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Wire Bonding Process

Editor:Thomas-ma 1.Ball Shear Test - Failure Mode Grading Method The failure modes
used in the ball shear test help to evaluate the bonding results and assess the
bonding process. Failure Modes: Ball lift indicates bad results (low F)�� Gold
remain indicates good results ( high F) Pad peeling or cratering indicates a flow
that should be investigated Factors affecting the F: Bonded area (D) Process
Shear height (5 um) Tool size (min 2X D) Ball tool centering Cleanliness Tester
calibration, accuracy and vacuum 2.Wire Pull Test - Failure Mode Grading Method
The failure modes used in the wire pull test help to evaluate the bonding results
assess the bonding process. Grade Broken at Reason Quality 1 Ball lift Bad process
Poor 2 Ball neck H.A.Z Good 3 Wire Depends on conditions Very good 4 Weld Weld
deformation Good 5 Stitch lift Bad process Poor Factors affecting the F:
Wire diameter Wire length Loop height Pad to lead plane gap Process Hook
location Tester calibration, accuracy and vacuum
3.ball height (thickness) ball (1st bond)
3. Bottleneck (BTNK) Capillary Bonding
4.Bottleneck Capillaries Tolerances Table Family/Design Bond Pad Pitch Spec Range
Tolerances (mils) Tip Hole CD OR 4149X 4849X Above 100 um Regular For Tip>10?0.3
For Hole��2.5 +0.25 / -0.1 ?0.2 For OR>3.5 ?0.3 For Tip��10?0.2 For 1.8<Hole<2.5
+0.2 / -0.1 ?0.2 For OR��3.5 ?0.2 For Hole��1.8 +0.15 / -0.1 ?0.2 High Spec ?
0.1 -0.1 / -0.0 ?0.1 ?0.2 5.Loop height measuring 6.Optical Measurements Usually
this is the first set of examinations to be performed, using a Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) and advanced optical equipment. These examinations are performed
both prior to the bonding process - to determine the best tool and process
parameters - and after its completion - to evaluate the bonding results. These
examinations consist of: Inspection of the package/ device dimensions, which
assists in setting the process specifications, determining the wiring constraints
and designing the best-suited capillary.
Inspection of the bond pad and pitch and related dimensions, which assists in
determining the required bond pad opening, pads gap, pad size and pad pitch. This
also helps to determine the bondable area and the required cross section (according
topassivation layer and pad layer thickness). Inspection of the wiring
measurements, which assist in defining the required ball size, ball height, ball
placement accuracy, loop height and wire sway tolerances. The post bonding
inspections include ball (1st bond) diameter measuring, ball height
(thickness)measuring and Loop height measuring. 7.Bond Pad Pitch The bond pad
pitch is a defined distance between the centers of two adjacent pads. The desired
pad pitch, derived from the application constraints, prescribes the type of
capillary one should use. The capillary's external dimensions (Tip, BTNK, CA) need
to be optimized in order to avoid contact between the capillary and the adjacent
wire while maintaining optimal bonding performances. 8.The 1st bond diameter is
derived from the pad opening. Most applications require a 100% bond on pad. The
most important capillary parameter affecting the in-spec accuracy of the 1st bond
is the IC volume, which consists of the Hole diameter, the ICA and CD. This
parameter needs to be carefully controlled and optimized in ways that shall be
discussed later.
9.Wire Diameter The wire diameter is defined by the application - finer processes
naturally employ thinner wires. Therefore. the capillary Hole is defined by the
desired wire diameter. Generally, thick wires are preferable due to their
strength and better resistance to sweep during molding. However, there is a
delicate balance between Hole and wire that needs to be observed in order to
maintain the critical gap that allows the free and uninhibited movement of the
wire. This critical gap is imperative for the success of the process and
eliminating incidents of wire sway and wire friction. Another factor
influencing the wire diameter selection is the cost of the gold wire. 10.K&S
Capillary Design Recommendations Wire Diameter(mil) Recommended Hole(mil) Min.
Recommended Hole(mil) 2.00 3.00 2.40 1.50 2.20 1.80 1.30 1.80 1.50 1.20 1.70 1.40
1.10 1.60 1.30 1.00 1.50 1.20 0.90 1.20 1.10 0.80 1.00 0.95 0.70 0.90 0.85
11.Technical Guide Good bonding results are the primary goal of every bonding
process. These results are then compared to the specifications (SPEC) defined by
the semiconductor manufacturer and judged by their deviation from that SPEC.
The semiconductor manufacturer seeks process reliability at lower costs and higher
yields. These obvious business targets are achieved through a repeatable and stable
bonding process. Process stability is measured according to the following
performance specifications: Free Air Ball diameter (min, max, std, Cpk) Ball
diameter & height (min, max, std, Cpk) Loop height & shape (min, max, std, Cpk)
Ball shear force & Strength (min, Cpk) Wire pull force (min, Cpk) Ball placement
accuracy (min, Cpk) Confirmation run (stability, number of assists, visual
inspection, UPH) Capillary dimensions tolerances (SPECs, effect on process,
lifetime) Overall process feasibility (cost, demand, time to market) K&S Bonding
Tools has designed advanced performance tests to determine whether specifications
were met. Understanding the relationship between capillary dimensions and
bonding results is the key to controlling the bonding process. Every tool has more
than 15 different parameters that determine the bonding results. These parameters,
along with various other factors such as the bonding machine, the wire and the
device make up the complex environment that influences the process. This
environment is analyzed by bonding experts in K&S application labs and R&D centers.
The following is a general description of the capillary-process relations that
by no means conclude the bonding results analysis.
12.Ball Shear Test The ball shear test is performed using a Shear Tester (BT-24,
BT-2400 PC, DAGE 4000) and a Shear Tool. The test is consistent with the following
methodology: 1. Measure ball diameter (D) and ball height (H), and then calculate
the "bonded area" (S). S = [(D^2)/4]*p in [mil]^2 or [um]^2. 2. Fix shear height
according to ball height and passivation thickness. 3. Perform Shear force test.
The Shear force (F) is measured in [gr.]. 4. The force value obtained is calculated
as follows: S/u_a (Shear per unit area)= Shear /[pD2/4]. Reasonable strength range
= 5.5 and above [gr.]/[mil]2 13.The Effect on the 1st Bond The 1st bond is
primarily affected by the IC. The IC centers the FAB prior to the formation of the
bond, transmits ultrasonic power to the ball, and helps to control the size of the
bond. The CD and the ICAdetermine the IC volume, which in turn determines the
shape, diameter and strength of the 1st bond. There are two main factors
affecting the strength of the 1st bond: 1. The force vectors applied by the ICA and
Tip face. 2. The ultrasonic vibrations applied to the FAB, which is captured in the
IC volume. The ICA also affects the force vector applied on the gold squash. In
most cases the larger the ICA, the higher the pressure applied on the squash.
K&S Bonding Tools offers various ICAs for different application requirements,
ranging from 60�� to 130��. The most common ICA dimensions are 90�� and 120��. The
120�� ICA is usually applied to standard applications where a larger squash is
permitted. The 120�� ICA allows more gold to flow outside the IC, thus utilizing
the tip face for a stronger 1st bond. In Fine Pitch applications, where smaller
squashes are required, enlarged IC volume is needed to capture more gold. In these
instances, 90�� ICA is appropriate. In this case, the IC volume is of more
importance than the Tip face as a means of transmitting the force and ultrasonic
vibrations needed to strengthen the 1st bond. 14.The Effect on Looping The main
capillary parameters affecting looping are the IC type and the Hole. To ensure
stable looping, it is critical to reduce occurrences of friction between the wire
and the
capillary. During looping, the wire comes in contact with the capillary along
the Hole, when touching the corner of the Hole and IC and when going through the
corner of the IC and the Tip face. When excess friction occurs, these contacts can
result in wire damage and loop sways. To avoid these setbacks in looping one needs
to define an appropriate gap between the Hole and the wire, determine the best ICA,
and select additional features such as D/IC or IR. The minimum hole-wire
clearance is usually set at 0.2 mil for Fine Pitch applications; when finer
clearances are required, there is difficulty in reducing gaps without damaging
looping. Kulicke &Soffa industry-leading tolerances allow such reductions
while maintaining a stable process. In Standard capillary design, the loop
height determines the CA, while in Fine Pitch capillary design, the loop height
determines the BTNK height, BTNK angle and BTNK radius. For long and high
looping, a D/IC with a 90��or 120�� angle is usually recommended. For long and low
looping, an IR and ICA of 120�� are advisable. Naturally, these recommendations are
subject to application constraints and optimization considerations. 15.The Effect
on the 2nd Bond The capillary affects the 2nd bond in two main aspects: The stitch
bond - this bond permanently connects the wire to the lead. (More about the stitch
bond) The tail bond - this bond temporarily connects the wire to the lead. It
enables the capillary to rise to the tail position, then to be torn away when the
wire clamps shut. This leaves a tail long enough for the creation of the next FAB.
(More about the tail bond) 16.The Stitch Bond Stitch bond quality is determined by
its strength and shape. The stitch bond is affected by the Tip diameter,Face and
the OR. In order to achieve a larger bonded area and the most bond thickness, one
needs to increase the cross section between the bond and the wire diameter along
with the Effective Face. However, in order to avoid potential damage (such as
cracks) to the stitch bond, the Face and the OR dimensions need to be taken into
strict account when designing the capillary. These dimensions are affected, among
various factors, by the wire diameter as
well as the metallization qualities of the lead. In standard applications, where
the Tip is relatively large and the Face is wide, it is possible to use FAs ranging
between 0��- 8��. These low FAs apply downward force on the stitch bond,
resulting in a large and wide stitch area (see drawing). In Fine Pitch
applications, where the Tip is small, the Effective Face is significantly reduced.
In these cases, increasing the FA to 11�� is recommended (15�� in extreme cases),
to create a sufficient Effective Face to compensate for the reduced Tip. The result
is a narrowly shaped and relatively thick stitch bond. When inspecting the tool
mark, one can see that increased FA leaves a significant mark on the lead. In
standard applications, where a small FA is applied, a larger OR is recommended to
create a smoother transition from the FA to the wire in order to avoid cracks. In
Fine Pitch applications, where the maximum Effective Face is the goal, a reduction
in the OR is advisable. 17.apillary profile Comparison This figure compares the
Effective Face of the 6.5 mil Tip with the 3.5 mil Tip. While the 6.5 mil Tip
produces a reasonably strong 2nd bond with a 4FA, the 3.5 mil Tip creates a much
smaller Effective Face, reducing the strength of the bond. An elevation provided
by an 11? FA can compensate for the smaller Tip area of the 3.5 mil Tip with a
higher cross section, increasing the thickness of the 2nd bond and assuring its
strength. In STD capillary with FA: OR1 (see Fig.) - smaller OR can affect the 2nd
bond, increasing the likelihood of cracks occurring, due to the sharper edge of the
capillary created by the OR. OR2 (see Fig.) - large OR is more conducive to
reducing the occurences of cracks.
However, it reduces the bond's Effective Face. When designing a capillary one has
to consider the trade-off between these two factors. The figure below demonstrates
the differences between the three distinct 2nd bonds created by each of the
capillaries in the Figure above. 18.The Tail Bond Tail bond quality is determined
by its ability to maintain a certain level of strength until the capillary reaches
a defined height and the bond is detached from the lead. The main factor affecting
the quality of the tail bond is theIC; the larger the IC, the stronger the tail
bond. However, too strong a bond may cause the wire to tear at an arbitrary point,
leaving too short a tail for the formation of the next FAB. On the other hand, too
small an IC could cause a weak tail bond that might be detached from the lead
before the capillary reaches the desired height. This could tamper with the tail
length, leaving insufficient wire for the creation of the FAB. In case of a short
tail, the automatic process ceases. To prevent this, Kulicke & Soffa recommends not
reducing the IC dimension below 0.2 mil. Another factor affecting the quality of
the tail bond is the cutting edge formed between the Face and the IC. In cases
where the FA is as high as 11��or 15��, the cutting edge is sharp enough to cut the
wire too soon, weakening the tail and causing it to detach from the lead as it does
in instances of too small an IC. In cases where the cutting edge is not sharp
enough, the tail can tear part of the stitch while it is being detached. This
phenomenon is known as peeling (see below). When setting the ICA and the FA
parameters, both the 1st and 2nd bonds should be taken into consideration to
achieve an optimized cutting edge.
19.Additional Capillary Features K&S Bonding Tools has developed additional
features to adjust the bonding tool to the varying application requirements. These
features include modifications made to the capillary geometry (D/IC, IR and TBR)
and Tip finish options. The Tip finish assists in delivering the ultrasonic
power from the Face of the capillary to the bond. K&S Bonding Tools offers two Tip
finishes for different application requirements: Matte Finish (MF) Polish (P)
19.1 Matte Finish (MF) The matte finish provides a stronger 2nd bond by both
enlarging the Effective Face of the capillary Tip surface and creating better
friction with the gold wire during bond formation. Matte finish appears only on
the capillary Face and OR. The IC is always polished, regardless of the chosen Tip
finish. A polished IC is important to assure smooth looping, a strong 2nd bond, and
to reduce the contamination accumulation rate, increasing capillary durability and
life span. Matte finish is available for capillaries above 60 um. For finer
pitches (60 um and below), polish is applied. Since inconsistent matte finish
can severely damage the 2nd bond, K&S Bonding Tools has developed an acknowledged
superior process for matte finish that provides consistent surface treatment of the
capillary Tip. 19.2 Polish (P) A polished capillary Tip has the dual advantage of
providing a smooth 2nd bond and prolonging the capillary life span due to the
reduced contamination accumulation rate. In applications where tool durability is
critical, polish is usually applied. Consequently, polish is highly recommended for
bonding capillaries designed for 60 um pad pitch and
below. 19.3 Tail Bond Reinforcer (TBR) In cases where the FA is large, a sharp edge
is created between the FA and the IC. This edge can cause excess penetration of the
capillary into the lead. This occurs mostly when the capillary is bonding on soft
substrates such as the QFP. As a result, the effective IC decreases and weakens the
tail bond. This weakening can cause short tails and might damage the process.
To prevent short tails, K&S Bonding Tools offers the TBR, which dramatically
reduces capillary penetration into the lead. The TBR is a radius created between
the FA and the IC. This Way, the sharp cutting edge is softened, capillary
penetration is reduced, and by maintaining the nominal IC dimensions, the process
is stabilized. For substrates such as BGA, where gold-on-gold bonding creates
an exceptionally strong 2nd bond, the TBR can prevent a clear cut of the stitch
bond and so is not recommended. TBR is offered as an additional feature only for
polished Tip capillaries. TBR is recommended only for capillaries with FA of 8��
and above. 20.Bottleneck (BTNK) Capillary Bonding The BTNK capillary is usually
reserved for applications where the pad pitch is greater than 100 um. BTNK
capillaries are appropriate for devices containing 100 or more wires (such as the
QFP) sized 1.0-1.3 mil. These capillaries are designed for applications
requiring better access to the pad (due to finer pitches). To this end, K&S Bonding
Tools offers flexible manufacturing capabilities for BTNK heights of up to 23 mil.
The BTNK capillary has the following features: It is manufactured from Alumina or
TA according to customer requirements. Most BTNK capillaries have a Tip of 5.0-6.0
mil. This capillary has a reasonable life span (in some cases as much as 1.5
million wires). Unless specified otherwise, BTNK capillaries featureICA of 120��.
ICA of 90�� is available on special request. The BTNK optimization process is
fairly simple and its maintenance does not require a high degree of bonding

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