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I, Lorelyn T. Dumaug, of legal age, being the duly elected and qualified
Secretary General of Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines, (the “
CDP”) with principaloffice at Unit 3, 2nd F MILLE Building, 335-337 Gil Puyat Ave.
(formerly Buendia) cor.Dominga St., Pasay City , after having been sworn
according to law, hereby depose andstate:That at a Special Meeting of the
Executive Board of the National Council of the CDP
h e l d o n N o v e m b e r 3 0 , 2 0 1 2 , a t w h i c h m e e t
i n g a q u o r u m w a s p r e s e n t a n d a c t i n g throughout
, the following resolutions were unanimously approved: “RESOLVED, that the
and its existing
organized districts
and r
be, as itis he r e b y, a u tho r iz e d to e n te r i nt o tr a n sa ct io n an d /o r
av ai l o f pr o d uc t s o r fa c i li t ie s o f , o r br o ke r e d by , o r thr o u g h t he
i nte r me d ia t io n o f,
Bank of the Philippine Islands
o r a n y other
commercial banks
, or any of its branches, affiliates, and wholly/partly o
w n e d subsidiaries (hereinafter individually or collectively referred to as
“BPI” for the purpose
of t h e s e r e s o l u t i o n s ) , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t
l i m i t e d t o , d e p o s i t a c c o u n t s ( i n c l u d i
n g phone/electronic/internet banking facilities), cash
m a n a g e m e n t s e r v i c e s , a n d s i m i l a r tr an sa c t io ns a s t he
ma y de e m r e as o na b le , be ne f ic i al a nd i n the fur t he r a n ce o f
t he interest of the
; “RESOLVED, that any
two (2)
of the following officers of the
CD P N o r t h er n Mindanao
be, as its regional council officers are hereby authorized to sign, for and in
behalf o f t h e
CDP Northern Mindanao
any documents, papers, instruments, checks andw i t h d
rawal slips, debit and credit instructions, fund
t r a n s f e r i n s t r u c t i o n s , c h e c k encashment/endorsement,
forms, agreements, or contracts as may be appropriate and/orrequired for
the implementation of the foregoing powers/transactions, authorized
above;P o s i t i o n N a m e o f
I n c u m b e n t S i g n a t u
r e Officers/DirectorsChairman Jordan Jay C. AntolinSecretary Gil S. Etu
lleTreasurer James Gregor L. Asuelo “RESOLVED further that in addition to
the cited signatories, any one of the followingo f fi ce r s o f the C D P
N o r t he r n M i nd a n ao R e g io na l C o u nc i l h as t he a ut h o r i ty to in q u ir e
o n ma t te r s pe r t a i ni n g to the C D P N o r the r n M i n da na o ac co u n t ,
e . g. o u ts ta n d in g ba l an ce s ,
asw e l l a s t h e a u t h o r i t y t o c o n f i r m t h e d u e i s s u a
nce of the corporation’s checks, thec o r r e c t n e s
s o f a l l t h e e n t r i e s t h e r e o n a n d / o r i t s r e g
u l a r i t y ( v i s - a - v i s t e c h n i c a l validity/deficiencies) of the
same and any other related
transaction/matters:N a
m e
P o s
i t i o
n S i
g n a
t u r
e Deputy Chairman Roderico Y. Dumaug,JrDeputy Secretar
y Emelia P. DaleMembership Officer Jose Abel A. MoyaPol Com Officer Lorely
n T. Dumaug

‘RESOLVED, that the Secretary General or the National Chairman of the

beauthorized, as they are hereby authorized, to submit the updated lists of
incumbent officersoccupying the above mentioned positions, from time to
time. ‘RESOLVED, FINALLY, that this Resolution shall remain valid, subsisting
andenforceable unless subsequently modified, revoked, rescinded or
superseded by
a resolutiono f t h e E x e c u t i v e B o a r d o f t h e N a t i o n a l C o u n c i l
of the Centrist Democratic Party of thePhilippines
(CDP) and a copy of such resolution is actually
r e c e i v e d b y B P I o r o t h e r commercial banks.IN WITNESS WHEREOF,
I have hereunto set my hand this _______________ day of ________
Lorelyn T. Dumaug
Secretary GeneralCentrist Democratic Party of the PhilippinesREPUBLIC OF
PHILIPPINES) ____________________________________SSSubscribed
and sworn before me in _________, on this __________day of
___________,affiant (state name of affiant), who is personally known to me
and to me known to be
thes a m e p e r s o n w h o e x e c u t e d t h e f o r e g o i n g i n s t r u m e n t
a n d w h o e x h i b i t e d t o m e h i s / h e r Community Tax Certificate No.
________issued at___________on____________; and/orw ho was
i de n t i fie d by me t hr o u g h co m pe te nt e v i de n ce o f i de n t i ty to be
t he s a me pe r s o n who executed the foregoing instrument and who
exhibited to me his/her Passport/Driver’sLicense No. __________issued at
____________ on ______________.NOTARY PUBLICMy commission expires
on ____________Commission serial no. _______________Place of
commission _________________Office address
______________________Roll No. ___________ IBP No. _________PTR
No. _____ Place _______Date______Doc. No.________Page
No.________Book No._______Series of ______.

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