

Next lesson we will work through some activities that involve rounding and giving change.

Learning and Teaching Adjustments:

The following sections are to be completed AFTER the learning experience

Evaluation of Students’ Learning:

Future Action for Students:

Planning and preparation:
- Diagnostic assessment must be explained to students before they complete it…as this stopped the students having so many questions.

Learning Experience Structure:


Future Action for Self:

- Students didn’t quite complete the whole assessment in 30 minutes so next time I need to get them started on time.

Mentor Teacher:
Please sign to indicate you have reviewed this Learning Experience Plan ___________________________________ (Mentor Teacher)
Diagnostic Assessment Year 5 Name _______________

1 59 351 $34.53 $749.45

+ 622 - 64 +$19.99 -$717.60

2 Show me that you know place value by showing me the money!

Look at the amounts of Thousands Ones Parts of One Dollar =
money and transfer Cents
them across to show
100’s Tens Ones 100’ Tens Ones Tenth 100th
place value:
s • s s







3 Complete the table to show the amount of money raised at the school fair:
a) Week one: Year 3 raised $10.90 Year 4 raised $8.55 Year 5 raised $12.90 Year 6 raised $10.45
b) Week two: Year 3 raised $8.00 Year 4 raised $4.65 Year 5 raised $7.50 Year 6 raised $16.00
c) Week three: Year 3 raised $14.65 Year 4 raised $6.30 Year 5 raised $15.40 Year 6 raised $9.05
Week 1 Sub-totals
Year 3 $14.65
Year 4
Year 5 $7.50
Year 6
Total raised $

4 If Alex had a $2 coin, 50 cents and 20 cents, how much does he have in total?

5 Bindi had a $20 Dollar note and I bought an apple for $1, a bottle of water for $2 and a banana for $1.
Draw a picture to show how much change she would get and in what notes and coins.

6 Sam likes to buy games for his PS4 and his mother gave him $100 to spend. Sam bought two games,
one was $49.00 and one was $45.00. Show this as a written sum or draw the notes and coins he used
to buy them.

7 If jam tarts are $3.55 a dozen, then how much would you pay for 4 dozen? Show your working out!

8 Use division to show how many Kinder Surprises each student gets:
“Harry has 28 ‘Kinder Surprises’ to share between himself and three friends”.

9 If 1 bag of apples costs $3.00 then, 5 bags of apples totals $15.00. Show how you work out what the
value of 15 trucks, loaded with 500 bags of apples?

10 Just add a decimal point … it is easier than you think!

Mr Grey found $ 265 in small change in his pocket.

The Xbox controller cost $ 9 9 9 9 and the sale price was rounded up to $100.00.
ANSWER SHEET: Diagnostic Assessment Year 5

1) 681 287 $ 14.54 $ 31.85

Look at the amounts of Thousands Ones Parts of One Dollar
money and transfer = Cents
them across to show
100’s Tens Ones 100’ Tens Ones Tenth 100th
place value:
s • s s

$2.50c 2 5 0
$24.20c 2 4 2 0
$78.10c 7 8 1 0
$525.40 5 2 5 4 0
$1268.00c 1 2 6 8 0 0
$28,495.50 2 8 4 9 5 5 0

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Sub-totals
Year 3 $10.90 $8.00 $14.65 $33.55
Year 4 $8.55 $4.65 $6.30 $19.50
Year 5 $12.90 $7.50 $15.40 $35.80
Year 6 $10.45 $16.00 $9.05 $35.50
Total raised $ 124.35

4) $2.70
5) $20 - $1 - $2 - $1 = $16
6) $100 - $49 = $51 $51 - $45 = $6 change
7) $3.55 X 4 = $14.20
8) 28 ÷ 4 = 7
9) $3.00 $15.00 $1500.00 500
X 5 X 100 X 15 trucks OR x 15 trucks
$15.00 → $1500.00→ $22500.00 7500 bags x $3.00 a bag = $22500.00

10) Mr Grey found $ 2• 6 5 in small change in his pocket.

The Xbox controller cost $ 9 9• 9 9 and the sale price was rounded up to $100.00

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