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Information About The Focus Group Interview

Research study title: ‘What value do online microlearning induction resources bring to the
transition experience of new employees?’

Principal investigator

Sinead Lawton, Publications Coordinator, Learning & Development, Barnardos

Phone: 0877773929. Email: sinead.lawton@barnardos,ie

Student of MSC Applied eLearning, Dublin Institute of Technology, Learning, Teaching

and Technology Centre, Supervisor: Dr.Frances Boylan

Introduction to the Research Study

You are invited to participate in a research study I am undertaking as part of my Masters

programme in Applied eLearning in the Dublin Institute of Technology. The study is designed
to explore the value of supplementing Barnardos existing face-to-face National Induction
Training with online microlearning resources, with an overall aim to inform practice and bring
about change in the employee learning experience.
This research will examine what new employees need to know in their first weeks of
employment to enhance their sense of belonging and their understanding of their new role
and organisation. It will also consider how online microlearning resources can be created to
support employees in their transition to Barnardos.
Why you are being asked to participate
You are being asked to complete this survey because you began employment in Barnardos
in the past 18 months.
Details of what your involvement in this focus group will involve

Your participation in this focus group is voluntary. If you agree to participate in this survey,
this will involve you attending a focus group interview with up to 5 other Barnardos
employees and answering a series of questions regarding your experience of being a new
employee in barnardos and what you think would be useful for new employees to know. The
Focus group will take no more than an hour. You can withhold answering any question you
do not wish to answer, and can clarify any responses made. You can also withdraw
completely up to ten days after the interview takes place without any repercussions.
Confidentiality and data management

The interview will be recorded verbatim using a digital recorder. Notes will also be taken
manually by the researcher. The files will be removed from the recording device immediately
to be stored safely on a password protected cloud account. The researcher will be the only
person will access to the file. The researcher will make full transcriptions of the recordings
and no third party will be involved in the process. Data will be anonymised at the point of
transcription and pseudonyms used if appropriate. Analysis of the data will be
undertaken by the researcher alone. Files will be held securely along with all files associated
with the project on a password encrypted cloud account. Analysis of the data will use
appropriate analytical methods.

Analysis of the data will use appropriate analytical methods.The results will be presented in
a research paper which may be published.
This study has been approved by Barnardos Research Ethics Commitee.
How to get more information
If you have any questions about this research please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me,

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