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Chapter 6.


6.5.1 OBJECTIVES The objective of the prefeasibility study is to (1) determine the
overall merit of the project at a relatively early stage and (2)
Previous chapters of this section provide insight and guid- identify the key variables upon which the project’s viability relies
ance into selecting and quantifying input variables pursuant to and that, therefore, usually require further investigation.
the financial evaluation of a mining venture. Chapter 6.5 takes The formal prefeasibility study can take from one to six
the analysis to the next step: putting the data into an analytical months to complete, depending on the size and complexity of
framework to help determine whether the contemplated invest- the project; and the financial analysis generally is fairly modest,
ment should be carried out. The basic approach in most such with usually only a few sensitivities on key variables.
analytical models is the same. The goal is to determine whether When the project has been sufficiently explored and tested to
or not the project will provide cash benefits sufficiently in excess reduce the technical risks to reasonable levels, a final comprehen-
of the cash costs of establishing and operating the project to sive feasibility study is undertaken. This is the principal document
justify (1) the cost of funds employed and (2) the risk involved. justifying capital investment in the project and, as such, should
Although the project evaluation tools described herein are contain a complete financial analysis of the project, analysis of key
very useful for decision-making purposes, the analyst must re- variables, and assessment of downside risks and upside potential.
member always that there is no substitute for accurate input The feasibility study usually requires three to nine months to com-
data. Virtually every troubled mining project can trace its diffi- plete—again depending on the size and complexity of the project,
culties to poor estimates of key variables, not to the use of some but also on the amount of additional data the report authors must
improper project evaluation method. independently develop to complete the study.
With the growth of external financing of mining ventures,
another version of the feasibility study, the bankable feasibility
6.5.2 TYPES OF EVALUATIONS study, is sometimes required. This is, in general, an even more
exhaustive version of the feasibility study, usually performed by
As a raw exploration prospect travels the long, tortuous path impartial consultant(s) selected by the lender. The objective is
to become an operating mine, and as detailed in Chapter 6.2 of to satisfy the financier about the ability of the project to repay
this section, it is almost continuously subjected to evaluation. the loans. For this reason, some of the topics that may be of less
The level of effort and choice of analytical method vary consider- concern to the owner (e.g., debt servicing) must be treated in
ably, however, depending on the specific objectives of the evalu- great detail here.
ation. Financial analysis in bankable feasibility studies is complex
and tailored to meet the needs of the funding agency. Leveraged Stage of Development economic analysis may be employed, particularly when gold
loans or other project financings are contemplated.
Early in the exploration phase, the goal is generally to deter-
mine whether the next stage of exploration spending is justified.
This often is a fairly subjective and limited evaluation, because 6.5.3 INVESTMENT CRITERIA
typically little hard data are available. When a company is confronted with several investment op-
As the prospect continues into progressively more costly portuntities, it becomes necessary to evaluate the attractiveness
exploration and development stages, the evaluation becomes of each proposal. Any evaluation criterion utilized should pro-
more detailed. One of the discounted cash flow techniques is vide company management with a means of distinguishing be-
generally employed in such studies (intermediate economic stud- tween acceptable projects in a consistent manner. In other words,
ies) when exploration has reached a relatively advanced stage. the criterion should help answer the question, “Is project A and/
For the final investment decision, a thorough financial analy- or project B good enough to justify capital investment by the
sis is mandatory for all significant capital investments. Further- company?” To provide this necessary information for investment
more, for most mining investments, complete sensitivity analysis decision making, any satisfactory evaluation criterion must re-
and risk assessment also are essential. spect two basic principles:
1. Bigger benefits are preferable to smaller benefits. Purpose of the Evaluation 2. Early benefits are preferable to later benefits.
The following project evaluation criteria section are not in-
Although the evaluation process is almost continuous, there tended to represent an exhaustive list available to the analyst.
are specific milepost evaluations that are common in the mining Rather, those discussed represent the major evaluation criteria
industry. Three standard mileposts are the prefeasibility study, utilized for evaluation investment proposals within the minerals
feasibility study, and bankable feasibility study. The level of industry.
effort and detail in the financial analysis of the project increases
as a project progresses through this sequence.
As described in Chapter 6.2, the prefeasibility study is gener- Simplified Criteria
ally the first broad engineering-economic review of the project A number of simplified methods for assessing the investment
as a commercial venture. The study typically involves a broad value of capital projects have evolved. The most common of
range of disciplines producing input data, some for the first time. these are presented in this chapter.

Table 6.5.1. Accounting (Average) Rate of Return
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Average
Net operating income $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $4,500
Depreciation 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Taxable income 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 2,500
Taxes @ 50% 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 1,250
Net profit 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 1,250

Book value:
January 1 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000
December 31 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000
Average 9,000 7,000 5,000 3,000 6,000

Average rate of return =

Degree of Necessity: There are times when company man- However, as an approximation to the internal rate of return (see
agement must make investment decisions based only on limited discussion on Internal Rate of Return), it usually provides better
quantitative data of dubious accuracy. These types of invest- results than using the average investment.
ments may be referred to as degree of necessity investments and The primary advantages of the accounting rate of return
are characterized by the fact that the decisions are either obvious criterion are (1) it is simple to calculate, (2) it makes use of
or can be quantified only to a limited degree. To illustrate the readily available accounting information, and (3) it provides a
concept, suppose the main production hoist at a large, profitable “rate of return” number to which most managers seem to relate.
underground mine suddenly failed. Under these conditions, it is Once the calculation has been performed for a project, the rate
conceivable that some comparative analyses could be performed can be compared with the company’s required, or cutoff, rate to
in order to help decide what kind, model, etc., of hoist should determine whether the project should be accepted or rejected.
be purchased. However, the investment decision to actually pur- The principal disadvantages of the method are that (1) it is
chase a new hoist need not be predicated on rigorous economic based on accounting profits rather than actual cash flows, and
analyses resulting in calculated rates of return or some other (2) it does not take into account the timing of these profits.
yardstick of profitability, unless the operation is already mar- These are very serious disadvantages, as they violate some basic
ginal. Indeed, performing a formal benefit/cost analysis for an concepts and requirements set forth in this chapter. In reality,
investment proposal indicated in this example is not a simple it takes little additional effort to work with actual annual cash
task, and, in this case, may simply delay the actual decision flows and incorporate the concept of time value of money into
required. the analysis.
Other examples closely related to the minerals industry are Payback (Payout) Period: One of the most common evalua-
expenditures in the areas of research and development (R&D) tion criteria used by mining companies is the payback or payout
and exploration. How much, if any, capital should be allocated period. The payback period is simply the number of years re-
to R&D activities? What quantity of capital should be allocated quired for the cash income from a project to return the initial
to exploration activities ? Should this be a fixed percentage of cash investment in the project. Although benefits resulting from
the annual corporate budget, some amount commensurate with the investment can be measured in terms of net profit for calcula-
industry average, or what? tion purposes, modern practice has resulted in the use of annual
Clearly these kinds of investment decisions fall within the
net cash flows for the denominator.
realm of management judgment and are predicated more on
Example 6.5.2. Table 6.5.2 illustrates five investment propos-
corporate strategies than on any specific economic criterion.
als having identical capital investment requirements but differing
Thus some major investment decisions can not be easily analyzed
expected annual cash flows and lives. The payback period is
with quantitative criteria.
Accounting Rate of Return: One of the more common ver- calculated for each.
sions of the accounting rate of return calculation is often referred The investment decision criterion for this technique suggests
to as the average rate of return. The average rate of return is that if the calculated payback period for an investment proposal
calculated by dividing average annual profits after taxes by the is less than some maximum value acceptable to the company,
average investment in the project (average book value after de- the proposal is accepted; if not, it is rejected. In other words an
ducting depreciation). investment proposal having a payback period of three years is
Example 6.5.1. Table 6.5.1 illustrates the calculation proce- acceptable to a company having a hurdle value of five years and
dure for determining the average rate of return on a project is preferable to a second project having a payback period of four
requiring an investment of $10,000 with an estimated salvage years.
value of $2,000 at the end of year 4. Estimated annual profits An interesting situation arises when calculating the payback
are given. Depreciation is on a straight-line basis. period for a typical new mining venture where several years of
Another version of the accounting rate of return uses original negative cash flows (investment) are anticipated prior to project
investment for the denominator rather than average book value. start up. Should the payback period start from the beginning of
In the example presented, the calculation would be represented investment or the beginning of positive cash flow? That is, is the
as 1,250/10,000 × 100 = 12.5%. This version is somewhat payback period for the project in Fig. 6.5.1 four years or nine
less informative since income is averaged but investment is not. years?
Table 6.5.2. Payback Period
Annual Net Cash Flows
Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal
Initial investment $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Project year 1 2,000 7,000 1,000 6,000 6,000
2 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
3 2,000 1,000 7,000 2,000 2,000
4 2,000 2,000 2,000 -0- 3,000
5 2,000 -0- 4,000
6 2,000 -0- 1,000
7 2,000 -0- 1,000
8 -0- 500

Payback period, 5.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0


Table 6.5.3. Discounted Payback Period

worth factor, Present value
Proposal A (P/F) at 7% of cash flows
Initial investment: $10,000 1.0 $10,000
Cash flows:
Project year 1 $2,000 0.9346 1,869
2 $2,000 0.8734 1,747
3 $2,000 0.8163 1,633
4 $2,000 0.7629 1,526
5 $2,000 0.7130 1,426
6 $2,000 0.6663 1,333
7 $2,000 0.6228 1,246

Undiscounted payback Discounted

period 5.0 yr payback period 6.4

Fig. 6.5.1. Annual cash flows for a new mining project, illustrating
effect of preproduction period on payback period calculation.

Table 6.5.2 have identical payback periods. However, proposal

From an economic and financial standpoint, the investment B is clearly preferable to proposal C because of the large return
payback period is theoretically more correct, because it repre- of funds early in proposal life that could then be reinvested by
sents the commitment of investment throughout the preproduc- the firm. When time value of money concepts are taken into
tion period, particularly the opportunity cost associated with the consideration, one proposal may be clearly preferable to the
investment during this period. However, both payback period other, even though the payback period does not indicate this
calculations provide useful information to the decision maker, difference. This troublesome point may be alleviated by calculat-
and consistency in application is the most important feature. It ing a discounted payback period for investment proposals. The
is often important to know how long it will take to recoup discounted payback period for proposal A in Table 6.5.2 is calcu-
the investment in a project after actual start-up. When such lated in Table 6.5.3. As expected, the discounted payback period
information can aid in helping management make the correct will always result in a longer payback interval than the undis-
investment decision, it should be used even though it may not counted calculation procedure.
be theoretically as correct as another calculation procedure. The last major disadvantage with the payback period is the
The payback period criterion has some significant disadvan- problem of establishing the appropriate hurdle rate or maximum
tages. First, the payback period fails to consider cash flows after acceptable value. Someone must decide whether or not a pro-
the payback period; therefore, it cannot be regarded as a suitable posal having, say, a four-year payback period is acceptable. Es-
measure of profitability. For example, proposals D and E in tablishing this rate, or hurdle, is often the result of subjective
Table 6.5.2 have identical payback periods and would be rated and arbitrary decisions. Should one hurdle rate be applied to all
equally by the criterion. However, proposal D never earns a investment proposals even though some may be considerably
profit, while proposal E continues to generate income after its more risky than others? What should the appropriate hurdle rate
payout period. Obviously, proposal E is better than proposal D, be, and how is it determined for investments having varying
but the payback period does not recognize this distinction. degrees of risk? Purely subjective determinations are often unsat-
An additional disadvantage of the method is that it does isfactory when utilizing analytical techniques to assist with in-
not consider the magnitude or timing of cash flows during the vestment proposal decision making.
payback period. Rather, it only considers the recovery or pay- A payback period is, however, widely used for the following
back interval as a whole. For example, proposals B and C in reasons:
1. Payback period is simple and easy to calculate and also then the project should be accepted. A positive NPV indicates
provides a single number that can be used as an index of proposal that the investment proposal will provide for the recovery of
profitability. invested capital, a return on the unrecovered capital throughout
2. Payback period provides some protection to management the project life at the stipulated interest rate utilized in the
from exposure to excessive risk. Although risky investments calculation, as well as some surplus amount. In other words, the
should have shorter payback periods due to the risk involved, project promises to yield a return in excess of that rate used in
someone still has to decide what an acceptable payback period the calculation procedure. If the rate used in the calculation is
should be. These are often subjective decisions having no theoret- the rate of return investors expect the firm to earn on invest-
ical basis. Alternatives for analyzing risk in mining ventures that ments, then proposals having a positive NPV should increase
are inherently superior to simply adjusting the payback period the wealth of the firm. Similarly, proposals yielding a negative
are discussed in 6.5.5. NPV at the required discount rate should be rejected.
3. Some argue that payback period can minimize “lost oppor- The following example illustrates the calculation procedure
tunity risk” to the firm because cash inflows will be returned to for net present value determinations.
the firm within a short span of time, thus allowing the firm Example 6.5.3. Given the following conditions:
to seize unexpected investment opportunities that may become
available. Initial investment: $100,000
An objective appraisal of the payback period indicates that Project life: 10 years
it can provide some useful information to the decision maker Salvage value: $ 20,000
when considering investment proposals. However, the technique Annual receipts: $ 40,000
has too many drawbacks to be used alone. It should not be used Annual disbursements: $ 22,000
as the sole quantitative tool for making investment decisions, but Minimum acceptable rate of return (discount rate): 12%
rather in a supplementary role to the other more sophisticated Calculate the NPV.
methods. Many firms use the payback period criterion as a hur- Solution. Use Eq. 6.5.1.
dle that investment proposals must clear before progressing to
more rigorous and sophisticated forms of analyses. Present
Value Discounted Cash Flow Methods 1. Annual receipts = $40,000 (P/A,12%,10) $226,000
2. Salvage value = $20,000 (P/F,12%,10) 6,440
Any one of the several discounted cash flow methods (DCF)
discussed in this part is superior to the simplified methods de- Total PV of cash inflows: $232,440
scribed in The DCF methods require (1) determination 3. Annual disbursements = $22,000 (P/A,
of periodic project cash flows over some uniform planning period 12%,10) 124,300
and (2) consideration of the time value of money through the 4. Initial investment = 100,000
use of an appropriate interest rate.
Essentially these methods compare the cash benefits from a Total PV of cash outflows $224,300
project with the cash costs of the project, both adjusted for Net present value (NPV):(PV inflow-PV outflow): $ 8,140
timing by the use of an interest rate.
Present, Future, and Annual Value: The present value (PV), Since the NPV > 0 in the foregoing example, the project
or present worth, method of measuring investment proposal should be accepted according to this criterion. Note that annual
desirability is a widely used technique. The term present value net benefits (receipts – disbursements) could have been dis-
(PV) simply represents an amount of money at the present time counted as a single stream, and the NPV would be the same.
(t = 0) that is equivalent to some sequence of future cash flows This is not the case for the benefit/cost ratio criterion (see Bene-
discounted at a specified interest rate. In other words, this tech- fit/Cost Ratio) where separate discounting of receipts and dis-
nique recognizes the time value of money and provides for the bursements is essential.
calculation of an amount at the present time that is equivalent Under certain conditions, the present value concept also can
in value to a series of future cash flows. be used for evaluating projects on a cost basis. For example,
Present value calculations are most frequently performed to it is often desirable to determine what it will cost, in today’s
determine the present worth of income-producing property, such equivalent, to operate alternative pieces of equipment over some
as an existing mining operation. If the future annual cash flows future period. When comparing investment proposals the NPV
can be estimated, then by selecting an appropriate interest rate, decision criterion would suggest that the proposal promising the
the present value of the property can be calculated. This value largest PV of inflows should be selected, or if working with costs,
should provide a reasonable estimate of the price at which the the proposal promising the lowest PV of outflows should be
property could be bought or sold. selected. However, the analyst must use caution in any study
In the more general case of investment proposal evaluation, based upon cost minimization. Often the lowest cost alternative
one is interested in determining the difference between cash is to do nothing; the objective function really is to minimize cost
outflows and cash inflows associated with the proposal on a subject to the completion of some particular task. Thus selection
present-value basis. This calculation procedure is referred to as of the alternative based on minimum PV of costs assumes that
the net present value (NPV) method and is simply the difference alternative can perform the required assignment.
between the sum of the present value of all cash inflows and the It is instructive to calculate the net present value associated
sum of the present value of all cash outflows. NPV can be with different interest rates for an investment proposal (see Fig.
expressed as follows: 6.5.2.). This shows that the present value of an investment pro-
posal is a function of the interest rate selected. The connection
Net present value = Σ present value of cash benefits between the interest rate selected for calculation purposes and
— Σ present value of cash costs (6.5.1) the firm’s required rate of return is obvious, in that only those
projects promising a positive NPV at the required rate of return
If the NPV of the proposal is a positive value (NPV> 0), should be accepted.
operating equipment in terms of annual costs simply because
associated benefits are often difficult to quantify and cost records
are readily available.
Annual value refers to a uniform annual series of money
(annuity) for a given period of time, which is equivalent in
amount to a specified sequence of annual cash flows under con-
sideration. The concept of equivalency suggests that the equiva-
lent annual value for a series of cash flows can be determined by
first calculating the present value amount of the actual cash flow
series and then multiplying this amount by the capital recovery
factor that is, in effect, an annualizing factor. Therefore, the
annual value amount [sometimes referred to as the equivalent
uniform annual value (EUAV) may be represented as follows:

Annual value (EUAV) = (PV of cash flows)

× capital recovery factor (6.5.4)

The following example is intended to demonstrate the calcu-

lation procedure for determining the annual value of a project
and to illustrate the cost relationship with the present value
Example 6.5.4. Suppose a new piece of equipment is being
considered for purchase which promises to generate annual bene-
fits in the amount of $10,000, annual costs of $5000, and a life
of 10 years. If the initial cost of the machine is $40,000 and the
Fig. 6.5.2. Present value profile for previous example. expected salvage value at the end of 10 years is $2000, what is
the net annual worth if interest on investment capital is 10%?
Solution. Use Eq. 6.5.2.

Investment proposals can also be evaluated on the basis of Annual

how much money they will accumulate at some future point Worth
in time, usually the end of project life. Value determinations
calculated in this manner are referred to as future values and Benefits: $10,000/yr $10,000
represent the future worth amount for a specific proposal at Salvage: $ 2,000 (A/F, 10% 10) 125
some point in time at a given interest rate.
Recognizing the time-value-of-money concept, it is apparent Costs: $ 5,000/yr — 5,000
that this method is just the reverse of the present value concept. Investment: $40,000 (A/P, 10%, 10) — 6,508
In fact, the future value amount can be calculated by first de- Net annual value: — 1,383
termining the present value amount of the cash flows in the
following manner. Since the net annual value is less than 0, the calculation
shows that the project is expected to earn less than the 10%
F = P (F/P, i, n) (6.5.2) interest rate used.
Comments—Present, future, and annual values are all mea-
Likewise, sures of equivalency and differ only in the times at which they are
determined. Therefore, for fixed values of i and n, the techniques
P = F (P/F, i, n) (6.5.3) provide consistent bases for comparison of investment proposals.
They will all provide the same accept/reject decision for the
In other words, for given values of interest rate i and years proposal in question.
n, the future value amount is simply the present value times a Benefit/Cost Ratio: The benefit/cost ratio (B/C ratio),
constant. Consequently, if an investment proposal has a present sometimes referred to as the profitability index (PI), is generally
value amount two times as large as an alternative proposal’s defined as the ratio of the sum of present value of future benefits
present value, it will also have a future value amount two times to the sum of the present value of present and future investment
as large as the alternative proposal. outlays and other costs. This ratio is expressed as follows:
In view of the foregoing discussion, it makes no theoretical
difference if projects are evaluated on the basis of future values ΣPV of net cash inflows (6.5.5)
or present values. However, most project evaluators prefer to B/C ratio (PI) =
work in terms of present value amounts, probably because they ΣPV of net cash outflows
are considering amounts in equivalent dollars at the time the In order to perform this calculation an interest rate must be
accept/reject decision is under consideration (t = 0). In general specified prior to present value determination. If the calculation
most investment decisions in the minerals industry are based on results in a PI > 1.0, the investment proposal should be accepted;
present value determinations rather than future value determina- if not, it should be rejected. This is the same as saying the
tions. project should be accepted if it has a NPV > 0. Indeed, the only
There are times when it may be more convenient to evaluate difference between the NPV calculation and the PI calculation
investment proposals in terms of annual value or annual cost, as is that the NPV is the difference between the present value of
opposed to present value or future value amounts in the aggre- inflows and outflows, whereas the PI is the ratio between the
gate. For example, many analysts prefer to compare pieces of two.
For any given project, the NPV method and the PI method Year Cash Flow
will provide the same accept/reject decision, assuming the calcu-
lation is performed at the same interest rate. However if a choice 0 $ — 30,000
must be made between two investment proposals, these methods 1 — 1,000
may provide inconsistent project rankings. This aspect is illus- 2 5,000
trated in the following example. 3 5,500
Example 6.5.5. 4 4,000
Project A Project B 5 17,000
6 20,000
Present value cash inflows $500,000 $100,000 7 20,000
Present value cash outflows $300,000 $ 50,000 8 — 2,000
Net present value $200,000 $ 50,000 9 10,000
Benefit/cost ratio 1.67 2.0
Solution: Step 1. Pick an interest rate and solve for the NPV.
Try 15%.
Which of these present-value-based techniques is correct,
and why do they provide different rankings? There are really
N P V = – 30,000 (1.0) – 1,000 (P/F,1,15%) + 5,000 (P/F,2,15)
two answers to these questions. In absolute terms, the expected
+ 5 , 5 0 0 (P/F, 3,15) +4,000(P/F,4,15) + 17,000(P/
economic contribution of project A to the firm is greater than
F,5,15) +20,000(P/F,6,15) +20,000( P/F,7,15)
that promised by project B. This aspect is correctly represented
–2,000(P/F,8,15) +10,000(P/F,9,15)
by the NPV technique. However, the B/C ratio reflects the
= $+5,619
relative profitability of the two projects. In this case, the B/C
ratio indicates that project B promises a greater return per dollar
Since the NPV > 0, 15% is not the IRR. It now becomes
of outflow. Stated in other terms, the relative gain from the
necessary to select a higher interest rate in order to reduce the
capital resources committed to project B is greater than from
NPV value. If r = 20% is used, the NPV = $-1,664 and,
those committed to project A.
therefore, this rate is too high. By interpolation, the correct value
If A and B are mutually exclusive projects, an important
for the IRR is determined to be 18.7%.
question to ask is, “What happens to the extra $400,000 if project
Example 6.5.7. Given an investment that promises the fol-
B is selected?” If this is invested in a third project, X, then the
lowing uniform annual cash flows, find the IRR.
correct comparison is the B/C ratio for A with the composite
B/C ratio for projects B and X.
Year Cash Flow
The PI is the one investment criterion where it makes a
difference whether one treats separate streams of benefits and 0 $ — 20,000
costs rather than net benefits. Separate discounting of benefits 1 6,000
and costs is preferable (Gentry and O’Neil, 1984). 2 6,000
In summary, the NPV method is preferred for determining 3 6,000
the absolute expected economic contribution of a project. How- 4 6,000
ever, it is often relative profitability of a project that is of interest, 5 6,000
particularly in capital-rationing situations, and it is here that the
project-ranking capability of the B/C ratio is most appropriate. Solution. Since the annual cash flows subsequent to the in-
Internal Rate of Return: When evaluators in the minerals vestment are in the form of an annuity, the solution is simpler
industry speak of a rate of return on an investment proposed, and takes the following form:
they are almost always referring to the so-called discounted cash
flow return on investment (DCF-ROI) or the discounted cash flow
rate of return (DCF-ROR). These terms are special versions of
the more generic term, internal rate of return (IRR), or marginal
efficiency of capital. This criterion is employed more in the
minerals industry for investment proposal evaluation than per-
haps any other technique.
The internal rate of return is defined as the interest rate that
equates the sum of the present value of cash inflows with the The solution is found by looking for the value 3.33 under
sum of the present value of cash outflows for a project. This is the P/A column for n = 5 years in the appropriate interest table.
the same as defining the IRR as the rate that satisfies each of The value 3.33 lies between 15 and 16%. By interpolation, the
the following expressions: correct IRR is 15.2%. Most hand-held business calculators have
pre-programmed IRR routines for the rapid solution of all such
ΣPV cash inflows – ΣPV cash outflows = 0 problems.
NPV = 0 The acceptance or rejection of a project based on the IRR
PI = 1.0 criterion is made by comparing the calculated rate with the
ΣPV cash inflows = ΣPV cash outflows (6.5.5) required rate of return, or cutoff rate, established by the firm. If
the IRR exceeds the required rate the project should be recom-
In general, the calculation procedure involves a trial-and- mended; if not, it should be rejected.
error solution, unless the annual cash flows subsequent to the Because the internal rate of return is such a popular evalua-
investment take the form of an annuity. The following examples tion criterion throughout the minerals industry and others, it
illustrate the calculation procedures for determining the internal deserves careful scrutiny to ensure that it is truly worthy of this
rate of return. popularity. The following points are offered for consideration:
Example 6.5.6. Given an investment project having the fol- 1. Even though the IRR provides for the determination of
lowing annual cash flows, find the IRR. an internal percentage rate, it still must be compared with the
hurdle, cutoff, or required rate of return established by the firm
before the accept/reject decision can be made. Presumably this
stipulated required rate of return established by the firm is re-
lated to the firm’s cost of capital or required cutoff rate and
carries with it the implicit borrowing and reinvestment assump-
tions of any discounting process. If this is not the case, and the
required rate of return is a subjectively determined value, then
similar criticism to that offered in the payback period discussion
is warranted.
2. Perhaps the most significant problem associated with the
IRR lies in what engineers and managers perceive it to mean.
When people speak of a project’s projected rate of return they
typically are thinking in terms of the project’s “rate of return
on investment.” This implication brings forth some interesting
a. What is the real return generated by a project? Should
this return be measured in terms of profits or cash flows, since
cash flows represent a return on and a return of investment?
b. What is the investment? Since part of the investment is
returned annually, the amount of investment remaining must be Fig. 6.5.3. Present value profiles for two projects, showing NPV and
continually declining. Therefore, all of the investment is not IRR values.
working on an an annual basis. Consequently, what should be
used for “investment” in the calculation procedure?
Clearly, these are complex questions, and anyone who has
worked in the area of project evaluation appreciates the difficulty IRR vs. Payback Period: The internal rate of return and the
involved in arriving at answers. However, these questions do payback period continue to be two of the more popular evalua-
illustrate some misconceptions many individuals have with re- tion techniques utilized in the minerals industry. Although some
spect to the meaning of the term rate of return. relationships do exist between these criteria, they occur under
The rate of return calculated in the foregoing fashion is the some rather unique circumstances. For instance, where projects
percentage or rate of interest earned on the unrecovered portion have long lives, substantially in excess of the payback period,
of the investment such that the cash flow schedule makes the and where income streams are uniform each year, the payback
unrecovered investment equal to zero at the end of the invest- period is a good approximation to the reciprocal of the internal
ment’s life. Thus the whole of the investment can only earn rate of return. In the unique case where n → ∞, this relationship
the calculated rate of return if the intermediate cash flows are exists precisely.
reinvested at the calculated rate for the remaining life of the IRR vs. NPV: The internal rate of return and the present
project. value methods provide identical accept/reject answers for a sin-
Because the IRR is merely the mathematical solution to an gle investment proposal. However, it is important to recognize
algebraic equation, some questions regarding its suitability as an that these two discounted cash flow techniques can give contra-
investment criterion have arisen under certain circumstances. dictory results when comparing mutually exclusive projects
Some of these questions concern the following: (only one can be selected). Consider two mutually exclusive
1. Implicit reinvest assumptions. investment proposals, A and B, which are expected to generate
2. Multiple solving rates. annual cash flows as follows:
3. Appropriate hurdle rates.
Among these problems, only the second—multiple solving Annual cash flows ($1,000s)
rates—occasionally prevents the IRR from accurately ranking Year Project A Project B
investment proposals. A necessary but not sufficient condition
for there to be more than one interest rate that will solve the
basic IRR equation is that there must be more than one sign
reversal in the cash flows. A typical investment proposal contains
one such reversal: cash outflow during construction followed by
cash inflow during operation. If additional sign reversals occur,
additional solving rates may exist. In such a case, no one solving
rate is any more valid than any other, and, therefore, some other Fig. 6.5.3 illustrates the net present value profiles for each
investment criterion should be used. of these projects. Notice that the IRR for projects A and B are
The reader is referred to Gentry and O’Neil (1984) for a 24.7 and 30.5%, respectively. Therefore, project B is considered
complete discussion of the three potential problem areas cited. superior to project A. However, if the required rate of return
In spite of the limitations mentioned, the IRR remains were 15% the NPV of proposals A and B is 2.60 and 2.41,
widely used in the minerals industry. Virtually every new mining respectively, and project A is preferred to project B because
project must pass an IRR test before construction approval is it contributes more wealth to the firm. At a required rate of
granted. approximately 16.5%, there is virtually no difference between
the two projects. Comparison of Methods The conflict between these two criteria is the result of differ-
ent implied assumptions for reinvestment rates for funds gener-
The following discussion relates to some specific relation- ated by the projects. The internal rate of return method assumes
ships among evaluation criteria which are generally of interest that received funds are reinvested at the IRR over the remaining
to investment proposal analysts. life of the project. The present value method assumes reinvest-
ment at a rate equal to the required rate of return used as the ects from a larger suite of acceptable proposals. This problem of
discount rate. budgeting capital stems from one or more constraints which
In view of this conflict, which method is best for evaluating prohibit the funding of all acceptable projects available to the
investment proposals? The answer to this question depends upon firm. If there were no capital constraints imposed, the firm would
what is considered to be the appropriate reinvestment rate for simply invest in all acceptable proposals. Unfortunately, few
the intermediate cash flows generated by the project. If one must firms have this luxury, and the general case finds constraints of
choose between these two techniques, most believe the present one form or another imposed on the organization that affect the
value method is superior—at least from a theoretical standpoint. ultimate investment decision. Typically, these constraints result
When using the internal rate of return to rank projects, a from a shortage of available capital for new investment propos-
high reinvestment rate is assumed for a proposal having a high als, although restrictions of materials and supplies, limited labor
IRR whereas a proposal having a low IRR carries with it a low availability and management talent, and the mutual exclusive-
reinvestment rate assumption. Only by coincidence will the IRR ness of investment proposals also may exist.
calculated be the same as the reinvestment rate actually available If the financial objective of the firm is—it should be—to
to the firm for intermediate cash flows. Also there is seldom maximize stockholder wealth, then capital budgeting decisions
any sound reason to assume that reinvestment opportunities should be based on the following basic principles (Stevens, 1979,
following one project would be more favorable than those follow- p. 157):
ing another project. 1. Every increment of capital expenditure must justify itself,
In contrast, the present value method assumes the required and
rate of return is the reinvestment rate which remains the same 2. An acceptable investment proposal today is better than
for all proposals. This rate is intended to represent the minimum the speculation that a better proposal will become available in
return on opportunities available to the firm. This may introduce the future.
some conservatism into the calculation, since actual reinvest- Dependent vs. Independent Projects: An investment pro-
ment rates may exceed these minimum rates. Nonetheless, it has posal is said to be independent when the acceptance of this
the advantage of being applied consistently to all investment proposal from a suite of proposals has no effect on the acceptance
proposals. For these reasons the present value method is pre- of any of the other proposals contained in the suite. It is doubtful
ferred over the IRR method for ranking projects, remembering if very many proposals in a firm are truly independent, but they
that only in the case of mutually exclusive projects can this generally are considered to be independent if they are function-
conflict arise. ally different. For example, proposals concerning the purchase
of a new rotary drill rig, air conditioning the corporate office
building, and undertaking a new marketing campaign would
6.5.4 EVALUATING ALTERNATIVES generally be considered to be independent proposals.
The capital budgeting problem associated with choosing be-
The previous discussions dealt primarily with the problem tween independent investment proposal alternatives generally is
of evaluating individual investment projects from the standpoint quite easy. Under these conditions, an appropriate evaluation
of measuring proposal acceptability to the firm. The evaluation criterion is used to make the accept/reject decision. These crite-
criteria discussed are simply methods for helping the firm make rion values can then be ranked and the relative proposal desir-
the appropriate accept/reject decision for a given investment ability determined.
proposal. However, the final investment decision is not based A potential problem with ranking independent investment
solely on the outcome of the accept/reject decision resulting from proposals arises when the IRR and present value methods are
evaluation of the investment proposal. Rather, an investment used. As pointed out earlier the IRR method will give consistent
decision also must be based on determination of which of the results with the present value method for accept/reject decisions.
acceptable investment proposals are best in terms of meeting the However, these criteria can provide inconsistent ranking of inde-
objectives of the firm. Consequently, the problem is not one of pendent investment proposals, as previously discussed and illus-
simply asking, “Are projects A and B acceptable to the firm,” trated in Fig. 6.2.3.
but also, “Is project A better or worse than project B?” It is this The more general case involving investment proposals is
problem of ranking or evaluating investment alternatives that is where they are not independent but are related to one another
discussed briefly here. in such a way that the acceptance of one proposal from within
Since these issues are essential to the problem of capital the suite of proposals will influence the acceptance of others. The
budgeting, it may be beneficial to place the problem in proper most common case of investment proposal interdependencies is
perspective. Briefly, capital budgeting is the process of allocating that of mutually exclusive proposals. Mutually exclusive propos-
available capital in an optimal manner to investment proposals, als refer to the situation where a group of proposals are related
the benefits from which are to be realized in the future. In a to one another in such a manner that the acceptance of one
general sense, capital budgeting encompasses: proposal precludes the acceptance of any of the other proposals.
1. Generation of investment proposals. An example of mutually exclusive investment proposals might
2. Estimation of annual cash flows for the proposals. be the situation where a mine requires an additional piece of
3. Evaluation of the cash flows. primary loading equipment. The investment proposals to be con-
4. Selection of projects based on an acceptance criterion. sidered might include an electric shovel, hydraulic shovel, and
5. Continuous reevaluation of the proposals after acceptance front-end loader. The selection of any one of these proposals
or for investment. would preclude any of the other options from further consider-
This final selection of projects for investment is based on ation, since only one alternative is necessary to perform the job.
determination of which projects are acceptable to the firm and, Mutually exclusive investment proposals are a special case of the
ultimately, the relative desirability of these investment proposals. capital budgeting problem. The appropriate method for analyz-
This latter aspect of evaluating investment alternatives is critical ing and ranking mutually exclusive proposals is covered later in
to the capital budgeting process. this chapter.
Most financial managers view the capital budgeting problem It is perhaps important to note that whenever there is capital
as one concerned with the choice of a group of investment proj- rationing— constraints on the amount of capital available for
investments—and the aggregate investment cost of all acceptable Solution.
proposals exceeds the capital available for investment, financial Annual Cash Flows ($1000s)
interdependencies are introduced between investment proposals.
This may occur, for example, when one project that ranks lower Year Project A Project B
than another is accepted so that a higher return on the entire
0 $– 150 $–200
capital budget is achieved. These interdependencies can occur
1 55 60
whether the proposals are inherently independent, contingent,
2 55 60
or mutually exclusive. Although these interdependencies are of-
3 55 60
ten not obvious, they are, nonetheless, introduced whenever bud-
4 55 60
get constraints are imposed and amplify the importance of the
5 55 60
capital budgeting problem. 6 60
Three particular situations that may be encountered with 7 60
mutually exclusive projects are discussed in the following. 8 60
IRR 24.3% 24.9% Projects Having Unequal Lives The IRR indicates that project B is slightly more profitable
than project A. Calculating the NPV of both projects using a
The comparison of mutually exclusive investment proposal required rate of return of 12% yields the following:
alternatives having different lives is a common one and repre-
sents a special case in the capital budgeting exercise. N P V A = 55(F/A,12%,5)(F/P,12%,3)( P/F ,12%,8) — 150
It should be noted that the capital budgeting decision in this = 55(6.353)(1.405)(0.4039)—150 = 48.29
case concerns investing in two courses of action, not just in- N P V B = (F/A,12%,8)( P/F ,12%,8) — 200
vesting in two projects. The fundamental consideration centers 60(12.300)(0.4039) — 200 = 98.06
on the total economic impact generated by each of the two
courses of action at a given point in the future. Also these oppor- The NPV analysis suggests that project B will maximize the
tunities need not be mutually exclusive. For instance, under the value to the firm, and therefore project B should be accepted
constraints of capital rationing, one may be faced with the classic under assumption 1. Obviously, standard NPV discounting
problem of investing in a large, long-life mine promising a modest could have been used in the example rather than the circuitous
rate of return vs. small, short-life mines promising high rates of route of forward compounding followed by discounting.
return. An important question here is, “Can the firm continue Assumption 2 is often applied to situations where mutually
to generate small-mine reinvestment opportunities (i.e., what are exclusive investment proposal alternatives are measured in terms
the reinvestment assumptions)?” of negative cash flows. These are typically investment proposals
When comparing investment proposal alternatives with un- common to most operating divisions and pertain to cost compari-
equal lives, the basic principle that all alternatives under consid- sons or equipment replacement alternatives. The following illus-
eration must be compared over the same time span is fundamen- trates this procedure.
tal to sound decision making. Equal time spans for investment Example 6.5.9. Assume the following two machines can per-
alternatives must be assumed if the effect of undertaking one form a given job equally well. If the initial investment and annual
alternative is to be compared directly with the effect of undertak- disbursements are as given and the required rate of return is
ing any other alternative. 10%, which machine should be selected?
The basis for comparing mutually exclusive investment pro-
posal alternatives with unequal lives is generally based on one Machine X Machine Y
of the following three common assumptions regarding future Initial investment ($1000s) 150 200
alternatives (Stevens, 1979, p. 161): Annual operating disbursements 18 10
1. Assume that money generated (cash flows) by each alter- ($1000s)
native will be invested by the firm in other assets that will earn Life 5 yr 10 yr
the minimum or required rate of return for a period of time equal Salvage value ($1000s) 2 0
to the life of the longest alternative.
2. Assume that each investment alternative will recycle for Solution. Under assumption 2, comparison of the two ma-
a period of time equal to the least common multiple of the chine alternatives may be represented as follows:
alternatives’ lives. When alternatives are recycled under this
assumption, the initial investment, life, salvage value, and annual Annual Cash Flows ($1000s)
disbursements are assumed to be identical to the estimates used Year Machine X Machine Y
for the first life cycle.
3. Make specific assumptions (estimates) about future invest- 0
ment opportunities for a period of time equal to the life of the 1
longest alternative. 2
The appropriate assumption to use will depend upon the 3
type of problem and the assumption which is believed to be 4
the most accurate representation of the future. The following 5
example illustrates assumption 1. 6
Example 6.5.8. Suppose the following cash flows represent 7
two mutually exclusive investment proposals which have to deal 8
with expanding a mine’s production. If the required rate is 12%, 9
which alternative should be selected? 10
The NPV calculations are as follows: Profitability Initial Capital
Proposal Index Investment

7 1.14 $400,000
3 1.13 200,000
5 1.11 300,000
4 1.05 250,000

Solution. The objective is to find that combination of invest-

ment proposals that provide the highest net present value to the
firm. There are three primary combinations:

Expressed in equivalent uniform annual costs (EUAC) the

Alternative No. 1
machines would have the following costs:
Proposal 7: $400,000(1.14 – 1.0) = $56,000 = N P V
Alternative No. 2
Proposal 3: $200,000(1.13 – 1.0) = $26,000
Proposal 5: $300,000(1.11 – 1.0) = 33,000
NPV $59,000
Based on this analysis, machine Y promises the firm an
annual cost savings of $14,700 (57,260 — 42,560) per year over Alternative No. 3
the 10-year interval, if it is selected over machine X. Therefore, Proposal 3: $200,000(1.13 – 1.0) = $26,000
machine Y is the preferred alternative. Proposal 4: $250,000(1.05 – 1.0) = 12,500
The reader is referred to Gentry and O’Neil (1984) for a NPV $38,500
further discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the three
approaches described for evaluating projects with unequal lives.
This solution shows that alternative No. 2 (proposal 3 and
5) should be chosen since the NPV to the firm is maximized
with the selection of these proposals. The reason is that more of Projects Having Unequal Investment the available budget is utilized with this combination of propos-
When comparing mutually exclusive investment proposal als, even though a more profitable individual proposal was avail-
alternatives, there are two main principles that should apply. able to the firm.
These are as follows (Canada, 1971, p. 62): This example also illustrates the importance of initial capital
1. Each increment of investment capital must justify itself. outlays when functioning under the constraints of capital bud-
2. Compare a higher investment project against a lower in- geting. Implied in the foregoing example is the assumption that
vestment only if the lower investment project is justified. uninvested capital has a NPV = 0. This is the same as assuming
Based on these principles, the criterion for choosing between it is placed in an investment that has a yield equal to the required
investment proposal alternatives then becomes, “select the pro- rate of return. If it cannot be reinvested such that NPV is equal
posal that requires the highest investment for which each incre- to 0, then full utilization of the investment capital available is
ment of invested capital is justified.” even more important.
It is this concept of “bigger is better” that is discussed in
this section. Obviously, if two proposals have the same indicated
rate of return but different initial investment requirements, the Incremental (Marginal) Analysis
project requiring the larger investment will generate the largest
magnitude of total benefits or wealth to the firm. In essence, the In the preceding section it was noted that one of the main
problem is one of maximizing use of the investment dollar. principles that should apply when comparing mutually exclusive
Optimizing use of the investment dollar is really not a trou- investment proposal alternatives is that each increment of invest-
blesome issue in the situation where a firm has adequate invest- ment capital must justify itself. This is an aspect that is often
ment capital available to undertake all investment proposals that overlooked in many analyses, but one that is fundamental to the
promise returns in excess of the firm’s required rate of return. capital budgeting problem—particularly under capital-rationing
Under these conditions the wealth of the firm will, in theory, be constraints.
maximized by simply investing in all projects that surpass the Incremental or marginal analysis is a technique that can help
cutoff rate. However, where capital rationing does exist, the the evaluator choose between mutually exclusive projects having
problem of optimum utilization is an important one. unequal investments. The concept is to
Under the capital-rationing constraint, all investment pro- 1. Calculate the differential investments and annual cash
posals that exceed the firm’s required or cutoff rate may not be flows between the projects.
chosen for investment. Additionally, the firm may generate more 2. Compare the calculated rate of return on the differential
wealth by selecting several smaller, less profitable proposals that cash flows with the required rate of return.
fully utilize the capital budget than to accept one large invest- If this rate exceeds the required rate, the additional incre-
ment proposal that results in only partial utilization of the bud- mental investment is justified.
get. The following illustrates this concept. Example 6.5.11. Suppose the following cash flow estimates
Example 6.5.10. Suppose that the following investment pro- represent four mutually exclusive investment proposals. If the
posals were available to a firm. If the capital budget constraint is firm’s required rate of return is 15%, which proposal should be
$500,000 for the period, select the optimal investment portfolio. chosen?
Cash Flows
Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal
Year A B C D

0 $ — 12,000 $ — 15,000 $ — 19,000 $—21,000

3,000 3,700 4,200 4,600
3,000 3,700 4,200 4,600
3,000 3,700 4,200 4,600
3,000 3,700 4,200 4,600
3,000 3,700 4,200 4,600
10 3,000 3,700 4,200 4,600
IRR (%) 21.4 21.0 17.8 17.5
NPV (at 15%) 3,056 3,569 2,079 2,086

Solution. The IRR for all the proposals exceeds the 15%
required rate of return, and, therefore, each would be acceptable If an incremental analysis were performed on this example,
to the firm. However, if only one proposal is required, the IRR the following would result:
criterion suggests that proposal A is superior.
At this point it is necessary to perform a rate of return Incremental Cash Flows,
calculation on each increment to determine if the incremental Year A-B ($1000s)
proposal investments can be justified. A comparison between 0 0
proposals A and B shows: 1 _6
15,000 — 12,000 2 0
B/A:(P/A,r%,10) = = 4.2857 3 3
3700 — 3000 4 6
r = 19.36%
The IRR that equates $–6 at the end of year 1 with $3 and
This indicates that proposal B is preferred to proposal A $6 at the end of years 3 and 4, respectively, is 16.54%. Because
because the return on the incremental investment of $3000 ex- this rate exceeds the required rate of return of 15%, project A
ceeds 15%. The next comparison is between proposals C and B. should be selected, even though project B has the larger IRR.
It is interesting and important to note that both of these
19,000 — 15,000 examples illustrate situations where the proposal with the largest
C/B:(P/A,r%,10) = = 8.00
4200 — 3700 IRR is not necessarily the best proposal, when mutually exclu-
sive proposals are being considered. Proposal choice in the mutu-
r = 4.2870 ally exclusive case is, of course, dependent upon the required
This comparison indicates that proposal C should be elimi- rate of return and the associated reinvestment rate assumption
nated because the return on the incremental investment of $4000 discussed earlier in this chapter. The incremental analysis illus-
is less than the required rate of 15%. The last comparison is trated in both examples resulted in choosing investment propos-
between proposals D and B. als with the highest net present values. These proposals could
have been selected simply by comparing NPV values initially.
21,000 — 15,000 Therefore, it is possible to generalize and state that the internal
D/B:(P/A,r%,10) = = 6.6667 rate of return and net present value methods give the same results
4600 — 3700
in capital budgeting problems, if incremental analysis is used on
r = 8.14% mutually exclusive projects.

The final comparison indicates that the rate of return on this

incremental investment is also less than the required rate, and 6.5.5. HANDLING RISK
therefore proposal B is the final choice.
In part of this chapter, a comparison was made be- Although the preceding sections of this chapter describe the
tween the IRR and NPV criteria with respect to inconsistent type of evaluations frequently performed in the mining industry,
rankings of investment proposals. The simple example used to it has been assumed that input data are known with certainty—
demonstrate this feature was as follows: clearly an erroneous simplification. In reality, estimates of ore
grade, mining cost, metal price, etc., are subject to varying de-
Annual Cash Flows ($1000s) grees of uncertainty due to the inability to predict the future
Year Project A Project B with much precision.
Risk, in the context of this discussion, is the unforeseen
0 $ – 10 $–10 deviation of individual cash flows from expected values for a
1 1 7 capital project. For a mining venture, the source of this uncer-
2 5 5 tainty could be any number of factors relating to items such as
3 6 3 ore grade, ore reserve tonnage, operating costs, product prices,
4 7 1 etc. With conventional deterministic evaluations, a point esti-
IRR (%) 24.7 30.5 mate of each of these factors is made. Subsequent operating
NPV (15%) 2.60 2.41 results usually reveal these estimates to be in error, thus giving
Required rate of return: 15% rise to different cash flows than expected.
A firm can take uncertainty into account in many ways. A Also subjectivity in quantifying the risk-adjusted variables causes
discussion of some of the more common traditional methods the same type of problems as discussed previously.
follows. Sensitivity Analysis Simplified Approaches The term “sensitivity analysis” simply describes the process
One method used to compensate for risk is to demand shorter of determining the sensitivity of the results of the project to
payout periods for riskier projects. Aside from the shortcomings changes in any one input variable. For example, how sensitive
of the payout period as a capital investment criterion, the tech- is the project NPV (or IRR, etc.) to changes in, say, ore grade?
nique encounters additional problems here. Payout period does Only one variable is changed in each iteration to isolate the
not measure risk directly; in fact, it is a rather poor measure of impact of that variable. In the subsequent section on probabilistic
profitability. Risk in the early years of a project (when cash risk analysis, this restriction is relaxed, as simultaneous changes
inflows are most important) is not affected by the payout period. are permitted in several variables.
Risk is considered only by ignoring cash flows after the payout Sensitivity analysis is a very simple approach to studying
period. By adjusting the maximum acceptable payout period, project risk. It is intuitively appealing and is, therefore, very
risk may be resolved sooner, but it will not be diminished. widely used. Often, after identifying the most important vari-
Difficulty arises with risk-adjusted payout periods as to how ables, many firms extend the method by combining changes in
much adjustment to make for a particular project. One might two or three variables at once to study the combined impacts.
agree that the maximum acceptable payout period for a large Another common extension of the method is to compute an
new mine in a politically turbulent part of the world should be “upside case” combining favorable values for the key variables,
less than for a similar investment in the United States. The and—more important—a “downside” case where adverse values
question is, of course, “How much less?” for which there is no of several important variables occur simultaneously.
valid, objective answer. Subjective decisions are required and Sensitivity results are frequently plotted in simple graphical
considerable arbitrariness can creep into the decision. The deci- form to illustrate the risk attributable to each variable.
sion maker can select any course of action he or she pleases A number of sensitivity analyses have been calculated for
simply by assigning prohibitive maximum acceptable payout pe- the Bullion Mining Co. example, discussed in 6.5.6. The reader
riods for all other alternatives. should work through one or two annual cash flows to become
As supplementary information, the payout period is useful in comfortable with the procedure.
studying the uncertainty in an investment project. Risk-adjusted
payout period, however, is a poor primary method for accounting Probabilistic Risk Analysis
for risk in capital projects.
Risk Adjusted Discount Rate: It is very common for firms In capital intensive mining projects where investments ex-
to require risky projects to have higher rates of return on invest- ceeding $100 million are common, treating uncertainty exclu-
ment than safer ones. For example, a firm might establish three sively with one of the arbitrary methods or with sensitivity analy-
classes of capital projects and associated rates of returns as sis may be unsatisfactory. More quantitative data relevant to the
follows: sources and magnitude of risk can be developed, and, with such
Class 1: Replacement of equipment in an ongoing operation. large sums at stake, additional analysis is certainly justified.
Market is known, technology is proven, so that risk is fairly low. Rather than using “ignorance factors” to discount risk, an at-
Maybe a discount rate of 10% is acceptable here. tempt should be made to identify specific sources and estimate
Class 2: Expansion of present mine or plant facilities. Many the magnitude of this risk. By quantifying risk in this manner,
technical problems have already been solved, but there may be it is possible to estimate the chance of achieving a given level of
a question in marketing. Can the additional output be sold at profitability with a specific project. Management then has much
pre-expansion prices? The added risk here may indicate that a more information at its disposal, so that an intelligent assessment
higher discount rate is in order, say, 15%. can be made between risk and expected profits.
Class 3: Opening of a new operation, entering a new market, Stochastic Risk Analysis Models: The general method by
etc. Here the sources of uncertainty are many, justifying, per- which the level and magnitude of risk associated with capital
haps, 20% as the minimum acceptable rate of return on such projects in mining is determined is to establish probability distri-
projects. butions for the input variables rather than treating each of these
The magnitudes of the discount rates used in the foregoing parameters as being known with certainty. For example, in the
example are not important; only the concept of risk-adjusted deterministic case, an ore grade of 3.4% Zn may be used, when
discount rates is being demonstrated. it is clear that in reality, the ore grade may be as low as 2.5%
The major drawback of this method is the same as with Zn or as high as 4.7% Zn. This possible range of values for
risk-adjusted payout period—subjective establishment of hurdle ore grade can now be recognized by establishing a probability
values. There is no method for assigning acceptable risk-adjusted distribution for ore grade. Furthermore, with recent advances in
rates of return to individual projects in an objective manner, so geostatistical methods of ore reserve estimation, analysts no
inconsistency is inevitable. Nonetheless, the method is easy to longer need rely on subjective probability estimates by experts
apply and is not likely to disappear soon. to establish these distributions.
Risk-Adjusted Input Parameters: When considering the ex- The probability distributions for the input variables can be
tensive uncertainty encountered in evaluating new copper mining assumed to be either discrete or continuous, the latter usually
ventures, industry executives often compensate for this risk by being the more realistic case.
using very low prices for copper. Similarly, conservative values In the case of discrete probability distributions, and with the
for other input parameters, such as mining costs, ore grade, aid of a computer, the analyst can easily compute an exhaustive
etc., during the evaluation stage can screen out all but the best set of all possible outcomes, along with the respective probability
projects. Of course, by being excessively conservative, all projects of occurrence for each. This probability distribution of outcomes
can be rejected, and this is a real danger with risk-adjusted can then be examined to quantify the level of risk associated with
input parameters. When more than one variable is adjusted, the project. For example, if the firm’s minimum acceptable IRR
compounded conservatism can easily reject nearly any project. is 15%, the distribution of outcomes can provide the probability
that the IRR > 15%, or the Pr[IRR < 12%], and so forth. For down markets, mine investors should strive for production costs
an example illustrating the use of discrete probability distribu- in the lower 50% of all producers.
tions for risk analysis, see Gentry and O’Neil (1984).
With continuous probability distributions for input variables,
the process is directly analogous. That is, values for each input
variable are selected from individual continuous probability dis- 6.5.6 EXAMPLE EVALUATION
tributions and the IRR, or some other investment criterion,
A prospective gold-mining operation, Bullion Mining Co.,
is determined. Here, however, because continuous probability
has been constructed to illustrate the evaluation techniques de-
distribution functions are used, there are an infinite number of
scribed in Chapter 6.5. This hypothetical but realistic example
possible outcomes, so an exhaustive set of outcomes can not be
should be studied closely by the reader to understand the invest-
ment analysis methods demonstrated.
To overcome this obstacle, a system of random, or Monte
The following financial model (Example 6.5.12) represents
Carlo, sampling can be employed to choose values for individual
the evaluation of a gold deposit. The assumption is that the
variables in calculating a value for the investment criterion. If
deposit will be open pit mined. The gold ore then would be put
this process is repeated many times, a continuous probability
through a crushing and grinding circuit before treatment in a
distribution of possible outcomes will emerge. In all but the most
carbon-in-leach (CIL) process to extract the gold. The final prod-
trivial examples of this type of risk analysis, computer assistance
uct would be gold doré, which would be shipped to a gold
is required due to the large number of iterations usually required
refinery where pure gold bars are produced for sale on the gold
before a stable distribution of outcomes is created. Once the
bullion markets.
distribution is created, however, project risk is again quantified,
The model assumes a mining reserve of 3.6 million tons @
and probabilities of exceeding various levels of profitability can
0.133 oz/ton gold comprising three separate deposits, A, B, and
be easily determined. (Again the reader is referred to Gentry and
C. The reserves of the deposits are A: 1.1 million tons @ 0.145
O’Neil, 1984, for further discussion and examples of probabilistic
oz/ton gold and stripping ratio of 9.2:1 (waste:ore); B: 1.7 million
risk analysis.)
tons @ 0.136 oz/ton gold and stripping ratio of 12.3:1; C: 0.8
The field of risk analysis of capital investments has advanced
million tons @ 0.110 oz/ton gold and a stripping ratio of 13.5:1.
far beyond the fundamental approaches described in the forego-
It is assumed that 25% of the waste overlying the ore would be
ing. In particular, greater attention has been given to interdepen-
prestripped before any ore is mined. The cost of this is capital-
dent variables and events. That is, the system described above
ized. The CIL process recovers 93% of the gold from the ore.
assumed independence of input variables and either indepen-
The mining and processing operating costs are detailed in the
dence or perfect dependence of project performance over time.
model, along with the capital costs of constructing the mine. The
For example, ore head grade and metallurgical recovery are two
mining of ore is assumed to be performed by a contract mining
variables that frequently are interdependent. Therefore, indepen-
company so that the capital cost of development is reduced,
dent random samples of each variable might yield incorrect re-
while the cost of mining is comensurately increased. The mine
sults. Furthermore, project performance from period to period
is assumed to be isolated and requires a small camp to house the
also rarely is independent. O’Hara (1982) has suggested one
personnel in single accommodation while working at the mine
approach to solving this problem in mining evaluations. How-
and transporting the personnel to a town for their days off.
ever, although an active research area, risk analysis in general
The fixed administration cost allows for the cost of general
has not gained wide acceptance in the mining industry, and
administration (e.g. accounting, purchasing, and stores) and the
therefore further discussion here is not warranted.
operating cost of a single accommodation camp and transport
of personnel in and out of the site.
The sensitivity analysis considered three variables: gold Competitive Cost Position price, capital cost, and tax rate level. The project’s viability is
most sensitive to the price of gold, which relates directly to the
Generally, the most crucial variable in a mining evaluation
revenue of the operation. A similar effect on the viability is
is the one least amenable to accurate prediction: commodity
caused by variations in the grade of the ore, tonnage throughput,
price. Many mineral products are priced daily in world markets,
and recovery of gold. The revenue equation is
and such price movements are influenced by a wide variety of
unpredictable stimuli. Most mine owners have learned a painful
Revenue = Throughput × Ore Grade
lesson with mines constructed in the anticipation of rising com-
modity prices. Unless those mines are low cost producers, cycli- × Recovery × Gold Price (6.5.6)
cal troughs in the price cycle can produce disastrous results even
though the long-run price trend may be upward. The other major variables in the evaluation are operating
As a consequence of the relative unpredictability of mineral costs and the total mining reserve. The effect of a change in
prices, many mining firms stress competitive cost analysis as the stripping ratio will change the quantity of material mined and
most important risk analysis technique. The basic theory is that so directly affect the operating cost.
only by being a relatively low-cost producer can a miner with-
stand market downturns. Other higher cost mines should, there-
fore, be forced to curtail production earlier in a falling market, REFERENCES
thus reducing supply and helping restore satisfactory prices.
Canada, JR., 1971, Intermediate Economic Analysis for Management
Most major companies pay great attention to the position a and Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
prospective new mine occupies on the world competitive cost Gentry, D.W., and O’Neil, T.J., 1984, Mine Investment Analysis, SME-
curve. If its production cost per unit of salable product is in the AIME, Littleton, CO.
upper 50% of all production, it is best to reexamine the project O’Hara, T.A., 1982, “Analysis of Risk in Mining Projects,” reprinted
carefully, even if the current spot price for the commodity sug- from Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin.
gests a satisfactory ROI. Unless marketing arrangements assure Stevens, G.T., Jr., 1979, Economic Financial Analysis of Capital Invest-
a commodity price sufficiently high to protect the project in ments, Wiley, New York.
Example 6.5.12. Bullion Mining Co. Preliminary Economic Analysis, CIL Gold Plant, 450,000 tpy (All figures in $1000s unless stated)
Example 6.5.12.—cont.
Bullion Mining Co. Preliminary Economic Analysis, CIL Gold Plant, 450,000 tpy (All figures in 1000 tons unless stated)
Example 6.5.12.—cont.
Bullion Mining Co. Preliminary Economic Analysis, CIL Gold Plant, 450,000 tpy (All figures in 1000 tons unless stated)
Example 6.5.12.—cont.
Bullion Mining Co. Preliminary Economic Analysis, CIL Gold Plant, 450,000 tpy (All figures in $1000s unless stated)
Example 6.5.12.—cont.
Bullion Mining Co. Preliminary Economic Analysis, CIL Gold Plant, 450,000 tpy (All figures in $1000s unless stated)

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