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13 th Octo ber
Nelson Central School
2 010 Week l y N e ws l ett er
Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te for new people once we know how many people we have to
Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and cater for.
family of Nelson Central School. Class Placements Form 2011
Welcome to term 4! I trust everyone enjoyed time with This is to remind caregivers/parents that there is a form
their children during the school holidays and that you are available for you to complete if you think there is
all refreshed and ready for a busy term 4. something we need to know about your child that you feel
A special welcome to people new to the school – we hope we might not be aware of and that might be relevant as we
you enjoy your time with us. consider class placements for 2011. The forms will need to
be returned to either your child’s classroom teacher or to the
Paid Union Meetings school office by 29th October.
NZEI members will be attending paid union meetings this
month. We have arranged for staff to attend 1 of 3 meeting Nelson Central School Achievers
venues during the month (14 October, 19 October and 27 1. Neihana B, Jessie W and Abel J (R15) for great writing
October) so as to disrupt the school as little as possible. On about Te Pouahi’s hangi.
those days classes will ‘double up’ and have adapted 2. Luke M, Eva P (R3) great handwriting
programmes for meeting afternoons. 3. Amarah T (R5) for an amazing sculpture
4. William F, Beau C, Gyung K, Mackenzie G (R5)
Kidz for Kidz Concert amazing maths
Congratulations to all children who were part of our Kidz 5. Hoani M, (Ren 1) wonderful effort in Jolly Phonics
for Kidz Suzanne Prentice Show. What a stunning 6. Hinerangi B (Ren 1) wonderful effort in reading
performance! 7. Tahlia K (Ren 1) excellent effort in reading and writing
Ball Wall 8. Finn C (Ren 1) amazing reading skills
The wall is up and the concrete for the base has been laid – 9. Connor M, Mackensey W, Kotone M, Jay C, Eden B,
but it’s not quite ready. We will let you know when it is Jordan P, Emma C (R4) for amazing accuracy in basic
ready to use. facts
Learn to play a musical instrument 10. Aden T, Eva P, Luke M, Pete M, George B, Logan C
Nick Sharpe is again offering children an opportunity to (R3) for excelling in maths
learn to play a musical instrument. The cost will be $7 per Term 4 starts Monday 11 October
pupil lesson and there is some capacity to hire an 11-15 Oct Cycle Safety Training for Totara Syndicate
instrument. If this interests you please call at the office and 12 Oct-4 Nov Grasshopper Tennis throughout the school
pick up one of Nick’s information sheets and enrolment 18-21 Oct Room 8 camp to Mistletoe Bay
form. 18 Oct Nelson Central performs in Red Square 12-12:30
No Hat No Play in the Sun 19 Oct BOT meeting
This is term 4 and our ‘no hat, no play in the sun’ policy 26 Oct Prospective families/students meeting
comes into effect for the summer. We will be asking 26-27 Oct R5-6 camp
children to wear their sunhats. We don’t want it to be a 28-29 Oct R3-4 (+y3 R14) camp
‘growling time’ and it would help if parents could 29 Oct SCG Disco
reinforce the policy for us. Broad brimmed hats can be 8-9 Nov Road Patrol Training for 2011 wardens
purchased at the office. 11 Nov NIS powhiri/school tour for new students
16 Nov BOT meeting
Before School Supervision
22 Nov NIS Extension Class testing
This is a reminder to anyone who has to leave early for
work. The school operates a Before School Supervision 23 Nov Inter-school athletics
programme in the library between 7:30 – 8:30 am Monday 7 Dec BOT meeting
to Friday. It costs $1 per child per session. This is a more 10 Dec Summit Club tramp to Mt Arthur
suitable arrangement than allowing children to play on the Term 4 finishes Thursday 16 December
street before school. If you require further information Public Holidays During Term Time
please call the school office – 03-548 4972 Labour Day - 25 October (Monday)
Dr Paul Potaka
Bilingual (Maori) Education
If you are considering a bilingual (Maori) education for PRINCIPAL
your child in 2011 can you please make this known to Our weekly newslett er is kindly
Chanel Ngaruhe, Team Leader, or Paul Potaka by 29 sponsored by –
October. This offer is open to anyone in the school - we THE DOCUMENT COMPANY
will arrange an information/question and answer session

7 0 N il e St r e et , N e lson – Ph on e 0 3 5 4 8 4 9 7 2 – Fa x 0 3 5 4 8 4 4 8 3 – E ma il st a ff@ n el son cen t ra l.sch o ol.n z

Principa l: tumuaki @t Sec reta ry: secret ary @nel so ncent ral.scho BO T Cha irma n: D avid Jo hnston W ebsite: www.nelsonce nt ral .sc
Visit by Craig Smith. Author of “The Wonky Donkey”
• Monday 18th Oc tober
• 11am -11.45 a t school
• Craig is coming to read stories, sing and share some
general hilari ty.
• The whole school will attend
• $2.00 charge
Please place money with child’s na me and room number in
envelope and place in payments drop box in foyer by Friday 15th Oc tober
• Children performing a t Red Square will miss the majori ty of the performance so will not need to pay.
( Red Square Choir Rooms 6 Room 15 Ukulele group)
• Children a ttending Tricks of the Trade will return in ti me for thi s performance
Tickets to Sell.!!!!!!
Reminder Red Square Performanc e
*Tricks of the Trade Theatre Royal Monday 18th October
• Top of Trafalgar Street.
9.30 -10.20
• Monday Oc tober 18th
*Imagined Worlds. Theatre Royal Thursday 21st October 11-
• 12 -12.30pm
• Performance by:
Tickets have been pre booked and we need to sell them all
Choir Red squa re choi r
The remaining tickets are now open to all parents or caregi vers.
Ukulele Group
10 tickets a vailable for each show. $8 per ticket.
Jump Ja m Room 6
First in first served . Please fill in booking sheet in foyer. 
Kapahaka Room 15
Christine Harri son D.P.

Grasshoppers Primary School ♦ Teams will play each school twice in Term
Interclub Competition Fact 4, making it a 6 week competition.
Sheet ♦ Matches will count as wins, and count back
of games will take place if the tie is even.
This exciting new competition is to give the tennis juniors of Nelson ♦ Final – the winning school of each pool
an opportunity to represent their school and play in the play a final where the winning team will be
“Grasshoppers Primary Interclub competition” decided Venue for the final will be decided
25 schools will be invited to enter the competition and they will be depending on which teams in final.
grouped into 5 pools as per location. (Initially the schools below will ♦ Finals Date - Friday 10th December
be invited), if they decline then other schools will be invited to take ♦ Each school must have a parent present the
their place. whole time and will be the timer/score
Group 4 is provisionally : St Josephs, Hampden St, Nelson Central, keeper
Clifton Terrace (or Enner Glynn, Tahunanui) ♦ Scoring – normal scoring, normal court
Venue Nelson Lawns with short deuces.
To be played on a Friday from 3.45-5.15pm. Please contact Sheryll in the school office 548-
Start date - Friday 29th October 2010 4972 x 819 or by email:
♦ To be played with a green dot ball (this is a 75% compression if interested.
tennis ball) will be given to captains
♦ Must be Year 6 and under Unclaimed Lost Property Clothing Sale
♦ Must be a member of a tennis club The Sc hool Communi ty group intend on selling
♦ Team fee of $50 to be paid to the NBTA (to cover cost of the school’s unclaimed lost property clothing
balls, administration) $10 each player collected last term. The proceeds from the
♦ There will be 4 children (5 names listed) to a team any gender sale will go towards various school projec ts.
and 5 separate groups as above. The sale will be in a couple of weeks after
♦ Each week they will play one team and each player will play 1 school and most i tems will be between $1 and
singles and 1 doubles $2. Ple4ase let Barbara know if you have any
♦ Each match 25 minutes long. If a match is completely tied concerns about unclaimed lost property being
when timer goes then that game to be completed. 
sold, ph 548 7547.
Hi! My name is Banba and I’m looking for someone
to please give me a new home.

FUTSAL (5aside Indoor Football) is a FUN, FAS T game

with a ball that has little bounce which significantly
helps skill development in young players. League
games start Sunday Nov 14th for 6weeks at Nelson
College for Girls Gym 10am-1pm. Teams can register
in 7/8th Grade (born 02/03) 9/10th Grade (born 00/01) or
11/12th Grade (born 98/99). Teams can have 7-10
players. Cost is $30-40 per player depending how many
players are in your team. Each team requires a
Manager but ALL REFEREES will be appoint ed by
Nelson Bays Futsal. Before games start Nelson Bays
Futsal refs will provide some coac hing of Futsal
Technique as part of the warm up. If you would like
more information or a Team registration form please
contact Darren S oroka before October 25th .
Email OR Ph 547-0507 mobile

Nelson Central School Community Group would

like to thank the following businesses who ♦ Sadly, for me, my mum is moving to Samoa
supported last term's movie night - Diary of a to teach in January and I can’t go with her
Wimpy Kid - which was enjoyed by everyone who ♦ I was “rescued” from the SPCA when I was
went along to the premiere.
5 months old...I’m now 6 years old
♦ I’m loveable, intelligent & playful. I love
Riverside Pool
Vertical Limits space, and kids
Ka Pie ♦ I need a firm owner
Thanks, Kathryn, SCG ♦ I ‘tolerate” a family cat & I’m OK with
Kids for Kids Concert A Marvellous Event smaller and/or male dogs & puppies
AND….I’m an excellent “guard dog”
On Tuesday 21st September the Nelson Central School Are you interested in being my new carer?
choir joined with other schools to perform with Suzanne
Prentice in the World Vision Kids for Kids concert at Please phone Maggie (03) 5489 0910 or 021 046 1236
the Hope community Church. THANKS A LOT
It was a marvellous event and our children were

Congratulations to all involved including those chosen for solos: Hannah P (R2),
Scholastic Book Club orders
Hannah M (R5) and Samantha B (R8).
close 5th November. Please
The children’s social skills both at the rehearsal and the concert are to be make all cheques out to
commended. Special thanks to Tanya Nock for her hard work and expertise in Scholastic NZ! Thi s will be the
leading the choir. last book order for the year!
Milo Have A Go Cricket

Reminder: Parents
meeting this Wednesday
13th October 3.15pm front
steps Nelson Central
School. Please all attend.
Cycling Nelson Juniors
Welcome to Cycling Nelson’s Junior 2010 Track Series.
Our sessions are open to riders 5-19 yea rs old accompanied by a parent/guardian/caregiver.
The progra mme consi sts of a mix of racing & bike skills.
Racing Dates & Times:
31 Oc tober – 5 Dec ember & 13 February – 27 Marc h, total 13 weeks
4:00pm – 5:30pm 5 - 10 yr olds & 5:30pm –7:00pm 11 - 19 yr olds
Children race in their age group, according to their age a t 31 December 2010.
Venue: Trafalgar Park
• Races must start promptly a t the above ti mes;
• Riders must be a t the venue 15 minutes prior to start ti mes to get their numbers and to warm up.
A parent/caregiver/guardian is required to remain at the track for the duration of the session. They may
be required for timing, holding etc. Also in the unfortunate event of an accident your input may be required
for the treatment of your child.
• Weekly races (scra tch, handicap, pursui t, ti me trial etc) and skill based events (blue line, overtaking drill,
bunch riding, starts etc)
• Ribbon night: (da te to be confirmed) : Ribbons will be awarded for top placings of each race
• $20 first c hild, $35 two children, $40 three or more children
• Riders expec ting to race a t Na tional Events will require a BikeNZ Na tional Licence, which will incur an
additional fee as per their websi te.
Track/Club Bikes: Cycling Nelson owns several racing bikes for club members to use.
These may be allocated to riders who fulfill the following requirements:
 Must be 9 years old or over (child must fit the bike)
 Cycling skills must be appropria te
 Fees must be paid
 Child must demonstra te good sportsmanship
 Regular a ttendance required & you must still bring you own bike each week
 Riders must be a t the track 30 minutes prior to session start to allow for setup and warm up.
* The bikes will be allocated on a rotational basis & the decision of the committee on allocation
is final
Safety Requirements:
 A roadworthy bike wi th front & rear brakes & tyres pumped.
 A properly fi tted hel met
 Gloves (Mandatory for track racing)
 Sports shoes (covered in, no crocs)
 Drink bottle
Gear Restriction: To prevent da mage to the d eveloping bodies of our young riders & to develop leg speed, we will
be enforcing a gear restric tion. Each rider’s bike will be measured & the gear restric tion advised in accordance
with those on BikeNZ websi te. Note: 11 – 18 year olds - Track & Road Bikes will not be racing together, they
will be separated for safety reasons. For more informa tion contac t: Grant Kerr via e-mail or 5444772
Nelson primary schools Gymnastics Competition – Years 4-6 2010
The Nelson Primary Schools Gymnastics Competition will be held for Year 4 – 6’s on Friday 5 th and Friday 12 th
November at the Mosey Grayson Memorial Gymnastics Centre, Nelson Intermediate School Grounds, Tipahi
Street. Cost is $5 per gymnast.
Students in years 4-6 compete in the Standards and Levels 1-3. Boys and girls compete in separate competitions.
Guidelines for the competition are as follows:
Non-competitive gymnasts:
Year 4 – Standards Year 5 – Level 1 or 2 Year 6 – Level 2
Competitive Gymnasts (i.e. those competing in the Gymsports NZ National Program)
National program level 3 and below – Level 2 or 3, National program level 1A, 2A, 3A and 4 and above – compete in
Level 3
Each school is required to provide a judge and parents to marshall the team for the day. Please let me know as
soon as possible if you are able to assist with these duties so I can commence taking entries.
On Monday 20th September from 3:30 – 4:30 pm Nelson Gymnastics will be holding an information session on the
competition to explain any changes etc from last year and give tips on teaching routines. If you want to attend please let
me know so I can advise Nelson Gymnastics. This session will be held at the Mosey Grayson Memorial Gymnastics
Centre at the back of Nelson Intermediate School, Tipahi St.
Entries for the competition are due by October 15 th, 2010. Please see Sheryll in the school office if you would like
to enter, help out or obtain a copy of the programmes for each level.

Nelson Central
Social Skill is :

Good Listening
Nippers Surf L ifesaving
Progra mme
The Ne lson Surf Lifesaving Club
in association with Legend Kids
Nelson Bay s Primary and Int ermediat e Schools Te nnis is excited to bring you a new Nippers
Tourna me nt 2010 Surf Lifesaving programme to Tahuna
Year 6 a nd under: Wed nesday 3 rd November Beach.
Venue: Boys: Tas man Tennis Centre, Gladstone Rd, Richmond
Girls: Nelson Lawns Tennis Club Children will learn about beach safety
and awareness, develop skills and
St art time: 9am. Expected finish between 1pm and 3pm. (so me fitness for surf carnival competitions
finalists may be required to play after this time ) and learn lifeguard skills that lead to
junior lifeguard programmes. This is an
Cost: $10 per player 11 week programme , which culminates
Teams of up to 6 boys and 6 girls. Players must k now basic rules of with a Surf Carnivall Co mpetition day.
tennis , scoring and have ability to serve and rally. Parents will be
responsible for transportation to and from the event and Regist rat ion evening Thursday 14t h
supervis ion during the event. Players w ill need to bring rackets, October 5.30pm at t he Nelson S urf
drinks , lunc h, sunblock, hats. Lifesaving Club/Rescue Cent re.
Postponements will be on More FM between 8am and 8.30am. New More informat ion available from
Zealand Tennis Code of Conduct will apply for behav iour and dress. sport s not iceboard locat ed in t he
If interested please advise Sheryll Mc Keage in the school office hallway bet ween rooms 2 and 3 or at
between 9am and 12.30pm or phone 5484972 ext 819 or email or phone Club
sheryll@ne Nipper Manager on 027 372 7241 or
Nipper Coordinat or 027 335 6904,
Ent ries close Wedne sday 20 October
Nelson Central School Sports Teams - Term 4 Sports
Nelson Central pupils have the opportunity to participate in sports teams throughout the school year. Notification of
start dates are published in the school newsletter and on the sports notice board located in the hallway between rooms 2
and 3. To participate in school teams children are required to complete a registration form for each sport and pay the
required registration fee. All children are issued with a school sports uniform to play in. These must be returned to
school at the end of each term. Management/coaching of school teams is undertaken by parents/caregivers.
Kiwi Cricket – Year 1 and above. A follow on from The Milo Have a Go Cricket Coaching programme run by Nelson
Cricket term 4. Children play a game where all bat, bowl, wicket keep and field. Games are played at Saxton Field,
Stoke, Saturday commencing 9am 30th October.
Parental assistance required. Registrations available from sports notice boards located in hallway between rooms
2 and 3. To be placed in locked silver box located in school office foyer by Friday 15 th October.
Incrediball – Year 3 and above. The next step after Kiwi Cricket. Children play with a harder ball and wooden cricket
bat. Assists with the transition to hardball cricket. Games are played at Saxton Field, Stoke, commencing 9am 30th
Parental assistance required. Registrations
available from sports notice boards located in
hallway between rooms 2 and 3. To be placed
in locked silver box located in school office
foyer by Friday 15 th October
Volleyball – Year 3,4,5,6 children. (Please note
the age groups have changed from last year)
Games are 30 minutes and are played at Nelson
Girls College Gymnasium on Thursdays between
4 and 6 pm. Competition commences Thursday
21st October and finishes on 9th December. Cost
$30 per player.
Parental assistance required to supervise teams
during game time. Registrations available
from sports notice boards located in hallway
between rooms 2 and 3.
To be placed with fee in locked silver box
located in school office foyer by Tuesday 12 th
Tasman Rugby League is holding a
mini mod course on sunday 21st of
November 9am to 2pm
A free fun course for building confidence to
new coaches,managers,referees, and
parents to develop and educate young
players aged 4 to 12 and all their supporters
This course is designed to meet the needs of
all the above as they progress through the
coaching system Register by Nov 12 by
email to or
phone 03 923 2340 and leave a message.

Nelson Institute of Tennis

The Nelson Institute of Tennis based at the
Nelson Lawn Tennis Club is currently taking
registrations for lessons in Term 4 for
children of all ages. Group sessions are
available for 5-8yr olds and 9-13yr olds.
These group sessions take place after school
and on Saturday mornings, however spaces
are limited. There will also be Grasshoppers
Tournaments held throughout the term with
the first one taking place on October 30th,
For further information about any of the
above please contact:
Lynnie Nevin,,
547 0971 or 0273 663 709

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