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Beverly Marquez

Part II (Final Requirement in Business Ethics)

Sustainable development has been defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs. For ABS CBN Corporation, Corporate social
responsibility is now integrated into this discipline which call for the convergence of economic development, social
equity and environmental protection.
In 2016, Lopez corporation invested ₱2.8 million in sustaining the operation of Lopez group foundation, Inc.
(LGFI) and it's member foundation, particularly in the areas of arts and culture through Eugenio Lopez Foundation,
Inc. which administers the Lopez museum and library; disaster relief and rehabilitation through ABSCBN Lingkod
Kapamilya Foundatiom, Inc. (ALKFI); and education through Knowledge Channel Foundation, Inc. (KCFI) and Phil-
Asia Assistant Foundation, Inc. (PAAFI). These causes are consistent with its vision to improve the lives of Filipinos.

Corporate social responsibility is a good thing, not just for the environment, society, and the world at large,
but for your company’s reputation. Companies that practice good corporate social responsibility stand to gain great
value in reputation, including trust, more willing recommendations, a buffer against scandals and other reputation
busters, as well as a greater likelihood for consumers to use their products and services. Consumers, employees, and
other stakeholders continue to place more importance on social and environmental causes. These are the top corporate
social responsibility examples companies can use to build a strong reputation.
When companies go above and beyond what they’re expected to do environmentally or socially, they’re
engaging in corporate social responsibility. While companies may be required by regulations to limit pollution or
engage in certain human resources standards, companies that go the extra mile in this regard are practicing corporate
social responsibility.
•Reducing corporate carbon footprint
•Improving labor policies such as vacation time, parental leave, and/or working conditions
Donating to or volunteering with charities
•Charitable giving, such as giving products to the needy
•Providing services to charitable causes
•Participating in environmental cleanups
•Changing corporate policies to develop greater efficiency and environmental savings
•Making investments that are socially and/or environmentally conscious

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially
accountable — to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, also called
corporate citizenship, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society
including economic, social, and environmental. To engage in CSR means that, in the normal course of business, a
company is operating in ways that enhance society and the environment, instead of contributing negatively to it.
Gemma Balangue
Part II (Final Requirement in Business Ethics)

All businesses exist for a main reason which is maximizing the owner’s profit and wealth. This concept
literally focuses on the side of the stockholders, but what about the other stakeholders? ABS CBN Corporation is a
great example for showcasing the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility of businesses here in the Philippines. A
deep research and analysis led me to understand how this company provide meaningful help to the society. They
started years ago, and I must say that their projects are continually growing and improving which is good, not only for
the people inside their company, but also the people who may benefit from them. ABS CBN expresses their concerns
especially when in times of need and calamities. Their programs help and improve the lives of Filipino families and
ABS CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation Inc. commits to make a significant impact in thr strategic areas
of childcare, environment, education and disaster management. What I’ve realized why researching is, helping the
community is a big help to the society. Everyone should share their blessings and help those who are in need. The
network shows as a role model of bayanihan here in our country.

Business is a simple word but a large world to explore. Most of individuals wants to be inclined with business
because of different reasons which may be because of earning a profit, wants adventure or even competition, and many
more. As an ABM student which pursues course related to business management, the subject Business Ethics and
Social Responsibility is a great help for me for learning some basics how to act responsibly and appropriately in a
business. Not all of us are born with skills in business, but learning is the way how to improve these skills. Throughout
the semester, I learned a lot especially the ethical behaviors towards the business. Learning is fun especially when you
really want to learn and has the urge to gain knowledge about something. The subject is interesting for someone who
wants to be entrepreneur. I learned that to be knowledgeable about the business skills, one must practice it in actual
and apply it in real life situations. I must say that I’ve also enjoyed the subject because it enhances my verbal skills
and confidence when in times of reporting. Every lessons teaches us something to be remembered about.

Everyone one of us has the chance to improve the world. To me, it’s all about addressing how we live our
lives and the impact we have on everything and everyone around us, locally and globally. Everything we do matters
– either it could have positive or negative effects to others.
As an individual in a community, it is my obligation to consider all of my actions that may influence my
community and environment. It is like about doing to others what I would like others do to me. I should recognize all
of my decisions and behaviors that it should have a positive impact and not to harm others. I should also be responsible
and accountable for my actions, be well-mannered and show ethical conduct. As a socially responsible person, I will
strive to contribute philanthropy actions when needed.
I will start by becoming aware of the concept of being personally social responsible which may lead to begin
think differently. I will make my life and actions count from every day.
Diane Acosta
Part II (Final Requirement in Business Ethics)

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ - .Galatians 6:2
One of the truly heartening developments in our society now is the concern for the welfare and interest of
our people especially the poor shown by some of the richest families here who own several giant corporations.
The Alto Broadcasting System and Chronicle Broadcasting Network commonly known as ABS-CBN is one
the famous company it is the largest entertainment media. Owned by the Lopez family. ABS-CBN is also famous at
helping people who are belong at lower class. They have project called 'Bayanijuan' where in they giving house and
lot to the people who affected of typhoon, they also build 'palengke ni Juan' to give livelihood to the people etc. This
Company has even put up a “Tulong Center” at the ABS-CBN compound to assist the deprived and the needy
regarding their problems in life. Now, the center also provides legal assistance to those who may have problems
involving their rights. They also have a show (Ipaglaban mo) that aims to educate viewers through the dramatization
of actual events surrounding interesting and compelling court cases and they also helping to resolve the case. Hosted
by Atty. Jose Sison and atty Jopet Sison.

I learned how businesss acts and benefit with society. They need to be loyal, fair and honest to their customers.
It is a subject that deals with moral guidelines and good corporate governance. It is also emphasized the big influence
of the ethics on the society, the media, the government and the law, the workplace and the other groups or unions. I
learned how to do an ethical human being, how to do ethical things and how to think about the things in an ethical
way. And in my future career I will use what I learned to be an ethical man. At the same I will make my own company
an ethical company-be ethical and responsible to the whole society and human beings. It is advisable to have basic
level knowledge about business

Social Corporate Responsibility is an idea that has been of concern to mankind. It is no longer defined by
how much money a company gives to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of
people’s lives. In business, we should bear in mind that we have lot of responsibilities to perform not just only with
our specific tasks in the organization where we belong but with the community and society where our organization
belongs. A company whether profit or non-profit in its form should give back whatever it can contribute for the
development and betterment of its society. For me that is what Corporate Social Responsibility is all about. Corporate
social responsibility encompasses human rights responsibility, financial responsibility, political responsibility, and
environmental responsibility. Like for example, a business has the responsibility to treat employees fairly and with
respect, operate with integrity and in an ethical manner in all its business dealings with its stakeholders like customer,
suppliers, lenders, general public, and other affected by its operation. It has also the responsibility to sustain the
environment for future generations and be a responsible neighbour or member of the community. Having said these,
we can see that corporate social responsibility are of growing importance to government and community as they
promise to meet challenges of social problems within the changing welfare environments.
Jammaica Eve Mackay
Part II (Final Requirement in Business Ethics)

We know that ABS-CBN is a big corporation because it helps our country if there is a catastrophic disaster
like storm, earthquake, tsunami, etch, people's knowledge that ABS-CBN has an activity who's aimed is to support
the lives of people. They accept donations for the people who suffered from disaster and volunteer for the blood
transfusions for needy people. This activity is a great help to our people, so we know that we are in harmony with
every time of the disaster. We feel secure because we know that there will be someone to help and we will not be
neglected. Sagip kapamilya is one of a kind because it helps the whole nation of the Philippines to start a new life

What are my first impression to the subject business ethics? So first of all this subject is too confusing, ethics
is like about good doings of one corporation, business and organization, at first I think it’s hard it’s like a boring
subject that no one will listen like HAHA!. So That is my first impression in business ethics subject, as you can see
its all negative, but there's one thing i need to say my first impression are all wrong, it is an opposite of what I’ve said
before, in this subject you will learn good values and ethics. And one reason why i like this subject? It’s because of
Ma’am Pia, yah I know that I’m bully, but then I have my own good side "bihira nga lang lumalabas haha". I've learn
a lot about this subject and what I like the most is the Common Social Responsibilities, I learned about CSR is that if
you have business or company? Don’t stick in profits but also learn to look at your back, it is your community give or
donate some what you have and what you can. So this subject is awesome! Thank you Maam Pia for your
understanding and considerations mwa.


As a student we need to be socially responsible, for me i will use my voice to say that the teens and other
student will be social responsible all the time we can use what we learn and apply it. Think about something useful
and we should have an innovative mind by creating a better wealth soon as we grown up

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