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Chapter 3

Cooling and Heating Load Calculations

Prof. Mousa Mohamed

Cooling and Heating Load Calculations
Total Load

External Loads Internal Loads

Qcond, Qsolar, Qleakage (Inf.+Ven.) QEqup, QHum, Qlight
Total Building Thermal Load Consists of
1. External loads
The heat transfer through walls,
roof, floor, windows, doors, infiltration, etc.
2. Internal loads
The heat generated by occupants,
equipment, lights etc.
Total load consists of both
Sensible and latent load components.
1. The sensible load affects dry bulb
2. The latent load affects the moisture
content of the conditioned space.
External Loads
Heat Transmission Through Surfaces

QTrans  UAT

1 1 x1 x2 x3 1

    
U hi k1 k2 k3 ho

T  (CLTD  LM ).K  (25.5  TR )  (To  29.4)

A : wall surface area.
U : overall heat transfer coefficient.
CLTD : cooling load temperature difference for wall.
LM : correction factor due to Latitude and Longitude.
K : correction factor due to wall color, =1 dark color, =0.85 for
medium color, = 0.65 for light color.
TR: conditioned room temperature.
To: outside temperature.
To  Tm  Tm  Pc
Tm: maximum temperature
Pc: daily range, 11 ~ 14 = . PC  To,max  To,min
Tm: percentage change of temperature during 24 hr, day time
For ceiling,
T  (CLTD  LM ).K  (25.5  TR )  (To  29.4) F
CLTD: cooling load temperature difference for ceiling
F: correction factor, = 1 for normal ceiling, = 0.75 for Suspended ceiling
= 0.5 for light color.
Transmission through glass Windows
Heat transfer through fenestration
1 1 x 1
  
U ho k hi
QW  A  (U  T  SC  SHGFmax  CLF )

T  CLTD  (25.5  TR )  (To  29.4)

Infiltration Rate
N A  a  b  Va  c  (To  TR )
 inf  N A  V  
Ventilation Rate
m ven  N P  V  
Heat transfer due Leakage
QS , Leak  (m
 inf m
 ven )  C Pa (To  TR )
QL, Leak  (m  ven )  (o   R )  h fg
 inf m
QLeak  QS , Leak  QL, Leak
Internal Heat Loads
Lighting Load
QLight  Fu  Fb  LR  CLF
Fu : Utilization factor = No of lamps used/total lamps.
Fb : ballast factor, = 1 for incandescent lamps, = 1.2 for fluorescent
lamps, and = 1.37 for sodium lamps.
LR : =10 ~ 20 W/m2
CLF : cooling load factor for time used light, .

CLF  0.8 ~ 0.98 5 ~ 16 hr

Appliances Load and Equipment
For electric motors
QApp   Power  (1   )

For electric equipmnts

Occupancy Load
QS , Per  N P  H S  CLF
QL, Per  N P  H L
System Load
Safety factor SF  5 ~ 20 % Of total load, SF = 1.05 to 1.2
Total Heat Load
i i
QS   QS ,i and, QL  Q L ,i
1 1

QTotal  SF  (QS  QL )

RSHF  
QTotal QS  QL
Room Sensible Heat Factor in Summer
QTotal  QInternal  QExternal
Winter Air Conditioning Load
QTotal  QInternal  QExternal
QL (-) : It means the latent load in the room less than
the latent load in leakage.
QL generated in the room  QL in the leakage
QL (-) : the supply air must be higher of humidity ratio than
the room S  R
QL (+) : It means the latent load in the room larger than
the latent load in leakage.
QL generated in the room  QL in the leakage
QL (+) : the supply air must be lower of humidity ratio than
the room S  R

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