Module 3 - MOOC Template For Creating A Training Course Outline

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MODULE 3 Task 6 Training Course Outline

You will use the following template to create a course outline that provides an overview of the
training course you are designing for your context. This template will help you to plan future
training courses by giving you an example of what information to include in a course outline.
You have already prepared a lot of the information to fill out this template, now you just need
to put it all together.

STEP 1 Describe

Your first step is to describe your course. This includes the:

 Title (or overall topic for the training)

ex. “Ready, Set, Engage! A Teacher-Training Program on Student-centered Methodology”
 Training hours and schedule
ex. 3 hours per day once a week for 6 weeks (18 total course hours)
ex. 1 hour per day, Monday-Friday for 2 weeks (10 total course hours)
 Course description (stating the general topic for the course, the participant audience and
teaching context)
ex. This course is designed to prepare English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers working in
secondary education (high school) with knowledge and skills in student-centered teaching

1. Describe your course.


Training Hours and Schedule:

Course Description:

© 2018 by Arizona Board of Regents. MOOC Template for Creating a Course Outline for the AE E-Teacher Program, sponsored by
the U.S. Department of State and administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, except
where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit

The AE E-Teacher Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360, and delivered by ASU.

STEP 2 Set

Next, you should set your course goal(s) and objectives. Remember your course goal is a general
statement of what you want participants to learn in the training and the course objectives are more
specific statements about the knowledge and skills they will gain. Review the module tasks and the
Sample Training Course Outline for more details and examples.

2. Set your course goal(s) and objectives.

Course Goal Statement(s):

Course Objectives:

STEP 3 Assess

Your third step is to plan how you will assess participants. Write a summary of your assessment plan
including the types of tasks that will be used and how participants will be graded. You will include details
for the assessment tasks in each unit in the next step. Review the module tasks and the Sample Training
Course Outline for more details and examples.

3. Write your assessment plan:

The AE E-Teacher Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360, and delivered by ASU.

STEP 4 Plan

Lastly, plan your topics, objectives, activities, and assessment tasks for each unit. Complete the chart
below for 2 to 4 units. Include a plan for at least 2 units. If your training has a lot of different topics or
themes, you can include 3 or 4 units. Remember your “unit objectives” are different from your “course
objectives” and are even more specific to the unit. Your activities should help participants achieve the
objectives, and then the assessment tasks measure participants’ success in achieving the objectives.
Review the module tasks and the Sample Training Course Outline for more details and examples.

Unit 1 Topic:
Objectives: Activities: Assessment:

Unit 2 Topic:
Objectives: Activities: Assessment:

*Stop here or plan additional units below as needed.

Unit 3 Topic:

The AE E-Teacher Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360, and delivered by ASU.

Objectives: Activities: Assessment:

Unit 4 Topic:
Objectives: Activities: Assessment:

The AE E-Teacher Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, administered by FHI 360, and delivered by ASU.

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