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Experiment 5

Objective: Performance analysis of RL high pass filter.

Like an RC-element, an RL-element also acts as a frequency-dependent voltage divider. In this case,
however, the inductive reactance XL, increases with the frequency f. Therefore, the element's output voltage
(UL) increases with the frequency. An RL-element allows a passage of high frequencies, while increasingly
blocking low frequencies. In this form, the RL element is therefore also called a high-pass filter. The high-
pass filter passes higher frequencies and stops lower frequencies. The following diagram elucidates the
relationships between the various voltages.

As in the case of purely ohmic voltage dividers in the area of DC technology, the output voltage UL can
be calculated as follows:

Z is the element's total resistance (impedance). Plotting this relationship for fixed values of R and L as
a function of the frequency yields, similarly to the RC-element, the RL-element's amplitude response as
shown in the example below. As can be seen, the voltage drop across the coil at very low frequencies is
practically zero, due to the small inductive reactance; at very high frequencies, the coil has a very high
resistance so that an increasingly large portion of the supply voltage drops across the coil. The amplitude
response is exactly the inverse of that of the RC-element which acts as a low-pass filter.

The RL high-pass filter, too, has a cut-off frequency governed by the following equation:
Experiment 5

The phase displacement j between an RL-element's input and output voltages is as follows:

The next graph shows the corresponding phase response. At high frequencies, both voltages are nearly
in phase, whereas at very low frequencies, the RL-element's phase shift is +90°. At the cut-off frequency,
the phase shift is exactly 45°

 Make a circuit diagram as shown below.

 Switch on sinusoidal supply from function generator of 5V root mean square value at frequency
 Start increasing frequency from 1kHz to 15kHz with step of 1kHz.
 At every frequency value, measure voltage across inductor and resistor.
 Plot a graph between frequency and voltage across inductor.
 Measure cut-off frequency of the high pass filter from the graph.
 Calculate cut-off frequency of the high pass filter using formulas.
 Comment on difference between Measured and calculated cut-off frequency.
 Write a detailed laboratory report for the experiment which includes objective, theoretical
background, procedure, results and discussion and detailed conclusion. Please do not use
theatrical background given in this report for your written laboratory-report.

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