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Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11

DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-1971-9


Taxonomy of cyanobacteria: a contribution to consensus

Katarzyna A. Palinska • Waldemar Surosz

Received: 4 April 2014 / Revised: 7 July 2014 / Accepted: 7 July 2014 / Published online: 24 July 2014
 The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at

Abstract Diversity of Cyanophyceae/cyanobacteria contribute to discussions on the traditional and newly

is expressed by their morphological, biochemical and emerging concepts of species and speciation in
physiological properties, which enable them to settle prokaryotes. This article reviews the present status
and persist in a wide range of habitats. Their diverse of the taxonomy of cyanobacteria, describes earlier,
morphology determined their taxonomic distinction classical and recent taxonomic approaches and the
based on phenotypic properties. The oxygenic photo- trends for future, emphasizing improvements in
synthesis which characterizes cyanobacteria and their methodology as major catalysts for the progress of
sharing of ecological niches with eukaryotic algae, this field.
prompted their treatment in the phycological circles,
where they were called blue-green algae, although Keywords Cyanobacteria  Phylogeny  Blue-green
their prokaryotic nature, akin to bacteria, has been algae  Ecotype  Systematics
recognized for over a century. The cyanobacteria are
named under Botanical and Bacteriological Codes,
and the usage of both systems at the same time causes
considerable confusion as the rules of the Botanical Introduction
Code are quite different from those of the Bacterio-
logical one. Herbarium collections are perfect subjects The history of cyanobacterial systematics has been
for intensive phylogenetic studies and therefore can unusually tumultuous. The metabolic property of
oxygenic photosynthesis which characterizes cyano-
bacteria and their sharing of ecological niches with
eukaryotic algae, prompted their treatment in the
Handling editor: Stefano Amalfitano
phycological circles, where they were called blue-
K. A. Palinska  W. Surosz (&) green algae, although their prokaryotic nature, akin to
Department of Marine Biology and Ecology, Institute bacteria, has been recognized for over a century. The
of Oceanography, University of Gdansk,
main problem in cyanobacterial systematics is that the
Al. Pilsudskiego 46, 81-378 Gdynia, Poland
e-mail: sexual reproduction in cyanobacteria is not known to
date. It results in a number of consequences: (i) tradi-
K. A. Palinska tional species concepts (Mayr, 1982) cannot be
Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences,
applied; (ii) strains evolve and undergo evolution;
Plant Biodiversity and Evolution Group, Carl von
Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, PO Box 2503, (iii) the number of transitional forms and ecotypes is
26111 Oldenburg, Germany numerous (Moore et al., 1998; Rippka et al., 2000);

2 Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11

(iv) natural populations differ from cultured strains unquestionably prokaryotes. The basic taxonomic unit
which change drastically their morphology under in bacteriological treatment is an axenic-cultured
cultural conditions (Palinska et al., 1996). In spite of strain, whereas the species becomes a conceptual
it, many important morphologically and ecophysio- construct based on comparison of a number of similar
logically stable units exist in nature, and they occur strains. In revising the cyanobacterial genera, Stanier
repeatedly in distant localities under similar ecological school relied largely on morphological properties and
situations. They are important for ecologists, and thus, used Geitlerian designations, but altered many generic
the traditional morphological concept of species is still definitions in accordance with properties expressed in
commonly used in ecological studies (Palinska & culture (Castenholz & Waterbury, 1989). In using this
Surosz, 2008). approach, many bacteriologists avoid phenotypic
Blue-green algae in botanical tradition have been species description. Accordingly, cultured cyanobac-
distinguished on the basis of phenotypic properties. teria are usually assigned the name of genus with a
Thuret (1875), Bornet & Flahaut (1887, 1888a, b) and strain code. Moreover, bacteriological approach leads
Gomont (1892) wrote the first comprehensive taxo- to gross underestimation of the cyanobacteria diver-
nomic monographs for blue-greens, recognized by sity in nature. The current edition of the Bergey’s
phycologists as a later starting point in taxonomic Manual of Systematic Bacteriology includes compiled
referencing. The basic unit of that system is a species information from both bacteriological and phycolog-
as defined in botany and zoology (e.g. Mayr, 1982). ical sources (Castenholz, 2001).
Geitler (1932) provided an updated taxonomic review Another update and revision of cyanobacterial
and determination manual that recognized 1,300 system, which includes ultrastructural properties. is
species, classified into 145 genera, 20 families and 3 currently underway (Anagnostidis & Komarek, 1985;
orders. Geitler’s work relied on morphology of field- Komarek & Anagnostidis, 1999, 2005; Komárek,
collected specimens and his classification system 2013). Komárek & Anagnostidis (1999, 2005) have
marks the beginning of the modern era of cyanobac- developed a formal system being a compromise
terial systematics, recognized both by phycologists between Bacteriological and Botanical approaches.
and microbiologists. It has formed the basis of Its nomenclature is based on botanical taxonomic
numerous revised systems proposed since then, criteria, but it also utilizes bacteriological and molec-
including those of Elenkin (1938, 1949), Desikachary ular information.
(1959), Fritsch (1959), Starmach (1966), Kondrateva This article reviews the present status of the
(1968), Bourelly (1970) and Golubic (1976). These taxonomy of cyanobacteria, describes historical and
systems share the view that the systematics of more recent taxonomic approaches and presents the
cyanophytes should be based on traditional botanical trends for future, highlighting improvements and
criteria, a view sometimes referred to as the ‘‘Geitle- developments in methodology as major promoters
rian’’ approach. for the progress of this scientific discipline.
In the period 1956–1981, an alternative system was
developed by Drouet and Daily (summarized in
Drouet, 1981), that drastically reduced the number of Cyanophytes/cyanobacteria under the botanical
genera and species of blue-green algae. It was based and the bacteriological codes: a comparison
on the hypothesis that the many morphological
differences seen in natural samples of cyanophytes Classical taxonomy represents a body of work that has
are ephemeral and that numerous ‘‘species’’ of accumulated over past 250 years, since the introduc-
cyanobacteria are actually different ‘‘ecophenes’’ of tion of the binominal naming system by Linnaeus in
true taxa. However, it was shown that this system does the 1750s. A crucial component of current practice in
not reflect the true genetic diversity among blue- taxonomy of cyanobacteria as well as in general
greens and was never fully accepted. taxonomy is the concept of the type specimen that
Waterbury & Stanier (1977), Krumbein (1979) and serves as the central reference for comparisons.
Rippka et al. (1979) proposed that the systematic Designating a type specimen is required when a new
treatment of cyanobacteria should be based on bacte- species is named, and these are usually deposited in
riological criteria on the ground that they are collections and herbaria. However, the system

Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11 3

depends heavily on specialists whose knowledge is approach, species names can be validly published in
frequently lost when they are not active any more. any journal, and the existing botanical nomenclatural
Today, there are still different ‘‘species’’ concepts information is widely scattered. To establish whether a
and definitions in different groups of organisms. There species is novel to science, the literature to be checked
are different Codes of Nomenclature guiding the extends over more than a hundred years. In contrast,
relationships among taxa. Neither of these rules IJSEM/IJSB is the only platform for bacteriological
requires documentation of phylogenetic interrelation- nomenclature. From the situation that two Codes guide
ships among taxa, although such background was the taxonomy of cyanobacteria and from the endeav-
always desirable. our to come to any compromise of the bacteriological
The ‘‘Cyanophytes’’ were traditionally classified as and botanical approaches, several proposals leading to
‘‘blue-green algae’’, with respect to their morpholog- the compatible nomenclatural procedures using the
ical diversity and size corresponding to other micro- both Bacteriological and Botanical Codes were pub-
algae, as well as to their function in natural biotopes. lished. The important steps in this effort are the
Therefore, they were for a long period in the field of compromise proposals of Friedmann & Borowitzka
interest of botanists (phycologists) and ecologists, and (1982) and, recently, the corresponding chapters in the
treated as microscopic plant organisms. The detailed both editions of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic
cytological and biochemical studies performed by Bacteriology (Castenholz & Waterbury, 1989; Ca-
bacteriologists on axenic culture strains led to the stenholz, 2001), from which the majority of proposed
proposal to change the common name of ‘‘Cyanophy- principles should be accepted in the nomenclature
ceae’’ into ‘‘cyanobacteria’’, and to the opinion, that treatment of Cyanophyta/cyanobacteria. However,
they should be classified as bacteria and nomenclato- two Codes of Nomenclature (ICNB and ICBN), which
rially ruled by the International Code of Nomenclature are applicable for oxyphototrophic prokaryotes, none
of Bacteria (Stanier et al., 1978). The introduction of without obstacles, exist to date. That is why it is
important model strains into the laboratory practice extremely important to establish minimal standards for
supported this approach (Castenholz, 2001). the description of new cyanobacterial species and
The coexistence of two independent Codes Botan- genera which will be acceptable to the botanical and
ical (since 2012: the International Code of Nomen- bacteriological authorities at the same time. This should
clature for algae, fungi and plants; Oren, 2014) and be followed by the publication of an ‘‘Approved List of
Bacteriological existing for one and the same group of Names of Cyanobacteria’’ in IJSEM. The ultimate goal
organisms causes immense problems (Oren, 2014; is to achieve a consensus nomenclature that is accept-
Oren & Garrity, 2014). Names of cyanobacteria able both to bacteriologists and to botanists, anticipat-
described and validly published as blue-green algae ing the future implementation of a universal ‘‘Biocode’’
under the International Code of Botanical Nomencla- that would regulate the nomenclature of all organisms
ture have no standing in bacterial nomenclature, unless living on Earth (Oren, 2004).
they are again described under the Rules of the
Bacteriological Code.
The rules of the Botanical Code are quite different The problem of species usage in cyanobacteria
from those of the Bacteriological Code, and this makes
reconciliation between the botanical and the bacteri- A principal aim of systematics is to discover, describe
ological nomenclature systems quite problematic. and classify the diversity of living organisms. Syste-
However, such reconciliation is urgently needed matists have concluded that the basic unit of biological
(Oren, 2004, 2011). The phycological practice con- diversity is the species. However, there is no widely
cerned with populations in nature relies on the accepted concept of species for prokaryotes, and
Botanical Code, using preserved-type specimens as assignment of isolates to species is based on measures
taxonomic reference and the rule of priority in naming. of phenotypic or genome similarity. The current
In contrast, microbiologists use axenic cultures as methods for defining prokaryotic species are inade-
basic taxonomic unit and a continuously revised quate and incapable of keeping pace with the levels of
approval of valid names, relying on the Bacteriolog- diversity that is being uncovered in nature (Stacke-
ical Code. Furthermore, according to the botanical brandt et al., 2002).

4 Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11

Bacterial systematics has not yet reached a con- Consequently, near identity of rRNA gene sequences
sensus for defining the fundamental unit of biological does not eliminate the need to apply other methods to
diversity, the species. The past half-century of bacte- further explore whether isolates are sufficiently sim-
rial systematics has been characterized by improve- ilar to be assigned to the same species. Using all to date
ments in methods for demarcating species as existing molecular methods, one has always to face an
phenotypic and genetic clusters, but species demarca- important problem: to decide at what depth of
tion has not been guided by a theory-based concept of clustering to define species and how to incorporate
species. There is a discrepancy between operational ecology into species definitions. Many named species
(practical) species definition and theoretical species demarcations are not rooted in evolutionary or
concept (Cohan, 2004). Species definition tends to be ecological theory, so that many species are extremely
more arbitrary and focuses in practical necessity diverse in their metabolic capabilities (Feldgarden
(Stackebrandt et al., 2002). et al., 2003), in the gene content of their genomes
Prokaryotic species are currently characterized (Welch et al., 2002) and in their ecology (Schloter
using a polyphasic approach that incorporates geno- et al., 2000).
typic and phenotypic properties (Vandamme et al., Defining species limits using levels of sequence
1996; Stackebrandt et al., 2002). Since the 1970s, the similarity, typically found within existing named
basis of genotypic characterization has been the species, is clearly inappropriate. A more attractive
measurement of overall genetic similarity among approach is to seek ecological, genomic or phenotypic
isolates, assessed by the degree to which their differences among the major clusters resolved by
genomes hybridize under standard conditions molecular methods that would justify their separation
[DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH)]. Here, both simi- into species. Cohan (2001, 2002, 2004) and Godreuil
larities in gene content and nucleotide similarity of et al. (2005) have proposed that bacterial species could
shared genes contribute to a measure of the overall be split into smaller, more meaningful units by
relatedness of their genomes. The recommendation to incorporating the concept of the ecotype, and that an
delineate species using a 70% DNA–DNA binding ‘‘ecotype model’’ could provide a rational basis for
criterion does not correspond to a theory-based demarcating bacterial taxa. Ecotypes are defined as
concept of what properties a species should have, populations that are genetically cohesive and ecolog-
but was calibrated empirically to yield many of the ically distinct. Cohesion results from periodic selec-
phenotype-based species already recognized at the tion events that recurrently purge each ecotype of its
time of its setting up. Using ribosomal RNA gene genetic diversity. Moreover, ecotypes are expected to
sequence similarity, pioneered by Woese & Fox be irreversibly separate from one another. Ecotypes
(1977), systematists have invented robust method of therefore hold all the quintessential properties of
creating evolutionary trees. With the help of this species as understood in systematics outside of
common method, bacteriologists widely recognize microbiology (de Queiroz, 1998).
that bacterial diversity is organized into discrete Ecotypes are populations of organisms occupying
phenotypic and genetic clusters, which are separated the same ecological niche, whose divergence is purged
by phenotypic and genetic gaps, and these clusters are recurrently by natural selection. These ecotypes can be
recognized as species (Dawson & Sneath, 1985). discovered by several universal sequence-based
Although the advantages of the direct genotypic approaches. These molecular methods suggest that a
approaches are clear, classification by rRNA gene typical named species contains many ecotypes, each
sequence alone—an increasingly common practice— with the universal attributes of species. A named
is unsatisfying for several reasons. The rRNA gene species is thus likely a genus than a species (Cohan,
sequences often lack resolution when compared with 2002).
DDH. Whereas isolates that have less than 97% rRNA Each ecotype is expected to be identifiable as a
gene sequence similarity usually share less than 70% sequence cluster, where the average sequence diver-
DDH and belong to different species, isolates that have gence between ecotypes is much greater than the
more than 97% identity might or might not meet the average sequence divergence within them, for any
70% DDH criterion for inclusion in the same species gene shared by the ecotypes. In addition, each ecotype
(Fox et al., 1992; Stackebrandt & Goebel, 1994). is expected to be identifiable as a monophyletic group

Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11 5

in a phylogeny based on DNA sequence data (Cohan, photosynthesis. The first reconstruction of the phylo-
2002). genetic interrelationships among cyanobacteria (Gio-
The recent studies of morphological variability of vannoni et al., 1988) was based on 16S rRNA of
isolated strains do not help identification and classi- organisms maintained in axenic cultures. It provided
fication of cyanobacteria. The cultivation is important, an insight in early diversification of the group. This
but always unifies the culture conditions (which are, scheme has been compared with morphotypic expres-
moreover, usually stressing for majority of isolates). sion of the examined taxa and found some encourag-
Therefore, the results about morphology in cultures ing correlations, but identified also the polyphyletic
must be accepted to evaluation of subgeneric units nature of some traditional botanically as well as
with a special care. The species category is evidently bacteriologically established genera (Willmote,
needed in cyanobacteria, but its concept should be 1994). Since then, the GenBank has been enriched
probably determined by more diverse and conven- with numerous complete and partial sequences of the
tional criteria (Castenholz & Norris, 2005; Compere, 16S rRNA gene derived from axenic and non-axenic
2005; Hoffmann, 2005; Johansen & Casamatta, 2005; uni-cyanobacterial cultures, as well as from natural
Komárek et al., 2005; Oren & Tindall, 2005). populations. This data provides a useful matrix within
The concept of the ecotype provides a rational basis which the overall phylogenetic relations were recon-
for creating and defining bacterial taxa. In contrary, structed (Rudi et al., 1997; Willmote & Herdman,
sequence-derived phylogenies, which organize bacte- 2001).
rial diversity into clusters, have certain limitations. Further refinement in resolution of closer phylo-
First, clustering might not occur in case of continues genetic relations was achieved by comparing spacer
spectrum of genotypes. Second, it might be impossible sequences (ITS) between 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA
to define a new group when a limited number of genes (Iteman et al., 2000). Characterization of the
genotypes have been isolated. Third, phenotypes ability and evolution of nitrogen fixation in cyano-
might not be present by stable chromosomal loci, bacteria by identification and sequencing of the nifH
resulting in marked differences among strains that are gene were a particular success (Stewart, 1985; Zehr
closely related. Fourth, in case of new taxa, it might be et al., 2003). Comparison of nifH and ribosomal
unclear where to draw the distinction between clusters. RNA phylogenies from cultivated microorganisms
Future prospects of species concept should cer- showed no conclusive evidence of widespread lateral
tainly incorporate ecological data, which will allow gene transfer, thereby further supporting the poten-
real taxonomic assignments. tial for a phylogenetic basis of future cyanobacterial
With the application of cyanobacterial-specific
Molecular phylogeny markers in cyanobacterial primers (Urbach et al., 1992; Nübel et al., 1997;
classification Laloui et al., 2002), research on cyanobacterial natural
populations has been applied with increasing success,
Advances in molecular phylogeny in the past decades joining other culture-independent methods in micro-
identified cyanobacteria as the original source of bial ecology (e.g. Amann et al., 1995). Culture-
oxygenic photosynthesis and through endosymbiotic independent analysis of sequences derived from
incorporation with eukaryotes also the main source of samples of environmental genomic nucleic acids has
planetary primary production. Cyanobacteria today revolutionized our understanding of cyanobacterial
are associated not only with eutrophication of aquatic diversity, function and processes (Stahl et al., 1984;
habitats, pollution, toxicity, but also with nitrogen Hugenholtz & Pace, 1996; Bates et al., 2012; Steven
fixation in oligotrophic oceans and symbiosis. Yet the et al., 2012). Technological advances such as e.g.
genetic identity and specific ecological roles are only pyrosequencing enable rapid characterization of
started to be explored, although the molecular tools are cyanobacterial communities that are faster and at
now largely available. greater sequence depth than was deemed possible via
Advances in molecular phylogeny (Woese & Fox, cloning and Sanger sequencing (Sogin et al., 2006).
1977; Woese, 1987) revealed the significance of Since the early days of a bacteriological approach to
cyanobacteria as the monophyletic origin of oxygenic cyanobacterial taxonomy, however, Krumbein (1979)

6 Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11

and Rippka et al. (1979) have pointed to the impor- confirmed to be stable and reliable taxonomic charac-
tance of both traditional and molecular approaches. ters (Komárek & Anagnostidis 1999, 2005). Palinska
Golubic (1979) has stressed the importance of the et al. (1998) and Palinska & Krumbein (2000)
taxonomic hyperspace or multidimensional correla- emphasized the taxonomic value of cell wall perfora-
tion scheme in numerical taxonomy according to tions. Their number, size and organization were
Sneath & Sokal (1973). studied in nine species belonging to different genera
There are several examples showing the clear and have been proved to be stable and similar in
necessity of applying polyphasic approach in taxon- different life stages of organisms and under different
omy of cyanobacteria (Castenholz, 1992; Palinska laboratory conditions. However, the most important
et al., 1996; Otsuka et al., 2000; Lyra et al., 2005; feature of inner cell structures which are usable for
Rajaniemi et al., 2005). Palinska et al. (1996) indicated taxonomic classification is thylakoids. Their arrange-
in their studies on Synechococcus/Synechocystis/ ment is supposed to be uniform in all studied orders
Merismopedia/Eucapsis complex that the great mor- and families (Hernandez-Marine & Wit, 1999; Ko-
phological diversity observed in nature and (partially) márek & Anagnostidis 1999, 2005). However, the
in culture does not necessarily reflect genetic diversity. results of Marquardt & Palinska (2007) and Palinska
In fact, much less cyanobacterial species diversity & Marquardt (2008) cannot support this statement.
seems to exist in culture and probably also in nature Strains belonging to the morphotype Phormidium
than have been described according to the morpho- autumnale and other Phormidium species showed
logical features of the Botanical Code. Cyanobacterial definitely divergent thylakoids scheme.
diversity should certainly be based not only on genetic The current taxonomy of cyanobacteria still
similarity of the 16S rRNA gene but also on similar- depends too much upon morphological characteristics
ities of different gene fragments . Phenotypic and and must be reviewed by means of bacteriological
phylogenetic analyses on 16S rRNA gene fragments methods as well as traditional botanical methods.
done by Garcia-Pichel et al. (1996) have shown that Molecular investigations, especially those based on
Microcoleus chthonoplastes is a cosmopolitan cyano- 16S rRNA and DDH, would bring unification or
bacterium. Interestingly, Lodders et al. (2005) could division to some species, genera and even taxa of
provide the contrary, data on rRNA-ITS locus showed higher rank. There remain many cyanobacteria to be
that this species sharing similar morphology differ on reconsidered regarding their taxonomy. The genus
the genetic level. Similarly, Otsuka et al. (2001) using Synechococcus is an example; genetic distances
the cpcBA intergenic spacer and 16S–23S internal among Synechococcus spp. in the neighbour-joining
transcribed spacer concluded that the six Microcystis tree are too large for them to be classified in a single
morphospecies: M. aeruginosa, M. ichthyoblabe, M. genus, thus it has been suggested that this is another
novacekii, M. viridis, M. wesenbergii, M. flos-aquae example of an unnaturally large taxon (Honda et al.,
and M. pseudofilamentosa, may possibly be unified 1999).
into one species. Similar situation is faced in case of the represen-
Traditional phenotypic properties (morphological tatives of the genus Phormidium. Cyanobacteria
and physiological features) such as development (type included into Phormidium-like group occur in an
of reproduction and division pattern), structure (cell enormous diversity. Observations on morphologically
size and shape or type of trichome, arrangement of complex cyanobacteria in freshwater, marine and
cells, heterocyst and akinete formation, motility), and terrestrial environments (Turner, 1997; Wilmotte &
physiology (e.g. chromatic adaptations, salinity toler- Herdman, 2001; Marquardt & Palinska, 2007) showed
ance, vitamin requirements) were proved to be vari- that the distribution of populations of these morpho-
able with changing environmental and culture logically complex cyanobacteria follows patterns that
conditions (Rippka et al., 1979; Dor & Hornhoff, correlate rather with ecological determinants than with
1985; Holtkamp, 1985; Castenholz & Waterbury, the organisms determined as ‘‘Phormidium’’. The
1989; Palinska et al., 1996; Otsuka et al., 2000; Lyra results of the multiple 16S rRNA, ITS and phycocy-
et al., 2005; Rajaniemi et al., 2005). anin intergenic spacer (cpcBA-IGS) sequence analy-
In recent years, a number of valuable phenotypic, ses (Marquardt & Palinska, 2007) revealed that
especially ultramorphological features, have been Phormidium group is not phylogenetically coherent

Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11 7

and has demonstrated the need for drastic revisions of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
this group in the future (Wilmotte & Herdman, 2001). (IJSEM)/International Journal of Systematic Bac-
The only acceptable and recommendable method for teriology (IJSB);
modern taxonomic evaluation of cyanobacteria is the • Only five species names (Halospirulina tapeticola,
combined approach with use of phenotype, ultrastruc- Prochlorococcus marinus, Prochloron didemni,
tural, ecological, biochemical and molecular methods. Prochlorothrix hollandica and Planktotricoides
raciborskii) out of 13 are validly published (Oren,
Herbarium specimens as a source of molecular • Lack of clear species definition and description for
records potentially harmonizing the classical cyanobacteria;
and the modern cyanobacterial taxonomies • Urgent need of uniform ‘‘type species’’ for bota-
nists and bacteriologists;
Microbiologists and botanists studying taxonomy or • Cyanophytes ‘‘type species’’ has never before been
phylogeny of cyanobacteria should not assume that the explored in terms of its genetic properties;
strains they have used have been correctly identified • Molecular methods and morphological data provide
(Wilmotte & Herdman, 2001), and that many culture a new scaffold for the accumulated taxonomic
collections contain misidentified strains. One should knowledge on historical cyanobacterial herbaria.
be aware that the various ‘‘phylogenetic’’ trees illus-
The advantage of using botanical-type material
trating similarities based on sequences from particular
from herbaria in molecular approaches is that these
parts of the genome often use results from strains
specimens have complete, proved and accepted strain
whose generic and specific names are doubtful. In
history and morphological description. Therefore, 16S
most cases, these strains have been maintained in
rRNA sequences from herbarium specimens can be
culture for decades, they have lost morphological and
used as references in various phylogenetic and taxo-
physiological properties of determinative value and
nomic relationships. Morphology of the specimens
many are of unknown origin. This restricts the value of
used had been carefully described already more than
such trees and analyses for comparing possible
100 years ago and confirmed using different micro-
evolutionary relationships (Whitton & Potts, 2000).
scopical approaches. Herbarium collections are per-
The reasons for that are i) difficulties in morphological
fect objects for intensive phylogenetic studies,
identification, ii) few characterized strains available
although they have not been used for these purposes
and iii) no verification of strain identification.
previously. We strongly encourage scientists inter-
Palinska et al. (2006) in the course of their study on
ested in phylogeny of cyanobacteria to use the
diversity and taxonomy of cyanobacteria decided to
morphological data and descriptions present in exsic-
start molecular research also on historical and dried
cate collections for their studies. Correct phenotypic
environmental samples of cyanobacteria. The poly-
descriptions would enormously help the interpretation
phasic characterization and identification of historical
of phylogenetic trees and avoid the misleading data
strains from exsiccate were compared to the traditional
derived from studies that examine only accidentally
lists of strains established on classical, morphological
isolated and misidentified organisms.
criteria by Rabenhorst (1873), Drouet and Gomont.
Thanks to genetic studies on herbarium samples,
The triggers for this type of studies were as follows:
botanical-type specimens have been for the first time
• Existence of two independent Codes of Nomen- explored and characterized in terms of their genetic as
clature in case of cyanobacteria; well as phenotypic properties. This opened the possi-
• The number of names of cyanobacterial species bility to validate a large volume of ecologically relevant
that have been validly published under the Bacte- research and connect the modern polyphasic assessment
riological Code is extremely small. No more than of diversity with traditional phenotype-based identifi-
five genera (Halospirulina, Planktotricoides, Pro- cations and floral listings. It was tested for the first time
chlorococcus, Prochloron and Prochlorothrix) and whether microorganisms identified by phenotypic char-
13 names of cyanobacterial species have been acters indeed correspond to the same genotype as
proposed so far in the International Journal of traditionally assumed. That research confirmed the

8 Hydrobiologia (2014) 740:1–11

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practice of relying on fixed-type specimens for Knight & N. Fiefer, 2012. A preliminary survey of lichen
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hypothesis of phycologists is that axenic-type cultures érocystées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Botanique) 5:
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entirely controlled by environment. Furthermore hétérocystées. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Bota-
molecular comparison of present toxic or e.g. nitrogen nique) 7: 177–262.
fixing strains, with the morphologically identical type- Bourrelly, P., 1970. Les algues d’eau douce III. Boubée & Cie,
material should be performed in order to test the Castenholz, R. W., 1992. Species usage, concept, and evolution
genotypic changes over time. in the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Journal of Phy-
The historic collections contain precious information cology 28: 737–745.
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