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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan

Stephanie Winslow

Big Idea: Part of a Whole

In order to create more engaging and expressive writing, students will emphasize their
descriptive word choice. Utilizing strong word choice will be beneficial to students’ future
writing as well as their ability to immerse themselves more deeply in reading.

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)—Unit (broad terms)
a. Students will utilize strong word choice to enhance their writing.
B. Objective(s)—(specific terms); Provide: 1.) conditions; 2.) desired learning; 3.)
observable behavior; and 4.) accuracy (as necessary)
a. Students will begin the prewriting phase of the assignment, utilizing descriptive
word choice to lead to the creation of a written narrative.
C. Standard(s):
a. 4.W.3.3: write narrative compositions in a variety of forms that –
i. establish an introduction, with a context to allow the reader to imagine
the world of the event or experience
ii. organize events that unfold naturally, using meaningful paragraphing
and transitional words and phrases
iii. use dialogue and descriptive details to develop events and reveal
characters’ personalities, feelings, and responses to situations
iv. employ vocabulary with sufficient sensory (sight, sound, smell, touch,
taste) details to give clear pictures of ideas and events
v. provide an ending that follows the narrated experiences or events
II. Management Plan- Time per lesson element, use of space, list of materials. Describe
expectations and procedures.
 Time:
o Minilesson – 5-7 minutes
o Conferences – 25 minutes
o Sharing – 5-7 minutes
 Materials:
o The book, Auggie & Me by R.J. Palacio (The Julian Chapter: Ordinary & First
o Student writing journals
o Student iPads for those who work ahead
o My computer
 Space:
o Minilesson – back of the room on the carpet
o Conferences – kidney table
o Sharing – students at their desks

1 Revision Date: October 31, 2018

 Student Management:
o Students will be reminded of dojo points which can be either given, or taken away
during station times. In addition, I will have giant tickets to pass out to students
who are continuously working well with their peers, and on activities. I will
explain to students what behavior I am looking for (diligence, limited talking/on
task questions to peers, etc.). I will walk around to see how groups are going
while my students at the guided reading group are completing their independent


III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners—
 I am conferencing with my students who often struggle with writing. Since all
students will be in the same step of the writing process (pre-writing), conferencing
with these students first at the beginning of their work will help to build a positive
foundation as they begin working more on their own, and create ideas for their
IV. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
 Include a variety of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students’ development
of critical thinking and problem solving.
 Differentiate instruction according to learner readiness, strengths, weaknesses, interests,
and motivators of individual students. Include differentiated content, processes, and
products. (CAEP K-6 3.d)
 Include a variety of practices that support motivation and engagement in learning for all
learners. (CAEP K-6 3.f)

o Minilesson (Whole Group)

 Read Auggie & Me. Ask students what they thought, the grand
conversation. What stood out to them from the text?
 We’re going to talk about word choice today. Not only is it important for
the words we say to others to be positive ones, and realizing how what we
say impacts others, but also realizing the the words we choose to write
have an impact in our writing.
 Word choice in our writing can create a more visual experience for
whoever reads it. When I can picture what it written because of all the
details, I often enjoy it more and feel more connected to the story! What
were some words in Auggie & Me that impacted the way I read the story?
 We will brainstorm a list of some ideas… I will go back and read
specific pages which demonstrate strong word choice.
 How did these words make you feel when you heard them? Did anyone
have strong emotions when you heard how people were talking about
 Allow students share
 Hearing how the other students were talking about Auggie made me feel
frustrated! The descriptive words made me clearly understand what the
characters thought of him. This also made me hope that I would have been
someone to stick up for Auggie.

2 Revision Date: October 31, 2018

 Word choices are part of the whole story, and
 Share Examples (Short Text/Read Aloud) (going back to strong word
choice in paragraphs from Auggie and Me
 Provide Information (Model) reiterating strong words within the paragraph
 Supervise Practice (Shared Writing) asking students for other words which
stood out to them, and creating a list of the words on the board through air
playing my computer
 Check for Understanding
 Observing what words students have chosen as powerful word
o Writing
 We are going to start a new writing today! I want you to begin with
brainstorming about a time that you have felt left out, and someone began
to include you. Or, you can do the opposite, writing about a time you
reached out to help someone who you thought was left out. I want you to
be expressive! Use your words so that you can describe the situation, and
how the person felt in the moment.
 I will provide a visual reminder which will be projected on the board as to
what the students are responsible for today. If they complete the
prewriting phase, they will continue to drafting.
 I will spend at least five minutes in each workshop conference, walking
around between each to note student progress and answer questions
students may have.
 I will meet with Jayden first. We will begin to brainstorm ideas. Has he
ever felt left out? Has he ever helped anyone else who felt left out?
 What kind of emotions came from that? Sad? (what more
descriptive words could we use) Angry? (what more descriptive
words could we use) Scared? (what more descriptive words could
we use) Nervous? (what more descriptive words could we use)
 I will meet with Naliyah and Walter second. We will begin to brainstorm
ideas. Have they ever felt left out? Have they ever helped anyone else who
felt left out?
 What kind of emotions came from that? Sad? (what more
descriptive words could we use) Angry? (what more descriptive
words could we use) Scared? (what more descriptive words could
we use) Nervous? (what more descriptive words could we use)
 I will meet with Jamey last. We will begin to brainstorm ideas. Has he
ever felt left out? Has he ever helped anyone else who felt left out?
 What kind of emotions came from that? Sad? (what more
descriptive words could we use) Angry? (what more descriptive
words could we use) Scared? (what more descriptive words could
we use) Nervous? (what more descriptive words could we use)
 I will make note of strong word choice students chose for their writing, as
well as their ability to begin the prewriting phase for this assignment.
o Sharing (Whole Group)

3 Revision Date: October 31, 2018

 I will ask some students to begin sharing strong words they’ve chosen…
what their stories mean to them, and if anyone wants to share their next

V. Check for understanding. How do you know students have learned? What strategies will
you implement if all students have not met lesson outcomes? Employ one or more
strategies to determine student learning.
 I will be able check for understanding through the questions (under plan for assessment)
that I ask through the lesson, the closure (below) when students begin to share why word
choice is important, and through my conferences with students.
VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure
 Why is word choice important? Allow students to respond and share their ideas on the
importance of word choice


 My main source of assessing my students will come in when I am conferencing with
them. Noting where they are with progress in their writing, where they are thriving,
and where they are struggling
 Questions posed during the lesson:
o Having students point out strong word choice from Auggie & Me
o Asking how strong word choice impacted students’ emotions


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. Were all my students actively participating? If not, why not?
4. How should I alter this lesson?
5. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
6. How could I strengthen my anticipatory set?
7. How did I adapt to students who were struggling during the lesson?

4 Revision Date: October 31, 2018

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