OMG-BASE-Partition Wall Load Calculations

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Equivalent UDL of Partition wall (5.05 m) Equivalent UDL of Partition

Average grid spacing 8.5 m
Total partition wall length, (Eq 200 mm thk) (two units) 20.95 m
Total Building width 19.05 m
1 unit + Corridor width 12.75 m
AAC wall density 6 KN/m3
Partition wall thickness 0.15 m
Wt of 0.15 m thick wall 0.9 KN/m2
clear story height 5.05 m
Weight of 0.15m thick partition wall 4.545 KN/m

Plaster thickness (Both side) 50 mm

Unit weight 24 KN/m3
wt/m2 of 50 mm thick plaster 1.2 KN/m2
Wall height 5.05 m
weight of plaster /running length 6.06 KN/m

Total weight of Partition wall including plaster 10.605 KN/m

per running m for 5.05m clear story height
Total wall weight weight for20.95 m long wall 222.17475 KN
Total wall weight for 19.05 m building width 444.3495 m
Total wall weight for 12.75 m building width 222.17475 m

Tributary Area for 19.05 m length width 161.925 m2

Tributary Area for 12.75 m length width 108.375 m2
Equavalend UDL for19.05 m length width 2.74 KN/m2
Equavalend UDL for12.75 m length width 2.05 KN/m2
Average 2.40 KN/m2
Equivalent UDL of Partition wall (4.45 m) Equivalent UDL of Partition wall (3.25 m)
8.5 m 8.5 m
20.95 m 20.95 m
19.05 m 19.05 m
12.75 m 12.75 m
6 KN/m3 6 KN/m3
0.15 m 0.15 m
0.9 KN/m2 0.9 KN/m2
4.45 m 3.25 m
4.005 KN/m 2.925 KN/m

50 mm 50 mm
24 KN/m3 24 KN/m3
1.2 KN/m2 1.2 KN/m2
4.45 m 3.25 m
5.34 KN/m 3.9 KN/m

9.345 KN/m 6.825 KN/m

195.77775 KN 142.98375 KN
391.5555 m 285.9675 m
195.77775 m 142.98375 m

161.925 m2 161.925 m2
108.375 m2 108.375 m2
2.42 KN/m2 1.77 KN/m2
1.81 KN/m2 1.32 KN/m2
2.11 KN/m2 1.54 KN/m2
Length of 100 mm thick wall
2.8 m
10.8 m
Equavalent 200 mm thick wall 5.4 m
Length of 200 mm thick wall
13.95 m
Length of 400 mm thick wall 0.8 m
Equavalent 200 mm thick wall 1.6 m

Total length of 200 mm thick wall 20.95 m

for above area

Total builidng width 19.05 m

Half unit width 12.98 m

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