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ThS Nguyền Nam Nguyên

30 Bộ đề trắc nghiệm
luyện thi vào lóp 10 năm 2018

^ Đại Học Quốc Gia
Thanh phỏHổChiMỉnh
I. S elect th e w o r d w h o se u n d e r lin e d p a r t is p r o n o u n c e d d iffe r e n tly
from th e o th e r s .
1. A. passed B. watched C. stayed D. kicked
2 A. cloud B .about C. around D. could
J. A. market B. depart C. hard D. dare
4. A.husband B. daddy C. bamboo D. crack
5. A. problem B. above C.shock D. hobby
II. S elect th e b e s t o p tio n (A , B , C , o r D ) to c o m p le te e a c h s e n te n c e .
6. Her villa in 2000.
A. is built B. was building C. was built D. has been built
7. The doctor him not to stay up too late at night.
A. advised B. suggested C. insisted D. forced
8. Tomorrow I'll go to Tan Son Nhat Airport to meet John, comes
from England.
A. who B. whom C. whose D. that
9. Her new house looks very large and beautiful. It i s ___ _______house.
A. a five-room B. a five-rooms C. five room D. five rooms
10. If we get up early, w e _________ late.
A. weren't B. wouldn't be C. aren't D. w on’t be
H. It's very' hot today. Mai wishes s h e _________ on the beach now.
A. am B. was C. were D. had been
12. When Nam lived in HCM city, he _____ ___ to the cinema once
a week.
A. uses to go B. has gone C. used to go D. was going
13. Our teacher asked us ___ too much time going online.
A. should not spend B. did not spend
C. not to spend D. do not spend
14 l nmvmber the name of the restaurant 1 had a meal new houses, cars, or to (2d) businesses among other reasons. The
Oanh 5 vearv ago bank makes money from lending by charging interest. In other words, people
A which R whose C. whom IT where have to pay hack more than the\ borrowed. This amount depends on how (30)
1< fhev said it thev were Nrds, they pigeons. the hank thinks the borrower is and how fast the loan is paid hack
A may he B should be C will be 17 would he among other things
_? 26. A. invest R save C. rent D. spend
16 Nohodv heard the news.
27 A paycheck B bill C money D. pay ment
A docs he B do they C didn't they 17 did thev
28. A connect B. connected C. connection D. connector
17 It is nearlv 4 months we v isitcd our crandparents
2d A grow R store C. start D make
A while B for C since 17 when
30. A. risky B. scary C often D much
I g population is said to he another unpleasant result we have to
w*hc V. C om plete the second sentence so th a t it has a sim ilar m ean in g to
A Increased B Increasing C. The increase D. To increase the first one.
IQ If you enough time. \ ou should study this lesson more carefully 31. People say that Mr Huy bought this car last year.
A wall has c B ha\c C had D. would have - It i s _________________ ________ ________________ •
20 ta n \ou tell me what you would do. if you ___ __ a UFO? - Mr. Huy i s _____________________________________ _____ .<-
A sec R saw C would see 17 had seen 32. “How much do you think it will cost?" she said to me
111. Select the underlined w ord o r p h ra se (A, B, C o r D) th a t has an - She asked me _____________ •
e rro r to m ake it correct. 33 Mrs. Loan's team has lost the game. She looks very sad.
21 n * fence was whitcwj&lung by Mr. ( ao last month - Mrs. l oan whose ______________________________________
34. Do you know the man who sat next to me at Nga's birthday party
last night ?
22 That s the man who he told ms the lunnv story
- You know _____________________________________________ ?
A B C D 35. It took Minh one hour to do his Knglish assignment last night.
23 Mr. Huong is going to buv a Qgw Samsung plione. doesn't she? - Minh spent____________________________________________ .
VI. C om plete each of the following sentences, using the w o rd s given
24 We gag a 1« of interesting friends while we were studying at Singapore
36. rain heavily. 1 late, school.
25. 11 they were hoar. they dgfej leave you alone
37. I used to make do. cleaning, my parents
IV R ead the following passage, and then select th e c o rre c t answer. 38. He said. he. working shop, not worn, it
Bank*, arc pl*.es where people can keep their money Most pcopk®*
hanks to f26i money in their saiing* accounts and to pay rn°*^ 3d. | not speak him six months.
tmm the .t checking au.ounis loday. when i person earns money ^
^*b. then <27» is often dev ironically deposited into their s a ',nC*
checking atco u « lhen he or she con pay their hll* by writing checks now 40 interesting play football rain.
thru checking « .c u n ts or pay inline where their bills are clcctronicall) »-*
to then hank account»
Bank» ahu give bum» b) people People may use the bank » money » * *
14. Honda motorbikes_______ _ in Viet Nam for years.
A. have been produced B. will be produced
C. were produced D. can be produced
15 I have learnt English_____ ___ 2010.
A. for B. since C. in D. during
_ One-Pillar Pagoda.
De 2 16. W e________already___
A. were., seeing B. have ..seen C. are...seeing D. w ill...see
17. They say that all the houses in the a r e a ______immediately.
A. had to he rebuilt B. had to rebuild
I. Select the w ord w hose un derlined p a rt is p ro n o u n c e d differently C. have to he rebuilt D have to rebuild
from the others. 18. If y ou_________ soon, you might miss the bus.
A. isn't coming B. doesn’t come C. won t come D. didn’t come
1. A. claimed B. stayed C. occurred D. completed
2. A. health B teacher C. ready D. heavy 19. Mr. Son said that h e _________ in Ben Tre city.
A. lived B. is living C. has lived D. will live
3. A. tidal B. alright C. mineral D. describe
4. A. (hough B. throw C. through D. thought 20. Your mother works in a bank._________ she?
A. isn't B. didn't C. wasn't D. doesn’t
5. A. dull B. fun C. trust D. pull
II. Select the best option (A, B, C, o r D) to com plete each sentence. e rro r to m ake it correct.
6. I can't understand the Japanese visitors. I wish I Japanese. 21. My friend eniovs read about wild animals and natural mysteries.
A. knew B. will know C. know D. have know n A B C D
7. The market about 100 vears ago. 22.
A. is built B. was built C. will be built D. has been built A B C D
8. People in Israel celebrated their festival is called Passover last 23.
A. whose B. who C. which D. where 24.
9. he was really tired, he couldn't sleep. D
A. Even though B. So C. Therefore D. Because of 25. People can say
10. Linh is very tire d ______ she has to finish her homework before going A
to bed.
IV. Read the following passage, and then select the c o rre c t answ er.
A. Although B. So C. Therefore D. However
Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world.
11. The school suggests________ some money for poor and disadvantaged
But the first supermarket (26) _________ opened only fifty years ago. It was
opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen.
A. raise B. to raise C. raised D. raising A supermarket is different (27)__ ______ other ty pes o f stores in several
12. My brother asked me if I ____ a laptop the following day. ways. In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves. The customers
A. buy B will buy C. bought D. would buy choose what they want and take them to the checkout counter. This means that
13 1------------- telephone him if I knew his number. fewer shop (28)_________ are needed than in other stores. The way products
are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types
A. would B. have to C. will D. shall
of stores: (29)_________ example, in supermarkets, there is usually a display
of small inexpensive items just in front of the checkout counter: candies,
chocolates, magazines, cheap foods and so on.
Most customers (30)_________go to a supermarket buy goods from a
shopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They do the shopping
according to a plan.
26. A. is B. has been C. was D. were
27. A. in B. from C. of D. with
28. A. assistants B. managers C. customers D. sellers l Sp Ip H the w ord whose underlined n a rt is pro n o u nced differently
29. A. in B. for C. of D. by from the others.
30. A. who B. what C. which D. whom 1. A. information B. informative C. forward D. conform
V. C om plete the second sentence so th a t it has a sim ila r m eaning to 2. A. count B. through C. mouth
the first one. 3. A. teenager B. message C. luggage D. advantage
4. A. control B. folk C. remote D. song
31. They sold that old house last year.
5. A. message B. website C. violent D. internet
- That old house________________________________________ .
32. In spite of the bad weather, we had a wonderful trip. II. Select the best option (A, B, C, o r D) to com plete each sentence.
- Although_____________ . 6. They Ha Noi capital last spring.
33. They will build a new stadium over there. A. visit B. w ill visit C. have visited D. visited
- A new stadium___________ . 7. She asked me if 1 to school by electric bike every day.
34. Unless you take these pills, you won't be better. A. am going B. go C. was going D. went
- If_________________ *_____________________ . 8. Sunday morning, there is a meeting of Parents' Assoeiation in
our school.
35. Despite working hard, she can’t support her large family.
A. In B. For C. On D.Al
- Although______________ ____________________________. 7
9. The message was posted on Facebook by Messi,
VI. C om plete each of the following sentences, using th e w o rd s given- A. didn't it B. wasn’t it C. was it D. did it
36. If. it. not rain, next weekend. I. go. beach, my friends. 10. Ngoc was sick vesterdav. she was absent from class.
A. since B. so C. because D. but
11. You reallv saw a spaceship, o
37. If. 1. meet, alien, outer space. 1. invite, home. talk.
A. aren't you B. don’t you C. didn't you D. weren’t you
38. you. ever, travel, air. before. ? 12. IN rich. 1 would travel around the world.
A. am B. could be C. was D. were
39. The students, study, hall, their exam, now! 13. Long the plane if he in a hurry.
A. will miss/is not B. misses/is not C. misses/is D. will miss/does not
14. The dictionary is on the table belongs to my sister.
40. It. such, cold day. we. decideTnot. go out.
A. which B. where C. whose I). who
15. Mr. Phat didn’t go to the parly last night because ___
A. lie is sick B. he will be sick C. he was sick D. he would be sick

jf, it w«s sunn>. she went o«a without an umbrella to have feelings Sometimes they seem happy, sometimes they seem angry. It is
A Although B Since C If D Because easy (30) they are like people
|7 M s Thao «aid that « h e _____ m Ben Tre in Vietnam B Second C. Twice D Double
26. A Two
A » Imng B h n lived C lived D were liv ing C. students D. ty pewriters
27. A programs B. people
IH The girl asked me D computers
28. A. software B. reasons C. games
A what ms phone mimhcr B what m> phone number were
B childcare C. childhood D childlike
( whm rm phone number was 0 what was tnv phone number 2ft. A children
B. thinking C. for thinking D. that thought
\0 forget to buy me a hamburger when sou go to the supermarket, 30. A. to think
V. C om plete the second sentence so th a t it h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to
A do you B will you C shall you D don't you the first one.
2ft The examiner didn't tell u s ________ we passed or not 31 Can you use this laptop"1
A whether R how C if D. why - You c a n _________
111. Select the underlined w ord or phrase (A, B, C o r D) th a t has an
e rro r to m ake it correct. - He w ish es_________________________ ________________ _
21 Yeskrdas 1 saw thejnok. the women and the cattle which went to the field. 33. “I must go to Da I at tomorrow afternoon.” said Nhung
A B C D - Nhung said____________ ____________________________ _
22 Have you sea» the two dictionary s I put gn the table over here? 34. Minh spends 2 hours a day studying in a group with his friends.
A B C D - It takes__________________________________________ _•
23. There is ng gas left II thee is. we could cook a meal 35. They take their umbrellas because it is raining heavily
A B C D - It i s ___________________________________________ .
24 She did her Tnghsh *Qt careful in the final exam last week. VI. C om plete each o f the following sentences, using th e w o rd s given.
A B C D 36. You mind . if 1 . borrow . motorbike . "T
25 U.Qyld you mind tvur.jjn the lights, please ’ It's uxi dark for me to read- 7
A B C D 37. Thanh always . go . home late . so . parents be angry.
IV Read the follow m g passage, and I hen select th e c o rre c t answ er.
Today computer companies sell mam difTerent programs for computers 38 It be. necessary . students, practice Fnglish every day.
1 r«L there are p ra g m a lot doing math problems (26) _______. there are
ptu fm m kw acimottc wudres Third, some programs arc like fancy ty pc writers 39 Compost can make household garden waste ?
They are often used by writer» and business people ( Hher 12 7 )_________ . 7
made fur course» m schools and wusersrtics And final 1\. there are programs for 40 His 40^ birthday party going to hold luxury restaurant. May 28*.
fun They nscludt word games and puz/ks 6 c children and adults
There arc mam wonderful «sew computer programs, hut there are other
iw u n s to lAr r?*> S<«k penpie like the was computers bum and
«mg when thrs art weak mg It » a luppy sound like the vxmds of toy and <2*1
l srejpam *i«> have lights and pretrv pictures And compute*
esm « cm to have pcrwaiahoc* That mas sound strange hut computers seem

12 13
. 5 My close friend is v e ry _________ of snakes and spiders.
A. terror B terrify C. terrified D. terrifying
|6 Miss Yen wishes s h e _________have a new motorbike.
A. may B. will C. can D. could
17. The color pencils, many o f ________arc red. were given to me by my sister.
A. that B. which C. whom D. them
I. Select the w ord whose underlined p a rt is p ro n o u n ced dilTerently 18. The interviewer asked him why I _________ lo travel lo the IJK.
A. like B. will like C. liked D. would like
from the others.
C. decided D. watched ll). Your mother doesn't work in that store._________ she.
1 A. wanted B needed
C. music D. polite A. is B. isn't C. does D. doesn’t
2 A. dislike B. design
3. A. know B. show C. grow D. how 20. My brother__ for Sacombank since 2000.
C. ibent D. lhank A. worked B. was working C. has worked D. is working
4. A. ibis B. tbeir
5. A thynder B return C summer D. product III. Select the u n d erlin ed w o rd o r p h ra s e (A, B, C o r D) t h a t h as an
II. Select the best option (A, B, C , or D) to com plete each sentence. e rro r to m ake it co rrect.
21. I haven't got some money to buy that expensive car.
6. Hav t*you e\ cr met the young m an_________Mai's sister?
A w ho married B. who is married
22. if 1 am you, I would pav a v isit t£> her soon.
C. whom married D. who was married
7 Wr used to live in a house that in 1972.
23. Tam Dao is one o f the mountainouslv areas o f Vinh Phuc province.
A. is built B. was built C. built D. was building
8. If the weather________ worse, we can't go out for a picnic.
24. He thanked her for looking up his children while he was out.
A. gets B. w ill get C. got D. would get
9 Mam students are learning English hard_________ they want to get good
25. Our teacher said that he would attend the class meeting following day.
jobs after school.
A- but B. because C*. so D. therefore
10. He d los e to take part in the evening class.________ , he has to help his IV. Read th e follow ing passage, an d th e n select th e c o rr e c t answ er.
mother with housework in the evening. Data from the Pioneer spacecraft of NASA apparently prove the theory that
A. I here fore B. However C. But D. Although the high surface temperature of Venus is due to an atmospheric greenhouse effect
11 My younger brother is very fond_________reading picture books. caused (26) _ by a blanket of carbon dioxide. Such a greenhouse effect
A al B ^ t C. o f D. with is created when energy in the form of sunlight easily passes through a planet's
12 Phong w as------------- *ad about his Math test that he didn't smile all day. atmosphere, (2 7 )________its surface, and is converted to heat radiation that
A such B. enough C .too D. so ls then held in by the atmosphere from top to bottom. Venus has a relatively thin
13. I suggest------------ a short break for a while and then we can continue atmosphere like the Earth's, but Venus' atmosphere consists o f more than ninety
Percent (28 ) ____ , compared to less than four percent in that o f the Earth.
A Ja k e B to take C. taking D. took
Because o f its higher percentage o f carbon dioxide, Venus' atmosphere traps
--------------lo ,ia l Ba> for a change this summer?
much more heat radiation than the Earth’s, does (29) _____ . the Venus
A. we don't B don't we C. we should 0 . we should not

14 15
studies are believed to be important to the understanding ot possible adverse
VI. C o m plete the second sentence so th a t it has a sim ila r m eaning to
effects on the Earth's agriculture that could result from the long-term use 0f the first one.
fossil fuels. (30)_________ adds carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
C. officially 36. If she doesn't work harder, she'll lose her job.
26. A. partly B. mainly D. usually
B. heats C. bums D. dries - Unless___________________________________ ________•
27. A. warms
28. A. oxygen B. carbon dioxide 37. We have never been here before.
C. carbon monoxide D. hydrogen - It is the first___________________________________________ •
29. A. Additionally B. Thus C. However D. Besides 38. They have read this novel, haven't they?
30. A. which B. that C. then D. and - Have they__________________________________________?
V. Choose one sentence th a t has the sam e m ean in g as th e root one. 39. It was raining hard, so we had to cancel the barbecue.
31. "Do you know Hoa's address?" she asked me. - We had to _____________________________ ____________ .
A. She asked me for Hoa's address. 40. It's very wonderful to spend the weekend on the beach.
B. She asked me if someone knew Hoa's address. - Spending__________________________________ ________ •
C. She asked me if 1 know Hoa's address.
D. She asked me if l knew Hoa's address.
32. They are building a new bank in my city.
A. A new bank is building in my city.
De 5
B. A new bank is being built in my city.
C. A new bank is going to build in my city.
D. A new bank is built in my city. 1. Select the w ord whose underlined p a rt is p ro n o u n ced differently
from the others.
3 3 .1 used to go to the cinema on weekends.
1. A. think B.theree C. through D. thank
A. I usually went to the cinema on weekends.
2. A. cleaned B. played C. used D. wished
B. 1 got used to going the cinema on weekends.
3. A. stQûd B. blood C. coQk D. foot
C. 1 didn't go to the cinema on weekends.
4. A. nation B. natural C. matter D.daddy
D. 1 usually go to the cinema on weekends.
5. A. books B. fan§ C. hat§ D. stamps
34. Huy feels unhealthy because he doesn't take any exercise.
A. If Huy doesn't take any exercise, he will feel unhealthy. 11. Select the best option (A, B, C, o r D) to com plete each sentence.
B. If Huy took more exereise. he would feel healthier. 6. Peter: “Where do you come from?' ’ ~ Marry “ ”
C. If Huy take more exercise, he will feel healthier. A. I come from London B. In London
D. If Huy were healthier, he would take more exercise. C. Yes. I've just come here D. I'm living in London
35. Unless they protect the environment, their life will be badly affected. 7. She in the park when he came.
A. If they protect the environment, their life will be badly affected. A. sat B. has sat C. has been sitting D. was sitting
8. Mr. Cao will be leaving Tien Giang on Saturday.
B. If they don't protect the environment, their life will be badly affected.
A. in B. at C. from D. for
C. If they' don't protect the environment, their life won't be badly affected. 9. "Pass me that salt, please!” ~ “
D. If their life is badly affected, they will protect the environment. A. Here you are B. No, it isn’t C. Yes, please D. It doesn’t matter

10. Where is Khoa? - He's out He said lie______ _ back soon. IV. Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer.
A. is B. was C. came D. would be
My uncle is a soldier. He is my father's younger brother. He is about thirty
11. Ms. Trang has applied lor a ________ in a new school. years old. 1 do not see my uncle very (26)_________ • He comes to my house
A. career B. work. C. job D. task once or twice a year. But 1 like to see him. He is tall and handsome. My uncle is
12. ______you let me take a photo of your family? a (27)_________ man. His wife, my aunt, is a teacher. \\ hen my uncle comes
to my house, my aunt also comes with him. They have a baby son. When my
A. Will B. Shall C. May D. Must
uncle visits us. he (2 8 )_________many presents for me. He also gives me
13. All of us wen;_____ that she came first. She hasn't been working hard so far. some money. If he stays for a few days with us. he takes me (29) _ his
A. surprising B. to surprise C. surprised D. to be surprised car. He tells me a lot of jokes and stories. He tells me stories about the jungle
14. We telephoned the airport station to make______o f the time of the flight and the animals in it. I like to listen to his stories. I wish I could see my uncle
more often. He is (30) a nice person.
A. sure B. true C. real D. right
26. A. often B. usually C. seldom D. rarely
15. My sister l o v e s ____to music very much because it's her hobby.
27. A. single B. alone C. married D. lonely
A. to be listened B. listening C. to listen D. listened
28. A. takes B. brings C. gives D. owns
16. T hey________their grandparents once a month.
29. A. out B. in C. out in D. into
A. have visited B. visit C. are visiting D. were visiting
30. A. very B. also C. so D .such
17. The polite man explained to foreigners___ to get to the airport.
A. how B. how can we C. how can D. how we can V. Read the following passage, and then select the correct answ er.
18. Some people were hurt in the accident but only o n e ________ to I)cv astating Moods along the coast have left many people homeless. People
hospital. are asked to help by donating food, clothes, furniture, and other supplies to the
Assistance Fund. Donations of bottled water are especially needed, since the
A. was taken B. was taking C. has taken D. has been taking
floods have disrupted the local water supply . In addition, volunteers are needed
19. My friend________in Paris at the moment. to travel to the flooded area to help distribute the donations.
A. studies B. is studying C. has studied D. will study 31. What does this notice concern?
20. Her family got some money by selling one of their________old pictures. A. 1lelp for flood victinis B. Safely precaution
A. useful B. usual C valuable D. helpful C. Dangerous roads D. Warning about weather
111. Select the underlined w ord o r phrase (A, B, C o r D) th at has an 32. What kind of supplies is NO T mentioned?
e rr o r to m ake it correct. A. Furniture B. Clothing C. Food. D. Medicine
21. Hurry up! 'Hie hov’s cut himself. It bleeds quite badlv. 33. In addition to supplies, what who is needed?
A B C D A. Volunteers B. New bridges C. Places to stay D. Teachers
34. “Devastating floods'* in line 1 refer to those that_________ .
22. The printed paper will get out from the output path on a minute.
A. happen suddenly B. arc very short
C. last for a long time D. cause a lot of damage
23. My computer doesn't work. I think that it is broke.
35. The word “donating" in line 2 is closest in meaning to _________ .
A B C' L)~
A. selling B. buying C. giving D. taking
24. Everybody 1 know like to drink coffee and coke.
VI. C om plete the second sentence so th a t it has a sim ilar m eaning to
the first one.
25. Their teacher is telling them what to use the new equipment.
36. Mai couldn't sleep. She was tired.
- A lthough_________________________________ _______

37. The planet is Venus. The planet is closest to the Earth.
- The planet w h ich _____ _________ ____________________ ..
13. Vinh and his family had a _________ to their home village.
38. They have just sent a fire-engine to the construction site where fire is 0n.
A. three-days trip B. day-three trip C. three-day trip D. three days trips
- A fire-engine_______________________________________ _
14. A country which exports a lot of rubber is called a(n)_________ country.
39. “Are there any flights from Nha Trang to HCM city?” they said to me.
A. rubber-export B. exporting-rubber
- They asked m e ______ ___________________________ .
C. export-rubber D. rubber-exporting
40. “Don't interrupt her while she is speaking," Nam said to me. 15. Her aunt_________ to the USA a few days ago.
- Nam told m e _________________________________________ A. has gone B. went C. was going D. goes
16. When our grandmother was young, sh e_________ get up early to do the
D£6 A. was used to B. uses to C. got used to D. used to
17. _________ we came to see our form teacher yesterday, he was
preparing his new lesson plan.
A. Before B. When C. While D. After
I. Select the w o rd w hose underlined p a rt is p ro n o u n ced differently
18. The g irl_________eyes are big and black is my close friend.
from the others.
A. whose B. who C. whom D. which
1. A. shut B. put C. cut D. much 19. The monitor asked his classmates_________making noise in class.
2. A. the B. there C. think D. that
A. stop B. stopping C. to stop D. stopped
3. A. books B. club§ C. hats D. camps 20. I don’t have a smartphone. 1 wish 1_________ a new one.
4. A. paper B.happy C.bandage D. handbag
A. have B. have had C. had D. will have
5. A. flood B. moon C. food D. school
111. Select the underlined w ord or ph rase (A, B, C o r D) th a t has an
II. Select the best option (A, B, C, o r D) to com plete each sentence.
e rro r to m ake it correct.
6. The kid felt when his mother was coming back home. 21. At the moment he’s spending his weekend to go camping with his friends.
A. excitement B. excitedly C. excited D. exciting A B C D
7. The little girl laughed when she was watching “Tom and Jerry’ 22. Her father asked her to pay much attention to Physics next year.
on TV.
A. happy B. happily C. happiness D. unhappy 23. When 1 came to Loan's house, she lied in bed listening to music.
8. Ifl free. I’ll come to see you and your family.
A. am B. w-as C. will be D. have been 24. 1think they prefer city life more than country life.
9. What would you do if you in their shoes? A B C D
A. are B. have been C. were D. will be 25. Can you tell me what you have done at 9 o’clock yesterday morning?
10. He felt tired. , he had to finish his assignment. A B C D
A. However B. Therefore C. So D. Although IV. Read the following passage, and then select the correct answer.
11. Our group leader suggested a picnic at the weekend. Jeans are very popular with (2 6 )_________people all over the world.
A. to have B. having C. had D. have Some people say that jeans are the “uniform” of youth. But they haven’t always
12. The patient better if he took this medicine. been popular. The story of jeans (27)________ almost two hundred years ago.
People in Genoa, Italy made pants. The cloth made in Genoa was (28)________
A. will feel B. feel C. felt D. would feel ‘jeanos”. The pants were called “jeans”. In 1850, a salesman in California began

20 21
selling pants made of canvas. His name was Levi Strauss. Because they were $o - 1 haven’t
strong, “Levi’s pants" became (2 9 )_____ ____niiners, tarmers and 37. “Don't make so much noise, Phcng,” said the teacher.
cowboys. Six years later Levis began making his pants with blue cotton clod, - The teacher told Phong______________________
called “denim". Soon after, factory (30) ________ in the US and Europe begat)
38. Keeping the environment clean is very important.
wearing jeans. Young people usually didn t wear them.
a • nB> o«U rC. vnnno - It's
it ^ ___ ____________________________ ____ _______ .
26. A. rich ld young D. poor
B. starts C. was starting D. started 39. “You should turn o(Tthe lights before going out". Mr. Son said.
27. A. start
B. calls C. calling D. called - Ms. Son suggested_________________________________ •
28. A. call
29. A. famous B. popular C. good D. wonderful 40. Why don't you plant some trees in the front yard to get more fresh air?
30. A. workers B. drivers C. cowboys D. farmers - How about ____?

V. Read the following passage, and then select th e c o rre c t answer.

Smoking causes lung cancer, which is the number one cancer among men
Ninety percent of the people who get lung cancer die. Smoking is also the
leading cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer, and throat cancer. Many smokers De 7
have heart disease and pneumonia. Smoking causes one million early deaths in
the world every year.
Smokers not only harm themselves but also harm others. Smokers breathe I. Select the w ord whose underlined p a rt is p ro n o u n ced differently
smoke out into the air. They breathe it out on their children and their wives
from the others.
or husbands. Children whose parents smoke have more breathing and lung
problems than other children. Women who are married to smokers are more 1. A. kids B.shops C. banks D. roots
likely to have lung cancer than those married to non-smokers. 2. A. measure B. clearing C. realize D. Korea
We are all aware that smoking is bad. So why do people smoke? 3. A.good B. gas C. give D. large
31. The number one cancer among men i s __________ . 4. A. tight B. kind C. mine D. thing
A. tongue cancer B. throat cancer 5. A. looked B. formed C. gained 1). prepared
C. lung cancer D. mouth cancer II. Select the best option (A, B, C, o r D) to com plete each sentence.
32. The main cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancer is _____ 6. In 2007, the growth rate of Vietnam reached about 8.0%.
A. drinking B. overeating C. breathing D. smoking A. economics B. economic C. economy D. economically
33. Every year, smoking causes about one million__________ . 7. Miss Nhung is going to finish her work, ?
A. cancer patients B. killing diseases A. is she B. isn't she C. will she D. doesn’t she
C. early deaths D. injured men 8. 1 would like France in the future.
34. The word “it" in the passage refers t o __________. A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visited
A. cancer B. smoke C. air D. breath 9. Don't forget the door and windows when you go oul
35. Who are more likely to have lung cancer and lung problems? A. locking B. for locking c. to lock D. lock
A. People who live in the city. B. People who live with smokers. 10.. We can't go out the forthcoming heavv rain.
C. People wholive with non-smokers. D. People who live in the country' A. because B. owing c. in spite of D. because of
VI. C o m p lete th e second sentence so th at it has a sim ila r meaning 1° 11 . The couple divorce was on TV has got remarried.
the first one. A. who B. whose C. which D. people’s
36. It's 13 years since 1 last saw Mr. Cao.
12. John F. Kennedy wouldn’t have died in 1963 if h e ----------to Dallas.
A. didn't go B. wouldn't go C. hadn't gone D. not go IV. R ead the following passage, and then select the correct answ er.
13. One of the students in our class_________ sick today. Planet earth is part of a system of planets and their moons, as well as
numerous asteroids and comets which (26)________ around a huge star we call
A. were B. was C. have been D. are the Sun. The Sun itself (27)_________of gas. Nuclear reactions inside its core
14. Trang and Hoa took these photographs_________ ■ (28)_________ the heat and light that make life on the Earth (29)_________ .
The Earth is the third of four small terrestrial (Earth like) planets that orbit close
A. themselves B. herself C. himself 1). ourselves to the (30)_______ . Further out in our Solar System arc four huge gas planets,
15. It's good for you to learn all these expressions_________ heart. while distant Pluto, (3 1 )_____ __ planet, is made (3 2 )_________ rock and
ice. Our Earth is one of the ten planets that orbit the Sun- a huge, burning-hot
A. on B. with C. by D. in
star in the center of our Solar System. The Solar System and all the stars in the
16. His sister was homesick, and sh e_________all her family and friends. (33)_________ are part of our galaxy-the Milky Way. which (3 4 )_________
A. lacked B. missed C. desired D. hoped as many as 200 billion stars. Beyond our galaxy (35)_________ million more
galaxies. They all add together to make up the Universe.
17. _________ there was a heavy rain, they went out without a raincoat. 26. A. run B. orbit C. turn D. walk
A. In spile of B. Although C. However D. In spite 27. A. consists B. remains C. includes D. maintains
18. I never wear yellow because it doesn't_________ to me. 28. A. produce B. product C. production D. productive
A. suit B. match C. fit D. like 29. A. able B. possibility C. possible D. ability
30. A. Earth B. Mars C. Mercury D. Sun
19. Miss Huong is not very good _________cooking.
31. A. the smaller B. smallest
A. on B. in C. for D. at
C. the most smallest D. the smallest
20. The articles________ the magazine published last month are very popular. 32. A. from B. of C. for D. in
A. of B. on C. which D. and 33. A. space B. Universe C. Moon D. sky
III. Select the u n d erlin ed w ord o r p h rase (A, B, C o r D) th a t has an 34. A. consists B. makes front C. stays D. contains
e rr o r to m ak e it correct. 35. A. is B. are C. to be D. get
21. Are you interested between learning Literature? V. Com plete the second sentence so th at it has a sim ila r m eaning to
A B C D the first one.
22. My brother doesn’t mind to go to the park alone in the morning. 36. The boy is very friendly. He lived next door to us.
A B C D - The b o y ____________________________________ _____ .
23. If it rain, we will stay at home and watch TV. 37. “What is your name?" Mr. Huy asked me.
A B C D - Mr. Huy asked m e _______________________________
24. Da Lat, that is known to be a dream city in Vietnam, attracts many 38. Nowadays learning English is very necessary.
A B C - It is ________________________________________
tourists every year. 39. Although her leg was broken, she managed to get out of the car.
D - In spite of h e r___________________________ _______________.
25. When the university suggested to raise the tuition again, the student senate - In spite of th e ____________________________ _____________ .
A B C 40. If someone doesn’t put the coal in, the fire will go out.
protested vigorously. - Unless______________ _________ ___________
16. If people_________ their passport, they will be in trouble.
A. |ost b . lose C. wouldlose D. losing
17. What's the name of the woman_________ gave you a gift?
Dê 8 A. he B. which C. who D. whose
18. The librarian asked students_________ so much noise in the reading
A. not to make B. no make C. not making D. don t make
I. Select the w ord w hose un d erlin ed p a rt is pronounced differently
front the others. 19. My family has lived in this house_________ fifteen years.
A. ago B. for C. since D. already
1. A. ihank B.they C. those D. than
20. 1 really enjoyed the live show. It was great,_________ ?
2. A. walks B.cups C. students D. clubs
A. isn’t it B. is it C. wasn't it D. weren t it
3. A. talked B. wished C. lived D. stopped
4. A. team B. leather C. cream D. dreamy III. Select the underlined w ord o r ph rase (A, B, C o r D) th a t has an
5. A. bicycle B. slice C. diet D.recipe e rro r to m ake it correct.
21. They look forward to have the resolution to the problem they have mentioned.
II. Select the best ia ption (A, B, C , o r D) to com plete each sentence.
6. Linh wishes she a day off now. 22. They have moved nothing in her room while they sent her & the hospital.
A. has B. had C. would have D. can have A B C D
7. We saw that film 7.00 D.m. Saturday. 23. Aren’t you afraid that you'll be punished if you didn't come tQ school on time?
A. on-from B. in-at C. at-at D. at-on
8. You like watching comedies. . Xinh ? 24. Mr. Ba had to drive to die hospital to pick up his friend, who’s car wouldn't start.
A. do you B. aren't you C. don't you D. doesn't he
9. You shouldn't eat and drink too . It’s not good for your health. 25. h was not easy for them getting tickets for the concert.
A. quick B. quickly C. lastly D. slow A B C D
10. Trinhgotw et she had no umbrella when going out in the rain.
D. therefore IV. Read the following passage, and then select the co rrect answ er.
A. so B. because C. and
is standing near the w indow’ is my brother. The invention of the phonograph happened quite by accident. Thomas
11. The m an ______ Edison moved to Menlo Park. New Jersey in 1876, where he established an
A. who B. which C. where D. whom industrial research laboratory. There. Edison was working on a carbon telephone
12. T hey_________ their cousin since he left the city. transmitter to improve the existing Bell telephone system.
A. met B. meet C. meeting D. haven’t met In that laboratory a year later. Edison invented the phonograph while he
13. My bike has flat tires. Do you mind me home? was trying to improve a telegraph repeater. He attached a telephone diaphragm
D. to take to the needle in the telegraph repeater; in this way. he was able to reproduce a
A. taking B. take C. took
recording that could be played back. After he made some improvements to the
14. That villa in 1980. machine, he tested it. He recited "Mary Had a Little Lamb” into the machine
A. built B. builds C. was built D. is built and played his voice back to a very surprised audience.
15. He asked me at Chemistry. 26. What is the best title for the passage?
A. if I was good B. if was I good A. Thomas Edison's many inventions
D. if I am good B. Improvements in telephone and telegraph
C. if I good

C. The History of Menlo Park A. I look forward to staying B. She look forward to staying
D. An accidental invention C. I look forward to stay D. She looks forward to stay
27. In what year did the invention of phonograph occur? 37 “What are you doing now?", the teacher asked Tam. - The teacher asked
A. 1876 R 1877 C. 1878 D. the article does not say- T am ________
28. What was Edison working on when he created the phonograph? A. what he was doing now B. what was he doing then
A. A telegraph repeater B. A telegraph diaphragm C. what he was doing then D. what was I doing then.
C. A telephone repeater 0. A telephone diaphragm 38. Dung spent the countryside with her classmates last weekend.
29 According to the passage, how was the phonograph made? A. 2 hours travel to B. 2 hour to travel
A. With a telephone needle and a recorder C. 2 hours travel D. 2 hours traveling to
B. From a recording of a telegraph 39. I like going swimming in summer. ~ _________ .
A. So am I B. I do, too C. 1 do so D. I like, either
C. With only a telegraph repeater
40. Do you m ind_________?
D. From a combination of telephone & telegraph part
A. if I borrow your dictionary B. borrowing your dictionary
30. According to the passage, how- did Edison test his new invention?
C. to borrow your dictionary D. if I borrowed your dictionary
A. He made improvements to the machine.
B. Fie used a carbon transmitter.
C. He read a children's rhyme.
D. He produced the audience voice.
De 9
V. R ead th e following passage, and then select th e c o rre c t answer.
Singapore is an island city of about three million people. It’s a beautiful
city' with lots o f parks and open spaces. It’s also a very (3 1) _________ city.
I. Select the w ord whose underlined p a rt is pro n ounced differently
Most of the people (32)________ in high-rise flats in different parts of the from the others.
island. The business district is \ery modem with (3 3 )_________ of high new
office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older sections. In Chinatown 1. A. chemistry B. kitchen C. watching D. teacher
there (34) ______ rows of old shop houses. The government buildings in 2. A. moment B. slogan C. comb D.opposite
Singapore are very beautiful and date from the colonial days. 3. A. produce B. confuse C. lunar D. reduce
Singapore is famous (35)_________its shops and restaurants. There are 4. A. bomb B. debt C. tube D. doubt
many good shopping centers. Most of the goods are duty free. Singapore s 5. A. teenage B. luggage C. image D. damage
restaurants sell Chinese, Indian. Malay and European food, and the prices are
quite reasonable. II. Select the best option (A, B, C, o r D) to com plete each sentence.
31 A. A large
lam e R rtirtv rC. small 6. I feel v ery ________ today .
31. B dirty D. „loon
A. happiness B. happy C. happily D. are happy
32. A. live B. lives C. are living D. lived
7. 1 think the government should do something to help_________ .
33. A. lot B lots c. many D. much
A. the poors B. the poor ones C. poor D. the poor
34. A. is B. will be C. were D. arc 8. WTieu 1 looked round the door, the child_________ quietly.
35. A. in B. on C. at D. for A. is sleeping B. was sleeping C. slept D. were sleeping
V I. Select th e co rrec t an sw er (A, B, C o r D) to e ach o f th e foB 9. Do you feci like _________ to the theatre or would you rather

36. with my uncle again next summer. 29

______ TV at home? 22.
->-> According to the sign ou the restaurant door, »ill dinners are [vquillllg
A. going-watching B. going-watch A B C D
C. go-watch D go-watched to wear shins and shoes.
10. The policeman warned passengc 23. I'm always made wash my hands bdiiK CUiQ nteal by m> mother
A. not to go B. to not go C. not to going D. not go A B C I)
11 This kind of food is the worst 1 tasted 24 Although his leg was broken however, he managed Lcj get out ot the car
A. had newer B. have ever C did 1) had A B C 1)
12. It's said that London an underground train system tuq 25 Jhe information 1 got from the assistant was such tiiuiUMDjJ that I didn't
the nineteenth century. A B C
A has B had C. ha\c had I) has had know ftiuiJiLdu
13. 1 haven't received any letters from him since l here I)
A. came B. come 1’ coming I). comes IV. Read the following passage, an d then select th e c o rre c t answ er.
14 It's time you went. If you don't leave now. you ___ the last trm The traihe light signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer It was
A. miss B will miss C would miss I) missed ai->tailed (2r»i 1he House of parliament in 1868 It (27)
like any railway signal o f the lime, and was operated by gas i 's i
15. It is impossible for us in all this noise a exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident (29) further
A. work B. to work C working I) worked development until cars tveame common.
16. They asked Ngun a lot of questions, most of she couMri (30) iralhc lights arc an \mcncnn invention. Red-green (311
answer well. wrre installed in ( leveland in I9 |4 Three-color signals. (32)
A. whom B. whose C. which O that by land Own a tow n in the (33) ol the street, were
17. The teacher explained installed in New V>ik in 191$ The i lights .<i this type to i l >)
his students how they should ope»*
in Britain were in l ondon. on the junction between St James's street
the machine.
and Piccadilly in l'»25.
A. to B. with C for I) about ?r> A outside It out C\ out of 1). outdoors
IK. Several people didn’t like the club the poor quality of • 27 A tvscmhlcd it looked (.'. showed 1). scented
28. A However B Therefore C Although 1) Despite
A. so B. however C‘. because
remise ooff I) became 29 A forbade B.avoided (.' discouraged 1) disappointed
19. We're angry because you didn't tell us the truth. Wc don't IA* JO A. New B Recent C. Modern 1) I utc
31 A. methods B. sy stems (.'. means 1). ways
A. being deceived B. to be deceive 32 A worked B operated l turned D held
C. be deceived D. being deceiving 33. A heart B. focus C. halfway D. middle
20. l-ong l » already lialshcl all his work, so Ire docsn'l h a « . 34 A. original B primary C. first 1). early
tonight. 1 think he will rend for a while. 35. A. sIkjw B. appear ( happen D. become
A.siudy 13. to study C. studying I). studied V. Select the correct answ er (A, B, (.' o r D) to each of the following
III. Select the iu n lerlitted w ord Ur ph rase (A B C o r 11) Ihut I"1*" questions.
e r r o r to m ake it correct. 36. It is tim e___________-
2 1. In outer to bSffli a good sales clerk, that gM tf* A. the children to go to bed B. for the children to go to bed
C. for the children to going to bed l). for the children go to bed

37. It took___________.
10. If l were you, I would advise________ a new restaurant over there.
A. him one hour to go to work by bicycle
A. try B. trying C. to try D. tries
B. he one hour to go to work by bicycle
11. Mr. Nguyen is very busy. ________ , he is always willing to give a
C. him one hour going to work by bicycle
hand with the housework.
D. his one hour to go work by bicycle
A. Despite B. Although C. However D. Therefore
38. It is three months__________ .
12. Some learners make a list of new words in their_________•
A. since it has rained B. since last it rained A. languages B. explanation
C. since it last rained d . since it was last rained
C. mother tongue D. translation
39. Schooling couldn't set up a new Olympic Games record
13. I see this detailed map is________ the atlas.
A. although he tried hard B. even though he tried hard A. more useful B. more useful than
C. in spite ot the fact that he tried hard D. All are correct. C. more useful as D. usefuler than
40. We really w ish___________but we didn't. 14. The smaller your room is, the________ furniture it needs.
A. we had invited her to the party B. had we invited her to the party A. less B. fewer C. smaller D. more
C. we invited her to the party D. we have invited her to the party 15. Miss Oanh hates________ at while she is out in the street.
A. stared B. be stared C. is stared D. being stared
16. if I ________ you. I'd take some rest before the important exam
De 10 tomorrow.
A. was B. are C. were D. would be
17. It w a s________ hot day that most of them decided to leave work
I. Select the w ord whose underlined part is pronounced differently A. such B. so C. so a D. such a
from the others.
18. Let's hang out for a drink,________ we?
1. A.lose B. move C. stove D. prove A. will B. shall C. do D. must
2. A. opens B. graphs C. forms D. pays 19. Trang wishes she________ to her mother. Now it is too late.
3. A. praised B. picked C. laughed D. watched
4. A. had listened B. would listen C. listened D. has listened
A.enough B. plough C. weigh D. though
5. A. turn B. burn C. curtain 20. Ngoc: “________7” ~ Tom: “He’s tall and thin with blue eyes.”
D. bury
A. How is Mr. Nguyen doing
II. Select th e best option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each sentence. B. What does Mr. Nguyen like
6. The young boys are not to take part in the army. C. What does Mr. Nguyen look like
A. so old B. old enough C.enough old D. as old D. Who does Mr. Nguyen look like
7. The baseball match was postponed the bad weather.
C. because D. because of III. Select the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C o r D) th at has an
A. despite B. in spite
error to make it correct.
8. Huy doesn't like roller-skating.________ does his brother.
21. It was important that you should be on time at the meeting tonight.
A. Too B. Neither C. So D. Either
9 If the man had a map now, h e_______ a short-cut across the desert.
22. It’s obvious that Nam is tallest student ifl his class.
A. ccuk»" have taken B. take A B C D
C. could take D. can take
People who exercise frequently have greater physical endurance than ihose
C. the police would catch him
D D. he didn't know why the police wanted him
24. 32. The police who talked to Ted w as_________ .
It was such a terrible fire that the whole apartment building were destroyed A. pleasant B. worried C. surprised D. small
A B C D 33. Why was Ted very surprised when he heard the news?
The government suggested ban the sale o f alcohol at football matches. A. Because his bicycle was stolen 20 years ago.
A B C D B. Because his bicycle was found when he was a boy o f fifteen.
R e a d th e follow in g p a ssa g e , a n d th e n select th e c o rre c t answer. C. Because he thought he would never find the bicycle.
D. Because the bicycle was sent to him by train.
It can be shown in facts and figures that cycling is the cheapest, most
convenient, and most environmentally desirable form o f transport (26) 34. When was Ted's bicycle found?
towns, but such cold calculations do not mean much on a frosty A. Last Tuesday B. Five years ago
morning. The real appeal o f cycling is that it is so (2 7 )_________. It has C. Twenty years ago D. Yesterday
f the difficulties and tensions o f r»tlv»r - 1' —
35. Which of the follow ing statements is NOT true?
A. The police asked Ted to go to their station.
B. The policeman told fed the good news 5 days ago.
C. Ted is no longer anxious now'.
D. Ted is 35 years old now.
VI. Select the co rrect answ er (A, B, C o r D) to each o f th e follow ing
26. A. in B. at C. to D. on 36. _________. Khoa arrived late.
27. A. boring B. careful C. enjoyable D. excited A. In spite o f having taken a taxi
28. A. expectedly B. strangely C. terribly D. comfortably B. Despite o f having taken a taxi
29. A. size B. number C. deal D. digit C. Although of having taken a taxi
30. A. point B. indicate C. display D. exhibit D. Though having taken a taxi
V. R e a d th e fo llo w in g p a ssa g e , a n d th en select th e c o rre c t answer. 37. The woman asked Mrs. Nhung_________ .
Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a A. how was old her son B. how old son was
letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Ted C. how old her son is D. how old her son was
w ondered why he w as wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday, 38. Do you agree that the more a car costs.__________ ?
and now he is not worried any more. At the station he was told by a smiling
A. faster it goes B. the faster it goes
police-m an that his bicycle had been found. Five years ago. the policeman told
him. the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It's C. so faster it goes D. the fastest it goes
now' being sent to his home by train. Ted was most surprised when he heard the 39. Which sentence below has the same meaning as “The students never
news. He was am used too. because he never expected the bicycle to be found. understand you. do they?"?
It w as stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy oi fifteen. A. Do the students never understand you?
31. Ted w as worried because_________ • B. Are the students never understand you?
A. he received a letter C. Don't the students never understand you?
B. he went to the police station yesterday D. Do they the students never understand you?

40. he U Une h u K*
A If the Ixry man vw*Vs farder | \ ( irtle the letter t A. B. C or D) In indicatr the correct a n th er to
fl If the U/> man doesn't work* hankr each of the following questions
( I nie*« the U/y man doesn't work farder 11 \|> class »k«csn i have I «ghsh lew»** Monday
0 l nie** the la/> man works farder Am a«m C aa I) mm
|d ) mtfw u^wmwVct nnw1
\ v < |r B ( po D went
It I«Wend a* N n vac a nr» vmmai «farv «He had her old one»
D e ll \ term« H mnrpwr i repairing D repaired
14 h «qfamrpwMMr a im n a n w l anada
A trie B k> uAr i taking I) to he taken
I | t So»» itw w *eh—ihvdpmamtgthe fence.there isnothingkfl ..... _
1. ( irclr the letter (A. H. ( nr D) In iw lk e lt tiw w ord « I w |l t i a 4 v f l lobe doing D for hnng done
u n d erlin ed p a rt differs frnin the o th er three ta p r n « e e < tiiM m
la IMvae we heme k t « have Mr Uanh a map lor in m we
each of the following question«.
<m* i gar kwa
I A. Il knç* l c«m I) mt K the« B to «knew f drawing I) drawn
2. A Marial 11 invited ( mrnücd I) t«l«d IT | thmk v.-vv father «fc^Al let y<m your own mind
II. C ir t lt the letter (A, H. ( or I)) to indicate the w ord th at différé A make wp II an make igi t making up D made up
from the o th e r th re e in the posilioa of prim er* « irn « »» the 11 I » « r a« read *m «me! apaan___ it is «cry interesting
follow ing question*. A «» B ha C however I) hrcau*c
3. A ensure II captive < pfcawvr |9 |w w r I*» h i evsentval tfwi m h sw r _ ____ before let
4 A communicate It convenient t spec tab* t) n | e n o v t A ilm M 4 K « rm B t* decorated
t Hr drvoratrd D were decorated
III. C irtle the letter A. II. ( or I) to indicate th r nnderH nrd p a ri tha*
» Vi hr*» thr children enprs the game hut quid w w n_______novelty.
need« co rrectin g in each of the following qvesttonv
A dwd i* t II w»ee oft ( went otT D died off
5 I haven't heard Irvtn Sang mocç 5
A B C I) V r m rach word in capital letter* into the ro rre c l form *n th at it ran
6. M> younger siMcr cnigy 3 read about wild animals and «fund im w etin Rt the gap in each sentence below.
A B c n 21 My sister is a at a primary *chi*>1 in Hue (TEACH)
7. llcisih!,vntiui'A h^bh'c*i)^niiJw w (C 22 The “an daT is the drew of Vietnam women ilRADITION)
A B C D 23 You must trad the instruction* _____ before using it ((. AREF1JL)
8. He is ÜBLSWdtnl 41 Nguy en Hue «vendais ^bnol 24 \ke are really impressed by the of the people there <f RIENL))
A B C D 25 Sang* seme of humor him from other students (fJlSNNCT)
9 Mans people believed that New York is the m g^fflnicitv inA m cikj V I. Read the following passage and eirrle the letter (A, B. C o r D) to
A B C D indicate the correct w ord that best fils the num bered blank«.
My village is (26) Ik « Binh Province It is a very beautiful
10 B C D and peaceful place where penptc *27)________ firmer* and vegetables only.

It is very famous for its pretty roses and picturesque scenery. The air is quil
fresh; (28)_________ , the smell of roses makes people feel cool. In spring, ^ 35. Which o f the following is NOT true?
village looks like a carpet with plenty of (29)_________ . Tourists come to visit A. Only in Asia the tsunami was called Asian Tsunami.
it so often. Nowadays, with electricity and labor-saving devices, it doesn’t take B. The tsunami caused a lot of damage to Indonesia.
the villagers (30) _________ time to water the roses. And even at night, people C. Many people died because o f the high waves
can walk along the path and enjoy the fresh smell of the flowers. D. A lot o f money was raised to help people.
26. A. on B. from C. in D. at
27. A. grow B. buy C. grew D. bought V III. R ew rite each o f the sentences below in such a w ay th a t it m eans
28. A. however B. then C. and D. but exactly the sam e as the one given before it.
29. A. colors B. marks C. spots D. styles
30. A. many B. a few 36. Phong is taller than Tam.
C. a lot D. much
Tam is ___________________________________________ •
V II. R ead the follow ing passage a n d circle the le tte r (A, B, C o r D)to 37. What about going to Sapa next weekend?
in dicate the c o rrec t an sw er to each of the questions. Why don’t _____________________________________ ?
The large movement of earth under the water causes a very large and 38. “I like this apartment very much" Mrs. Lan said.
powerful tsunami. The tsunami was called the Asian Tsunami in most oi the Mrs. Lan said ___________________________________________.
world. It was called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England. Australia. South
39. Spending the weekend on the beach is vety exciting.
Africa and Canada because it happened on the holiday they call Boxing Day
The tsunami caused a lot of damage to countries such as Philippines. Thailand. It’s __________________________________________ .
Indonesia and Sri Lanka. 40. You can't find such exquisite hand-made handbags in many shops here.
Waves as high as 30m killed many people and damaged or destroyed a lot In few __________________________________________ .
o f buildings and other properties. Over 225.000 people died or were not found
after the Tsunami. The wave traveled as far away as South Africa (8000km)
where as many as 8 people died because of high water caused by the wave.
Because of how much damage was caused and the number of people the
earthquake affected, over $ 7 billion was donated to help the survivors und
rebuild the areas damaged.
31. Why was the tsunami called the Boxing Day Tsunami in England?
A. Because it happened w'hen people were boxing. I. Choose the w ord whose u n derlined p a rt is p ro n o u n ced differently.
B. Because it happened when people were collecting boxes. B. school C. tool D. good
1. A. food
C. Because it happened on Boxing Day. 2. B. torch C. morning D. forget
A. border
D. Because it destroyed a lot of boxes. B. preserved C. crooked D. raised
3. A. housed
32. How high were the waves? B. pollute C. accept D. receipt
4. A. species
A. Thirteen meters B. Eighteen meters 5. A. mouths B. paths C. months D. wrealhs
C. Thirty meters D. Two hundred and twenty-five meters
II. Choose the w ord whose stress p a tte rn is d ifferen t front the o th e r
33. What were some people in South Africa killed by?
three of the group.
A. Earthquake B. High water C. High wind D. Property
6. A. tomorrow B. important C. mystery D. however
34. What does the word ‘survivors' in line 11 mean?
7. A. language B. advice C. summer D. region
A. houses that aren’t destroyed B. offices that are being built. D. design
8. A. fashion B. pattern C. symbol
C. people that are dead D. people that are left alive
9. A. understand B. engineer C. Vietnamese D. adventure 13 Because nfiircd. we could noi go to school yesterday.
10. A. laboratory B. electricity C. education D. mathematics A B C D
111. C hoose the c o rrect a n sw e r to com plete each o f th e followin 14 We object to people to make private calls on the office phone-
sentences. A B C D
11. The men and anim als_________ were coming through the streets made a
big cloud o f dust. The amount of women earning Master's Degree has risen sharply in
A- who B. which C. that D. whom Á B C
12. Her letter_________ have come yesterday, but it didn't. recent years.
A. must B. should C. ought D. can D
13. Phone him before eight;_________ he'll be too busy to talk to you. V. S upply th e co rre c t form o f th e w o rd s in b ra c k e t.
A. unless B. whether C. otherwise D. if 26. He has th e _________ to become a professional player. (ABLE)
14. This building is said _________ two hundred years ago. 27. My mother wants me to have this photograph_________ ■(LARGE)
A. to build B. to have been built 28. Ants and bees are described a s _________ insects. (INDUSTRY)
C. to have built D. to be built 29. Some designers have_________ the Ao dai by printing lines
15. - Son: "Thanks for your help. Cao.7' of poetry on it. (MODERN)
-C ao: "________ ” 30. Please accept o u r_________ congratulation. (HEART)
A. With all my heart B. Never remind me VI. R ead the follow ing passage a n d choose th e b e st a n s w e r to each
C. It’s my pleasure D. As you wish question.
16. The weather is very nice. Let's go out for a w alk._________ ?
A. shall we B. will we C. do we D. have we
Many early ideas about the causes and cures o f illness seem ridiculous to
17. My brother often uses his goods a s _________ as he can.
us today. Yet in some respects the medicine man o f uncivilized tribes used the
A. economic B. economically C. economical D. economics method for curing sick persons which are known to have had real value.
18. Let's wait for Hoa here: I'm sure she w ill_________ . In early time when people became ill. they turned for help to the medicine
A. turn off B. turnup C. turndown D. turn over man of the tribe. It was generally believed that sickness was caused by evil
19. Thousands o f people _________ near the Fukushima nuclear power spirits, and it was the medicine man's task to drive these bad spirits out o f the
plant have been ordered to evacuate. sick man. To do this, he would try to frighten them away by making loud noise
and wearing frightening masks. Usually he would chant magic words, sing
A. living B. are living C. who living D. A and C are correct
special songs, and performed special dances. Nearly always he used a particular
20. It costs about fifty dollars to have a tooth_________ . kind of plant which was supposed to he a remedy for a particular sickness.
A. filling B. to fill C. filled D. being filled Some of these cures used by the medicine men did help. The plants which
IV. Id e n tify o n e m ista k e in each sentence. these early doctors used were frequently drugs now understood to be medicinal
or pain- reliev ing. The respect and confidence which the people had in their
21. Even though she looks young, she is elder than my twentv-vear-old sister. medicine man gave sick persons hope and helped them feel better.
A B C D 31. Which not directly stated, it can be reasoned from the article th a t_____ .
22. She paid the cleaner 100 VND for cleaning ten windows, most of them A. witch doctors have always failed.
A B C B. witch doctors have never failed.
hadn't been cleaned for at least a year. C. w itch doctors might have cured some people.
D. vsitch doctors were really ridiculous people.
32. The article as a whole is about ------------- •
A. medicinal plants B. uncivilized doctoring
C. magic chants. D. sick tribe people
33. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? DH3
A. Medicine men always worked in silence.
B. Medicine men sang to invite back the Spirit of Health.
C. Medicine men wore masks to frighten the sick persons.
the u n d e rlin e d p a r t p ro n o u n c e d
D. The life of tribal people in early time was very hard. I. Choose the w ord w hich has
differently from the rest:
34. Which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE? l). dynamite
I. A pesticide B polite C. solid
A. Savage tribes believe that illness was caused by evil spirits.
A. stayed B laughed C. disappeared D. warned
B. Medicine men often used special plants in making their cures.
3. A. considerate B. celebrate C. nominate I). congratulate
C. Everything that medicine men did is now known to be dangerous.
4 A. workers B holidays C. bananas 1). helmets
D. Medicine men sometimes performed dances.
5. A. supposed B increased C. crossed D. promised
35. The word “them'* in the second paragraph refers to _________ .
A. evil spirits B. sick persons II. Choose the correct answ er:
C. other medicine men D. magic words 6 Most of earthquakes in the world in the Ring ol Fire.
A happen B hit C. erupt 1). occur
VII. fin ish each o f the following sentences in such a way that it meam
exactly the same as the sentence printed before. 7 The men and animals _ you saw on TV were from India.
A. that B. which C. where D. whom
3 6 .1 regret not buying any tickets for the concert.
I wish_____________ 8 Mr I lai is that people have spoiled this area.
A. disappoint B. disappointed
37. I would like you to put the chairs away.
Do you mind ___ 7 C. to disappoint D. disappointing
9 She is looking forward t o _________her first pay packet.
38. I’m on the filth page of the letter I’m writing.
So far I ______ A. receive B. have receive C. receiving D. be receiving
10. If |)uy ___ enough money, h e __________a new car.
3 9 .1 haven't decided to continue my study in a foreign country.
A. huvc/will buy B. has.will buy
I haven’t m ade__________
C‘. luidAvill buys D. has/buys
40. He was a fool to say that.
11 The baby is crawling_________his lather's legs.
It was
A. and B. among C. between D. before
12. _________she comes in haft an hour. I shall go alone.
A. Unless B. If C. Although D. Despite
13. Congratulations your first prize in the Sports Contest.
A. in B. at C. for D. on
14. _________ is now a serious problem in many countries, isn't it?
A. Plant trees B. Deforestation C. Burden D. Festival

42 43
money for the poor people in our commuojti
15.1 suggest that we
A save T to l T v e C. saving D. should a Ve' to get together for dinner, either in a restaurant or in one o f their homes ...
A. save
26. When do American people celebrate Mother's Day?
16 “What are you looking_________T ~ "M>’ color P « * « - 1>ve '«St if
A. the second Sunday in May. B. the third Sunday in June.
A. at B. on C. for D. m
C. on March. 8*. D. the second Sunday in June.
17. Do you know that Auld Lang Syne is a s o n g --------------- is sung
New Year's Eve? 27. Do Vietnam people celebrate Father s Day?
A. whom B. that C. which D. B&C correct A. Yes. they do. B. No. they don t.
18. Mr. Duy is very tire d ._________, he has to finish his a s s ig n ^ C. Yes. it is D. No. it isn't.
before going to bed. 28. A day of leisure is the best gift of all for an American Mom?
A. Therefore B. So C. However D. Although A. It's the best gift. B. Lucky money.
19. Toyota cars_________ in Japan. - They're very beautiful. C. Yes. it is. D. Well-done.
A. will produce B. are produced C. produced D. to produce 29. What do mother and father receive on this occasion?
20. Nha Trang will have temperature _________ 23 degree Celsius and A gifts B. greeting cards
27 degree Celsius. C. monev D. A&B are correct
A. between B. which C. therefore D. with 30. Where do the family member have their dinner party on this occasion?
A. familv group B. restaurant or their homes
III. Identify and choose one underlined w ord o r p h ra se th a t is incorrect:
C. hotel D. stadium
21. I think we should take a shower instead of a bath saving energy.
A B C D V. Read then choose the best an sw er to co m p lete th e p assag e:
22. He met many friends which encouraged him in his work. In many countries nowadays, electricity, gas and water are necessities.
Companies which produce household goods realize that consumers want
products that will not only work effectively. (3 1 )_________ save money.
23. Although my sister was tired, she helped me with my homeworks.
In North America, household lighting accounts for 10% to 15% o f the
A B C D electricity bill.
24. The man. who is sitting next Linh. is her brother-in-law. However, this amount can be (32) __ ______ by replacing an ordinary' 100-
A B C D watt light bulb with an energy-saving bulb. Consumers can save US$ 7 to LJS$
25. Whatever happened. I didn't want to lose friendship o f Khoa. 21 per bulb.
In Europe, there is a labeling scheme for refrigerators, freezers and washing
machines, the labels tell the consumers (3 3 )_________ energy efficiency each
IV. R ead the passage and choose the correct an sw er: model has. (3 4 )_________with other appliances in the same category. The
final result is that these innovations will save money as well as conserve the
" ... *n the United States, people celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day- Earth's (35)_________ .
M other's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. Father’s Day lS 31. A. but also B. so C. although D. because
celebrated throughout the United States on the third Sunday in June. On this 32. A. result B.repairedC. replaced D. reduced
occasion, mother and father usually receive greeting cards and gifts ft°n’ 33. A. how many B. how much C. how long D. how far
family members. The best gift of all for an American Mom is a day of leisure 34. A. congratulations B. kept C. compared D. thought
The majority o f American mothers have outside jobs as well as housework, so 35. A. energy B. natural C.resources
their working days are often hard. The working mother enjoys the tradition*1
M other's Day custom o f breakfast cooked by her family and served to her on* VI. Use the w o rd given in b rac k e ts to com bine each p a ir o f sentences
into one:
tray in bed. Later in that day. it's also traditional for the extended family 0 ° ^

36. Tct is a festival. Tet occurs in late January or early February. (WHICH)
12. The child w ent_________ a bad cold just before the exam.
A. down with B. in for C. over D. through
37. Mrs. Xuan is an engineer. She lives in Ho Chi Minh City. (WHO)
13. If s h e __ ____ sick, she would have gone out with her family to
- » __________________________________________.
the party.
38. He can't buy a new car. Because he doesn't have enough money. (IF) A. hasn't been B. weren't C. wasn’t D. hadn't been
14. The m an,_________daughter is at top of class 9A, is a tamer.
39. In spite of his broken leg. Mr. Khanh managed to get out o f the car. A. whom B. who C. whose D. that
(ALTHOUGH) 15. My sister is a nurse and she was o n _______ in the hospital last night.
- > _________________________________________ . A. work B. alarm C. duty D. service
40. My sister doesn't work in that company any more. (NO LONGER) 16. Minh is in class 9 D ._________Trinh. who is a year older, is only in
grade 8.
A. and B. whereas C. either D. nevertheless
17. The lazy kid regretted_________ hard. It was too late.
A. not having leaml B. not learning
fil 14 C. learning D. not to have learnt
18. Long does not play table tennis. Huy does not play table tennis.
A. Both Long and 1luy doesn’t play table tennis.
B. Neither Long nor Huy plays table tennis.
C hoose the w ord whose underlined p a rt is p ro n o u n c e d differ« C. Not either Long or Huy plays table tennis.
from th a t of the others.
D. Not only Long but also Huy does play table tennis.
1. A. sunbathe B. thunderstorm C. earthquake D. math
D. maih 19. The coach said. "It's time for you to go home, girls!''
2. A. sound B. southern C. drought D. mounts
D. mountain A. The coach told the girls that it was time for you to go home.
3. A. property B. pollution C. population D. probab
D. probably B. The coach tells the girls that it was time for them to go home.
4. A. practiced B. washed C. advertised D. missed
D. missed C. The coach told the girls that it is time for them to go home.
5. A. garbage B. sewage C. courage D. backst.
D. backstay D. The coach told the girls that it was time for them to go home.
11. C hoose the w ord whose stress p attern is d ifferen t from 20. It took him a long time to get u s e d ______ .
thee others.
th A. to have glasses wear B. to wear glasses
6. A. comprise B.
B. mausoleum
mausoleum C. reliuinn
religion ^ C. wearing glasses D. to wearing glasses
D. coinpul 21. The doctor suggested that his patients_________.
7. A. intelligent B. population C. opportunity
D. econon A. stopped smoking B. stops smoking
8. A. federation B. economic C. environment
D. docum< C. stop smoking D. to stop smoking
9. A. unimportant B. incomplete C. disadvantage
D. encoun 22. Danh wrote_________report on the Vietnam war last year.
10. A. interesting B. astonishing
B. astonishing C. amazing
amazing D. D. surpr
surprisi A. ten-page B. a ten-page C. ten pages D. ten-pages
III. C hoose th e best answ er from the four options m a rk e d (fi 23. Trung never comes to class on time a n d _________.
D) to com plete each sentence below-. A. neither docs Quang B. so does Quang
11. That is her favorite short __ blouse
__ blouse. C. Quang docs too D. neither doesn't Quang.
A. sleeved B. sleeve c C.dsleeving
» ..:— D sjee,

46 47
36. Tct is a festival. Tet occurs in laic January' or early February. (WHICH)
The child went ________ a bad cold just before die exam.
- ) ________________________________ • A. down with B. in for C. over D. through
37. Mrs. Xuan is an engineer. She lives in Ho Chi Minh City. (WHO)
If she ___ sick, she would have gone out with her family to
________________________________ , the party.
38. He can’t buy a new car. Because he doesn't have enough money. (IF) A. hasn't been B. weren't C. wasn't D. hadn't been
The man. _ daughter is at lop o f class 9A. is a tamer.
39. In spile of his broken leg. Mr. Khanh managed to get out o f the car. A. whom B. who C. whose D. that
(ALTHOUGHi IS My sister is a nurse and she was on in the hospital last night.
________________________________ . A. work B. alarm C. duty D. service
40. My sister doesn't work in that company any more. (NO LONGER) Minh is in class 91). Trinh. who is a year older, is only in
grade 8.
A. and B. whereas C. either D. nevertheless
17. The la/y kid regretted_________hard. It was too late.
■\ A. not having learnt B. not learning
C learning D. not to have learnt
18. l ong docs not play table tennis. Huy does not play table tennis.
A. Both Long and Huy doesn't play table tennis.
B. Neither Long nor lluy plays table tennis.
Choose the w ord whose underlined p art is p ro n o u n ced differently C. Not either I ong or 1luy plays table tennis.
from that of the others. 1). Not only 1 ong but also 1luy docs play table tennis.
1. A. sunbathe B. thunderstorm C. earthquake I), mail) 19. I hc coach said. "It's time for you to go home, girls!"
2. A.sound B. southern C.drought A. Hie coach told the girls that it was time for you to go home.
D. mountain
3. A. property B. pollution C. population I). probably B. Hie coach tells the girls that it was lime for them to go home.
4. A. practiced B. washed C\ Hie coach told the girls that it is time for them to go home.
C. advertised D. missed
5. A. garbage B. sewage 1). The coach told the girls that it was time for them to go home.
c. courage I). backstage
II. C hoose the w ord whose stress 20. It took him a long time to get used
p attern is differen t from that of
the others. A. to have glasses wear B. to wear glasses
6 . A. comprise B. mausoleum C. wearing glasses I). to wearing glasses
C. religion D. compulsory
7. A. intelligent B. population 21. I he doctor suggested that his patients_____
C. opportunity D. economics A. stopped smoking 13. stops smoking
8. A. federation B. economic D. documentary
C. environment C. stop smoking D. to stop smoking
9. A. unimportant B. incomplete D. encouragement
C. disadvantage 22. Danh wrote_________report on the Vietnam war last year.
10. A. interesting B. astonishing C. amazing D. surprising A. ten-page B. a ten-page C. ten pages L). ten-pages
H I. C hoose th e best answ er irom the four options m a rk e d (A, B, C °r 23. Trung never comes to class on time a n d _______ .
D) to com plete each sentence below. A. neither docs Quang B. so does Quang
11. That is her favorite short________ blouse. C. Quang does too D. neither doesn’t Quang.
A. sleeved B. sleeve C. sleevir
ving D. sleeves
24. Anh's young brother prefers coflee---------- VI. W rite th e sentence so th a t it has a sim ilar m ean ing to the original
D. than one.
A. more than B. better ^
25. Not until 2008 across the river. 36. This is the best essay 1 have ever written.
B. the first building o f a bridg -> N ever___________________________________________ •
A. the first bridge was built
C. built .ho firs, bridge ,he first bnd8e b^ " 37. My English friend finds using chopsticks difficult.
IV. C hoose the underlined words or phrases (A, B, C o r D) that »a -> My English friend isn’t ________________________________ •
38. That car's so expensive, l don’t think 1 can buy it.
incorrect in stan d ard English.
-> It's such_______________ ___________________________ •
26. Look! There is a cat silting in the middle to the road.
39. This is the best computer 1 have ever used.
-> l have____________ _______________________________ •
27. Ms. Huong had a gardener to plant some trees yesterday.
40. I tried as hard as 1 could, but 1just couldn't get the money.
-> No matter___________________________________________ -
28. The well from which the villagers used to gel water is now near empty
29. The new brochures describing all our sendees were delivered to us
late vesterdav and were shipped out early tomorrow morning.
Dé 15
30.1 think it had be better if we use banana leaves instead of paper
to wrap food. Choose the w ord whose u n derlined p a rt is p ro n o u n ced differently
D from the rest by circling the co rresp o n d in g le tter A, B, C, o r D.
A.ought B. thought C. brought D. though
V. Read the following passage and m ark the letter (A, B, C, or D) to
A. thick B. think C. thus D. thin
indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the blanks.
A. foot B. school C. book D. good
Schools in the United States have not always had a large number oflibranes
A. knew B. grew C. threw D. llew
As (31)________ as 1958 about half of the public schools in the United Stato
had no libraries at all. The number of public school libraries increased dramatical!) A. lose B. close C. chose D. rose
(3 2 )________ the federal government passed the Elementary and Second*) Choose the w ord o r phrase th a t best com pletes the sentence.
Identify y o u r answ er by circling the co rresp o nding letter (A, B,
C, o r D).
------ —--- — - ...... utv- iisgiMdllUU Wcio
spending has not increased sufficiently to meet the rising (35) What's your birthday, Nam? - It’s _________.
library technologies such as computer databases and Internet A. on the twenty-one of July B. on July the twenty-one
31. A. freshly B. frequently C. recently D. newly C. on the twenty-first of July D. in July the twenty-first
32. A. though The su n _________in the west. Look! It ________.
B- with C. during D. when
33. A. that B. which C. who A. set/is setting B. sets/is setting
D. this
34. A. Nevertheless B. Consequently C. Therefore D. Otherwise C. setting/set D. set/set
35. A. fine
B fce C. cost D. sum
good at cooking, but . is as good as the
All the boys are g girls.
B. neither C. none D. every
A. either A. with B. by C. to D. in
fine so far this week. the alarm clock for six o'clock tomorrow
The weather 23. Don't forget to
B. was C. uds
has uccu
been morning.
A. is D- h*l been
y routines that sometimes I feel A. set B. put C. ring D. wi
D. wind
I have so many
automatic robot. -14 only did he lose the keys, but he also forgot the tickets. if B.even if C. even though D. like A. He forgot the pair of tickets to the concert.
11. The walls of the house are covered ______ a coat o f paint. B. He didn’t know he had to have tickets.
A. with B. in C. by D. under C. He got the tickets after he found his keys.
12. That was a ceremony, wasn't it? D. He lost his keys and forgot the tickets as well.
A. prepared-well B. prepare-well 25. "Do not write on the walls”, said the teacher to the boy.
C. well-prepared D. well-prepare A. The teacher told the boys do not write on the walls.
13. That novel was written by a well-known writer. It is worth B. The teacher told the boys not to write on the walls.
A. to read B. reading C. read D. have reaT C. The teacher said to the boys not write on the walls.
14. Is this the address to ________ you want to have the package sent? I). The teacher said to the boys do not write on the walls.
A. where B.w'hich C. that D. whom III. There is a m istake in the four underlined p a rts o f each sentence.
15. The father sat by his_____ child’s bedside all night as he was sick. Identify y o u r answ er by circling the c o rre sp o n d in g le tte r (A, B,
A. sleep B.asleep C. oversleep D. sleeping C, o r D).*
16. He has adopted three orphans _________ his own six children 26. Khoa's professor had him to wi-ilc his thesis manv times before
all together, he has nine children to provide for. A B
A. except B.beside C. besides D. in place of allowing him to present it to the committee.
17. You should take regular exercise sittimi in front of* C D
television all day.
27. I think I lanh is accustomed to work eight hours a day.
A. m spite ofB. instead of C. without D. even A B C D
18. I don't want to go out tonight________ Kim phones. 28. I he more iKqusut you exercise, the greater physical endurance you
A. so that B. even though C. when D. in case A B C
19. I object to____ _ like this. will have.
A. be treating D
B. treating
C. being treated 29. Only when you have had a chance to know various occupations
D. have been treated
20. Since A B C
to a warmer and less humid climate. I've had >
trouble with my asthma. you w ill decide on your career.
A. I move D
B. I moving
C. upon moving 3°. I ilkd to do everything to contact Minh two weeks ago but so far
D. moving
21. Shy people often find ii difficult to A B C
group discussions.
A. take place in I don't receive his reply.
C. get on with B. take part in
22. Their football team lost D- get in touch with
three goals to nil.
IV. Read this passage carefully and then choose Ihc best answers toft, y Finish |h c sccolld scn,c„ce in such a way Ilia! it m eans the same as
questions below bycircling the corresponding le er(A , B,C,orty the sentence printed before it.
A recent investigation by scientists at the I'S Geological Survey sho». - 6 Th . Cumiture was too old for us to keep,
that strange animal behavior might help predict t a r e earthquake. - •
Investigators found such occurrences in a ten-kilometer radius of n, Nobodv has c|cancd tile streets this week,
centre of a fairly recent quake. Some birds screeched and flew about wildK ls,” u- | . _____________ ____
Dogs yelped and ran uncontrollably. while mendine the road thev accidentally blocked our water pipes.
Scientists believe that animals can perceive these environmental change ' '
arlv ac
as early as cpvfml
several davs before the disaster. —* They aceidenlally c u t------- _----------------- ------------------------
In 1976 after observing animal behavior, the Chinese were able to predict t V). I Ic brought the umbrella along but it didn't rain.
terrible quake. Although hundreds of thousands ol people were killed, th — 1le needn't ____________________ ___________________•
government wac nhlp to
was able tn evacuate millions of DCOOlc
people aild
and tllUS
thus keen
keep tilt-
the rUad
deai‘ 40. While 1 strongly disapprove of your behavior. 1 will help you this time.
toll at a lower rate. —♦ Despite_______ ____________________________________ •
31. What prediction may be made by observing animal behavior?
A. the number of people who will die.
B. environmental changes.
C. a coming earthquake.
D. the ten-kilometer radius of an earthquake.
De 16
32. Why can animals perceive these changes when humans cannot?
A. Animals arc more intelligent than humans.
B. Humans don't know where to look. Select the w ord whose u nderlined p a rt is p ro n o u n c e d differently
from the others.
C. By running around, they can feel the vibrations.
1. A. eventually B. invention C. preparation l). shyness
D. Animals have certain instincts that humans don't possess. T A. reputation
B. communicate C. documentary D. hundred
33. If scientists can accurately predict earthquakes, there will b e ________ .
3. A. migrant B. signature C. habit I), limitation
A. a lower death rate.
4. A. dormitory B. occupy C. minority I), territory
B. few er animals going crazy.
5. A. advised B. amazed C. practiced
C. fewer people evacuated. D.changed
D. fewer environmental changes. II. Choose the w ord w hose stress p a tte rn is d ifferen t from th at o i
34. Which of the following statements is not true? the others.
6. A. industry B. poisonous C. atmosphere
A. Some animals may be able to sense an approaching earthquake. D. awareness
7. A. generous B. extensive C. sincerely
B. All birds and dogs in the ten-kilometer radius of an earthqu* D. eternal
center become wild before the quake. S. A. mausoleum B. pesticide C. intermediate D. decompose
9. A. income B. elevate C. contact D. import
10. A. discount B. compile C. locate D. website

35. In the passage, the word “evacuate” most means

11. . you do better work than this, you won't pass the exam.
A. save B. exile c. destroy’ D. remove
52 53
A. When B. Although c lf D -Unless
JV Com pie to th e sentences by filling in each b lan k w ith the correct
.2. I was just________ to go out when you telephoned.
form of the w ord in italic.
A. around B. about C. thinking D-planned
■>6 Sang was dismissed by h i s _________ that he must leave in a month’s
13. It's difficult to pay one s bills when prices keep _ time. (EMPLOY)
A growing B. gaining C rising D. raising ->7 The judge told him it was _________ to drink and drive, and banned
]4 her neighbor's child for the broken window. him for a year. (RESPONSIBLE)
A. blamed B accused C. complained D. denied 28. Enclish is a ____ easy language for us to leam. (COMPARE)
15. “Did you like the novel that l gave you last week?’ •><) Some young people today have a very strange_________ . (APPEAR)
_ __ ihe novels that I've read. I enjoyed this one the most." ’,0. Many designers took_________ from Vietnam's ethnic minorities.
A. All of B. Of all C. For all D. From all (INSPIRE)
16. That old lady is deaf to hear what you say. V.
Read the following passage and m a rk the le tte r (A, B, C o r D) to
A. so B. enough C. not D. too indicate the co rrect an sw er to each of th e q uestions.
17. 1 failed to buy that nice dress, for I had forgotten to bring my __ Television is one of man's important means of communication. It brings events
A gloves B. purse C. bonnet D. trousersand sounds around the world into millions of homes. A person with the television
18. The radio is _______ loud. I can't hear the noise. set can sit in his house mid watch the president making a speech or visit a foreign
country. He can see war being fought and watch statesmen try to bring peace,
A. too many B. too much C. much too D. lot muchllirough TV. home viewers can see and loam about people, places, and things in
19. The visitor spoke______ the subject of wildlife in northern Britain. faraway lands. Television even takes its viewers out of this world. It brings them
A. in B. from C. with D. on coverage of America's astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space.
20. Not they but Tam________ the reward. In addition to these things. TV brings its viewers a steady stream of programs
that are designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment
A. receives B. receive C. receiving D. to receive
programs than any other kinds. The programs include action packed dramas,
21 They have_________of helpers even when they are in need. light comedies, sporting events and motion pictures.
A. a great quantity B. a large amount 31. What does television bring us?
C. a large number D. great number A. Noise from around the world.
u-_. One person________seven in the world speaks perfect English. B. Man's most important means of talking.
A. out of B. within C. for among D. from C. Events and sounds around our globe.
23. “Pollution worries me” - “Me too. It's something______ lots of problems' D. President making speech.
A. that has brought B. which has brought 32. What can't viewers do with the TV at home?
C. is bringing D. that bringing A. watch a president giving a talk.
24. 1 wasn't a bit surprised to hear that Khoa had chanced her job. B. see a war being fought.
A. I was a bit surprised to hear that Khoa had chanced her job. C. watch a statesman making attempt to bring about peace.
B That Khoa had changed her job surprised me a bit. D. see heavens and hells.
C. Surprised. Khoa had changed her job. 33. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. TV can bring us entertainment.
D " came 35 "° su'l,risc 10 "K '0 hear .ha! Khoa had changed her job-
25. We quarreled----------_ Ihe choice of a house B. By watching TV. people can w iden their knowledge.
C. People know events and sounds from different world.
A on B ovct C.for D. to
D. People can meet presidents without going out.

I Vx,«v».n» h> the (— * • »•— * » ' Pr»*ranis « c ^ 0 He dain t S'anI __ _____play nsk> sports
B that they
A tta M . B ti ^ e J ,c s A hr* kids to
C D "OtwnpktUTB L) that his kids
c h*s kids should
rehearsing for her first performance tomorrow at
7 IXmg ______
5 With • 1\ net * per**» c m ----------- six. fte e v e ty day
A w ikh parade* making a «¡perch B can C is D will he
A rs going to
B mV a foreign country \allies different from ours
8 Tnnh h a s ______
C team things » tarawav land* B others C each other D other
A another
D all of them (A. B. C') Q She doesn't lik e_________ lelex ision.
VI f irmh each of the following V B lr a m in su ch a w ay th a t it A watching B. looking C. watch D see
esacth the same 10. \kTiat you arc telling u s ________ be true It sounds loo improbable.
V* She dorsn'i pci up late anymore A. can't B mustn’t C must not D ought
She used ______ 11 Couldn't >ou go a little faster’.’ I 'm ________ _ a hurry.
V? TVs «artcd Icwwme l-nghsh lour years ago A. o f B. on C at D. in
-* TVs have________________ _________________ 12. Danh i s _________ doing any housework
1» She t*a tar more serious student now than she used to be A disable o f B incapable o f
— She «ludan__________________________ - -■ C uncnpnble o f D. disabled to
H> I'd like von to help me to put the chairs away 13. Linh to lose weight, so she finally went on a diet.
— Dp vnu mind _______________________________ A. wanted long B has long wanted
40 1*B do arvftung tor vow because I lose >ou C had long wanted D long wanted
- • m ________ because of 14. Will you do me a favour i f _____ you”’
A. we all would like B somebody wants it

15 “Some sugar"* - *•_________**

Đê 17 A. No. no me'
c. Thanks. I'd like
B No. I don't,
D Yes. please
16 .C m you deliver this letter_________ hand.
A. with B to c in D. by
I. i h w w Ike . o r t i t w . umlf rlintii p a rt is p ro n o u n c e d 17 _________flowers arc made by hand and by machine
from the rest bx circling the corresponding letter A, B. ( °r A Natural B Artificial c . Tropical D Beautiful
1 A dunk B mpUtr c io*aen D bao 18 Hardly o c r get a good K>b these day Hw Ithout a good education
** A mawqp B cam^g c Vvnagf D dosagi A people might B do people c people can D. hase people
Ỉ A kai Bof c deaf D. wife 19 “Do you have any pets'* * “Yes. 1 have _ _ _ _ _ kittens."
4 A I©* B «QS
r w D p i» * A two small Nack B small two black
V A HA BWl c yjgn c black small two D two black small
" o - r . — — *» p * r,w . . r t u d A, B,
cumpểrtr s rfc* w atcatf
c or I» ^ 20 day IS it"* She asked m e _____ .

V. K r » r í l ' each of the folio»inn •» , “ cl' * " • » I k « , |; While he» Nvaher m ihr arms. Thu to hun tw w a month
mean« the M int a« the first sentence. A. is * cento H » •« « « > < «** "«to* 0 was wn*c
36 Ihcy have just opened a new supermarket m our town |? 11,. r h m r x for * years. h * he d ra a rt *t»ts mnow
-> A no* «uifcmur^ct A tfudvd Itclubes l has f> is cTuh ing
37 l can I gn u» ihc parry ionigM becauK I am %cn N»y |4 Whaf um r they d»uv ■*9 o'clock
-» If Ato»t*wnm H rtwuds < > c* cn lm 0 l«m
38 This morning vkc met a man He nm ) uncle. j< \ it U.II sr»"*«* __ ,__ m ’
-> I he man t\ ,f II * when l> Krt
W -Do >ou lice in this flat with your parent*^" Nam a sio l me ,ft WeksAed.silof the Some Nn » and gats in ihc >*\t
■) Nam asked me A -r|4 m m g » P*a> i ptayol 0 wet* pkiymg
40 li rained hard this morning but we »cm to sch*4 carts 1 7 Nan «sated u»
Although A uum yN I» kwgf* C tomorrow rugl* D i»m
Thr> h t g h tfart tisn c yeso _____
A H ** » *n Cafle» 0 at present
De 18 l V w hr*m toi*to < m a
Akauvear fl nesiyear Cm thr Mure l) kwycan
Ik go hitmrm »ah hobm hers u h m Ik v*as using
A wüi It u w jio C was used to D was
1. (h o u s e the word that has a different p r n a s x u l i o « lewm Ar
others of each group: IV s.p p lk ih< ( o r m l form of Ihc se rh s in p are n th e ses:
1. A school M church C to»Aft f) d g id rra : i %t 1*0 ) to *hurd every morning escept Sunday *
2. A federal H ethnic ( ten 1» I (M i u n » o tkr p h o c I t h a s e t ___ _ a hath
3. A widely M family C my D ctf) n She O n e . m R«wnc when «he (h e> n little girl
4 A day M sfgy i When I igeiy hsrncm v m o d rr tirón» clothes
C may li » « u k
5 A know n shffly 23 la«i mght he» father I read i a hook. her mother
* folios» II * n »
(« •U h l ___ TV
II. C hoose the word that has a difTrrral main ssliable stress fm*
the others of each group: V. ( hom e the w ord or ph rase ( N. IT,C n r 0 ) th a t best eom pletes the
H f lt r a m .
6. A. correspond n. friendliness
C museum f) hnw fsf* Y In |9 |7 . the I mat Vkoil was listed as a World Heritage
7. A primary 13 peacefulC atmosphere It vacation UNtSCT)
8 A depend II anotherC different D m yself A with n to C of I) by
9. A. compulsory 11 mausoleum
C recreation D inlfodi** 27 Vie are all k e m __ ____ taking a trip to the Cheat Wall of ( hirta
10. A. modem H visit
f region D consist A. to B. ort C. of D in
III. C hoose llie Itesl u p ! » . (A. K (; |)( 28 We had to die noise from the building site nest dor* for
to com plete
following sentences: three mondis
H 1____ . upatsixtlusmomiu» A give up H stand up to ( put up with It k sA u p lo
A. woke B. woke 29 Remember to take all your p e rso n a l_________from flic overhead
C have woken D. am wakmf
60 61
locker when you leave the airplane. B. great C.sneaky D. embrace
6. A. grade
A. belongings B. treasure C. wealth a profits 7. A. money B. notice C. glance D. ankle
30. The s ta tu re ________ of approximately 2 m.ll.on blocks of ^ B. glance C. geography D. religion
g. A. imagine
each weighing about 2.5 tons. 9. A. looked B. noticed C. turned D. helped
A. included B. consisted C. conlamed D. combined D. anger
10. A. change B. English C. single
VI. C om plete the spaces with the appropriate w ords: III. Com plete these sentences with the a p p ro p ria te form o f the verbs
MY BEST FRIEND in parentheses:
I have many friends of several races, and (3 1 )--------------of my be$j 11. David's sister (be)_________seventeen now.
friends is an English boy whose name is Owen. 12. We just (meet)_________ our English teacher in the street.
We made (3 2 )________ when I stayed with my aunt in Leeds lay 13. Last Sunday (be)_________my brother's thirteenth birthday.
summer. Owen is fifteen years old and lives near us. He is not only a clever 14. They often (go)________ to work by taxi in the morning.
boy (33)_________also a good boy. 15. You (see)________ Duy and Phong recently?
Owen's father is a businessman (34)________ his mother is a nurse.
They arc very hard-working and kind to me. IV. Choose the w ord o r phrase (A, B, C o r D) th a t best com pletes,
Owen went to evening classes (35)________ me. We were in the same the sentence or substitutes for the u n d erlin ed w o rd o r ph rase.
class. He sometimes helped me in my lessons and I sometimes helped (36) 16. The structure consisted_________approximately 2 million blocks
________ to do math exercises as well. of stone.
After (3 7 )___ . Owen and I played some games. Now- and (38) A. on B. with C. of D. in
_________we went out to catch some (39)_________ in the lake near our 17. The Great Pyramid ra n k e d ________ the tallest structure on earth
houses. We had a lot of fun (40)________ . for more than 43 centuries.
Indeed. I really like him. A. in B. of C. at D. as
18. The purpose of the pyramid was to protect the burial chamber
________ the weather.
A. for B. from C. of D. in
D§ 19I. 19. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the famous man-made wonders
of the world.
A. artificial B. natural C. modem D. eternal
20. The Great Pyramid was only _________ in height in the nineteenth
I. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the
century AD.
A. proposed B. promoted C. improved D. surpassed
1. A. generous B. suspicious C. constancy D. sympathy
2. A. sorrow B. mutual V. Supply the correct form of the w ords in b rack ets:
C. pursuit d. influence
3. A. acquaintance B. unselfish 21. The newspaper is published twice (week)_________ .
C. attraction D. humorous
4. A. intelligent B. interesting 22. The editor welcomes (correspond)_______from readers on any subject.
C. hospitable D. favourite
5. A. loyalty B. success 23. Unfortunately, we lack the resources to (modem)________ .
C. incapable D. sincere
24. We soon became (friend)______ with the couple next door.
II. Choose the word that has
the underlined p a rt pronounced 25. He got into (difficult)_________ while swimming and had to be rescued.
differently to the others.

62 63
V I. C hoose the w ord o r phrase (A, B, C o r D) th at needs correcting
26. 1le hardly never says anything at the local meeting. ||. Choose the one w ord or phrase (A, B, C o r D) th at best completes
the sentences o r substitutes for the underlined w ord o r phrase.
6. It was so relaxing to b e ________ old friends.
27 Ml the students in the class are cnougiL&Qnti to pass the final exam.
A B C D A. in B. between C. among D.around
7. She's made friends_________a little girl who lives next door.
28 Neither Sam nor James wanted their name associated with the project.
A. to B. of C. by D. with
8. The children seem to be totally capable_________working by themselves.
29. Not only could the younger people completed all the work quickly
A. on B. of C. in D. for
A B 9. Your friendship should be based on ________ trust.
and accurately, but the retired workers could also. C. mutual D. blind
A. basic B. fragile
C D 10. The company expects________ from its employees.
30. Our nervous system has over ten billions nerve cells in a network A. constancy B. quality C. interest D. loyalty
A B 11. I’ve got lots o f _____ . but only a few are really good friends
covering ev en inch of our skin and organs. A. close friends B. acquaintances
C D C. neighbors D. partners
VII. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable w ords: 12. Friendship is a two-sided_ it lives by give-and-take.
A. affair B. event C. aspect D. feature
Support (3D ______ friends, family members. (32)_________ others
who care (33)_________us goes a long wav in helping us to get by in times of 13. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.
trouble. Social (3 4 )________ systems prov ide us (35)_________ emotional A. romantic part B. important part
sustenance, tangible resources and aid, and information (36)_________we are C. difficult part D. interesting part
in need. People with (37)________ support feel cared (38) and 14. They________ a close friendship at university.
valued bv others ,nd (39) a sense of belonging (40)
larger social network. A. created B. became C. promoted D. formed
15. We stayed friends even after w e________ and left home.
A. brought up B. turned up C. grew up D. took up
16. After Jessica_________her degree, she intends to work in her father’s
Dê 20 A. will finish B. finishes C. finished D. is finishing
17. As you_________your car at the moment, can I borrow it?
A. don't use B. didn’t use C. aren’t using D. haven't used
18. When she saw a snake at her feet, she_________.
I. C hoose the w ord th at has main stress placed differently from the
others. A. screamed B. was screaming C. had screamed D. screams
1. A. appreciate 19. When he realised that I ________ at him, h e_________ away.
B. experience
2. A. excited A. looked - was turning B. was looking - turned
B. interested C. confident D. memorable
3. A. floppy C. was looking - was turning D. looked - turned
B. embrace C. cotton
4. A. complain D. idol 20. 1 _________the new Harry Potter book now, so you can borrow my
B. destroy C. terrify D. imagine copy if you like.
5. A. carefully B. correctly C. seriously D. personally A. finish B. am finishing C. have finished D. had finished

64 65
H I. Identify the one underlined word o r p h ra se (A, B, C or 0) ,ha
must be changed for the sentence to be c o rrect. A. She didn't start cooking for dinner until it was two.
21 When I kept getting unwanted calls. 1called the phone company and B. She started cooking for dinner two hours ago.
A B C. She has two hours to cook for dinner.
had my phone number change. D. Cooking for dinner took her two hours.
C ' D 30. I travel by bus as a last resort.
22 Purine a curfew it is not possible walking on the streets after A. I always travel by bus.
A B C B. Traveling by bus is my favorite.
a specified hour. C. I resort to bus when I am the last to come.
D D. I only travel by bus when there're no other alternatives.
23. Clay that has been heated or fired in a kiln cannot to be softened again V.
Choose the w ord o r phrase (A, B, C o r D) th a t best fits the blank
A B C D space in the following passage.
24. It is educational for children to observe adults to perform their daily task*
During the (3 1 )________ years, many young people can at times be
A B C D difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike being questioned. They may
25. As they grow older, children in many cultures taught not to relv seem (32)_________to talk about their work at school. This is a normal (33)
________ of this age. Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, it
A B C is part of becoming (34)________ of teenagers trying to be adult while they
on their parents. are still growing up. Young people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe,
D that questions are trying to (35)________ up on them
Parents should do their (36)________ to talk to their son and daughter
IV. Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to about school, work and future plans but should not (3 7 )_________ them to
the sentence above. talk if they don’t want to. Parents should also watch for danger signs. Some
26. I couldn t help laughing when he told me that story. young people in trying to be adult may (38)_________with sex, drugs, alcohol
or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of (3 9 )_________ behavior
A. I couldn t resist laughing when he told me that story.
which may be connected with these and help if (40)_________ .
B. I couldn't help him tell that story.
31. A. early B. teenage C. childhood D.recent
C. I did not laugh when hearing that story.
32. A. unworried B. unrestrained C. unexpected D. unwilling
D. The story he told me not help at all.
33. A. development. B. appearance C. circumstance D. achievement
27. We think he was in London last year. 34. A. free B.confident C. dependent D. independent
A. He was thought to be in London last year 35. A. catch B.check C. keep D. make
B. He was though, to have been in London las. year. 36. A. well B. good C. better D. best
C. He is thought to be in London last year 37. A. push B. allow C. put D. expect
a He ts though, have been London las, year 38. A. experiment B. approach C. experience D. attach
28. ^ v r d scents ready ¡1, a, ease in from „f those ^ 39. A. unacceptable B. unusual C. normal D. exemplary
40. A. proper B. appropriate C. important D. necessary

a r a-i'is ^ T n a S ^ r °f P“ * '
•She has cooked for dinner f„r Z f o n l "’05C P' ° P'C'

66 67
She would make an excellent lawyer - she's conscientious and has a
A. well-trained B. well-informed
©è 21 C. well-built D. well-intentioned
There has been an increase in the of folk music over
recent years.
A. popular B. popularity
Choose the word that has a different pro n u n ciatio n from thf D. popularization
C. popularize
others of each group:
21. Me never_________ angry for long.
1. A. tgn B. religion C. ethnic D. federal A. stands B. stays C. lies
C. lies D. walks
2 A city B. widely C. family D. my
22. It'll cost________ 500 dollars.
3. A. watch B. day C. may D. stay A. less B. fewer C. more D. at least
4. A. show B. now C. know D. follow 23. We don’t have very'_________copies left.
5. A. between B. meat C. weekend D. bread A. much B. many C. a lot D. lots
II. Choose the word that has the main stress is placed differenti; 24. (In Britain until the 1970s) A ________ school is a school for young people
from that of the others. between the ages of 11 and 16 who did not go to a GRAMMAR SCHOOL
6. A. wonder B. pyramid C. treasure A. high B. college C. secondary D. university
D. belongings
7. A. surpass B. spiral C. propose 25. The hotel offers a friendly_________and personal sendee.
D. mysterious
8. A. theory B. chamber C. consist A. air B. space C. weather D. atmosphere
D. structure
9. A. architect B. attraction C. museum 26. How_________do you go to the theatre?
D. construct
10. A. satellite B. artificial C. heritage A. always B. usually C. often D. much
D. ancient
III. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets: 27. We have lived in th e ____ house for twenty years.
11. It happened on the_______ of 24 and 25 April. A. familiar B. like C. likely D. same
(WEEK) 28. Stop_________ and listen!
12. The________ will be held in the school hall.
(MEET) A. talking B. speaking C. saying D. telling
13. That building is a style of architecture that combines
and _______ .
tradition and________ 29. Mis sister can speak________ fluently.
(MODERN) A. China B. the China C. Chinese
14. There's no need to be so________
so towards us. , ----------- D. the Chinese
1r t i • •• (FRIEND) 30. English is a ________ language to Vietnamese people.
15.1 had considerable________ persuading her to leave. (DIFFICULT)
A. first B. second C. different D. foreign
IV. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences:
16. Most children nowadays prefer watching T V ________ reading. V. Choose (he underlined word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that needs
A. from B. to C. than D. over
17. I hate camping because l can’t ________ an umbrella tent in ^ 31. Computers have made access to information instantly available just
wind and l can’t make a fire in the rain. A B C
A. put up B. setoff C. take over D. turn round by push a few buttons.
18. I’m not very________ on going to a football match today. D
A. keen
B. enthusiastic C. happy D. interested
32. We have heard so many news about recent in computer
33. FilVen hundred dollars a year »ere the per capita income in the Dé 22
United Slates in 1950.
D Choose the w ord th at has a different pronunciation from the
34. In science, the results of an experiment are not generally accepted others of each group:
A B B. between C. meat D. weekend
A. bread
until they had been duplicated in other laboratories. B. thing C .there D. without
A. the
C D B. dear C. there D. hear
A. here
35. iLis e x trem e ly important tor an engineer to know to use a computer B. unit C. Sunday D. compulsory
A. but
A B C D B. visit C. with D. worship
A. find
VI. Read the reading below carefully, then say if the statements an Choose the word that has a different main syllable stress from
true (T) or false (F): the others of each group:
B. comprise C. activity D. conversation
During the 20"’ century, mass entertainment extended the reach d A. impress
American culture, reversing the direction of influence as Europe and ik B. parent C. every D. industrial
A. difficult
world became consumers of American popular culture. America became tk B. syllable C. religion D. reading
dominant cultural source for entertainment and popular fashion, from tk A. partner
B. between C. weekend D. family
jeans and T-shirts young people wear to the music groups and rock stars th? A. children
C. follow D. Sunday
listen to and the movies they see. People all over the world view Americr 10. A. especial B. without
television programs, often years after the program's popularity has declinedu til. Choose the one word or phrase (A, B, C o r D) th a t best com pletes
the United States. American television has become such an international fixtrn the sentences or substitutes for the underlined w'ord o r phrase.
that American news broadcasts help define what people in other countries bo*
about current events and politics. American entertainment is probably one o 11. What made you more interested________ learning English?
the strongest means by which American culture influences the world, althoug: A. on B. in C. with D. to
some countries, such as France, resist this influence because they see it as1 12. He always complained________ his mother about his work.
threat to their unique national culture. A. with B. to C. at D. for
36. Mass entertainment developed quickly in America in the 19"' centuiy. 13. A few people enjoyed the exhibition, but the majoritywere_________.
37. Africa became a promising market for fashion. A. restrained B. admirable C. impartial D. disappointed
38. American television programs are watched by people throughout ik 14. The girl was so ________ that she didn’t look at him in the face.
world. A. shy B. confident C. impatient D. sneaky
39. American culture is declining. some
15. There is a growing tendency among singers to ___
40. France doesn't want American culture influences their nation strongly- famous singers.
A. imitate B. follow C. reflect D. pursue
16. An only child often creates an ________ friend to play with.
A. imagery B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imaginative


17 I felt m\ face burning with_,__ V|. Read the passage carefully, then choose the m ost ap p ro p ria te
C. pleasure D. em harr^
A confidence B. enthusiasm word (A, B, C o r D) to com plete the passage:
experiences in their lifc
18 I believe that everyone has had Energy, capacity of matter to perform (31) as the result of
A memorable B. observable C. acceptable I). inflexible its motion or its position in relation to forces acting on it. 0 2 ) _________
her warmly. associated with motion is known as kinetic energy, and energy related to
IQ Me rose from his chair and
C embraced D. appreciated position is (33) potential energy. Thus, a swinging pendulum has
A. protected B replaced
by asking lots of trivial questions. / 3 4 ) _______ potential energy at the terminal points: at all intermediate (35)
20 . She showed her it has both kinetic and potential energy in vary ing proportions.
A. experience B. experienced C. inexperienced D. inexperience Energy (36) ________ in various forms. (37) ______ mechanical.
thermal, chemical, electrical, radiant, and atomic. All ( 3 8 ) _________ of
IV Supply the correct form of the words in b rack ets to comply
energy are interconvertible by appropriate processes. In the (3 9 )_________
these sentences: of transformation either kinetic or potential energy may be lost or gained, (40)
21 Do you know Tnnh Cong Son° He was one of the most famous (musici the sum total of the two remains always the same.
________ in our country? B. employment C. job D. career
31. A. work
22. It’s (tradition) ___ in America to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Dav B. Relation C. Energy D. Power
32. A. Matter
23. The car is quite small, (especial)________ if you have children. B. said C. asked D. called
33. A. named
24. Dreams can be a rich source of (inspire)________ for an artist. B. maximum C. many D. minimum
34. A. height
25. Police ha\ e issued a ( d e s c r ib e ) _____ of the gunman. B. places C. situations D. sites
35. A. positions
V. Choose the word o r phrase (A, B, C or D) th a t needs correcting. 36. A. gains B. exists C. stands D. sits
26. Alaska, the lamest state of the United States in area, is more than 37. A. including B. owning C. possessing D. having
A B C 38. A. formats B. shapes C. faces D. forms
twice the size lhal Texas. 39. A. way B. process C. progress D. approach
D 40. A. and B. so C. but D. or
27 Pollution is a topic of such important today that even elementary
school children are well-informed about it§ danger.
28. The Tour de France, a!way s held each year during the month of July.
is one of the mostly grueling cvcling races held all year lone.

C ^ D
29. Either Mr. Andersin or Ms \Mggins are going to teach our class today-
A B c D
30 Alaska’s vast areas of untamed w jjdem ^ attracts many people who
etyov the outdoors.

72 73
14 It was ________ that everyone answered it correctly.
A. so a simple question B. such a simple question
C. too simple question D. a more simple question
De 23 15. ITic university'________ by private funds as well as by tuition
income and grants.
A. is supported B. supports
C. is supporting D. has supported
I. Choose the word which has the u n derlined p a r t pronounced 16. She glanced briefly________ his label badge.
differently from the rest. A. in B. on C. at D. up
1. A. share B. nye C. are D. declare 1 7 . _______ my experience, very few people really understand the problem.
2 A. cooks B. loves C. joins A. To B. In C. With D. From
D. spends
3. A. advises B. raises C. devises D. goes 18. People here have a more relaxed attitude_________their work.
4. A. tcaefaer B. children C. chore D. school A. to B. in C. on D. for
5. A. hurry B. ynder C. pressure D. rush 19. The novel is based on his_________in the war.
A. attitudes B. images C. situations D. experiences
II. Choose the w ord or phrase (A, B, C or D) th a t best fits the blank
space in each sentence. 20. He has a very outgoing________ and makes friends very easily.
A. person B. personal C. personality D. personage
6. Not a word________ since the exam started.
A. she wrote 3 she had written III. Choose the underlined w ord or phrase (A, B, C, o r D) th a t needs
C h35 shc "Titten D. she has written correcting.
Among the many valuable paintings in the gallerv a self- 21. The governor has not decided how to deal with the new' problem already.
portrait by Picasso. w ' -------------- A B C D
f , 1S, L B are C. be D. were 22. I lardlv he had entered the office when he realized that
My father isn't interested in tennis and A B
A. m , brothers don', either B. so aren't mv brother he had forgotten his office key.
C neither do m> brothers D. „either are my brothers C D
9. 23. There are few areas of human experience that have not been writing about.
Did you enjoy die picnic?' ! »as okay, but I'd rather_______ to a rao«
10. Since B besoing C. have gone D. went 24. I think you will eniov the experience bv taking part in the show.
O o u h lc T ith n ^ rtn a ^ leSS humid climate' rv e toi A B C D
A. upon moving B. movina r . 25. I find that necessary to do something about traffic problems in our citv.
II He looked forw ard to ” .. « m° Ve D 1 m° VUlg
A.beneccivinjj IV. Choose the answ er (A, B, C, or l)) th at is nearest in m eaning to
12. I'm som you've missed the train , l' " ' 8 D. receive the sentence printed before.
A. had left 3 ^ ’ 11— ■
— five minutes ago. 26. The plane had scarcely taken off when it crashed.
1 3 . ______ y««« the station r . C hasleft D. has been led A. The plane took off and soon afterwards it crashed.
A. !‘d meet B I » ° ' ' ° Ud mc y°u wcre coming today B. The plane hardly crashed after it took oft.
B I "as me, C. , met D. , d have tt.
74 75
C. When the plane was taking off. it crashed.
IV hen the plane crashed, it hadn't taken ofTyet
27 Never has any one spoken to me like that!
A. I never speak that way. De 24
B Some people always speak to me that way.
C. Everyone speaks to me that way.
D No one speaks to me that way I. Choose the w ord that has a different pronunciation from the
28 It’s a long lime since 1saw a movie. others of each group:
A. 1 spent a long time looking for a movie to see. 1. A. tradition B. make C. take D.change
B. 1hav e seen some movies so far. 2. A. consist B. convenient C. today D. modern
C. 1haven't seen movie fora long time. 3. A. usually B. many C. why D. poetry
D 1saw a movie that look very long time. 4. A. lisien B. firsl C. student D. siand
29. 1le now goes to work on his bicycle instead of by car. 5. A. igan C. reason D wgar
A. He still goes to work by car hut more often on his bicycle. 11. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that
B 1le has stopped driving to work and goes by bicy cle. of the others.
C. He has never gone to work in his car hut always on his bicycle. 6. A. scientist B. president C. engineer D. astronaut
D Since he bought the car. he has nev er used the bicycle to go to work. 7. A. conquest B. venture C. technical D. artificial
3. 1 find my sell at a loss to understand Harold's behavior. 8. A. biography B. psychological C. approximate D. congratulate
A 1lost contact vvitli Harold, so I couldn’t understand him well. 9. A. aspiration B. gravity C. challenge D. fortunate
B. I have to lose a lot to understand 1larold’s behavior. 10. A. success B. cosmonaut C. extreme D. appoint
C. I completely understand Harold’s behavior 111. Choose the best answ er in the following situations:
D l find 1larold's beha\ ior quite incomprehensible. 11 What do you say when you want to ask someone the way to the Central
V. Supply the correct form of the words in b rack ets Market?
A. Excuse me. Would you please tell me the way to the Central Market?
Earth Day. e\ent first observed (31) (nation)_________v....April
— 21 ., s
B. Sorry, sir. Where is the Central Market?
to emphasize the necessity for the (32) (conserve) _ __onf the"world*
f the or
natural resources Starting as a sludeni-lcJ campus (33) (m ove)__ -— -rj, C. I lello, sir Where is the Central Market?
initially observed on March 21, Earth Day has become a major (34) (educan^ D. Hi. Please tell me where is the Central Market?
____ and media event. Env ironmentalists use it as an occasion to s . 12. What do you say when you want to know who is telephoning you?
current (35)(e n v ir o n m e n t)____ problems of the planet: the (36)(P°'‘ A. Good morning. Who’s talking? B. Hi, there Who are you?
_____ °f a,r- water, and soils; the destruction of habitats: the deci ^ C. Excuse me. Who's speaking? 13 Sorry Who's saying'7
of hundreds of thousands of plant and animal species; and the dcPleU° nB 13. What do you say when you want to invite your close friend to go to
nonrenewable resources The emphasis is on (37) (solve) _ - lha’
slow and possibly reverse the negative effects o í human ( 38) (act) the party with you?
Such solutions include recycling of manufactured materials, fuel and - A. Sorry Would you go to the party with me?
const rv ation. banning die use of (39) (harm) chemicals, halt'51» B. Trang. would you like to go to the party with me?
destruction of major hab.tats such as rain forcstTandT^f)) (protect) C. Arc you free now? Go u> the party with me!
endangered species 1
D. What do you do? Go with me to the party.

Wha. do you say whan you wan. to know when your pen ^
14. 26. “Where's your key?" “I don't know. I lost it."
birthday is? niiqnfr9 27. 1 have been very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep.
A. I want to know when were you bon . Q
28. Mary went to Spain for a while but she’s back again now.
B Please tell me when is your birthday, Quang.
29. “Where's Ronaldinho?" “He has gone out. He’ll be back in half an
C. Hello, Quang. I want to know your birthday. hour.”
D. Quang, when is your birthday? 30. 1 learned Chinese at school but I forgot most of it.
15. What do you say when you want to know whose car it is? VI. R earran g e the following words in th eir correct ord ers to m ake
A. Wow! Whose car is it. Sang? m eaningful sentences:
B. Wow! Sang, would you like to tell me whose car it is?
31. been married . for ten . they have, years.
C. Wow! Sang, tell me whose car is it?
D. Wow! I want to know whose car is it, Sang?
32. working here . for six . she’s been . months.
IV. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) th a t best completes t|le
sentences. 33. have Long . how long . known each . and Linh. other?
16. She plays tennis________ recreation only.
A. in B. to C. on D. for 34. for a . learning English . I’ve been . long time.
17. I’m very fond________ natural spectacular scenery.
A. of B. in C. with D. at 35. been in . she has . hospital since Monday.V
18. We were all attracted________ the beauty of nature there.
A. in B. to C. with D. on VII. Read the following passage carefully, and then choose the correct
19. Watching television is by far the most popular_________ . word(s) to com plete it:
A. intensity B. occupation C. recreation D. passion
20. I am very________ in the information you have given me.
Don't try' to take in too much when you visit a museum. You’ll just get
A. interested B. surprised C. depressed D. concerned
tired. Find something you like to look (36)_________. Make comparisons.
21. I like him ________ for his shyness.
Perhaps you like a particular color. Compare paintings to see how (37)
A. by far B. far better C. furthermore D. all the better ________ artists have u>ed that color. Look for that color in (38)_________
22. H e_________us for hours with his stories and jokes. kinds of art - for example, in rugs and pottery. What other colors do artists put
A. supported B. entertained C. regarded D. raised with your color? Does your color get (39)_________or dimmer as a result?
23. I’ve already had one holiday in Africa, and I’m not _ on Maybe you like art with animals. Pick an animal and (4 0 )_________ it
going there again. in different paintings, carvings, weavings, or pots. Has the artist made you see
things about the animal you’ve never noticed before?
A. willing B. keen C. eager D. ready
36. A. for B. at C. by D. after
24. We have bought extra food________ our friends slay lo dinner.
37. A. different B. various C. similar D. same
A. provided B. if C. in case D. as long as 38. A. several B. some C. another D. other
25. Football, rugby and baseball are the most popular_______ sports in Britain- 39. A. darker B. shinier C. brighter D. lighter
A. watcher B. looker C. amateur D. spectator 40. A. see C. select
B. find D. buy
V. A re the underlined verbs right or w rong? C o rre c t them i f «
are w rong: 6

78 79
14 \k hat do you say when you want to invite your guest something to eat1
A Do you like something to eaf°
Be 25I B What about «»mething to eat'
C Would you like something to eat0
D A. B. C arv correct
j5 What do people often write to end a letter0
I. (iN x m the word that hi* » different pronunciation fro* ^ A I'm looking forward Hi receiving your reply
other* of each group: B Goodbye Sec you later
1 A crps* B npt C lost D hgme C Bye Have a good day
A dui B skip C. ironic D biph D Goodbye, friend See you next time
3 A re*t B to« C before D get IV. Choose the w ord or phrase ( A. B, C or D| that best completes the
4 A pvt B hungry C uncle D bus sentence o r substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.
5 A picture B vjllage C river D find 16. He b u ilt____ his collection over a period of ten years.
a C home the word that ha* the main stress is placed difTerenth A. in B on C. into D up
from that of the others. 17. My brother takes photograph a hobby
popular A. as B. for C. in D. with
6 A pursuit B leisure D. television
18. Any stamps that were common I gave________ to my friends.
7 A memento B solitude C spectacular D. athletics
A. up B. hack C. away D out
It A average B instrument ('. enormous D. generous
19. I keep stamps: However, I would not call myself an avid stamp collector.
9 A engrave B spectator C. ability D. undertake
A. private B keen C major D complete
10 A entertain B recreation ( sophisticated D. population
20. There are some hobbies that I ________ in for a while besides reading
III ( boose the he*t answ er for the following questions: and collecting.
11 U’hat do you say if *ou don't like the party ? A. occupy B. accomplish C fascinate D. indulge
A I km awful is the party * B What an awful party! 21. M> uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play
A. skilful B. famous C. perfect D. modest
C Mem awful the parts rs! D. B and C are correct
22. He is a great________ of Picasso's carls paintings.
IX ^"hut do vou sas when vou want to ms ite vour classmate home0
A. admire B. admiration C admirer D admiring
A Good evening. Huy Come in and sit down1
23 I don't have much money, so I bought the camera ________■
B Hem do you do. Hus! Come in, please'
A. newly B second-hand ( immediately D. profitably
C Would s os) like to come to my house. Huy?
24 Cycling and karate are among her hufebbCS
D Come m and take a seat Hus
A pursuit B entertainment (. amusement D. pastime
13 W1wt do you sas when you want your mommaie to go to the
«rfx'w with yoa ' 23. Some of his pictures ore quite________ now
A collected B collection C collective D. collectable
A l et's go to the tWwor show w*h me'
8 Can you r 1 «he («bon show with me? IV Combine the two sentence* into one, using the word in brackets:
C Shall wt gv to thr (arfuon show 26 lie'* feeling very tired He's feeling very thirsty (and)
D Wcukd you lake to go to the fashion show with me,>
_ . .. " on the piano by her sister.
17. statem en ts a re tru e (T) o r false (F):
- S Z * - * C a c c o m p a n y D helped
18. The most important thing is to ketp vourtelf fi££JU2ifil-
A. busy B. relaxed C omfortable D. fa* English is one of the great thieves It is constantly borrowing. It started out
taking words from Latin. Greek. French, and German
19. M , parents lent me the money---------------• ■ “ u ld n ' h“" ' •*«*<
Then English went on to borrow words from more than 50 different
ihc trip.
A. Only if B.Otherw ise C. HoweverI) languages
therefore From Italian, it look "cameo, stan/a, and violin”, for example.
fn>m Spanish and Portuguese, it borrowed the words ‘alligator, canyon,
20 . 1 don't know the title hut 1 rccogni/e the — ----------o f ^ w n8 and sombrero" From Name Americans, it got "raccoon and wigwam".
A. sound B. rhyme C tunc D thente Peru contributed “llama and quinine". Ihc Caribbean islands ga\e I nglisli
IV. But these w ords in their correct order to make m eaningful sentence* ••barbecue and cannibal” From Africa came “chimpanzee and /cbm", from
India came “bandanna, cum . and punch", and from Australia came "kangaroo
21. that he he said / there the would lease following da> and boomerang"
Science caused an explosion in words. Some words in science combine
22. me that / she had / Mary told at that seen them place parts of Greek and I atin words They include “penicillin, stethoscope, and
wpcruwiK" Others were borrowed fn»m languages spoken Unlay. “Robot”
comes from a Czech word
23. that he / had not / Minh said exam paper finished his
The I nglish language has been stealing words for more than 1.500 years.
The most complete dictionary of the English language contains a whopping
24. said th at/ the teacher / to do ' we had carefully the exercises 600.000 word*
31 wuni* in I nglish camc from I aim. Greek. French, and ( ierman.
25. told the / the policeman / they mustn't hoys that in the play M '2 A kx iT I nghsh words were taken fmm more than 50 dilicrcnt language*
tt The w*nd* alligator. canyon. and sombrero’*came from French
U Ihc I nghsii language i.xiu> still uses several words Ironi Native Americans
V. R ew rite the following sentences in such a way th at Ihc mcanlat* " "Ikartxvuc arxl cannibal" dated from the Cnribbean island*.
unchanged, beginning with the words gisen: ^ Vveral I nglish words Also came horn Australia.
26. My father is five years older than my mother ^ ^ais caused an explosion tn winds
■*> Nhung told me that ^ 'S In I nglidi tlvcre are no words in science borrowed from others.
27. There is a mun sitting in front of a woman *9 Ihc I nghsh language is only 1.500 years old.
■*» Chinh told us that _» 40 Ihere are about 600.000 words in the most complete dictionary of the
28. Don't get up too late or you won't go to school in time. Fnglixh language.
=> Huy told his brother__________ ________________^
29. We’ll leave here tomorrow morning.
®> They s a id ___________________
30. The football match started ten minutes ago.
=> Khunh reported th a t_V I.

VI. R ead the following passage carefully, and then say whether t*

84 85
j7 The football match was so dull that most of the_________left at half-time.
A. attendants B. audiences C. participants D. spectators
Ig. We live in an age of rapid scientific and technological_________ .
A. advance B. advances C. advancing I). advancement
19. Shortly after receiving her gold medal, the Olympic champion answered
questions at the press_________.
I. Choose the word that has a different pronunciation from A. discussion B, assembly C. conference D. seminar
20. This multi-sport event is an occasion when friendship a n d _________ arc
B. blue C. glue D. true built and promoted.
1. A. gugss
B.that C. passage D.happen A. knowledge B. solidarity C. effort D. enthusiasm
2. A. watch
3. A. about B. could C.shout D. count IV. Supply the correct form of the w ords in brackets:
4. A.cock B. schofil C. soon D. afternoon 21. Before our modem age, people had a more physical and (act)_________
5. A. internet B. remote C.spend D.event lifestyle.
22. Fax machines were a wonderful (invent)_________at the time.
II. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from
23. Their music still enjoys widespread (popular) _________ among
that of the others.
6. A. Asian B. gather C.advance D.decade
24. Put an (advertise)_________in the local paper to sell your car.
7. A. facilities B. solidarity C. performance D. aquatic
25. There’s a world of (differ) _________ between liking someone and
8. A. appreciate B. promote C. participate D. introduce loving them.
9. A. athletics B. hockey C. volleyball
V. C o rre c t the m istakes in the follow ing se n ten ces, if a n y :
10. A. volunteer B. competition C. enthusiastic D. intercultural
26. Mis older sister is born on 1972.
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) th at best completes the
sentence. 27. When have you been learning England?
11. They’ve a horrible new tower block where that lovely old ___ ______________ 9
building used to be.
28. They said that they will go to that city next month.
A. put up B. put down C. pushed up D. pulled down
12. I agree with most of what you said, but I can’t _ your idea ol
29. How usually do your parents take a nap by noon?
letting children leave school at 14.
A. keep up with B. catch up with C. put up with D. go along with
30. He has not money left now. He wishes he has some helping his family.IV
13. ________ test was given, our class leader managed to get good marks.
A. Whenever B. Whatever C. However D. Wherever
14. . volleyball players, footballers cannot use their hands in the gai* IV. C om plete the following selection with the w ords provided:
A. Like B.
B. Different
Different C.
C. Unlike
Unlike D. Opposite look, see, and, but, student, teacher, we, they, hard, well, more, most, offices,
15. Our field________ have performed very well. schools, have, get. children, parents"
A. artists B. athletes C. specialists D. sportmen YOUR SC H O O L LIFE
¡6. We may win, we may lose - it’s just the 0f the draw.
School life is the (31)_________interesting in one’s entire life. (32)_________
A. strike B. odds
B.odds chance D luck

86 87
the students generally hold quite ad. Here,.I v “™ lo f 'he « « ( 33| 15. When she was young, she________ swimming with her brother.
_________ worries of their life. They long to be <34>----- - A. uses to go B. used to go C. was used to go D. is used to going
think that they have to follow some hard and fast ™' e. , *
have to obey their parents. This, they greatly dislike. I hey have 16. What did your grandmother do
to pass examinations, it not they get scoldings, liu, 1137) A. yesterday night B. the night of yesterday
________ aiatmings
quiteaa dilTcrent angle.
a I am a (at!) -------and * C. last night D. the night in yesterday
such hnvc some duties and7 responsibilities.
------- I n<)» ( ) to do as my (4Q)
17. Yesterday afternoon h e _____ absent from work because he had a
_________bid me to do.. very bad cold.
A. is B. was C. will be D. would be
18. The woman left the hall just a few minutes________ .
Dê 28 A. before B. after C. yet D. ago
19. They’ll leave HC'M city for Hanoi________ half an hour.
A. on B.for
B. for C. in D. by
20. Have you finished writing your essay_____
I. C hoose the word that has a different pronunciation from the
A. already B. yet C.just D. ago
others of each group:
B. need C.cheese D. meet III. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. A. reenter
2. A. minimize B. like C. might D. listen 21. That sentence is not (grammar)______ at all.
B. very C. reduce D. bed 22.1have always been regarded as a (foreign) __ by the local folk.
3. A. check
B. pollute C. cfillect D. come 23. She taught us the words of a French (sing)
4. A. provide
B. tour C. about D. count 24. He smiled at the (remember) of their first kiss.
5. A. shout
25. Teachers must keep a record of students' (attend)
II. Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from
the others. IV. Choose the word o r phrase (A, B, C or D) th at needs correcting.
B. exhausted C. natural D. plentiful 26. Those of you who signed up (or Dr. Daniel's anthropology class should
6. A. energy
B. geothermal C. alternative D. radiation A B
7. A. electricity
B. potential C. unlimited D. infinite get their books as soon as possible.
8. A. available
B. supplies C. nuclear D. convenient C D
9. A. release
B. fertilizer C. dangerous D. scientist 27. Xhc geology professor show ed us a sample of volcanic rock dated back
10. A. ecologist
III. C hoose the correct answer to fill in the blanks: seven hundred years.
11. His teacher was bom 1962. 28. Scientists worry' what the continued use of certain pollutants may damage
A. in B. on D. by A B C
1?.. Trinh’s birthday is July 1“. the Earth’s ozone layer.
A. in B. on C. at D. by D
13. They arrived at the station 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. 29. Cable television companies recently announced that ii will increase serv ices
A. at B. before C. after D. between A B C D
14. Saturday comes Wednesday in the dictionary. charges next year.
A. at B. before C. after D. between
--------------- — ------------- ^

30. Rattan, adage relative of bamboo. hLfiffcn u*d l a j a a k tables, chairs, ani
9 A. capture B. discharge C. survive D. extinct
10. A. fertilizer B. interference C. maintenance D. offspring
other furnitures.
D H I. Choose the best option (A, B, C o r D) th at best completes the
following sentences:
V. C om plete the spaces with the words provided:
11. When my mother was young, she________ work in the garden for long hours
•‘away. from. see. doctors, earth, make, waves, cameras, radar, deep”
A. can B. could C. will D. should
O TH E R WAYS WE USE RADIO WAVES 12. That m an ________ have committed tltc crime because he was with me
The radar that lets airplanes and ships "(3 1 )------------- things in fog that day.
or things far away uses radio (32)________ • Radar systems send out radio A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. won't D. couldn't
waves. The radio waves bounce back (33)________ an) large object they hit 13. Since we have to be there by 8. w e________ take a taxi.
and make images on a (34)________ screen. A. had better B. may C. ought D. are able to
Radio waves help us explore (3 5 )_____ ___ space. Radio telescopes
14. It_________rain this afternoon. Why don't you take an umbrella?
listen for radio waves from far (36)________ ttt the universe. Astronauts in
spacecraft talk to control centers on (37)________ using radio waves. Rad» A. could be B. must C'. might D. had better
waves beam pictures to Earth from (38)________ on space probes visiting 15. ________ you help me with the homework?
other planets. A. May B. Shall C. Should D. Will
(3 9 )_________use radio waves to sec inside the body. They use radio 16. He hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. He________ lie really hungry.
waves from MR1 machines to (40)_______ pictures of people's insides. A. might B. will C. must D. can
17.1 put my keys on the table, but now it's gone. Someone_______ have taken it.
A. may B. had to C. should D. wouldrather
18. Daisy is reading her English text because she has a test tomorrow. She
Dê 29 be studying.
A. will B. should C. must D. can
19. We ____put the fish in live fridge before it spoils.
A. had to B. may C. can D. had better
1. Choose the word that has a different pronunciation from the
20. Mr Brown is very rich. He________ work hard for a living.
oth ers of each group:
A. mustn’t B. shouldn't C. can't D. doesn't have to
1. A. matter B. family C. what D. panel 21. What exactly is the influence of air pollution________ human beings?
2. A. column B. function C. number D. consume A. to B. with C. on D. for
3. A. western B. panel C. American D. spend 22. The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival________ the tiger.
4. A. beauty. B. country C. lucky 1). try A. of B. for C. to D. on
5. A. conclude B. body C. compare D. provide 23. It is possible for local wildlife to coexist _________industry.
II. Choose the w ord that has the main stress placed differently from A. to B. of C. in D. with
the others. 24. The health of our children is being________ by exhaust fumes.
6. A. protect B. prohibit C. pollute D. cultivate A. danger B. endanger C. dangerous D. endangered
7. A. agriculture B. extinction C. environment D. establishment 25. The society was set up to ________ endangered species from extinction.
8. A. nature B. dangerous C. interfered D. devastating A. prevent B. distinguish C. preserve D. survive

90 91
IV. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets.
26. H was very (think)________ of you to send the flowers.
27. The Blue Mosque at Isfahan is the most beautiful (build)------------ _I have
ever seen.
28. The clothes are available in warm (nature) ------------ colours.
29. Gas and oil (consume)________ always increases in cold weather. I. Choose the w ord that has a different p ro n u n ciation from the
30. Bathrooms don’t have to be purely (function)------------- • others of each group:
V. Read the passage below carefully, and then say w hether the 1. A. celebrate B. festival C. respond D. wedding
statem ents are true (T) or false (F): 2. A. very B. slavery C. family D. try
HOW DOES A R ADIO W ORK? 3. A. spring B. rice C. which D. picture
4. A. fall B. mgn C. call D. tall
Radios need electricity in order to work. Your portable radio gets electricity
from batteries. Your clock radio gets electricity from a cord that you plug into 5. A. says B. days C. pays D. wavs
an electrical outlet in a wall. II. Choose the w ord th a t has the main stress placed differently from
Radios have a power switch or button that lets you turn the radio on or the others.
off. Radios have a volume control that lets you play the sounds loudly or softly.
Radios also hav e a dial or button that lets you tune in your fav orite radio stations. .
6 A. technology B. competitive C. facsimile D. document
Each station has a special number on the dial. When you tune in a station, your 7. A. courteous B. subscribe C. service D. customer
radio turns radio waves from that station into sound. .
8 A. transit B. transmit C. transact D. translate
Radios have a special wire called an antenna that can pick up radio waves 9. A. capacity B. communal C. secure D. imagine
in the air. Radios first turn the radio waves into electrical signals. Then they turn 10. A. installation B. disadvantage C. dissatisfied D. disappointed
the electrical signals into the sounds of music, traffic and weather reports, or
news about your hometown sports teams. III. Choose the one w ord or phrase (A, B, C o r D) th a t best com pletes
31. Electricity isn't necessary for radios. the sentences o r substitutes for the underlined p art.
32. A cord helps radios get electricity. 11. Before Tet, supermarkets and shops are full_________ goods.
33. You can turn the radio on or off without a power switch or button. A. of B. with C. in D. for
34. A volume control is a need for you to play the sounds. 12. On the first -day of Tet. children_________their new clothes and make
35. You can tune in your favorite radio stations without the help of a dial or New Year’s wishes to their parents.
button. A. take on B. pick on C. put on D. try on
36. Every station has many numbers on the dial. 13. People believed that what they do on the first day of the year will_________
37. Your radio turns sound from that station into radio waves when you tune in their luck during the whole year.
a station. A. control B. influence C. exchange D. result
38. An antenna can pick up radio waves in the air. 14 1 looked everywhere but 1 couldn't find________ at all.
39. Electrical signals come from radio waves. A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. somebody
40. Sounds of music, traffic and weather reports are brought to you by radio 15. le t is really a time of fun and________ throughout the country.
power switches. A. holidays B. celebrations C. preparations D. festivals
*6- ITie whole family usually tries to get together at Christmas.
A. contact B. gather C. relate D. communicate

92 93
17. In Britain Christmas dinner usually------- ------ turkey,
7 Christmas puddin«b Wind can blow away sand and dirt (37) (leave)_________ bare rock. 1
and brandy butter. . . _ can pile up the sand it erodes to make hills called sand dunes.
A. brings on B. serves with C.consists ot D. puts up Glaciers can make big (38) (change)_________ in Earth. During the last
18. We wish you both- health and longevity. ice age. glaciers (39) (cover)_________ much of North America. Glacier
carved out many (40) (lake)_________. They made the five Great Lakes.
A. long life B. happy life C. easy life D. exciting life
19. Vietnamese people usually make ---------- — ^or scvcral weeks
A. preparing B. preparation C. preparatory D. preparations
20. She has as good chance a s________ of winning the race. TEST I
A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one 1. Put one o f these v erb s in each sentence:
IV. S u p p ly th e c o rre c t form o f the w o rd s in b ra c k e ts : "buy. catch, cost, drink, full, hurt, spell, spend, teach, throw, win "
21. Her triumph was a cause for (celebrate)------------- • Ị. Mozart_______more than 600 pieces of music.
22. They attach great (im portant)________ to the project. 2. “How did you leam to drive?” “My father_______me.”
23. Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a (f re e )------------- of 3. We couldn’t afford to keep our car. so w c _______ it out.
movement previously unknown. 4. I was very thirsty. I _______the water very quickly.
24. Seafood is a (special)_________on the island. 5. Tom and I played badminton yesterday. He’s much better than me, so he
25. There have been strange (happen)________ here lately. easily.
6. D aisy_______down the stairs tills morning and________her leg.
V. M ak e one sentence from two. Use relative clauses:
7. Jack_______ the ball to Peter, w ho_______ it.
26. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour.
8- John_______a lot of money yesterday. H e_______ a shirt which
100 dollars.
27. The man loves me best. He is my older brother.
II- A friend has ju s t conic back from holiday. You ask him a b o u t it.
28. She sold us half a dozen apples. Most of them were bad. W rite y o u r questions:
1- (where, g o ? )________________________________________
29. The director doesn’t work here any longer. You asked about him. 2- (go alone?)_________
2- (food, good?)
30. I pul my pen in a certain place. 1can’t remember the place. ^ (how long, stay there?)______________________________ __
^ (stay, at a hotel?)__________ __________________________
6> (how. travel?)_____________ __________________________
V I. Fill in th e b lan k s w ith the correct form s o f the w o rd s:
^ (the weather, fine?)____________ _______________________
H O W D OES EROSION CH A N G E E A R T H ? ^ (what, do in the evening?) ______________________________
Water (31) (How)-------------_ through rivers can carve out deep canyons- ^ (meet anybody interesting?)___________________________
The water (32) (carry)_________sand and dirt to other (33) (place)______ 10- (have, fun?)________________________________________
The Mississippi River dumps tons of dirt where it (34) (empty)
into the G ulf of Mexico. The dirt (35) (event) Diies Up to create Ul- C o m p lete th e sentences. Put the verb into the co rrect form ,
land where once there was ocean. This process makes rich farmland (36) (call) positive o r n egative:
the Mississippi Delta.

j My first _______of him was favourable (impress)
1 It w a s w a r m . s o I o f f it»' ot1* < .
, , ,* vrrv much <ew»«y > < Ymi car t be on your parents all your life (depend)
I knew I W i w«s, vers N*v «> I f, There are no significant______ between tV education systems of the
J two countries <differ)
4 _____f W « * ! * »
TV b*. w*, v m oneomfor*Ne I -------- ^ well <**r> 7 Vic love Rome. __ in the spring (especial)
Y— wAMi'ibungn - < * _____ «>***< «11 g TV Nx'k lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them
ft mans new (intmduce)
7 W* «rm io khanh * botr* K« the »’ ho*ne (bc>
4 He needs more help with Ns tread)
X It « « « funns situation N* nobody -------- 1U,u^ h * 10 hatching teles ision can be very______ (educate)
ft T V w in d o w w a s o p e n an ri a h m l ____,n fo ,h e n *°m ( f t > ]
10 I V W t wasn't vcn expensive h _____ **ty rm,ch (cos,) Ml. Read the reading below cnrcfullv. and then choose the synonym s
and antonym s of the underlined words:
iv C ..mplrit these sentence with the correct form of “used to" 4- a
suit aM« verb: THE AUTHOR
Phong gave up smoking two years ago He______ 30 cigarettes a day The creator of the Hurry Potter novels is writer J K. Rowling. I he J K.
2 | mh a momrhdie. hot la« ye« she sold it and bought a car (tank for Joanne Kathleen Rowling was bum in a small town in soutlicm
England She studied languages in college But she uheay* wanted to he a
y Wc came to Itvt m Bm Tre three vearx ago We______ in Ho Chi Minh
City vmter After finishing college, she lived in Pans. France and in Portugal When
she returned to the United Kingdom, she began to think about Many Potter
4 I ranch cat ice cream now but I it when 1 was a child.
Rowling got the idea for the first Harry Potter hook while on a train
5. Hung mv best friend but we aren't friends any longer
tourney to London. Like many writers, her first book was rv/ecied by a number
ft h onh takes me about 40 minutes to get to work since the new mad was of publishers. But Row ling persisted and cv cntuaJly found a publisher for I lorry
opened It nxw than an hour Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. I he book apjh’ared in the I nited Kingdom
7 There a hotel opposite tV station but it closed a long time ago. in 1997.
I When vou In-si m Tien ( nang. _____ to the theatre very often?
9 Raul Joesa t pia* loothall well today l ie ______ a good footballer
10 I lane no time to cm»n music now Years ago I ______ to music for long
hours a day j 1. creator A. mother B author C. founder
2. stand for A mean B. suffer C take
V C onipktr the letter below. u«mg the words presided: 3 study A. research B examine t \ learn
Dear W «i 4 return A come back B. give hack C answer
This picture P»i* weather beautiful hotel excellent, my hotel too« 5 begin A. start B appear [ C want
there ssiitwa TV and show« k«od not very good. Pans expensive Mf A. view B opinion j C. thought
& }«?__
f teach lemNe. N r people foensflv See soon
7 joumev A. flight lB »Jg___ _ C tour
Bent wishes.
a n to n y m s
Mary ***
>1 *Mtpp»' the cwrreet fo r« of the words iB brackets: 1—_______ A 4_ _ B ,L C
L1 bom A dead ' B kill C destroy
* t ' f 9& ______ commg tins weekend (vis*) B immense
A important C big
l TV wnganwr m mmmi t a r _____
} always A stenetunes j t l once LC ______
| S V b m s r t s r » ______ » M h M d m m thwy)

A. in front B. before C.ahead 3 The temperature was 25 degrees. Now it is only 20.
4. after
B. last C. least => The temperature_____ ___________________________ .
5. first A. final
B. accept C. hold 4. The light was off. Now it is on.
6. reject A. keep
C. disappear => Somebody______________________________________.
7. appear A. go away B. run away
5. The tree was only three meters high. Now it is four.
V III. P ut the sentences into a complete reading: => The tree____ ___________________________________ .
6. The plane was on the runway a few minutes ago. Now it is in the air.
=> The plane ______________________________________ .
1. He wrote about two plays a year, while living in London.
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form , PR E SE N T
2. But we know little about his life in London.
3. Two actors saw that his plays were printed.
1. “Where’s your key?" “I don't know. I ______ it. (lose)
4. He died in 1616.
5. Later, he retired in Stratford as a prominent citizen. 2. 1______ very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep, (be)
6. A collection called the First Folio came out seven years after his death. 3. Minh______ to NY for a while but in about an hour, (go)
7. Shakespeare made his reputation with 38 glorious plays. 4. “Where's Kim?” "She______ out. She’ll be back in an hour.” (go)
8. Shakespeare’s plays were well liked by audiences. 5. I learned French at school but I ______ most of it. (forget)
9. He never published the plays, but he saw them performed at the Globe and 6. I meant to phone Nhung last night but I ______ . (forget)
other London theaters. T I ______ a headache earlier but I feel fine now. (have)
8. Look! There's an ambulance over there. There______ an accident, (be)
9. They're still building the new road. They______ it. (not finish)
10. "Is Hoa still here? "No, she______ out.” (just, go)
I. You arc w riting a letter to your friend. In the letter you give news
IV. Are the underlined parts of these sentences right o r w rong?
about yourself and other people. Use the w ords given to make
Correct the ones that are wrong:
sentences. Use PRESENT PERFECT:
' • Do you know about Sang? He has given up his job.
Dear Hanh.
The Chinese have invented printing.
Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.
How many plays has Shakespeare written?
1. I. buy. new car._______________________________ _
4- U m - you read any Mark Twain’s books?
2. my father, start, new job._________________________
5' John Lennon has been a British musician.
3. I. give, smoking.______________________ _________
Ow! I have cm my finger. It’s bleeding.
4. Son and Cao. go. London.___________
^ My parents have pot married in 1967.
5. Nhung. have. baby.______________________________
^ Where have vou been bom?
II. W hat has happened in these situations: ^ Monica isn’t at home. She has none shopping.
1. John had a beard. Now he hasn’t got a beard. l0- Albert Einstein has been the scientist who has developed the theory of
=> H e___________________________________________ _ relativity.
2. Linh was here ten minutes ago. Now she’s in bed. ^ Put the verb into the most suitable form, PRESENT PERFEC T or
=> She_________________ SIM PLE PAST:

98 99
VIII. Read the reading below carefully, and then answer the questions:
TOM Look' Somebody (spill)______ coffee on the carpet. SEW ING
PETF.R: Well, it (not. be)_____ me. 1 (not. do)--------- it. The first sew ing probably consisted of knotting fur at the edges of untanned
2 animal hides to make body coverings. Early people also used bone needles and
TOM: Michael (break)______ his leg. thread made of animal sinew to make clothing and other items-—even shelters.
Sewing continues today as a home craft as well as a major industry. Heavier
PETER: 1le (fall)______ off a ladder.
applications of sewing include the construction of seat coverings for cars and
3. trucks, tarpaulins, sails, awnings, and sporting goods such as tents and sleeping
TOM Your hair looks nice. (you. have) _______a haircut? bags. Sewing is also necessary in upholstering furniture and makine curtains
PETER: Yes. and draperies.
TOM: Who (cut) _ it? (you. go)______ to the hairdresser? 1. What did the first sewing consist of?
PETER No. a friend of mine (do)______ . it for me. 2. What did early people use to make clothing and other items?
3. What is considered as a home craft?
VI.Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:
4. Give some examples to show heavier applications of sewing.
1. The festival i s ______held in July, (tradition)
5. Is sewing necessary'? Give an example to show that.
2. Buses ru n between the city and the airport. (frequent)
3. Anything wbs______ to the tense atmosphere at home, (prefer)
4. There is a _______quality to her playing, (poem) TEST 3
5. He ______avoided answering the question, (study) 1. Arc the underlined parts of these sentences right o r wrong?
6. There are plans to build a ___ of the by-pass next year, (continue) Correct the ones th at are wrong:
7. The book is in its sixth______ . (print) I She s Inst her purse. She can't find it anywhere.
8. The government is providing an ______ £10 million to expand the 2. Have vour parents seen the news on TV last night?
service, (add) 3. We 've houplit a new PC. Do you want to see it?
9. Yesterday the p ound______ against the dollar, (strong)
T They Yc hnuyht a new house last month.
10. She came out of the ordeal looking thin and______ . (wear)
5. Where have von anil Oanh been yesterday morning?
V II. Read the reading below carefully, and then com plete it with the 6. Mr. Nam has left school in 1994.
w ords provided: 7- I'm looking for my cat. Have you seen it?
“fashion, with. Library, gown, worn, house, appeared, producing, 8. We re verv thirsty. We haven I drunk anything today.
established, illustration” 0' Miss Linh hasn Ì been at work last Monday.
FASHION 10. When has this mava-ine been pnhlisheifl
English designer Charles Worth (1)______ one of the most elegant (2) il- Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use PRESENT
_______houses in Paris in the late 1800s. The (3 )_______ continued after ms PE R FE C T o r s i m p l e PAST:
death in 1895. (4 )______ _evening gowns such as the black one (5 )______-
by this svelte model from 1921 Tubular in shape, the ( 6 ) _____ _ features * (it. not rain, this week) ___________ —-------------------------
swath of fabric held at the hip (7 )______ a r0Sc and is bordered with roses;’ - (the weather, cold, recently)_________________ ________
the hemline Ibis (8) ___ . entitled L.e Paravent Rouge (“The Red Scrttf1 • ^ (it. hot. last w eek)_________________ ______ —------------
(9 ) _____ »n the French fashion journal Gazette de Bon Ton. Bridgemon An 4 (1. not read, a newspaper, yesterday)---------------------------
(10) _____ , London/New York.Staplcton Collection. UK
^ (He. not read, a magazine today) — ---------------- -----------
6. (khoa. earn, a lot of money, this year)------------ --------------- 2. They say they will sec m e ______ next Sunday.
7. (he. not earn, so much, last year)---------------------------------- 3. What are you doing_______Friday?
8. (you. have, a holiday, recently?) _____—*----- ----------------- 4. He's doing nothing_______the weekend.
9. (she. bom. 1090?)__________ _ ________________ 5. We often go o u t_______the evenings.
10. (you. sec. him. ten minutes ago?) -- ------------------------ 6. rhey often stay at home______ Saturday evenings.
111. Put the verbs into the correct form: 7. Does your mother w ork_______Friday?
8. We don't go to school______ every Sunday.
1. If we (know)_______her number, we would phone her.
9. They usually have a holiday______ the summer.
2. We (not buy)______ that sewing machine if we were you.
10. Hanh and Nguy en got married______ 29 January 2005.
3. 1 (help)______ him if 1could, but I'm afraid l can't.
4. You would need a car if you (live)______ in the country. VI. Supply the co rrect form of the words in brackets:
5. If l had the choice, 1 (live)______ in Madrid. 1. I’ll meet you at the main (enter)______ .
6. This coffee isn't very good. It would taste better if you (not put)______ 2. These tokens are (exchange)______ for CDs and cassettes only.
in so much sugar. 3. We’re going to Japan at the (begin)______ of July.
7. We wouldn't mind living in Moscow if the weather (be)_______better. 4. The report is (primary)______ concerned with aircraft safety.
8. If I (be)_______you, I (not wait)_______for them now. 5. Satisfactory (complete)______ of the course does not ensure you a job.
9. They 're always tired all the time. If they (not go)_______to bed so late 6. He is a pupil and his father is a (farm)______ .
every night, they wouldn't be tired all the time. 7. You may find it (help)______ to read this before making any decisions.
10. If you ask me for help, l (be)______ willing. 8. For further (inform)______ on the diet, write to us at this address.
IV. C om plete the sentences. Each time use AT, ON o r IN + one of the 9. He was so exhausted that he fell (sleep)______ at his desk.
following: 10. The hotel has a lovely (home)______ feel to it.
the evening, the moment. Sunday s, about 10 minutes, 21 July 1969, the VII. Read the reading below carefully, and then com plete it w ith the
Middle Ages, 1492. the 1920s. 11 seconds, Christmas, the same time, night " words provided:
1. Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America_______.
2. In Britain most people don't work______ . A VISIT TO TH E COUNTRYSIDE
3. You can see the stars______ if the sky is clear. My name is Sang. Last week. I (l) _____ the countryside with my
classmates. The place is not very far (2)______ our town. We came there by
4. I’d like to relax______ after working hard during the day. bus- a journey of 3 hours.
5. The first man walked on the moon______. On (3 )_______there, we went straight to our friend's village house. He is
6. It seems to be difficult to listen if everyone is speaking______ . Quang (4 )______ parents are farmers. They’re living in the (5 )________. We
7. I know that jazz became popular in the United States______ _. drank coconut milk and ate a lot of cakes. (6)______ that we went to the field
8. He's going out to the store. He'll be back______ . t0 fly kites. Then we (7 )______ swimming in the river near Quang's house.
9. Many of Europe's great cathedrals were built played games (8 )______ .
Finally, in the afternoon we (9)_______ the country side for the town. And
10. In Britain people send each other cards
1got home"at about 6:30. We (10)______ had a lot of fun. The countryside is
V. Put in AT. ON or IN w here necessary. Leave an em pty space (X) Wonderful to me.
no preposition is necessary : Every child should (1 1 )______ his mother. A girl or boy learns many
1. T11see you_______Saturday. 8°od things from mother. Mother teaches us to be obedient, (12)______ and
friendly to others.

102 103
1. A. came back B. visited C. arrived TEST 4
2. A. away B. to C. from I. Someone says som ething to you which is the opposite o f w hat
3. A. arriving B. going C. coming they said before. W rite a suitable answ er beginning “ I thought
4. A. who B. whom C. whose you s a id ...” :
5. A. country B. countryside C. city
Example "I haven't been to the opera for ages.”
6. A. Before B. While C. After
=> / thought you said you went to the opera last week.
7. A. went B. was C. liked
1. " That hotel is expensive.”
8. A. together B. each other C. one another
=> Is it? I thought you said_____________________________ .
9. A. said good-bye B. left C. came home
2. “Long is coming to the party tonight.”
10. A. however B. really C. happily
=> Is he? 1 thought you said____________________________ .
11. A. like B. need C. love
3. “Nguyen likes Nhung."
12. A. hopeful B. healthy C. helpful
=> Does he? I thought you said_________________________ .
V III. R ead th e re a d in g below carefu lly , an d th e n a n sw e r the 4. “I know a lot of people.”
q u e stio n s: => Do you? I thought you said__________________________ .
COUNTRY LIFE AND CITY LIFE 5. “I'll be here tomorrow.”
Whether country life is better than city life, depends on the individual. => Will you? I thought you said_________________________ .
In the country we Iive in the bosom of nature, wbile in a town we are surrounded 6. “I'm going out this morning.”
by man-made things and so it has little contact with nature. => Are you? I thought you said_________________________ .
In the country most of the people live in “Thatched" houses, The green fields “1 can speak a little Chinese."
stretch out on all sides, flowers are in their full bloom, birds sing on the trees and => Can you? 1 thought you said_________________________ .
other beautiful aspects of nature greet the eye and the ear. Therefore, country life
is full of chaims. The rippling river, the grazing cows, the playing children and the •I- Complete the sentences w ith SAY or T E L L in the co rrect form :
setting sun behind the clouds are great sources of pleasure to the mind of a man. * Dung _______ goodbye to me and left.
The villagers always lead a healthy life due to fresh air and fresh food. Again, - Please_______me about your vocation. Did you have a good time?
they are very contented people because they have few demands. No doubt, country
Don't just stand there!______ something!
life has some disadvantages but even then it is better than town life.
1. Docs the writer think that city life is better than country life? We wonder where David is. H e______ he would be here at 7 o'clock.
2. Do we have a lot of contact with nature when we live in a country? 5 Henry______ me that he was tired of his new job.
3. Where do most of people live in tire country-? What about in die city nowadays ^ Don’t _______anyone else what I ______ . It’s a secret between us.
as you know? The doctor_______that I had to rest for at least a week.
4. Where do people often see or hear birds sing on the trees? In a town or in the “Did h e _______you what happened?” “No. he d id n 't_______ anything
country-side? Wliat about you? to me."
5. What are great sources of pleasure to die mind of a man? 9- Tom couldn't help us. H e______ us to ask Peter.
6. Why do the villagers lead a healthy life? '0. Mary couldn't help him. She______ to ask Anna.
The following sentences are direct speech:
. “Don't wait for me if I'm late.. Can you open your bag. please?. Please
sl0w down!. Don’t worry, Ronaldo.. Will you marry me?. Hurry up.. Mind your

104 105
'-.wn business.. Can you repeat what you said, please?. Do you think you could 5. We live in a big city (and we don't like it.)
give me a hand, Thomas? => We w ish_______________________________________
Now choose one of those to complete each sentence below. 6. I can't go to the meeting (and I'd like to.)
Use R eported speech: => I w ish_________________________________________ .
7. He has to work tomorrow (but he'd like to stay in bed.)
1. Jacky was taking a long time to get ready, so 1------------------•
=> He w ishes_____________________________________ .
2. Susan was driving too fast, so 1______ ________________ ■
3. Ronaldo was very pessimistic about the solution. 1________ • 8. I don’t know anything about computers (and my computer has just
broken down.)
4. I couldn't move the desk alone, so I ____________________•
=> I w ish_________________________________________ .
5. The customs officer looked at me suspiciously an d ________ .
9. We aren't lying on a beautiful sunny beach (and that's a pity.)
6. 1 had difficulty understanding her. so I ____________ .
, => We w ish_______________________________________ .
7. 1 didn't want to delay Diana, so I ____________________ •
10. I don’t have enough money (and I want to buy a new bicycle.)
8. Hanh was very much in love with Nguyen, so sh e ________ .
=> I w ish_________________________________________ .
9. They started asking me personal questions, so 1__________ .
VI. Supply th e c o rrect form of the w ords in b rack ets:
IV. W rite a sentence with IF ... for each situation:
1. We don't visit you very often because you live far away. 1. The fact that he was a (foreign)_______was a big disadvantage.
=> If y o u __________________________________________ .
2. He made the announcement in a (speak)______ on television.
2. She doesn't speak very clearly. That's why people don't understand her. 3. I had considerable (difficult)__ _ (in) persuading her to leave.
=> I sh e_______more_______ , people_________________ . 4. I lis stories usually have a happy (end)_______.
3. That car is too expensive, so I’m not going to buy it. 5. It’s ( t e r r i b l e ) _important for parents to be consistent.
6. A child answering the (describe)_______of the missing boy was found
=> If the c ar_______________________________ .
safe and well in London yesterday.
4. We don't go out very often because we can’t afTord it.
7. It didn’t take much (persuade)_______to get her to tell us where he was.
=> If w e___________________________________________ _.
8- She hadn't seen Laura since her (school)_______.
5. It’s raining so we can't have meal in the garden.
9- Only in his dreams does he give (express)_______to his fears.
=> If i t _____________________________ .
,0- I am not really (suitable)_______dressed for a party.
6. We have to work tomorrow afternoon so we can't meet you.
=> If w e ___________________________________________ , VII. Read the reading below carefully, and then correct the mistakes
(There arc TEN mistakes only):
V. W rite sentences beginning with “ I w ish ...” :
1. He didn’t know many people (and he’s lonely.)
=> He wishes___________
2. She doesn't have a key (and she needs one.)
=> She wishes___________________
3. Lan isn’t here (and I need to see her.)
=> I w ish____________ __________
4. It’s cold (and they hate cold weather.)
=> TYey w ish__________ _________


M intake»
U n n [ The reading ________ _______—------------
(crag > I Put a question lag on Ibr end of these «calmer»;
Science earned an opkwrve m *ortK S*nc I Ihanh won 1 he la ic._____ 1 No. «hr « never late
word« in tcieniru combine part» oi G*®Jce
1 2 and Latin word« Ihe» irKlwkr ptm ctlltn. ; You're h u n g r y ___ 'Mev a little
3 ) You vc got a **rw » A k , ?Vcv why1 1X» you want to borrow B?
sM hm cofH . but tiq x rw n * fKherv were
4 borrowed to language» «poken k*ia> 4 You weren't readme. ____ ? 3 o , I was
5 come« from a ( rech letter 3 VMvnuei durtn t kiuw« M ^haei. “*So. they never met
A Ihc 1 nglaml language hat been Uealir^ wteJt h fun tanSdwla». 1 Yev Hr« in tlra/d
7 for mam than 1.500 >car» The trxn* compktam
<lKth>rur» of the 1 nghdi weed» ctw*aim a 7 Pam ♦ aerf o l l i e i h t nh. ? Y<v Ka he won't gettt.
whopping 600.000 word» I You tan »prat Korean. Yrv Kit not ven fluently
% She wow <nw d ill use the phone. __ n Vcv of course
IQ Than re * ItC of p»f*c here. ' 3rv more tluii I opcO nl.
J________________________________ — II H«*4 the MtuatwHM and write a sentence with a question tag. In
trtb tat»«tmm m art a«Wiat 'our friend tn agree with yon:
V111. Head Ihe reading below carefully and lh»* i«w«t tk* qarittnwi
t Yw* U A iwa <4 *Sr «endow Ihe «4» 1« Hue ant) the mn it thuung Whot
MEANING IN LA.V.l \«.» h m tte* s> tva? tnm J' ihrwaiful da» 1
While ihc field» of language stud» mattoacd af**e dral prviand? •'A ■» h i 7
the form of ImguiWa element, «enunt*« w the field «4 1tody Out* do*»« 2 Vwt n wait a hvroJ o g n h • maaurant You're hiking at the prkes,
meaning of the«« elements Aprominent pan of «rranfto do»»« «uhihc meamn| «Qwth u r tecs fcBph What do »tmj «a» 1irt(em n r)
of indi» idual morphemes SemantK 4 aim mvotvri v rr»r ar*n$ *4 • • « •h * 7
construction» 1h.1i link rr**rphcnx-v to ft*tp, phrain «nd « cermr» I »*
1 'o « * » pm* o w c4 rSr (wemt with a fttend You really enjoyed the
the sentence» The dog I* the man" and The nMQ ha Ihe dog" tnamm ruad?
Mat « N a d t v m t n *»«ow fHcnd’ Ignral)
llic same morpheme». hut lho> have difTeme imrmar^ t I So n #«
morphemes enict mio difTcrtnl comtructiottt «n each «rr*rr*e rtfleewd «*»•* « * IW _____________________ ?
dilTcrcni word orders of fhc iwo sentence* 4 ><m m d a tr«md are Utacmug ♦»> a woman ungmg You like her voice
I What Jo fields of language studs deal primarily wtifc"’ WXwdo o s i van Vo yvm (nrtwT ta kwety voice)
2. Poe* semantics deal with ihe meaning of these element»1 ** ^ t _________________________ 7
3 What does a prominent part ot semantic» deal with1 ' Vm h trv ntg cm a *wkct You k»A m the mime and sou don't like what
4 Wluit involves studying the meaning of the comiraikms lhal Hah >«n we What do you si) to your fnend1 (not look very good)
morpheme» to lumi phrases and senterx eV *>lt _______________ 7
5 Do the two sentences ' Ihc dog htt the man" and “ The m n Nt the del“ * Yma friend « hau »» much vhorvi than when you last met What do you
have the same meaning»' ’•y »0 him her’ (have your hut cut)
6. Why don't tlie> lta»e die same meaning? *■* You've _________________________ ._____ - 7
You and a fnend are walking over a wooden bodge It 1» very old and some
P*rr» we broken What do you wy'’ (nrt very safe)
** T h i s __________________________________ 7

111. In these situations you are asking for inform ation and asking 3. Son: You were driving too fast.
Cao: Yes. it’s true. Sorry!
people to do things. Make sentences like the example below.
You: Cao admitted_______________________
Example: You need a dictionary Perhaps Trung has got one. Ask him.
4. Long: Why don't we go for a swim?
=> Trung, you haven't got a dictionary, have you? Huy . That’s a good idea.
1. You need a pen. Perhaps Linh has one. Ask her.
You: Long suggested________________________ .
=> Linh. you________________ ___________________ ?
5. Trinh: You broke the window.
2. Vinh is just going out. You want him to get you some envelopes. Ask hint.
Chung: No, I didn't.
=> Vinh. y o u _____________________ __ ____________?
You: Chung denied_________________________ .
3. You're looking for Phong. Perhaps Anh knows where he is. Ask her.
=> Anh. you_________________________ ____________ ?
6 . Phi: Can you wait a few minutes?
Minh: Sure, no problem.
4. You need a bicycle bump. Perhaps Chinh has got one. Ask him.
You: Minh didn't mind______________________ .
=> Chinh, you___________________________ ________ ?
5. You’re looking for your keys. Perhaps Hoa has seen them. Ask her. VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:
=> Hoa, you______________________________________ ? 1. Are you any good at map (read)______ ?
IV. C om plete each sentence with one of these verbs: 2. Tire UN Conference on Environment and Development is (popular)
______ known as the "Earth Summit".
"answer, see, supply, try, be, listen make, use, wash, work, write"
3. Martin is developing the (commerce)______ side of the organization.
1. The girl tried to avoid______ my question.
4. American English is significantly (differ)______ from British English.
2. Could you please stop______ so much noise?
5. This combination of cheese and apples is not an (invent)_______ of the
3. Do you really enjoy_____ to music? nonh of England.
4. He considered______ for the job but in the end he decided against it. 6. People in many (develop)______ countries are free of forms of cancer
5. You haven't finished______ your hair, have you? that are common in the West.
6. You'll risk_____ knocked down if you walk into the street without looking. ?• The horse was a (pity)______ sight because it was very thin or sick.
7. Mr. Ba is now 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to go on ______ • 1 here are doubts about the (use)_______of these tests.
8. I don’t mind y o u _______my bicycle as long as you return it back by I found the talk both informative and (entertain)______ .
tomorrow. '0- Ronaldinho has a reputation lor fair play and good (sport)_______.
9. Oanh gave up_______to find a job in this city and decided to go to another
city. Read the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the
10. Do you know when he started______ these books? suitable w ords:

V. C om plete the sentences for each situation using -IN C : MOVIES

1. Thanh: What shall we do? What is your favorite (1 )______ ? Maybe you like cartoon-like movies.
Lan: We could go to the zoo. - you like a movie that is full of action. Movies (3 )_______a
You: Lan suggested_________________________ "'onderful kind of make-believe.
A movie is a series of (4 )______ . Each image is a still photograph, just
2. Quang: Do you want to play table tennis?
P a picture you take with a regular (5)______ • But the pictures flash by so
Vinh: No, not really. tast 'n a movie (6) the images blend together and overlap. (7)______
You: Vinh didn’t fancy_________________ a result, you see horses run, people talk, cars plunge over mountainsides, (8)

i kinds
, • . ofc motion, That's A lot or people would be out of work if
other m ats whyj movies are sometimes called
' _ piW
lMiV.J. Movies
photographed, or filmed.
A' are also called films (1 ) ---------- hey are
w;» —
VIII. Read .he reading below earefully, and then say w h e th e r the rMmaandsThy
s rare expect,ng
)__ couldv
ifh= ifii-we (not.
statem ents are true (T) or false (F) or no inform ation (No):
10. Would Trang mind if 1(borrow)
H OW DO THEY MAKE CARTOO NS? her dictionary without asking her?
11. Put in IN C A SE o r IF:
Cartoons are called animated films. Artists draw the scenes. 1hey draw
the background and the characters. Each drawing oi the character is slightly 1• Amia m‘S1i Phone this evening. I don’t want to go out_____ she phones.
different. For example, the legs are in different places if the character is running. 2 . ______ your car >s stolen, you should tell the police.
A special camera takes pictures of each scene the artist has drawn. When the
3. 1hope you’ll come to Singapore sometime. You can stay with me
pictures are played back, it looks like the character is running. Making drawings you come.
that seem to move is called animation.
4. This lettei is for Mike. Can you give it to him_____ _ you see him?
Some enjoyable animated films include Snow While and the Seven Dwarfs
(1937), Beauty and the Beast (1991), The Lion King (1994), and Finding Nemo 5. Write your name and address on your bag_______you lose it.
(2003). In some films, there are both animated characters and human actors, as 6. Go to the lost property office______ you lose your bag.
in Space Jam (1996). Space Jam stars Bugs Bunny and basketball star Michael 7. The burglar alarm will ring______ someone tries to break into the house.
8. We'vc just painted the door. I'll put a WET PAINT notice next to it_______
1. People call cartoons animated films. someone doesn’t realize it’s just been painted.
2. Scenes in films are drawn by actors. 9. 1 was advised to arrange insurance______ I needed medical treatment
3. Artists use pens and pencils to draw the background and the characters. while I was abroad.
4. All the drawings are the same. 10. We rang the bell again______ they hadn’t heard it the first time.
5. We can't see the character's legs and amis as he is running.
III. Choose the correct word or expression for each sentence:
6. Actresses use cameras to take pictures.
1• You can use my motorbike (unless/ as long as) you drive carefully.
7. You can see characters running as the pictures are played back.
2. We're playing badminton tomorrow (unless/ providing) it’s raining.
8. Animation is a film in which drawings ol people and animals seem to move.
2. I'm playing tennis tomorrow (unless/ providing) it’s not snowing.
9. The Lion King (1994) is one of the enjoyable animated films.
4. I don’t mind if you come late (unless/ as long as) you come in quietly.
10. You can see both animated characters and human actors in Harry Potter.
5- We’re going now (unless/ provided) you want us to stay.
6. He doesn’t watch TV (unless/ as long as) he’s got nothing else to do.
T Children are allowed to use the swimming pool (unless/ provided) they ate
1. P ut the verb into the correct form: with an adult.
8 (Unless/ Provided) they are with an adult, children are not allowed to use
!• would be rather offended if you (not. go) to see them. the swimming pool.
2. If we took more exercise, we (feel) bett^
9- We can sit here in the comer (unless/ as long as) you’d rather sit over there
3. I f he was offered a job, I think he (take) it by the window.
4. Ernsur^Dung will lend you the money. Edbevety surprised if he (refuse) 10- A: Our holiday cost a lot of money.
B Did it? Well, that doesn't matter (unless/ as long as) you enjoyed yourselves.
5. If he sold his motorbike, he (no,, get)______ much money for *

112 113
IV. W hat docs AS mean in these sentences? M ake a tick ( * ) in the
boxes (1) for BECAUSE or (2) for AT THE SAM E T IM E AS: w HAT IS AIR?
Air is a mixture of several different (h
Sentences 1 2 nitrogen.oxygen.( 2 ) ____ ^ on. g a.• Hie main
t gases in air are
1 As thc\ live near US. we see them very often. hydrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, helium, and (4)
n y u r u u t ii. w 1 u iu A iu t , w iu e r Vi J> ____ of
2.1 oan slipped as she was eening offthe bus. is the most important cas gas for (5) iSi . _______
---- -2— gases.
° Oxygen
order to (6 )_______. Animals must breathe oxygen in
3. As he was tired, he went to bed early.
Carbon dioxide is the (7) _
4. UnfortunaieK, as she was parking tile car, she hit tlie car behind. important gas for plants. Plants use
carbon dioxide and (8) to make food. Plants give off (9)
5. As we climbed the hill, we got more and more tired.
6 They decided to go out to cat as they had no food at home. 1. A. gases B.oxygen C. carbon
7. As you don't use the bike, you should sell it. 2. A. but B. also C. and
8. As we were asleep, we didn’t hear the doorbell. 3. A. numbers B. amounts C. groups
9. As 1walked into the room, the phone started ringing. 4. A. another B. other C.each
10. Hinh arrived as Minh left. 5. A. animals B. men C. trees
V. Join a sentence from List A with one from List B. Begin each 6. A. eat B. live C. drink
sentence w ith AS:V
I. 7. A. more B. much C. most
A B 8. A. sunlight B. rain C. wind
1. Yesterday was a public holiday A. 1walked in 9. A. carbon B. hydrogen C. oxygen
2. It was a nice day B. We came in very quietly 10. A. blow B. breathe C. smile
3. We didn't want to wake anybody up C. All the shops were shut VIII. Read the reading below carefully, and then make questions to the
4. The door was open D. Wc didn't know what time it was answers and answ er the questions:
5. None of us had a watch E. We went for a walk by the sea
VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:
You can go to places where there is no air. There is no air underwater, but you
1. Don't stay out in the sun for too long-you can't be too (care)_______. can dive underwater. You can stay underwater a short time just by holding your
2. The government is responsible for the (prov ide)______ o f health care. breath. Air tanks let you stay underwater for a long time. Scuba divers wear
3. The team has had a (disappoint)______ start to the season. tanks on their backs. The tanks are filled with gases that make up air. The divers
breathe the gases through hoses.
4. These days beaches are covered with (pollute)_______.
There is less and less air the higher up you go. People gasp for breath at the tops
5. Only 8 of the 28 (start)_____ _ completed the course. of tall mountains. Airplanes must cany air. Once the airplane gets up high, air is
6. They're living in a (beauty)______ decorated house. pumped into the cabin where passengers sit. Astronauts have to take all the air
7. He seems to be a good (listen)______ . they need with them—there’s no air in space!
8. It was a remarkable (achieve)______ for such a young player. 1• QUESTION: Can you go to places where there is no air?
9. Their frustration needs some form of (express)_______ ANSWER:____________________________ ___________'
10. He is known as an independent television (produce) 2- QUESTION: Tell me a place where there is no air.
VII. R ead the reading below carefully, and then com plete it w ith the ANSWER: __________ ____________ :— ------ *
w ords provided: 3- QUESTION: Can you stay underwater for a short time.
ANSWER:__________ ____ ________ ______________ *

114 115
6 | know how wonderful you are. There's no need to _______.
4. QUESTION:_____________ ' 7 She was very tired. She sat in an armchair and_______.
ANSWER: Air tanks do.
g The weather is horrible at the moment, isn't it? We hope i t _______later.
5. QUESTION:________________________ *
ANSWER: They wear tanks on their backs. III. C om plete the sentences using a word from List A and a w ord
6. QUESTION:________________ _______ ______ — ‘? from List B. You need to use some words more than once:
ANSWER: They are filled with gases that make up air. A: away, back, forward, on. out up
7. QUESTION: Is there much air in higher places? 13: at, of. to. with
ANSWER:_________________ ____________ _______ _ 1 You’re walking too fast. I can't keep______ you.
8. QUESTION: Do people breathe easily at the tops of tall mountains? 2. Our holidays are nearly over. Next week I'll be______ work.
ANSWER:_____________________________________• 3 We’ve nearly run_______money. We've got very little left.
9. QUESTION:______________________ __________ ? 4. Khoa isn't very happy in her job because she doesn't get_______her boss.
ANSWER: Air is pumped into the cabin where passengers sit. 5. We love to look______ the stars in the sky at night.
10. QUESTION: Is there air in space? 6. Is she looking_______the picnic next week?
ANSWER:_________________________ • 7. There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got_______50 thousand
TEST 7 IV. Put the verb into the correct form -IN G o r IN FIN IT IV E :
I. Use AS to join a sentence front List A with one from List B: 1. They denied (steal)______ the money.
2. She doesn't enjoy (drive)______ very much.
A. we were driving along the street 3. I don't want (go)_______out this evening. I'm too tired.
1. we all waved goodbye to Linh
2. we all smiled B. 1was taking a hot dish out of the oven 4. They can't afTord (buy) ______ that new computer. They haven't got
3.1 burnt myself C. she drove av\ay in her car enough money.
4. the crowd cheered D. we posed for the photograph 5. Has it stopped (rain)_______yet?
5. a dog ran out in front of the car E. the two teams ran onto the field 6. Can you remind me (get)______ some tea when I go out?
7. Why do they keep (ask)______ her questions?
II. Complete the sentences using one of these phrasal verbs (in the
8. The worker stopped (work)______ (have)_______ a rest.
correct form):
9. She refuses (answer) __ any more questions.
break down, clear up (= become brighter-for weather), close down ( - go out
o f business), doze off '(-fall asleep), drop out (= stop taking part in something), 10. One of them admitted (break)______ the window.
move in (= start living in a house, etc.), show off (= show how clever you are), V. Complete these sentences with a suitable verb in the correct form
turn up (= appear, arrive) -IN G o r IN FIN ITIV E:
1. Sorry we're late. Our car______ on the way here.
l- a. Please remember_______the door and windows when you go out.
2. Trung arranged to meet Trang after work last night but she didn't______ •
b. A: You lent me 100 dollars last month.
3. “We've bought a new house.” “Oh, have you? When are you______ T
B: Did I? Are you sure? I don't remember_______you any money.
4. There used to be a shop at the end of this street but it______ a month ago.
c. When you see Nam, remember___ him my best regards, won’t you?
5. They ran in a marathon last month but they weren’t fit enough. They
after 30 minutes. d. Someone must have taken my umbrella. I clearly remember_______
it by the window and now' it has gone.

116 117
e. A: Did you remember____ . your brother? B. god C. woman
4. A. in»11
B: Oh. no. I completely torgol. 1 II phone him tomorrow. $. A. sky B. star C. moon
2. a. 1 believe that what I said vvas tair. 1don t regret---------- it. A- car B. truck C. boat
b. (after a driving test) I regret______ that you have failed the test. B. that C. why
7. A. when
3. a. Khanh joined the company 10 years ago. He was quickly promoted 8. A. center B. corner C. middle
and became assistant manager after three years. A lew years later he A. stars B. planets C. moons
went on _manager of the company. 9.
10. A. love B. life C. things
b. We can't go o n ______here any more. I want another job.
c. When 1 came into the room. Nhung w-as reading a newspaper. She VIII. Pul the sentences into a complete reading:
looked up and said hello to me, and then went on_______her newspaper, HOW DID THE SUN FORM ?
VI.Supply the correct form of the words in brackets: I Then the planets formed from dust and gas going around the Sun.
1. The police are (worry)______ that the man may be armed. 2. It will use up all the fuel in its core.
2. I haven't seen them (recent)______ . 3 . The Sun formed first at the center of the cloud.
3. There has been some (reduce)_____ in unemployment. 4 . You don’t need to worry . Astronomers say that the fuel will last several
4. A service was held in (remember)______ of local soldiers killed in the billion more years.
war. 5. Astronomers believe our solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago
5. Summers are hot, with (month)______ averages above 22C. from a swirling cloud of dust and gas.
6. I was (thank)______ that they hadn't asked for more. 6. Someday the Sun will bum out.
7 The sales assistant was a very (person)______ young man.
8. Energy-saving bulbs should be used to save (electric)______ . TESTS
9. Her speech to partymembers was not intended for public (consume)
I. In this exercise you have to explain w hat some w ords m ean.
10. This (introduce)_______ offer is for tliree days only. Choose the right meaning from the following sentences and then
write a sentence with WHO. Use a dictionary if necessary :
VII. Read the reading below carefully, and then choose the appropriate
w ords to complete it: lie.'she is not brave;
he she designs building;
SUN he she steals from a shop:
The Sun is very important to you. You (1)______ in sunshine. You sec in he she doesn i believe in God;
daylight. The Sun keeps you (2)____ _. Even ancient people knew the Sun
he she buys something from u shop;
was very important. They (3)______ the Sun was a god. The ancient Greeks
thought the Sun (4)________ drove a chariot across the (5) every day. he she pays rent to live in a house or flat:
The ancient Egyptians thought the Sun god sailed a (6 )_______ across the he/ she breaks into a house to steal things;
sky. Today we know ( 7 ) ______ the Sun is a star. The Sun is the star at the (8) he'she no longer works and gets moneyfrom the stale;
_______of our solar system. Earth and all the other (9) orbit, or go he she is trained to repair machines and electrical equipment;
around, the Sun. The Sun is very important to all (10) on Earth.
hv she works, especially one who does a particular kind o f work "
1. A. stand B. sit C. play
he/ she is a member o f an army, especially one who is not an officer;
2. A. warm B. cold c. hot
Example: (a worker) A worker is a person who works, especially one who does a
3 A. told B. spoke C. thought Particular kind o f work.

118 119
1. (an architect)____________________ _______________ Jt was quite cold; the heating was on ; I'd met her twice before :
2. (a burglar) ------------------------- ■* ]Ve've known each otherfor a long lime
3. (a customer! ------- -------------------- ’ I ^ _______________ . he isn’t particularly well-paid.
4. fa shoplifter) ----------------------• 9 _ ____________ . 1recognized her from a photograph.
5. (a coward)_______________ _____________________ _ i She wasn't wearing a coat ________________________ .
6. tan atheist) 4 We thought we’d better invite them to the party________
7. fa pensioner) 5 ____________________________, the room wasn't warm.
8. fan encineer) ^ __ _____________, 1 managed to make myself understand.
9. (a soldier) 7 I didn’t recognize her____________________________ .
10. fa tenant) 8 We’re not very good friends_______________________.
11. Make one sentence from two. Use W H O/TH AT/ W HICH; IV. Complete these sentences with ALTHOUGH, IN SPITE OF,
1. A man was injured in the accident. He is now in hospital. BECAUSE, BECAUSE OF:
=> The man I ___it rained a lot. they enjoyed their holiday.
2. A woman answered the phone. She told me you were away. I ______ all her careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
=> The woman 3 ______ we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.
3. A waiter served us. He was very impolite and impatient. 4. They w-ent home early______ I was feeling still unwell.
=> The waiter 5. He went to work the next day______ 1was feeling still unwell.
4. A building was destroyed in the fire. It has now been rebuilt. 6. He only accepted the jo b______ the salary, which was very high.
=> The building 7. He accepted the jo b ______ the salary, which was rather low.
5. Some people were arrested. They have now been released. 8. We managed to get to sleep______ there was a lot of noise.
=> The people 9. The baby couldn’t get to sleep______ the noise.
6. A bus goes to the airport. It runs every' one hour. 10. ______ being very tired, they tried to finish their task.
=> The bus
V. Complete the letter below, using the words provided:
7. That is the boy. I lent him my bike.
190 Hung Vuong,
=> That is
Ward 3, Ben Tre Town
8. 1 told you about a person. She is at the door.
=> 1 told August 19"’, 2005
Dear Thanh,
9. Jane is the woman. Jane is going to China next year.
Well, this / second week / Ben Tre. I like / very much. I usually / gel / ten
=> Jane is o'clock / have breakfasts / street cafe. Breakfasts here / very small, but / cofTee
10. This is Henry. He lives upstairs. / not bad. 1 always / school / bicycle. 1 usually / arrive / school / 6:30.1 learn /
=> This is a little. English/ the evening / 1 occasionally / stay / home, but I usually / out /
dinner / a friend. Life / interesting. Next weekend / 1go / coast. Give / regards /
III. Complete the sentences. Use ALTHOUGH+ a sentence from the everybody.
/ didn'(speak the language ; he has a very importantjob ; Mai xxx
I had never seen her before; we don t like them very much ;

V I. S upply the correct form of the w ords in b rack ets:
1. Next month my grandparents are going to hold a party in (celebra
_______ of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. tc)
Measuring a year was harder. People knew that it equaled about 12 months,
2 . They attach great (important)______ to the project. but not exactly. For farmers, it was important to measure a year accurately. That
3. The (decorate) _ touches have made this house a warm and required a solar calendar, based on the Sun.
welcoming home. A solar year is the time it takes for Earth to make one trip around the Sun.
4. Enjoy the (free)__ of the outdoors (= where you can do what y0u About 6,000 years ago, the Egyptians became the first people to measure a year
want). as 365 days. But a solar year is just a little longer than that. In fact, it's about six
hours longer.
5. His father is a (special)__ in Vietnamese history,
6 . We have a very (crowd) _ schedule. Over time, these extra hours add up. Solar calendars gradually lose their
accuracy. After four years, for example, a solar calendar will be off by about 24
7. The hospital is recognized as a centre of (excellent)__ . in research hours, or a full day.
and teaching.
8. The time has come for (act) ____ if these beautiful animals are to survive A. W hat are the synonyms of these words?
9. She wrote down a few ideas on the paper (think) I. ancient ; 2. full ; 3. alternated ; 4. equaled
. provided by her
host. 5. exactly ; 6. required ; 7. 365 days
10. He works as a (paint) and decorator. B. What are the antonyms of these words?
V II. R ead the reading below carefully, and then supply the correct 1. first ; 2. early ; 3. harder ; 4. important
form of the w ords in brackets: 5. accurately ; 6. longer ; 7. gradually

A calendar is a way of (1 - measure)_______time to help people organize
their (2- a c t)_______. Calendars divide time into fixed periods, such as days. I. In some of these sentences you don’t need WHO or THAT. If you
weeks, months, and years. don’t need these words, put (X) in the space:
Long ago, when people (3- learn) ______ to farm, they needed an
1. The man who “_____ ” lives next door is a teacher.
accurate way to measure time and the (4- change) seasons. They used
calendars. Calendars helped them establish the (5- good) time to till 2. Have you found the suitcase that"_____ " you lost?
the soil and plant crops. Calendars (6- te ll)______ them when the harvest 3. The people who “_____” I met at the party were not friendly at all.
should begin. 4. The people who “_____” work at the post office are friendly.
The time periods (7- use)______ in calendars arc based on (8- move) 5. What hav e you done with the money that “_____ ” your mother gave you?
______ of the Earth. Moon, and Sun. But a year does not divide (9- even) 6. What happened to the money t h a t _____ ” was on the table? Did you
_______ into months or days. So people have adjusted their calendars so that lake it?
certain events, such as a harvest or (10- importance)_______holiday, always 7. It was an interesting play. It was the best play that"-------- l ve ever seen.
occur during the right season.
8. It was an awful experience. It was the worst thing that “-------- ” has ever
V III. Read the reading below carefully, and then find the sy n o n y m s and happened to me.
antonym s of some words in the reading: 9. 1 want to meet the manager who => is your boss.
10. Do you know the man who => we met yesterday?
The first calendars were lunar calendars. They were based on the Moon. One 11. Complete these sentences with a relative clause. Use the following
month meant the time from one full moon to the next. That’s about 29.5 days. sentences to make your relative clauses:

wchired a car: you lost some keys: we saw the man las, week:Paul: Well. ycs- 11 mfly - but I / not think / will.
you had
to do some work, I invited some people to the pony, I nought the computer Judy: I / no1 sure. It / February, and I / frightened / drive / in snow. And we /
yesterday; Loan is wearing a dress; you're going to see a film, we wanted may not / able / find / hotel. They may / closed.
visit a museum; Thanh recommended a hotel to us. Paul: Oh, that / not / problem. I can book / hotel / phone.
1. Have you found the keys------------ ---------------------1 Judy- Well, perhaps it / not / bad idea. We may / have / beautiful weather.
2. 1 like the dress________________ .______________ * Paul: Ob. we / enjoy ourselves / anyway. Let / watch / weather forecast /
3. The museum_________ was shut when wc got there. television. Wc / not go / Scotland, we / go / Wales . London. We can
decide / forecast...
4. What's the title of the film___________________ J
5. Some of the people_______________couldn t come. V, Read the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the
6. Have you finished the work____________________ ? words, phrases or sentences provided:
7. The car_____________ broke down after a few routes. Really ; to the moon again ; Welcome home; It was wonderful ; any
8. We stayed at a hotel______ ____________________• problems on the journey: but it certainly wasn't a holiday; any normal food;
9. The man_________________ is my friend's brother. What did you have; Was that a problem; some food tablets;
10. The computer__________________ _ is really good. RETURN FROM SPACE
III. Com plete the sentences using a relative clause: Phil Strongarm. the American astronaut, is talking to a reporter about his
We went to a parly last night; I work with a number o f people; you were journey to the moon.
looking for some keys: you can rely on George; 1 applied for a job; I saw you Reporter: Well, Phil... (1)______ !
with a man; ire were invited to a wedding; you told me about a hotel; Phil: Thank you.
1. Are these the keys_______________________________ ? Reporter: Did you have (2)______ ?
2. Unfortunately we couldn't go to the wedding___________ . Phil: Well, we didn't have any serious problcms...(3)_______!
3. I enjoy my job. 1 like the people____________________ . Reporter. Of course not. ..
4. What's the name of that hotel______________________ ? Phil: We didn't have a wash or a shave for two weeks!
5. The party_____________________ was really enjoyable. Reporter: (4 )______ ?
6. 1 didn't get the jo b _______________________________ . Phil: Ycs. It wasn't very comfortable!
7. Nam is a good person to know.He's somebody_________. Reporter: What about food? (5)______ ?
8. Who was the man___________________in the cinema? Phil: Well, we didn't have (6)______ .
IV. Read T H E WEATHER FORECAST below carefully, and then Reporter: (7 )______ ?
com plete it with the words provided: Phil: Well, we had (8)______ .
Reporter: Are you going (9)______ ?
Phil: I hope so. (10)______ !
Paul and Judy live in Brimingham. It’s a large city in the Midlands. They’re
planning a weekend holiday. VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets:
Paul: I know', Judy! Why / not / wc go . Scotland? 1- My hair soon grew back to its (nature)______ colour.
Judy: It / very long way. The outlook for the weekend is hot and (sun)______ .
Paul: Oh, it / not / too far. Anyway, motorway / very good, so we / get there 3- There will be rain later in (center)______ and eastern parts of the country.
/ quickly. 4- (Thank)______ a lot for lending me the money.
Judy: But Scotland / often cold / this time / year. It / may snow! 5- (Prepare)_______for the party started early.


6. The ending of the book was entirely (predict) — ------ .
TF.ST 1«
7. Lead is potentially (damage) ----------to children s health.
8. The explosion (complete)______ destroyed the building. I. Write these sentences in a different way using MAY o r M IGHT:
9. She was undoubtedly a very (strike)______ young woman. I Perhaps Tony is in his office.
10. There was a sudden (move)______ in the undcrgrowih. i Perhaps Tony is busy. _______ ~
, Perhaps Tony is working.
VII. Read the reading below carefully, and then com plete it with the
4 Perhaps Tony wants to be alone._________________
words provided:
5 Perhaps Tony was ill yesterday.__________
“from, them, weathering, which, once, freezes, can, and. pieces, into”
Perhaps Tony went home early._____________________ .
EROSION STARTS W ITH W EA TH ER IN G 7 Perhaps Tony had to go home early._________________ .
The dirt and ( 1 ) ______ of rock that erosion carries away come (2) g Perhaps Tony was working yesterday._______________ .
______ weathering. Weathering is the process by (3 )_______ nature breaks 9, Perhaps Tony doesn’t want to sec me. ______________ .
rocks up. Meat from the Sun can make rock expand ( 4 ) _______crack ¡n(Q
10. Perhaps Tony isn’t working today.__________________ .
pieces. Ice can also break up rock. Water gets (5 )_______cracks in the rock
and freezes. Ice expands when it (6 ) ______ and breaks the rock. Plant roois H, Read the situations and make sentences from the w ords in
can also grow into rocks and crack (7 )______ . Rainwater can dissolve, or brackets. Use MAY or MIGHT:
absorb, some rocks, turning them into liquid. Rainwater (8) ______ turn other
I. I can't find Jack. I wonder where he is.
rocks into sand or clay.
A. (he/ go/ fishing)________________________________.
(9)______ rocks break into pieces, erosion takes over. Water, wind, and
ice cam away the pieces left behind by (10)______ . B. (he/ play/ badminton)____________________________.
2. I'm looking for Linda. Do you know where she is?
VIII. Read the sentences below carefully, and then put them into the A. (she/ watch/ TV/ in her room)_____________________ .
logical order to make a meaningful reading:
B. (she/ go/ out)___________________________________.
EROSION CAUSED BY WATER 3. 1can’t find my raincoat. Have you seen it?
1 Over time, flowing water can carry away so much rock and dirt that it cuts A. (it/ be/ in the car)_______________________________.
into the ground and forms a channel. B. (you/ leave/ in the restaurant last night)_____________ .
2. The waves lake sand away from some beaches and pile it up on other beaches. 4. Why didn’t Johnson answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was in the house at
3. Rainwater runs down hillsides and carries dirt with it. the time.
4. Ocean waves crash against seashores. A. (he/ be/ in the bath)_________________
5. The Colorado River eroded a huge cut in the rock of the southwestern B. (he/ not hear/ the bell)_______________
United Slates called the Grand Canyon.
HI. Answer the questions in the way shown:
' A: Shall we catch the 11:00 train?
B. No, (arrive/ too early). If w e__________
A. Is Khoa going to take the exam?
B. No, (fail). If h e ____________________
^ A. Why don’t we stay at a hotel?
B. No (cost too much money. If w e_______
* A. Is Trang going to apply for the job?

B. No (not/ get it). If she_________________ ___________ ' 3. We found further scientific (evident)______ for lhis theory.
5. A. Let’s tell them the truth. I Dressings are changed four (ho ,r)______ (. every four hours) to help
prevent infection.
B. No (not/ believe us). If we________________________ •
6. A. Why don't we invite Nam to the party? 5. 1le always goes to bed at len-he's a (create)______ of habit.
B. No (have to invite his friends loo). If w e---------------------. 6 The story has attracted (world)______ attention.
7 The prime minister is expected to issue a (state)______ on the policy
IV. Put the verb into the correct form: change this afternoon.
1. If I (know)_______ your number. I would phone you. 8. Many of the cottages in the village are now owned by (weekend)______ .
2. I think there are too many vehicles. If there (not be)---------------somanycars, 9. Keep (health)______ by eating well and exercising regularly .
there (not be)_______ so much pollution.
|0. Me spoiled my (enjoy) _______ of the game by talking all through it.
3. I (buy)______ that schoolbag if I were you.
4. He's always tired all the time. If he (not go)---------- to bed so late every VII- C orrect the mistakes, paying attention to the underlined words:
night, he wouldn't be tired all the time. |. You can’t go in unless you were a member.
5. If I were you, I (not wait)______ for him. 2. Providing he studies hard, he would pass the exam.
6. 1 (help)_______them if 1could. But I'm afraid I can't. 3. I'll see you tomorrow if\ have to work late.
7. I wouldn't mind lending you money if you (give)_________ itback to me4. Supposing the third world war were to happen, human civilization will be
soon. destroyed.
8. This soup isn’t very good. It (taste)______ better if it wasn’t so salty. 5. These plants will die unless you did not water them regularly.
9. If we had a chance, we (travel)______ abroad. 6. Traveling by car is convenient provided that you had somewhere to park.
10. If you need help, (ask)______ Mr. Nam. 7. 1was told I won t pass the exam if 1worked harder.
V. Com plete the letter below, using the words provided: 8 In case 1 forget, please will remind me of my promise.
9. Unless I had known he was sick, l should visit him.
190 Hung Vuong
Ward 3. Ben Tre Town. 10. 1don't like fish. I won t eat it if 1was extremely hungry.
December 24", 2005. VIII. Read the reading below carefully, and then complete it with the
Dear Long, ap p ro p riate w ords beginning with the first letters provided:
Last week / 1 / go / excursion / Phung island. I / go / some students / my
class. I / get up / six o’clock / Saturday / meet / other students / school gate/ the
morning / we visit / island. It / very interesting. We / have / lunch / little cafe / 1/ No one has really seen a (1) b______ hole. You cannot sec black holes (2)
drink / lot / orange juice/ the af.emoon / we / sit / sun / an hour / walk / through / b______ they do not give oil'any kind of light. Physicists used math to predict
orchards. 1/ meet / very interesting Frenchman / big moustache. I / not practise (3) t_______ IMuek holes exist.
/ my English / very much / because / he / speak French / all / lime, Astronomers look for signs of black holes. (4) A ____ study powerful
you have / nice weekend? I / miss / lot. rays coming from stars in deep (5) s______ _. The stars seem to be orbiting
black holes. Astronomers think that black holes arc sucking gas (6) f
MAI the stars, and this makes the stars give olTX rays.
Galaxies are enormous groups of (7) s_____. Astronomers think that
VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets: mosi galaxies have huge black holes at their (8) c ______ . The 1Dibble Space
1. Without treatment, she will almost (certain)_______die. Telescope took pictures of a disk of hot gases at the center of our own Milky
Way (9) G_______. Astronomers think this disk is going (10) a______ an
2. We met on a (fly)______ from London to Paris. L*normous black hole right in the center of our galaxy.

128 129

i| B. (reading) 22. B. (sings) 23. C. (loo late) 24. C. (than)
B. (natural resources)
C. was 27. B. from 28. A. assistants 29. B. for 30. A. who

31 . That old house was sold (by them) last year.
ĐÈ 1- KEY 3?. - Although the w eather was bad, we had a wonderful trip.
I. 33 . A new stadium will be built over there (by them).
I.c. stayed 2. D. could 3 D. dare 4. A. husband 5. B. above 34 . If you don’t lake these pills, you won’t be better.
n. 35 . Although she works hard, she can’t support her large family.
6 c. was built 7. A. advised 8 . A.who 9. A. a five-room
10. D. won’t be 11 c. were 12. c. used to go 13. c. not to spend VI.
35.. Hit doesn't rain next weekend, I’ll go to the beach with my friends.
14. D. where 15. D. would be 16. D. did they 17. c. since
37 . |f 1 met an alien from outer space, I would invite him/her/it to my home
18. A. Increased 19. B. have 20. B. saw and talk/ to talk.
III 3g. - Have you ever traveled by air before?
21. B. (was whitewashed) 22. c. (BỎ he) 23. D. (isn’t she) 39. - The students are studying in the hall for their exam now.
24. D. Cm) 25. c. (wouldn’t) 40. - It was such a cold day that we decided not to go out.
26. B. save 27. A. paycheck 28. B. connected 29. c. sta rt 30. A. risky DE 3- KEY
V. I.
31. - It is said that Mr. Huy bought this car last year. I A. information 2. B. through 3. A. teenager 4. D. song 5. C. violent
- Mr. Huy is said to have bought this car last year. II.
32. - She asked me how much I thought it would cost. b D. visited 7. D. went 8 . c. On 9. B. wasn’t it 10. B. so
33. - Mrs. Loan w hose team has lost the game looks very sad. II. C. didn’t you 12. D. were 13. A. will miss, is not 14. A. which
34. - You know the man who sat next to me at Nga’s birthday party last night, 15. C. he was sick 16. A. Although 17. C. lived
don’t vou? 18. C. what my phone num ber was 19 B. will vou 20. A. whether
35. - Minh spent one hour doing his English assignment last night. III.
VI. 21. C. (that) 22. B. (dictionaries) 23. C. (there was)
36. - Because it rained heavily , I was late for school. 24. C. (carefully) 25. B. (turning on)
37. - I used to be made to do the cleaning by my parents. IV.
38. - He said that he was working in a shop and didn’t w orry about it. 26. B. Second 27. A. program s 28. D. computers 29.C. childhood
39. - 1 haven’t spoken to him for six months. 30. A. to think
40. - It is interesting to play football in the rain. V.
31- - You can use this laptop, can’t you?
32. - He wishes he could remember the answers to these questions.
33. - Nhung said she had to go to Da Lat the next/following afternoon.
I . D. completed 2. B. teacher 3. c. mineral 4. A. though 5. D. pull
3‘*- • It takes M inh 2 hours a day to study in a group with his friends.
* It is raining heavily, so they take their umbrellas.
6. A. knew 7. B. was built 8. c. which 9. A. Even though
10. D. However II. D. raising 12. D. would buy 13. A. would
' Bo you mind if I borrow your motorbike? Would you mind if
14. A. have been produced 15. B. since 16. B. have...seen
borrowed your motorbike?
17. c . have to be rebuilt 18. B. doesn’t come 19. A. lived 20. D. doesn’t
' Thanh is always going home late, so his/her parents are very angry.

130 131

38. - It is necessary for students to practice English every day.
39. - Can compost be made from household and garden waste.’ 'l yy. IM P f°r vic,ims 3 2 .1). Medicine 33. A. Volunteers
34 [). cause a lot of damage 35. C. giving
40. - llis 40,h birthday party is going to be held in a luxury restau ran t on M„y ^
DE 4- KEY 36 . Although Mai was tired, she couldn’ t sleep.
l. 37 - The planet which is closest to the earth is Venus.
I . D. w atched 2. C. music 3.1). how 4.1). thank 5. B. return 38 . - A lirc-onginc
has just been sent to the construction site where fire is on.
II . 39. - They asked me if there were any flights from Nlia Trang to 1ICM city.
6 . A.who m arried 7. B. was built 8 . A. gets 9. B. because 40 . - Nam told me not to interrupt her while she was speaking.
10. B. However l l . C . of 12 . 13. C. taking
Of; 6- KEY
14. B. d o n 't we 15. C. terrilicd 16. D. could 17. B. which
18. C. liked 19 C. does 20. C. has worked l.
111. 1 B. put 2. C. think 3. B. clubs 4. A. paper 5. A. flood
21. B. (any/ enough) 22 B. (were) 23. B. (m ountainous)
6 . C. excited 7. B. happily 8 . A.ain 9. C. were
24. B. (looking after) 25. 1). (the following day)
10. A. However II. B. having 12. D. would feel
13. C. three-day trip 14 D. rubber-exporting 15. B. went
26. B. mainly 27. A. warms 28. B. carbon dioxide 29. B. T hus 30. A. which
V. 16, D. used to 17. B. When 18. A. whose 19. C. to stop 20. C. had
31. D. She asked me if 1 knew Una's address. III.
21. C. (going) 22. D. (the next.following year) 23. C. (was lying)
32. B. A new bank is being built in my city.
24. C. (to) 25. C. (were doing)
33. A. I usually went to the cinema on weekends.
34. A. If Huy doesn't take any exercise, he will feel unhealthy.
26. C. young 27. I). started 28. D. called 29. B. popular 30. A. workers
35. B. If they d o n 't protect the environment, their life will be badlv affected.
31. C. lung cancer 32.1). smoking 33. C. early deaths
36. - Unless she works harder, she'll lose her job.
34. B. smoke 35. B. People who live with smokers.
37. - It is the first time we have ever been here. VI.
38. - Have they read this novel?
36. - I haven’t seen Mr. Cao for 13 years.
39. - We had to cancel the barbecue because it was raining hard.
37. - The teacher told Phong not to make so much noise.
40. - Spending the weekend on the beach is very wonderful.
38. - It’s very im portant to keep the environment clean.
DE 5- KEY 39. - Ms. Son suggested I. we (should) turn off the lights before going out.
I. 40. - How about planting some trees in the front yard to get more fresh air?
I. B. tfierce 2. D. wished 3 B. blood 4. A. nation 5. B. fans DE7- KEY
II . I.
6 . A. 1 come from London 7. D. was sitting 8 . D. for
'•A. kids 2. A. measure 3. D. large 4. D. thing 5. A. looked
9. A. H ere you are 10. D. would be l l .C . job 1 2 . A. Will II.
13. C. surprised 14. A. sure 15. B. listening 16. B. visit 6 . B. economic 7. B. isn’t she 8 . B. to visit 9. C. to lock
17. A. how 18. A. was taken ! 9. B. is studying 20. C. valuable 10. D. because of II. B. w hose 12. C. hadn’t gone 13. B. was
HI. 14. A. themselves 15. C. by 16. B. missed 17. B. Although
21. C. (is bleeding) 22. D. (in a minute) 23. D. (isbroken) 18 A. suit 19. D. at 20. C. which
24. B. (likes to drink) 25. C. (how to use) III.
IV. 2' C. (in) 22. B. (going) 23. tV. (rains) 24. A. (which) 25. D. (raising)
26. A. often 27. C. m arried 28. B. brings 29. C. out in 30. D- such
29. C. possible 21 .13. (be) 22. D. (required) 23. B. (to wash)
33. D. sky 24. B (BÔ however) 25. B. (so)
26. A. outside 27. B. looked 28. A. However
- The boy who lived next door to us is very friendly. 29. C. discouraged 30. C. Modern 31. B. systems 32. B. operated
- Mr. Huy asked me what my name was. 33. D. middle 34. C. first 35. B. appear
- It is very necessary to learn English nowadays. V.
- In spite of her broken leg, she managed to get out of the car. 36. B- f»c the children to go to bed
- In spite of the fact that her leg was broken, she managed to get out of the car. 3 7 . A. him one hour to go to work by bicycle
- Unless someone puts the coal in, the fire will go out. 38. C. since it last rained
39 . D. All are correct
40. A. we had invited her to the party
1. A. thank 2. D. clubs 3. C. lived 4. B. leather 5. D. recipe DE 10- k e y
B. had 7. D. at-on 8 . C. don’t you 9. B. quickly I. C. stove 2. B. graphs 3. A. praised 4. A. enough 5. D. bury
10. B. because 11. A. who 12. D. haven’t met 13. A. taking II.
14. C. was built 15. A. if I was good 16. B. lose] 7. C. who 6 . B.
old enough 7. D. because of 8 . B. Neither 9. C. could take
18. A. not to make 19. B. for 20. C. wasn’t it 10. B. trying 11. C. However 12 . C. mother tongue
III. 13. B. more useful than 14. A. less 15. D. being stared
21. B. (having) 22. B. (since) 23. C. (don’t) 24. D. (whose) 25. C. (to get) 16. C. were 17. D. such a 18. B. shall
IV. 19. A. had listened 20. C. What does Mr. Nguyen look like
26. D. An accidental invention HI.
27. B. 1877 21. A. (is) 22. C. (the tallest) 2 3 .1). (don’t) 24.C.(w as) 25. B. (banning)
28. A. A telegraph repeater IV.
29. D. From a combination of telephone & telegraph part 26. A. in 27. C. enjoyable 28. C. terribly 29. B. num ber 30. B. indicate
30. C. He read a children’s rhyme. V.
V. 31.1). he didn’t know why the police wanted him
3 1. D. clean 32. A. live 33. B. lots 34. D. are 35 D. for 32. A. pleasant
33. C. Because he thought he would never find the bicycle.
36. A. I look forward to staying 37. C. what he was doing then 34. B. Five years ago
38. D. 2 hours traveling to 39. B. I do, too 35.13. The policeman told Ted the good news 5 days ago.
40. A. if I borrow your dictionary VI.
DE 9- KEY 36. A. In spite of having taken a taxi
I. 37 D. how old her son was
I. A. chemistry 2. D. opposite 3. C. lunar 4. C. tube 5. A. teenage 38. B. the faster it goes
II. 39. A. Do the students never understand you?
6 . B. happy 7 .1). the poor 8 . B. was sleeping 9. B. going-watch 40 D. Unless the lazy man works harder
10. A. not to go 11. B. have ever 12. D. has had 13. A. came
14. B. will miss
15. B. to work 16. C. which 17. A. to I.
18. C. because of 19. A. being deceived 20. B. to study
1 C.cow 2. D. liked

134 135

uncivilized doctoring
II. p [ |lC life of tribal people in early time was very hard.
3. A. ensure 4. C. specialty I pvcrytliing (hat medicine men did is now known to be dangerous.
III. j 5 A! evil spirits
6.B. (reading) 7 B.(who) 8 . B. (a student)
5. C. (for)
9. C. (the greatest) 10. C. (twenty-minute) VII- I wjsh i had bought some tickets for the concert.
IV. 36. Po you m ind putting the chairs away?
12 C go 13. D. repaired 14. B. to take 37.
11. B. on So far I have w ritten live pages of the letter.
15. A. to do 16’ a ! draw 17. A. make up 18. D. because 38.
| haven’t m ade a decision/ up my mind to continue my study in a foreign
19. B. is decorated 20. C. went off 39.
V. It was foolish of him to say that.
21. (teacher) 22. (traditional) 23. (carefully) 24. (friendliness) 40
25. (distinguishes) BE 13- KEY
26. C. in 27. A. grow 28. A. however 29. A. colors 30. D. much | C. solid 2. B. laughed 3. A. considerate 4. D. helmets 5. A. supposed
3 1. C. Because it happened on Boxing Day. 32. C. Thirty meters II.
6 D. occur 7. A. that 8 . B. disappointed 9. C. receiving
33. B. High water 34. D. people that arc left alive
10. B. has/will buy 11. C. between 12. A. Unless 13. D. on
35. A. Only in Asia the tsunami was called Asian Tsunami.
14. B. Deforestation 15. I). should save 16. C. for
| 7 . D. B&C correct 18. C. However 19. B. are produced
36. Tam is not as tall as Phong.
37. Why don’t we go to Sapa next weekend? 20. A. between
38. Mrs. I,an said she liked that apartment very much. III.
39. It’s very exciting to spend the weekend on the beach. 2 1 . D. (to save) 22. B. (who) 3. D. (homework) 24. B. (next to) 25. D. (with)
40. In few shops here can you find such exquisite hand-made handbags. IV.
26. A. the second Sunday in May 27. B. No, they don’t.
DE 12- KEY 28. C. Yes, it is. 29. D. A&B are correct
I. 30. B. restaurant o r their homes
I. D. good 2. D. forget 3. C. crooked 4. D. receipt 5. C. months V.
II. 31. A. but also 32. D. reduced 33. B. how much
6 . C. mystery 7. B. advice 8 . D. design 9. D. adventure 10. A. laboratory 34. C. com pared 35. C. resources
11. C. that 12. B.should 13. C. otherwise 14. B. to have been built 36. Tel, which occurs in late Jan u ary or early February, is a festival.
15. C. It’s my pleasure 16. A. shall we 17. B. economically 37. Mrs. Xunn, who lives in ilo Chi Minh City, is an engineer.
18. B. turn up 19. A. living 20. C. filled 38. If he has enough money, lie’ll buy a new car.
IV. 39. Although his leg was broken, Mr. Klianh managed to get out of the car.
21. C. (older than) 22. C. (most of which) 40. No longer does my sister w ork in that company.
23. A. (being tired, tiredness) 24. B. (making) (OR: -> My sister no longer works in that company.)
25. A. (the num ber of)
V. BE 14- K EY
26. (ability) 27. (enlarged) 28. (industrious) l,
29. (modernized) 30. (hearty) A. sunbathe 2. B. southern 3 B. pollution 4. C. advertised 5.D. backstage
31. C. witch doctors might have cured some people. 6 B. mausoleum 7. A. intelligent 8 . C. environment


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