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The Volkswagen Group employ a 17 digit

alphanumeric Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

WVW ZZZ 7H Z E H 000001

Click on the different areas of the VIN number to

discover the meaning of each section
These 3 digits tell us the manufacturer of the vehicle


WV1 = Volkswagen Commercial

WV2 = Volkswagen Commercial
WV3 = Volkswagen Commercial
A VIN number has to be 17 digits long


These 3 digits are simply just a filler to make the

VIN number 17 digits long, they have no significance
These two digits refer to the vehicle Model Type


Click here to see examples

of the vehicle Model Types
Examples of Vehicle Model Types for Volkswagen Commercial

1A Caddy MY 1992 - 1995 2D LT – 2 from MY 1997 7J Transporter T5 MY 2003 - 2011

14 Caddy MY 1983 – 1991 29 LT 35 / 40 / 45 7E Transporter T5 from MY 2011

9E Caddy van MY 2000 - 2003 2V L80 from MY 1992 7F Transporter Open bodies from MY 2011

9K Caddy Kombi MY 1996 -2003 28 T28 / 31 up to MY 91 2H Amarok from MY 2010

9U Caddy Pick-up MY 1996 -2003 7A Taro from MY 91 24 Pick up Double Cab from MY 1980

2K Caddy from MY 2004 2A Transporter from MY 80 2E Crafter from MY 2005

2C Caddy from MY 2011 70 Transporter T4 MY 96 - 03 2F Crafter Open bodies from MY 2005

2C Caddy GP from MY 2011 7H Transporter T5 from MY 03 2E Crafter from MY 2011

A VIN number has to be 17 digits long

This digit is simply just a filler to make the

VIN number 17 digits long, it has no significance
This digit refers to the Model Year of the vehicle

Click here to see a full detailed

list of the Model Years
Model Year
1980 = A 1990 = L 2000 = Y 2010 = A 2020 = L

1981 = B 1991 = M 2001 = 1 2011 = B 2021 = M

1982 = C 1992 = N 2002 = 2 2012 = C 2022 = N

1983 = D 1993 = P 2003 = 3 2013 = D 2023 = P

1984 = E 1994 = R 2004 = 4 2014 = E 2024 = R

1985 = F 1995 = S 2005 = 5 2015 = F 2025 = S

1986 = G 1996 = T 2006 = 6 2016 = G 2026 = T

1987 = H 1997 = V 2007 = 7 2017 = H 2027 = V

1988 = J 1998 = W 2008 = 8 2018 = J 2028 = W

1989 = K 1999 = X 2009 = 9 2019 = K 2029 = X

This digit refers to where the
vehicle was manufactured

Click here to see a full detailed

list of the Manufacturing Plants
Group Manufacturing Plants
A = Ingolstadt V = Palmela
B = Brussels W = Wolfsburg
D = Bratislava X = Poznan
E = Emden Y = Pamplona
H = Hanover 1 = Gyoer / Mlada Bolelav
M = Puebla 2 / 3 / 4 = Mlada Boleslav
N = Neckarsulm 5 / 6 = Kvasiny
P = Mosel 7 = Vrchabli / Dusseldorf
R = Martorell 8 = Vrchabli / Dresden
U = Uitenhage 9 = Kvaisny
These last digits are unique to each vehicle model


It is the sequential production number which is given

at the manufacturing plant

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