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Sydney Seed

MUED 308: Dr. Phoenix

Class: String Techniques

Objective/Topic: Rehearsal of Let Her Go by Passenger

Right-Hand Skills Left-Hand Skills

-bow hold/bow hand shape -finger placement
-bow strokes -intonation
-attack strokes Instrument Position and Body Posture
-tone color -body posture
-bowings -instrument hold
-string crossing
General Music Skills
-rhythmic reading
-sight reading


a) Instruments
b) Let Her Go arrangement


Students will:
a) Demonstrate good posture, and left hand shape. acknowledge 2 model students
b) Play a GM scale exercise on pizz with extremely resonant quarter notes. Practice
vibrato MU:Cr2.1.3b
c) Name adjectives and play the scale exercise in that adjective changing tempo,
dynamics, and articulations Ask: what physical things can we do to hear those
musical ideas more clearly? MU:Cr1.1.5b
d) Identify positive and negative characteristics of their neighbor’s sound
e) Ask students if they are familiar with Passenger Take 30 seconds to look over part
f) Sight-read LHG
g) Identify emotions they felt. What musical skills can we emulate to further
encompass that emotion?


a) Upper strings and cello look over your part. Basses let me hear your resonant
quarter notes.
b) Cellos- light and steady, basses sight read the cello part and play with them.
c) Pick an open string and practice 16th notes. Short bowing, but flowy and light.
d) Upper strings, how do you interpret the tenuto?
e) Who wants to play the solo?

Informal Evaluation:

a) Assess sight reading abilities. How quickly are the students adapting?
b) Assess musical imagine. What emotions are they trying to emulate, and how many
musical tools are they thinking of you use?
c) Assess pizz technique

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