Impact of Litter On River and Water Bodies in City Essay

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impact of litter on river and water bodies in city essay

Water is essential for humans and organisms to live “Drinking water, “2008). Water
covers most of the world and makes up more of the world than land. Water comes from
different sources. Water may surround us but there are still shortages. Water allows us to
live but it could be harmful to our bodies when polluted. Humans and natural disasters
can cause damage to the water supply It is important to conserve water whenever
possible (“Drinking Water, “2008). Oceans make up two-thirds of the Earth (“Drinking
Water,”2008). It is made up of saltwater. This water is not useable for humans to drink or
use for food. Even though it is not a water source for organisms or humans to drink, it has
it own importance in the world. It contains organism. Water goes through a cycle called
hydrological. Water comes from the atmosphere to the Earth and continues to repeat the
process. It uses energy from the sun and gravity to make the process happen. The sun
creates atmospheric vapor to the atmosphere and returns it to the Earth through snow,
ice and rain. Water is in form of atmospheric vapor for about 0.0001%. The Worlds water
is in from of vapor at some point. Most of the evaporation happens from the ocean. This
creates a cooling effect for the Earth’s climate. It recycles many times during the year
(“Drinking Water, “2008). “There is no shortage of water on Earth,” (“Drinking
Water,”1998). As mention before, only 3% is drinkable which causes water shortages in
many countries. Every human body needs around 20 to 50 liters of water each day for
drinking, cooking and to bathe. There is over billions and billions of people in the world.
The world growing rate is increasing everyday, which means centuries from now there
probably be four to five billion more humans that need water. Overgrowth and over
population causes a red flag for water shortages. Water resources are scarce and

Despite environmental regulationsthat protect the quality of streams, lakes, and

wetlands, solid waste in the form of trash, litter, and garbage often ends up in
these surface waters. Because surface waters collect in low-lying areas, anything
that is dropped or blown into awatershedcan eventually reach a drainageway. In
urban areas, trash and litter (general terms for dry solid waste) often are
transported by stormwaterrunoff. In both urban and rural areas, these items
sometimes are illegally dumped directly into a waterbody or wetland, or
deposited along riverbanks or lakeshores. Trash also comes from people who
fish or participate in other forms of water-related recreation. Regardless of source
or type, trash is a form of waterpollution.
impact of litter on river and water bodies in city essay

Today, we have to face several types of pollution – air pollution, water pollution,
soil pollution, noise pollution, etc. But the pollution that affects the largest number
of people is water pollution. Scientific and technological progress of the past two
hundred years has made the life of the man very comfortable. The scientific
revolution has generated massive employment and made millions of people
happy. Due to extensive research and manufacturing of new drugs, people are
enjoying a longer lifespan. Death rate has gone down significantly. Thus we find
that the machine age has given us enough. But if we look around the
environment, we know that this progress has also injected poison in our life. One
such form of poison is the water pollution spread all around us today.

Water pollution is one of the greatest crises facing the country. The largest
source of it is the sewage water without treatment, as also water coming from
pesticides-ridden fields, and chemical waste producing small and big industries.
Things are so serious that there is no water resources in India, which is not
contaminated at all. In fact, over 80 percent of the country’s water resources
have been polluted up to a large extent. There are polluted water bodies around
which population lives in large numbers. Ganga and Yamuna are among India’s
most polluted rivers. In fact, a major chunk of the country’s waste water is
produced in cities and towns nestled on the banks of rivers.
Water pollution refers to the blend of such substances in river, lakes, ponds,
underground and sea water that invalidates water for the use by humans, flora
and fauna. It affects the whole of the world, as water is the basis of life.
In India, the biggest cause of water pollution is urbanization taking place at a fast
and unbridled pace. In the past decade, the rate of urbanization has grown so
intensely that it has left an indelible impression on water resources of the
country. As a result, it has given rise to environmental issues on a long-term
basis. These include the lack of water supply, water pollution and problems with
regard to its storage.
In fact, the disposal and treatment of polluted water is a huge issue today. There
are many cities and towns near the rivers, which are facing these issues. In these
areas, disposal of sewage water is a big problem. The water of rivers, ponds,
canals, wells and lakes is used for domestic as well as industrial purpose. In
most cases there is very little treatment of water and this way it contaminates 80
My Home And Litter How Will I Bring Change Essay

Cleanliness is a necessity of life.It is not only our duty to keep the surroundings
clean but our responsibility to even teach the importance of a clean atmosphere
to our children.We all must make sure to develop a habit of doing light dusting in
the house after waking up.We must daily fold the blankets and bedsheets after
waking up.We must also try to keep the surroundings clean.We should never
throw the litter or wrapers of chips on road.When we all will make our city
clean,ultimately we will make India clean and dustfree.
Litter is a
never-ending challenge. It can only be tackled by proactive attitude. Litter
doesn’t happen on its own; we the human beings are solely responsible for
creating it. At home we are so careless with maintaining cleanliness. We hardly
bother to clean our own room. We don’t tidy our own bed; we don’t arrange our
own cupboard; we don’t wash our own clothes; we don’t dust the rooms; we don’t
do the dishes. The entire burden of cleaning the litter is on our mother. Though
she is always busy tidying up the home, but still everyday litter like Medusa
is always standing in front of her formidably.

We can bring
about a change in keeping our home spic and span all the time. To bring about
this change, we will have to bring about a change in our attitude. We must
start the cleanliness from our own cupboard, room, and washroom. Our zeal
and enthusiasm for the cleanliness is useless, if our own home and surroundings
are unclean.

The best way

to begin this cleanliness is your own room, your own cupboard, your own toilet,
your own kitchen, your own garbage. Do you keep your own room and
clean? Are you able to maintain the cleanliness around you? If you really do,
you feel the satisfaction and contentment of being clean! Now you can lend a
helping hand and your expertise in keeping the neighborhood clean! This is how
we must go about this cleanliness drive. Remember, only a lit candle can light
other unlit candles. Similarly, people who keep themselves clean and their
surroundings clean, can help other people to achieve cleanliness.

Once each one of us becomes dedicated to maintaining our personal

cleanliness, the entire home will always look clean. The problem of litter will be
solved forever.
my home and litter how will i bring change essay

Cleanliness has much importance in everyone’s life. It is vital for a healthy body,
mind and spirit. Every individual is taught the importance of cleanliness right from
their childhood, especially at school. Teachers adopt various methods to teach
students this important lesson by asking them to write speech on importance of
cleanliness. We have presented below some samples that would help you to
write importance of cleanliness speech. It includes samples of short and long
speech on importance of cleanliness. The language of the speech is very simple
yet impactful; mainly focusing on the essence of speech on importance of
cleanliness. Students belonging to any standard, including school and college,
can take ideas from the following speeches on importance of cleanliness and
prepare your speech.

As we know that Mr. Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of our country, has kick
started the campaign called Swachh Bharat Abhiyan or ‘Clean India’ campaign
with great gusto all across India to encourage people maintain high standard of
cleanliness and hygiene at all places, be it our homes, workplaces, public places,
streets/roads, etc so it becomes our responsibility too to inculcate the same spirit
in our students.

Just like food, water, oxygen and other things are important for our existence,
similarly cleanliness is also crucial for our healthy physical and mental makeup.
Do we not keep hearing such news about people dying of diseases, such as
Malaria, Jaundice, etc. that are borne out of filthy surroundings? Therefore, in
order to prevent such cases the people of India should focus on maintaining
cleanliness, which will help our country earn a respectable place in the eyes,
souls, hearts and minds of the foreigners paying a visit to our country.

And, if every Indian citizen contributes to even some extent towards this Swachh
Bharat Abhiyan then we cannot imagine how effective it will prove to be towards
fulfilling the aim of this campaign. In fact, you can also teach people living in your
vicinity or whom you know about the importance of cleanliness in their day-to-day

However, dear students please also understand that you cannot force this on
anyone. Cleanliness is a good habit and not everyone is born with it, so those
who don’t practice cleanliness try and make them understand the benefits that
cleanliness entails rather than forcing your viewpoint on others. Cleanliness can
be of varied types, such as personal cleanliness, environment cleanliness,
workplace cleanliness (such as our office, school, college, etc.). It doesn’t take
much to maintain cleanliness in our day-to-day lives – just like we cook, eat,
bathe, etc on a regular basis similarly maintaining cleanliness should also be

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