1.0 Objective: Prototyping Model Was Adopted

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The main objective of using this management tool is for academic institutions range from
schools and colleges to simplify their administrative process involving personnel management,
inventory and payments. This system eases the process of tracking a record with its in built
search option.



The proposed system is an automated version of manual School Management System. It can
handle all details about a student, teachers and non-staff. The details include student details e.g.
student on bursary, student marks, paid/unpaid student, student report card and teacher/non-staff
details e.g. teacher personnel details, and attendance etc. In case of manual system they need a
lot of time, manpower etc. Here almost all work is computerized. So the accuracy is maintained.
Maintaining backup is very easy. It can do with in a few minutes.


The existing system was analyzed to improve the efficiency and studying the specification of the
requirements is very essential in meeting the set objectives. For the development of the new
system, a preliminary survey of the existing system was conducted and investigated and
prototyping model was adopted.


Today in school, student, teacher and non-staff details are entered manually. These record details
are tedious task. Referring to all these records and updating is needed. There is a chance for more
manual errors. Others include:
 Doesn’t provide faster and effective system
 Doesn’t provide good co-ordination between departments
 Doesn’t provide effective forwarding system to move the file from one level to another
 Difficulty in generating different reports as per the school requirement
 Doesn’t facilitate the services from online

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The online automated system with web-based architecture can do the following and not limited

 Maintains information related to different departments and stored at a central database,

which leads to easy accessibility and consistency.
 Create different user access with relevant functionality.
 Register students, teachers and non-staff.
 Students’ payment history and other details are also available at the click of a mouse.
 Teacher and non-staff salary can be monitor effortlessly online.
 Assign students to different clubs and manage them.
 The decision process in faster and more consistent.
 Provides good communication between two departments.

 Provides a facility to generate reports very easily.

 Monitors teacher’s attendance.

 Generate print out receipt.

 Provides summary of finance generated from tuition fees and others.
 Cost reduction.


Feasibility study is the high level capsule version of the entire requirement analysis
process. The objective of feasibility study is to determine whether the proposed system
can be developed with available resources.
There are three steps followed for determining the feasibility study of the proposed system.
 Technical Feasibility
 Operational Feasibility
 Economical Feasibility

SDLC – School Management Automation System (SMAS) Page 2 Technical Feasibility
This actually concerned with hardware and software feasibility. The proposed system to be
developed was tested if it would be supported by using existing technology or not. Is the school
we are developing the web application for provided with online services? If not, hence there is
a requirement of new hardware and software technology for the deployment of proposed
system. As per client requirements, the system to be developed should have speed response
because of fast change info, programming productivity, reliability, security, scalability,
integration and availability. To meet these requirements, I as a developer found PHP as a right
choice because of its features platform independence, modularity and reusability. Operational Feasibility

This determines whether the proposed system satisfied the user objectives and can be fitted into
current system operation. The proposed system “SMAS” can be justified as operationally
feasible basing on the followings:
 The methods of processing and presentation are completely acceptable by the clients because
they meet all the user and client requirements.
 The clients have been involved during the preparation of requirement analysis and design
 The system certainly satisfies the user objectives and enhances their capability. Economical Feasibility

This includes an evaluation of all incremental costs and benefits expected if proposed system is
implemented. Costs-benefit analysis which is to be performed during economical feasibility
delineates costs for project development and weighs them against benefits of system. In this, the
proposed system replaces the manual process of recording and keeping details which benefits the
organization to get more accuracy and good response. So developing this system is economically
feasible to the school.

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System design is the solution to the creation of a new system. This phase is composed of several
systems. This phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the feasible system. It emphasized
on translating design specifications to performance specification. System design has two phases
of development, logical and physical design. During logical design phase the inputs (sources),
outputs (destinations), databases (data stores) and procedures (data flows) are all described in a
format that meats the user requirements.
The logical design is followed by physical design or coding. Physical design produces the
working system by defining the design specifications, which help immensely during
development. The necessary programs that accept input from the user, perform necessary
processing on accepted data are written to produce the required report on a hard copy or display
it on the screen.


The input design is the link between the system and the user. It comprises the developing
specification and procedures for data preparation and those steps are necessary to get a usable
form for processing data entry. The activity of putting data into the computer for processing can
be achieved by inspecting the computer to read data from a written or printed document or it can
occur by having people keying the data directly into the system. The design of input focuses on
controlling the amount of input required, controlling errors, avoiding delay, avoiding extra steps
and keeping the process simple. The error raising method is also included in the software, which
helps to raise error message while wrong entry of input is done. So in input design the following
things are considered.

What data should be given as input?

 How the data should be arranged or coded?
 The dialogue to guide the operating personnel in providing input.
 Methods for preparing input validations and steps to follow when error occur
 The samples of screen layout are given in the appendix.

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Computer output is the most important and direct information source to the user. Output design
is a process that involves designing necessary outputs in the form of reports that should be given
to the users according to the requirements. Efficient, intelligible output design should improve
the system's relationship with the user and help in decision making. Since the reports are
directing referred by the management for taking decisions and to draw conclusions they must be
designed with almost care and the details in the reports must be simple, descriptive and clear to
the user. So while designing the output, the following things are considered:

 Determine what information to present

 Arrange the presentation of information in an acceptable format

Depending on the nature and future use of output required, they can be displayed on the monitor
for immediate need and for obtaining the hardcopy. The options for the output reports are given
in the appendix. PHYSICAL DESIGN

The process of developing the program software is referred to as physical design. We have to
design the process by identifying reports and the other outputs the system will produce. Coding
the program for each module with its logic is performed in this step. Proper software
specification is also done in this step. MODULAR DESIGN

The software system was divided into several sub systems that makes it easier for the
development and structured into several subsystems makes it easy for the development and
testing. The different subsystems are known as the modules and the process of dividing an entire
system into subsystems is known as modularization or decomposition.
The system under consideration has been divided into several modules taking in consideration
the above-mentioned criteria. The different modules are:
• Login
• Registration
• Viewing
• Updating

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• Deleting
• Searching
• Report printing DATABASE DESIGN

The overall objective of setting up database has been to treat data as an organizational resource
and as an integrated whole. Database files are the key source of information into the system. It is
the process of designing database files, which are the key source of information to the system.

The files was properly designed and planned for collection, accumulation, editing and retrieving
the required information.

The organization of the data in database aims to achieve these three major objectives:

• Data integration

• Data integrity

• Data independence.
The proposed system stores the information relevant for processing in the MySQL
(phpmyadmin) database. This database contains tables, where each table corresponds to one
particular type of information. Each piece of information in table is called a field or column. A
table also contains records, which is a set of fields.
There are primary key fields that uniquely identify a record in a table. There are also fields that
contain primary key from another table called foreign keys.



The major functionality of this system is divided into four categories.

1) Administrative User Functions

2) Secretarial User Functions

3) Accounting/Bursar User Functions

4) Teacher User Functions

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Administrative User Functions: Administrators can perform the following task and more
 Login/Logout
 Create/Update/Delete staff, non-staff info
 View number of students in school with sex summary
 Update status of student if active/suspended/expelled
 View student tuition fee history
 Register student for bursary
 View/Update student on bursary
 View and print student report card by semester
 Print students transcript
 Create clubs
 View available clubs
 Assign student to club
 View club member
 Register staff, non-staff on school payroll
 View/Update staff, non-staff payment status e.g. payment balance with date
 View/Delete teacher attendance
 View school calendar

Secretarial User Functions: This user can perform the following task and more
 Register new students
 View/Update/Print student records.
 Upload student photo

Accountant/Bursar User Functions: This user can perform the following task and more
 Register student pay for tuition fees and others.
 Manage student account and generate payment receipt.
 View/Update student records
 View student on bursary, unpaid student and those that are yet to balance up.
 View summary of finance got from tuition fee and others.
Teacher User Functions: This user can perform the following task and more

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 Sign attendance
 Create student mark
 Update student mark
 View student report
 Grading

Number of Modules:

The system after careful analysis has been identified to present itself with the following modules:

1) Administrator Module: This module is responsible for coordinating the other modules. It
allows the administrator to setup teacher, non-staff on school payroll with their respective
salaries. It allows the administrator to enter amount to be paid to qualified student for bursary
and it allows admin to have a global view of the school record and it can view teacher
attendance and generate student report card. It also allows the administrator to create new
clubs, assign student to clubs and manages the clubs.
2) Secretarial Module: This module allows the secretarial department to register student on
school database and upload student photo. View student records, print them and forward to
bursar department for onward registration.
3) Accounting/Bursar Module: This module allows the bursar department to register student for
tuition fees and other payment like school uniform. It also helps to manage student account to
know who have not paid, still owing, and generate receipt as payment is made. This module
also help to view student database and have a concise knowledge with view details option of
finance generated from tuition fees and outside tuition fees.
4) Teacher Module: This module allows the teacher to sign attendance, enter student marks for
each subject undertake and modify it when necessary. It also creates and view new subjects.
It create marks/aggregate and grading of subjects.

SDLC – School Management Automation System (SMAS) Page 8 PSEUDOCODE

Connection.php //connection code

$conn=mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<!-- <meta content="0;http://localhost:81/" http-equiv="refresh" />-->
<title>Dhetex Int'l School</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Web Tech Template, CSS, HTML" />
<meta name="description" content="Web Tech Template is a free CSS website provided by
school.com" />
<link href="css/school_style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="vision.css" />
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function clearText(field)
if (field.defaultValue == field.value) field.value = '';
else if (field.value == '') field.value = field.defaultValue;
<script type="text/javascript" src="qtip/jquery.qtip.min.js"></script>
<link href="qtip/jquery.qtip.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen,
<style type="text/css">

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.style1 {font-size: large}
<div id="school_header">
<div id="site_title"> <a href="#"><img src="images/school_logo.png" /> <span
class="style1">Dhetex International School </span></a> </div>
<!-- end of site_title -->
<div id="header_right"> <img src="images/user-group-icon.png" width="200" height="150" />
<div class="cleaner"></div>
<!-- end of header -->
<div id="school_main"> <span class="tm_bottom"></span>
<div id="school_content">
<!-- if starts here --->
<div class="post_box">
<div class="header">
<h1><marquee height="30" behavior="slide" direction="up" scrollamount="1"
align="middle"><a href"#">WELCOME TO ADMIN LOGIN PANEL<br/>LOGIN TO
<div id="login">
<form method="post" name="form" onsubmit="return validateForm()">
<table height="196" id='mytable'>
<td rowspan="5" align="center" style="padding-top:12px;padding-left:12px;
border:none;"><img src="images/people.png" /></td>

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<td style="padding-top:12px;">Access Type :</td>
<td style="padding-top:12px;"><select name="who" title="MY CATEGORY" id='in'
<option ></option>
<option value='1'>Admin</option>
<option value='3' >secretary</option>
<option value='2' >Teacher</option>
<option value='4' >Bursar</option>
<td><input type="text" name="username" size="30" id="in" required /></td>
<td><input type="password" name="password" size="30" id="in" required /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="login" name="login" />
<input type="reset" value="Cancel" name="clear" /></td>

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if (isset($_POST['login'])){
// testfile.php
$time=mysql_query("SELECT now() as time");
$jj= mysql_fetch_array($time);

$fh = fopen("logins.txt", 'a') or die("Failed to create file");

//another column in a file to show failed or passed
$text = <<<_END
[ $username | $password | $gettime
fwrite($fh, $text) or die("Could not write to file");
$fh = fopen("testfile.txt", 'r') or
die("File does not exist or you lack permission to open it");
$text = fread($fh, 3);
echo $text;
//$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users(username,password, LEVEL)
VALUES('$username', '$pass', 4)");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username' AND password='$pass'

SDLC – School Management Automation System (SMAS) Page 12

AND LEVEL='$level'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
//check that at least one row was returned
$rowCheck = mysql_num_rows($result);
<p align="center">Login Successful</p>
<br />
<br />
<p align="center">
<meta content="2;home.php?action=home" http-equiv="refresh" />
} else if($row['LEVEL']==2){
<p align="center">Login Successful</p>
<br />
<br />
<p align="center">
<meta content="2;improve/homet.php?action=home" http-equiv="refresh" />

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}else if($row['LEVEL']==3){
<p align="center">Login Successful</p>
<br />
<br />
<p align="center">
<meta content="2;improve/home.php?action=home" http-equiv="refresh" />
else if($row['LEVEL']==4){

<p align="center">Login Successful</p>
<br />
<br />
<p align="center">
<meta content="2;improve/homeb.php?action=home" http-equiv="refresh" />
else {

<p align="center">Incorrect login name or password</p>

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<br />
<br />
<p align="center">
<meta content="2;index.php" http-equiv="refresh" />

<script type="text/javascript">
function validateForm()
var x=document.forms["form"]["username"].value;
if (x==null || x=="")
alert("User Name must be filled out");
return false;
var y=document.forms["form"]["password"].value;
if (y==null || y=="")
alert("Password must be filled out");
return false;
var a=document.forms["form"]["who"].value;
if (a==null || a=="")
alert("please choose who you are");
return false;

SDLC – School Management Automation System (SMAS) Page 15

var b=document.forms["form"]["contact"].value;
if (b==null || b=="")
alert("Contact Number must be filled out");
return false;
<!-- if closes here -->
</div><img src="images/school.png" width="260" height="250" style="margin:30px; border-
radius:5px; border:3px double #FF9966;">
<div class="cleaner"></div>
<!-- end of main -->
<div id="templatmeo_bottom"> </div>
<!-- end of bottom -->
<div id="school_footer">

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System testing is a critical aspect of Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and represents the
ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Testing is a process of executing a program
with the intent of finding an error. A good test is one that has a probability of finding an as yet
undiscovered error. The purpose of testing is to identify and correct bugs in the developed
system. Nothing is complete without testing. Testing is vital to the success of the system.
To enhance performance, the automated system developed was tested at four levels, namely:
 Unit Level
 Module Level
 Integration & System
 Regression UNIT TESTING

In unit testing, each modules developed were tested to affirmed is error-free. MODULE LEVEL TESTING

Module Testing is done using the test cases prepared earlier. Module is defined during the time
This is used to verify the combining of the software modules and their functionality. It addresses
the issues associated with the dual problems of verification and program construction. System
testing is used to verify, whether the developed system meets the requirements. REGRESSION TESTING
Each modification in software impacts unmodified areas, which results into serious injuries to
that software. So the process of re-testing for rectification of errors due to modification is known
as regression testing.
Apart from these tests, there are some special tests conducted which are given below:
Peak Load Tests: This determines whether the new system will handle the volume of activities
when the system is at the peak of its processing demand. The test has revealed that the new
system developed is capable of handling the demands at the peak time.

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Storage Testing: This determines the capacity of the new system to store data on a disk or on
other files. The proposed system has the required storage space available, because it had been
spelt out in system requirement.
Performance Time Testing: This test determines the length of the time used by the system to
process data.
Installation and delivery is the process of delivering the developed and tested software to the
school after the system have satisfied all the set objectives and is deliverable.
Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to the
new. The old system consists of manual operations, which is operated in a very different manner
from the proposed new system. A proper implementation is essential to provide a reliable system
to meet the requirements of the school. An improper installation may affect the success of the
computerized system.


There are several methods for handling the implementation and the consequent conversion from
the old to the new computerized system. The method adopted in implementing the new system is
running the old and new system in parallel. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN:
This includes a description of all the activities that must occur to implement the new system and
to put it into operation. It identifies the personnel responsible for the activities and prepares a
time chart for implementing the system.
The implementation plan consists of the following steps.

 List all files required for implementation.

 Identify all data required to build new files during the implementation.
 List all new documents and procedures that go into the new system.
The plan was designed to anticipate possible problems and deal with them.

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Processor : Intel Pentium IV and above

RAM : 512 MB
Hard Disk : 80 GB HDD


Technology Implemented : Apache Server

Language Used : PHP 5.3

Database : My SQL 5.5

User Interface Design : HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT

Web Browser : Mozilla, Google Chrome, Torch, Opera, IE8

Software : XAMPP Server

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Landing page: Index

Home page: Admin

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Report Card Page: Admin

Teacher’s Attendance Page: Admin

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Teacher’s Payment Status Page: Admin

Club Member Page: Admin

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Searching Page Result

Secretary Home Page: Secretary

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Upload Student Photo Page: Secretary

Bursar Home Page: Bursar

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Payment Receipt: Bursar

Summary of School Finance Page: Bursar

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Teacher Home Page: Teacher

Entering Student Mark Page: Teacher

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The system has been developed with much care that it is free of errors and at the same time it is
efficient and less time consuming. The important thing is that the system is robust and all events
happened on real-time. Avoid malfunction from outsiders. It goes through all phases of software
development cycle. So product is accurate. Also provision is provided for future developments in
the system.


The current application developed is in accordance with the request that has been provided by
the school. On regarding the future enhancement, the application can further expanded in
accordance with changing scenario e.g. integrating with online examination and e-learning. Since
the change in testing and user needs arises frequently in certain short intervals of time, the
application can be further upgraded to meet the requirements that may arise in the far or near
future. With regarding to the needs that arises, more and more features can be included by adding
it as separate modules and integrate it with the existing system.

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B.B. Agarwal, S.P. Tayal, M. Gupta, Software engineering and testing

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