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CONTENTS Nets the an th 17 etion Pa Spe cert nd nde pies Chaser? Object and oot Ss Fuca pres Pat ‘Rasesament of general harstrece Grouse Genuaton of nln Cresta Sey eres Putt Proeton tr aety Crete Provo pin re sock Ghesters2 Frown epaietnemetefots rete Proton paint vere Chenteret Proecon aie volagedunences ond dectomagrte tubances Pars —Setcton an ercton of equnent Enotes) omnon es haters? Soncon and wet of ng tna aoter83_ Prato, saan, ating, cnt ang manag a0 ‘haserS4 Eangorangerons ag protcive conducors 5 ChasierS8 Othe easorent 6 ChaserS8 Sey secs 1 Pane inspection and esting 155 CChoter62.Penodemepecton andtesing wee Caoter83 Coren ana pong 88 Secion700 oneal te Seclon20% Lacaons cotaning a batho some ¥s Sesion700_ Rooms and care conning sina hess 8 Seclon704Conarucion and erpston si aioe a Sen"as fplsus andra pesos 133 Sesion708 Elsie ntaaon ncaa ping parks and snfar atone 30 Secion709 Moreas ar amiriectons 1s Secion?12_Saatahlovtae (V7) paws sup sym 20 Secion717 Mobile tangpeae on mu Secon/21 Ehcelesnstatalonsincarovans ard mete crear Ey ‘ou fangrounds amuse pai adcoutes 219 secon ror entra rsing me B 1 lan Stands o wen eferen i made in tbe Regultons 6 2. Salo epltore an sselaod ranerards 2 4 Garentearying capt and votape do or cbles tn enti cor ae 5 Gareteaion of stems! fuoreas He Move! orsoneaton an eporng 3 8 Caren-earyingcapesty an votape dtp for busbar runking ord powerack ystems 345 8. Detnone mui souce, se and her same ue 11 Efecto arrane caer on salad se hare natn 358 12 Votage opin conaners Heaton 388 "4 against tert sos inpedane: Craters ofthe nereate ofthe rentance ‘eondicos wah nese eopeeine ot 15 Reng anil tet arangements Reguston 453.1 ae Index ee Foreword ‘This ish tps pubis under the etn of he Beth Elerotchnical Comite (BEC) and ‘The fsa of Enncering nd Techalony Following a ‘leven is Star replaced he 1th Eon ofthe IEE Wiig Regulations BS 7671200 a need Ceprih el joy by The ET and BSL ‘Tec! auboey thls Suna is vese a the Jia IETS Teel Commie ELISA, Ti Join ‘Techical Cenmie, shih responsi fr the work previously undraken bythe IEE Wiig Repltion Commie nd the BSI Tec Commitee PELG, ret the consiatinal end oentional reurren o All efeens in hs tex 1 th Wiring Regulations or the Regulations. whece ot eters specials iets, sal taken refer to BS 767200 Requires fr Eesti Installs, Introduction to BS 7671:2008 Bs 7671200 Reguiement for leer stallions 9st on 1 aay 208 and sinew come into ett oe 1 aly 200, Intalio evened ae 30" Jan 2018 art comply with BS 76712018, “The Regul apply othe desig, ronan verition of lei inulin, ao ations nd koraons oenising isan. Existing iastalaton at have bee salle in acorn Wi eae ‘itn fh Regions ayn cmp with thin in every rset This does ot css ‘Ba thy arama or comin ase ore ering BS 7671.20 inclaes changes necesry 10 masini ligament with CENELEC hanonizaioe Socunens, summary ofthe tin change sven ee NOTE 2 Prin ani dr Sate TE. Ti sen owls hon (dr SELY her Sinhions sv 2Sjete malt nano cng baer toe ty Regulation 131.6 aids reauemenss to pote again volage disturbances and implement measure ‘ais cleeromretcinfuenees. In doing so te design shall uke Imo consideration the aise tlesronagnaicenisirs, zene bythe nsaliaion or he nail equipment. hich sabe sabe fn Ihe camestsing equipment usd wih or conse, the tala, Regulation 132.13 requires hat docmenaton for theses instalation, inching tt wud by (Chapter 1, Pat are Pa 7, erie forever eke lian, Chapter 35 Safety sevice, recognises the need for say servic at they are frequently reputed by story aubories whose reqremcns ave to be observed, eg etegency escape lighting. fe alan ‘sem intlaon for reps, e ese evi it, sme nd et extaton ume [Chapter 36 Contin of service, requires tat an atetment be nde foreach ct of ay need for entity sence considered reese} ding te nened ie of he lition (Chapter 41. Protecton agsnet lest shck, ow reso se poeto, which is protstin under ors ention(revouly refered a» protection sui est cone), a fk ptt, which protector ‘der fin codes (revo eared 10 a pectin again! inde conac) Chapa 4 noe cs ‘Hose requrnens pies giean Seton 471 of BS 76:20 ‘Chaptr 4 now egies tht forthe prtcve mesure of trae connection of soppy fran a6 Src loml pac by eat fan RCD witha rated reid operating cure (I oe xcesing 50m ond an operating tine no exceeding #0 ms esi eurent of ly be provide frock wit rate cuent necxeeing 20 tht we ose Wy eiay pesos and ae ited or erase Zed for noble sgupment witha cient rating nt exceting 3A fore oadoor Tht aitiong| FPoecon 6 aow fo be vided i he evento re of the provision or bane potcton ade the Poison fo fa proteton or cacesoess by wes a he asain Note tht certain exces ar Petite retro Regltion 411.33, ‘Chaptr ica Tables $12,413 and 4 for ca el oo impedances (placing Tables 41 18 and AID) These pew wbles a sed on 8 nomial vty of 250 V (ot 24D VY), Hence he vas ae slighlyelucd. hasbeen claro tht where an RHO is tefl in thse Tables, the overcuren ‘shat of i dec ein consider. ‘Chapt 4 pclae new Table 418 giving maxinum vals of eath Salt lop impeance for RCDs 19 BBSEN 61081 and BS EN 610081 FELY isreopnbed os prove measur an the new requirments ae dtd in Regultio 411.7. ‘Capt 4 pcos he UK rluced low voage stem. Requirements ar ven a Regulation 4118 {Chapter 42 Proton agit tema cs incl ripen ia Section 422 Pecos whe clr Fisk of re exist (These equerent wre psi sted in Seton 42 of BS 7671200), {Chapter 42 rocton against ovecuent ines tose egies reviualy sven in Sacton 473 of BS 7612001 femation onthe overcert roteton of condor in pal sgn Append Chapter 44 Protccion aginst volagediturtaaces icles » new Sarton 442, Protest of low vase instars pis temporary oxrelas de eh fs inthe ih vaiage sem nd co fl in the lew soiag stem, This ne setion provides fr te sf ofthe low volge stm unde Fal contions inclaing fats othe igh setge syste, los of spp cual inthe hw voltage ssa ad shove ‘exec lin conductor alae nie fw volage alain. ‘Section 449 Proton asin ovrolges of amospher origin ce do sitching eins he existing ext fom BS 7671 and ads reasons enabling designers To wea Yk assent apc when designing itor hich may hemp sn overages of athospheoi [Chapter 82. Seton an eon of wis sysems, now indes sh king yes eb power us sow ered to protect abe ceaceaed in + wal or pation (at pth fee han SO by 2.39 mA RCD wht insalitio snot intended wo be under te supeision ofa sled o sted person, he reemal meted f proton inuding we of cables wih an earthed meta covering, mshi rts (elaing we of ables with an cared metal covering or mest rteson) enna be erplaye. Tht ‘Spl to able in parton where the sonstton lus talc prs thr an ings nese edephoftecsse. “Thble $2.2 ible surounde by thr slain, ges ih reduced dering fst take aso of he labile! with proved thermal isin. CChaptor 53. Prost, slain, sichng cota nd monitoring. Sinplifstion means thi surements evil inChape 6 Sexion 46 al $57 of BS 76712001 are now in hissing hp Chapa 3 soo Incnds 2 nev Secon 582 Devs for protein aguas the rk of fi and 2 ne Sacton 538 Montoring CChaptor 54. Eanhing arangemeat and pretve conductor. The een tht mts ppe of wate iy sap sal ot bused as an car elerode i votained in Relat $2.24 which lo tates tht tht Italie wate spy pipework stall ot be wed a an et elasode une prcation re taken agai te ‘amo adihatben oir For such awe An exanpl fhe mete water sup pipewn cad Be "privy nod water apply newer ‘Nott Replton $43.41 sts thin Great Bisa, regulon) ofthe erty Safety, Quality and ‘CeusutyReguatons 2002 probs the use of PEN conducts in coarctation. Replon ‘457 hascartingrqsiemens fr the itlson Of eles having high tetne sorcr cue, revisit Seco 607 of BS 767200. Chapter $5. Oter equipment insides new aions regienent in Regusin S57 o ensue the safe ‘uation alow volge senersing snag sall-cal embed pert (SSE), ‘Section 859 Lumimaies nd ling insalations, fs new series of Reulons giving elements fr Hed lghing stations, utoor ising isla exo voltae iting nealing fo display stand and by peer sper ans aia (presoul it Saton 611 of BS 7671200) {Chapter 56. safety sevice has bee expand in ine with IEC nization, Part6 —tnsocton and tesing, was Pt 7 of BS 767.201, Changs ve bee made ote riers formu estance when testing SELV an PELV seu 280 the min min eae sed 0 MD fr sysems up tsa eluding SO V, inling FELY, the minim inet este

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