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Smart Factory - A Step towards the Next Generation of Manufacturing

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Dominik Lucke , Carmen Constantinescu , Engelbert Westkämper
Institut für Industrielle Fertigung und Fabrikbetrieb, IFF - Universität Stuttgart, Germany
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Automatisierung, IPA - Stuttgart, Germany

The Stuttgart Model of adaptive, transformable and virtual factories, already implemented in German basic
research performed at the Universität Stuttgart has been extended with a new perspective, the so-called
“Smart Factory”. The Smart Factory approach is a new dimension of multi-scale manufacturing by using the
state-of-the-art ubiquitous/pervasive computing technologies and tools. The Smart Factory represents a
context-sensitive manufacturing environment that can handle turbulences in real-time production using
decentralized information and communication structures for an optimum management of production
processes. This paper presents our research steps and future work in giving reality to the envisioned Smart
Factory at the Universität Stuttgart.

Smart Factory; Real-time Factory; Ubiquitous computing

1 PROBLEM STATEMENT heterogeneous subsystems providing all required resources,

In recent years manufacturing engineering experienced a materials and information at the work place is necessary to
dramatic change through different parallel running ensure a constant resource load. To achieve this
developments. The globalisation and the wish to produce synchronization, many different specialized software systems
highly customized products lead to a higher proliferation of and applications are used, like resource management
variants, shorter product life cycles and closer enterprise systems, MES or ERP systems. Any failure in a subsystem
networks. The short planning horizons and product life cycles would result in a significant reduction of the productivity of the
induce the decrease of batch sizes and do therefore require a whole system. While a MES plans and controls the
high dimension of manufacturing flexibility. In order to make manufacturing level, the ERP level plans and controls the
the right management decisions, real-time information and synchronization of the subsidiary planning entities. Even the
the direct realisation of the decisions are indispensable. smallest difference between the real and digital saved data,
e.g. initiated by a malfunction, leads to planning
Dynamical changes in the factory, caused through internal or discrepancies and a miscalculation of the optimal working
external turbulences like a machine breakdown or an order point.
fluctuation in the market, can often not be taken into account
A parallel development was enabled by the integration of
and therefore lead to false decisions on different planning
electronic components like microchips or sensors into objects
levels. Due to complex interactions of the different functions
due to their decline of price. This development enables a
and departments of the factory and their task-oriented specific
decentralized control in a more economical way.
data formats, the causes of the dynamic changes
exponentiate themselves and their consequences for the 2 SMART FACTORY: DEFINITION, CHALLENGES AND
factory as well. Thus, high flexibility demands are posed to ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES
the manufacturing resources, their planning and control [1]. The design and development of the Smart Factory require as
The management control of the complex processes inside a first step the definition of the concept. Mark Weiser’s vision
and outside of the factory is even today performed through of the smart environment describes a physical world, which is
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Manufacturing closely and invisibly interwoven with sensors, actuators,
Execution Systems (MES) and applications. The increased displays and computer elements, which are seamlessly
market turbulences and therefore increased flexibility of embedded into daily life objects. They are connected with
manufacturing require complex manufacturing sequences, each other by a network [2]. The Mark Weiser’s approach of
which are difficult to realise with the today’s solutions. smart environments is transferred to manufacturing issues.
Outdated information in the different information systems are After the development of digital and virtual factories next step
leading directly to problems in planning and production. in evolution of factories is the fusion of physical and virtual
world [3] under a so-called Smart Factory.
The information management is responsible for the allocation
of the job and process specific information like NC programs 2.1 Definition
or machine properties, however the material management is The basic research in the field of Smart Factory at Institute of
responsible for the supply of components. Tool and device Industrial Manufacturing and Management (IFF) is performed
systems are additional mobile manufacturing resources to within the Center of Excellence Nexus (SFB 627) [4]. This
conduct a manufacturing process. The coordination of many interdisciplinary research is funded by the German Research

The 41st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2008

D. Lucke, C. Constantinescu and E. Westkämper

Foundation (DFG). The so-called Smart Factory is defined as Status knowledge:

a Factory that context-aware assists people and machines in
execution of their tasks. This is achieved by systems working The assistance systems in a Smart Factory have to know the
in background, so-called Calm-systems and context-aware status or situation of the objects in order to provide users the
applications. In our case, context-aware means that the context-aware information.
systems can take into consideration context information like Update of smart management systems:
the position and status of an object. These systems
Current object information like the status or location has to be
accomplish their tasks based on information coming from
communicated to the systems of the Smart Factory. As an
physical and virtual world. Information of the physical world is
example the highly dynamical data like the position of an
e.g. position or condition of a tool, in contrast to information of
object should be updated every 10 to 30 seconds [3].
the virtual world like electronic documents, drawings and
simulation models. These systems are working on different Support for different queries:
levels of the factory, like context-aware information systems
Assistance systems in the Smart Factory have to support
in the shop floor (workers cockpit) or advanced manufacturing
different kinds of queries [3]. We can differentiate into object-
execution systems that can act context-aware for the shop
based, location-based/spatial, temporal and combinations of
floor manager. Calm systems are referring in this context the
the previous types of queries.
hardware of a Smart Factory. The main difference between
calm and other types of systems is the ability to communicate Integration of heterogeneous information:
and interact with its environment. The integration challenge of different systems in an enterprise
is caused by different information models, interfaces and data
2.2 Challenges formats. In order to provide other systems easy accessible
The Smart Factory concept enables the real-time collection, information, different systems have to be integrated into a
distribution and access of manufacturing relevant information common synchronizing platform.
anytime and anywhere. The Smart Factory represents a real-
Real-time characterized reaction:
time, context-sensitive manufacturing environment that can
handle turbulences in production using decentralized For supporting people and machines information has to be
information and communication structures for an optimum provided within seconds. This challenge addresses mainly
management of production processes. Premises for further communications technologies and database management.
assistance than today are the horizontal and vertical
2.3 Enabling Technologies
integration of information systems, the assignment of material
and flow of information within an enterprise. For acting The implementation of the Smart Factory is enabled by
context-aware, the applications in the Smart factory have to several technologies, in the following shortly presented
answer the following three questions, from those deriving (Figure 1). An application of the Smart Factory consists of a
more challenges: Calm-system (referring more to hardware components) and a
context-aware application (referring more to software
1. How is an object identified? ÎIdentification phase components).

2. Where is an object located into the factory? ÎPositioning


3. What is the situation or status of an object? ÎStatus

These and further challenges are shortly presented:

The Identification of objects, as one of the basic challenges in
a factory, assigns information of the virtual world like process
steps to real world objects. Therefore suitable identification
methods, tags, sensors, sensor readers and communication
facilities have to be found and chosen, specific to their task in
a rough industrial environment.

Localization: Figure 1: Smart Factory.

For improving the processes and reducing idle times within
the Smart Factory the localization is required to have an Embedded Systems:
actual knowledge about the position of the objects like tools To provide small computing power for decentralized
or materials. Depending on the purpose, the accuracy of a intelligent functions, microcontrollers have been developed in
positioning system has to be a range within 0,15m - 1m. the last few years. They are optimized to low energy
Furthermore a positioning system used in a manufacturing consumption for working in mobile devices. Today a wide
environment has to work on a large scale and has to be range of “easy-to-use” microcontrollers are on the market with
robust against environmental influences, electromagnetic different computing power ranges, like the AVR or Pic
fields, noise of dust, etc. [3]. microcontroller or the Xscale processors families.


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